I Tried Turning Myself Into Squidward Using Only Drugstore Makeup / Products

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Get yo face outta my face. Hai... Hai Zombaes. *chuckles* *Ripley yawn/growls* Or should I say... *in a magnificent Russian accent* Hello Zombaes! This is "the Ripley Show" today We're just gonna get a good close look at the inside of Ripley's ear. We might even find a brain. (probably not though) So, uh, ya know... We all love a lil' nostalgia. But, not all nostalgia has to come from a really long time ago. It might just come from a year ago. Oh wait... Hold on. I'm missin' something. *Mykie proceeds to put look cuteee as she put on her snapback* I can't help but want to do a sequel to one of my favorite videos I've ever done. Which is "I Try To Turn Myself into Spongebob Using Only Drugstore Makeup." *flashback time* I-This was-- I didn't think this through. And obviously, the natural progression of things would be to become Squidward. Which you already know from the title. So I'm WASTING TIME! I'm gonna go back to the drugstore I'm gonna get a Coke because magic happens when I'm caffeinated. *sings Spongebob theme song as she opens pop can* *drinks her Coke* AAAAAHHHHH! By the way, this video is not sponsored by Coca-Cola, but it is sponsored by betterhelp.com/glam Ripley... Are we here again? OKAY! She wants to be right next to me, but she won't let me kiss her. What's wrong with you? Do you want affection or not? We're gonna... Somehow try to find things to make me look like Squidward I'm going to try my best NOT to glue a cereal box to my face this time. And have actual moving parts But I make no promises, other than I will try my absolute best to make it look as good as possible. With what we got. So I guess the only question left to ask is..... ARE YA READY, RIP?? *Ripley's cute lil bark* I CAN'T HEAR YOU!! *Ripley barks more passionately* OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! *Spongebob theme* Hey, Sam! Whatcha still doing here? This is Candy Johnson shampooooooo. And it smells SO FRICKIN' GOOD! So, my main reference pictures, for this, are theeeeese that face Or I might try to go a little more realistic, if I need to. Or if it starts to lean that way on its own. But for now, I need some Squidward colors. And ways to make my face Squidward shaped. *looks at reference photos* Perfect. This might be perfect, colorwise. And it's a full coverage concealer. But the issue is that: they [the drugstore] only have this ONE. They have three of these. YESSS Give me them! *Mykie grabbing supplies montage* Well... We need an odd shaped head. Kinda like that... *shamelessly grabs shower cap* *boom, it's back in the basket* Okay, I know how this looks. And no! This is not Tinder part two. But! I think I need these. Specifically, these. Because they're not lubricated. I'll explain later... Feel like, I could use this to attach the shower cap to my head. Give it like.. A seamless... *she never finishes the sentence* I just love these. Sponge daddy ;) Sponge cousins *grabs a sword with her dino hand* Do you trust me? x2 I need some eye options *struggles with dino hand* *Spongebob voiceover guy* two thousand years la-- *successful with the dino hand finally* (children track) YAAAAAAAY The only time I'll be buying DUO Lash Glue. 'cause latex Oh wait! Just kidding! I found other lash glue. I ain't gotta use DUO. I'm not gonna And, of course! And, of course! *success!* Just because Still not cheaper to do effects at a drug store. All right, there's two things we need to do before we can get started. The first: *sips Coke* *boom! popcorn time* The second. *strips her shirt* Not from the drug store... But, a necessary ingredient to the look. You have no idea the trouble I went through to get this damn shirt. I guess I could have unbuttoned at first, why'd I do that? Oh, yeah looking like I'm going to work at UPS Or like a safari, maybe? Or like, every boy I thought was cute in middle school? No, wait... *pops collar* NOW, I'm every boy I thought was cute in middle school. The unmentioned step three. Alexa... play "Where Is My Heartbeat Now?" by Celine Dion *Mykie jamming out to some Celine* I'm caffeinated... It's time to roll Where to even FREAKING begin?! Should I start with my head shape? Feel like I should start with my head shape... I guess... I don't know. My total is $161.30 And that's after I separated my Glade plug-ins and popcorn. So, all things I actually am planning on using for the video. Hopefully, I'll be able to return some of this stuff because I won't use it. In which case, I'll try to give you a more accurate total right here, right now (about $150) So, so far... Squidward might be $10 more expensive than Spongebob. 'Cause I bought a couple options for a few things. Like, I bought two different eyeball options And two different pupil options. This is one eyeball option. Oh yeeeaaah *whispers* Evil Squidward... I think I'll keep this either way, actually. It's nice to have a beauty blender cover. I ain't ever seen one of those before. We got some... nip cover-ups *laughs* I got some silicone boob covers. Because I thought they might make good eyeballs, and they're silicone Which we use on our face, anyway. I've never used these in my life. How do they work? Oh, hey. This would actually be really cool to Just take your eye off for something. Oh! I'm gonna use this in the future! Not sponsored. But, it is sponsored by betterhelp.com/glam! I can explain! We only need one of these. YOU look at Squidward's nose, and tell me you don't see what I see. And why I would grab this? I swear that never usually happens. Sorry Mom. Sorry Dad. This is just latex, okay! Just a latex sleeve, that we'd use in FX anyway. I just need something for my nose. This is not "Tinder Picks My Makeup: part two" This is "Mykie Loses It On YouTube: part one" This is "Mykie Gets Demonitized On YouTube: part fifty" Let's just see if my theory checks out. Need to prop it up with somethin' I feel like this will do the job. So, you just wanna... I probably should have rolled it out on top of it, first. Things I never quite thought I'd do on YouTube. Alright reservoir tip, you're gonna have to vacate the premises. Well, that's gonna be a problem (I have no idea how to caption this, so let's just watch together.) *whispers/chuckles* oh my gosh *sing-songy* I just ripped the condom Wow, that's not a good sign Might not be the smoothest Squidward ever. Might be like a Squidward that's like, six months outta Botox. But, we will get the general shape. I guess, we need all the propage we can get. Let's get the hair nice and big! And wide. I think we might need to put a lot of cotton balls up in here *boom: cotton balls* *shake 'em in* Shower cap full of cotton balls. Oh, that's too many. Alright... Squidward shaped head. I have an ace bandage to kind of blend this into my head, I hope. *unwraps bandage and it sounds cool af* ooh that's a nice sound Yes, this is my job. I feel like I'm pretty much a genius I'm a muffin. I'm an FX muffin. This shape about right? Now I look really angry. 'Cause it's pushing my brows down. Let's see what we can do with the mouth. *the mighty Mykie unsheathes her sword* Enguard! I feel like this foam sword's kinda the perfect thing for a Squidward mouth. But let's see... *Spongebob voiceover guy* two very BORING minutes later (awh Ripley <3) In case you're wondering, things are going well. *Spongebob voiceover guy* twenty-four hours later *booti-ful Russian accent* Hello Zombaes! I look different right now because, it's a different day I had to put a pin in it last we left off, because I was slowly dying. Trying to make Squidward pieces come together. And realized, that I still had probably six more hours of work left. So rather than, ya know, go for like 16 hours straight. I figured we would split it up into a two-day shoot. So, this is day two!... Of the shoot. I'm back, with more lash glue! I had to get more lash glue Because turns out, we're using a lot of cotton and latex in lash glue form, to make this happen. Yeah, I have pretty much all of my seperate-- --This is not the best first thing to hold up. I have pretty much all of my separate pieces made and this! And my big concern now is, can I make this come together and look okay? I'm not sure I can (I believe in you!) After working on all of these things, for many hours, the other day I'm not feeling confident, that this is going to look as good as Spongebob. But, that's part of the challenge, because we're doing this all out of a drug store. And, I'm also not planning on gluing any of this to a cereal box and then, attaching that to my face. So I feel like that kind of makes this a little more challenging this time. But I'm still trying my best. That was your intermission update. Let's get into the application part. Where to FREAKING begin?! All I know is that I just have condoms sitting in front of me Not sponsored. But, it is sponsored by betterhelp.com/glam *snortles* Lash glue takes extra long to dry. So I've been debating, if I want to put those heavy eyelids that Squidward has with his attitude and sass onto these. And I feel like they need them. To be fully Squidward, I feel like we need the eyelids. So I'm basically just gonna make the eyelids, and then I'm gonna try to glue this all together on my face. And, I hope it looks right. *Mykie's listening to something, but idk what* *unintelligible* --has on a person. I am officially a mouth breather. Ooohhhh! That's a honker! I look like I just have a *bleep* on my face. (we all know what you meant, Mykie) All right! What's next? Mouth? Let's do the mouth. Oh, yeah! Maybe I should start coloring around it. Yeah, I'll do that. *bodypainting/contructing montage* I'm never gonna get this off of me. 'Cause, I am using the NYX liquid liner all over my neck. Because I didn't think to buy a black jumbo pencil. So, this is what we have to work with. And if my neck is black for the next five videos... ...You all know why. *REVEAL TIME Y'ALL!!* (MY FLUFFIN' WIG) *OUUU THAT DAB* *Ripley is not amused, lmfao* *anotha one* *stuffed up Russian accent* Hello, Zombaes! Everything went better than expected. I mean, it's still kind of obvious that I have a shower cap on my head. And a condom for a nose. BUT, we did it! Yes, this Squidward looks high AF. But, I decided in the final moments to take inspiration mainly from this Squidward. Because, I wanted him to be as creepy as Spongebob. And this seemed to be the way to do it. I can see this time! That was a good decision on my part. Now, I don't have to smack things. I mean, I can't see great, but I could see enough. My mouth moves... a little bit. It doesn't really open the way it's supposed to. But, we got moving parts this time... So that's an improvement! I'm also really excited to tell you Zombaes... ...that for real, this video is brought to you by betterhelp.com/glam This is the ideal sort of sponsorship for me, because not only is it something that I use and love... But it's something that can actually help you guys a lot. We've talked about mental health quite a bit on this channel. I want you guys to come to my channel and laugh, but laughing isn't always enough. So, betterhelp.com/glam is a great resource for you guys to get affordable private online counseling. All you have to do is go to betterhelp.com/glam, and you can fill out a questionnaire. They match you with a counselor, and you can start counseling today. It's a more affordable option than going to one on one counseling. But, if you still can't afford it, there is financial help available. I personally love the convenience of this site. It is completely on your time. You can schedule phone calls, or video calls, or you can message back and forth at any time. If for some reason, you don't vibe with the therapist that they first put you with. They can always put you with another one until you find the right one for you. The counselors specialize in different things, depending on what you need. But, it is important to be aware of the difference, that if you are in crisis or someone you know is in immediate danger... You shouldn't use this site, and I will link to resources down below where you can get immediate help. So again, if you'd like to sign up for that, please go to betterhelp.com/glam They are our lovely sponsors for this video. And again I just can't say enough, how grateful I am to partner with a site like this. Because, I believe so strongly and having a multitude of options for someone to improve their mental health. And this could be something that could help someone tremendously. Hopefully you could understand what I said, because I sound like Squidward with a cold. All in all, I feel like this was a success. Considering we did it all with things in a drugstore. Not that it was any cheaper, though. If you're new here, please hit subscribe! (fr, hit the button) Because, I still like to have subscribers! Obviously... Make sure you also hit the bell, next to the subscribe button. 'Cause YouTube sucks at notifying you when I've uploaded... STILL And I still spent $160 to glue a condom onto my face. (quality content XD) So... He looks kind of frail! This is a frail Squidward... ~Lookin' sexual~ Oh, yeah. I look so *bleep* creepy. What does Squidward say? *Squidward impersonation* Spongebob... That's what he says... Ya know, I was thinking too... If we've done Spongebob, and we've done Squidward. Who do you think obviously comes next? Yeah, you're right! But, I wouldn't feel right doing Patrick Star on myself... When I could do Patrick Star... on Patrick Starrr. Patrick, I'm looking at you! Let me make you... ...into your true self. A fabulous starfish. (lowkey living for that lmao) It is also very fun. It's actually not very fun. BUT! It's fun to watch! On a scale of one to ten, how cute am I? You know what? I think, I have a new Tinder profile picture. This will get me all the dates... ;) Goodbye I can't find the cap, okay. XD OH YEAH! OUTRO MUSIC *this is the caption writer* I literally stayed up all night writing these captions, deadass lol I hope you guys enjoyed the video, because I did! ok bye, fellow Zombaes! <3
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 4,873,234
Rating: 4.9700685 out of 5
Keywords: I Tried Turning Myself Into Squidward Using Only Drugstore Makeup / Products, squidward makeup, glam&gore, glam and gore, mykie, mikey, mickey, micky, spongebob, spongebob makeup, patrick star, patrick starrr, fx makeup, fx, sfx makeup, sfx, drugstore makeup, drugstore challenge, nickeoldeon, nickelodeon, spongebob squarepants, squidward
Id: UWialL0r81k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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