Getting Rid of 80% Of My MAKEUP COLLECTION

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Oh hell, if 2020 is going to be the year of the β€œdoes this spark joy?” decluttering method then I AM FUCKED. Because yes, yes it does spark joy. All of it. All the time. In fact, I need more that will also spark joy.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 343 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sister_Snark πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That thumbnail has done her dirty. She looks like she’s struggling to do a poo!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 265 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tsarinya πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's bizarre to me seeing her professional kit that she spent years building being dumped onto the floor and sorted.

Though it is a good look into her freelance days where she would sit in a tent and do 20+ people makeup one after the other and every single brush would be used since each client would get their own set for sanitation purposes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 181 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kholdstare90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It would be interesting to know dollar amounts associated with what is given away/tossed. With any declutter videos, not just Mykies.

I know she probably didn't pay for most of it, but I still think it would be interesting. That brush collection alone had to be thousands.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bakken_Nomad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

so something that confused me is that she mentions not giving her new address to PR companies when she moved. does that mean she just left her PR packages for the new renters to deal with when they got left without a signature?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/manhattansinks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mykie did her best, but still kept a lot of the same items and a butt load of fake blood. Seriously. I commend her for doing this tho!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hatunai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

7 ADS??!!! Anyone else? S.E.V.E.N

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crashhearts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mykie (Glam&Gore) declutters her make up and SFX collection while moving out of her apartment using the Konmari method.

All of her decluttered make up is being kept for her roommate Katy to go through, before getting rid of any.

She talks about keeping mostly cruelty free brands, as well as only things she only uses. She touches on how wasteful sending full collections of foundation/concealer is.

She keeps some more controversial brands, like J* and KVD.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/illogicallyalex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was really glad to see that she's donating or recycling as much as she can.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fucklefaced πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello Tom banks and welcome to my nightmare let me clarify right away right away I am very fortunate that I did not have to buy probably half of this makeup I am very fortunate that I was able to buy the other half however I kind of feel like I am a minimalist at heart and I think one day I will be fully minimalist I think that I'm going to have the bare minimum of what I really need and just things that I really like because a large amount of items in my possession really really stress me out there's something about having a bunch of things that I can't keep track of that I don't even know if I own or not and I can't find instantly no matter how organized I am because there's just so much of it realizing I haven't used something in a year it really bothers me and I feel like my environment is very much a reflection of my mind I work way better when my house is neat and tidy and I have less to my name and I feel more stressed when I can tell that I've been accumulating things and not really getting rid of things you get the idea I'm stressed so as grateful as I am for how much makeup I clearly have today of the day we declutter Marie Kondo style which is also called the konmari method who by the way is the cutest human on earth I'm gonna follow that for the most part to be completely honest I'm not totally through the book yet but I have been reading it and by reading it and listening to the audiobook because let's be honest I don't read but I have been familiar with how she does things for a long time there's obviously more details in the book which is why I want to be honest reading it in case I miss something and I have some purists in my comments defending Marie if you don't know who she is she wrote the life-changing magic of tidying up and I truly believe that tidying up and limiting what you have so that the only things you have spark joy is probably life changing all that to say I asked you guys on my Instagram at my my kie if you wanted to see me declutter all of my makeup and you said yes overwhelmingly therefore you get to come along for the ride there's more behind me this is 99% of all the makeup fail because there's a few prosthetics in my new apartment already but I know that I'm going to keep them I would genuinely like to get this down to 30% of what we're looking at by the end of this video I think I can do even better maybe it's just we'll get into it this is my FX stuff this is pretty much all my glam stuff it's already organized ish so I'm just gonna go through this and get it and I'll talk as I go and right where do we get I think the FX stuff is gonna be harder for me to get through because I used more of it honestly not only do I use more of the FX stuff but it's been easier to get PR for glam stuff so when I have a that stuff it's usually that I bought almost all of it and it is harder for me to part with things that I spent money on especially because a lot of this stuff was me building a kit when I was really struggling with money to build a kit so let's start with the glam I think I can cut this down real fast however I don't want to start here this is my brush collection all of this those are all brushes icord brushes actually I just dumped them out do you want to see how bad it is let's do it let's start the right way this is my last day in my former apartment felt like I would need all the space moment out that's what's inviting this whole video should have mentioned that first time so right before I started filming I found this box and it was fully sealed and taped up I didn't know who it was in it but it feels solid like this is a man send it's hidden I open it straight up is this so embarrassing I'm disgusted with myself don't worry this is an entire box full of dirty brushes that I apparently just didn't feel like cleaning so bad that I taped them away in a box forever never to see the light of day again until this moment by the way this is all the glam makeup I use on a daily basis I literally don't even touch this stuff when I do my makeup everyday I keep the essentials right here I switch some things out when I run out of something or I want to try new product but this is all I use so this I only keep for professional purposes but I don't do freelance work anymore and I honestly don't do a lot of glam in my videos so I don't wear a lot of this stuff a lot of this stuff is also expired at this point and some of these friends I don't want to use anymore either so it's a go I hadn't touch these brushes and so long they have a layer of dust and dog hair on top of them I've used the same like 20 brushes over and over and over but I keep thinking I'm gonna ruin those 20 brushes somehow and I'm gonna need more and or I don't like cleaning my brushes so much so that I don't have to clean them if there's always a new brush geez luckily Katie said she needs more brushes and I'm just gonna give her every single brush I don't keep I'm gonna give Katie most of my makeup after this videos done it she told me not to throw out a single thing she wants to go through everything and pick what she wants and that's fine with me especially because I can't actually give away most of this stuff since I've used it at least a little bit so it's not sanitary to give away to someone else she is a makeup artist herself she knows how to sanitize them to be able to use them for herself but it would be irresponsible and gross for me to just give it to anyone who might not know proper sanitation techniques and that's on her if she gets an eye infection she asked for it and if there's anything new or unused I will give it to a women's shelter and that's pretty much it [Applause] [Music] summary says that in order to do this you need to just dump everything of that category on the floor which I'm gonna be really honest with you I hate more than anything in this entire world even spiders I hate less than the idea of just dumping a bunch of crap that already overwhelmed me when it is neatly organized and put away and hidden deep just just this hurts me so much this looks like the inside of my mind right now but she says this is the way to do it so that you can see exactly how much you have she also says to hold an item that you know sparks joy feel the feeling of joy being sparked and then you will be ready to go out into the world and do it everywhere else what sparks story for me oh I know it's parched away for me duh this is technically fresh guy but I like any kind of six one okay scab one got it Johnny it is sparking everywhere I'm basically just looking for any jaclyn hill morphe brush set because I really liked that brush set I'm keeping all of the James marthy brush set because it's kind of the easiest way to know that I'm getting a full set and the there equality that I like the other thing that I have to consider those brushes is I need to keep some brushes that I can just destroy for at my stuff and that's also for any reason why I think I poured them but it doesn't make it right see it like I hold this and I'm like this is cool because it's like a giant foundation brush I might need that something and in my brain goes bitching only is Beauty Blender so there's no point you're never gonna use it although I'm already doing a bad thing this big time be really good prep X for painting a big color all over which I don't use a beautiful under for keeping it the best brushes for FX by the way are cheap paint brushes at like a craft store so don't ruin really expensive ones if you can help it oh there's a thumbtack and you're just waiting to kill us oh wow it took him three tries to get that in the trashcan let it be known [ __ ] talker we are through the brushes and they don't even fit in this box I'm gonna be honest I rarely use this but I use it a lot when I freelanced it's like a little palette don't worry about you can just its magnetic well I guess for collabs I should save this because it would make life easier but that was also when I was using cream paint below generally I'll keep it rocking joy actually yes it sparks a lot of joy so it must stay all my eyebrows stuff we have pomades pencils brow gels etc I use these things every single day and one of these every single day and a pencil occasionally everything else I can get rid of because I'm just not gonna use it I'm gonna have a harder time getting rid of things like this because I'm always gonna need eyebrow products I will run out eventually and I read products are expensive and low nose I go through them quickly seeing as they don't have anything so I'll probably keep a lot of these now one thing we're a condo says is you don't organize as you declutter you do all your decluttering and then you organize when everything is completely done at the end however I literally have to be out of this apartment by tonight and it would be faster if I organized as I go so I'm cheating a little bit and I'm doing it if this seems excessive remember to that this is my job and it has been for a decade now so I've accumulated stuff over the years I was a normal person that didn't do makeup for a living I probably wouldn't have a lot more than this I want to start narrowing down some things based on brands and after cruelty-free so for a long time I never did an extreme gutting in declutter but when I did declutter I liked to keep full collections of things that were sent to me in PR because I thought that they looked so pretty and it was nice to be able to say I had a complete set at like uniformity I like everything looking the same so I would keep stuff like this these are all of the KVD everlasting liquid lipsticks Bastad lipsticks and I think it looks so pretty however I literally never use these I might have used one of these in the last year if that if I was keeping makeup purely for the display of them I would totally keep all these but I don't even display them I hide them away in gels so this is all for a mystery I'm not even gonna go through them if I go through them one by one I'm gonna start justifying keeping a lot of them but they're not cracking joy and I'm not [Music] these are all my shape taste concealers and I am keeping every single one of them because I use these every single day and I go through them very fast face breath I keep thanks brac because it's an inside joke that Spencer and I have and now I just I never say spark so if you taste Brack that's why now you're part of the inside joke even though you don't know where it came from one brand that I am definitely gonna cut way back on is Mac I work for Mac for three years they were my first makeup job ever so I've had a really hard time letting go of them in the past I've also held onto my Mac collections even though I rarely use them for the most part because no matter how many hours I worked I still got zero percent of a discount and the permanent employees got I think 60% discount so when Mac started to send me PR I really held on to every single thing they sent me because it felt like it was some kind of trade-off for spending most of my Mac paychecks at Mac but they're not cozy free so I want to limit how much of their things I keep in some ring they do not start Julie to old octave I also don't wear a whole lot of lip gloss so I'm going to be giving away most of that luckily I know Katy experiments with every single kind of makeup in color so she will absolutely love getting these entire collections that I haven't made a lot of use of and that makes me feel good and that sparks the most joy see like this I kept this in its PR packaging because I just thought it was really cool to have the whole collection look at how nice that looks have I used a single one of these since these came out No the box is really cool though I wish I could keep it just to display more lipsticks but I can't because they only took matte lipsticks number I just don't think I'm keeping that many same with this I haven't opened this in a year so these all just go to waste [Applause] I can keep this box in this box is nice for seeds to fight with it for next minutes the ones I figured I would have the hardest time parting with a leaf for the most part these are all of my KBD lipsticks I'm calling a KVD because I hope y'all heard the news I'm sure you have but Kat Von D has left Kat Von D's cosmetic line and it's been rebranded to kbdb game cuts or something like that but of all the liquid lipstick formulas I have liked there's the best so I will probably keep most of these all my lipsticks exist right here I'm actually really impressed with myself are you impressed with me yeah it feels so good yeah unfortunately still I bring a lot of times into our lecture because Katie insisted I not get rid of a single thing yet I love Katie oh and all the learners to see but see sometimes it goes fast to be honest the only the players I'm gonna keep her because the only it's the planners I use our mutual film lip liners may be slightly darker than natural if I wear a color I use a little lipstick so that I don't have to line them my game is getting worse and worse here Wow truly these are all of my black eyeliners all of your baby's moving and then all my white eyeliner because you can also never have too much of that all right these are all the pencils I'm keeping color eyeliner white liner black liner lip liner mascara I don't really care about my mascara as long as it coats some black because I always wear fake lashes anyway but I ran out of mascara eventually so I'm just gonna keep all of these to my face full of crap Oh what did I do but am I done oh my god I feel like a cobweb on my face Frick oh I think I'm only gonna keep this set a blush cuz I just don't wear blush that often as you know like it's here but I'm making great progress did you tell them a half hour Alton 10:30 he said you'd be surprised I was in a minute and I still think I'm gonna do I'm on to the most stressful part of all of this my glitter collection it consists of all of this this is the green glitter I feel like they can't give it up there's something special about it at this freakin point I'm gonna keep it things less words I can't believe I'm keeping some of these because I like some of these genuinely there's perfect believe it or not glitter done speaking of stress I think the moment I started to get stressed with all of us makeup was when I was getting so many PR packages that my apartment was in a constant state of cardboard boxes and plastic and packaging and makeup that I didn't have spaceborne didn't know what to do with him kept just pushing off to other people and it got so stressful seems like such a funny word to use because I know that I'm very unfortunate but it's just not so bad that when I moved this last year I didn't even give most companies my new address so that I wouldn't get any more care packages I only gave out my address for friends collaborations to be able to support them and companies that were really insistent getting it for me but for the most part I don't get any new PR packages this year which has been really awesome actually to not have a constant full of boxes and things to get rid of it do and yet I still haven't touched most of this makeup the amount of PR companies sent home you could never use it all in a lifetime and it just seems like a waste because that makeup could go to someone else who's building a kit I know that I'm not the first person on social media to talk about this but it really is like insane how big is some of the packages get for the actual product yeah it's felt better not to have those things it's fine the most I've kept so far of any one thing I think is alright I need to be real selective to these pallets this I like them all truly like I feel like doubts on what my things that are just gonna be really really get rid of it but the whole point of pallets is that it saves all that some room so I only want to keep ones I think I'm really gonna use and formulas that I really like I really like Jeffery stars eyeshadow formula I really like more fees so those are predominantly the ones I'm probably ancient but which ones are the questions plus I think the packaging projectors are so cheap so it makes it fun you sound like they sparked you might just you know an elf Peter Peter get excited about makeup hey guys I'm starting a channel or there's not excited enough make it full-time I'm keeping away more palettes than I thought I was gonna keep but this is all of them Nikita you're smart I know why you did this it makes it impossible to stack other pallets on top of yours which means your face is always gonna be at the top of someone's drawer genius honestly I don't even use these that often but they're so freakin convenient that they just magne where was I there's so convenient that they just magnetized the metal when you throw them in the middle not at the air though apparently so I'm keeping all of them eyelashes foundation concealer then we're done the glam do you have antthony's number can you text him and tell him he was right tell him we're almost done the glam honestly we should go to new box for Katie stuff because I don't know how we're gonna pick this up without it breaking to another box eyelashes I'm not even at the core yet honestly I used to go ham and lashes and I really switched up what kinds of war but I wear the same kind over and over and over again now these will be better Wow guys Peters single you baby you're like humble bragging over here because when you google my name it once people want to know and I just want to set up the Google rumors straight then I am very much single it's not gonna be bad Peter single look this phone number is 2:04 was it number not it yeah do you know my number you're never is Peter's wants to remind you that you single share one thing you should have out here those very transparent that's the only another example of me just electing the PR package and wanting to keep the entire thing conspiracy theory we might as well I don't really care anymore I notice that after the scandal of tarts shaped tape foundation being a very disappointing shade range the first go around every makeup brand started sending a full shade range of concealers and foundations almost as if to say guys look we're not tired look at all these foundations and concealers we have the irony that it's actually never a bad thing to promote better shape ranges but it was super wasteful foundations and concealers not in my shade at all not even close because they wanted to send out entire shade ranges so I started getting good at mixing foundations so that I didn't waste these things this would be great if I was still doing freelance work working with all different skin type surgeons but I'm not and probably most of the people that got these Pierre packages are not doing that so I just ended up being pretty wasteful yet again but let's see if I can make the most of what I have here I honestly might keep a lot of these just because I do mix my foundations and concealers now and foundations and concealers are so inexpensive so since the minute a dimension anyway and this is a very organizational tool I will say [Music] guess what I'm done the glam no Anthony was so great watch the FX goes like this so far we have two fully stocked boxes for Katie and or whoever changes it and working on their Katie said she wanted me to give her the ethic stuff to issue wants to redeem herself for the pinhead book that she attempted when I turned it to instead the fly what am I making um there's Jim Cooper so she will get all of my ethics stuff - she really wants our 2fx let's do it we're here to begin I'm just gonna assume that I'm not gonna use these again cuz I got to monetize the last time I tried you uh I should get all my Bloods together I have so punch bed it's like a gallon of zest Eamon ah you probably can't tell what that is but it is the mold I made for this moment sorry I probably shouldn't worry Joe I don't want to throw this out cuz it's special at the same time I'm never gonna use it again guess I'll throw it up [Music] I feel bad I have all these amazing cream colors from like makeup forever that they sent me that are so excited again I never ever ever use them so I think I'm just gonna keep these flashlights I've two of the same but if I ever need any cream color ever I can get it from this the only things I like to use our water activated paints which while these are so that's awesome I like juice alcohol activated paints packs paints airbrush paints which are either water or alcohol activated that's it I don't really need anything else spirit gum spirit gum remover the spirit gum is rock solid where can I possibly own I don't even use it that much and there in life I have to throw out a lot more of the FX stuff because it dries up or against for like a rose after a while unfortunately duct tape why is the tape in my we got prosaic cream caramel yes it is just stuck my an igloo good mmm Wow I have blood the last male life let's start looking at which ones are really gross that one is super gross boo that's never-before-used scab blood oh that was satisfied sparking all the joy we got these are all clown white cream color Katie says oh my god my blood green blood red blood more blood blue you know all your ethics needs Lube is the same as glycerin for our purposes anyway don't get any ideas blood pus is pestle did I'm gonna put the pus with the blood cuz it's close enough blood paste oh my god alright eyedrops expired stage blood which is very I'm not just looking and like it ooh a completely sealed yellow live blood does it stay good if I've never opened it oh I guess I what counts as blood blood gel it's magic blood powder I don't even know what that means so he can have it what are you Tom be dead soon and I love is he that creature palette oh my god I have to keep it now is that a movie movie tour I'm an auntie my cream paints that felt great Helen yeah everything's organized I think I threw out everything I'm knocking hmm except blood I mean is it excessive a little yeah I'm thinking more than it is just how to organize this so let's do all the building meetings next I'm gonna keep these things I'm probably not gonna be sure to know how to organize these until I get them into space so for now I'll just pack them up [Music] okay this is the final result there's no makeup behind me this time this is everything this is all the glam I'm keeping this is all the gory I'm keeping and honestly a lot of the boar like all of this is just disposable stuff but I'm gonna go through a quick because I use a lot of disposable stuff for FX so really we're looking at that it still kind of looks like a lot but I do feel like I got rid of at least 60% and I know everything that's in there now I feel good about everything that's here cuz they're all things that I actually use want like what can I say other than I promise I'm gonna clean the brushes I decided to keep that the biggest thing I think I got rid of 90% of my brushes this is empty I'm not even sure what I'm keeping it feels very kind of would that be pleased you should do like a humming playing video where you clean your brushes and that's like answer questions it's bending been smart beating do you guys want to do that that's clever you want to be a beauty guru I told you sorry the channel Peters single and you starting a YouTube channel just in case you guys didn't know yeah yeah yeah what is the makeup product that sparks the most joy for you tell me in the comments below if you're new here or lurking please subscribe you know I'm gonna stop saying please subscribe and like this video if it sparks joy [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,904,691
Rating: 4.9642873 out of 5
Keywords: makeup, makeup tutorial, special fx, halloween, mykie, mikey, glam and
Id: aM9cdgA5mmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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