Dyeing a wig for the FIRST TIME EVER

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oh oh you're very cute [Music] i'm holding the mic because if i put it down where it's gonna have to go later you can't hear me very well so while we can do this let's do it as you can see here we have a lovely lady and today is going to be a very chill video because it's going to get messy you know i've made an entire line of wigs i've dreamt up what i wanted to see i've designed them i've picked out lace hair quality the hairline cut style color did i already say that i don't know i've owned literally hundreds over the years now and i've never made my own from scratch technically i'm still not because this is obviously a pre-made wig but i've never dyed my own wig with my own bare hands today we're going to change that because mind focus i know she's in focus but doesn't mean i am okay this is a nice weird shot i like it during quarantine i've had a very intense compulsion to dye my hair neon peach or we're also calling it neon coral i don't know the name of the color i told you guys not too long ago what to call it it's one of my favorite colors in the world it's just like an obnoxiously bright hot pink that's slightly orange so it's kind of peach in my head but i guess that's also considered coral but some curls are not pretty i don't know it doesn't matter there's a specific hair color that i want that i haven't seen in any pre-made wigs i haven't even seen the dye exist in perfect form so i'm going to have to mix two but i really want to try to get the perfect neon coral color and have my very own wig that's the correct color i thought about dyeing my own hair the thing is spencer and i worked so hard for this blonde i've been taking really good care of her and quarantined she's feeling so healthy and i don't know if i want to start messing around with crazy colors right now plus i know what's going to happen spencer would do it i'll get the perfect color and then i'll wash it once and it won't be neon anymore and if it's not neon i don't want it a wig is a perfect work around for that issue which is partially why i love wigs it allows me to keep doing this keep my hair healthy but still have all the crazy hair colors i could ever desire creature if you don't stop i'm gonna disown you quit let me also just say a quick thing before we get started i have no idea what i'm doing i've never done this before let me stress that one more time i've never done this before it might go horribly wrong could go hardly right i would love for that to happen be nice to have a win in 2020. this is my wig i ordered her i've been watching a lot of wig videos lately particularly miss rashposh one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen in my life and every single wig she makes is stunning i can promise you right now i will not be making a wig that looks that good just right off the bat get your expectations really really really low despite binging a lot of her videos i'm sure i'm gonna mess up a ton of things i know a lot of you are going to tell me in the comments i did something wrong i just i already know i already know i did it wrong we're just we're here to have fun today okay let me have fun i just want to experiment and maybe i mess up along the way so what if it ends up being on peach i'm happy also thank you to function of beauty for sponsoring this video because without you and without wigs i would not be able to keep my hair healthy so thank you very much i'm gonna set you down where you belong over there now audio quality is gonna suck i'm sorry but we're gonna get to dying wigs and i can't wait to see what happens i get to start projecting fun what a babe i'm hungry i should have eaten first all right i i don't really know what i'm doing i don't know if i've stressed that enough already but i don't i don't know what i'm doing so i have a neon pink a neon orange and like a darker pink whinish magenta but i don't think i'm gonna use this one at all i think we're gonna just stick with mostly pink with a bit of orange um it would help if i opened it i feel like i should do some kind of ombre but i don't know what i don't know if i should do more of the sunset orange less i should put in a drop of this i don't know no no no i'm gonna resist maybe we start there for now i am pretty terrified thank you for asking oh wait oh that was stupid hello i'm back where's the best place to put you if i'm putting you there i should be here yeah but now i don't know how to focus so let's try this again hello welcome back let's give it a go before spencer i used to dye my hair all the time so i'd like to think i can handle this i can definitely do like my roots i'd do my own head and i can't even see the back of that like i can see this so you gotta have hope right not that i ever necessarily did it really well my hair was pretty splotchy in the early days if you followed me on instagram but i feel like i can handle this oh there's a lot of hair down there you might have already messed up to be determined well i'm gonna get it all eventually right so it's probably fine to just pin it up like nothing happened it's going great already maybe i should start on one side get out of my way just pretend you never happened i've had my hair many many many colors but never neon pink pink is not really my thing but for some reason if the pink has a slight amount of orange in it and if it's neon i'm all about it but you changed it at all and i hate it doesn't make a lot of sense to me but here we are i don't know how much i should be using for strength it's been a long time since i've done this with a neon hair dye i feel like bleach is a little easier you just kind of put it on and pray there are random strands of black in this wig which is really throwing me off not sure what that's about this feels therapeutic and cathartic are those the words i'm looking for this is nice i hope that this turns out good because if it does i can have a whole new addiction i mean calming hobby it's a common copy but an expensive hobby so maybe i don't want this to turn out so good because you can't dye a synthetic wig it has to be human hair and human hair even when it's on the cheaper side is still pretty pricey and then you risk messing it up if you don't know what you're doing so i don't know what idiot would take that chance a lot of people ask me why i wear wigs so much and the funny thing to me is i don't think people realize that i tend to wear them to do videos because it's when i feel like i'm going to work but in everyday life i just have my hair out and about like this so i only really wear wigs for special occasions and i just happen to think that seeing you guys once a week is my special occasion i'm having actually a lot of fun taking care of my hair for the first time in my whole life but i get bored of my hair really quickly and not just my hair actually my look in general i always want to change it up don't know if you've noticed so wigs allow me to change it up day to day without the consequences of constantly changing my hair color and like i said it really really does allow me to grow my hair make it healthier oh i forgot you gotta be real careful around the lace already i do have vaseline on my lace underneath to hopefully prevent any staining of the lace but i don't know if i did enough so we'll see like i was saying wigs are also a great way to make sure that you avoid heat on your hair even if you just reduce it by a few times a week if you're doing something like growing out a side shave it's a great way to get through the awkward phase when i cracked my head open it was a really nice way to not worry or feel pressured about doing my hair because it hurt really really bad to wash it to brush it to do anything to it and it was an absolute rat's nest in the back of my head from all of the like matted blood that had happened not to get so morbid in this very non-gore video but wigs were like my saving grace i said this before but i feel like i might need to bring back the saying stop the wigma i get a lot of crap for wearing wigs sometimes i don't really know why even a video from a few weeks ago i had a bunch of people giving me [ __ ] about the quality of the wig and like listen guys i'm not nikita dragon most of my wigs are not human hair which no matter what is going to cut down on the quality i have tried pleasing my hairline before and i've messed up a few wigs doing that so i decided to just not and i try to just find wigs that are either as nice as they can look considering they're synthetic or have as good of a hairline as they can considering i'm too afraid to tweeze them i do what i can don't be a wig elitist we're all starting somewhere quina it's not gonna end well i feel like i need more orange because it's looking really pink i don't know i don't know what it's going to look like when i wash it out i probably should have done a test strand huh but what would the fun be in that part of the fun of doing this for a video is seeing my horrified reaction when it comes out totally wrong thank god i didn't decide i wanted to do any kind of an ombre because i don't think i could handle it i'm barely covering this i'd like to say that this requires no skill but if that were true then this needs to come out looking like a masterpiece like anyone can do it and i know that's not the case can you see what i'm doing probably not here i'll come over here [Music] more orange is this where i make a crucial mistake yeah let's do more orange i decided to zoom in so you can really see what i'm doing see what i'm doing is what i just said i decided to zoom in so you can really see what i'm doing besides the fact that i'm about to pour more orange into here which you will not see at all now congrats i played you i hope this is not a mistake now it looks very orange but this looks very pink to me so we're just gonna have to do our best i don't know what's gonna happen [Music] i think it helps to start from the bottom not just because it makes more sense logistically but also so that hopefully by the time i get to the front of the face i'm an expert at this stuff it's so weird that it goes on so orange and then it starts to get pink everyone who knows how to do hair right now is like yeah duh but why does it do that and which one's the true color is it closer to the one it goes on as or is it closer to what it becomes in a few minutes this is gonna be the real test i don't know if i should be covering the lace back here so much so that you don't see through to the blonde wefts or laughs and amateur oh look at that technique oh she's a pro beautiful i don't think my glasses are on completely lopsided there we go [Music] while i continue doing this let's take a quick break for a word from our sponsors function of beauty alexa play carlos whisper i got a ton of compliments on how good my hair is looking in my last video so thank you i know you guys are seeing what i'm seeing besides wig wearing i think a lot of that is owed to function of beauty function of beauty is a fully customizable hair care line without parabens sulfates gmos or toxins it's 100 vegan and cruelty free and it's super simple to get started take a two minute quiz about your hair types goals and personalized preferences they have a bunch of different colors that you can mix or match and you can choose the name that's printed on your bottle too if you want some added care for your hair they have a leave-in treatment a hair mask a hair serum and those are all customizable too order ones to do a recurring subscription with the option to cancel or tweak your formula anytime it's all super cute but more importantly i see a noticeable difference when i have function of beauty versus when i run out of it who says the shampoo can't be pretty and smart follow my link below to get 20 off your first order [Music] and we're back look at how much i got done during our ad break i'm much faster when you're not watching me well you were watching me but you were watching a different mikey from a different point in time and this mikey is faster when you're not watching the other viking you know what forget it you don't deserve my explanation of time travel you know it was great earlier i noticed that if i get any little drops of this on the floor it would probably stain it and i started to get really worried about that because i'm kind of clumsy and then almost like he heard me be a telepathy creature came and laid it directly under my wig which is great because if any drops on him it's fine you can use this dye to die dogs it's safe for dogs what if you had like a neon peach mustache oh that'd be so fun if this video gets a million likes i'll die creature orange so that he looks like a halloween dog but it has to be a million so i'm getting up to the very top here and this is where i'm starting to get nervous as well because this is where it gets really real you know let's do or die accidental pun nice thank you thought it was pretty good watch out spencer coming for your gig both of them i had to mix a whole new bowl just now and i'm hoping i matched it to the first batch i don't know if i did or i'm hoping that if i don't exactly think that this color was the perfect color that this one is the perfect color because it's on the top all you hair colorists and stylists out there i don't know how you do it i mean granted i spent the first three hours of this in my in my feet in my bare feet on a hardwood floor so you know not ideal i realized when it was too late but still it hurts to just stand in the same spot for a very long amount of time oh me too yeah let's learn are we having an all-night slumber party where we don't slumber maybe you want anything to do tomorrow right oh sweet drink your red bull i have a couple in the fridge can you guys see the time on the microwave little bit on behind me side a little bit the night is young i've definitely filmed much later than this many many times many many times i try really hard not to start filming past 10 anymore because if i start that late it pretty much never ends well but how do you start tonight past ten i think i started at like midnight or eleven look i'm actually really excited to do this and i'm really looking forward to seeing if i can get a wig that is the perfect hair color in my eyes so i decided i couldn't wait another day i want to start it right now it's not just a video it's a pasture project oh hell yeah i just figured i might as well film it but i'd be doing this regardless so all right miss rosh posh has emphasized how tedious you must be at the very front of the lace so i am trying to be very very careful i make no promises i think i can design wigs better than i can dye them so oh god i just messed it up it's fine we're gonna cut it off anyway right all right we are at the top piece and i'm getting really hyped at three in the morning started out so chill and i'm just getting more excited as we go along because my dream is coming true right before my eyes oh girl ooh girl so exciting [Music] i just got a huge glob on my paper towel that i hope doesn't see through this is looking promising color wise i have high hopes very important in the front she's got a cute do right now you see that look at how cute that is the final piece someone's gonna yell at me because this is a giant piece but i just want the satisfaction of doing it all at once i'll go through i'll be real thorough just let me live okay it feels really good to just paint an entire bang of hair at once didn't promise it'd be good i just promised we'd have a good time all right i'm sectioning it relax relax fix me out that after all this dye you can still just kind of dig into it and find all these blonde patches does not give me high hopes for what we're gonna find after i wash this out i'm aware that there is a much easier way to dye wigs called the watercolor method i know i know that it's much faster i know it can make it nice and even so that you don't miss any spots like that but i also heard that dyes like arctic fox do not do super well with watercolor because they're so thick and creamy that they don't always dilute and give you a nice even watercolor so i figured i would just commit to the time and the patience that it takes to do it this way rather than risk wasting the dye and potentially messing up the wig maybe i'll try a watercolor next but i also saw that if you want really really vibrant colors you might just want to avoid the watercolor method because it's not always as saturated as if you do it this way which makes sense because it's diluted in water fun i'm gonna scrape the very last of what's in my bowl try to get it in any spots i missed and then i think it's good to just bake a little bit and then rinse oh that's a big patch oh my god oh dear thank god we're going over it 3 28 a.m all right now we wait day two okay so today's the big exciting day she's pretty much ready for application i'm very excited to see what she looks like when she's on and i am just gonna finish up my eye makeup to go with the wig i don't really know what to do because i feel like it's so bright i don't want to compete with it with the makeup at least the first time i see it it's going to be a special moment for us maybe i'll branch out and experiment some other time but for today i think i'm just going to keep it really really simple with a really bold cat eye which is pretty much my go-to and i might make my lips a little pink to go with it but we'll see i want to wait to put it on until the very end [Music] off to a great start so the last thing you saw is after i was done dyeing it i washed the wig out using shampoo and conditioner and it was really orange after that initial wash it had hints of pink but i had clearly overdone it so i actually ended up doing the watercolor method twice after that i didn't record this because i wasn't sure if it was gonna do anything it did a little bit the first time i poured in a bunch of the pink into a tub of warm water and then i just kind of dipped the wig into it and let it soak for a few minutes and that helped but then i started to tweeze the hairline to make it look a little bit more natural and i noticed that i was kind of pulling the dye out of the hairs around it by like touching it a lot and doing all that so i soaked it one more time and i soaked it longer the second time and that took it from i'd say like 80 orange and 20 percent pink to a pretty nice even mix of the two colors that i'm much happier with then after that blow dried it blew dry blow dried glow blue blowed dry i dried it i straightened it and then i gave her a little trim i wanted to cut it into a bob i don't know what i'm doing and i don't have hair cutting scissors so that was out why do i hate this i like i hate it unless i can do the giant wing my back hurts i'm full of complaints today it's an amy winehouse kind of day accidental amy winehouse kind of day oh my god that's not like the same at all what in the hell is going i can't tell what's up with my eyeballs i have no clue what i'm doing when it comes to blow drying or straightening hair the proper way so please don't make fun of me she's an amateur she's been saying this and then i trim the lace which a lot of people ask me how i do that i don't know if there's a more proper way to do it i just trim it with little tiny baby scissors as close as i can to the actual hair starting sometimes i'll do a straight line sometimes i'll do more of a zigzag line it depends on how it looks in this case i did a bit of a zigzag like a tiny bit just because i know it's going to be a little bit too dark i got into wigs because of the convenience of them so something that i normally look for is being able to just pop them on not go through like this long process of gluing and blending and plucking obviously the wigs look much better if you do all those things and if you buy a really high quality one and then you can have it glued on for days but that takes away the fun convenience factor i'm starting to feel more patient and i'm starting to want to get into the idea of learning those things and getting better at those things because this wig and where i got it from is kind of made for customization i think i'm gonna have to tweak this one i'm probably gonna have to glue it down sometimes i'll tape my wigs down but that's kind of the most i'll do which is part of why when i designed my line of wigs a big focus for me was to make sure that they were just emma said poppable like you can just pop them on your head they're poppable i wanted you to be able to put them on without having to blend anything so i tried to make the lace truly transparent not just transparent i tried to make sure that it was already styled so that you wouldn't have to do anything to it unless you wanted to i tried to make sure that it fit in a way so that you wouldn't have to glue it down and those things are going to depend on the person i don't think you can make it perfect for everyone but that was my goal but i just have a feeling that this one's not gonna go that way so we might learn something new together we have to stop the wigma it's just a really easy way to express yourself even further like we do it with our clothes we do it with our makeup why can't we do it with our hair daily i'm so excited to put this on she's staring at me right there and one thing i'm really scared about is that it's not gonna sit and fit well across my forehead because when i tried it on before she seemed really loose up here and i've never actually dealt with a wig like that before because i usually try my wigs on before i buy them so that i know that they fit i don't usually order them offline so this is new territory for me i'm not exactly sure how i'm going to fix that if that's the case now that the lace is cut so that'll be a fun experiment together wow that's just that's just an all eyelash look i've worn so little makeup and quarantine that it's genuinely shocking to me to see my eyes looking all big again because of big eyelashes and eyeliner who am i what am i okay moment of truth i'm gonna go get her down she looks pretty accurate to true life color which is a very very bright orangey pink peachy coral neon fluorescent freaking gorgeous perfect perfection pinkish forget where we started it's beautiful it's perfect let me just shut up and put it on should i shave my head yes or no like this video if i should shave my head if this video gets 2 million likes i'll shave my head did i mention i gave her a little bit of bang kind of faux baby hairs here i did oh not that though i'm just gonna add to the baby hairs a little bit here now the question is what do i do to make it look a little bit better because as you can see here that's what i was afraid of it doesn't fit super snug to my head in fact it's quite loose and we want it to fit like that and like i thought the lace is a bit too dark especially if you get rid of these little baby hairs it's not terrible but i think something we can do don't know if this is what people do but i'm thinking that i put a little bit of powder under the lace that might help blend it a bit yep i'd say that helped it's not perfect but it works and then i think i should tape this down i don't have wig glue but i do have pros-aide and i bet i could use pros-aide but should i should i so you can see if the lace just matched a bit better the hairline itself looks pretty good but it's so dark look at that lace it's hard for me to avoid if you guys have any tips on how to make lace even lighter let me know i've tried bleaching it in the past and for some reason i didn't have luck with that but maybe i didn't do it right or something i don't know oh i've never glued a wig before i'm scared let's try it though this could be a huge mistake big mistake huge i would normally take my makeup off underneath first but i'm a little scared that because my skin is so pink underneath it's not gonna look right it's gonna be real obvious the one time i'm glad i have so much forehead real estate wait for those to turn clear on a side note while we wait i'm really glad that the color looks accurate to real life in my footage right now because i was really worried every picture i've taken with my phone it looks so orange and here it looks like the perfect peachy pink hmm does not really seem to be holding it at all okay where is it nope that didn't work okay all right let's try something else this is why i like poppable wigs look at that i'm a coned you know what i'll get all the wig tape fine so i got this tape yes see this sticker on real good so let's just go for it oh that is such a good look is my hairline really that far back wow i have a seven head all right i'm gonna cut this in half because even though i have a lot of real estate i feel like it's too thick and then i can get more use out of it anyway so now i got bb strips this is the highest effort i usually put into applying my wigs it's for like a real special occasion and i would say today is that day there we go i feel like i should change my lipstick though this is so drab and this is a fab let's see if matching my lipstick is the best idea or the worst idea i don't know i don't know do i like the pink maybe black maybe we do subtle okay so i think that's as good as i'm gonna get it so there were some learning mistakes along the way but all in all not bad i'm really happy with how the color came out i didn't think i'd get this close considering i don't know what i'm doing although kristen leanne from arctic fox did recommend the colors and send me the colors so some of it is thanks to her if i did it again i would buy a different wig from a different brand because the fit of this is really bugging me usually with a little bit of tape i can just tape down one spot if it doesn't fit great and we're good to go but this fits so badly up here that it keeps popping up look at that see look at that get down there get get down and if i did it again i would actually probably try to do this color one more time but i would attempt to do like a fade from this really vibrant neon color into more of a pastel version of it at the ends a little ombre action and i might even experiment with putting some roots in the wig so that it looks a little more natural as well but i figured let me start real simple and see if i can handle that i'll work my way up if you guys like this video i can mess around with some more for fun not educationally if you want to learn how to really do this stuff well like i said there's a lot of wig videos on youtube and a lot of creators that are doing it but the one that i ended up watching a lot of was miss rosh posh and she seems very knowledgeable and her wigs look so beautiful so just go there if you want the educational stuff and if you want me to risk wasting my money on another wig let me know i can destroy some [ __ ] i'm glad this one turned out pretty well if i can figure out how to get this to fit better i will definitely wear the heck out of this i kind of want to put it with neon pink brows or at least put a little bit of pink in here to see what that looks like i'm usually a pretty firm believer that the way to pull off a bright colored wig is to just match your eyebrows to it or at least some of it so let me try that out too but i wanted to show you what it looks like as is she's beauty and she's grace boom slightly neon peach eyebrows that's a whole different look i like it too cute if you're new here or lurking please subscribe like this video if this color is not called neon peach and fight in the comments about it and i will see you guys next week bye oh yes goodbye [Music] uh the dogs broke the light oh no i knew that this wig could not go smoothly there had to be something well they finally did it their antics finally did it i knew it was just a matter of time
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,295,986
Rating: 4.9846511 out of 5
Keywords: Dyeing a wig for the FIRST TIME, mykie, wig dye, how to, neon peach, neon coral, hot pink wig, glam&gore, glam and g, wig, arctic fox, electric paradise, sunset orange, human hair wig, lace front
Id: 5UmW4uDEIcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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