HOW I SPLIT MY HEAD OPEN (Storytime With Pictures!)

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he'll or some brain injuries today is a story time about this my small injured head it is the story of how I split my head open with pictures fun if you follow me on instagram at Mikey you already know that about a month ago is a little bit over a month ago now I split my head open and I shared some pictures but that was the very abridged version of the story I am here to tell you the long one because I feel like if something gory actually happens to me in my real life I ought to share it with you guys also I tried to take the best out of bad situations and this has been a very bad situation for me but I might as well make a video out of it they say that youtubers do a lot of crazy things for content nowadays I mean is a list really I just needed a core story to liven things up I kind of wanted to just tell the story as is but since I don't usually just do story times on the channel and by don't usually I mean I don't I was worried that you guys wouldn't want to stick around for the story so I will be doing makeup whilst I tell you the story however I'm not gonna be focusing on the makeup or the instruction at all so you're in the dark on that one where to begin yes correct mm-hmm-hmm so let me set the stage for you why draw out your makeup with a pencil when you can just draw it out by removing makeup on your face but alcohol as I always say let's talk about the who what where when and why of this crime okay crime it could have been I'll get there the who me Bobby this is Bobby the floor and my head what I cracked my head open when a little over a month ago where I'm not gonna tell you yet I'm gonna gonna leave that for a little later in the story why either I'm a klutz or I've got conspiracy theories for you Shane Dawson style Shane let me turn you into a pig that's another video yes I know anyway I'm getting distracted I was out of town to celebrate a birthday Bobby's birthday the place that I was staying at in this out of town location was your average hotel room except that it had this one really cool feature it had this really deep bathtub inside of a shower area so it's like Anna order of the room is this showered bathroom area there's a deep tub we're like if I sat in it it would pretty much just cover most of me it didn't have jets or anything though so you're just kind of like a we're bathtub kind of think of it it's less relaxing than the normal bathtub setup cuz at least with a normal bathtub you can lay down you can't lay down in this one anyway I wouldn't know because I get to this currently undisclosed location coming right off of me moving into a different apartment to escape the elevator noise hellhole above the bedroom and coming down with a horrible sinus infection went to Urgent Care a few days before I left for this trip because this trip had been planned ahead of time for a while I was convinced that me having this awful cold cough sickness whatever it was was going to completely ruin this trip and I couldn't undo the plans for this trip like I had reserved a room to stay in so that wasn't happening so I go to Urgent Care the doctors like you got a nasty sinus infection here's some meds I'm coughing up along every two seconds but I go on the trip anyway because I have drugs now and I figure I will feel better soon right wrong let me get some more accomplished before I start going off so I get to this undisclosed location and I'm living my life the first day is rough cuz I'm still feeling pretty sick I'm still coughing a lot but the second day the drug started to kick in and I started to feel normal for the first time in a while so I start to do normal life type of things I try to enjoy myself I try to like go places do things and I don't feel horrible things are looking up and finally pass this awful move I'm past this sickness life is about to be good and then well you know I'm minding my business trying to utilize this cool tub that I will never see again and I started running a bus there's a few things you should know about me one I'll do baths Katie on the other hand loves best hate showers I think she said to me like a week ago that she hasn't showered in like two years or something only bathed very luxurious ain't got time for that so it's already funny that this involves a bath when I hate baths I don't take baths cool number two thing you should know about me I'm a very cautious person a lot of my friends like to call it paranoid when they feel like being nice they'll call it overly cautious I appreciate their efforts in trying to make me sound less paranoid but I am I'm very cautious about my safety my surroundings things that can go wrong I play out every bad scenario in my head often if you've seen hush I'm just like her I play out every bad ending in my head before words happen I'm usually one step ahead of everything I'm careful is what I'm trying to say so in my bathroom at home I'm not at home a lot of people were blaming me about not having the proper amenities in my bathroom and that's how it led to this and y'all just don't know I wasn't home to protect myself anyway my bathroom at home I have not one not two but three bath mats three why because I don't want to do the exact thing that you already know I'm gonna do not only do I have three bath mats I have slippers specifically designated for the shower area so that as soon as I exit the bath mat I can put my slippers on and not be walking around with my wet feet on a wet floor Ripley can I help you she just crawled up into my lap hello get out of here try tell story she thinks that this is her spot now when I do makeup you go girl I love you but get out of my face I practice good bathroom safety that's what you need to know the bathroom in the room that I'm in however has not three not two not one but zero bath mats zero and the floor is very shiny and polished and smooth some kind of fancy marble or stone or something really ritzy I don't know but boy am I glad they took the extra mile to make sure that that floor was aesthetically pleasing and didn't have an ugly bath mat covering it up that butt piece sacrilege I'm not bitter so as you can imagine I start running a bath I dipped my feet in to test the water temperature I get out of the bath to grab something I'm not sure what it was because it didn't matter after this oh and here's the other fine thing before the second night I was already kind of concerned about this hotel room floor I had used a towel as a bath mat to sit outside of the tub anticipating using it next I was looking around and I was like this seems kind of sketchy and kind of slippery it's kind of weird that they don't have a bath so I'm just gonna use this towel inside this shower area which is kind of counterintuitive to just put a towel in the shower area I came prepared or at least I thought it did I get out of the bathtub after I dip my feet in to check the temperature of the water it's still filling up it's not done yet I walk from the bathtub through the shower area and Bob's my feet are wet but I'm walking at a normal pace everything is going swimmingly I make it all the way through the shower area no probs and then I step one foot maybe to Isla it happened fast 1 or 2 feet I don't want to be one of those youtubers that just exaggerated Sackhoff every youtuber ever 1 or 2 steps it happened fast I stepped foot onto the vanity area where the sinks are it is outside of the actual shower area it's the same color the difference I guess that I can tell is the tile in the shower there's lots of small tiles so there's more grout or it's made of something entirely different but it was much more grippy in the shower I step a foot or two out onto that area at the same pace I was walking through the shower no problem and my feet go right out from under me and it felt like slo-mo because the first thing I noticed is that my head bounced and I immediately thought oh no that's not good but I was not alone in the room that's where Bobby comes into play I knew that he must have heard me fall and he was about to come check on me so what I immediately do is I laugh because I'm embarrassed at this point cuz like ahaha clumsy me I fell but in the back of my head in the back of my head I'm thinking I might not want to go to sleep tonight though because I might have just given myself a concussion I immediately thought that I knew that I hit it really hard I knew I didn't feel pain but I mean I had just fallen this is going through my brain in a split seconds time and I becomes running around the corner and he looks at me and I don't remember if he asked if I was okay I don't remember if I said anything other than like laughing honestly I'm telling this story to avoid having to play in more scarbacks the only thing I remember him saying and he said it really fast it felt like he must have said this within three to five seconds of me falling and about a second after he saw me he says you're bleeding hit my head it did not occur to me then I could have cut my head because I didn't think I had hit anything sharp on the way down so in my mind the only risk I was at was that maybe I had hit my head hard enough to have like a concussion I'm still assuming it's not that bad because I'm not in pain I'm conscious he says that and I feel like he's looking at the front of me and I hit the back of my head so that made me look down at myself and I had blood all over my abdomen already and I had just fallen so that's when I go into panic mode that's not true panic mode yet I stand up I start to go into some form of panic and I'm looking around at myself and I grab the back of my head and I feel my skull just straight up my hand went right to the split in my head I could feel how thick my scalp was and I felt my skull and I was like it's time to go we got to go to the ER cuz you know pretty much everything before that moment I was like now we can deal with it I cut my head somewhere going down like I must say isn't weird but no I was bleeding a lot and I didn't know how big this split was in my head the fact that my hand went right to it when I didn't have any indicator like where to feel I assumed it was big and I didn't want to stick my fingers around in there I also assumed it was big because there was so much blood on my shoulder on me anywhere I could see I didn't look in a mirror I'm frantically looking for like shoes socks a jacket because it was cold out my purse while really beginning to panic thinking this is bad like this is an actual emergency situation and I know that a lot of you are sitting here watching this right now and you're thinking about your emergency situations that you've been in and a lot of you I'm sure have way worse horror stories way worse and you go through so much on a daily that is unfathomable and unfathomable abdominal abominable unconscionable that's a word right that I don't know concussed but hard to wrap my head around hard for anyone to wrap their head around just try to keep in mind that I have not been in many emergency situations in my life and the only real time I've been in an emergency situation in my life I was completely knocked out and I had retrograde amnesia so I didn't even remember the moments leading up to the trauma this is the first trauma I've really been through where I was awake and present for all of it to let my brain go wild with whatever it was gonna go wild with so to me now we are in the scariest phase which is getting to the ER like I said thank gosh I wasn't alone because I was able to get to a hospital quickly because of Bobby's help make sure you show him some zombie love in the comments cuz he was a lifesaver that night I was insisting that we get an ambulance I wasn't sure if I was gonna stay conscious and I genuinely thought already at that point that I might be dying the only marker that I had to compare to was when I was in a car accident when I was 17 years old if you guys have watched my videos yeah I'm gonna say plural there's two videos on there on my second channel the first video talks about a car accident that I was in I had a very severe concussion because of it and it was a very bad accident my only marker of head injuries at this point was that accident and recovering from that was difficult so to me a severe concussion comes with double vision and memory loss and headaches and things like that but it doesn't come with profuse bleeding from the head it doesn't involve feeling your skull so I'm already thinking this is way worse than just a concussion this is way worse than a severe concussion this is maybe me bleeding out from the head and these are my last moments on earth so I'm insisting that we call an ambulance because I'm conscious and talking and aware of what's going on Bobby said that it would be much faster to get to a hospital if we just try to take a cab and that is what we did I wasn't gonna argue with whatever on this I just wanted to get somewhere we walked down to the hotel lobby and there is a taxi waiting in the queue because they're always picking people up I'm sure he was very happy to have me in his cab leading on his seats and I just kept applying pressure to my head and I was hyperventilating in the cab thinking I can't believe this is how I go out slipping and falling in the shower not only in the shower here's where I tell you the wear of our story in Las Vegas I fell and split my head open in Las Vegas the one place in the world where someone would that headline gory youtuber dies after falling and cracking her head open in Las Vegas and everyone would be like figures so now we're headed to a Las Vegas er but I get to the ER I run up and I'm like I hit my head I don't know how bad it is I could feel my skull I'm worried the nurses look at me they're trying to calm me down I'm frantic and they take me back right away to me this is further confirmation I'm dying while they're back there and they start checking blood pressure and heart rate and talking to me they're asking me questions like what year is it what's my address just to see if I can recall it quickly while all that's happening people that I'm walking past the staff that I'm interacting with we're walking past keep commenting on what pretty red hair I have and I remember thinking that's interesting that they can see the droplets of blood that are like around my towel I'm just assuming that like my hair can't be that red cuz like I've got a talam I had and I've been applying very heavy pressure to it for 20 minutes now it took about 20 minutes from accident to ER you'd think there'd be a closer yarr by the way I was right on this trip why don't they have an ER in the middle of the strip just a suggestion it wasn't until Bobby took a picture of the back of my head that I understood why so here's the first of a few pictures brace yourselves oh wait so quick sidenote here's the thing I knew before I told this story that if I told this story on YouTube you would want to see pictures for those of you who haven't seen them already I knew that if I put pictures of an actual injury and blood and gore in this video I would absolutely get demonetized immediately you know why cuz it happens when it's fake why wouldn't it happen when it's real I now have to self write my videos and say when something is fake simulated injury versus a real injury and as soon as I click that it's a real injury I get to mount tests or at least limited ads if you got an ad yeah but I wanted you to have the pictures because I feel like a story time without pictures is just not as good the only reason I'm able to show you these beautiful pictures of my head injury today are because of our video sponsor function of beauty please Bank the crap out of them for me because I probably wouldn't have done this video if not for them because you need to get the whole story pictures and all so let's talk about function of beauty for a second a got to remove this wig because they make shampoo oh you weren't expecting that were you my hair is brushed today yeah I did it just for them let me tell you about not only am I so thankful that we got a sponsor for this video but I love their products and it is super appropriate to the topic because we're talking about shower stuff another thing you should know about my shower aside from my 3 bath mats and slippers I also tend to have a ton of different shampoo bottles scattered about the inside of my shower because I'm always trying to find the perfect shampoo I go back and forth between ones that are for damaged hair for volume for lengthening for color care sometimes I'll find a mix of those things but I won't like the smell of it and let's be honest all shampoo bottles are pretty darn ugly it's been important for me to try to find something all under one umbrella of the shampoo and conditioner realm and I like cute aesthetics so luckily I can find all of that in function of beauty so function of beauty creates custom shampoos and conditioners for your hair type and your goals every bottle is unique making no two formulas the same and it's super super easy to get started it takes two minutes and a little quick quiz online for your hair preferences your goals what you want to achieve what your current hair is like where you want your hair to go so you really get to mix and match everything it's like going to a Chipotle for your hair you can be like I want some of this lengthening formula I want some of this hair care formula and I want it pink and smelling like a eucalyptus tree and the formulas are full of good stuff and then the bad stuff no parabens sulfates toxins 100% vegan and cruelty free there's just no downside my hair profile looks like this with them I got straight hair it's superfine it is normal and the five hair goals that I selected were to fix my split ends lengthen volumize color protect and thermal protect cuz I want it to be protected when I straighten it I want the color to last as long as it can Lord knows I'm trying to grow my hair especially over here the color that I picked for my bottles was seafoam green as you can see they are cute and personalized I'm a sucker for personalized stuff so the fact that this says Mikey on the bottle makes me super hype they do come with a pump even if you don't want to use it but I use the pumps you can even pick your fragrance strength I chose strong because I'm trying to have my hair smell amazing I'm using feeling fine apple for this hint and this is currently available in the US Canada Great Britain Ireland Australia and New Zealand so here's the fun part click the link below in the description to get 20% off your first quarter and now you're about to get some Gore photos so thank you to functional beauty for being our sponsor seriously thank you anywho I'm gonna put up my hair into something ridiculous while I show you a picture of my bloody head okay ready go [Music] cute right leave that on screen for a while let's just bathe in it cuz I practically was in blooded but yo it deer so anyway this picture happened after the rest of what I'm about to tell you let me finish the damn story I need to make progress on my head all progress has halted so up until the moment that I finally see the doc I just assume I'm dying you know like my life is over I hope that they can get me into surgery fast enough I fully anticipated I was a dying or be about to go into surgery I did not think that there was any other option so I was mentally preparing myself for that I should have texted my parents I'm sorry parents I didn't want to worry them you don't know what you're gonna do until you're in the moment okay my life did not flash before my eyes I just kept thinking how dumb so he sits me down to look at the back of my head we pry open my hair which by the way had been in a wig all day up until this moment so it was like ratty like you're used to seeing it and he looks at it and he calls out to nurses nearby that I guess are doing their nursey thing we have a sense I'm about to sound like such a youtuber looks like we have a centimeter laceration over here I'm sorry sir a what did you mean a thousand centimeters by accident because I'm pretty sure I'm dying and my head is bleeding out right now onto your floor your chairs etc yeah he said a centimeter that was the moment in which I realized oh I'm probably not gonna die gosh not a bad thing here however I'm surprised first of all not true I measured it later it was a full inch laceration he was cracking jokes the whole time he was making me feel a lot better and making me think that I probably was gonna die which was great just what I needed to hear Patrick Flores thank you it's not like he's watching but if somehow this ever gets back to him I hope he knows he said that we could do a CT scan to check if I had any internal bleeding in monogamy and I'm thinking like what yeah let's and I told him that my mom was a nurse and his immediate reaction was oh we should get you a CT scan cuz she's gonna want it she did by the way she didn't want the CT scan so they put me in the machine scan my brain they said that they couldn't find any so my bigger issue is that I don't have a brain and I've been searching for one ever since the end thanks for watching my jokes have gotten better huh since I smacked my head but luckily I am very happy to say they did not find any signs of a subdural hematoma but they told me to watch out for any irregular speech confusion was our behavior again where's the line for me what did we learn to you they did not seem nearly as concerned as I was part of me at first thought that they were just trying downplay it so I didn't freak out and add to it but part of me thinks it's probably just because they work in a Vegas ER they see head injuries from people falling once or twice a night I believe is what she said and you know I guess I believe that in a city like Vegas which makes me really special so unique so cliche oh my god that's my skull in case you didn't know accurate - real life - the fact that it's apparently only this big as opposed to that big but for all the blood I felt like it was that big oh so fun fact Mikey's medical school have a seat apparently head wounds bleed significantly more than other parts of the body for some reason the head just loves to bleed I didn't know that for everything I know about gore I mean I research using actual injuries I tend to go right for I don't know like crime scene photos when it comes to actual blood type gore for work reference but I did not know that heads bleed more than other parts of the body so not much blood coming out of a centimeter inch laceration is not that weird I wish I had known that before this incident because I probably would not have panicked nearly as much as I did and really if I show you the room where I fell I still feel like I was a few inches away or a different angle away from potentially having much much worse of an impact or the worst because this is where I fell I fell right there which is just a few inches away from that little step up into the shower area and I wonder how bad it might have been if I had hit the back of my head on that little step oh I'm forgetting a giant piece of Havas filling me what are we thinking I'm not thinking I'm concussed funny okay Conan Conan stop the presses what I completely forgot to mention is that yeah exactly I didn't die I didn't have to get surgery but I still got a gash in my head that's leaking blood so what did they do they stapled it shut how did they staple it shut you might ask huh thank you for asking yeah they decided to do it while I was fully conscious awake aware lucid without any numbing so that was great they took one of these staple gun my head four times and you feel all four believe me getting staples is interesting it hurts a lot but at the same time it doesn't hurt as much as I expected it to I think it's partly that I didn't care at that point I just wanted to know that my head wasn't gonna be bleeding anymore if you've never had staples put in your head while awake and you're wondering it feels stabby sting II Bernie and crunchy you can like feel and hear the crunch I guess of your scalp just being stapled shut it's a very weird feeling so I went back to the hotel as my newly formed identity staple head I only had one more day on the trip but that last day it was a very long day it was rough for staples appropriately while I finish this up let's talk some aftermath of all of this for everyone who has asked me how I'm feeling thank you very much it means a lot to know that you're thinking of me I am out of the worst of it I think for sure I was really worried for a while that I was still in this limbo period of finding out that my brains been slowly bleeding since the hit this is the first week since the accident that I haven't had a headache every single day the headaches were bad my speech has definitely been messed up more than usual I always mess up on my words but it's been at a higher amount I would say for sure but the hardest part has just been dealing with the mental stuff that comes along with a serious injury or a potentially life-threatening injury or the perception of a life-threatening injury anyone who's ever felt like they were potentially looking at death whether you ended up being in real danger or not thinking that maybe you are in really life-threatening danger is very hard to process it's made me evaluate my life a lot since the accidents made me evaluate how I spend my time what I spend my energy on my focus on my attention on I practiced gratitude already before the accident but it's only increased that it's also been hard though because I thought that it might be life changing where the very next day I had this new energy for life and I was gonna live every day to the fullest because that's what people say happens when you face a traumatic experience and that has not happened for me and that's been kind of weird I've been torn between feeling like I don't deserve to feel traumatized about this because I am ultimately fine but then on the other hand I think about how it's perfectly healthy and legitimate to feel like that was one of the scariest things I'd ever gone through because it was it's technically not the worst injury I've ever had but because I don't remember the worst injury I've ever had it's had a really profound effect on me and having a concussion even mild sucks is painful it's scary head injuries are no joke and I'm hoping that this doesn't affect my long-term memory anymore and then my first concussion has because that sucks a lot and the other thing that sucks is I fell on this shoulder and a day after the accident I started to feel all those pains from falling on that side I figured that it was gonna go away really fast cuz I didn't even notice the night that had happened that I had hurt my shoulder but unfortunately it's a month later and I can't do anything with this arm above 90 degrees with any significant weight to it so all of my fitness stuff all of my bikini prep has been on hold since the fall unfortunately it's one of the biggest bummers of all because I was just starting to make really good progress and getting to a whole new place I'd never seen my body before I kicked my ass for nine weeks before that happened so I've lost a lot of that progress I've been stress eating because of how hard this month has been since I'm playing catch-up on everything else in my life and still getting settled into the new place and I mean a lot of this is first of all problems but that bikini competition meant a lot to me so I will be back eventually as soon as I can use this shoulder I'm hoping it's not a long-term injury and then we'll need to go to physical therapy for it but I might we'll see I'm kind of surprised it's still there because it doesn't hurt unless I start doing this kind of stuff but you know I'm doing all the time in the gym so like I said there's two potential Y's here one I'm either a klutz a complete klutz or two there's a conspiracy going on this is ridiculous I'm warning you I like to think about how long is this video gonna be I'm sorry I've thought about how eerie it would have been if I had actually died that night instead of being fine because somewhere in a parallel universe gosh darn it I guess I have so here are the facts we know in the conspiracy theory in a world in which I died let's start from least weird to most weird the first thing is I had people reach out to me via text earlier in that day that I haven't talked to in a really long time so it was weird that they just came out of nowhere and they were like hey how are you doing I feel like it's been a really long time I had died that would have been weird this is going great so far huh I had posted on Instagram for the first time in like a month on that day before it happened I had tweeted that night randomly a reminder that I love you guys which not to say I don't tell you guys that I love you but I don't usually tweet stuff like that but I was just feeling the love that day and I was thinking about how grateful I was for you guys and I tweeted that what if I had died a couple of hours later I don't know I think about these things but here's where the conspiracy thickens one was this some kind of crazy final destination type of twisted fate with foreshadowing potential I can't get over the fact and a zombie brought this to my attention I actually didn't even realize until they said it and so funny if you guys saw my trends that need to die video from a little over a year ago I literally fall in the shower and hit my head spoilers because that's a fun part of the video but yeah I did that and then I actually did that you should check out that video by the way if you haven't seen it it's a really fun one so it's kind of funny of course that I for shattered my own I have a federal death and then the last weird thing that I want to share with you oh that's looking good girl might as well get in my hair I'll just shampoo it out with function of beauty thank you to our sponsors but another very weird thing to me is this okay listen to this we're in the taxi going to the ER right Bobby makes a call to the hotel he said we had an emergency we had to go out but we weren't sure if we left the tub running because someone just checked the room and make sure that the that's what he called and said he might have warned them that there was blood on the floor but he did not say anything beyond that okay let's be real clear when we came back from the ER that blood was gone and there was blood all over the hotel room it was kind of weird it felt a little bit like a crime scene where someone didn't clean up all the way I found blood splatter like fingerprints of my own on a lot of archways and door frames that were in this room because I guess when I was frantically looking for all my stuff to go I just kept touching things and I didn't think about it they didn't clean up things like that but they did clean up all the blood that was on the bathroom floor where I actually fell it was still in the ground a little bit but otherwise it was completely gone here's my question Las Vegas hotel Who Shall Not Be Named why you cleaning up blood you don't know what happened there you don't know if I got bludgeoned over the head by Ripley you don't know that that's not a crime scene and if it had turned out that we ran to the hospital and then I died shouldn't someone be investigating the crime scene where it happened where I fell where I was bludgeoned luckily I didn't die and I wasn't bludgeoned but if I had been I feel like that's a pretty bad protocol to go in see blood and be like oh we should probably just clean that up and not ask any questions they didn't ask any questions they didn't follow up with us they didn't call the next day and be like hey what was all that blood about we totally clean it up for you though don't worry we got you back they just did it and didn't say about it that's first thing I'm pretty much done this look but you know I got more to say so we're just gonna keep adding some blood splatter and this is inaccurate it would bleed much more if you did that suspicious item number two the day after my fall it was suggested to me by someone that I should file an accident report with the hotel just so that it's on record that an accident happened there and I thought that's a smart idea if nothing else I would like them to know that their bathroom floors are slippery AF and are really dangerous like I'm actually shocked that they don't put out bath mats so I file an accident report I just detail what happened you know like the time the date etc and I filed the accident report after I had been out walking around Vegas the next day taking it easy but taking a stroll through the strip because I was still trying to do birthday things here's the weird part I keep saying that but I'm getting to it I'm bad at storytelling because I just ramble the Partho is that I come back I filed the accident report and when I go up to my room there's a bathmat exactly where I fell in the vanity area it was not there the first two days of my stay in that room but it mysteriously appeared after they stealthily cleaned up blood the night before in that exact spot that can be one of two things one they always have bath mats they usually put them out and they forgot to put it in this room and then they were like once worshiped with other two they don't usually put bath mats out but they've had them it's almost like they put it there to be like oh there's no reason you would have fallen and hit your head here I don't know it's maybe I could be reading into it too much totally possible it could have just been someone who came in cleaned it up the night before and was like they could probably use this they're clumsy as fluff it's totally possible but in conspiracy land it's totally that they put it there to be like haha this never happened see anyway I called them and I was like you know a bath mat appeared what's up with that and they were like they don't come standard but if you request one they'll add one and I was like why I didn't request one but thank you I'm not the biggest fan of that well should arrange to me but in any case and the other thing is when I filed the accident report they were like oh weird we never have Falls here katie has specifically told me a story about someone who's fallen in that exact Casino that she knows Katie my roommate works in Vegas she said that of all the places she's ever been in Vegas she's only ever fallen in one hotel in all of Vegas guess which one the same one for them to suggest they never have Falls I feel like is impossible because all of their floors are so polished and shiny and slick and Vegas seems like the worst place to do that granted I did not fall because of drugs and alcohol or any of the reasons that someone else might normally fall in a Vegas hotel but then especially that's not the place to have your pretty floors I'm just saying also this is a fun thing that I feel like you shouldn't know I read this in it yeah if made me feel some kind of way and then I think we're done with this look okay first of all I'm just gonna link this article I think in the description as well because it's so creepy and I can't even sum it up it like gave me chills to read it but it's about things that Vegas doesn't really want you to know is going on you know why because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas unless you're me then you make a youtube video about it I googled Las Vegas deaths cuz I was curious how often people die in Vegas I imagine it's gotta be a lot I mean my gosh there was a balcony in this hotel room that was so high up and it had a rail to make it hard to climb over or fall over but I can't imagine people don't accidentally fall over that rail according to the Clark County coroner's office about eleven hundred visitors died while in Vegas each year the coroner's office says sixty-seven percent of those deaths are the result of accidents 67 percent are the result of accidents the rest is homicide and suicide and some other I guess stuff and I know that that includes traffic accidents as well but the fact that that nurse said that she sees one or two a night coming in from falling and cracking their head open and that 67 percent of all the deaths in las vegas come from accidents i was almost a statistic a very cliche statistic just cuz i wanted to try a bath for the first time in a long time so that is my story that is how i split my head open the staples are now out which by the way a lot of you guys told me that getting staples out doesn't hurt you lied it freakin kills I feel like all four of them hurt going in but like three of them hurt just as bad getting them out one wasn't painful and the other three was like they were going right back in my head y'all are crazy I want to know like this is gonna be easy and then he's like okay oh here's my right in case you're wondering again just in case you're wondering how many people couldn't get through the trip a phobia video last week and this week they realized that this is so much worse cuz I'm describing in great detail what it's like to have weird head things happen when he took out the first staple I had no idea how much the staples were actually holding my scalp together I mean I know that that's the purpose obviously when he got under that first stable and took it out it felt like my whole head went and like readjusted back down here it was really strange weirdest feeling I've ever felt I don't know how to describe it other than that it just felt like so much tension had been let go I don't know what it looks like now it's back there somewhere so this is the current remnants of it today is actually the first day that I've done my hair since the accident I've been too afraid to brush over the area since cuz it's still tender but it looks good and I wouldn't mind a badass car anyway this is how it looked when it was healing [Music] beautiful I know shampooing my head was tough so actually I feel a little bit bonded to function of beauty because it's a touchy subject for a while to clean my head but yeah still getting headaches several times a week but not every day anymore at least still feeling fuzzy in the brain shoulder is still messed up but overall I am so happy that I wasn't dying I'm so happy it wasn't worse I'm so happy I didn't hit my head on that freaking step up I'm so glad every single day that I'm here when I start to get stressed I do think of that and I think at least I'm alive I mean not that long after the accident I put inception on in the background while I was just cleaning up the apartment and and I thought to myself thank gosh I got to listen to this again one of my favorite movies you know you just start to think about little things like that and it's so easy to fall back into forgetting what it's like to be grateful for every little thing and it sucks that sometimes it takes trauma to get there and I'm still struggling I don't want to make it seem like I'm perfectly okay I try to avoid talking about it mostly cuz I don't want to worry my mother or my father I'm okay don't worry MA but it's been a struggle mentally just trying not to relive the moment and the panic setting in and stuff like that I have been anxious about it I probably should talk to someone about it and I had my first known run-in with sleep paralysis since the head injury which I read is often due to stress anxiety PTSD type things unfortunately though I didn't see any sleep paralysis demons I shouldn't say that I don't want to but if I do I will make a video about it I will turn myself into my demon my cupcake I mean again thank you to dr. Flores thank you to Bobbi for keeping me calm and getting me to a hospital thank you to my mother for dealing with my crazy questions at 3:00 in the morning like hello my head hurts in a new weird way could it be a subdural hematoma am i bleeding from the rain casual things you asked your mom oh oh and it was a very gland Gore moment because I showed up in the ER with a full face of glam running off my face gore in the back glam the front later this just just back there and apparently much smaller this has gone on way too long I'm sorry this video is 40 minutes long and I could have summed it all up by saying I split my head open when I fell stepping out of a bath and I'm okay Thank You sunbaes for watching I'll see you next week bye [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,515,350
Rating: 4.974071 out of 5
Keywords: HOW I SPLIT MY HEAD OPEN (With Pictures!), storytime, story time, pictures, glam&gore, glam and g, mykie, mikey, split head tutorial, cracked head tutorial, makeup tutorial, halloween makeup tutorial, fx tutorial, sfx tutorial, fx makeup, sfx makeup, scar wax tutorial
Id: LiLPtO_uahI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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