first time DRAG MAKEUP transformation

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hi hello pound of konichiwa - yes you know Shalom I love gutentag arrivederci wait let's begin having a day I'm having a week whole you're actually look we do lots of different kinds of makeup right I do glam I do go where and do a lot in between I buy paint and up sometimes about garden stuff on this channel there pure culture was like character costume design even that's right sometimes I even costume design but you know one thing I've never really done as you already know from the middle is drag makeup part of the reason is because I'm highly intimidated by drag makeup and the makeup looks extremely extremely difficult honestly I don't think I'm going to be very good at this I think that what drag queens do is amazing and honestly a lot of the techniques that we use are highly highly influenced or just straight-up taken from drag makeup they don't get nearly enough credit for the impact that they've had on the makeup industry as a whole now I'm not the person that's gonna be able to ever do that justice cuz I am but one woman who is obviously very new to this but I guess I just wanted to give it a go I've been a makeup artist for a decade now and I am and honestly I think what I end up not being very good at it it is just an homage to how wonderful the drag queens of the world arm but I've got a good canvas for drag I think cuz you know you know the irony is that I'm gonna block out my eyebrows anyway because you don't want to see the hairs in terms of texture either but it was an odd color worried about I saw this picture online this is what the a beautiful idea a strong interest and I saw this image so that's my reference picture I'm gonna try to do some version of that yeah I'm gonna try to do it justice I don't want to offend anyone that's not my intention here I just want to I want to see how hard it is because I think the answer is very very hard that's what she said all right but I pros-aide which is kind of like a glue stick in a jar go for it yeah yeah it's not coming out for a couple weeks it's water-based so it should be okay I am a little concerned though since I've never had I've never had to cover up my eyebrows honestly I just shave them off but I have a video coming up where I need eyebrows it works I need him otherwise I let it just shake them off so I'm learning what it's like to not have my eyebrow privilege for the first time my hands are sticky they never stop coming dude saw my friend who the dad posted a picture of his daughter who's like 10 wearing a mic the sky switch that's and that's what she said and I was like that's how does not know what that means he was like I don't think so I guess it's kind of peachy if you don't know what it means yeah I mean I remember I told you I actually didn't even know what it meant for the long okay let's watch the office when it was on air so like all the annoying boys in school would say it and I feel it I predict that I'm not gonna get this very smooth and it's going to mess up my eyeshadow later bet you Jim I trust your judgment has a makeup professional No don't like to hear that very a pandemic no look really attractive today this is gonna be better than the EM catfish transformation yeah you gotta put up before and after baby why do you think I was doing oh really now that super comes not super comes comes tops it's like confident it is today Congress not super comes we're gonna make it a thing you know how people say that's super cess not super pumps even the comments down below a time that you are not super comps that word it's just a lot I'm not super comes about your attitude right now I'm gonna need you to be a little more optimistic little more ops way too many consonants in a row throw some vowels in there it's giving me a little bit of a strange feeling in my stomach I should pregnant I felt that you already can't see I think I need to make it thicker that's what she said thanks I feel better knowing that 11 year-olds watch this video with their parents they wandered into something yeah they just don't know what I mean well now they will not get this into me they're gonna have sir parents immediately don't ask your parents what it means obvious tell you what it means is that someone who identifies as a female said that at one point they they heard it they can pass and they heard a female say that Mommy that's what she said very literal [Music] and that's you all the time what's the office you can never hold it back yeah it was like the climax in that one moment they just all erupted out at once couldn't hold it in I'm not not real impressed with myself here I'm not but we're gonna move on this is a learning experience it is not a tutorial we are growing together I am expanding my horizons as a makeup artist I never said I was gonna be good at this I said I would try I'm trying mr. Reyes on this journey welcome a staple of drag makeup is the Kryolan @tv paint stick luckily I have just one see that doesn't look good do you see all that I don't think you guys can see all the texture let me turn down the lights you can see that's a lot of texture we don't want that that's the opposite of what we want I know whoa that's it and then you look at my brows up close that's yeah you got a little bit of can you get me the raisin okay whoa I should have just embraced who I was this whole time yeah are you really prepared to make that sacrifice yeah yeah they're gonna completely ruin your next video yeah they're gonna do it because I need cuz it's gonna ruin this I mean let me try a little longer I guess but a lot of glue in them is this why they call it beating your face cuz I really feel like I'm really going at it just to be able to blend out this TV stick close yeah maybe that's why they like the TV stick cuz it's so thick that it actually fills in the rest of it for you anything what it is yeah I said it is blend to heart out but no it is not like a sin that got all messed up it looks really cute from the front and then you do this like you have been playing since for we're building a house in seventh floor our dream house Anthony you put 50-foot palm trees on the roof of our four storey house I think you should listen to this portion of video without any video stress audio just ASMR it takes a long time to blend this out it is thick that's what creature said I asked now I think we bake portfolios lastly no Anthony you think I have more powder on my body than I do on my face needs match cheeks that go all the way up to my hairline good oh my god I got so much card it by context that it hurts Oh God Oh God I how did it happen I'm just gonna let it dissolve really early that's a thing mm all right pause where was I named the baking is just soaking up my tears way and move on I'm gonna work on drawing my eyebrows up to the heavens maybe I should draw my crease first so I can I'm trying to map out you basically move your features all over the place places that they don't go [Music] this really brings a whole new meaning to sisters not twins bizarre okay I don't know who I'm gonna be once I transform I might have a whole new persona and she might not be okay with that better watch it all right those aren't perfect but they're fine for now I don't know what colors I want to do I have to Wiggins which which would do you think I should do the last one okay I'm using the sugarpill Pro palette because the pigment is so beautiful and I'm going to use Smashbox is photo finish lip primer and white so that we can get this as bright as possible hmm this looks promising so far so I'm not the first person in this room who's worn drag makeup Oh true I did not apply myself but I did did make an appearance in your AG a RuPaul's Drag Race Anthony's been on RuPaul's Drag Race yeah I'm gonna say I retain the knowledge about the craft it doesn't help me Cameron Michaels did your makeup correct did he block out your eyebrows yes with my glue stick a little Elmer's glue snake I don't see that doesn't look that I should have just shaved off my eyebrows I knew it tell me about it what did it feel like to wear drag makeup actually to do the whole thing would it feel like to be in drag I gotta be honest I was so anxious and so nervous I was most of the time no did he ask you to do that beforehand no I can't do that in there is my little cherry on top Oh considered cute you're a very hairy man you didn't shave your arms no he gave me a long sleeve though the eyelashes were the heaviest thing and then they had to be put on there with such strong glue so they wouldn't fall off it was very uncomfortable I'm not worth it I'll tell you my favorite dryclean well I love ice-pan but I also love Willam because he rested me I mean it's symmetrical but that doesn't make it good it's time for scary's eyeliner don't mess it up getting some transfer on my lid I'm trying desperately to avoid it I'm starting to feel a little bit like a drag queen this make your drug team no no is that how it works is that the arithmetic of drag washer I'm not sure either all right one of these is not like the other it's okay we're building up we're building up where do I go wrong think we can keep moving they're not super even but they're even enough why is your why'd your mouth open I need mascara right now it freaks me out to have my blonde lashes as soon as I have my eyeliner done you guys are getting a word like every five minutes I'm in real deep concentration mode sorry makeups jumping around the contour first are doing glitter first oh it looks cool like this yeah I never contour my nose so this is gonna be interesting you got a make your nose real skinny and you gotta make it look like an exclamation mark from what I gather could be wrong we were wrong about everything don't trust me can't tell if I'm making my nose more straight or more crooked but it's crooked to begin with so yes I know what this looks like we've been here we've done that I don't want to hear it Anthony you know how to find the apples of your cheeks you suck here you do a fish face sure you two are finished race oh yeah who's the most blush I've ever worn in my entire life so Daris I still need to do glitter but I'm waiting till the very end to do that because the less long I have a glitter on me the better let's do lips this keeps happening so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna let it happen for a while I'm going dark my friends pictures dark I like it a lot like that so he's recovering very well I like a moustache a lot [Music] all right glitter my worst enemy [Music] stuff almost makes me like clear oh my god that was a near disaster one of the tubs of glitter is sitting like this right now is this close it's just I don't really know what I'm doing still but I'm having fun time for lashes for my understanding I need to do more than one set of lashes and I'm very excited about that you gotta ask me twice I just do it twice it's my nose contouring is not the best just don't look too close one set of lashes down one dig up I don't have any really really massive like oh they're destroying the camera well I don't even know what I was saying I don't have any big like costume type lashes so I'm just gonna have to use two of the biggest kinds of regular lashes I own which are still pretty big for everyday wear Ripley oh damn drag makeup takes a long time it's been over three hours [Music] look at how bad my nose contours from the side yeah she's got secrets huh start your engines good boy you're wild Oh kind of tidy without a bed he was so close to pulling my laptop right off the table I have a three hour long audio clip going right now and it would have been good all this hard work it would have been a silent video because creature is running around doing 360s in the room in this Conan come into a trance whoa okay I'm glad I closed my eyes I was like Medusa right there I almost got ready to stone [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so this soap forever is just as hard as I expected it to be lots of respect to everyone who does drag makeup genève the name oh and I know you thought I forgot but I didn't show wool song Thanks and you're new here we're lurking please up start [Music] I am singing your thing I'm glad this doesn't for you
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,720,007
Rating: 4.9368329 out of 5
Keywords: Drag makeup, first time drag, drag queen, mykie, glamngore, glam n gore, glam and gore, Mikey, mickey, drag transformation, makeup artist drag, makeup artist tries, ru Paul drag race, Anthony Padilla, mykie and Anthony, glitter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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