The Next Big Brow Trend

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Looks like a 90s tattoo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 127 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rosalind_joan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t think so, Tim.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 254 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/erinskull πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I used to do this in middle school back in the early 2000s. Holly Mary Combs had her brows like that in Charmed and I thought it was super cool.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlertSanity πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It kinda seems to me like Mykie’s channel is devolving into just repetitions of successful bits she’s done before. Like, having someone off screen making snarky comments, bringing in her wine-y roommate, talking about her dog, talking about her eyebrows, it just feels like she’s just hitting the same beats in every single video and it just gets kind of repetitive.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kamclark3121 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else over Anthony in the background of all of her videos? Reminds me of Jenna/Julian

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 180 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LadyOfTheUpsideDown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The only brow trend that's happening next are thin brows tbh. Buckle up ladies.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jarellano89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trying to be innovative / ahead of the curve =/= trendy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HolaPinchePuto πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The comments surprise me, I thought the video was very fun

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eldotrawi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know if I watch this video I will be tempted to shave off my eyebrows. I shaved my head once and dammit I will do the same to my brows!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
i am a new balloon bud today is that the dance they do it's close enough i feel like i can't sing it because i don't want a risk that i get copyright struck it hello zombaes i think i said it that way the last time hello zombies welcome back it's weird to speak in proper english hello zombies it's been a while since i've shaved off my eyebrows and if you've been paying attention then you know that i really wanted to shave them off a couple weeks ago a couple weeks ago a month ago time flies when you're in quarantine and you know i used to do it all the time whatever i wanted and to feel and to know that the last time i wanted to shave off my eyebrows i kind of couldn't i've never had to cover my eyebrows and hopefully you've all seen why by now i did a collab with james charles and many others from the beauty community and my segment was all about the brows so i wanted as much to work with as possible to do my brows the way that i'm used to doing them let's find my eyebrows but it made me realize how much i take for granted the fact that i can just shave them right off my face so i want to do that today and then i want to play and then i don't know maybe we'll come up with a whole new brow trend that will sweep the nation all the nations we're international up in this [ __ ] alright so first things first like the title says i will be shaving off my eyebrows any objections does anyone here have any reason why these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your peace i am jet why think about your future cut sprite okay this is not how i normally do them if you are new here hello my name is mikey but spelled funny n-y-k-i-e i normally fill them in and do the whole instagram brow thing but for today i just put a brow tint on top of my actual hairs so that you can see what they just look like this is just them in their natural state ish if you want to know why i don't have eyebrows watch this video here it's the most successful video on my channel which of all the things i've done just getting my brows dyed is the best thing i've ever done i don't want to talk about it anymore let's shave them off have i ever shaved off my eyebrows since we've been dating no oh my god let's do it oh yeah oh oh just the sound of that i wish people could hear what that sounds like i can oh my god that's like the opposite of asmr i don't need these where i'm going where are you going not outside anymore that's why you do this during quarantine actually you know what that's a great point i would love to come up with some kind of trend that makes everyone brave enough to try shaving off their eyebrows just once it's a challenge this is officially a challenge video the shave off your eyebrows challenge you're in quarantine where you gotta go who got impressed no one how fast they grow back grow back fully yeah like a month a month and will it look like it's been shaved or is it gonna look the same it looks the same it looks exactly the same when it goes back i mean you're asking a girl with invisible eyebrows but i think so i think it looks the same so i don't actually shave off my eyebrows with those anymore i usually just use one of these little guys little face shaver gets it nice and close uh that sounds great does it sound great yeah that's like nails on a chalkboard for me look at all that hair you see all that hair i just took off yeah i saw it ah this looks like when a bad tattoo fades it's like i got my eyebrows tattooed on really poorly or it looks like you tried to get laser removal in your tattoos and you've only gone in three times can't afford the fourth yeah look at all the hair oh it's a rain oh my god let's forget this moment ever happened don't judge me you know what i'm gonna do by the end of this video what i'm gonna have my first victim katie i'm gonna make katie shave off her eyebrows whoa you think she's gonna do it i bet i could get her to partially shave them oh that completely changes everything does it i'm not really out of makeup wipes are you kidding me all right hold on i need my stand-in all right peter entertain the people i gotta go find my makeup wipes no one will even notice [Music] zombaes okay honey you're showing my bad edges [Music] over do you think anyone noticed that that wasn't you no pr also has no eyebrows all right i grew some skin i'm back speaking of growing skin i kind of want to give pierre a face like as if he were a human like i want to do reverse fx makeup on pierre do you want a face wait where are my makeup wipes oh my god [Music] wow top-notch content wow heads look very different without eyebrows come on you see me without eyebrows all the time is it really that different to not have hair it's so much different without the hair oh really yeah it looks like someone drew your eyes on a different part of your head now just lower much slower actually hold that thought here's the fun thing ready if i pull my wig up to my actual hairline which is up here my eyes are just straight up in the middle of my whole head like i have as much real estate up here as i have down here i could put a whole other nose and mouth i should do a mirror image on my face let's actually test this theory i'm just gonna draw a crude face on my face things i did not think i'd be doing today i'm not saying i'm gonna do like a good job i just am curious size wise if they would fit maybe i'll do a really thorough version if people are very interested all right let's see i need all my real estate wow it does change my face i am an alien it's hard to draw upside down you know drawing right side up is not even my strong suit so that's what she said i need the nose ring very important nose ring and then i need a mouth it's just like writing your name backwards i got a lot of new subscribers from the james collab hi guys welcome is this what you expected when you subscribed i think this is all they were hoping for probably i mean i definitely have room for it flip this image upside down flip it upside down try to do a shocked face i don't know how to an angry face oh it works oh that was concerned concerned strong concerned mother this is my cue like if quarantine goes for five full years all right this was not the eyebrow trend i thought i was gonna set today oh my god that's so good would you guys like to see a full out video on this it would basically be the tiny face challenge but upside down i also kind of want to do the tiny face challenge fx style like a little baby zombie they're gonna be really cute what do you think let me know good luck finding the comments but tell me down in the comments why are they moving things oh they probably would be pretty entertaining and the whole video would just be upside down which would not be the first time i've done an upside down video on this channel weird things i can brag about is this a single eyebrow or third eye it's my third eye emils does stuff like this but she's like really good at it it doesn't look like a five grader a five grader i should go back to five grade you are not smarter than a five grader yes ooh illuminati confirmed i glued up my face then you got a third eye that's very red that's just my natural ginger skin underneath it looks like it never happened the beauty of not having eyebrows you can do anything what should i do let's do cheetah eyebrows let's make cheetah eyebrows a thing we gotta get something people want to do can't make a trend that no one wants to do like um something crazy like shaving off their eyebrows that wouldn't work oh wait or should i do tiger eyebrows because of stupid tiger king honestly that would be the first stupid thing that would work okay we got the base now how do we get the tiger that's sick you like it yes does it look like a tiger though let's see if i can accent it a bit [Music] it's kind of fun now if you follow me on instagram or twitter i know that this is not the video you were expecting this week and i just want to let you know that that is still on its way you're upset listen i'm working on a pal if you don't follow me on twitter and instagram then i'll just let you know basically i'm gonna do an entire video about jonbenet ramsay all the theories all my thoughts all the evidence i've found so we're getting a little true crimey next week and then i'm also working on a video that will be my ultimate horror movie list of all of my favorites ones i think you must see but there's a few more very prominent classics that i have not yet seen that i feel like i should watch before i do a video like that so i'm working on that one as well you like tiger king i give you tiger brows woman i can't compete with that i kind of dig it actually looks kind of badass i really like that it's way cooler than the show oh yeah because i don't feel terrible after looking at these see now if you shave off your eyebrows you could do this too they would be the star of your face and if you had dark hair and they were like dark stripes instead of green it would look even more like tiger stripes i have something to show you katie what's the trendiest thing right now the perfect trendy thing to mix with eyebrows actually i wonder she'll know what it is if i don't tell her all right i'm just going to show you you ready okay a zebra stripes i mean i'll take it because they're the same pattern tiger um tiger king on your face it looks good i'm glad you thought it was zebra at least that means like i feel like if it was orange i would have guessed it 100 yes the pattern yeah i never have to open cans so i'm really excited this is not sponsored i just love this can opener you stick the can between these two johns you put it right here and then you shut it and then all you do is this then you just do it and it's a perfect cut isn't that so fun that is fun give me more cans to open here open this up how you know you're 30. you have two more cans yeah i don't want to take these off i like them this was not the final form i expected but i'm into it i'm gonna do one yay katie's gonna wait you're gonna shave off your brows oh like for a whole last video yeah she's in the mirror looking at her brows right now like deciphering how much they mean to her i think you should give up at least one eyebrow for the cause listen now's a great time to experiment to do stuff like this too because you're covering up half your face with a mask when you go out so the only statement you get to make about who you are with makeup is your eyes and your eyebrows which is about as much as you normally get to make a statement with because let's be honest you don't do a whole lot with your lips but now's the perfect time don't you want to do it do it kitty do it you want to do it don't you katie do it katie i would do the glue stick thing glue them down good luck doing tiger brows on top of glue stick brows because it's not the same because it's never smooth sorry if the audio hasn't been great i've been busy opening cans which is my true pride and joy everyone's leaving me because i'm trying to recruit them to shave their eyebrows sadly i think it's time to wipe off my tiger brows even though i surprisingly fell in love with them oh gone so soon gone soon but that's not the trend that's gonna sweep the nation katie i need your help do you have an idea for my brows do you have anything you really want to see now that i can do anything in the whole world i thought that you should do a cheetah brow but that's kind of like tiger i don't know if snakes can be really hard i mean if i had a stencil i could do snake skin but do you have any stocking a fishnet brow yeah okay i'm gonna try to do a fishnet print eyebrow per the request of katie i think i still need to sketch out the rough area of what i'm going to want it to be [Music] actually i think i'm going to do this in reverse order i'm going to fill these in and then print on top these are some bright green eyebrows all right i'm making the outside darker so that not only is it a fishnet eyebrow but it's also an ombre fishnet eyebrow very fancy i don't know how this is gonna work i might need your help yeah yeah no you got to hold it really tight you want to make sure it goes all the way across the brow there you go oh don't push too hard because my eyes under there so i'm pushing your eyeball okay now don't move okay all right and then i assume you want to just pat you don't want to move it around at all okay let's see if this worked ready take it straight this way okay it kind of looks like snake scales that's what katie wanted looks like snake scales you should do a checker bro what a checker bro what do you mean a checkered bra that looks really good that looks so good katie do you want to help me with the other brow not that you didn't do a good job anthony i did a great job but it can be like a face off that looks cool your idea oh oh okay all right hold it there for me don't push too hard on my eyeball i'm sorry okay i'm gonna move forward a little bit so i can see okay [Music] all right take it away i'm scared go [Music] oh oh yours is way better i wasn't the same thing hold on let me clean it up maybe there's hope i don't think so why didn't this one come out as good the other one that's much too oh from holding it i think the whole she stretched it too wide he's throwing you under the bus anthony side side looks pretty good now that i've cleaned it up a little bit actually i'm gonna clean this side up a little bit since it got submerged and those are our fishnet brows the next trend to sweep the nation do you like them yes or no a resounding yes from every single viewer everyone in the comments already said yes i like them they're fun so the problem with this one though is that i can't really imagine people are going to want to shave off their eyebrows to do something that requires a friend to push violently against their eyeballs every time they want to do this i mean i guess you could get like a little tiny piece of fishnet and tape it in a smaller area like maybe you don't need a friend's help and there's a way to do it without it but i don't think that anyone's gonna try this one i think that the search continues for a realistic eyebrow alternative that requires shavage yet again we must part goodbye my friend parting is such a sweet sorrow we gotta do something that people will do let's try again how much money would someone have to pay you to shave off your eyebrows everyone's got a price probably 100k really you wouldn't do it for 50 000 someone's saying me like i would give you 50 grand right now like we're back in two weeks a month tops i got that [ __ ] to do with two weeks you think i should do it yeah i don't know about that katie convince him what what what what andy do it who needs eyebrows who needs eyebrows i would only do it if katie did it i would only do it if let's hear the excuses if i hit a million subscribers in the next 20 minutes how many do you have it doesn't work like that 10. it's hard for me to believe that i do something all the time that most people would never do it's just hair it grows back and you'd be fine i think my eyebrows are my best asset so i can never know about them leave your justification for not shaving off your eyebrows in the comments below you wusses i think we should start with one thing that's already been an eyebrow trend so that we know we're not doing anything too out of the box for people to try you know when people shave a little slit into the arch of their eyebrow i think that looks so badass and you already have a scar there under your eye too i do not my eyebrow but there which is close to my eyebrow my actual eyebrows here my scars there if only it had cut a little higher yeah i've always wanted to try that so let me put a little cut in my arches so some cuts go straight down and some go like with the arch of the brow i'm gonna try to go with the arch of the brow and see what that looks like whoa so that's much easier to do when you don't have hair this will generally cure that's fun now what's another thing everyone can get behind sparkles so i have rhinestones which are basically the good version of glitter i'm just gonna glue up the whole cut i'll just fit as many as i can right there see how it goes i'm gonna look for the tiniest little rhinestone possible god oh geez this is a delicate operation kind of feels like operation a game but this is not a game all right we got one match so well if you had your diamonds on your teeth though i know i was thinking about that i glue one on my teeth old monkey is back she's gone check it out [Music] i can't close my eyes or it's gonna fall off all right let's do the other brow cute i love them i would legitimately do this all the time actually hey that's so pretty have you seen the show euphoria a little bit me neither oh there was a trend going around of people recreating makeup from the show there were little rhinestones that people were putting all over their eyes and their eyebrows and it kind of reminds me of that but it's a little different and it's subtle subtle enough for every day by a little glam you could do this people could do this people could do that people could do this send me pictures on instagram and twitter if you happen to try this but i guess i didn't need to shave off my eyebrows to do this really at most i could have just shaved off that little spot but i guess technically if you really wanted to do it you could just put a little concealer over the arch part and then glue down rhinestones and it would probably look almost exactly the same so but then we never would have known what tiger bras look like or efficient brows so worth it should we make katie do this i think we could get her today you should do that one for sure you could do this one what you think i could push my eyebrows aside no what i just explained were you listening honey no i'm looking at something very special i'll tell you about it when you're older can it be done it might be too small [Applause] that's not moving it's stuck on the tab i'm upset this is my favorite thing why are you failing me it's like too soft of a can [Music] well take that five minute hack well i throw up because i have my ring because i get nauseous from your migraines but i have a freaking migraine because i haven't had red bull today oh no that really blew the top off that look i opened it wow art are my eyes super red wall i look high but my eyes are watering because i threw up call me a cutie you look beautiful hi katie hi kate's back guys and yes we're not social distancing but it's okay we've disinfected her from the inside out with wine and she's already survived coronavirus like actually if you'd like to watch her video on coronavirus click on her channel in the description down below that's the video i recommend first is your coronavirus video of all your videos she's not as spunky as usual because she doesn't feel good i've asked her three times if she really wants to do this and she said yeah so don't give me [ __ ] here's caffeine it's for science i just want to see if i can do this on you without having to shave your brows i feel like i wouldn't mind if you shaved a tail a whole tail um i don't need the whole tail yeah i wouldn't mind i feel like you should just shape my brow for me and then do the other one and then maybe give me a little cafe oh you just want me to do your makeup that'd be fun i haven't done that yet are you such teeny tiny brows i know that's why i'm afraid to lose the ones that i actually have that's why you shouldn't be afraid you don't have much to lose see it doesn't look the same with hair you gotta like get in there it's not the same let me see something anthony that dip is done if you would like something did i do yeah i mean dip with a migraine honey you said it was vegan oh you're so cute anthony do you think i would make us a snack and not make it vegan for you what kind of moisture do you think i am there is a particular item in the dip that i know i don't like that mikey it says cilantro in my defense i don't like cilantro either but i can't taste it that much in this dip i like how she caters to you for being vegan but she doesn't cater to me for thinking something tastes like soap i was actually going to have you taste it without knowing their cilantro and again well now i know and i won't be able to untaste it how many people taste cilantro soup i think it's like 50 it's something wild four to fourteen percent of the population tastes a lot that's not half my breath tastes like onions and cilantro i'm sorry if my breath tastes i'm not excited anthony bring in the dip you made a fat oh my god well i chipped it and i put it in a pot because it wasn't a boulder this is so big this is the biggest pot we own this is heavy i look dizzy there you go swear to god soapy i'm not even gonna complain because look at all your hard work no you can say if it tastes like soap you have a big chunk of cilantro right on the tippy top of that bite level one to ten soap i would love to know what it tastes like without the cilantro wait you really taste soap in it yeah i do i'm just so sensitive cute laugh track [Applause] that's good you know sometimes if i eat something with cilantro in it and then i keep eating it i stop noticing how bitter it tastes but i bet if i kept eating it which i will do because i'm a glutton i won't taste the cilantro anymore so i'll just keep eating it when we're done thanks for making dip for everyone you're so cute that's good you look tough do you feel tough i feel like i'm dying inside similar that's why i was like are you sure you want to do this it's for the people it is for the people they don't deserve you they're probably like while she's way less annoying when she has a migraine and summer we were gonna do a different video today where we try not to touch our faces while we do our makeup and we see how far we get and if we don't get very far we have to take a shot every time we touch our face but we opted not to do that i'm not there yet i don't really drink so that would be quite a thing to do on my channel but i don't know could still do it do a little thing oh cute yes wait let me fill in the back end a little bit oh and it looks pretty much the same as me who shaved off all my eyebrows and for what yours looks really pretty though he's staring at it in the viewfinder and it looks very pretty you just call it a viewfinder you're so cute what is it supposed to be a monitor yep look at the monitor if you find there's the thing in the camera that you look through defined your view that's what i said twins it's pretty it's very pretty would you wear this on a normal day um yeah because life isn't normal right now and at least we can have fun with our brows um hello she has so many kiss marks on her from who from you i'm not wearing lipstick i love you oh yes switch dogs i have her baby this is calvin remember the first time you guys met calvin in the bee video in the bee video buddy censored honey okay oh so many doggos the whole gang's here okay see you guys next week bye what was the size of the turds it wasn't one of these guys because i know there was a much bigger
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,351,440
Rating: 4.9139061 out of 5
Keywords: Makeup artist shaves off all of her eyebrows, missing eyebrows, brows, invisible brows, blonde brows, mykie, glam and gore, glamngore, eyebrows, eyebrow trends, eyebrow trend, tiger brows, fishnet brows, rhinestone brows, rhinestone eyebrow, slit in eyebrows, slit in brows, shave brows, shave off, new trend
Id: 5n7PjKAUaVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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