Dumpster Diving "That's Some Meat Right There!"

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all right i see a little something poking up out of here yo check that out all the aluminum wires let's see what we got up in here all right my favorite dumpster that bag is heavy big empty box big empty box let's see what's in these bags here grass man that one's blue grass lots of grass man back big bag of grass going in deep that looks like it today sometimes she good sometimes she's not so good not all that good today but you know what still got something to do let's die oh a little brody up in here i see it look like a ceiling fan yep oh there's some skeeters y'all see him buzzing around not good all that rain we've had oh my gosh they're everywhere what cardboard is stinky steggy that is all right i don't see nothing over there skittis don't bother me though my blood just ain't sweet enough my wife on the other hand they'll pick her up and carry her away look at all that looks like some good stuff ac stuff let's get it somebody left it out for us all right make a little room back here [Music] yeah that's nice and heavy right there see is there a motor in there shall we tennis shoe oh it's like 100 years old what's that a furnace baby baby sweet another blower here i got a motor on it it's a good scrap this puppy is stuffed yeah i don't see nothing but uh we ain't diving in that that's a lot of insulin sweet we got a big gray one here y'all take a quick peek see a uh a pallet jack take a quick little peek see if we grab it i don't see why not you never know it's down in here oh it's down in there oh these mosquitoes are out of control oh that's heavy it's under that thing crap let's see if we can't come on oh my gosh stuff to remove this stuff all right oh making me work for it tonight all right and it's all the way down the bottom this ain't gonna be fun at all oh shoot let's see here all right i'm invested now good to work out all right mike's invested all right there we go the big filter okay let's see here okay we got there there got a little bit here daddy needs to get back in the gym all right all right [Music] we got you this far let's see here we need leverage leverage leverage don't go that way don't do that don't go wow archie blows yeah baby take a little break here for a second see anything oh my i think i see something something big holy cow looks like some gears holy shoot look at the size of that gear now that oh that's heavy look at my tailgate there was something else in there too looked like another gear my gosh oh crap holy crap now that that is some meat right there holy cow that is some meat ooh somebody's underwear what's up dirty underwear get your dirty undies getting down to dirty in the dumpster holy cow whoa whoa oh i'm gonna lie man that pallet jack golly that they whipped my butt yep check it out i thought i'd seen a tv poking out all poke oh there's two of them in here get our tailgate down here make a little room this guy been able to roll around on me somebody getting on it tv doesn't look too beat up just looks older see if we can keep it in one little piece of scrap there grab this other one this one probably not much hope for it's down in the juice it's it got sauced sauced in the juice back there how broad televisions this man looks like there was something underneath no not much what do we have here the heck is that it's a chair of some sort looks like there's a uh it's the big aluminum plate on the bottom what the heck is that it's heavy though whatever it is let's get my tailgate open y'all well i tell you what we ain't finding a lot of stuff but we're definitely finding some meat it looks kind of like some sort of medical chair or something let's see yeah that's all sticky yeah there's a looks like aluminum plate right there i don't know what that goes to well i'll take it seat belt and all seatbelt and all let's see what else we got up in here i got a vacuum a vacuum put the cord cut down in the juice what is that it's a shark all right vacuum today's your lucky day you get to ride in the back i'm guessing this is part of that chair that's why i was saying like maybe medical stuff that's why i was checking it with the uh magnet because a lot of medical stuff is good stuff you know stainless some blueberries got it chair oh suck it in we got here there's a breaker oh that sucker looks fried don't it looks toasty [Applause] now all that looks like it's like fried up it's fried up some junk cable there's some rope got some rope a little power cord it looks like probably the box for the new breaker stuff little wires in there see that's got some metal guts look at all that rope [Applause] it there get some eggs honey no eggs smooth it there oh watch your hair watch your head that says brady on it i wonder if that's what goes in the box plug it in see if it works see if anything happen you never know you never know there's a [Applause] a plug bit more stuff right there that's some good wire that's strippable that's strippable it's definitely strippable see this doesn't have the metal gut so it's no it's no good okay all right i think we got the dudes most of it anyway nuts gotta have them yeah nuts somebody got some new tvs sam sucks baby [Music] that box is heavy oh i hear something i hear something sounds like scrap yes sir i can't tell that shelving or like mounts for uh it looks like shelby that's so much the mount for the tv some bonafides gravity scrap man there's another one over here a lot more tvs more tvs another palette little piece of wire right there nothing too hot happening up in here whoa a little something some what we got here some cables yeah those look like computer cables grab those you got some more a little bit more i don't know extender box some sort of extender box oh no that's empty cool all right big old tvs scrap yeah what's up mr eight mr eight mr a brand new industries what the heck is that you plug it what does it spin it's got a little number some sort of stamping machine maybe oh what is it's a that of rubber big i'll pay the robbers man spray away pictures of someone's little kid what's up little kid got a picture here opening ceremony 2017 world series astro stuff although they got a bad rap for that season huh little border oh old piece of furs her legs broken wow look at this look at this uh-oh let's see why let's get a box let's get us a box phones cat wire plugs poor cat wire i guess the little pieces of cat wire are called jumpers is that what they're called upper cable jumper patch cable patch cable that's what it is the generator wires man all right i like wires i knock out a lot i can find a lot of this crap lately oh there's some scrap all right this is an hp something a docking station a yelling all right let's phone this box right here it's got stuff in here oh no don't fall out i never seen nothing like that before i don't know what that is and what that is some weird-looking stuff for sure though take it though take it a picture of some old dude more wires picture of somebody's baby ah lee there's more wires in there too hold up that is a rack of some sort a little cat love past things that's one of those uh take a look at it get back to the crib down almost get almost get that stuff i like doing that let me get my stick it looks like there's something in there still something in this bubble wrap here wires there's a remote some wires instead of cable box yes it is xfinity box these have little hard drives in them or they should all right well we made every attempt we could not to get in but we're gonna do it miss out on some stuff these are little ram rubbers blp stuff it's a chemistry book chiaki miss street fundamentals of organic chemistry there's another box although i don't know if that's an actual that looks more like a modem type of box oh look at that it's got the battery in it too nice and heavy see what we got here all right it's the netgear pro safe gs728 tp we got in this bag does it want to open oh it's a power cord okay some chords pictures of people a lot more pictures of people some whole bunch there's my stick i don't want to forget my stick [Music] all right yeah another patch cable thing there goes some more wires it's a whistle good couple wiener dogs oh screwdriver i know what that is yeah my wife told me to stop bringing a picture for him to him i'd bring him home thinking she could use them and she don't want them though all right over here oh look at that it's cowboy stuff let's set that right there grab that there's that broken piece of furniture which is a total bummer edgewater networks little network box a memory card some more wires power cord down here just keep getting keep going deeper another box the heck is that what is that is that for like clipping toenails off a cow power core i wonder what's in this thing oh it's a drum far out another plastic drum all right dude we got some stuff stop here holy cow that's not a bad little dumpster right there that's what stuff in my cowboy box it's got old-timey pictures and such that's kind of cool oh what up dumpster lots of boxes it's like a metal box back over there let's grab it look at that y'all got wires batteries shouldn't be throwing those in the trash but i'll gladly take them you know i will i think they're going for like 18 20 cents a pound something like that so you can see where if you got enough they add up especially car batteries because they heavy they real heavy what's up in here y'all oh check it out there's a bumper some peaches oh watch your head it's like garage door stuff not aluminum though sometimes that crap can be aluminum let's see bumper yeah that's a that's a chevy bumper that's a chevy bumper all right take it michael take it y'all want to hop in there i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it somebody's lunch oh there's a battery back up no battery in it though super light alright i got the batteries for it [Music] okay some peaches peaches and cream all right let's get out of here whoa whoa man crap all over my shoes dumpster wow all righty scavengers we're gonna go a call right there a very very successful evening out there getting some stuff oh it started off kind of slow and it picked up that's a gear for something i don't know what that's bigger than a car that's for sure i think it goes with this we found them together but what it goes to is beyond me totally beyond me uh got our feelings scrapped got some ac stuff back there to clean up uh it's got some wires motors in there got this uh pallet jack boy that oh holy cow oh i think it was a mixture of it was just heavy lodged in there and then the open top dumpster was literally like it's taller than me it's probably like seven foot so i mean just that thing whipped my butt i mean i've thrown a couple in the back of the truck before but i've never had to like pick one up over the thing i mean it's heavy i don't know how much those things weigh probably i mean easily two three hundred pounds uh but it definitely ate my lunch that's for sure uh but i mean it it rolled when i got it out it rolled it got in the back of the truck i didn't really check to see if it went up and down but the fact that it rolled i mean they're repairable right i don't know um might pull it down out of there tomorrow play with it the only real way to check it though is you got to put it put some weight on it you know get a pallet with something heavy just to see if the hydraulic jack will hold but even so if it doesn't it's repairable i mean somebody could probably buy that i mean i could probably sell it for parts as is for parts of repair uh you know untested kind of thing 50 bucks locally somebody probably be interested i mean it's all there but yeah i got that wires scrap got this chair right here and clean that up a little bit uh the brady thing we found this uh it's a thermal labeling system takes a battery that's what we pulled out of there is battery charger i didn't see a battery in there but someone's probably gonna say hey mike you totally missed the battery because you guys end up seeing things more than i do but you know is what it is i don't know if those are worth anything i know brady is a is pretty top of the line stuff and the fact that it's got the the the uh the pretty little box so i don't know we shall see uh tvs they don't work that one definitely doesn't work when we pulled out what was in the juice it's all smashed up this guy plugged it in a little bit of some flashing light nothing really happened so that's no good uh people ask what i do with these some people take them apart get the stuff out scrap them uh like like the back of this it's all metal like see how the magnet just sticks right to it uh my scrap yard will take those you know back in the shred pile no problem uh whatever but you know some people you know take them apart get some stuff out if you know comes down to like i always say it comes down to what your time is absolutely worth ah but anyways i got our little uh western shadow box right here real cool nothing too hot and happening but uh the wife says i can't have it so i'm not gonna have to you know try to sell it it's a little dinged up but you know it's got that whole western look thing somebody somebody be interested in that for sure a little astros picture over here the frame it's all falling apart no problem there though i could definitely build another frame for it probably give that to my old man he's a big astros fan uh love you pop let's see and then this guy right here not 100 sure what this is it's some sort of like stamping machine i've never seen anything like it it's got a plug so let's plug it in and see if it does anything okay it's plugged in nothing is happening i'm gonna have to look this up because i have no idea what the heck this thing is it says brand new industries model delta papa mary eight nine or yeah 25 watts 120 volt i don't know what it does i don't know what it does it's for stamping something oh it's getting hot um it's probably for burning numbers into stuff cause yeah it's getting warm here all right i'll have to look it up definitely unplug it before something crazy happens i want nothing crazy to happen i got our boxes boxes of boxes and stuff a little comcast box right here these boxes actually they should have like little dvr boxes and stuff uh should have little uh hard drives in them i can't tell i have to pop it open um should have hard drives in them let's modem stop this guy still don't know what the heck this is i can't get it to budge it won't open or do nothing i don't know what the heck that is let's see it's not magnetic based on the weight i'd say it's stainless it looks like a big fingernail clipper so i'm just gonna say that's probably for clipping uh livestock livestock hoods and stuff um more boxes over here wires and such got the uh switch blocks network switch box i believe that's what it's called here's another xfinity box it's a network box edgewater network box electronic stuff and there was one thing that we were going to open in here these right here these uh these are for radios they have like looks like you know monitor type plugs plus like a little a cat wire type plug on it says to change over control cable for radio stuff uh we got our books our chemistry books but where is there was that one thing in here i wanted to check out a whole rack books my phone oh oh here it is there it is this is uh god i i find i found these before but i should know but it's like the little switch plate i believe that's what it's called a little switch plate cat6 looks brand new but it would go like until you see it's got the holes that goes in the little server rack and it's for your uh for your networking in your office and such but yeah tons of wires tons of little cat wires chemistry books all kinds of wires junk wire plug wires some memory these guys i don't know what these are this is two and seven eighths to three and a half inch something oil fill related i can tell i feel like it is anyway i see it's heavy and nothing nothing special there anything you could use it to you know beat some people but yeah all in all i mean like i said it started off slow but at the end of the night it turned out pretty darn good uh yeah but anyways i appreciate anyone chiming in let me know what some of this stuff is that i don't know what this stuff is like dad is like a big bulgy or something i don't know don't know but that is going to do it on this episode of dumpster diving guys as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel uh share with your friends instagram got one check it out extra special shout out to everybody that bought some merch appreciate the guys there just sit down below teespring go get y'all some stuff help support the scavenger yeah like i said i got a little bit of work cut out for me in the morning come out here my cup of coffee turn the radio on before it gets hot i mean it's texas summer baby mosquitoes and humidity that's what we do here but uh anyways y'all stay tuned on that next one love y'all bye what we got here y'all gravity [Music] mike
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 104,042
Rating: 4.96067 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: UCyWTP7Epsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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