The Haunted Hotel I Will NEVER Ghost Hunt At

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it's october i would scream i'm very excited but i cannot outwardly show all my excitement because there's something going on with my throat that is why i'm a little late to october sorry about that i've been dealing with weird health things for the last three weeks or so which was all of the time i had cleared for myself to do october videos of course there's a lot going on where it's hard for me to use my arms they've been in a lot of pain lately and the last week especially really bad has been a thing with my throat where it feels swollen when i talk which is the best time for it to feel swollen so the louder i talk and the lower i talk the more i feel it i've been to docs i'm seeing more docs i'm trying to figure it out but i also really want to put out halloween content because obviously it's my time of the year and for the last six years i have done big things for halloween on youtube so i feel like i can't not do anything for october of course the videos that i planned for this halloween because you probably know i usually have a theme for the month we're all very talking heavy videos so that's great and i might have to give up the theme for the month i'm hoping i can even just get out a couple videos this month to be completely honest with you what a fun way to start off the month i'm sorry but if there was ever a year to have halloween kind of suck for me i guess it would be 20 20. it seems right on target so i'm doing my best and thank you for understanding this is a very stressful time of the year for me and i know my stress is making all of my physical symptoms worse so i i'm trying if you are new here that intro is way longer than you cared about and i'm sorry but i had to speak to my zombaes you are now a zombae even if you're new welcome congrats hit subscribe hit the bell because the subscribe button means nothing anymore unless you hit the bell and the bell means nothing anymore unless you turn on all notifications and then you go into your phone settings and you allow notifications from youtube the subscribe button was so much simpler but here we are what i wanted to do this month was i wanted to basically ghost hunt to all of the places i would never be able to ghost son anyway because of the pandemic i don't feel like it is safe to do ghost hunting the way we've done it in the last two years as much as i would love to i absolutely love it doing it and it is heartbreaking although considering how sick i am i guess it worked out for the best so instead i figure why don't i do what i would do if i could ghost hunt to places that i know i'll never be able to ghost unto where i basically tell you the history look into things except they don't get to go it's like the quarantined version of ghost hunting you know what i'm saying the only difference this year is that probably nothing spooky is going to happen except for everything that comes along with 2020 which honestly i think is enough for all of us i can't wait for 2021 anyway the intro is still happening i'm sorry and if you're thinking what i'm thinking ghost hunting plus spooky history minus hunting ghosts basically equals me doing the armchair detective series name pending so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna talk about spooky places and we're starting off today with the one hotel i will never go to the cecil hotel [Music] [Music] so i wanted to try something different for this episode of armchair detective if you've missed prior ones the first one is on lrads and sound torture devices and the last one was on denver international airport which sounds boring but i promise it's not go watch it a lot of you didn't yeah i'm looking at you i know you didn't watch i can see who watches them did you know that i wanted to try something a little bit different this time because i think a lot of the fun is researching the actual thing or place and i wanted to see if maybe you guys would enjoy researching things with me it's going to be edited so that it feels the same except that i'll be able to talk out how i get from one point to another that doesn't sound very fun but in my head it sounded like a great idea for a video so i don't know let me know if you prefer this way or me having it pre-prepared ahead of time but before we get into all of that let me tell you about today's sponsor very very appropriate to kick off the halloween month hunt a killer well let me tell you about them [Music] let me start by saying i am so excited hunt to killer wanted to work with me because i have been so into what they do and i know this will be right at the alley of all you spooky zombaes hunter killer is a horror subscription game that sends you boxes full of realistic evidence like maps police reports journals etc to create a chilling hands-on experience you basically get to live out being the character of a horror movie from the safety of your own couch and play a very literal game of armchair detective their new season exists in the blair witch universe which is perfect for all halloween and horror movie lovers it's basically all my favorite worlds colliding and i've been an absolute geek over these boxes ask anthony and peter i love detective type horror games it's actually a new hobby that we've picked up because of needing to stay home during the pandemic and hunterkiller has been my absolute escape when my brain and eyes are tired from screens but i still want to have an immersive horror experience i am so certain if any of this sounds like you you will love hunta killer so for a little halloween treat go to glam and gore and use code glam for 20 off your first box again make sure to use code glam for a 20 discount and good luck surviving the curse of the blair witch [Music] and we're back the cecil hotel where to begin i just want to learn about it and i just want you to watch me learn about it so we can talk about it together talk about it in the comments just do it get down there let me start off by talking to you about why i will not be ever going to the cecil hotel one by the way my hands are like do you see my nails i promise it's not that i'm filthy i am still washing my hands incessantly thanks to the virus but i died this week myself and when i washed all the black dye out it decided to just stay on my nails forever so that's what that is it's a part of me now anyway one i've always wanted to go here it's not even far for me it's in la but it scares me like the reviews have been really really bone kind of sketch it's not in a great part of town it's like shared rooms which really freaks me out and i i wouldn't want to bring like all my camera gear in a place where i'm sharing a room with strangers so even in the past years that i've done ghost hunting i have definitely thought of the cecil because i would have liked to maybe grow the courage to go but ultimately it's just so scary but also two it is no longer the cecil they rebranded it to the stay on main hotel and we'll get into why in a little bit and beyond that not only is it not the cecil anymore it's shut down it's being renovated and turned into a half living space half still lodging hotel type place i don't know if it's still going to be shared rooms but they're renovating like the whole thing they're closed for multiple years i think the timeline is like two or three years they're in the middle of that right now so even when it is fully done it's not gonna be the same you know like it'll be the building but it's not gonna be the same maybe you can talk me into going to the new version of the cecil eventually in time but i don't know it's not looking likely so it was a perfect candidate for this episode oh look at that people also ask how many murders happened at the cecil hotel exactly so i'm going to start with a very general inquiry to get a rough gist of what is happening at the cecil hotel warning there's going to be sensitive content in this video real life not fun things it's a dark place so if that freaks you out i'll catch you some other time i love you so much like i said the cecil hotel is in los angeles it's also called hotel cecil and the season also now like i said stay on main and i think they're changing the name after the renovation is done wikipedia is always 1 000 factually accurate so you know if i say something wrong take it up with wikipedia so i already know a lot of the background knowledge but built in 1924 i think it said opened in 1927 yes and within a few years of it opening the great depression happened which you know naturally is bad for all business it's talking about how in the 1940s i guess the area started to change because of skid row which is a place where there's a very high homeless population in los angeles that's a whole other issue but la has a pretty bad homeless problem and the cecil is very close to that but downtown in general just has a lot of crime it is one of the highest crime areas in all of la yeah this has as many as 10 000 homeless people lived within a four mile radius nothing wrong with homeless people obviously i don't think that homeless equals synonymous with crime but i guess that's what it's attributing to the decline in the hotel in 2014 the hotel was bought by a new person who acquired a 99-year ground lease on the property i didn't know you could leave something for 99 years why don't you just buy it at that point is that different here do you know they gotta give it back to the ghost after that oh is it because it's bought by a development for i don't understand yeah they give it back to say matt baron president of the development firm that bought it said that he was committed to the preservation of architecturally or historically significant components such as the hotel's grand lobby but they're changing everything else in the interior and fix the hodgepodge work that had been done in more recent years oh this is dark okay see we're learning together beyond renovating rooms the developer also plans a rooftop pool gym and lounge if you already know some background on hotel cecil like i do you know that the idea of there being a rooftop pool is it's just you know it's just i don't um it's just kind of eerie i don't like that at all we'll get into why so construction is supposed to be done by 2021 i'm guessing with the pandemic it's gonna get pushed back a bit although i think construction is booming in the pandemic in some regards so maybe not and it is now a historic cultural monument but it doesn't take long to learn that hotel cecil has a very very dark history and i mean like really just it's just i took a glance at this page before starting this video to have an idea of like the scope of what we need to get into and i'm just going to tell you a lot of you probably think that i'm going to be covering the death of elisa lam and we will touch on it but this hotel has dark ties to so much more than just her death not to take anything away from that tragedy but like this place is it's just a lot let's get into some dark [ __ ] again trigger warning dark things okay the first documented suicide at the cecil was in 1931 a guest named w.k norton died in his room after taking poison capsules what a way to go where does one get poison capsules who manufactures poison capsules anyway then in the 1940s and 50s more sides of the cecil occurred by 1960s longtime residents had begun to call the cecil quote the suit not a name i would imagine any business owner wants their hotel to be called in addition to suicides the cecil's history includes other kinds of violence and disturbing happenings wait wikipedia has a gem right here i'm trying not to just read directly off it i just want you to know our preliminary infos that once i start digging you know we have the framework this says in addition to suicides the cecil's history includes other kinds of violence and disturbing happenings it also became a notorious rendezvous spot for adulterous couples drug activity and prostitution i'm pretty sure every hotel in the history of ever is known for all of those things am i right like i'm sure there's adulterous couples at the holiday inn and i'm sure there's prostitution in every hotel including and maybe especially the most ritzy ones that's not special one reason the cesa hotel is infamous is that it is rumored that it was one of the last places that the black dahlia was seen prior to her murder her name was elizabeth short if you don't know the story of the black dahlia murder i welcome to earth we're not going to cover that today but it's one of ellie's most notorious unsolved murders supposedly she was seen drinking at the bar days before the murder some theorize that she might have met the person who killed her at the bar in the cecil but that's entirely speculation another thing that cecil is known for two now one count them two serial killers were guests of the cecil one of whom is a very prolific serial killer richard ramirez who is the night stalker it says that he stayed at the cecil for a few months and that he may have engaged in part of his killing spree while staying there which if true is i guess the other guests were safe because you're not gonna serial kill where you live i don't know if they were always shared rooms but imagine sharing a room with someone who turned out to be a serial killer it would be scary another serial killer who stayed there a little less known in the states is austrian serial killer jack unterweger unterweger unterbeger i don't know i would feel bad for getting his name wrong but he's a [ __ ] serial killer so he stayed at the cecil in 91. oh this says because he sought to maybe copy ramirez's crimes like it's one thing to be a serial killer it is a whole other thing to be a copycat serial killer that's like the lowest of the low i just every time i start to get sassy i gotta reign it in because my voice wants to go oh and i need to go oh oh no okay but unlike ramirez where we think he might have done some of his killing spree while staying there this says that jack just gotta call him jack the other one while he was there he strangled and killed three prostitutes why is it always the poor prostitute wait pause i just remembered prostitutes is no longer politically correct i apologize sex workers i was reading it straight off of wikipedia and i just my brain just i went on a whole rant about this and last year's ghost hunting shame on me sex workers he killed three sex workers was convicted in austria oh and then he later hanged himself shortly after he was convicted great congrats jack you contributed so much to earth thank you for that you know so the cecil just seems to attract lots of evil people oh okay there's a whole wikipedia page for a list of deaths and violence at the cecil hotel 31 32 34. oh my god dark so dark i'm actually not even going to read the details of some of these you can look it up if you'd like but yeah you know this is why it would be a weird place to stay just because you know that so much suffering has happened here in 37 a woman named grace magro fell from the ninth story window her fall was broken by telephone wires which were wrapped around her body she later died at a hospital they never found out if it was accident or suicide like that's just unimaginable suffering the hotel has a history of people jumping quite a bit 38 roy thompson jumped from cecil's top floor and was found on the skylight of a neighboring building ingesting poison poison was like seemingly more popular back then in the day another poison in 1940 a teacher named dorothy ingested poison while staying at the cecil and then was reported to be near death and no further reports were published about her condition how does no one know what happened to her we must find dorothy where's dorothy someone's gotta know what happened to her that was in 1940 so just right off the top there are a ton of suicides not long after the hotel opened 31 32 34 37 38 39 40 and then they start to drop off so that makes me think well one why are there so many deaths in that initial period of the hotel opening why do they drop off and then two how prevalent are suicides and deaths in hotels in general i'm guessing that it does happen probably more than we hear about because i would imagine some people maybe want to be somewhere not home for something like that maybe to take the burden off of loved ones or just to be alone i'm not really sure but there's got to be a statistic on in general how often this happens i can guarantee you that places like vegas hotels see probably quite a lot of deaths that honestly might be comparable to a place like the cecil hotel maybe for different reasons but nonetheless i don't think that deaths at a hotel are necessarily indicative of something particularly sinister happening if you look at the dates where the suicides are very prevalent it is over the years of the great depression so that makes a lot of sense and then it drops off and there's not as many see the great depression took place mostly during the 1930s there you go it says 29 to 33 and then there was a recession 37-38 so people were probably feeling the effects of the depression for quite some time let me see average number of deaths per hotel how often do people die in hotels sure oh a correct article great very scientific let's do it six more good facts about people dying in hotel rooms hotels are a magnet for suicides and unnatural deaths it reminds me of when we ghost hunted to the holiday inn express in salt lake city utah last year which if you haven't watched that go watch it it was quite an experience and it's with anthony tilpan and spencer he's okay spoiler alert if you haven't watched it we found blood on the ceiling of our hotel room like straight up on the drop down ceilings and it was just on the metal pieces between tiles as though the tiles had been switched out but the metal hadn't been cleaned off which is also very strange we didn't do a blood test or analysis on it but we're pretty sure that's what it was and that led us into talking about how there are a surprising number of suicides in hotels and also people do drugs in hotels it could be from someone like shooting up i got my blood taken it's a very pretty bruise isn't it anyway pretty much anywhere where people stay for extended periods of time medical emergencies happen people have heart attacks it's probably like if you watch my denver international airport video don't watch that this video is just me plugging every other video i've ever made we learned that pretty much every major airport has a morgue a lot of commercial airlines are transporting dead bodies it's just one of those things that's a lot more common than you'd think i think about when i cracked my head open in a vegas hotel we found that name a year ago if you haven't seen that video go watch it but i split my head open there was blood all over the floor and by the time i came back from the er they had cleaned up the blood no questions asked they could have been cleaning up a crime scene and that's when i dug into vegas oh i could do a whole armchair detective on that that's when i found out that a lot of vegas things we'll just call them things go unreported because vegas doesn't want to hurt their tourism since that is the main bread and butter of their economy all that to say i'm not finding a figure just yet well this is why hotel employees are always stumbling upon corpses okay one second i'm not saying that it's not unusual that the cecil has had so many deaths but so far i think there's a lot of reason to believe that maybe that's not so unusual i think what might be more interesting about the cecil is the kinds of deaths that have occurred there or the kinds of people associated with the hotel namely the serial killers the very mysterious deaths like elisa lam which we're gonna get into the black dahlia having some connection to that i think that's why this hotel has become infamous not just for the deaths itself but let's see if i can find any more facts about the number of signs etc and deaths you know i think that the lizzie borden house is incredibly spooky because two people were murdered there and two people died in that house but we've probably all stayed in hotels where far more people have died it's just that you don't know the exact room and three by three foot square that someone had died whereas in lizzie borden you do if you haven't seen that you should check out that video look if i'm only gonna upload a couple times this month because of whatever's going on with my body i'm gonna remind you that i have a lot of really bomb content from years past and that they're still very good and rewatchable evergreen and then if you haven't seen any of them you should really make sure you see them all and if you haven't seen any in a while they are great re-watches truly like i watch them on my sad days tbh i miss my friends except spencer you even had a woman die falling down the laundry chute what yeah i feel bad for employees that have ever had to deal with this if you or anyone you know works in a hotel please leave a comment down below and tell me your take on this is it something that you've heard stories about experienced yourself or have you luckily avoided it let me know hotels don't exactly want you to know about this stuff i get why but at the same time it's like look if there's blood all over the floor of a hotel room maybe don't clean it up it could have been a crime scene i'm just saying it could have been a crime scene i generally find a room is off market for about a week or so and then it's fair game again you know perhaps for good reason it's probably very bad for business in some ways and in other ways it does probably attract people i bet a lot of people have actually stayed at the cecil hotel just curious what the place was like you know we stayed at a holiday inn express in salt lake city utah like the most random place you could seek out and purposely go to my stay was not to see salt lake city it was to see that holiday inn express all because of one one gruesome set of deaths that had happened there so there's a lot of macabre people that i guess would want to visit places like that anyway i see that with a look on my face like i'm not literally one of them i don't even know why why do we want to go to these places peter good question for the ghosts for the ghosts that's true well then the question is since there are probably people who have died in every single hotel ever wouldn't that make every single hotel haunted yes it goes for real true well a ghost at the hawthorne hotel turned on your phone and started recording a video without you touching it if you haven't seen that video go watch it i was just about to say the same thing or if you don't like that hotel fine watch the queen mary video that's a hotel that floats on water if you don't like that fine check out the monte vista hotel video we stayed there two nights and there were also deaths there that the place is famous for so i guess the only difference is that some become famous for these notorious murders or deaths that happen or they just get literally swept under the rug and they move on weird just think about that the next time you're in a hotel which probably won't be soon for any of you because ah we're still in a pandemic cheaper hotels aren't great about cleaning up i don't know like a holiday in express you mean oh no okay so someone who's planning on going to a hotel to themselves am i gonna get demonetized sorry if this is heavily bleeped if it's not monetized it doesn't get pushed to your subscription boxes as often i want you guys to know that i uploaded in october since it might be a rare occurrence but also the subscription box doesn't work so make sure you hit the bell and then when you hit the bell make sure you hit all notifications and then when you do that make sure you go into your youtube settings in your phone and allow all notifications anyway apparently fancier hotels bill the deceased's family directly for cleanup and i guess less nice hotels just don't do so good cleanup oh they'll just charge the deceased credit card oh oh wow that's even worse sometimes somebody would get shot or stabbed in a bed and the mattress would be soaked with blood but they'd be hired to just try to suck the blood out of the mattress itself if that didn't work they just covered the stains with a mattress pad and call it a day remember that time we were in the salt lake city holiday inn express and not only did we find blood on the ceiling but we found blood on the sheets the next day still 1 000 convinced that that was spencer bleeding in his sleep and he didn't know it or he murdered someone because he's a serial killer but regardless it makes a lot of sense i bet they left those sheets exactly how they were when we left them oh there's ways to tell if someone has died in your room okay let's see look for mismatched carpet or anywhere the carpet seems to have been replaced same thing with wallpaper and blinds oh good sometimes replaced because of feces but usually blood would you rather have poop or blood how excited are you guys to stay in a hotel after this can't wait am i just really selling you on the travel life right now oh god i'm not even gonna read that one out loud okay oh actually you know what no let's talk about this okay there you go for example this article is talking about someone who is in a las vegas hotel he noticed that a portion of the carpet had been replaced then also noticed that someone had tried to clean a blood stain off of the ceiling he tried to take this info and pictures to the hotel and then to police and there was no record of anything ever happening not even with police yikes i feel like this has turned into a las vegas armchair detective just like i was saying like in that case someone in that vegas hotel might have straight up cleaned up a suicide and not reported it that can't be a thing right but then police would have a record of it i don't know i can't think about it right now it's too dark the best the las vegas metropolitan police could come up with is that it wasn't a person who'd been murdered but a can of ravioli or something this person whose career was cleaning up blood for a living said that he would bet everything he owned that somebody died in that room that's just dark how did we get here let's go back to the cecil a lot of jumping from the windows this one's interesting in 62 a woman named pauline jumped from a 9th floor window after an argument with her estranged husband he left the room and then i guess when she jumped she had fallen on a pedestrian killing them both and initially since there were no witnesses police thought that they had killed themselves together but because he had his hands in his pocket at the time of death and because he was still wearing shoes they were able to piece together that he must have been just a pedestrian truly at the wrong place at the wrong time god all right there's a murder that happened in 64 to a woman that had been known around the building and was well liked and she would like feed birds in the area and then a few hours after her murder someone was walking through this bird area with blood-stained clothing it's okay solved right no they cleared him and it's still unsolved today that's great in 75 a still unidentified woman who was approximately 23 years old jumped from the 12th floor onto the cecil second floor roof she had registered under the name allison lowell and was staying in room 327 which by the time the hotel is renovated i doubt 327 is going to be 327 anymore and there's probably no way of knowing where that is but that's interesting that they never identified her if she's only 23 and it's in 75 you would think that she probably has dental records somewhere i want to know more about that that's interesting in 92 there was a perhaps inside perhaps murder can't tell if he jumped fell or was pushed well this is another one actually yeah look at that back to back 64 unsolved murder of the bird lady 75 unidentified woman's death 92 a man who might have jumped or was pushed or fell from a window was never identified how do you never find out who they are i mean i guess they go to a hotel and they check into a name that's not theirs so that they can't be identified but i don't really understand how no one ever figures out who that person is how do you the next death after that one wasn't until 2013 which brings us to the infamous case of lisa lam basically elisa lam was a 21 year old canadian student who was staying at the hotel cecil for a few weeks and after guests reported complaints with the water tasting funny and being a darker color they eventually found elisa lamb's body in the water tanks on the rooftop of the hotel so going back to earlier in this video it's a little strange that they're putting a rooftop pool at the cecil when one of the hotel's most notorious murders involves a woman that was found in the water tanks on the rooftop of the hotel this case is extra strange and went viral because there is footage from the hotel's elevator where she is acting very erratically looking around as though there's someone she's afraid of she reportedly had bipolar disorder which could explain that she might have been having kind of a mental health episode but also the buttons of the hotel's elevator are not working the doors aren't closing even though she's pushing the buttons which is very strange and then the questions are obviously like how did she end up naked and in a water tank that would be pretty hard to get into that you wouldn't even necessarily know about unless you were part of the staff apparently the door leading up to the roof she wouldn't have had access to unless an employee opened the door for her or you could probably also assume that maybe she climbed up a fire escape onto the roof but still why how someone must have seen something that night this says that rumors persist that she died as a result of playing the elevator game a paranormal urban legend that claims to take the player to another dimension i mean that's really stretching it i'm still trying to believe in ghosts over here so i don't know about an elevator game and then that was unfortunately not the last death at the hotel cecil the last one was in 2015. cause of death was never determined it might have been a jumper and the man is it looks like not identified so this says there have been at least 16 deaths at the cecil resulting from non-natural causes but 16 deaths over the course of you know almost 100 years at this point is maybe not that bad i'm still not finding a statistic on how common it is at hotels in general but i remain skeptical that 16 is some kind of outrageous figure i'm guessing it's sadly not let's talk a little bit more about elisa lamb before we move on to other things so one of the weirdest things about the elisa lamb story is there are a lot of similarities to her death and this movie called dark water the movie is about a girl who dies in an apartment's rooftop water tank so already very eerily similar but but wait there's more then the story follows a woman and her child the mother's name is dahlia which is very strange if you recall that the black dahlia is connected to the hotel cecil and therefore elisa lam and the daughter in the movie's name is cecilia there are elevator shots from the movie that look eerily similar to the shots of elisa lam in the movie a child gains access to the rooftop through a door that is supposed to be locked and if you recall there's some confusion on how elisa got up to the roof because the only door up there was supposed to be locked alarmed and took a lot of muscle to open but perhaps it was a fire escape that she came up onto the roof in the movie the initial girl who drowns in the water tanks is wearing a red hoodie so is cecilia the other young girl throughout the movie and elisa lam in the surveillance footage from the hotel the night that she presumably died is wearing a red hoodie and apparently even in the movie this all starts because hotel guests started complaining about a funny taste of the hotel's water and poor water pressure the same in elisa lamb's case very very very strange dahlia has weird behavior and a hard time with the elevator in the movie and we know elisa does the same thing like it's so strange that there are so many coincidences but you're probably thinking that it just sounds like the writers of dark water were just morbidly inspired by the case of elisa lamb and i'd say that that sounds about right except that dark water is originally a japanese film from 2002 and there's an american remake in 2005 and alisa lam's death happened in 2013. so all the movie stuff happened first and then it just so happens that elisa lamb's death is so eerily similar to so many elements it's like one of the weirdest things i've ever heard even weirder there was apparently a tuberculosis outbreak around the same time the police were looking for elisa lam first of all a tuberculosis outbreak in 2013 is scary and very sad but get this this is so strange it's like simulation type [ __ ] and you know what that's got to be another armchair detective eventually we're living in a simulation it's proof confirmed and by the way this outbreak of tuberculosis was in the downtown la area particularly skid row and the test that they were using to test for tuberculosis was known as the lamb elisa test what the test was made in 2009 obviously prior to her death because they didn't even know that she was dead yet very very weird by the way i should mention that the official conclusion was that she had a manic episode and accidentally drowned that is probably most likely what happened there's still a lot of very weird things surrounding it and no matter what it's very eerie and it's very sad she had no drugs in her system at the time of death but she apparently had a lot prescribed to her that i guess for whatever reason she wasn't taking she had no alcohol or common illegal drugs in her system she took one antidepressant that day but it seems like that was it but the toxicology report did not test for date rape drugs and some people think that she was running from someone and that's why she looks scared and she's checking around the corner of the elevator for someone but it does seem like it might be a mental health thing too with the way that she's acting looking at her history of the things that she was on it makes sense okay so i'm looking more into the austrian serial killer who stayed at the cecil he murdered 11 sex workers in vienna prague and l.a often by strangling them to death with their own lingerie wow that's a guy who really hated women oh his first murder was in 1974 but he was released as a successfully re-socialized prisoner great whoever made that call he was staying at the cecil hotel while he worked for an austrian magazine writing stories about crime in la the irony this website says he could use his status as a reporter to secure rides with the lapd and drive around areas that would soon become crime scenes of his own he was caught because he used the same kind of knot when he was strangling his victims and he ended up using that same knot when he hanged himself one trick pony oh god this is one i didn't read about or at least i don't know if i read about it in 1944 a 19 year old woman who didn't know she was pregnant woke up with stomach pains and not wanting to wake up her 38 year old partner she went to the bathroom delivered the baby by herself and then thinking that her baby was dead oh god i feel like i know that we're here to talk about dark stuff but it just it still feels weird to say she threw her baby out the window and she was eventually found not guilty by reason of insanity it's a fun video to do when i have such high anxiety this idea was this oh that's right it was mikey pre-anxiety so apparently the highest recorded level ever of suicides was during the era of the great depression that makes a lot of sense why we're seeing so many in the hotel at that time because this is such a dark topic i'm going to leave some mental health resources and hotlines down in the description in case you need them yikes here's a new thing i didn't know about okay so in 1926 a 26 year old named jeffrey thomas paley purchased a rifle climbed up onto the roof of the cecil fired 15 shots onto the street below no one was hurt but he apparently did it all because he wanted to be able to prove how easy it would be for someone even a person with mental health issues to purchase a firearm like you don't need to fire into the public to show that you shouldn't be able to get a gun if you're mentally unstable but you know what it's 20 20 and we still haven't learned that he was talking about it in 1976. apparently there was another killer at the hotel who was arrested while staying at the cecil for likely murdering a woman who was found dead at the home that she shared with him this place just attracts the worst of the worst oh paranormal activity all right this is something i don't know about apparently there's a video from 2014 where a boy captured a ghost a ghost on camera see i can still work it into a halloween series even if i'm not actually ghost hunting let's see this video i'm very skeptical of ghost caught on camera i mean it definitely looks weird but i don't know what's going on here you can't really make out what it is it kind of looks like there's a body like going halfway through the window but two out of ten ghost picture sorry kid if you want to see some real ghost caught on camera go watch my ghost tending series from last year seriously though i'm gonna vouch for myself real quick i don't pat myself on the back too often oh my god everything's cracking what did i do to myself anyway i've never liked ghost hunting shows because i believe that a lot of them stage their stuff or they just completely fake it i think that's prevalent on youtube as well i just want you guys to know that we didn't stage anything in the ghost hunting videos and every strange thing that happens everything that i can explain which shockingly there were a few things that i truly could not explain [Music] are real and take that as you will i'm not the super dramatic type to like really really really hype up a moment and be like oh my god like i would say that i guess because it's mine and i know that it's real but yeah there's just some things that happened last year that i really still don't understand and no one's given me an answer so go back and watch my old videos and solve the mystery of the ghosts i might have caught on camera thanks oh did you know i knew this but i forgot ryan murphy of american horror story was inspired by the cecil hotel for the fifth season of american horror story appropriately named hotel fancy i kind of want to stay here but i also don't come on give me some juice i want some juice i thought this one would be a good one to do together because i don't think that there's but so much i can look into with this unless we were going to do a deep dive on elisa lam i didn't want to focus on just that i could never do something like this for the jonbenet video and i promise you i'm using like the best sources possible for the dominate video too like actual crime scene police report toxicology type and by the way yes that video is still coming i just don't know when but it is you know what it might not even happen in 2020 get your expectations really low because i'm stressed and i needed to lower my own okay search is related to the cesa hotel it's also coming up with 14th floor what happened on the 14th floor this is just a quick google search that wasn't even for elisa lam and there are like diagrams trying to figure out how this woman died so if you want to learn more about that it's been dissected to death as far as everything that is out there and i'm not the one to be able to do it today i'm sorry but this is still a very long video let's look at some reviews for the season 1100 google reviews three stars two star hotel someone said they got bed bugs that's pretty spooky i still want to know how common it is for there to be deaths in hotels give me a number on average how many deaths in a hotel per year let's do it that way well i don't know how legitimate this math is so i'm just reporting what i'm reading there's a reddit thread that tried to do the math if deaths are evenly distributed 13.6 percent of hotel rooms have had a guest die in them so if you stay in a different hotel room every night for seven nights the probability that you stay in a room in which someone has died is about 64 according to nigel lk on reddit so um people in the comments are saying that's wrong enough but it sounds really spooky so let's go with that for now but now i have a weird google history so that's great so yeah i feel like we've gotten plenty dark what do you guys think do you think that these numbers seem kind of like what you would expect for a hotel that's been open almost 100 years do you think that it's cursed or is it just that the cecil has not been so great at pr and we would see things very similar to this if more hotels were a little worse at covering up crimes and deaths i don't know but i know that i will probably never ever ever stay there so i guess i'll sleep easier tonight knowing that i don't have to sleep here that's this week's video thank you guys for bearing with me and dealing with all this i'm going to go drink some tea and probably not talk for three days so if you like learning with me let me know when i know that i'm doing a simpler topic i can present it this way so you can kind of see my live reaction to learning things and i'm kind of walking you through my thought process of how i go from one thing to another or if you like it like the lrad video or the denver international airport video let me know that too i'm open to trying all kinds of things this is fun for me to do so i just want to do more of it happy october let me know in the comments down below what you plan on doing for halloween whatever you do please be safe also let me know in the comments what kind of merch you want to see i've been working on setting it up with a new manufacturer for a while and i'm getting down to some decision type moments but i want to make sure that i'm also making stuff that you guys really want because that's what it's for it's for you guys so let me know in the comments if there's something in particular you want to see and that can be anything colors types of garments things that they say pictures whatever it is you really feel like you need just tell me and i'll try to make it if a lot of people want it that is it i am so so appreciative of you guys i don't say it enough because i try to play it cool like but i'm not cool so i just want to let you know if no one told you yet today i love you i appreciate you take care of yourself thank you for watching i'll see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,662,708
Rating: 4.8442874 out of 5
Keywords: The Haunted Hotel I Will NEVER Ghost Hunt At, the haunted hotel i will never stay at, glam&gore, mykie, glam and g, the cecil hotel, hotel cecil, stay on main, elisa lam, richard ramirez, black dahlia, elizabeth short, jack unterweger, nightstalker, halloween, ghost hunting, armchair detective
Id: HQ9vRS1GbwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.