Dumpster Diving "Captain Jack Sparrow Up In Here"

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all right y'all dumpster number one good old electricians dumpster there's a little bit of stuffing up in here let's see got nothing too hot and happening but i see some snippets more boxes and such okay get on my way bro breakers breakers i guess i know guys there's silver in them breakers another meter socket it's aluminum sometimes there's copper on there breaker box no breakers get it though nothing there all right let's get some snippets get some snow boots snippet time good snickers number one stuff there's a straight copper right there aluminum more aluminum number one right there anywho how we doing tonight y'all everybody doing okay getting the summer kicked off everybody uh being safe out there enjoying the first summer after covid out and about i can definitely tell the traffic is definitely back to pre-pandemic levels everybody's itching to just get out i hear you man i hear you all right covenant covet sucks all right i think we're getting about getting about there i wish i would just kind of oh that's some good stuff just started crapping a box or put it in a bag and throw it in here and go through it later but is what it is right look at that though probably a couple bucks the number one wire right there oops all right yeah yeah little box of awesome stuff man started off right right all right let's take a peek i've been hitting this one for a few weeks now there goes some stuff yeah there is all right all right okay what we'll do back her on up up we go up and in baby up and in open tops this stuff's got wires in it too oh it's long let alone yeah razor blade's probably not the best huh it'll do though it will work see what we got here some corn am i hungry anyone oh that's connected right there this wire giving me a hard time more working out different muscle groups close the ups man let's get our wires here that's good wire too the good stuff more sheetrock have that wire there two parts been above there's a big old pipe i don't think we're bending that one that's the negative on that [Music] a little bit bigger all right that was a little bit beard see all right good scrap right here i like open tops into the truck we go all right piece of pipe all right breaking a sweat uh hello won't come out put some weight out of here that's caught on something caught on some all right we'll give it a good hard tug see if she comes out not it just there it goes god sometimes you just got to give it a good tug ooh baby blessing to sway [Applause] got all the pop it's a battery yeah these emergency exit signs they'll have a battery in it all right all right yeah [Applause] look at all that that's just in one dumpster noise what the hell cap jack sparrow up in here oh that one's like wood i think that's legit you smack somebody with that huh i wonder if some kid's dad just said enough is enough got tired of their kids beating up on their siblings with the hammer that one's cool that big one it's like an old uh i don't know cut you up kind of sword huh that's so weird okay swords swords and such quaker oats swords remember the time i found all the num chucks that one was pretty cool ah some of them numb chucks were real too like wouldn't like totally mess you up he's a three-quarter little piece three quarter slides oh there's a sink down there those are down in the bottom trash man's gonna hate me for that one we've got to dig it out sorry about that guys all right the pursuit of scrap [Music] but with all new actuality there's a recycle dumpster literally right next door or right next to me probably should have just thrown it in there kept in the trash all right stay on the sink all right check it out hoes in the dumpster holes in the dumpster oh look at that whoa look at all those gears man look at all of them oh they're plastic that one's not oh man it's all plus it's still good got here y'all sprocket and gear incorporated a catalog with a bunch of sprockets accord oh man i thought we hit something real good oh there's some shelving in here [Applause] yeah those are all those are all plastic oh there's a metal one some bearings there's a little bit down here that hose lots of hoses in the dumpster turn on my guys that one's metal there's some shelving down here on the bottom gonna have to dig it out i'm gonna start tossing in the back here [Music] shelf [Applause] way to go mike so smooth [Applause] so smooth [Music] gonna wake the day all right some more over here all right hold up yeah i never claimed to be the uh the smoothest dumpster ever but i am a dumpster and a scrap and everything that comes with it in between that hose is hard i'll get the uh my little no my little bolt cutters out [Applause] cut those ends off there some more man i thought we hit a lick on them on those gears turns out not so much all right yeah they're all plastic gears [Music] i don't know they may make some art what do y'all think let's grab them let's grab them somebody might be interested because they are they are kind of cool you know a little bit make a robot a robot [Music] [Applause] here there's a metal one all right they're kind of interesting kind of cool something cool the modern [Music] i don't know what are these used for i guess if anything i mean punch the bearings out that's got bearings in there bearings are metallic in nature right right well and then police are out tonight man tell you what pull forth i don't know what i'm gonna do with all these there's a metal one this smaller ones look like like these like right here that's a metal one almost could be used like as a dirt bike sprocket huh some metal ones in here gears and such all right lots of sprockets and gear then all right yeah baby oh i got another one right there back in there my mess over here [Music] i really am an idiot idiot let me get my snips all right so i can't find my ball cutters just gonna take this home take this whole i think basket left my bolt cutters at the casa all right look at that piece can't wear yeah man look at all that far out sprockets martin sprocket yo dumpster oh my god oh you're rolling away on me this is a boot box what's this [Applause] it's taped together it's link a spinner and tail as desired what there's a book creator rieta legendary texas cuisine and best summer drinks what there's a whole party right there a whole party no money no money no money i like money i like money oh all right it's that big red one go a little something some more hoes i can probably cut this piece off look at that cut that off i see a bunch of metal poles [Applause] right quick oh it's all bunched together too nice i like it when it's like of that got a bunch of door hardware that's good stuff too that's always welcome in my truck those are big pieces big pieces oops right out the back these i can't bend these these are too thick those are really thick we got here that's pretty heavy [Applause] oh that's some weight to it uh-oh let's see here i don't know maybe i'll get that out let's see here we go maybe it's a lot of work for a little piece of screen got it and then there's another one down here okay she's not too buried got it all right i gotta find the end of that hose emergency exit only this piece of scrap this piece of aluminum there's a door open hold on whoa it looks like aluminum good stuff got here add a little piece of hose all right more lumber [Applause] [Applause] and this big old thing i don't know what that is it's super heavy all right see if we can find the end of this hose huh that's it so didn't i cut nope all right there's both the ends we got one in someone cut the other end oh yeah it's a little windy out here tonight y'all that's all plastic all right rock and roll scrappity dude ass grab what you did baby [Applause] that's a blast hold [Applause] sweet what we got here nice look at that there's lights and wires and such up in here look at that all right michael take it i'm thinking here man rock and roll baby [Applause] there's got some wire attached to the romex this one the same story looks like it yes sir lights and wires lights and wires light my fire light my fire scrappy doo dah that's about it well all righty scavengers another successful trip out there on the books yeah it was definitely got some good scrap good good good scrub good scrap goods crab lots of metal pods metal stuff let me see some that's not magnetic that looks like i guess i guess and that's gonna be aluminum the uh screws and such are magnetic so we're gonna take that apart golly and that thing is heavy too i wonder what's inside oh hold up see i don't know what that is man but it is definitely some good scrubbing scrap man a few bucks right there uh this hose over here i actually was thinking i was like i need a piece of hose so i can probably cut a piece of that off although that's a quarter inch i think it's a little small ah but yes all in all very successful evening out there getting some stuff got a little cleaning up to do got some stainless got some extruded aluminum over there that's what that looks like uh lots of metal pipe wires uh my little box that snippet my stuff over here i don't know why i grabbed this book all this stuff is available online the martin sprocket catalog uh you can't buy direct from market sprocket that's why there's a dxp card on there you got to go through a distributor like dxp but all this stuff basically this catalog right here is like this one that looks like shivs it's got the speed ratios ods number of uh uh like on the ship's number of uh belts it takes rpm or hp horsepower per belt yeah all the all the base basically like if say you've got like a pump or something with a crankshaft and you need to figure out you know this is where the whole engineering thing comes in you know you've got your shaft and you got to figure out your ship you know and how well your pumps can operate that kind of stuff i haven't done that kind of crap in a long time long long time i used to work back on pumps and such i got all these uh sprockets right here like i said like this one's metal good solid chunk of metal steel there went ahead and grabbed the plastic ones um i mean there's nothing wrong with them i don't know what to do with them but i figured somebody may have some sort of idea to what to do with them i mean it's cool stuff what they call that steam punk but yeah we grabbed all of them so we'll see what happens there found some swords and some uh texas cookbook and stuff like that but yeah i mean all in all i'm satisfied with our haul for the evening most deaf most deaf but anyways well all right scavengers that's gonna do it on this episode here of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most like the scavenger but you already knew that uh be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel if you have it uh please subscribe uh i love subscribers subscribers are cool subscribers rock uh instagram check it out i got one if you all want to get on there and see what other kind of crap i do which isn't a lot ah and then extra special shout out to everybody bought some merch definitely appreciate that guys if you are interested down below there should be a banner teespring go get y'all some stuff uh yeah but uh yeah got a little work to do this weekend uh we're getting up in the morning though uh we're heading to uh east bernard those of you are familiar with the h-town area east bernard's down there out by full sure which is on the uh southwest end ish out there uh my wife she's her family's uh czechoslovakian that's a granger part number and uh they're having a check fest out there tomorrow so we're gonna go check out the check fest get some kalachi's anybody from texas especially this part of texas hill country knows lots of lots of uh czechoslovakian influence lots of uh czechoslovakia and uh uh settle settle settlement i don't know the whole story on it but yeah there's lots of german and czechoslovakian people that settled you know throughout the hill country and you know the central texas and that kind of stuff so yeah we're gonna go check out the check fest tomorrow if y'all ain't got nothing going on go check it out maybe we'll see each other but until then y'all stay tuned for that next one uh yeah yeah what we got here y'all those gravity scraps [Music] mike
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 117,364
Rating: 4.9436526 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: OXLVFgiDx0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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