Dumpster Diving "Swangin & Bangin"

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all right y'all check that out ac place be leaving us some scraps more aluminum and other ish among that ish all right y'all how we doing another video other day getting that scrap snippet might have a little issue with some of the juice today been raining off and on around town so i'm trying to avoid it but sometimes you just you just can't avoid it anyway let's get it swinging and banging with that scrap yeah all right see my gosh up over here oh yeah i see a little something over here whoa whoa whoa whoa a little sub over here for us back there another ac place oh that's like a whole unit see how heavy we're gonna have to back it on up we're gonna back that thing up there's a dumpster back there you go be careful okay all right let's grab this sucker going to get you suck up it's like a whole uh like a window unit or something got a little weight to it got a little weight to it man that's a window unit you can strip it apart which i probably will because there's some copper but my particular yard they have a set price for ac units window units i don't know what it is but i know that they do you can just send it in just like it is but i mean why would you when you get the copper and the motor and the scram oh see something in that bag y'all see it let's see not a whole lot that's for sure but it's something i see a little something here right it's like a filter or something i found these before i think they're aluminum if i'm not mistaken i believe so oh that looks pretty grody man it looks really pretty oh look at that fan blade with a motor all right grab that sucker there's a cord right here all right all right all right yeah a little bit of stuff little scrappy scrap get it there miss dang man do this thing right here yo your wardrobe box bar things what this he is what is he maxi cozy is that for a baby or something i have no idea i'll take it i'll tell you anything else like that oh no check it out there's a barbecue pit anything up in here some wires oh it's stinky stanky up in here man okay up in this cat six nope nope nope no so sometimes they put the whole cameras in the box but that's not the case today but they left us a barbecue pit i'm glad they take it we got some room definitely got some room so for me the easiest way for these guys is to literally just put the one end up and then to flip it upside down but i try not to especially if it's not if it's dirty try not to flip it too much because uh see the crap that comes out i mean if it's full of charcoal and all that ish oh yeah i did find a chair this puppy up in here we'll bungee cord it off barbecue pit boy that's a hell of a desk right there big old executive desk oh my gosh really not bad shape i don't have room for it though it's a quality piece of furniture though she's a dovetail yeah oh my gosh i don't have room for it even i brought it home i don't have room at home for it that's nice though that's real nice real real nice it hasn't gotten rained on yet either let's go the computer way in the back see it alright anyway back to the basics [Music] we'll get to the computer we'll get to it all right what we got here man what is that broth bone broth boom it feels pretty heavy it's even got a lock on it huh that right here oh all right all right bone broth bone little piggy piggy feels like there's something in there huh just garbage a hat oh there's some wire a little bit of wood mask tape gun see here old funky cups let's see it's a foil oh it looks like a pan that's a skillet outdoor gourmet skillet a little bit of stuff hang on to that let's take a quick just a quick once over real quick just be 100 sure [Music] they're pretty white all right oh better toss the palm off don't want the old lady thinking take it back on the cigs again it's a dirty habit dirty dirty oh check that out this is a scrap band though this is a scrap dumpster that's quite obvious i can't touch this people ask mike why don't you touch it because this particular dumpster was brought in from a scrap yard they worked out a deal that they uh they fill it up scrapyard comes and sends them a check in the mail so this is not going to the landfill this is actually going to a scrap yard but there's some big old bolts man crazy that's a lot of scrap a lot of good scrap like good bolts galvanized and stuff what this is oh it's a toner cartridge jvc look at that old school thing man compact vhs old school man bringing it back old school it's always nice oh there's something here what to see uh not much it looks like the shell for something something electronic this top part slides on it looks like and then uh looks like some jacks come out right there oh no man oh no it's a box say fiber tray that's what it says it's a fiber tray any more fiber trays a baseball monitor let's see we got here oh there's something in here color tft lcd monitor lcd monitor okay let's pick up our mess here any other cool stuff down there it says trip light i think that is a management system for wires high capacity cable manager by trip light okay that's fiber optic cable ain't no good for nobody all right that looks about it let's see oh there's something else what this is take a look at it it's metallic in nature 3m in the three-hit box putty sticks moldable putty sticks there's something in here there we go yo oh i think that's that same thing that's another one of those there's another one down here too pan to it cable management stuff all right i think i managed to get rid of that find a home for it all right i think we can whoa okay all right it's a tire popper oh it sounds empty almost put a little bit of a shop in here oh yeah we uh over here we got a little bit juicier today we got a little bit juicier not in a good way harassing battery backup no battery it's all right still got a little transformer in it a little grocery store scanner thing that one looks a little bit cheaper than the other ones i usually find oh well there's aluminum right in there got some busting monitors they were funny just the other day i was at the uh at uh lowe's i was looking at their monitor that's like that's the same ones that i find like crazy it's a small world whoa there's a quarter i bet that fell out of a uh they uh i'm a registered things man yeah quarter quarter in the juice all right not too hip and happening in here tonight actually it's kind of slow tonight man hit a bunch of dumpsters but i guess the weather keeps people away from throwing stuff out i don't know got a little bit though we're still chugging along yeah all right oh we got some nastiness up in here man look at that oh y'all think it works i highly doubt that back there there's some cool little blinds huh man a little bit of hardware god lee come on y'all give me some stuff got us an open top here yo [Music] oh check it out oh there's some good stuff this number one wire up in here y'all with all the sticks and stuff let's see here grab all that ish that is the goods i know what i'm after right there oh yeah oh yeah not a whole lot of it in here though a shame it's pretty wet and grody in here man pretty wet and grody people tossing out tires he's supposed to be doing that my feet getting wet whoa there's those big metal clip things take those toss those down there a little bit of scrap here all right boy this dumpster is just like pretty much just like tonight kind of crappy kind of crappy all right still better than a good day at the old yabbay hey all right all right oops [Music] [Applause] i would say so yeah well alrighty scavengers oh good morning gotta say wasn't the best of nights it was definitely not the best of nights but it wasn't for lack of trying man i really did i tried i really tried to make it happen but we ended up getting a little bit of scrap not a whole lot a little bit we got the uh little uh um ac unit back there we clean up like i said there's some copper there's a motor in there uh there's the little uh condenser thing uh the radiator thing you get that out of there barbecue pit i didn't even check but a lot of times that the top piece right there that could be stainless if that's stainless you can pop that off get you some stainless off of there like i said i haven't really got a chance to get back there to get that stuff we're just gonna leave this stuff in here for now because we're gonna hit it again tonight and uh hopefully tonight if the weather holds out try to continue filling this truck up and get it all filled up so yeah we're just going to leave all that there got it all shoved and you know organized and pushed forward right there and uh like i said we're going to definitely hit it again tonight uh but yeah last night nothing good not the best not the best not the best not the best but we did get some stuff all right we got a little bit of some wire back here this is all all gonna be number one wire right here this stuff's probably big enough for me to strip that's probably like six gauge right there i'll definitely strip that up all that other smaller stuff number one wire a little bit of some aluminum conduit there but the highlight of the trip would probably be the uh the two dumpsters we hit where we found this cool tow which really we didn't find a whole lot of cool stuff in it and then the one dumpster that we had with the uh the electronic type stuff like the uh i mean the jvc camera there's really not much that could be said about this this thing is old this thing's a dinosaur um but you know you scrap out the power cord [Applause] some other stuff i don't know i don't i mean is there a market for these old jvc cameras because i know that that uh that i see a lot of uh like apps now that try to get that that old grainy looking footage you know people that are making uh i guess films they want that uh that old retro type of granny stuff but i don't even know if this jvc would do that but you know where it's got like the little play button at the bottom where it looks like it's like a a cassette or something uh i don't know i don't know i have to look i don't think there's much of a market for these old video cameras but you never you never know so anyways uh let's see all of this crap right here this panduit is cable management stuff same thing right here you'd hang it on a wall i imagine it probably goes like in a server room server rack room where you you wind all your uh all your cables up yes smart rack enclosures what it says uh you know all your uh your cat wiring and everything keep everything organized same thing here that's what i'm thinking this guy is we'll pull the uh pull the paper out and see what it says boy it's kind of jungle like out today amp patch panels oh this is for a patch panel some sort of i guess that's a piece for a patch panel huh it looks like like something you know like the other things or just cable organization at the very least it is metal it is scrappable but i think that uh i think i shouldn't have a problem getting rid of all this cable management stuff i think i know somebody be interested in that but yeah you can see it's got the holes where it would line up perfectly with a rack for your cords so that all goes there see this is that's the same thing for the patch panels let's see here now the part number has been ripped off of it we have parts for uh server rack panels and things like that we've got our metal skillet here definitely be able to resell that brand new good shape i didn't even look it up outdoor gourmet a little bit of tip oil a little bit of scrap in here but i think overall the actual uh the box itself was the uh the coolest thing uh got another tape gun though i mean who throws out a perfectly good tape gun right anyway okay so yeah there's that a little bit of scrap in there a little bit of trash in there a little bit of this a little bit of that some gloves oh it's starting to rain all right so we'll put all that back in there it is starting to rain okay so we'll make it quick uh the color tft lcd monitor i plugged it in i got it plugged over here you turn it on nothing happens so that's probably why it was in the trash monitor's probably out on it yeah so we'll go ahead and put that back probably a little bit of scrap value there but not much happening there stick that in the box oh it's coming down and then there's the little guy right there uh just a shell a little box all right and then we got our computer over here move it in here into the garage for y'all let's turn the light on boy i tell you what i think we've had rain every single day rain every day this month um yeah i took some screws off this guy right here it's interesting i've never found anything like this it's got a little log box for the slot i guess they keep people out of your stuff but i took a panel off here yeah here we go here in the panel y'all can see there is a hard drive right here and then we've got memory right here so i don't know what goes into that i guess another hard drive would go into that slot perhaps some sort of drive that you know you could lock up and keep people out of it's got the fan control but yeah you find something new in the dumpsters every day but yeah as you all can see it is starting to rain get over here starting to rain on my block again oh my gosh dude it just doesn't stop but anyways why are any scavengers that's gonna do on this episode of dumpster diving as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel uh share with your friends instagram facebook teespring all that stuff uh teespring banner down below uh merch go get y'all some stuff help out the scavenger yeah so like i said we're gonna try and get out there again tonight but i mean the weather just not been our friend lately it really has not been our friend lately and it's getting on my nerves but anyways alrighty we all stay tuned and we'll see y'all on that next one stay dry stay safe stay cool what we got here y'all those gravity scraps the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 367,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving at walmart, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, diving, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, frugal living, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving
Id: gI4EDf8jDAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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