Dumpster Diving "Angels Are Comin' For Me"

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oh snippets yay what's up y'all everybody doing all right everybody survive the weekend we got all their viewers that we had this last week i sure hope so all right motor now we're out here again try to make it happen what's under here oh it's another motor all right man we got a battery back up here oh it's heavy too you know what that means there's the battery although you seriously honestly not supposed to throw those in the trash those are lead acid batteries those are i mean i'm happy to find them in the trash but they're not supposed to be in the trash you know what i'm saying a little scrap back here man all right dude ac dumpster hitting hitting on the first go i saw some sticks i want to grab some sticks aluminum sticks squares scrap sticks scrap sticks everybody wants some scrap sticks ready oh my gosh i see copper i see lots of copper big copper big copper holy cow look at this y'all now that's some strip and stuff right there that that is you want to make me happy send me a roll of all that that will make my day come true yeah another big old piece right there let's see here yeah there's some stuff in this romex a little bit of copper there yeah there's some stuff whoa what was that a little piece of scrap except for this big box up in here man who would throw that that in here trash i don't mind crap that i just pulled out of this dumpster so right ahead go right ahead okay good stuff not a lot of stuff but definitely definitely some good stuff this big old box huh all right see nothing really out here no okay okay that's the goods baby there's the goods oh the dumpster did not want to let me go look at that that's probably seven eight bucks worth of scrap right there easy easy yeah whoa look at the size of that bug that's a pigging this is bigger that's one of those sciaticas that hose looks like hose ooh there are pieces of water in there though good little snip it decent look at snip it yeah right here that's a good piece it's a good piece look at that two brand new nipples half inch by four black steel pot nipple nipples that's one word huh that's a fun word nipple oh look at that these are stainless they come off of like a gas stove there's some breath a piece of copper dude all right there's there's some scrap okay we can take the whole thing it's got the best metal innards and then this is a hose so hose and nipples in the dumpster toes and nipples oh yeah here we go there we go [Music] oh yeah there yeah yeah all right something heavy in this box what we got in here i have a feeling i might know [Music] yes sir look at that another muddle all right hold up is there something in this one too look at that look at that wires oh that's what's heavier sheetrock all right man how was the nipples what a mess lots of locks and stuff yeah see like this stuff right here somebody got mad at me a while back for taking crap out of these boxes but it's like dude i guess they thought it was brand new stuff they called me wasteful ooh this thing's full i'm like all right first off well that looks new maybe possibly we'll grab that whole box how do you call someone who's digging stuff out of a trash can a wasteful bite i just don't get it i just don't get it [Music] explain that to me i try not to be wasteful that was down in the dumpster juice oh crap there goes something stuff yeah that's not new that's not new smart module i don't even know what that means it's a module that's like smart and stuff a lot of this door staff you know you get a lot of stainless and uh brass on doors just definitely mind your p's and q's when you're going through it so you get to get all right i see scrap panels metal panels more ac looking stuff oh y'all hear that angels are coming for me bowling i ain't quite ready to go to that bowling alley if you know what i mean not quite ready shiner bulk dude that's kind of grody corner all right we'll do them a solid since there's rain coming there it looks like it or sounds like it close we'll be a good scavenger oh check it out they left me some more stuff free please take don't mind if i do more medical stuff probably goes with it whoa got a little hung up there what this guy is a zoom all right zoom all right what we got here yo there's a monitor here on top monitor is bolted to the thing it's got some good stuff on it though that's a radio shack mouse yeah that's all metal right there let's back it up back it up back it up i'm kind of bummed about this crap but beggars cannot be choosers although say what's holding it on there take that off let's set this over here for right now back up the truck and get that little cart oh it's getting dark not because it's getting late it's getting dark because uh there's dark clouds dark clouds rolling in it's like a pretty decent piece of scrap man oh jeez that base is heavy [Applause] come on here dude that is not magnetic that whole base whatever that is it's metal and it is not magnetic that is a good sign get this monitor here all right we got that on crap crap let's take that off real quick yeah that's plastic so we just put that plate off scrap baby field dress it all right getting dark starting to dribble a little bit starting to dribble it's unopened core pack what we got core pack look at that oh they're not new though ew it's not unopened i don't know what was in them either well shoot let's see there's another box in here let's see like i'll take jars if they're new but not these what we man up in these yeah this one looks like it's been taped shut so probably a bunch of the same much of the same here those are cool jars though milliliters those look like vanilla jars or something it says 20 minutes being i'm in an industrial place i mean probably some sort of chemicals or something in them and i ain't messing with the chemicals it's in the box it's another jar yeah i mean see that hexanes it's got fire lung yeah we just we'll let those alone are you kidding me right now are you kidding me bro i can't make more rain oh what's up sync and fixtures all right sink i'll take a seat look at mistake a little bit of scrap up in there oh there's one big old like spit balls man like a lamp or something it's like junk there's a broken lamp i bet that sure was pretty at one time one time there's a uh man that's a big old jack right there i don't know the stick's gonna handle be able to handle that big old sucker i'm gonna be jumping in for that one maybe maybe not all right golly look at that thing they ain't gonna fit under my my car seat christmas picture it's good on that sink though looking good on the thing ah all right all right yeah i've been running from the rain man running from the rain had to move out it's just like it's not everywhere it's just some places whoa so we moved a little bit trying to run from it that's a big old jack right there man [Music] there's uh it's a little juicy up in here let's see if we can there's something in there though if we can grab it with let's see a cord what is that i don't think we're gonna be able to reach it with the cord ah over there with the stick we're gonna get in y'all with the juice get in with the juice just try to stay on top of the bags of boxes what is that hp this class b apparatus complies with canadian something or another that's a computer i think i think that's a computer the monitor says here and it was down in the juice that's in the juice big time in the juice that's a battery backup yeah i think that thing was a poodle man all right all right all right watch your head watch your head actually watch your junk all right oh yeah i'm pretty sure that's a pooter one of them funky ones the funky ones back here total of awesomeness yeah i've acquired a toad along the way got rid of the boxes of stuff let's start close hangar i won't go in the garbage lots of stuff a lot of emptiness look like something back there what is that a coffee maker is it a coffee maker i can almost reach you almost all right stick time sticky stick stick looks like a a coffee maker possibly or some tea or is that a water thing it's nespresso espresso oh yep there's the box for the new nespresso you know i looked at an espresso but you got to buy like no espresso stuff for it you know it's like the naga cure egg where you can get like grocery store brain stuff the little cake just anything in a k-cup will work in a keurig nespresso you got to buy strictly nespresso and i didn't really care for that because that sounded like a racket to me and i'm not going to participate so i stick with keurig just thought i'd share right what we got in here man more cooler master stuff silent fan it says missed accessories cooler master red led transparent silent fan what what are you crazy spectra pro led be invisible what what's with the cooler master stuff lately mega flow 200 these are old though 232 2013 2014 those are dated computer stuff man fan red led look see it glows red holy crap there's a thing in there too spectra pro i mean that doesn't look like it's been opened at all cooler master oh we're gonna get in we're getting in yeah we're getting in there's a uh another cage thing or a case oh we're sinking we're sinking thermaltake let's grab all these fans let's see missing screws so it's missing the screws they're new though yeah they are that's pretty dope man i'm not gonna lie what is this it's craft paper it's paper never seen there's these paper two fans cooler master fan more here red led [Music] so they're just missing screws that's what they say they're just missing screws just missing screws well hey i'll take it i'm glad they take it there's another one gladly that's some cool stuff yo all this paper piece of scrap man we certainly got a little dusty up in here there's more up tell you what we'll just get this box here let's put them all cooler master in there mega flow mega flow yeah that's not even open like i said i saw some dates on they looked a little bit older so i don't really know a whole lot about that crap if it's like just old stuff that's not all good or like you know the newer stuff that doesn't fit like old obsolete parts paper it looks like it i think we got it all i think we got it all got it all got it now holy cow oh that's all plastic i thought i thought we just came up on some flanges and stuff it's all schedule 80 4 inch schedule 80 stuff is that for the pool man i thought we may have had something i thought we may have had something let's see oh let's see here dang i can grab that for the casters probably use the casters off of that okay i want to see something up in here oh it's all lawn mower let's see what we got i see a weed eater too whoa classic flanges and such look at that i got money says those are probably stainless right there right there there's stuff down here too okay let's get the uh get the lawnmower man who would want to mother along with that god lee i'd go nuts having to do that let's see whoa there's an easy app right here let's grab that over the side all right craftsman battery operated cheer it's all plastic there chair old sandy chair sandy rusty chair yep somebody took that to the beach literally disintegrating all right we got our sticks lots of wood flooring here oh it's not real wood i wouldn't take it anyway oh what go ahead yeah scrap well all right scavengers good morning how's everybody feeling all right well got another trip in the books y'all pretty successful evening out there too i'd say definitely would say uh we did pretty good in the scrap department this cart back here got to take apart that bottom piece we stuck to magnitude it's non-magnetic so my guess is it's probably a big old chunk of uh it's either stainless or cast aluminum uh either way that's some good stuff right there just got to clean that up get that you know uh all organized and whatnot there's some little wires and stuff to clean up back there uh but for the most part everything back there iron shred a couple battery backups big jack over here got my toe oh this guy right here this is not a computer i saw all the stuff back here i was thinking this is one of those like weird computers where it's like you know like it's like a computer and a thing all in one no this is actual docking station and apparently it's it's really not good for nothing so you know is what it is thought i had a computer but oh well you know it happens but anyways yeah i got our toe back here of awesomeness got some serious wire to clean up got we picked up what three motors uh yes non-fares these bolts right here remember i said i bet these are stainless they are good stainless nice heavy stuff right there we have big copper wires lots of uh number one number two got some uh romex cleanup um you know so i got you know got a little bit of work cut out for me this afternoon or this it's not afternoon just yet come out here you know put the radio on kick the fan on get some tunes going cup of coffee make it happen make it happen but i say uh all the uh the the highlight of this trip and we try to have a highlight per trip would be the one dumpster where we found all these cooler master fans they're not all cooler master but i think it's so weird like in the few years that i've you know been doing this i've never found anything cooler mastering like in the past month i think i've found like i think three dumpsters now that had cooler master stuff or like well i did curbside i found the one the frame and then i did there was a dumpster dive in probably about a month ago pulled a couple of cooler masters out and then just last night fans fans these are fans that go if you look inside here see there's a fan right there uh that's what these smaller fans are for the spectre pro leds i didn't really look these up these cooler masters i looked these up these megaflow 200s they're going for like 20 bucks on ebay i think they were in the ballpark of you know anywhere from 40 to 60 new uh but like we saw like these things have dates on them well some of them did and you know like eight years old so it's old inventory new old inventory uh but like i said like this one says miss accessories it's probably missing some wires uh another one said it's missing some screws so you know yeah you know but uh definitely could probably still manage to get rid of these guys yeah it says 2010 11 years old 11 years old but i mean it's brand new just new old stock right here you know it probably returns or something which is i don't know like the place that i was at like i didn't think they did this kind of stuff uh but yeah so got these over here these turn up apparently they light up led colors these are the smaller ones these blade master 120s i didn't really do my research and look these up but being that these are about 20 bucks you know these are probably around 5 to 10 bucks you know like in the condition that they're in see blademaster blademaster this one was kind of cool excalibur it's an excalibur version cooler master but yeah it's a 120 so i think that's the millimeter the size of the fan 120 millimeters yeah we got a few of them one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 34 i mean probably close to 30 fans here these didn't have the case but you can see like they've never been plugged in probably just missing screws or whatever these are those spectre pro leds these are the cooler masters here but everything looks pretty hunky-dory and new so we'll see what we can do with that got a little monitor we took off over there but all in all yes success success success definitely gonna take that apart i'm really get looking forward to taking that thing apart right there uh but anyways cats and kittens that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike scavenger as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel uh instagram facebook check it out got one uh extra special sounds everybody bought some merch appreciate that guys we actually sit down below teespring go get y'all some stuff saw a couple people picked up the uh the new t-shirt thank you all so much guys i hope you all enjoy them hope you all rock them around town when people ask about it i hope you fill them in on it but uh anyways oh hey this is my neighbor over there she's uh just gonna get some breakfast or something but anyways yeah so i'm gonna get all this stuff cleaned up here today make some room we're going to get back at it asap and uh continue filling up old dancer but until then y'all take care have a lovely day lovely week all that good stuff be safe order yada yada peace what we got here y'all those gravity scraps mic the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 337,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving at walmart, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, diving, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, frugal living, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving
Id: MhSVml1m0XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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