Dumpster Diving "Gettin' In Real Deep"

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remember cato so i was just creeping by and i saw this thing definitely looks like it's got some scrap value look at that i think there was some copper on it at one point because you can see copper dust ah we'll take it anyway that thing's heavy yeah it looks like there was copper and then they cut it all off holy cow that thing's really heavy let's see here let's drag it over here don't fly back in the truck lift with your legs baby [Music] gotta be strong oh god leave that's heavy fuji hen i wonder what's inside of there yeah you can definitely see copper dust somebody it was probably wound with copper they cut it off and got all the windings off that's all right i still scrap it out though somebody's been chop chop chopping up in her chop chop chop it hello six yarder and boogie board and microwave it's a microwave y'all don't know i'll be taking microwaves all right yeah oh it's not that bad not as bad as you would think but tell you some of the older ones that i have grabbed them older ones man they got some weight too look it's crochet stuff look at that it's like garage sale stuff there's some tags pins uh yeah okay guys we'll take the boogie board and the little life jacket okay okay keyboard set that right in there is that ground sound stuff nope it's nice dirty old trash there goes a mouse all right stop start it up right what we got over here y'all locos aid locos aid probiotic stuff i don't think that's i think it's supposed to be refrigerated i'm saying [Music] chicarone delgado el fiesta man it's something full uh full of anything awesome nope yeah no swearing security i feel like i see a security guard over there back behind that gate let's take a look back in here real quick it's a pretty nice pallet get some snippets i feel like you see someone back there but i don't know i could be mistaken just stay low for now stay low you don't know me i don't know you [Music] a little bit scrap all right lots of walls [Music] oh all right we gotta get them all okay all right cool i don't know what these are but we'll scrap them [Music] all right i don't see them no more be coming forth let's go [Applause] this is some weird wire though found some a while back it's like copper in the middle but it's silver and then the uh the housing is like a big thick rubber so i don't know what they give me at the scrap yard for we'll have to ask again get out of here [Music] those are plastic oh well well i mean the black part is plastic we don't have time to be this man yeah there's somebody walking back there let's go yeah look that uh check it out man got a black deck or hedge trimmer there's another hedge trimmer that one takes nope that's another electric one return to vendor this is what i found all that ryobi crap dude it must be uh doing stuff like that up in here i don't see much much in the way it looked last time [Music] piece of an auger totally missed the back of my truck all right i think that's a piece of an auger it's broken go check this guy over here while we're on the uh you know subject of checking things out although this one looks like it's like it's like the battery boxes they're all empty oh yeah guys you guys see something sitting next to that dumpster oh yeah that's most definitely scrap right there that's like a like a trolley thing wait for like a chain hoist or something it's definitely seen better days [Music] being that that was out here i doubt there's going to be any scrap inside because that means that they probably you know [Music] let's grab for the sprint what is this it's the flash wait a minute that's not the flash that's iron man jesus you think that i know this stuff iron man check that out though little camera add to my pile all right a little bit looking a little bit deeper looking to see any more of that to really not see a bearing cup piece up there i see some wire back here all right we're going in y'all we're going here look at that there's scrap in here it's all script this is out that water look at that that piece of cast of aluminum right there this is shabby down there with iron man iron iron man look there goes somebody else ant-man why are they all missing legs a piece of steel iron man ant man we're missing one leg very interesting probably some sick dimension little child out there ripping off legs of ripping off legs action figures there get off my shoe paper all right yeah a little bit of stuff right there some steel cable i heard something roll i thought i heard oh i thought that was it oh there it goes knew i heard something rolling yeah that tim can bearing cut scrap all right dumpster dumpster give me your loot give me give me your loot cause i might be wearing it oh look at that now that is some bona fide gravity scrap look at that but there's some brass baby see how it's all green you can see it coming through yes yes i will take it off i will take it off minus the packing listed invoice don't care safety specs let's see what we got over here don't look like a piece of stain take it anymore that is they got saw i think i saw something under this one before i opened the little oh no oh there it went [Music] don't kill me rusty metal [Music] yeah there's some rest of them [Music] that hose has got metal innards as good as scrap and look how bad these uh but rust is holy cow anymore anymore please please follow [Music] my me is off tonight all right all right i think that's about it it's like it's sitting on the top let's check these boxes down here real quick check them off the list all right all right got some stuff the scrapping kind of stuff all righty man we got a big old time here big orange [Music] i got some cat wire take a look over here wait a minute did i just say cat wire no not cowboy whoa uh aluminum bx ah it's all hollowed out though no wire in it it's all right that's all this is all aluminum right here we'll take all of that every last piece of it it's a wheel yes i will hopefully like some of it has some wire in it hopefully there you know if not it is what it is still aluminum some broken glass watch out [Music] my truck oh my gosh they really did they pulled all the wire out of all of it that's an electrician who scraps right there not all of them scrap but the ones that do they know what they're doing yes sir they do that number one inside with a couple bucks that's for sure though no oh my god breaking everywhere not a whole lot [Music] we'll grab it let's see a little mess of it right here yeah it's a big open top and this building right here they just put they got all the sheetrock up so they're running wires you know i've been following this open-top for a few weeks now usually when they bring one in for a construction project it goes in stages you know after you've been diving for a little while kind of figure out what kind of stages they work but the first stage is usually just gutting the building ripping all the old stuff out sometimes plumbing and having that start bringing in the uh the new walls and electrical that's where you get those metal studs i love so much and then after that you just get kind of like what's left over you know running the communication wires and such all right but hey i would gladly take that that's a few pounds of uh sheet aluminum right there yeah so let's exit oh on top of the truck got some aluminium hey how we doing not so good i can see oh we'll see what we got here a horn is that what that is [Music] a loud horn dsc 30 watts that's a siren horn okay siren horn back in the truck you go what else we got up in here premium copper nicely and i see anti-seize well there's the alarm permit oh they must have got a new new alarm system it's all right i'll take your old alarm system it's okay it is okay look at that there's a battery in there [Music] it's a love hate thing you know y'all shouldn't be throwing these in the charge because they're bad but trying to come through and find them it's okay baby ow what's up dumb sir how are we doing everything feeling okay tonight oh look at that lots of awesomeness another box awesomeness and it's heavy too oh it's really heavy oh my god i'll take that i'll take that all day long bro i got some more looks like somebody cleaned out straight up cleaned out a desk that's what that looks like you got some stuff i see a piece of scrap security side the aluminum off of that guy [Music] here's another one there's just a stick there let's see a little piece of cat wire boy it's a little piece [Music] what is that up another piece of cast aluminum down here too oh my god it's so crazy up in here oh this dumpster hurts my put my nuggets what do we got here what do we got here what do we got here what do we got here scrap definitely scrap i don't know what kind of wire that is the strap hold on i feel like i saw some stuff up in there dang it all right let's get in there's a wire down here well i thought i saw something but i guess i didn't oh what they say that's the uh early signs of dementia you start seeing things start seeing scrapped i was seeing scrap but it was oh there it is all right i knew i saw something there's a freaking roll down here too [Music] sucker [Music] i got cat wire on my mind baby quite a bit more actually i knew i wasn't tripping [Music] this ain't cool [Music] okay all right i got that ish yeah cat wire let's grab scrap and scrap in here anymore that we do it goodness check out some blinds oh i think i see a sink all right next steps here [Music] this one's got a sinkhole in it unfortunately they think it's no good to me it's dead to me uh mr wonderful you're dead to me let's take a little look there's a box box [Music] all right extension cord like that let's get into this guy right here get in deep get in real big [Music] honestly it's broken be honest all right okay i think we got all the goods that she got to offer tonight whoa we got this this and that recording re-recording oh well alrighty scavengers good morning how we doing alright alright alright another successful evening out there in the urban jungle getting some stuff as y'all can see we loaded up on some wires got some of that uh conduit right over there i think i called it cat wire at one point tons of tons of cat wire though pretty awesome there and a lot of that uh this kind of wire over here we were talking about it in the video a little bit i don't know if you call y'all can see it looks like it's copper inside but it's coated on the outside it's like a silver coating and it's got a real heavy exterior housing so i don't know i mean if i strip that down i mean you can't get they won't give you bear right for that willy because it's all silver it's got a coating on it will they i mean will you i mean number one maybe i don't know y'all let me know we'll find out at the scrap yard for sure i'll ask the guy but yeah got a ton of that but it's super heavy like because i mean it is heavy because of that big rubber uh you know whatever so is what it is i see over here uh lots of wires and the uh the one dumpster here looks like somebody just kind of cleaned out a bin let's see what we got here got some tools those are klein tools those are those are not cheap see some chargers a piece of cast aluminum a big old block is that a magnet i don't know what that is it's not magnetic though interesting i think it's an electrical magnet because it's talking about static force like for like a door or something so yeah i got a box of awesomeness just to go through clean up just using good in here oh motorola walkie-talkie no touch you're not touched big ol uh that's a uh for the i-beam little i-beam clamp a little fluke bag no no fluke in there though yeah just a lot of miscellaneous scrap which is good which is definitely good a little bit of some cat one patch table and some solvent cement see that's just the scrap let's see what's over here wired this looks like a little screwdriver for uh maybe repairing a glasses or something something small yeah this is the same thing just miscellaneous scrap all over the place go through it with a magnet pick up all the good stuff or the not so good stuff and leave the good stuff yeah you know i mean little box of scrap it works it works it works and then somewhere back there we got that transformer thing we found in the beginning that's what i'm thinking that is it's a big old transformer and it had copper windings all the way around it and somebody cut it off and they just wanted to copper so hey i'll take it i mean it's be better if it had copper but you know is what it is pipe fittings have that big old piece of uh big old brass gate valve right there i'm gonna have to cut that uh that elbow off because that thing ain't coming threaded off that's for sure we'll cut that elbow off and uh get that we have the brass valves there because i don't think that thing's coming apart and then uh yeah just a little bit of this a little bit of that make it happen make it happen make it happen oh yeah and boogie board next time i go the beast boogie board with my life jacket but uh anyways alrighty guys that is going to do it for this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike the scavenger as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel shout out to everybody bought some merch appreciate that guys if you are interested down below teespring go get y'all some stuff support scavenger the instagram thing i got one go check it out but uh yeah already well the uh the nasty warm humid weather is back in texas you know that's just how it is if you don't like the weather here just wait it'll change on a dime but hopefully here i think they say we got a cool front heading our way hopefully we get a little another like they say tap into some of that cooler air so hopefully we can get some of that and get back to doing what we do but uh oh yeah yeah so uh yeah we're gonna get back to it uh try to hit it tonight if we can if not definitely tomorrow yeah i think but uh alrighty guys y'all take care have a lovely day a lovely weekend be sure to be safe out there cover your face in public crowds uh wash your hands frequently and uh just all and all be safe love each other that kind of stuff peace what we got here y'all those gravity scrap scraps mike the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 759,021
Rating: 4.8282089 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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