Dumpster Diving "Holy Cow!

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oh well all right are you kidding caboodles and such we just had some serious rain whipped through here so we might be fighting off the dumpster juice for all those that had left the uh dumpster lids open although these guys didn't so we can jump in here check it out cause i see something uh okay i saw a wire thought man i jumped in for this oh what's in the pouch we've got up in here y'all i don't know what that is and then we got some spinach low sodium spinach popeye must work here okay okay it's like firework boxes all right all right kind of jumped in for nothing i'm gonna do our best to stay dry tonight because it is getting a little into it but hey sure see some wires see this is what i'm talking about oh look at that they're cameras look at a whole mess of camos a whole mess up cameras those aren't the good ones those are like all plastic it's such oh there's a whole box full all right let's see here i'm gonna do my best not to have to climb into some of these especially these full this wet cardboard it's all box over here yes sir can't tell it's got the hard drive in it or not but we'll take her but yeah the rain is gone so that's a plus don't have to worry about that no mo but now we just gotta worry about how this other is something in here well right actually that much oh what we got here grab ah little e boards down there that's us over here anything in these boxes there's more stuff oh yeah it's the same stuff yeah oh this is all wet wet and grody take a look here oops that's a box full of hardware that's a lot those are nice this one's got a camera in it i think dead touch it's an rma though so it doesn't work another one yep another one those are all the turns though all right dude all right that wind's starting to pick up a little bit so should be drying out here let's see what we got good stuff right here what is that there's a piece of wire sticking out of it [Music] yuck all right a little bit little bit a little here a little there we're making it happy good little cool outside i see some stuff man i don't want to get in but we got to goss to see what we got here all right oh another one of them oxygen machines they're concentrated grab that sucker put that back there there's the wires for them i think by law they probably have to cut the wires for stuff that's all right though that's all right pretty good tote put my stuff in oh no does it go in the hole i don't know i don't know a bunch of more hoses already got a few of them got a few of them go get the cord there oh it's gross in here totally nasty bro yuck all right okay okay okay i don't know about that we'll grab it take a look at it looks like there may be a battery in there or something we'll check it out oh got some people rolling by they're looking at me like man you crazy dog you crazy yeah i'm a little crazy gotta be a little crazy do some scavenger stuff all right we got a couple of those guys though so holla boy that's a lot of extinguishers that's like a lot a lot of extinguishers somebody scrap pile maybe maybe oh we'll get up in here y'all get somebody's burn barrel some monitors in there i see i see a bunch of monitors actually check her out yo you'll be a little careful be a little bit careful actually you know what we should probably do tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna set these right here and we're gonna go down in there [Music] just toss them in there grab them will sit right there the way we don't have to go chunking them out the side [Music] banging them up any more than they need to be those are good good morning that's pretty dope let's set that down over here a piece of scrap we're down in the juice down in the juice baby that's a lot of monitors you'll see them all down here [Music] oh my gosh this thing is full computer monitors [Music] right there can we get in here get support everything's kind of wet though big old water right there all right this whole thing's didn't come collapsing down too officers got a bunch of new monitors wires here there's a printer way back there but ain't no going under there to get that yeah they got little scratches y'all stay y'all got to stay here stay there these are the big ones too stay water hose attached to what the heck is that coin door co i know i don't know oh no script script oh somebody's in yeah there's a trouble way back in the corner but i ain't gonna mess with that and i've been standing on this guy all right hey much left no hope for that guy all right all right all right a little scrap all right all right let's get out of here without knocking all these waters all right time to achieve the bounty yeah i might have to back the truck up no no no no don't fall in there don't go down there you don't want to go back down there some of these don't seem too bad but watch your head with the electronics there let them dry out they should fire back up so we don't fire them up when they're wet man those are heavy too really heavy really heavy [Music] what i'm doing with this keyboard i just had all these wires attached to it all right that's a pile of e-scrap right there holler alright we got here this wires oh that's a fiber optic crap looks like a little bit of it down in here let's see what we got we get the stick some of the stuff still the packaging oh my fiber xp sm patch cord hold up good enough scrap value really but i think my electronics guy i think he bought some of this a little while back for he took some of it anyway let's see well i mean of course he buys it you know i give him a good deal he's a repeat customer he buys it over and over and over and over and over again so honestly gonna get a good deal oh we got here y'all digital power inverter for your car down in the juice so we'll go ahead and grab these there's a wire there power cord thanks get that sucker there's another one yeah bailey said this fiber optic stuff goes into the uh into the server or something it's just all kinds of wet but you know what we we got some uh dry air in here now so let it dry out i mean it's fiber optical it's not like it's gonna oh my gosh rest or anything that is some dumpster juice dumpster juice at its finest yeah now that is a pile crap luba breaks man breaks off your yo oh got another toe man got up in his toe did it good i see a buck managing steam ask my wife she'll probably tell you could probably use that bug got some lots of steam to burn off got up in here man little case a little firearm case of awesome stuff [Music] fan that in there what that is digital check what's up dude man i'll tell you what people stare at me that's all right the calculator get the kerkl later what is this oh it's like a hose rail or something it's all metal though definitely appearing [Music] it there's a stapler power cord take the stapler it's a swingline baby there goes another staple too there's [Music] a little closer here let's just jump in i'm getting tired of hanging over the side of these dumpsters digging into my gut god that's a lot of tums man all right another swingline stabler oh punch there's another circulator it's a kernel later you know what's that is that paper no that's packing that's like square rope packing plunger packing see all that in the oil field you don't know what that is i used to be in the oil field never going back i hate it never work in another industry it's derived off a commodity i hate it because the highs are awesome and the lows are just as awesome but in the opposite direction [Music] screen cleaner some pins there's some brand new ink i think that's brand name oh that's dymo paper probably can't do much with that oh look at that tape dispenser post-it note dispenser oh what we got here last one oh it's empty but say man we could probably make some money off of that right now that looks like paper for the thing oh my gosh somebody tossed out a tool box hold up [Music] it's a toolbox full of tags for tagging things wires all them tags are probably aluminum yep take that look at that there's some gloves brand new gloves salisbury those are like those chemical gloves you know what's sad though is uh this tells me that somebody's probably going out of business i mean i'm hoping they're not you know fingers crossed but there's a lot of places lately that i've been diving that i've been diving for a long time and they're uh they're going out of business man this is what we're finding all this stuff look i'm not gonna lie the last place i just went to y'all be kicking me in the butt knowing what i did not take but spray paint there was a lot i mean they had like three or four open tops there were some scrap bands a laboratory type place but this stuff wasn't in the actual dumpster it was out by the front door and i'm talking like these huge acid tanks stainless i guarantee they're stainless acid tanks huge but wasn't in the dumps it wasn't even close to the dumpster so not even gonna mess with it there's some more spray for there's some duster this is all office stuff totally sad totally sad does it work and it works calculator [Music] but yeah you guys saw what i just found you gotta be like mike you need to steal that stuff but i don't do that man let's do that that's my bulb are they any good no those aren't the original bulbs [Music] all right all right some binders and such kind of literature we got here 2005 price catalog all right all right tom's in that roll because those things [Music] yeah right look at all of that yep it saddens me but nature of the beast baby all right wait man it's big with the green thing what's up got some leaves up in here oh god here yo oh that looks like a modified piece of scrap this is isn't copper i don't know what that is ow what's your way what's your hit we'll take it we'll take it a couple of you them hear your wet boxes and stuff ooh look at that of course the bottom thing fall out on me boards boards heat sinks jeez it's like the rain you know it's like as a scavenger we don't want it who throws tools away like seriously this is not the first time i've found tools in this dumpster like but who throws oh oh my gosh who throws tools away stupid people salmon there all right that should throw tools away but you know what i'll take it cold get cold what's happening up right there man lots of cardboard is stuck still a little wet oh we got here massive donuts look at that they left four glazed doughnuts man those are good too simply meg sipping donuts anybody from mace town y'all missing out yuck absolutely yuck oh oh my my my good shot over here i see some stuff yeah what is that what is that what's a glass watch you gotta try to retrieve some of it there's some stuff that let's tell you what put it out here you get busted yeah there's stuff down here let's grab this crap like good scrap too man that's a heavy pallet right there got two by fours and let's see what we got here what is that hold up [Music] i hear a lot of glass break what is this oh that's a screen of some sort oh lee what that is let's grab it down look at all this here's what i'm gonna do probably back to truck though there's a lot of stuff here hold up let's see that's a lot of scrap i keep banging my head gosh just keeps coming and i keep banging my head i don't know what do y'all think i have to back the truck up i'll tell you oh what gosh all right hold up this thing's full too all right hold up there yeah i want to pull the truck real close to this side over here you just start throwing stuff over the side yeah i know there's monitors back there but it's got to be made money to be made let's get it look at these things gonna make a pile right here a lot of broken a lot of broken glass [Music] all right i don't know what that is it's heavy though all right let's go ahead we'll start tossing this in yeah i know there's monitors back there but too bad though like i had stuff in the truck i'm curious what this is look at all this that's scrub baby the dumpster next full of it too holy cow what is this it's a spinning wheel [Music] [Music] glass holy cow [Music] there's some chicken bones hold up toss that on this side oops all right all right we'll set this outside over here a little bit all right all right we're getting there [Music] look at all this oh my god don't follow me trust me if i i'd throw this power over the side if i could but this made it two by fours and four by fours this is pretty heavy holy cow beyond banana beyond bananas she's getting full too gotta moved out the way get all this stuff right [Music] hold on there's more stuff down here more stuff all right getting a workout tonight [Music] all right it would have been so much cooler if they just left this by the dumpster i come get it but hey beggars can't be choosers man all right yeah we're getting there [Music] all right gotta throw this back in the dress yes sir ugh oh my gosh this one's completely stuffed too hold up okay see how we cut her we got her backed up here we're gonna get as much more as we can in the gate there's so much scrap in here this is this is unfreaking real look at all this wire holy cow those all look like power supplies in there [Music] so we're just gonna we're gonna put as much as we can in the back of this truck so i d and it's unsafe to drive but we got room we got room gotta love the dance dude look at all these freaking wires man [Music] oh my gosh this is this is beyond real beyond real absolutely beyond real all right i'm gonna hop up in there get what we can there's more of these these guys all right just keep filling the truck up let's keep throwing it in there we might be overweighted at this point maybe maybe got daddy maxed out all right all right wait why i got to that one it's not ready to come it's almost there almost there gosh this is ridiculous saving the planet baby making money doing it too oh there's a microwave we'll try to get the microwave but no guarantees baby all right all that stuff these wires just keeps going man these power supplies though and the grand scat scrap of things that's where the money's at those power supply gosh dude this truck is getting so full hey on a positive note i think we got the microwave almost done almost get off my microwave yo there we go whoo [Music] now we're girts [Music] all right steph's starting to fall out the side we're getting full most definitely getting full and such [Music] uh oh it's attached to a mire please laying in the track this is uh not very typical for the dumpster diving but what we want it's absolutely all right didn't fall out all right look at that there's a oh that's a nice reel offshore reel more power supplies putting in the work tonight [Music] oh let's go going in the back or a little bit started falling out some caster wheels oh my gosh these blocks y'all sit with me almost lost my shoe right there they'll be falling asleep i'll be falling asleep pretty soon though holy cow all right y'all holy shoot [Music] all right as you all can hear i see kind of full oops hold up all right all right guess what this may be the fullest this truck's ever been she's still got a little bounce in her so she ain't too maxed out holy cow yo getting too over this stuff all right scavengers we're gonna go ahead car devil your gun car right there as y'all can see this truck is absolutely stuff to the max holy cow what would you do we got a slot machine staff lots of slot machine stuff and wires and and i mean there's some staplers and monitors and stuff down at the bottom oh man but anyways holy cow probably one of the best hauls today easily oh bad good little chilly i think gotta wear my pants tonight you know what i mean but anyways already already cats already cats thank you all so much tagging a lot appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it as always it was an absolute pleasure uh please be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel share it with your peeps somebody out there might get a cake out of this [Music] i mean look at that so much stuff here so much stuff here but uh all right uh yeah we gotta go gotta get home i'm gonna ruin my popeyes give me a little chicken before i get you know something to eat go to bed before they close but uh thank y'all so much extra special shout out everybody bought some merch appreciate that interested down below teespring gets awesome stuff i'm still just kind of dumbfounded but all right y'all holy cow peace what we got here y'all those gravity scraps mike the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 481,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: sNk8DxUKBKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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