Dumpster Diving "Fried Shrimp & Cheese Sticks!"

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all right all right y'all good evening how are we doing i see stuff let's see some wire oh looks like some chain hoists look at that yeah baby i'm gonna leave that that wire cable last time was too much a pain in the butt scrap yard won't take it you gotta cut it up spend too much time cut it up really not worth all your time let's see here i see some uh some bed rails under here though ah big piece of metal pipe i'll take those spikey will come on man up the butt board buy me a drink first huh [Music] yeah bed rails they'll pinch the crap out of you too it can happen to me to you because it happened to me right there be careful boy it took a chunk of my skin out with the glove on that's how bad it is could happen to you because it happened little secret box nothing in it though all right any more hoists now if this is just that cable there's a like a coupling with a lovejoy coupling thing oh there's some chain take chain they don't seem to have an issue with the chain it's that steel cable something on there and all kinds of crap down in the leaves down in the leaves all right yeah baby whoa first dumpster yeah all right let's see what we've got to be here guys we're good we'll get it let's see here looks like there's a few things let's see computers huh all right these are just like the the outer shells of the power supply not really a box in here i could use huh all right a little something something it's just full of like it's not even that heavy all right let these this good stuff right there the goods man that's it huh oh something stinks there's this empty little all right okay hey man there's something this all right weights connection of taxes some car lights i don't know that looks like something huh does that look metallic in nature sure does let's see what we got man cashew clusters almonds and pumpkin seeds what is this there's a [Music] that's a door for a cabinet sure i'll take it i'll take it i did huh it put some sort of liquid in it we'll let that alone all right there is my shells here whoa right yeah so yeah what we got up here y'all check that guy out larger than charge man got some pots what's up pots man that's some nice stuff right there see what we got here look at those things man like somebody dumped their life in this dumpster that's called a little resell value too there's a product case my wife has some prada glasses i think look at that american express platinum card it's metal we'll scrap it out man oh geez it's a little table seems to be all right i don't really care for that chair i don't need a chair there are some kitchen stuff is some kitchen stuff one more correct proana filthy blankets all kinds of clothes all right that's a tray it's pretty heavy tray man pretty heavy oops yeah i don't see nothing really too hot and happening up in here and there's a little bit of clothes but they're not like in the bag or anything so it's like yeah what do you do all right cool right there man right there oh dude this puppy is full look at all these cigarettes man lots of cigarettes he's down here oh i think i see a lamp you must get my stick man get a stick in there see we'll fish it out gonna try to fish it i think that's a lamp it looks like a lamp get off me man [Applause] that's one of the magnifying sea and glass type of lamps i wonder if it works let's plug it in and see i don't really see nothing else you jump it in there all right lamp oh i see a pop-up this is what that is let's see here it's an off of pieces and stuff yep that's usually how they go man they last for about one season and then cheaper ones ain't nothing ain't nothing really left of them there's a lot of glass in there a lot of glass in there looks like some screens all right don't try this at home kiddos i am a professional somewhat sort of this is not a how-to video it's purely entertainment yeah i think we're just gonna have to let bygones be bygones on that a couple dollars the scrap ain't worth the amount of stitches that's gonna take okay never mind never mind wow everyone all right [Music] sometimes you just gotta what kenny rogers said gotta know when to fold them man know when to hold them know when to walk away know when to run try to ride what we got here y'all i love that's the cabinet oh look at that [Applause] there yeah accessory cord and grinder wheel that's that floor stuff the trim i'd say this is fair game somebody left that first huh all right man back her up load her in there let me clear a hole be right back with you you haven't got us a hole cleared hopefully it's big enough boy that's a big old cabinet right there that's that that's worth that's worth selling right there definitely not worth scrapping like a glove all right a quick little winner this sucker is full full full some posters it's 2018 rapping oh that's not ridiculous hey that's a trophy what's up trophy baseball trophy used to play some ball all right crap crap crap ammo crap yeah yo yo yo what up trash can there's a trash can yuck oh we got here man [Applause] oh it's like a sample box oh bro that's all plastic ain't nobody got time for that somebody's sample box look at that that's a gun holster bianchi model 5 8 colt 1911 made in mexico looked like the dog got a hold of it that's pretty cool i don't have a gun or nothing but you know that successory oh man we got some hoes what's this t-mobile those are heavy something about a navigation system dumpster flowers huh i don't know what that is what's that blue jeans we got here no sir what is this sonos of course it's empty look at that there's a uh tv mount oh i see somebody's chicken nuggets oh fried shrimp and cheese sticks man look at that some moldy artisan rolls you want some moldy rolls what is that i don't even want to know it's not wanting to open all right whoa whoa look at all them bottles man somebody was getting down getting down freddie brown let's see there's more over here holy cow whoa oh there goes some pipe there goes a lot of pipe holy cow all right we'll back her up go back her out up man there's a lot of pipe up in that dumpster some wire back it on up here shoot there's a water heater right there all right let's get it get a little love tap some smooches smooches baby all right here we go well i hope i can get it all to fit oh my trash can there's no more i put my table over here try to somewhat be careful with it okay we're gonna do what we can do see what all we can do [Music] ah lee that's a lot of pipes all right guys go cracky open something cold we're gonna be here for a minute it's like jenga like somebody said on that last one lots and lots of pipes this ain't too bad though i've dealt with worse yes i have hopefully we'll be able to get that water heater i'm hoping yeah it's all like bent funny so you get a it's like a like a puzzle just like a puzzle well i got all that other pipe in my driveway from that last garden so got a scrap yard trip coming for y'all if you want of course i mean you're gonna have to let me know tell me you want it tell me how bad you want it all this was probably going to end up in the landfill i say that but somebody probably would have come along and picked it up so you know all right that's a bunch because big pieces on the ground we'll try to grab those too [Music] oh that big cabinet taking up all that space i'm thinking i could probably get about 50 bucks for that cabinet though that's a that's a big camera 50 bucks should be quite sufficient for that what y'all reckon huh [Music] lots of sticks [Music] but it's all folded up nice wire grab that water off of there number one stuff right there yeah baby i'm going to go to the scrap yard and get paid but this ain't too bad having the truck just backed right up to it makes my job a heck of a lot easier i can't always do that but today we doing it yeah i think we'll be able to get that water heater in there should we should a little box right got some there we'll just back to the truck up to that other one [Music] and uh get the water heater out oh y'all hear that ball point boom boom totally boom boom oh there goes another one must be standing on them [Music] there's a big one there all right let's scrap out of here yes sir i've said it before and i'll say it again mike's on that pipe again all right all right i think we got the good stuff [Music] yeah we did all right we go back up to the one next to it and get the uh the water heater out let's do it little tap oh yeah we can't forget that big long pipe too let's see if we can bend it all right wonder why they didn't bend though i don't know we got it though look at that all dirty and such all right let's get that water heater oh man there ain't nothing to grab onto right here all right uh-oh hold on all right there we go all right let's see let's set it in like that try to get that brass pop-up valve out there all right and those tubes right there they look metal but they're like classic to the sand [Music] not sure what that's all about yeah close it up for them too how about they'll be like whoa somebody's so awesome yeah kind of awesome all right yes sir got a little bit of room go hit a couple more hey hey yeah you one for something in that bag probably not but look at all that wire man there's even wire in that box down there oh whoa ah we got here y'all it's a box a box in the dumpster look at that this right here it's gonna be number two wire good heavy stuff right there man that looks like all this is right here too oh yeah oh yeah yeah i'm number two it's got two pieces of number one in there two pieces number one equal number two stay in my bag no piece of aluminum by the looks of it how's that i don't know i'll take it i'll take it it's been something like that before that's aluminum maybe stainless fiber box technologies is that what the heck it's in the box innovator flex looks like it's all there well let's keep it in the box shall we [Music] oh yeah more that crap it's like a walk some sort sure baby a little snooty [Music] hmm watch your head watch your head didn't even have any like plugs it's all plastic yeah good job man oh look at that there's another box of wire just was about to call it all right let's make sure we check all them boxes then you got that one nothing in there nothing in there got that one whoa dumpster talk to me baby talk to me all right so model number delta four one two zero four wire duct smoke detector have to look it up back here with our stuff there's a tire y'all gonna be throwing tires in the trash man it's bad for the environment don't be lazy what's up crap gravity crap a piece of some quarter ply ride man got us an umbrella here that looks like it might be aluminum too oh she's broken see what we'll do here just get this crap off yeah it might be aluminum some of these the more expensive ones are actually aluminum so you know make a few bucks let's see here you gotta unscrew the top here it's not my first rodeo well that comes this that one i found the cowboy shadow box and uh yeah i got a lot of people contacting me about it but that thing sold like like that it's gone so please don't ask about it anymore i got so many emails on it and uh yeah that thing well we put it up locally and it was gone and like and it was so popular too like it was literally gone in five minutes there was like 20 people inquiring about it and uh so we sold it some lady who's gonna put in her bathroom her little cowboy themed bathroom like all right it's a win-win-win she got a deal i made a couple of bucks yeah rock and roll yeah that's aluminum i can just tell how light it is all right oh it's warm out here y'all well all righty oh man we're gonna go ahead and call it right there definitely got our fill tonight another trip in the books huh oh boy we got some scrap back there wires pipe for days you see something here yep that's all aluminum right there that uh that uh busted old uh umbrella thing so we clean it up super easy to clean up a lot of times you just you can break clap this crap off aluminum so uh so good like that break it off got you some clean sheet aluminum right there got these uh let's check it out here these chain hoists god they seem like they look like they've seen better days can they be cleaned up and repaired i know harrington's a good name it's a half ton chain hoist i mean it's they are rusted i mean they could probably be repaired i don't know y'all let me know maybe possibly got this big old cabinet right here we're gonna have to drag that out in the morning uh like i said i could probably get 50 bucks for that easy so we're not gonna scrap that out all that crap over there to scrap out our little wooden table we managed to get it home without breaking it into a million pieces which is good let's see unlike that trash can it didn't quite make it got it got a couple computer things over here got a little magnifying light let me grab a uh a station core real quick let's see if it comes on does she work it sure does look at that this be like uh i guess if you worked on electronics or something really see really see in there but yeah that works man what kind of mounting option we got here it looks like it went into a pole or stick or something i figured something out there somebody probably be interested in that but yeah it definitely worked got our uh i don't know what to do with this this could possibly be an ebay item maybe i don't know i have to do a little investigatory work see if everything's there uh american express platinum card it is metallic it's a little uh it's a little magnetic though i don't even know if that could qualify as uh stainless steel it's breaking in two so i got two pieces i don't even know but yeah you shouldn't be leaving your american express card in the trash you know what i'm saying even if it doesn't work it's still got pertinent information numbers names that kind of stuff a little proud of the sunglass case like i said i think my wife's got some but she's already got the case but i can put my little heart shades in here you know for my own stuff i mean it's prada case i mean it's prada prada like real product let's see a little gun holster dog chewed up garage sale stuff some balls like this big loss thing says 18 bucks i'll probably get seven to ten bucks garage sale three to five on that one we got over here the mongolian not from blazing saddles and looks like he's got a hole for something we could probably find something fun to stick in that hole yeah but anyway uh yes successful out there guys successful successful successful uh in the morning i'm gonna get out here clean all this stuff up as y'all can see back over here i've got some scrap we've been working on we're definitely gonna do a uh a scrap run for you guys all this right here that big heavy square thing that i found uh this is all extruded aluminum like that entire thing was extruded aluminum i just had to take it apart because it has screws but we got steel stainless steel i mean you name it we got it plus all the crap we found back here so we're going to have a total load for y'all so we're going to follow up this video with a scrap run video so y'all stay tuned but anyways that's going to do it on this episode of dumpster diving guys as always it was a total pleasure appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel there's some number one sticking out uh share with your friends um instagram check it out got one um shout out to everybody bought some merch appreciate that you guys are interested down below teespring you all know the drill go get y'all some stuff t-shirts stickers all that crap go check it out at least but uh yeah like i said y'all stay tuned we'll follow up with a scrapbook uh get this cleaned out stuff in there stuff out of there but uh uh yeah we'll see on that next one goodbye what we got here y'all those gravity scraps
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 86,065
Rating: 4.9532437 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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