Dumpster Diving "These Boxes Aren't Even Open!"

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all right y'all got some big open top oh yeah yeah i see a little bit of square let's see what we got here we have to jump in open it up here man open this to me let's see what we got y'all she gonna stop you're gonna stop some good stuff right there some rebar got some heavy duty metal pipe all right all right we got those metal clips back there let's see let's do the best whoa best course of action here come on my truck there toss all these these little clippings and back old master here it's kind of slick up in here y'all oop right out the other side they don't sound like typical like steel pipe huh interesting interesting stuff interesting all right big old piece here didn't really say nothing on it it's all right it's all right all right oh this is borderline these are a little bit smaller but we'll grab them anyway we're here we're here [Applause] yeah these are got to put these up towards the front there's nothing in the back of my truck right now all gonna want to blow away whoa [Music] it's going to want to blow away no wire though it's kind of a bummer the crumbs the crumpets crumpets all right yeah first dumpster woo hoo little scrap man lock it back up keep it safe keep it safe y'all barbecue pit or should i say somebody corrected me on the last video it's not a pit it's a grill a pit is like in the ground or something so we don't want to get pitted ooh goddamn man we got some smirnoff huh got a grill a grill and some drink no boone's farm no mad dog md 2020 none of that good stuff all right get this guy here yeah yeah yeah dumpster dumpster let me in see some wire edge over here let's see what we got some cat wire that's all somebody commented asked me why i call it cat wire well i call it catwalks that's what it's called there's some romex well that's not really romex that's that stuff that's hard to clean up what's that called ufb it's kind of like romex but the stuff don't slide out like a dishwasher type of cord hey i'll still tell you though beggars cannot be choosers gonna be some uh number two wire there a pretty light bag that's a cat wire but yeah it's called cat wire because it's like category wire it's like stuff that uh you know plug into your computer looks like a phone cord but it's her phone plug or a phone jack but it's not that's the number one there's the number one right there okay all right got a little number one number two little cat a little bit everything not a whole lot of one thing [Music] oh you know what these are good for i put two in the back of my truck on the walls screw them in you got your little metal plate for your magnets a little docking station for your magnets i'm always losing them put it right there boom stuck good to go cheer what's up cat wire oh there's a bunch of wire down there see what we got up in here yo this looks like my kind of dumpster right here holy shnikey oh my gosh yep jackpot baby jackpot get all that wire got on it tonight thanks guys wires there's screws what's don't that a big boom look at all this wire tell you what look back to truck up we'll just start heat pulling that sounds like a plan let's see what we got here start heave hoeing it's a hard drive here lots of power chords i don't know what that is looks awesome looks like stuff for computers it's a computer that's what that looks like zip ties more power chords [Music] take a closer look at all this stuff get all these power cords there's a bunch there is a bunk pan to it stuff hard drive slots oh my gosh i have to bust out the old magnet get all that metal if it's magnetic more zip ties microwave a bunch of more crap they got stuff in it another camcorder old school old school wow this is a bunch of stuff y'all that's for ac uh ac it's an ac pressure gauge thing hook and loop material anyway somebody cleaning out shop all right mike is here to grab it the lotion on the skin lotion all right come on bro how are you doing doing this to me need for that we're just going to start heave hoeing keep holding keep holding these boxes aren't even open all right that's a cord moving this way go through all this stuff yeah i think we need the magnet for this cat i think we get most of it these are definitely parts to computers i think they're like for the little hard drive slot slot there static sensitive device ecc d-i-m-m memory upgrade huh a memory upgrade i don't know what that is it's probably awesome though it's from pandit it's a square people throwing away tools don't be a fool and don't throw away two click nut that sounds like a fun name quick nut we got some stuff got in there over here more zip tie more click nuts oh my gosh yeah we'll be busy sorting some stuff tomorrow got my day planned out for me old floppy dicks floppy dicks love it geeks see lots of zip ties that's a weather seal right there there's the lotion get down on some lotion at least it smells good thermo cool flux blacks what more clip nuts to look those up see what they go to what they are for little cords a little dog poo down there watch out for the pooh all right gosh tact tape all right i think we got most of it another wire there only one hard drive that way more screws there's another cord buried in the middle screws more pores all right here oh good dumpster had some crap blow out back heel back here i think that's what blew out all right yeah oh yeah see a cord they look like boxes under those boxes out there oh hold on hold on i gotta sneeze oh my god oh i've been sneezing a lot lately y'all the power people line stabilizer slash conditioner it stabilizes and conditions your line kind of like your hair leaving it silky and smooth that's a little ball it's a little box right there this dumpster is a wobble wobble mask control four see there's some cat wire ethernet ethernet that's heavy metal get it heavy metal what kind of heavy metal we got here looks like a stand or something or something something cool in here too and the juice boy they're not a lot of scrap on there huh a little bit not much man there that's heavy metal plate or something in there and there's something in the juice that is absolutely all plastic not much value no value oh look something down here with the ants another control 4 buck look it's a docking station for old ipod interesting electronics electronics electronics speaking of electronics got a lot of uh inquiries i see people asking about what i do with the electronics they know i have an electronics guy and uh we're just kind of curious um any and all computers goes to him uh monitors all monitors if the screen is not cracked he takes those as well cameras and such ah and uh he fixes him he does the best he can to try and fix and repair things and then i'm imagining the stuff that's you know beyond repair just whatever he probably micro scrapped out himself uh and then like with the monitors that are cracked and no good ah i've been tossing them in the shred pile at the scrap yard they don't seem to have a problem with it i mean they probably would have a problem if i had a truckload with nothing but those but a lot of those monitors i find like the grocery store type ones those are like little touchscreen stuff they got they got they got metal in them but i don't take them apart i don't but yeah i'm just you know like same thing with their old tvs people you can scrap those my particular yard they don't seem to have an issue with people tossing uh tossing uh the monitors out there like i said i mean if i had a truckload with nothing but those they may say something but i mean here and there all gravy baby but that's what i do slow down music by watson's crew it's a big box a big box oh i see some wire in that box yes i do i see stuff down there too let's see what we got what we got what we got what we got hold your breath y'all going in there's a little bit in here not much but as we've all seen it adds up oh i see some wire over there i don't know what those are that's one of those uh they call it a stepper bit i think i think that's what that's called we like making a hole bigger there's some more cat wire bigger stuff that's what i'm talking about yeah bad all right i see a couple tvs nothing special nothing too hot nothing too heavy see we got here oh baby come on baby come on baby come at it get down ah yeah that doesn't look to be that good of shape should we grab that without having to uh having to jump in there they're all beat up anything good anything else that got good in here hmm feel good in here i don't see nothing good that's that's good oh we got a stuffer a stuffer there's a fan what's up fan how you doing mr fans hello that's a big if that's a real big if let's see here making my teeth cringe of it get a little bit of it let's see that puppy in half i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it got some pipe man some poppy pop pop pop it's coming it's coming we've been finding some good stuff these past couple trips y'all it's not gonna lie pretty good pretty good man there's more down in here getting hung on stuff i ain't gonna empty this whole thing for that little bit of pipe either y'all's crazy i think that's happening let's see if we can figure out where it's hooking [Music] up yeah pipe just keep that one coming i'll just keep taking oh man i think we're reaching a point where i may not be able to get some more ah free money in the chat see one more piece for a couple more pieces back there let's see if we get up in there there goes a cord what is this what vwr vwr whoa that virtual reality or something all right there we go we got it whoa made a little holes here this stuff up here clean up after ourselves oh i see something over here it's all wet clover electronics it's like an equalizer there's a hard drive right there let's see there just comes right now hard drive back with our electronics and stuff good dumpsters man that's what a mikey likes there's a cord which you attach to it's a box the box it's heavy it's probably battery no no battery transformer though grab that square square let's see let's see okay okay all right not too shabby not too shabby all right close her up couple more to go all right got another open top here okay oh she's a little empty and a little bit of scrap up in here but hey we can open the door we don't have to worry about all that other nonsense although climbing get a little exercise never hurt nobody right let's see let's see here a little pipe more pot monitor stand that's a piece of extruded aluminum right there that's some uh that's a legit scrappy scrappy scrap piece of wire let's see here look at a little thumbs up right there it's got a little brass piece on it take that the dreaded wall studs some dreaded wall studs in there y'all in my eye in my eye a wall stud i'll grab it for you guys this is a very rare moment a very very rare moment indeed guys savor it savor it but honestly this is why i don't grab them like this thing is so light it's so so light easily blows out the back of the trunk especially if you have a ton of them i know you can throw crap on top but they you know it's still just one of those things it's like pound for pound for me to grab these you know it's just i don't really care to do it because i'd rather get heavier stuff i'd rather save room for much cooler stuff but since there's just one i'm gonna grab it tonight like i said this is a very very rare looks like a piece of aluminum occurrence you guys are get to be a part of that all right so [Music] ah let's pack it up and move to nashville all right let's get out of here what's up cowboy hat see something in the bag looks brassy i see a green patina on it who throws a cowboy hat in the church that's very untexan like very in texan like although don't know where it's been we got here man bear on the broom bear on the bar boom barbone well all right here we go oh there's cockroaches and bugs man look at that that is brass that definitely looks like brass it looks like brass right here too maybe bottle of wine for five bottles of wine and sausages okay sorry cowboy hat just wasn't meant to be i don't know where you've been just like some of my exes well good morning scavengers how's everybody doing well i say we slayed some dumpster ass last night definitely got some good stuff in the trash and some not so good stuff you know well when i say not so good i mean it's very scrap anyways yeah i kind of came out here this morning i was doing a little bit sort of cleaning up some stuff i got the one tv plugged in as y'all can see it's no good it's kind of trippy part of the screen is like not even it's like it's like whoa bad yeah crazy but i mean 99 of the time that's what you're gonna find in the trash is bust the tvs i mean typically people don't throw away completely good working tvs every now and then you might get lucky and there's like a a switch or something or whatever but for the most part it's usually because it got dropped in these screens they're just cheap this guy over here i didn't even bother plugging in it looked like it had been wet but i don't know if y'all can see that but you can see it there's that that weird discoloration in the screen and there's some cracking going on so that's probably going to be the same scenario there but hey you know gravity dude off gravity day man but uh all right let's see we'll move this out of our way over here i'd say the highlight of the last night's trip by far was the one dumpster where we pulled out all this computer stuff a lot of it i'm not even sure what it is but we'll kind of go through it these i've determined i believe are hard drive they call were they trays trays maybe i think that's what these are called and i'm thinking all these little metal pieces are components for that kind of stuff this guy right here uh definitely looks like something you'd see on a computer they're all different ones too this guy right here you know there's a ct lnk there's a port two port one uh these are all they all parts of computers and such that's a tray a hard drive tray that's what i've kind of determined most of this stuff is is computer type stuff that's trash uh we did i did find quite a little or quite a bit of trash some of those boxes that i pulled out there's another hard drive tray a little old camera there let's put this on the ground over here but yeah that's what we got going on over there all this stuff right here too it's sticky it's like you know so very least it's scrap it's a iron scrap though which is you know is what it is so we got quite a bit of it ah let's go ahead over here this panduit it's a full length blanking shade part number foxtrot lima bravo sierra india mike dash five one although this is not what's in the box okay let's see here these look like pieces to a dell computer dell emc looks like there's a little lock on there okay so those aren't even panduit things those are metal though and those are definitely metal i have to look that up they say uh dp slash n018 charlie foxtrot mike they're all the same though dell emc parts to dell computers okay okay okay see what we got here tons and i mean tons of power chords man like power chords for days bro some screws bags of screws and some keys and then more of this crap this looks like computer crap like they would go like where there's a slot in the uh those are going to be brass where there's a slot in the computer let's hit that down there tons of that crap let's see what we got in this box here yeah more of the same all of these guys h-p-e-i-b but i can't even trust that what's in this box is what's on the side of the thing so says hpe ib hdr 100 slash en not really a description hp though says hewlett packard on it so maybe maybe see this crap i think this crap is for hanging stuff like off of the ceilings i think that's what this is for i think that's for hanging crap it's magnetic so uh iron scrap at the least screws over here let's see power cords got a bunch of power cords a bunch of power cords and clean up here here's some more hp boxes yeah look at all that that's nuts but yeah that's what they're full of these guys right here full of them all right and then i see oh yeah those are more of those little trays this feels heavy it's probably going to be the same yep more of that stuff scrap at the very least see here more trays i guess that's i'm guessing that's what they are and they're more of that stuff adding up weight wise let's see here i did find that that box that said memory unfortunately there was no memory in there those were just empty packages but we'll find those they're in here somewhere a bag full of screws and then those are like those little uh click nut things they look similar to it screws and nuts screws and nuts set that over here my screws and nuts it's a little light more screws click nuts screws hardware bolt there's our hard drive got one hard drive more quake nuts more power cords and then i don't know what i grabbed that for thermo cool flux hc180 i don't know what that is somebody probably does let me know a little weather strip right there just over here put a light down here all right into the box here more cords screws those are screws more screws with the little clip nut things lots of cat wire power cords catware power cords a little crapload of these out i'm thinking these are for uh maybe hanging on the wall for your uh cord management possibly that's it over here oh that's the trash get that that dead ah let's see all right i've got a bag of this ish g2 rack for zu sounds like metal in there huh let's see see there's some screws a little allen wrench and some l little l bracket looking things don't know don't know let's see over here yeah that's garbage power cords trying to find that box of uh that memory well i mean there's no memory in it they're just empty boxes here this looks like more that stuff we just pulled out of these red bags here i feel like server rack or something cord it's an interesting looking cord those are all metal whatever those are more cords cords lots of zip ties miscellaneous scrap i see got the ac gauge the high and the low that's definitely probably worth something to somebody more zip ties screws and such there's some more trays cords got my square lots of keys lots and lots of keys keys a lot of times keys are brass so check that out or the clip nuts lots of keys velcro stuff zip cords hardware more cords l brackets and yeah oh here it is this was all that uh i thought that this was gonna be memory they're all empty like they've all been open and empty so i thought we just hit a lick with some memory but no no memory in there just empty trash but all in all yeah pretty awesome stuff oh yeah we got some more electronic crap over here line stabilizer conditioner some boxes that one we pulled out with the hard drive in it but uh yeah all in all pretty successful i got a lot of sorting to do mostly just wires which i love i love wires wires are awesome awesome stuff but uh anyways yes guys that is going to do it on this episode of dumpster diving with mike mike the scavenger as always it was a total absolute total pleasure appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your friends uh instagram facebook got it check it out teespring down below uh my little teespring shop t-shirt stickers coffee mugs that kind of stuff go check that out you got a few extra bucks throw it down get y'all t-shirts grab the scrap and uh yeah shout out to everyone who bought any of that stuff thank y'all so much but anyways like i said i got my uh my afternoon planned out for me back here but hey i don't mind turn on the fan radio cup of coffee just get in the zone and just start scrapping man but anyways alrighty guys we all stay tuned for that next one maybe do a little curbside for y'all or something but anyway everybody until then y'all take care bye peace what we got here y'all those gravity scraps [Music] scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 221,662
Rating: 4.9289665 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving at walmart, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, diving, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, frugal living, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving
Id: Wpc1eZy6qxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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