FX Makeup Artist Reacts to MRS.DOUBTFIRE

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hello zombaes today we are going to be reacting to mrs doubtfire if you don't know who i am hello my name is mikey but spelled funny nyk ie i am a special effects makeup artist and i also have a film degree so we are going to combine my two favorite things right now actually three robin williams and i'm gonna react to one of the greatest movies of all time mrs doubtfire if you haven't seen this movie stop everything right now go watch it it's a classic it's a 90s classic when was this made peter go ahead tell me i'm sure you know what was the budget peter i i'll guess 20 million it was 93. 93 million 1993 million gotcha oh no it was 25. damn this one's gonna guess so close well what did it get in the box office i just saw it and honest it grossed 441 million dollars whoa so it did well second highest grossing film of 1983. oh my god what was the first did jurassic park come up over here jurassic park wasn't yours damn it peter he's good 914 million dollars in 90 oh so it's demolished this is dale oh what a good time for movies honestly the top five are very weird it's jurassic park mrs doubtfire the fugitive schindler's list shouldn't there's less is four okay sleepless in seattle's eight and philadelphia is nine philadelphia was the other one i was gonna guess because this year the oscar nominations for best makeup were mrs doubtfire schindler's list and philadelphia this is doubtfire one so this is an iconic film not just for how well it did in the box office but also because makeup wise it is an oscar-winning film the makeup was by greg cannon v-neal who you know do you love here and i'm not going to say this right yolanda to sing venial was a redhead when she was accepting her oscar for best makeup so cool let's just begin i'm going to watch through the movie and do a general reaction but i'm going to focus mainly on the scenes in which we are looking at the makeup i got my airpods in i'm ready to go some of you wanted me to recreate this look i'm not even gonna try because as you'll see it's a very complex makeup look it's highly custom probably the closest i could ever get to recreating it is the witch from sleepy hollow but it was a robert loja version of mrs doubtfire if you want to see the closest thing i can do just go check out that video it's a good video anyway if i tried to do it with what i have here in 2020 pandemic land i would probably end up looking like the baby from the worst rated imdb movie stop trying to make me put you through that again you guys think you want it but you don't i promise you don't if you don't know what this move is about it is a lovely wholesome family story about a dad that just loves his kids so much that he is willing to do all kinds of criminal [ __ ] to see them it's very touching very sweet there's a film theory video that they did on mrs doubtfire that's just racking up all of his crimes that he commits in this movie it's actually really dark and really sad actually yeah the 90s were a different time you said sleepless in seattle came out this year too another perfect example nora ephron a legend in rom-coms you've got male sleepless in seattle there's more but that's my two favorite there are so many things that happen in not just like the rom-coms of the 90s pretty much all rom comes but so problematic like things that we really shouldn't be glamorizing glorifying romanticizing yeah and sleepless in seattle like meg ryan straight up goes across the country to get a look at tom hanks because he's faceless up until that moment and she is literally peeking around the corner watching him and his son play on the beach and she's just like huh and because meg brian's cute you're like that's not okay that's kind of the thing with a lot of rom comes and i'm getting off topic i know but a lot of rom-coms hinge on being super cute or super problematic depending on if both parties are into it if one party's not into it it is suddenly a horror movie but if both parties are into like the cat and mouse game that goes on and a lot of rom comes then it's great peter you've written many a rom-com in your day you have any problematic stuff in there that i should know about you really don't want me to get started talking about the problems we're already so far off topic and then i open up that can of worms yeah actually that would be a fun video to do want to trash a rom-com with me or several yes like this video if you want to see us ruin love my specialty i wanted to show you my friend's tattoo i want that tattoo so back to what i was saying you know what i'm gonna make you wait one second longer here's our message from our sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people like you zombaes you can explore new skills develop existing interests and get lost in creativity if you're uncertain about what's next creative challenges and productivity classes can be a great way to help you structure your time and set up achievable goals i do this myself if you follow me on insta you know i started getting into hand lettering and calligraphy since quarantine has some structured self-care time so the latest skillshare class i've been taking is introduction to modern brush calligraphy by kimberly shrek i highly recommend this class to anyone looking to improve their bullet journaling or just looking for a new hobby because this has been so therapeutic and relaxing for me to get into and kim is such a great teacher skillshare offers membership with meaning connect with the support of fellow creatives and enter a community of encouragement communication and inspiration if this is something that you think you'd be interested in skillshare is giving away two free months of premium membership to the first 1000 people who click the link in the description box to help you explore your creativity and after that it's only around 10 a month so whether you're looking to fend off boredom focus on self-care through creativity or join a similarly creative community skillshare is the place to keep you learning now back to our feature presentation where were we this is doubtfire not a romance movie by any means in fact it's an anti-love story because robin williams and his wife are separating because he's a sucky dad and family man and he's irresponsible self-sabotaging he's basically a child he's a grown-ass child it's impossible not to like this movie because of robin williams everything he's ever been in is just a masterpiece in my mind i'm highly biased he reminds me a lot of my dad but he was like everyone's dad he was america's dad in the 90s and he's so good in this that i think it's part of why he can get away with a lot of the highly problematic things that the character does in the movie because he's just so lovely but early on we see him establish that he has very high morals to the point that he'll walk out of a voice over job and quit it because they're promoting smoking in a cartoon even though they're going to reassess his position in three months when they split up he does not get the visitation rights more than two days a week for now he doesn't get to see them a lot because he doesn't have a job and he doesn't have a home she's keeping the home she's got the job she's being mom of the year he couldn't wait three months which leads us to the premise of the film in which he decides because his brother is a special effects makeup artist that he is going to dress up as an old woman act as a nanny make sure he gets the job and then be with his children every day let's see how that works out for you robin you might want to explain saving the cat oh peter being a cinephile again so the part where he quits his job with his high morals that's saving the cat so that you like the character moving forward so he could do all the bad stuff yeah but even without that it's robin williams so he would have been fine certainly same reason tom hanks gets to be you've got yeah but it's time hanks am i ever gonna get to the stuff i need to get to and i don't know i've had this video idea on my list for a while but then i saw that there's a documentary coming out about robin williams but i'm pretty sure i'm just going to ball my eyes out too the entire way and i feel like uh be nice to reminisce in a happy way first you know i love this scene with miranda miranda's the wife pierce brosnan he's kind of like cal hockley billy zane and titanic yeah i heard about how deep that crush went speaking of which at some point in the near future peter is going to spend an entire video ruining all of my favorite movies for me by telling me facts about them that i never knew it all started because he told me that billy zane is wearing a wig and titanic that's your spoiler for you i want you to get roped in as much as i am and it broke me at my core so we have a whole video lined up where he's gonna do more of that just want you to get hyped i'm not looking forward to it but i hope someone is i am it's a little too quick peter you can relax over there let's go back to pierce smiling at me miranda shook i'm shook this is not about makeup anymore this is about love i wish you guys were watching with me if you guys want to like sit near me feel free to i got pierce bros in right here good at all times as soon as we cut peter scoots up to me and tells me about how he and his roommate were talking about how handsome pierce brosnan is the other day why don't you just admit it don't be ashamed he's a handsome man he's very handsome he was james bond was he yeah i've never seen any that handsome little sorry i mostly known from the golden knight 964 game and his character on there super hot super hot we all agreed then honestly robin williams is kind of a [ __ ] away in the beginning of this movie before there was such a thing i like how i'm like he reminds me of my dad only in the sense that when i was a kid i knew that if i wanted something i'd be more likely to get my dad to say yes and in this film he is also the one you go to when you as a child want to have all the fun [ __ ] it seems like a lot of the movies that robin williams was in was either changed to fit him or was written for him because they give him so many opportunities to do his character rolodex right here we see him calling miranda as applicants to her nanny ad so that by the time he now calls as mrs doubtfire she sounds lovely and she just has to meet her and she's already you know that's very manipulative robin daniel you know what it's not robin robin would never exactly daniel my name is fire fire that's pretty much how i came up with my name i was looking around i was like where are my keys has anyone seen my keys and mikey was born but spelled funny so that no one knew nyk ie okay so now we are introduced to daniel's brother and look at all of this fx makeup here's the fun pause i wonder if v neil was just like here's my kit just throw it on set or if they just actually have production design find the necessary things and fill it so far in this still we see a full face over the head mask we see wigs we see zombie monster faces hands monster hands it looks like they're using a jewelry box as a little makeup kit over here on the side that's interesting i've never seen that before let's see i can't quite tell what's going on here i see a lot of like tubs with lids they look appropriate to fx i see lots of things that look like this i just pulled this out of the trash i finally decided to just toss it because i kept it around thinking that i was gonna see that dog hair fly off of it i kept it from the five minute crafts video thinking i was gonna use it someday and then i realized i never was so i drew with some glue on my hand and then i peeled it off and i peeled my tan off with it so that's the story of this that is now in the trash that is now relevant because it looks like they have some of that on their stand which it probably is not elmer's glue how do you explain the other hand oh i washed them we're in a pandemic peter it's like when kids tease you in school because they're like you have to get right on your shirt and you have to go at least i'm wearing it burn so far so good let's see what else we got here we see robin getting to do more character impressions every night is like the bait of pigs i think we have to go to the next level latex latex okay so here we have a major comedy family movie talking about latex in special effects makeup which is super cool and the first character that we see is an old woman that doesn't end up being the one that he goes with it looks too much like him still but he clearly has foam latex prosthetics on his face and on his nose this makeup looks amazing it's great it's super seamless it's good that they make his brother like a very skillful talented hollywood level special effects makeup artist because if they tried to sell him as anything else it wouldn't fly because this is obviously really really really good work no no i feel like bobby this is not working you know this isn't working but don't worry it's a work in progress and you're my brother i will never let you be embarrassed god bless you i think we're gonna have to do the entire phase like they said it looks too much like him so they have to do the whole face trying to see what else is on their desk i can't really make out anything but the creatures that they have in the top right of the frame are super cool and i would like all of them and i'm wondering if they're venials or greg's so that's also a foam latex nose to look more like garbage try sand the blending's so good as it would be oscar winning makeup i'm not gonna have anything negative to say if you were looking for me to rip something apart it's not gonna happen except for 90s rom-coms but we'll gladly do that oh i don't think i have the strength all right but i have some plaster here he says they have some plaster and he starts mixing it up and this is because we can presume since they're gonna do the whole face he's going to make an entire life cast of daniel's face to be able to sculpt something custom to him this is what they ended up doing in real life in designing the makeup they had a reference picture from i think they said a woman in the 40s just like a random older woman that they had sculpted the face to look like and mrs doubtfire was born i don't know why i'm reacting to this like i don't know what's gonna happen i haven't watched it in a while but here we see them doing the live cast plaster bandages on the face i have never filmed me making my own life cast but i do need to make a new one soon i was just looking at my life cast today and i didn't realize i etched a date into the back of my life cast and it's from 2014 so mine is six years old i need a new one but that is kind of my nightmare i don't feel like i'm claustrophobic until i'm in a closed space and then suddenly i'm very claustrophobic so i've been avoiding that for a while i'm convinced i'm gonna suffocate some people put straws in the nose to make a light cast and that's very dangerous and you should never do that so that is really the safest way to do it and it's very scary looking and you have to leave it there until the plaster bandages harden and then you'll have a perfect little cast of your face there's more to it than that you gotta mix up some supplies to go inside the plaster but it's a fun process for really big movies that have full body prosthetics cast like fake muscles and you know like the superhero movies and stuff like that they do entire full body casts and then there we are looking at the negative of his mold and his face and essentially make the negative the concave version of your face you'll fill it in with another kind of hard material i mean you guys have seen it probably unless you're new in which case hello please subscribe you fill it with a stone type material and then voila white cast this is really cool to see in a movie that is so popular because it's probably the only exposure a lot of people have ever had to the process of special effects makeup and prosthetic making so here he's sculpting on his life cast with clay you guys have seen this on my channel before although this is a very nice life cast and the people who have sculpted this are really really freaking good so now this went from them sculpting the clay to the foam latex piece that comes out of it the actual prosthetic this is really interesting because as you can see right here this is one solid piece it's got the skin texture he's painting the skin tone onto it but this is not what his actual prosthetics looked like this does look to be like it's made of foam latex like his actual prosthetics were for the film but his were eight separate pieces that kind of connected and overlapped and vimeo described them as kind of being like a jigsaw puzzle that just eventually covered his whole face but in order for it to move naturally with the muscles in his face that's why they make it separate pieces instead of just one massive piece if you look at my sleepy hollow video where i glued an entire foam latex singular solid piece to my face that's the only time i think i've ever done anything that big all at once you can kind of tell when i'm moving it moves with my face but not super well because it's just one big they already have eyebrows drawn onto this prosthetic here which i think is kind of interesting because there's no reason that the eyebrows would be drawn on first especially if they're just now filling in the skin color so that's kind of funny that's i think clearly just for filming sake also the actual foam latex pieces did not start this deep red color they would actually add red to the prosthetic rather than it's starting red and then putting this really pale base on it they already have the lip color filled in here too which is kind of funny it's a little backwards but you get the idea of what's going on oh yes i actually have a drawer just like this in my closet right here i wonder if i did this subconsciously because i've seen this movie many times over my life but i have a whole drawer that is full of all eye and teeth things and some hair i got a bunch of teeth more fake teeth and i even have eyeballs just like they do i'm gonna call this part incredibly accurate to me personally except their teeth are very nice high quality and their eyeballs look like real human eyeballs so they're winning [Music] this is a really cool shot because it's such an extreme close-up of the makeup and you can see how it moves with his mouth so well like you can't even tell where the makeup ends which you know is the point but i think this shot illustrates so well how he might have been able to actually fool people up close that he was someone else because if you look at that you can see all of the skin texture that was sculpted in every single spot to the prosthetic you can see how it's seamless even though technically it's not but that is the magic of makeup and if you think it's unrealistic that he could have fooled some people face to face i would argue based on this shot that you'd be wrong he did fool people i was looking it up apparently rob williams would go around san francisco as mrs doubtfire and at one point he went into a shop and bought a big ah he's so pure oh what a little angel if you're an angel yeah to test the makeup i love this oh okay this is another great shot to look at if you look closely here you can see the seam of where his eye is and the prosthetic ends but i don't think you'd necessarily be able to see that if you're just speaking quickly and casually to someone and it might have just been for this shot specifically to show that it is makeup and not someone else's face you can also see here i have the same exact glasses as this actually and something i learned today watching behind the scenes footage is if you look very very closely there look at his eyebrow what do you see long time zombaes might know what those are peter do you know what that is it's an eyebrow it's an eyebrow wig yeah they had little eyebrow wigs on his prosthetic so that he had kind of like the real hairs and they weren't drawn on you know like some people i know eyebrow wigs didn't go over very well for me especially not in person if you've seen the video you know but i'm glad it worked for him putting on very thick stockings to hide all of his leg hair nice not that ladies have to shave their legs little kitten heel i love how they all dance down out of frame for this shot i think about that every time i see it where i'm like who does that to get out of the shot so that is our first look into the makeup for mrs doubtfire i would say it seems pretty realistic to the process the only thing that i think they skip over is there's some other materials that are used to make the life cast that they don't really show like an alginate but let's see what else we got the makeup is great you can see in this shot right here where he's looking to the side that this goes all the way around his neck and the wig goes over the edges of the prosthetic so you can't even tell where it begins and ends i think i would buy that in person for sure this is one of my favorite scenes for sure i think everybody's so this woman's here to check on him twice a week to make sure that everything's going okay because of the custody hearing and he is in full old lady makeup this is where we start to run into movie magic so the initial makeup scene they show this prosthetic as all one piece one i think so that it's easy for the audience to understand but also so that they can get away with scenes like this where we're supposed to be able to believe that he's basically just pulling it on and off like a mask the actual makeup application process would take three hours on a good day and up to four and a half hours on what robin williams says was a bad day so there's no way that he could pull it on and off quickly easily or have it look right when he did finally pull it back on the actual prosthetics that are applied to him were glued all over his face it was stuck to every single spot it's not a mask so it's not something that you could take on and off easily this part is unbelievable to anyone who dabbles in fx but for the story you have to be able to tell it this way the body suit robin williams said that the bodysuit was a mix of spandex and like beanbag material this stuff is so well glued on including the wig you would not get out of this quickly i think v neil said in an interview that it would take them an hour to get him out of the makeup at the end of the day to give you an idea of how unrealistic this back and forth is [Music] there obviously he's just popping off the wig quickly he's just peeling this off of his face but this was not the actual prosthetic that he had on his face because he peels it off in one piece and we know it was eight he's got no glue no residue on him he's just pretty much clean with like hat hair which would not be the case so his prosthetic flies out the window lands on the street in one solid thick piece it doesn't have the same material as foam latex it looks heavier and waxier oh norman bates he slaps his wig back on and he's gonna go try to retrieve his prosthetic because obviously he's otherwise and him losing his gigantic base prosthetic is the reason why we get this very very iconic moment where he sticks his face in a cake and says so good also not realistic dip in the cake because if you did you wouldn't have it selectively not right here and it wouldn't be nice and even it'd be a mess here we're coming up to the scene where mrs doubtfire gets exposed literally [Music] oh god for the record this still could have been a woman one because trans women are women two because they make a little pee thing have you guys ever seen this little pee thing it's like a funnel i have one oh my god i've never tried it i don't know how well it works not sponsored it is sponse not sponsored by this but it is sponsored by skillshare i bet i could use this for an fx look you kind of look like a dude from frozen olaf yeah if this video gets 400 000 likes i will find a way to incorporate this into a makeup look all right get some work oh this really got sidetracked all because we caught mrs doubtfire peeing in toilet well this is down fire like i said trans women are women no more he she [ __ ] and then spoilers everything falls apart in the scene all right let's get right to the good [ __ ] this is similar to the other scene that we saw where he kind of has to go back and forth between mrs doubtfire and daniel because he's caught in a predicament where he is at dinner for two different things as two different people he should have just moved one of them don't double book mrs doubtfire's walking into the men's room that's that's okay gender-neutral bathrooms this would never happen all right so let's see how long it takes him to get out of his entire mrs doubtfire get up this is this is like me as a kid at dance recitals changing backstage like a freaking speed changing artist oh my god he had a whole dress shirt under that that's gotta be so hot and uncomfortable all right so he's just popping off the wig popping out the teeth still has his face on but now if you look at that you can see why there's movie magic happening here when he takes off the wig and all he has on left is the face you can see instantly that that doesn't fit his face the same way that it did before you can especially see it when he turns around when it appears as though the only thing that was holding his face on was the wig because now the wig's off he has this kind of like leather face vibe and it doesn't look like mrs doubtfire anymore he actually looks less like robin williams here than he does when it's fully glued onto his face in the eight different pieces you can see too when he exclaims in his mouth it's a little hard to see but it wrinkles differently too because it's not fully glued down his face like it actually was 10 seconds ago in the film and that is why he's able to just peel it off like nothing happened because it's not actually attached he's just ready to go it literally just cuts to him back transformed as mrs doubtfire they do not address at all how he gets back into the makeup because there's no way for him to actually do it they could just roll up the mask and say you know that's all he did but what you don't see is between that last scene of him as daniel and cut now it's mrs doubtfire what actually elapsed if this were realistic is a three to four and a half hour makeup job do you understand let's see it fall off though his fake fx teeth ball out that are just there to make him look unrecognizable but he can just pass them off his dentures convenient dentures there's so many little funny things in this movie damn it so we've already seen the process once we're not going to see it again it's even faster this time look at that that's an amazing transformation this would have to be a mask to last through all of the taking on and off because pretty much when you take off a prosthetic once that's it you don't get to reuse it but this thing this is the most amazing mask there is it's about as amazing as the mask different movie also 90's classic here we see the criminal trying to murder pierce brosnan can i help you man oh sorry i'm late but after all those scotches i had to piss like a racehorse look at that hairline look at the hair on that wig it's so good and there's no way that it would just peel down off the top like we're about to see let's get there so pierce brosnan is choking and obviously daniel doesn't want him to die that wasn't the plan it was supposed to be a prank so he's trying to save him with the heimlich maneuver he's a nice strong man shrimp pops out daniel saves the day but unfortunately [Laughter] daniel has been outed as being two-faced if you look closely you can see that the wig is no longer as impressive as it was just mere moments ago his hair is underneath of it doing this whole thing but i'm sure he had some kind of a bald cap or a wig cap underneath in actual makeup and his face is just peeled down you can see the the inside of his prosthetic you can't even really see the features on the prosthetic at all it looks very much detached there's no glue on his face whatsoever it's a nice clean just peeling like up like a banana peel the jig is up you guys have seen me peel some prosthetics off my face in the past so i think that you know and they don't come off that easy if only they did i would have avoided a lot of pain in my life there's just no way that something could sit and fit and move so closely to your actual face if it wasn't glued down very well unrealistic but forgivable because it's the only way to tell this story it is the movie magic that's happening and we can look past it like look his whole face is like i can't even tell what i guess we're looking at the forehead up here everything's just the edges are nice and clean too which i don't think they'd actually be in the real prosthetic that's that's the shot that's probably still the actual wig because the hairline does still look good there it's just obviously not applied the same way that it would be for other scenes he just peels it right off that looks like it's still made of foam latex the same thing that he actually ends up wearing happy birthday don't touch me if ripley were a person i have to go we have to leave now i have to leave to come we have to leave now my dad would always say that as a kid he'd go i have to go and i'm pretty sure he was quoting this and now his face is just hanging off the front of him like a bib great look and then the incredible part after this is all he had to do was wait three months for them to reassess the situation if he had secured a job and home which he did he does eventually do both but in that process of securing a job at home and also not being able to wait to see his children he has done all kinds of messed up [ __ ] he is no longer trusted and now he's in more trouble for not just waiting which is the moral of the story kids if you can't do it without getting caught don't do it at all just kidding don't don't this is not an encouragement to commit crimes or identity theft or attempted murder but at least it worked out he gets to be mrs doubtfire again on the children's show that he got the gig for because he sat down at a dinner table with that man as the wrong person silver lining he still gets to be mrs doubtfire shouldn't he be in jail though probably yeah but he's robin williams he can get away with anything so i reached out to v neil today when i realized that she had worked on this movie and i told her how cool it was that they had won an oscar for it how cool it was that she got to work on robin williams what she said about him was he was kind and extremely generous you couldn't have asked for a nicer human being to work with he was very respectful of his makeup and always very careful not to damage it during shooting he was always in a good mood so he was a pleasure to work with i miss him terribly and when i tell you how much that makes me want to cry a lot but this is such an iconic movie for makeup not just because it has amazing makeup but because it brings makeup into a part of the story in a way that we don't usually see special effects so for that reason and many others i love it that is my reaction to mrs doubtfire if you do decide to watch it i highly recommend it but watch it through the lens of being in the 90s and i guess that's all you can really say about it it holds up pretty well maybe not it's very special despite its fudging for movie magic it's still a really entertaining story and robin williams is so amazing in it he's magnetic and so charming and it's hard to not want to watch him so highly recommend just for him and for those of you who are upset that i didn't do mrs doubtfire i think there's one way i can make up for it but only one hello did you drip on yourself apparently found it it's melting so fast okay that's this week's video thanks for watching let me know in the comments down below if you want to see me react to any other makeup from any other films and otherwise i will see you guys next week bye he doesn't even want to look at me yeah they both are looking at you later that's so weird oh i dripped all over myself i tried really hard not to
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,043,428
Rating: 4.9702816 out of 5
Keywords: Makeup Artist Reacts to MRS.DOUBTFIRE, glam and gore, glam n gore, mykie, mrs doubtfire, movie react, movie reaction, makeup artist, mua, sfx makeup artist, fx makeup artist, 90s movies, romcom, classic, film, review, robin williams
Id: zHE688sZGJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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