UNHhhh Ep 124: Weight

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Queens of color on Drag Race often encounter racism in many forms. One of these ways is in their lack of support on social media platforms. Here is a list of queens of color to have appeared on Drag Race (that we can find online, if there is something we missed please message the mods via modmail and it will be added to the list) and the myriad of ways in which to support them. If you can't afford to venmo them or buy their merch, etc. then remember, a follow is free, and booking fees are often determined by the number of follows that a queen has. Thank you.

The First Pride Was A Riot. Black Lives Matter

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

The wig moment at the end has me DEAD

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/toxic_pea 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was lovely

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/CheeseBlerger 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Trixie went from talking about taking 1/4 of Adderall on a past episode and getting CRAZY to casually mentioning doing cocaine

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Montezum 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh there's no hips with these big titties my wendy williams are what how does she enter oh i love that she enters like this like [Applause] so apparently she got a sex change hi i got these big tits trixie mattel oh no i've got a runner in my pantyhose katsya and welcome to the show where we talk about whatever we want cause it's our show and not yours and later we're going to be answering your burning questions hashtag wow help me you got a burning question we got a sexy uh slurpee you got a burning question there's a pill for that yep we're going to talk about losing weight and gaining weight yeah yo-yo dieting yeah something that flags us all i don't know maybe not everybody not relatable content not like i can eat anything could we be more like a women's magazine talking about this but also don't we all think about it doesn't it affect you all year i guess yeah i mean you're a first time fatty giver the review i so okay have you told them no i haven't come out as you can do it come out okay well um i made the decision to put on a few pounds for the holidays and i've never i've never felt happier to be honest really i guess of course there's been no effort to stay thin no okay that makes me even more mad no because well here's the thing i don't have my thing is with food is that i hate it like i just i don't but that to me was a red flag like she doesn't enjoy meals she finds them inconvenient because she needs to punish herself for not being good enough right right yeah i remember so it kind of hit me when i've been experimenting with my ass and um and not really looking at uh porn while i pleasure myself what are you looking at um well stay tuned um so i was like i'll get on uh like my knees you know i'll kneel down on something and then jam it up my butt but then i'll like transition my back to kind of like ease into it the legs open and i'm on my back and i'm getting like and there's this giant gut and i'm like well i'm just saying everything's relative everything's relative you're becoming a bottom yeah you're growing your ass and shoving he's in it yeah or something else something worse [Music] something more evil unspeakable well let's roll the tapes if you guys remember how thin brian was well like scary yeah remember how thin katya was this is 30 pounds of weight gained what you're looking at so it's pretty incredible oh this happened in the mirror the other day so it's been quite a journey to like gain so much weight so quickly i was getting into the shower and i was looking at myself naked in the um or i was taking my shorts off and i what kind of look was it first of all that the camera's the mirror i mean what kind of look were you giving yourself [Music] no so i i was like i looked at my ass and i just stared in my mouth because it's there there's one under your own ass yes and so i brought the the waistband of the shorts up into like the bottom of the cheek to purple oh and you did that oh yeah and i stayed there for way too long the guys love that when the guys ask for butt picks you do you do the underwear it's like a push-up bra yep [Laughter] with the weight journey there's a there's a anal journey to go coincides so and i have news we've broke through again yes yet again you broke your hymen yeah tell us what's going on i lost my virginity is your aim to be to be getting by guys because do you want this final destination i don't i want the list like yeah i want the washington monument i want to be right on top of that not me girl i'm not trying to like stress yeah rearrange the whole interior i'm not trying to budget arrange the interior yeah oh my god yeah uh jerry's coming over get rid of the soap is like you have to completely clean out we have company coming over near clean your house i'm not gonna do that i never douche until i was like 25 what you trying to say your oven cleans itself no i'm saying before that i never had any accidents and i was having sex all the time how do you know you know did you ever look no i wasn't doing like carbon dating all right all right in a bag we're gonna send this in for sampling every time that came out i grabbed a black light and i turned on the x-files theme song [Laughter] you know this show often takes turns where these 12 year old girls at home who think that we're anything get reminded that we're men who have sex and they get turned off by it yeah let me just say this i'm a gay man and if we ever say anything about gay sex in this show you little 11 year old [ __ ] better live with it because we're gay men i can't do this anymore that would be where the wig comes off let me tell you i am one of those body types by the way roll the tapes i've explored a lot of weights in this show yes yeah you have been as thin as ever been on the show yeah and i've been as chubby as ever when this show first started first few episodes you can definitely there's a fullness yeah yeah i was in my nightgown phase which was none of my close fit and i wear nightgowns i love that but still had no idea yeah oh must be something wrong with the house i remember wearing a steel bone corset made of canvas and going this shrunk i i can see myself if god willing or if god forbid i live to 60 daddy you think yep technicals is your reference of a fat person well that is successful oh you think you'll start having bald wispy hair and sunglasses at red carpets and doing like i smile never you'll never see me after 50. secluded but every once in a while i want to be alone yeah also the gym thing the way you got to go to the you got to go to the gym i sometimes look at men's bodies who are really in shape and my instinct is to be like [ __ ] them and then i'm like they are no different than me in life in los angeles it's crazy and i just want to say this i have a friend who did steroids and he said it made him chubby it made his small enemies dick not hard yeah you're taking testosterone and then like your estrogen levels bump up immediately because i don't know it's just a lot it's a lot could my estrogen levels be any higher i feel like i'm getting to the age now where like when i do gain weight i can like like a serial killer hunter map the meals that got me there you know what i mean i'm like i was home for christmas i probably had 20 christmas cookies a day wait 20 oh yeah 20. you're with your family nothing but but are they like cookie like here's a cookie i'm going to have a cookie 20 of them yeah maybe 20. that's a shitload of cookies i know that's what when i got back on december 6 i was like it's over yeah i say three was two trips but you know what i also knew i was gonna start my extreme dieting the day after christmas so i was like ain't nobody gonna break up my stride no it's christmas eve eve and i'm gonna shove a cheeseburger up my ass yeah stan is going down the chimney into my yes anyway well to wrap it up once again well you gotta listen you have to um like make peace with your body yeah you can be a war with that you ultimately also have total total control over what goes in it what you do with it you are in control yeah um ingest positivity [ __ ] out the haters you want our advice well now it's time to answer questions you've sent in using the hashtag wowhelpme so if you're dying to ask us a question please tweet at world of wonder using the hashtag wow help me we'll answer the question for a few small payments of 29.95 that's right call now and you get two questions the price of one how do i take a [ __ ] in a public bathroom i have to [ __ ] so bad well help me okay okay all right well i recognize that this plagues people i don't understand why i think this it plagued me for a long time and still really does and i won't spray you said in high school you would you would go home and piss brown urine yeah because you wouldn't even pee i think i was just so terrified of my body's in inmates that if i like took my pants off people would just start dropping because that's what happens people get horny they die um to be honest think of it this way if you take a [ __ ] in your own house whatever happens people know it was you think of that it's sort of like the purge like using a public toilet is sort of like i'm not saying you should do it you could smear [ __ ] on the walls you could do anything you could have the worst bowel movement of your life and not flush or plug the toilet yeah but guess what you get to leave you leave no questions asked or answered i'm not saying you should destroy it you know turn burn the house down but no it's just an anonymous bathroom i have been i've walked in on um a toilet situation that literally looked like the jamestown massacre but with feces and guess what happened like i thought of it i was disgusted and then i moved on and i didn't spend like three years thinking about the person who did it nobody cares that much about it you shouldn't feel bad nobody cares about it yeah and it feels there's nothing stupid about it no it's dumb nobody cares nobody's gonna chase you like they're gonna you're gonna see you walking out of there and they'll follow you home yeah they're gonna be like you took a [ __ ] in the public bathroom oh yeah yeah wait you wrote a letter to drag queens that's weird well have you ever taken a [ __ ] and drag at the club i probably have but no when i was performing have you taken a [ __ ] in dragon ball what really cocaine cocaine makes you thrilled and you have to have a bowel movement and you're like i just take a [ __ ] but there's a toilet great oh my god everybody get out of here you know take the wig off sometimes i'll go in the wig you hang up your rig on the little hook middle number yeah got it and then right before i go on oh boy turn the wigs around dina sometimes turn the wigs around do you ever just wait um yes very nice wait wigs are so fun it's so fun to play with wigs [Laughter] she's laughing like that oh my god this is the moment it's the moment wait wait oh we're coming back around we're coming again oh wait we're going full circle this is rock-a-doodle-doo yeah yeah it's like a um i don't know what the names of hairstyles and then this is oh that's it with the little the little of the real hair yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah mix your baby hairs in there you go what about yeah there you go why don't people ever oh those are my baby hairs yeah i mixed your baby hairs there those are my babies yeah those are your baby hairs well they start at the crown of the head i mean this wig was really made to do this but that backwards [ __ ] was cute too yeah it's fantastic we'll see how i feel later i love that about feeling sometimes they change what were you talking about
Channel: WOWPresents
Views: 3,412,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of wonder, world of wonder productions, wow report, rupaul's drag race
Id: gZ_poZMHVAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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