my dogs use bells to speak to me

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that's just so oh yes very good she already knows that we're gonna do I think she thinks that she has me trained uh-huh she hits a bell and I'm trained to feed her trees she's not wrong yeah look zombies today it's a kind of a weird video but I get asked all the time all the time how I taught my dogs to ring a bell to tell me that they have to go outside and then use a litter box at their potty and yes I have talked about it on Instagram before I've talked about it in a previous video before but I've never gone over it in depth which is probably why people are still asking me about it so this is the video to end all dog ringing Bell videos and I'm gonna teach you exactly what steps I went through to get her to be a little Bella he's not as good we're still working on him but he saw slowly he's not as smart as replayed to be completely honest sorry Annie you're very cute though what you lack in intelligence you make up for in looks disclaimer obviously I'm not a dog trainer non dog expert this is just what I did personally and it worked for me it might work for you I'm just here okay or I'll give you that it removes the litter box don't make me pay into that you know I know this bad at that on this so we're good this is especially useful right now because of honestly on the pandemic and everyone being quarantined if you live in an apartment like me and you want to try to limit the amount that you're even touching your buildings elevator buttons and really going outside this is a great way to limit it because you can just open Mountain if you have a balcony wouldn't recommend this if you didn't have some kind of outdoor area let's know also it's great if you have a dog that likes to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night for some reason Ripley has woken me up many many times with the sound of Anthony can attest mmm-hmm that's great who wants treats depending on what you want to teach your dog to ring about for whether it's to just open a door or to use a litter box in particular will vary I do talk more about litter box training in this video if you want to check it out but this is not that video this video is about connecting the Bell to the outside world so make sure their litter box trained already or they already know to use like your backyard for their bathroom then the first thing I did is I would use treats because she's highly Treat motivated dogs are motivated by different things some are motivated by toys play praise treats food she's very motivated by treats luckily so I would take the treat make sure she saw it put it on the other side of the door and then I would hit the bell for her open the door immediately she knows the phrase hi I did it for her open the door and she would immediately get rewarded with the treatment I'm gonna do it no no I don't need you to do it you know you're a pro and hittin the bell I'm gonna do it for you you don't even have to work just relax [Applause] he's not used to being praised for doing nothing so that's step one that's the most basic version I'm telling you once they learn how to do it they might not ever stop be careful what you wish for that's the first step I did that over and over and over again you put a treat on the other side and you hit the bell for them you open the door they get the treat she knows the frames you yes you're very good I sent it the Bell you're right I did say that the Bell and that just teaches them that the sound of the Bell opens you're good like so a child a bird I hope was a pterodactyl in 2020 anything can happen now if you're having a hard time getting your dog to hit the bell maybe they understand it opens the door but you're having a hard time connecting their participation into the whole thing I have a solution and we had to do this a little bit didn't we if your dog knows how to give you there Paul zip pop don't sass me good girl then this is all you need to do to make this switch what you can do is you can put out your hand for the paw and then put the belt underneath before they have time to land the paw and then ideally Anthony's like right in from the door right now ideally they to accidentally hit the Bell and you'd open the door right away and you'd have a treat set up outside you feel me that would be essentially we do that's the basics this little genius is so smart that she was doing this within an hour of us just doing it back and forth and now she rings it too much as you can see gonna come out to play you ready to show off all right let's do it it's still new to him he's just not getting it down within an hour like you did so you'll get to see some raw footage of training him for real he's not my armpits for a treat come on get involved smell yes yes good and now I'm message from our sponsor native deodorant so I made the switch to a natural deodorant because I wanted something that made my skin to feel a lot better and less dried in typical deodorants I like using aluminum free deodorants because I like choosing natural products when and where I can especially when I feel like they work just as well or better than the alternative so I made the switch to native which is an aluminum free paraben and sulfate free deodorant it's made of familiar natural ingredients such as coconut oil and shea butter and it is completely vegan and cruelty free I also love that Native has so many different scents and ones that I feel are particularly unique for a deodorant product the sense that I got to try where coconut flour and Mandarin jasmine and cherry blossom charcoal cotton and cedar wood eucalyptus and mint and my favorite citrus and herbal musk I especially like that they have so many musky smells because the perfume that I wear is very woodsy and musky and I feel like the deodorant that I used to use always fights with my perfume rather than complementing it so the scent selection is top-notch my skin has been noticeably softer after using these they dry quick upon application and I smell it working a phenomenal throughout the day Anthony Huber absolutely confirmed save 33 percent on your first native deuteron pack and free shipping when you use the link in my description just make sure to use my code g-gee if you already have a dog that knows how to hit the bell and you get a new dog you can try to utilize the very wise dog to educate your new dumb dog but sometimes it's just harder that way creature hit the bell no no no no no creature no quickly Ripley oh good job she's doing it first this is like that like a game show at this point about passionately sit good girl sit yeah thank you we get it creature is not as treat motivated as Ripley I'm gonna put some treats on the other side of here so does he know I think that he watched Ripley do it and he's like okay I got this down we've already done a lot of step one where I just hit the bell and the door opens see he's a little damaged you forgot about the tree already [Music] it's like such a boy here right now like I was saying we've already done a lot of step one where he hears the bell and the door opens because she dings that all the time and he usually just follows her out and he'll go to the bathroom so that connection has been made the hard thing now that I'm working on a step to where I get him to hit the bell to open the door and not me or Ripley so we're just gonna be working on step two today I guess because he forgets that treats are on the other side of the door to our best motivation is just to get him good practicing to hit the bell and then opening the door right away so that he understands when he hits the bell this door opens very good that's another way to get around it if your dog doesn't realize that there's a treat on the other side the door or you don't have a glass door or something like that the issue that I've run into with him is that he understands that the process of opening that door means I want him to swat at something but he doesn't seem to connect yet that I want him to swat at this Bell and I want him to hit it until I hear it they'll hit this sometimes I feel like I did it cuz you want to reward them a little bit if they start getting the right idea but as you get along and they keep hitting it the wrong you want to start only encouraging them and rewarding them when they make the whole noise so lately I've been picking up the bell and putting it right in front of his face because otherwise he just swats at the air good but I know you can do this because you do this all the time so I'll give you praise but you only get a treat now if you make a noise it's about don't lick the bell and then even if they don't go outside always open the door so that they know these are connected very good let's do it again when he hits it a few times in a row and I know that he's understanding that that's what I want him to do then I'll set it down and see if we can get him do the same thing good come on I got here [Applause] alright you've done a good enough job that I'm gonna put it on the floor now good and I think you're understanding how to sit oh he's a little floppy you gotta make noise so you can't just swap it around because if you're hitting the bell like that and I'm in the other room I'm not gonna know what you need you know so this is very important it's about nope see he thinks that I want him to swat at me good I'll take it because we're connecting every step so basically you do those kinds of things over and over and over again until they get really really good at connecting all the dots more or less I hope I explained that in a way that's coherent and it's like simple enough let me know if you can get any of your dogs to do the thing they actually sell dog bells like this that have a much bigger whatever this part is nipple nipple yeah to monetize thank gosh for our sponsors they sell one that has a much bigger one for the dogs to hit and the colors are different so that it stands out more I used to have like a very industrial looking one which is what started everything I think is much funnier when they hit like a very like posh sophisticated looking one so it also might be a little harder to teach them on something like this because he might not be able to see the difference between the two that well but I'm gonna commit to it because she does it obviously no problem and I have full faith in him he's still a little baby he's still learning a lot and you just slow her any it's not your fault you want to hit it again not an expert not a dog trainer but this has worked very well for us so far they know some other tricks too you know they're full of surprises we're doing something right right oh we got lefties in the house [Music] oh he screamed out in pain Jesus Academy Award announced people okay that's our video for this week it's a little short and sweet into the point but you know you guys like my dogs which is cool cos I like them too and now you know how they learn to be so extra if you're new here please subscribe this is not my typical content but the other stuff is fun too I leave a comment if you know what just leave a comment if you have a dog I don't care if they're not ring a bell what kind of what's their name what am I like look your feet smell like Fritos that's a thing of something and it's code for you don't eat did you know that freedo feet yeah look it up I've heard of freedom fries and if a notification bell because I hear bells in my sleep don't I really [Music] it's a bang and then I kind of like push her over and close she laid down and when I push her over and close sheet that perfect balance Germany good job
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,119,759
Rating: 4.9674668 out of 5
Keywords: my dogs use bells to speak to me, mykie, glam and gore, how i taught my dogs to ring a bell, dog ring bell, dog litter box, dog training, teach dog, how to teach dog, how to train dog, ripley, creature, alaskan klee kai, mini husky, hit bell, dog tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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