Dumpster Diving "It's Not My Jam"

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all right number uno let's see all that water back there yeah we're gonna grab that there we are there we are grab all of that there's no rat's nest of it we'll take it this is my split board [Music] because lordy lordy lordy i didn't dress for the occasion y'all it's a little cool i think it's supposed to get cooler at all i got some shorts but we'll make it happen man we'll make it not a whole lot i think most of it was sitting right on top which is where i like it all right all right y'all all right i already know what that is that's server rack shelves i already got somebody to buy those all day long all day long yup that's what those are a brand new brand new that's just kind of we'll just kind of peel for around with the stick [Music] nothing sometimes we'll be finding cameras and such up in here oh i see some wires all right well you know me i'm scared to get in that's what we do got some stuff to ship all right that's not even wired jump in for that ended up grabbing something else it's all right all right all right close it back sweet server rack show what up dumpster flowers it looks like there's something under all these boxes of stuff let's check it out huh oh you're a big tall one but we'll get in there looks like a chair y'all got us a dumpster chair a little scrappy crap babe there's a a leaf for a table so that's not if it were solid wood i'd probably do something with it but it's just a cheap particle board crap all right i got another big blue one y'all vodka bottles look a little scrap vodka bottles man let's see oh i don't know if my stick's gonna reach it i don't know if this stick's gonna reach let's see there's like one way back there oh yeah that's aluminum [Music] come on stick don't let me down stick so much easier just getting in you know that is what it is [Music] i need that little grabber i still got it although those are a little bit heavier than typical fizz look up a little fan they're all real dusty and sucks oh oh nothing new golly man three bottles of mccormick's oh somebody over here and i get i guarantee all these coffee cups they've been drinking that out of their desk man whoever works here is an alky an alkie i see cords and stuff and more hoses and more stuff let's see what we got here oh there was nothing expensive in that box just crushed the crap out of it oh there's those little concentrated things more of them oh my with more hoses those are worth taking because they actually have some value to them i'll take those guys oops all right this is what i want right here these oh these regulators that's got some value to it there's a bunch of them in here [Music] box right there don't flip over on me man all right all down to the bottom baby all good stuff right there oh good stuff [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah what is this it looked like a phone but it's not another bag be finding those left and right yeah these right here god look at all these regulators oh that's medical grade stuff right there good stuff there it looks this bag is heavy you know people have been telling me that these things cost thousands of dollars and they find them here oh that's another one of those prescription only yeah i'm not i'm not going to mess with that stuff i don't want to i mean people even said you know they have them for sale you can buy them on craigslist and stuff where they're after i'm just not into selling used medical equipment it's not my jam it's just not my jam but yeah they say these are these little red meg resmed air sensing six thousand dollars is what they said i mean i'll take their word on it i don't know for sure there's but bag i don't know what that is we'll take a look at it get us a box here another box a box of all boxes a lot of boxes in here loaf of bolts more bags this one's got got one in it too take a closer look at it like i said though really not into even doing that sort of thing dream station bipap you don't even know what a bipap is all right okay no more of those regulators huh okay all right a couple of things couple of things we'll kind of look at those a little bit in the morning oh it's getting a little nipply out here y'all [Music] there's a little there looks like aluminum let's see what we got here i think somebody's home gonna be very very gentle very juicy all right all right let's see what we got that's no good there oh i don't think that's aluminum it looked aluminum fish [Music] i'm a deus [Music] [Music] live guns and roses lincoln park are they in there yeah they're in there bush [Music] santana this is live playing the truck van halen baby tossing out van halen i can't be doing uh van halen that way all right you just can't oh all right we got up in here this is all rope packing boy that stuff's worth some money too to the right person there's a bunch of it in here too look at all that this is all like what i the same stuff like i used to work at the oil field working on pumps basically we would use this square this is square rope packing is what they call it we get the stuff from utex but yeah a plunger would go in there and uh that's a watertight seal inside of a stuffing box and this there you have your packing gland and that's full of it i mean and this is probably probably a couple thousand bucks right in here dude but there's no way i can sell this i just can't especially like with the oil field these days everything requires like npr's and search and stuff but i mean look at this of this rope packing y'all let me know though if uh y'all can think of anything that i could use it with i'd come back and get it but i really really don't know yeah y'all can stare a little bit more i don't care man i'm just a dude digging in the trash all these cars driving by slow looking to me like look at this clown yeah that's expensive stuff right there very expensive stuff but it's very specific so but i'll take what i can all right we got three here three three dumpsters oh yeah got a hard hat anybody need a hard hat there goes something yes please got some skit metal stick that's a big old long metal stick ride metal sticks yeah i think that was about it huh yeah all right oh door kind of come in there well the lock only works if you uh you know you lock it that's all right maybe they purposely left it open show us ah scrap guys get here get it that's the name of the game oh yeah how much here the heck is that it's metal huh all right all right oh yeah we'll go ahead and lock it back like they had it make it look like there's a lock on it i guess oh kind of rolled by here i saw a little something shiny shiny what we got here i doubt that's brass but it's brass and is that what is that a blanket holder is that what that is got a hair dryer let's grab this grip right there that's pretty nice man pretty fancy that's that rich people stuff having brass things or hanging breaking up man a lot of boxes but i tell you what that ain't no brass that brass plated it's pretty though i'm guessing that's for blankets but i don't know i don't know i'll take it though i'll most definitely take it yeah oh man we got us a big o over top okay we reese's hot what's that eight footer 10 footer see what we got here oh there goes the light we can grab that most definitely let's get that over here oh plastic whatever happened to real stuff there's a piece of something that's real really what happened to the real stuff yes look at the little sun something right there [Music] plastic cord it's all plastic it looks like good stuff but it's not little piece right there everything i'm finding there like i'm hoping to find like some aluminum but we're not fighting under there some bunch of crap crap oh yeah yeah all right get our light out it's a good looking light all right we got us a big blue upper top nothing awesome having it up in anywhere this is the one that had those little desks that you put in your car hold on we got to get up in here i think i seen something [Applause] i think i seen something [Music] oh yeah look at that pick up some stuff pens and such i see a sink though drop it down nice and gently all right look at that that's what i want uh nice and heavy that's how i like them this box grab it on some that's a heavy old sink right there but i killed something jeez louise boy that's a heavy seat god lee that thing is hey oh let's kind of let it go i was trying to like not make that happen but it happened it happened all right all right let's move along we got a phone number anne's home phone cheers man i wish i didn't drop that sink but i did it's really heavy though very very heavy yep yeah they have been rained on now but apparently these are little uh workstations you put in your car so you have your little spot for your laptop and all your mouse and all this stuff and they're expensive oh my gosh they're expensive not anymore though i've got a wedding to do all right auto exact baby they're still here and these are from a couple weeks ago so i know they ain't no good whoa whoa getting tripped up all right oh rob man another dumpster that was happening up in here i do see a little bit of scrap though let's see what we got here oh that's the uh the dreaded uh wall stud really one behind a lighting place i thought there would be some lights or something but oh yeah yeah all right oh shoot yeah empty like my soul so empty we got another one over here that check out though oh we got here yo that thing's full easy awesome heavy duty oven and grill cleaner we got a basket with hand sanitizer hopefully it's not from mexico though ah little one out of that oh look at that that's heavy what the heck is in this box black gold baby fire roasted coffee oh those are beans there's a whole box of beans right there 18.50 all right got some hand sanitizer a little basket little uh grease off oh look at that there goes the coffee pot [Music] go with the coffee brew our stuff up a little pizza man that sounds good right now another lives get a little late slice of pizza and a big old slice of pizza sounds good pepperoni cheese maybe a couple bread sticks got another one over here that's some scrap right there what is that another cage oh metal holy cow that's heavy mucho heavy [Music] i don't know what would one put in that scrap yes sir yes sir yes sir let's grab alrighty scavengers good morning how's everybody doing today alright anyways uh a somewhat successful evening wasn't the best of evenings definitely not the best of evening scrap wise we definitely had to work for it i put some time in and some miles on the truck last night and uh this is all we got to show for it not too much but we still got some stuff i got a little metal basket over here probably just scrap it out this is probably something that uh that uh oil fill parts or whatever would be shipped in and uh this type of crate just a cheap cheap metal crate over here got a little uh like i said i think a black blanket or towel holder over there i put a magnet on it like i said it ain't brass it's whatever ah back here got our little bit of scrap back there got our big old heavy sink right there big old iron sink our coffee pot got some hand sanitizer back here get my sanitizer handsome hand sanitizer all right let's grab that real quick get that one before it breaks everywhere yeah we got our big old sink back here got us a light over here i'll plug it in and see if it works odds are it doesn't it was thrown in the trash for a reason uh i think the first dumpster we hit the second uh we found these uh server rack shell brand new good shape uh definitely or i already got a home for those got a little bit of cat wire up in here use that in our box see um the resmed stuff this oxygo i think is what it's called yeah little portable oxygen machines there's scrap value to that i drive grab this guy the dream station i actually googled this thousand bucks thousand bucks this thing costs in the trash in the trash crazy crazy expensive this stuff this cost we had a couple more of these oxi goes got some bags i think this is the same thing here this is just all together new simplified menus philips respironics yeah these things are really expensive and you know what it's not even that they're like they're probably not even like really that expensive they're just medical stuff medical stuff in the united states sucks because it's so expensive yeah there's another one dream station bypass i mean it's still got the little plastic thing covered in crazy crazy in the bag with a cord but like i said i really don't like to sell uh medical stuff i've sold a couple of these in the past the people who you know they say they're gonna buy them and you know take them apart use them as parts and stuff but i'm not going to sell these to someone that's going to use them for medical purposes just ain't going to do it i mean it's unethical and illegal you know what i mean especially when they say prescription only on them so yeah we grab them the bags get a couple bucks for them please i don't know there's a whole lot of scrap value to him we'll check it out i mean if somebody wants to buy them for parts or whatever hit me up uh also in that dumpster this is what i was really after here is all these regulators man good quality aluminum right there you take them apart you got some clean aluminum as it sits aluminum break it's still good stuff uh [Music] these are pro i mean they're probably still good i mean out of all these there's probably a couple still good so and then these these are the little canisters they have like sand in them this is what what you see right here inside there the bigger concentrators have the same things they've got like two in there but they're really big canisters these are little smaller ones but you still scrap those out aluminum there but yeah look at all that man good stuff good stuff all right moving along garage sale over here got our cds on the days guns and roses sympathy for the devil that's tom cruise sucking on somebody's neck must have been from uh interview with the vampire let's see live yeah we got van halen people throwing eddie van halen in the trash he can't be can't be doing that man yeah but yeah free cds cracks me up though like uh i've been watching the uh oh that's a good one [Music] the hybrid theory lincoln park some good stuff on there uh been watching the storage words lately thank god i don't buy storage units jeez like like luckily for me like my storage unit's a dumpster so like i go to the dumpster i pick out what i want and leave the rest them storage people that be buying them stores are because they got to take all that crap with them so and i get luckier than a lot of them too you know but it cracks me up it's like they'll what they value their stuff it's ridiculous like oh yeah you know we can get three bucks for a cds like yeah right dude i can't even get 25 cents for a cd you know what i mean i personally like these because you know i'll take what i can off of them put them on the uh on the itunes or on the the iphone or the mp3 player or whatever and uh you know listen to it in the truck but i do have a cd player in the truck but people just don't buy cds anymore there's our hand sanitizer oven cleaner uh calendar trash got some garage sale stuff some pans got a pot i got a pot it's stainless so that's i mean that's a plus uh mesh laundry bag i guess this is what like a little fruit basket for you fruit probably get 50 cents to a dollar for it the twilight that's a cool mug mickey mouse disney twilight zone um 25 cents garage sale dog ball maybe another 25 cents a little cat maybe a cat or a small dog feeder you know 50 shades uh that's probably just trash there see what we got here it feels like silverware yeah ain't gonna get much for that but scrap trash and some potato chip clips for your potato chips and then our coffee oh yeah yeah yeah yeah 1850 black gold this one's already open so mmm it smells good though fire roasted dark dark chocolatey oh i'm gonna have to try some of that oh my gonna be brewing up some coffee i'm gonna be pepping in my step and you know what i mean but uh anyways yeah all in all like i said you know not the most successful evening but i mean it is what it is we still managed to come back with some stuff pick up a little bit of scrap and uh you know yeah but uh all righty well hey that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster dive and i'm your host with the absolute most mike to scavenger as always it was a total pleasure appreciate y'all tagging along on this journey of finding epic stuff in the urban jungle uh be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your peeps uh instagram got one check it out hit me up uh yeah see uh shout out to everybody about some merch appreciate that uh if you are interested down below teespring get y'all some stuff help out the scavenger but anyway uh yeah the weather is beautiful i mean it's a little chilly this morning but i mean it's gonna warm up nice i'll try to get back out there again and then just continue filling up this truck and uh you know get that money oh yeah and a side note the aluminum fan blades people were asking about that yeah i wouldn't scrap them out i don't really like i mean i filmed some of the scrap runs but i want to film everything because i really don't want to put all my business out there uh especially like with you know i mean finances and stuff you know i mean that's my business but anybody er i've been i saw a bunch of people were interested about the fan blades uh i think i got like 83 or 84 bucks for them so not bad right there actually really good you know that whole scrap this whole scrap run just from the last video i think it was like 130 bucks or something so yeah i mean that paid for itself but then you got chips like this that maybe pay for themselves but you know but yeah that's what i got on those uh big aluminum blades like 83 84 or whatever and it took me all of what five minutes to get them out so you know 80 bucks five minutes that's that's a pretty darn good math if you ask me but uh anyways all right well we're gonna see y'all on that next video be there or be square [Music] mike the scavenger [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 263,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: 9M9JA7Hlih8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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