Dumpster Diving (XL Edition) HUGEST LOAD!!! HUGEST PAYOUT!!!

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hey ho ah see some wire oh my gosh oh that box is full of wire tire reel tire wire reel oh this thing's full of them holy cow let's back up the truck man yeah we're gonna get up here in here and get this you better believe that sucka this thing is full of that crap i'm definitely going to be sorted after tonight keep holding these guys shoot these are not light man get more they're kind of deep in there too let's see right over here i'll pick that up too guys don't worry mike's got it oh this thing is absolutely filled it's wired ah 70 pound 70 that's what the box is seven big one man come right out of the gate eve at home more boxes down here now all this for all that i don't know why that that's the word right there doesn't work donnie's gonna be sagging [Music] dude so they use tire tire wire for tires that's what they're for all right let's just slow it down a little bit get a little workout i toss in 70 pound brick whew all right making a dent these ones down the bottom getting rough because that's uh down at the bottom cow dude this is some weight this is some weight probably max out the truck i don't know we'll have to see what they're going to see says 15 gauge 70 pounds good lord what if i just open the boxes just wonder if that'd be any quicker plus i wouldn't have to deal with all these boxes huh [Music] this will take too long be here forever this way it's a lot of wire that's a lot of white in there ugh all right yeah i don't know how much more i'm gonna be able to pick up after this load there's barely any bounce left in the truck don't want to i don't want to overdo it too much no to me i'm a long ways from home need to do a little math here yeah we are we have four one and down right here one in there all right got these boxes here oh my gosh oh my gosh come on come on baby all right we'll hop and skip on the way back possibly bug i said there's no bounce left in the truck let me pull forward look at that squad look at that squad i can't even fit three fingers well i'm going to try to shift some of the way as far forward as possible though ugh look at that squat yikes all right good morning scavengers how'd everybody sleep last night i know i slept well i'm actually not too bad of shape this morning i thought i was gonna be a little worse off but i'm good to go i'm ready for rounds two and three if you guys who don't know round two is the cleaning up of the sort and the stuff and then round three is the good round that's the one you get paid but anyway so yeah we're gonna go ahead go through here take all this wire this is tire wire they call it tire wire aka rebar wire it's the type of wire that uh they would use on a construction site laying concrete with the rebar the little cross sections uh that's what that's used for it's not uh i mean i looked there is some that is stainless but unfortunately oh my gosh this is not stainless at all um which is too bad she probably could have got twice as much in scrap value for it but yeah we're gonna go ahead and scrap all this stuff out i'm gonna keep a case for myself uh you know use around the house give to some folks that kind of stuff but for the most part this is all going to the scrap yard i don't have a clue what we got back here we are totally loaded to the max i mean the tires are like it looks sad so we're gonna uh get all this stuff cleaned up organized and up to the scrapboard get it out i don't have a clue as the number of uh how much weight is back here like i said those are 70 pound boxes apiece i lost count i'll get a better idea when i go through and start opening boxes uh but did y'all keep count do y'all have any idea like i was thinking maybe 20 boxes plus or minus somewhere in there and at 70 pounds i mean that's looking at 1400 pounds just in the tie wire and i got a couple other things back there we're going to take this scrap yard too and uh yeah this is nuts crazy nuts but let's get it going round two [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh rc blows y'all in all of her glory look at that that's the back old dotty filled up to the max baby anybody would take a stab at what we got i'm not even gonna try there's all the boxes there's a few of them boy that's the work man anyway let's get this scrappy already get paid on this like i feel it coming i can smell money in a steak dinner [Music] foreign [Music] this [Music] ooh doggies alrighty scavengers moment of reckoning is upon us so uh i ended up flattening out the all the boxes that i tossed out the back of the truck i counted 45 45 boxes so we probably had around 45 i mean at least 45 there may have been a couple other ones because there was some broken boxes in the dumps or whatever but i counted 45 so at least had 45 and 45 times 70 is like 3 150 pounds or something like that so we had at least a minimum of 3 100 pounds that we pulled out of that dumpster last night that's right folks mike pulled out 3 100 pounds of steel at least but we also had other metal back there too we had a little bit just a handful of stuff so here's how we did all in all at the scrapyard today uh iron that's all we scrapped out we came in weighing 9 000 pounds tara 5360 gives us a net of 3 640 pounds y'all that's a small car donnie was hauling a small car last night but yes so like i said i counted out 45 boxes we probably had a couple more that weren't accounted for so a minimum of 45 so we had about 500 pounds extra in the back four or 500 pounds extra in the back uh yes 12 uh uh uh almost 12 cents a pound uh total 418.66 cents that my friends is how you do it right there that's scrapping to the max baby but anyways well all right uh did y'all guess it right did y'all get close i mean i saw some of the numbers i kind of was surprised myself like we had we had old doctor maxed out uh which isn't safe i mean that's not safe at all and when i was driving it i mean i just drove real real slow made sure you don't go over any bumps too crazy that kind of stuff just when i pulled into the scrapyard it was just like oh you know like i'm here i'm here now i can get this crap out of my truck and i don't have to like worry about something but yeah i don't recommend doing that that's that's some wear and tear on the truck so now i need some shocks and a chiropractor but anyways well already guys that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving it was a one and done but it was definitely worth it definitely definitely worth it i appreciate y'all tagging along it was always always it's a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share it with your friends instagram facebook got em teespring got some merch down below appreciate everybody who's been helping out purchasing some merch uh if you are interested go check it out get some stuff but alrighty guys we are going to get back out of here the next day or two and just try to fill up this truck again and make that money man y'all take care be safe love y'all peace [Music] mike the scavenger [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 1,877,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving 2022, dumpster diver, dumpster diving 2023, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster diving police, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster diving for free food, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster haul, dumpster diving usa, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving is fun, dumpster find, jezvlog dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, dumpster shopping, dumpster diving filipino
Id: e3tRnFA9Kg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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