Dumpster Diving "Jesus Christ Superstar!"

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see the little blind plastic thing we got some blinds up in here there we go they're the aluminum kind let's see what we got here yeah that's a scrappable stuff right there another one anymore nope that looks like about it oh that box is heavy it's in the heavy box let's see here what's in the heavy box oh just work stuff literature books and such that's not bad i could probably use that little rubbermaid case all right let's get that in the truck all right let's get up out of here bad man use it for something shoot rubbermaid oh it's another scorcher out here today y'all [Applause] what is that what this is i can't tell that plastic or metal oh that's all plastic i think oh there's aluminum base i can tell that's aluminum okay there's a little bit there i think that's all plastic i think yeah that's posse we'll grab it though i'll pop those in pieces off i can do that ain't no good for nobody all right how are we doing y'all how are we doing well this time we're doing too good i thought it'd be a little bit better but no really check that out over there let's see here let's see what that is nope there's more plastic crab all plastic crap oh okay look at that that's what it is this kind of stuff for banking stuff the little suction tube that's what these are you put them in the thing it's all plastic a little bit of aluminum there this isn't really worth taking that's kind of cool huh all right there's a little down right there oh look at that or something back there crapper man looks like a crapper medical crapper yeah medical crap wide body wide body all right little rail thing digging in some trash digging in some trash all right man just like get it together mike get it together holy moly look at all this y'all now that that is what daddy's talking about look at all that water man i found these just the other night it's that spaceship stuff a whole bunch of it in here let's see they have some stainless on those and probably uh well there's a trash can in there let's see got here all that wire man blow up the water grab all that man let's definitely grab all that sinking in here that's just a protective housing for wire big old cord right there we tossed out all the spoon some sort of cat mocap we're gonna get in it man go get it all right set those you wipe it clean i get some sort of coffee machine looks pretty bad i'll tell you what just got a big old cord on it big old court there go get through it i know y'all i'll get me a multi-tool carry around i will one day one day i will bathroom stuff man about a year ago i got some money for those yeah that's what that is sort of die for late dictation scrap that out a little chain [Applause] look at all this wire another container look at all of this uh toolbox over here just hydrotechnic cables look at that there was a whole spool baby that's what i'm talking about right there that's a good step good there's good stuff here too let's see here there's the board under [Music] here some toe straps that's some good stuff right there yeah yeah pima air museum that's a big i think it goes on top of your car it's empty though there's a big hole in it too i don't mess with that blue thing [Music] there's another blue thing more wire down here pickles that's the wire number one wire right there man that's a good dumpster right here somebody cleaning out shop somebody's skippies the basket over here i think we're getting down there looks like a selfie stick for selfies some coveralls [Music] um yeah i probably should just back the truck up man you know me though i'll be doing what i should be doing sorry one of these days i'll learn some really big pens not that big take a look at them it's a uniform stuff more pens uniform pens they're good to make shorts out of it's a shirt is that a lock all right let's take a quick little peek under here okay man there's a little bit of some useful stuff in here but i think for the most part we got the good stuff we got uh oh run look at all that ish man look at that y'all got some scrap just chilling on the ground right here take it out pick it up what the hell are those gun holsters huh let me see something here this one the lid is all broken such open it this way sure is let me grab like a little box man we'll throw them in that box got me a can here from the last dumpster all right is that what this is yup those are gun holsters there's a fire alarm thing all right look at all these man the holsters are tasers the buttons they santi yeah these are for cuffs anybody actually toss a piece away oh and while we're on the subject of talking about pieces uh one of the previous videos i had found a uh a holster for a cult and i said i didn't have a gun and then everybody was like i've got a lot of flat because i'm from texas and i have a gun let me reiterate i don't have a pistol okay i've got a 12 gauge and a 30 odd six that i got from my pots but i don't have a pistol so let me reiterate so i'll be trying to break into my house man look at all these it's not that i don't have a problem with pistols they're just not my jam i grew up you know hunting although we did hunt with a guy who did hunt with a pistol which was pretty interesting look at all this stuff oh my gosh like crazy bondage up in here man all this leather all kinds of stuff for guns that's insane man that's for your clips it says glock nice all right i don't know what i'm gonna do with all these anybody want so i'll just fill up a flat rate box with as much as i can fit into it we call it 20 bucks plus shipping what y'all say just filled to the broom with this this stuff holy cow all right like it's full of stuff man it's for your clips pop in the clip and let one slip all right how you doing all right all right i think i saw i sure did those cups are stainless look at this monitor man it's a curved monitor it's not all busted up either but there's some reason shoes thrown in here but i've never found a curved monitor before that's pretty cool we'll plug it in see if she turns on sure all right i see stuff man check it out there's a level who throws away a perfectly good level it's even got a magnet on it i mean who does that who does these things there's some hdmi some junk html junk lots of wires tonight guys lots of wire jesus christ superstar okay jesus christ superstar what is this wireless it's a blu-ray right back there there's some metallic stutter piece of aluminum right there some good stuff it's another monitor right there little metal some good stuff right there oh there's more aluminum that's actually good stuff man that could be like used to build things man angle aluminum there's some scrap there back there in the chat me has a little full here oh there's another another stainless mug god i've been finding a lot of these lately oh look at that there's a whole spool general purpose 22 two straight yep that's number two number two wise it's a broken case [Music] i'll take batches i'll take the batches this guy's a little full here yeah look at that it's a box full of stuff take the whole box you see my cables oh look at that piece of copper put some scrap jesus christ superstar a little bit of crap in here somebody must have emptied out a uh emptied out a truck anything in the ring box a little bit of hardware drill bit there support wire hdmi crap a little bit more crap in here wires back here it's all just right here on the top it's all right there's another battery oh you can't be throwing batteries in the trash like that can't do it man not supposed to busted bungee cord grab the scrappy scrap get some more wire oh there's some stuff down here under all this and lots of wires tonight boys it's a whole mess right here to use our jesus christ superstar box overfill some hole saws audio cable yeah somebody definitely just dumped out cleaned out the back of the truck man that's what this is all about it's all right a little handle for a drill some small hardware stuff that's wanting to fall down i mean there's a socket extension it just blows my mind when people throw away perfectly good tools like i don't understand that i never understood why people throw away tools man holy cow just keep coming [Applause] okay that looks good there's a little bit of crap in here a little crap little crap a whole lot of crap and then it keeps sinking further down okay let's give a quick little double take here we can't dig too deep in this one well i'd love to empty every dumpster i could especially like one like this because there's probably there's probably a little bit more down there but oh there's another battery all right always good to give it once over here oh yep there's another battery right past it cable entry cover plate and take that still in the package that's all right definitely usable there some more wires good stuff man there's some slides more slides there oh man it's a plethora of crap in this dumpster a plethora yeah be nice to take the whole dumpster all right oh there's crap in these boxes here oh that's full assembly ceiling speaker tile support bridge metal screens another battery nice drill bit holy cow man we're just in it we in it i can't get much further in it all right all right all right i think i think that's good i think that's all right i'm alright with that i'm all right with that [Applause] all right jesus christ superstar jesus built my hot rod it's a love affair all right this whole box it's full of stuff oh yeah and i got a level all right noise all right we got us eight cubic yarder and i see scrap right out the gate right out the gate baby lights see we've got here oh yeah there's a bunch of lights in here this is the best way to do this here probably probably the best course of action let me see here probably hit the back of the truck on here whoa be careful oh yeah oh yeah oh we're going down it's going down put these back in there ugh come on crap don't be coy almost got half of it in there [Applause] broken glass everywhere uh oh my god i'm not good at this at all striking out all right let's see what we got what's up something there all right what do i see is down here oh it's just a scanner box i think we got the lights oh man nothing like hurt my butt it stabbed my butt all right watch over here watch his back look at that more boxes oh lots of boxes all right right go in the truck it's a wonderful night of chick-fil-a my name is cameron what can i get started for you uh yeah y'all have the pink or the peach milkshakes peach milkshake yeah yeah can i get two of those all right anything else for you tonight that's it can i get a name for the order it'll be mike all right mr mike's gonna be 877 at the window all right appreciate it all right scavengers go ahead gotta got all their lights and everything pulled out of there we're gonna clean that up uh they've got some number one wires on there balancing i mean what uh we're getting 11 cents a pound on iron right now so i usually just leave the ballast in it uh i mean because the ballasts are about 11 cents a pound i think last time i scrapped them out so it's the same price as the iron tread but definitely get that number one wire number one's really good but all in all i pretty darn successful even i mean we didn't completely top her off with the scrap or anything back here but we still got our our we got some wires though we definitely made it happen in the wire department uh but we got this box here i don't know if this stuff's worth anything uh professional series it's a tile support by sonants papa sierra dash charlie 8 roger it also says 45174 went ahead and grabbed the you know just everything like as it is in the box because there's no speaker in here but these are the supports for the speaker so we you know worst case scenario you take these out scrap them out easy peasy but yeah there's probably five sets in there so i have to see i don't really know i don't really know if there's a lot of values like resale wise on those or not have to check it out i got the curved samsung monitor here i was going to plug it in to show you all see if it worked but it takes a dc 19 volt and i'm not quite sure i have one of those i got a box tote full of like random cords i'm gonna have to go through and see if i have something for it uh they usually take the you know the typical you know monitor type chords but i guess these newer ones you know it is what it is the screen doesn't seem to be beat up to you know i mean at all really there's no cracks no big dings or whatever so you know fingers crossed that works because that's a really cool monitor there ah let's see here this monitor no bueno it's got a big old thing big old chunk right there boom i didn't even notice that but yeah looks like something hit it uh the one dancer with all the wires the main hit of the night uh got our toolbox here i mean and it's again like i said you know people throwing away tools what is this those are ear plugs oh we got some petroleum jelly i don't know what y'all been doing yeah i got little socket holders here there's a magnet it's magnetic i can feel it sticking to stuff yeah so that would work like in my little uh my metal cabinet put that on the the wall hang my sockets up there so say hermes for resharpening service what is that looks like a probe or something hermes incorporated a gravograph company says please be sure that every cutter is returned to us with its cutter head huh i don't know what that is there's a couple of them in here let's see there's a little bit more wire a couple little tools pressure gauge mostly scrap plugs ooh little snips little snips yeah that's a good find right there toolbox with tools in it i mean you can't can't really beat that can you okay let's put that right there uh toe straps uh that second last dumpster we hit here these are some slides these are uh rack slides like we found the previous evening they go into server racks uh got us a level over there some aluminum angle here got holes in you it definitely make some supports with that nice lightweight ah but yeah wires all kinds of ish my 19 volt nope five volt oh yeah i got all that and then over here got all these wires at home that's the selfie stick okay you pull it out and twist it so we got a selfie stick it's got like the gopro mount on it that's pretty cool all these wires over here i a spool of some really good stuff right here big extension cord uh 16 gauge five strand 16 gauge i think that's with it what that means this is like heavy duty two three four five yeah five strands 16 gauge power cord big old big ol spool of this stuff this stuff is not cheap too i'm pretty sure that's expensive all this cat wire right here actually i'm not even sure that that's cat wire i don't know what kind of wire that is it says l i f y one one y uh it looks like cat wire but one thing is cat wire turk this is a brand new yeah this is uh i don't know like for video or audio or something oh but we got a bunch of it y'all a bunch a bunch of batteries more over here minion comp part number mike delta charlie mike dash for mike popa dash one zero mike have to look it up see if that's worth anything because there's a few of them in the packaging right there but just full full wires got a dvr player batteries uh got our double wide booty toilet seat double wide and then we got our number two wire general purpose people always ask me the difference between number two and number one i've explained it a couple of times uh but number one wire is gonna be just you know big single strand basically it's classified at my yard 50 copper if the wire single strand and it's mainly copper and just a little insulation that's number one if there's a little bit of copper and there's more insulation than copper i believe it's 80 or uh oh my gosh what is it fifty percent yeah eighty percent copper is number one and then fifty percent is number two sorry yeah and so if you've got like like something like that where it's got uh you know it's it's the the core but inside there's two pieces of number one that's going to be considered number two because it's got more insulation so there's only there's only about 50 of the wire that's copper instead of like with the number one where it's mostly copper just a little insulation i hope that explains some of that up to you guys i mean i've explained it over and over and over and over again but somebody always asks so i mean i guess i'll just have to keep explaining so you know stick in there guys stick in there and then all of our gun holsters i grabbed them ah i don't know why the scientists they santa santas all made in usa leather it's like all this leather man i like the sound of leather you hear that oh yeah reminds me of some good times man oh yeah yeah that one's got a clip on it says two years ago that was ontario ken ontario california not ontario canada so yeah i got a ton of those i'll kind of go through and see what we got mostly they're like guns clips that one says glock uh yeah guns clips and handcuffs they're all used though but i mean they still seem to snap and be in kind of okay shape i guess i don't know how to figure out what to do with those y'all let me know on that down below but anyways yes all in all a uh a somewhat successful evening you know like i said we didn't top her off with the scrap but we got our fill with wires most definitely but anyways we're all right scavengers our toolbox level in the toolbox that is going to do it on this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with absolute most mike the scavenger as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your friends uh instagram check it out got one post some stuff up there on time to time and uh you know as usual super special shout out to everybody bought some merch appreciate that guys you are so awesome so awesome uh if you are interested down below teespring a little banner go get y'all some stuff help support scavenger but uh anyways all right well i'm going there get some dinner get this video going um you know watch a little tv hang out with the wife got us a couple of peach milkshakes from chick-fil-a i already finished mine on the way home it was good and uh yeah get up here out here in the morning cup of coffee turn the radio on just start sorting away man get this all organized but anyways all right we all stay tuned on that next one uh hopefully it's juicy looks super juicy all right y'all bye-bye what we got here y'all those gravity scrap scraps the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 1,037,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: oIORebnCpaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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