how I made this cute fx FACE MASK 😷 (DIY)

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Ever since I saw that SFX mask the guy made I was wondering if she'd do something similar. I love how it turned out, it's a bit more colourful and goofy than her normal FX makeup.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oboeplum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mykie goes step by step into detail about how to make a removable prosthetic face mask that fits on top of a fabric face mask. I personally love this idea and if I wasn’t creatively challenged I would make my own!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chellekathryn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone else feel like she’s just... not that good at glam makeup??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 153 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/karenhardstark πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love it as a look to wear for photos, but would love to see her make a washable silicone version, for repeat use.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Acid_Intimacy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the content I need rn

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/philodendemon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
we're getting right into it today i'm going to teach you how i made myself a beauteous 3d mask to keep away germs viruses and to ensure that people socially distance from you because you're scary looking not like you as a person but when you're wearing the mask like it's a scary mask i hope it's supposed to be scary it's just kind of goofy i don't know i'm going to teach you how i made that mask in the thumbnail you saw it because you clicked on the video which means you already know what it looks like spoilers and while i explain how i made it i am also going to be doing my biote makeup to coordinate with my scary monster mask i was saying to anthony the other day that it's really strange when you come face to face with someone out in the world now and they're not wearing a mask i guess depends if one if you're in the united states because i think some countries are actually getting past this virus whereas the united states is just we're taking our time but at least here in california in los angeles i feel very strange when i come face to face with someone who's not wearing a mask you know like if you're talking to someone and then all of a sudden it's like [Laughter] or it's like does anyone do this no one does this right i don't know or people do this they do the chin strap it freaks me out i don't want to get into the politics of wearing a mask okay that's not what this video was meant for but it freaks me out that a lot of people are still choosing to not wear a mask therefore we will all be dealing with the consequences of this virus longer than if we just sucked it up and wore a mask and stayed inside till 2025 baby anyway what i'm trying to say is that i don't see mask wearing going away anytime soon i think people are starting to accept that mask wearing is going to be a part of their lives and now we're seeing brands releasing cute masks everything from etsy shops to like high-end ritzy you know what's that one called gucky there have been a lot of sewing tutorials that i've seen going around on how you can make your own mask add a patterned fabric that you like luckily i had already had plain black masks from before the pandemic because i'm paranoid at first i didn't want to embrace the cute mask thing because embracing it would have felt to me like accepting the idea that this thing was going to be around for a long time and i think i truly wanted to believe that it wasn't going to be but i should have known that we would politicize wearing a mask so here we are how long has it been march what's today wow this is the longest four months of my life i actually thought it was longer it's groundhog's day i think for a lot of people drink every time i say i think i think i think i think i think my nose itches which by the way you guys called me out in the last video you're right if i'm touching my brush and then i'm itching my nose with my brush that doesn't work that doesn't protect me from germs you're completely correct two videos in a row now that i just can't stop thinking about are scary reality i started to look up horror themed masks because i just love horror themed things i have a lot of horror themed shirts i began to collect and wear in last year's ghost hunting adventures i'm actually really sad which by the way are obviously not gonna happen this year because it's not safe to be hopping on a plane several times in the span of a couple months unless i absolutely have to so i guess i do not have to hunt the ghosts but alas i'll have to do it whenever the pandemic is over i will do it whenever the pandemic is over i really really enjoyed it in any case i was looking up horror masks because i wanted maybe like a shining themed mask actually it started because i was wondering if anyone had made a jason mask or a hannibal lecter mask because it would convert into a half face mask so easily and i found some cute ones and then i saw ones that looked like little monster faces on the bottom half that were like printed on a mask and i thought about that one mask i saw that an fx artist had made this one you know the one it was going around the world and that is the moment that i realized i would really really love to build myself a 3d scary fx pandemic mask and here we are am i in focus it's so shallow that i might mess it up slurry hey gonna get replay it's about time for creature rival not my best one thing i've learned in the pandemic is that all i frickin do is get reminded of songs and then i turn them into ballads about my children ripley and creature sometimes my improv is real good improv freestyle sometimes my freestyle is real good sometimes not so much my most common rhymes are girl squirrel dog frog pollywog that's actually one of my common rhymes can you confirm challenge me with a song i'll try to make a dog song a whole new world i was saying that earlier a whole new squirrel this ripley reminds me of a squirrel she looks like the squirrel from ice age especially when she's like fighting creature sucks for a wonky usually if i sing about creature i'm singing about something that has to do with poop it's an unfortunate truth god he really just is the poop king though we don't need to talk about this anymore no this is all gay kind of what am i doing on my eyes i'm not even sure one day i'm gonna tell you how to make this mask but not yet you gotta wait for it you gotta work for it oh creature just sighed at me like i'm taking too long sorry prince prince creature [Music] usually it goes like that something like that am i right that is usually how it goes well i used pink and orange in my monster yeah i made the monster pink you saw that in the thumbnail it's weird isn't it we'll talk about it we'll get there i want to use the pink in christy's new palette this is coveted because she broke the internet with it and i'm lucky enough to have one thank you christy look how cool this is she's double sided whoa so i want to use side effect for sure i want to use am i orange for sure orange yeah don't you're new here don't i'll do pink and orange within one eye that's what i'm gonna do oh you know what it's been a while i want to do that tape thing i always worry that i'm going to get the projection wrong here though or one side's going to be different than the other i'm just really going to mess me up that feels right that feels right in my bones and if it's not we're going to find out about it later look guys i did my hair for you today are you impressed i'm impressed so this mask let's talk about it my inspo for the mask was basically my yeti tutorial if you guys have been around for a while or if you've been going back in the glam agora vault i realized that the yeti mask would make a perfect half mask so the first thing i did is i used my life cast and i sculpted with clay directly onto it so you kind of need a life cast to do it but you could also just use the bottom half of a mannequin head like a styrofoam mannequin head it would get the job done but it would be harder i sculpted directly onto it to basically reserve the negative space that i wanted in the final mask it's a little difficult to explain even though i'm going to be attaching it to a mask and it should hold just fine i wanted to make the prosthetic as light as possible and i also wanted to make sure that we weren't making it actually hard to breathe in so if you leave this space open inside the prosthetic then one you take away all the weight of that being one gigantic solid piece and you also then would get air flow into your nose i am happy to say that this theory ended up working and i can breathe just fine through the prosthetic now so i don't want to hear that you can't breathe through it i had an entire other idea for a mask and then i realized that it involved covering the entire thing in latex and you wouldn't have been able to breathe in any case so i thought this through a little bit just a little bit though now i'm using am i orange and we're sculpting this into two different pieces so i made space for the inside of the upper piece and the lower chin piece then i did a good old cotton and latex sculpt right on top of that grease your stuff up with vaseline or petroleum jelly and by stuff i mean your play is so hard for me to talk and do makeup at the same time which by the way if you're wondering where the jonbenet video is that i keep saying is coming next it is coming next every single time i find a new piece of information i go down brand new rabbit holes and then i need to fact check every single element of that i want it to be the most complete picture possible but i didn't want to miss several weeks of video so i was like i'll just do this fun fast cute little idea where i make like a little mask that's 3d and like a monster i can do that in like one or two days and then edit it in one or two days and here we are a week later this mask thing will take you several days if you decide to do it because this mask thing took me several days to do oh and i brought up that video because i was planning on doing a glam and gossip which by the way we're renaming to armchair detective because that's what you guys voted for on instagram and i kind of like that better too i was going to do the jonbenet video as part of that series and i still will but i don't think i can do my makeup at the same time as that because as you can see i'm struggling to get out any words right now and all i'm trying to explain is something that i've done a million times on this channel imagine me trying to talk about one of the most complicated unsolved mysteries of our time in which i have so many pages of notes on it's gonna be impossible so i'm just gonna have to talk about that one at the same time sorry but that's the next one i'm working on and as soon as i'm done filming this i'm getting back to work on that it's gonna be a monster of a video so i hope you guys are ready for the longest video i've probably ever put up you better watch it just kidding you don't have to pink anyway like i was saying i used cotton and latex to sculpt the beginnings of my two pieces directly onto that if you want a thorough reminder you can go watch my yeti video but if you'd like the quick summary reminder i lay down a layer of latex first on top of the clay and that's to like wet the surface and make it adhesive basically then unroll a cotton ball lay it down on top of that wet latex and then douse it in more latex and once it's pretty thoroughly soaked through you'll be able to manipulate it quite a bit get it into the shape that you want and for starters all i did was just build a piece across the top all the way over to the edge of my life cast which you'll see later i had to extend once that was dry because it didn't go to the ends of my face enough and a bottom strap and i built out the chin so that it was a little bit menacing and then i started to add teeth while the cotton and latex was still wet because i kind of wanted the places for the teeth to already be there even if the teeth didn't stay and dry in my sculpt they're really hard to glue on after the fact so you want to try to stick them in first if you need a refresher with teeth i made them from polymorph plastic which are little plastic pellets that you can mold in boiling water and then you can shape them into whatever you want it's really fun i made those first so that when the sculpt was still wet i could just pop them right in going to use flavor town to deepen this pink corner and then blending it out again with the fluffy brush that i used for the pink now a tip for the teeth they take a long time to kind of finagle into the right spot depending on how deep your mold is because i did that like empty space with the clay in the beginning it wasn't as deep as normally it has been in the past that's what she said and i had to kind of really like reinforce them with extra cotton and latex i do this in the eddy tutorial too i dip the tooth in the latex i put more cotton around the tip of it i dip that in the latex and then i stick it in there that's also what she said i'm using rusted from james's palette to deepen this orange a little bit too i ended up using some of your kidding as well then i'm going to blend that back out with the orange plumper by the way this is just a mirror everyone in the last video thought that it was a secret makeup palette with my name on it but no it's just a mirror that they sent to me it's just personalized that's all i love the conspiracy theories though keep them coming once all the teeth were dry and set and in their place and once you're happy with the sculpt and you let it dry overnight preferably you're ready to paint i thought about painting mine a realistic creepy color i thought about painting it with my foundation color so that it seemed like it blended into my skin but i also realized that it was going to be so thick that it was never going to look like it was sitting directly on my face and that's okay it's not supposed to because it's a mask so i wanted it to be very obviously not a part of my face i surveyed a few friends by showing them the sculpt and i got dinosaur dinosaur and alligator which also made me want to not paint it a more natural monster color because i was actually leaning towards like an army green and then it would have really looked like a dinosaur or alligator so instead i decided i wanted to make this like a mutant snuggly adorable little monster that's pink and fuzzy so i have a pink feather boa but first you got a painted pink so i used a combination of just three colors i only used white this fluorescent pink which is actually an airbrush color but i just used it straight out the bottle because i already had my teeth in and i didn't want to spray my teeth so i couldn't use the airbrush and i used a fluorescent orange just a little bit at the end technically i guess i used four i used a black too but not for much i basically painted the center of the sculpt white i mixed it with some of the pink for like a baby pink color to blend the brain fog is real lately to fade into a fluorescent pink on the outsides of our prosthetic then i added black to the inside of the nose and i used that black to also splatter a little bit of texture around the entire prosthetic i'm using cafe disco in the inner corners of the eyes right now by the way and then i used the fluorescent orange at the very end to kind of bring the entire thing a little bit warmer to match my boa feathers they were kind of like a warmer pink and i'm starting to get a little cooler tone because i mixed it with the white and i kind of just splotched that all over with a chip brush and a sponge then i used a mix of the fluorescent pink and the fluorescent orange to coat the top of each tooth and i thinned it out with water to give it that kind of pulled gradient then once i have everything painted i took it outside and i sprayed it really quickly with like a little bit of a gloss coat to seal in the paint because i knew that i was going to be pressing it and touching it a lot to get it attached to the mask and i didn't want the paint to rub off i liked that it was a little bit shiny that was pretty cute and christine bless her soul knows that i rarely paint my nails and yet she will still send me her nail polish which i am very grateful for and i finally put it to good use i used her super glossy taco on the teeth to make them super slick and shiny and juicy looking thanks christine then and this is probably the worst part similar to glitter similar to white fur i glued on the pink feathers painstakingly one by one towards the outside i didn't want to make it any more bulky than it already was so instead of adding it all over i just tried to add it to like the front third of the face and i spent a lot of time trying to pick out the exact bright feather because it needed to like lay in a certain way that it was going to be easy to glue on then with pros-aide turned out to be a very long arduous process so get comfy when you're doing this if you do this you're probably not going to do this but you should do this at least once because i could scare small children in the grocery store i'm adding a little bit of extra white pretty stuff to the inner corner of my eyeballs oh god that stinks why did they make it stink frick i finished explaining how to make this mask too early that's pretty much it that's the whole thing except one very cool part i'm gonna make you wait for until the end otherwise i have nothing nothing to keep you here except the rest of what's happening on my face which i guess could be a video in its own right sure but i'm putting flavor down in the outer third of my eye i might darken it still but for now this is what i want ready and now for the world's fastest eyeliner i can't rob you of the experience of taking off the table [Music] oops okay that one sounds a little funky but we'll fix it still satisfying still very satisfying are you amazed yes i gotta do my lower liner still i don't have my little liner i have to do my lower eye shadow too where's your mouth where's my mouth yeah here wow i really should have taken my time explaining this mask i really should have spread it out amongst my steps in my glam but i didn't all right lower eye shadow let's just keep speeding through let's get it over with mascara out i hit my head let's try it again i just want my face to get creepier and creepier after each snap i'm gonna fix my liner which i think could be a gigantic mistake but we're gonna do it anyway because i can't help myself i don't like the shape that it is and then we're gonna go straight into lashes the rest of the face is less important but i'm gonna do it anyway because some people get to see me without my mask on me yeah who wouldn't love that smile this one he didn't sound so sure that time do you want to rethink your response uh-huh yes ma'am oh she wanted to embrace the shiny but she didn't want to do it to that degree oh no that was a mistake too much too much i just want to look glowy and happy through too much highlight good girl is that even my good girl or is that a good boy oh that's like a boy hi good boy cute wait what is that it's your audio kit okay hello we're back creature you gotta come here now buddy yes you're so big you wait the most here take over the channel for me i'm just gonna do lip liner [Music] okay that's my face that's my face and now i'm gonna hide half of it i like that it's time for the final reveal even though you saw most of it already of my monster mask so that's the look truly glam and gore so this is where my life cast ended and i had to add some more cotton and latex to extend it to my ears so as soon as i finish this and i put it on i realized that i look like a mutant version of the breaking bad teddy bear you know what i'm talking about that's me also it reminds me of five nights at freddy's but i don't know why because i've never played that game and i i don't know anyone in it who does this remind you of who am i what am i i'm not an alligator i'll tell you that maybe i'm a pink dinosaur but now with these ears haha i beat the system i'm a bear and then the best part one i can breathe just fine i held up the pieces to my mask as i was making the prosthetic to make sure that it wouldn't impact my breathing and it very very slightly changed the amount of oxygen i could get i could tell that there was something on my face but it wasn't any harder to breathe so that's pretty great considering there's a lot on the face two it's velcroed on check it out i hot glued pieces of velcro on the back of this mask anywhere it made contact and some places it didn't make contact like i got a chin strap like a literal chin strap of velcro across my chin held on by several pieces underneath and then there's several pieces on the black mask so when it gets dirty and grimy and gross because you're gross you can literally just peel it off and pop it in the wash the mask don't wash this do not recommend see look i wouldn't lie to you this mask that i'm wearing the base of this is from one of those masks they come in like the 10 pack they're super inexpensive they're pretty much everywhere in those little plastic bags and this was actually a great mask to use because it's so tight on the first slit for the ears it helps keep the weight of this on without any issues i love it that's this week's video thanks for watching please wear a mask please please please for the love of god wear a mask it's a very very small thing you can do i mean like really very small like yay big that can help a ton you can literally save someone's life by wearing a mask so please always wear a mask if you are around anyone or anything that is not within the comfort of your own home and if you want to make it a little extra fun try making your own mask and tag me on twitter or instagram so i can see it that's it that's all i got to say i'm a little late in the video i really am going to start doing this in the beginning but my name is mikey but spelled funny n-y-k-i-e i will see you next week hopefully with the jonbenet video and if not another video so that i can work more on the jonbenet video mikey monster out bye oh yeah do it he's so bored
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,541,819
Rating: 4.9632483 out of 5
Keywords: DIY FX MONSTER FACE MASK, FACE MASK, DIY MASK, MYKIE, GLAM&GORE, rawbeautykristi, rawbeautykrisit x pur, palette collab, james charles morphe
Id: JRE2ikHH1F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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