Extreme Dumster Diving

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wow we got an open top over here check this out oh that's just fiber optic stuff ah well well well what do we have here what the heck is this it's like there's metal exoskeleton but if you can see down in there looks like concrete i can't really scrap that i can scrap that though that looks like the same crab okay there's a little bit of scrap up in here let's see yeah a little bit let's pull the truck next to it and just fill her up all right start getting subscribed man it kind of sucks about that that looks like some good stuff right there this show is yeah it kind of sucks about the uh this stuff it's really heavy though but i can't scrap that out it's full of uh [Music] full of like concrete or something must be like for sound dampening i guess some aluminum good stuff right there some diamond plate this aluminum right there i don't know what this crap is man very interesting interesting stuff though that's for sure it's more than done except she's like stainless ah that crap is heavy anybody know what that is i don't it's like aluminum sheet there a little bit more right here let's see yeah i don't know what this is there's a lot of it though boy that's so heavy right there can barely move that [Music] there a bunch of it though [Music] well we're gonna get her loaded up huh [Music] yeah i really can't move that this top thing it's all concrete we'll dig out what we can getting warm in eighth town go we tell you what let me pull the truck a little bit closer it seems like most of the crap is on this end so we'll do that yeah yeah all right make it a little bit easier on ourselves eh smarter not harder right yeah i don't know what the hell this stuff is something acoustical maybe perhaps i do know we're gonna grab it grab it as much as we can try to get it all it's gonna fill the for the truck that's the point right the object stay right there just spring back smack me in the face huh how is everybody doing having a good summer so far get some stuff out back here under here and work out workout there it goes i'm gonna get me all right there goes some more down lots of scrap lots and lots of [Music] you see this this may be aluminum here before we bury it too deep huh aluminum there dang man extravaganza today get that i found that before there's optic in there but it's aluminum shielded the breakage on it all right back down to the nitty-gritty some aluminum y'all enjoy watching me work out getting my sweat on with mike i'm gonna push this thing over let's get some crap out before we start making some drastic moves all right let's see here i don't know if i can or not it's really heavy got it sort of got some of it well i was worried about them filters rolling around the back of my truck now no more i can tell there's gonna be some stuff we may not be able to for this you were to think that they would have got a uh a scrap bin whoa that's not coming aluminum right here right there [Music] grab that sucker aluminium bet y'all wondering how much we're gonna make on the scrap run on this puppy huh some more aluminum down there a piece of copper on that guy all right aluminum there man there's there's still some under here that's so heavy so so heavy so moving the pipe kind of a one-and-done kind of night huh see i want to come out make a little bit of headway i want it there's that piece with it's got copper on it there goes the aluminum good piece of it too [Music] a good piece of it all right oh yeah yeah yeah whoa again just keeps coming some of that's just a lost cause though hey right now uh man yeah baby oh i'm sweating it up sweating it up [Music] huh piece of aluminum down here all right damn ain't gonna get much more this stuff's way too heavy too too heavy just not wanting to come all right work our way back this way little piece here scrap baby scrap all right i think i'm getting about to the point where i can't really get no more these really heavy things are on top [Music] who daddy's busting a sweat [Music] got my workout baby all right all right we got a big old chunk of it [Music] that's this crap ain't going to come out it's all hung up at the bottom there all right well y'all gonna be traded to a scrap run tomorrow man i am just dripping dripping sweat yeah no sir ah you can probably see the sweat dripping off my face all right look at all that not bad okay man one dumpster there's still some underneath all this but i can't move it that bottom piece is even bigger than the top one all right oh baby let's say we got the majority of it water water out this one over here it's right next to the other one it looks like it's full of stuff too definitely looks like it's full of stuff too whoa yep all right let's get in it's all like somewhat assembled though try not to sink into the oblivion diamond plate yeah dude uh heavy those are definitely heavy all right look at that grass on there some wires definitely want to grab that and now this is not a scrap dumpster y'all y'all can see there's plenty of trash in here too so we all go saying what's up you don't know what you're saying [Music] there scrap script script hitting a good lick tonight oh some aluminum in here too here all right ah somebody come and help me that's gonna have to go in with the thing because it's on the thing baby there's a lot of wire in there too lots and lots of water geez not a fan of how they threw all this in here though some aluminum not so much aluminum oh i'm running out of gas y'all lie about that so right yeah baby that's a fiber optics i think yeah it's garbage we need to get all this though then we do [Music] [Music] i think we can not yet well you threw all kinds of crap away huh [Music] so just trying to get this crap off it's sticky on the back [Music] there coming now you coming now come on dang it [Music] what uh this is nuts i have to get my snips thinking that's going to be the best route of action here just snip extreme dumpster diving it's another one trucks getting full man i think this thing's on top of the wire yes wanting to pick up that get this untangled a little bit more let's see here it's kind of wanting to come some of it is all right i'm gonna get my snips time out all right so i took five got a little glass wire got my flips get back to it all right all right we got all this wire here we're gonna show this thing over here see what's getting hung up here this boy i don't want to pull out more welcome over there that's coming there all right big old mess of wires over the side see what we get here get some sheet aluminum all right tired of playing around want that diamond plate i want it bad all right oh you guys getting a treat tonight because you don't find stuff like this down here hey what i am not liking these things at all not my friend not my friend [Music] [Music] all kinds of water whole mess away and everything says oh caught up [Music] aluminum right there aluminum hold on let's grab that real quick all right got a mess of wires here get my snips oh i just seen security uh we might be having a roll so okay we'll wrap it up we got a lot i'll come back i'll be back let's see if i get this diamond plate out here real quick but yeah i just saw a security creep he's on the other property but i don't know if he's working this property or not let's see if we get this done played out of here it's just in there at a weird angle you gotta be careful it'll cut you up ah she's not coming headsets well that is what it is y'all got a little bit we're coming back though cut my back all right i don't know what y'all think we got enough huh quite a bit yeah that diamond plate goes under and i just threw all that crap on top of it and then this wire so it's all up in there all right that's a mess of wires that's all just all just wrapped up in of aluminum it oh that thing is buried too big a little bit of pipe all up under here i ain't messing with it it is what it is y'all i think we got most of it well a lot of it i'm not going to say most that's wishful thinking there's a lot of stuff in here jesus this is yeah i'm done bro we got a full truck though baby all right all right man anybody want some scrap come get it there's a little bit left oh i'm done i'm done man all right well all right senor signores oh my gosh a very successful evening out there getting some scrap dude most of this wire is all number one all of it just about there's a little bit of cab wire in there i mean we ended up leaving a little bit of stuff got a ton of stuff um i mean probably could have stuck around a little bit longer but i saw the security guy creep across the street and i had you know i didn't know i mean it was a different property but i didn't know if he you know i have the light on my head and when it starts getting dark you know and you're looking you're driving by you can see that light you know and then you can tell someone's digging so i just you know is what it is left a few things maybe somebody sweep by pick it up but i'm definitely gonna go back by there if they keep throwing out crap like that definitely definitely a successful evening uh we're gonna follow up with a scrap run for you cats and kittens uh tomorrow i'm gonna organize this wire a little bit and then uh try to do what i can with the aluminum uh some of it we take to the scrapyard we may be bringing it back because some of this crap had copper in it uh you know but for the most part the bulk of it we're gonna be able to get out of the scrap yard i was really bummed about the uh the diamond plate that's stainless steel but i ended up burying it and i just is what it is is what it is but we definitely got some money back here inscribed folks definitely so y'all stay tuned on the next one follow up with scrap run and see how much we made i mean what would that take about an hour and i got some exercise definitely got me got my sweat on i feel great now uh you know like that feeling you get you know like what they call it the runner's high you know like when it's just like it's over and it's just all good it's kind of like that but uh yeah definitely could have used you somebody out there tonight helping me but we got her filled up we got some weight she's got a little bit of bounce still in her but uh uh all in all totally totally awesome totally awesome man we got some non-ferrous and wires for sure so anyways well that like i said is going to do it ah two dumpsters and done baby two dumpsters done i like it i like it uh but yeah stay tuned we're gonna follow up with the scrapbook go to scrappy our girls crap out get paid see what we made for the uh hour that we put in i think we think we're gonna think we're gonna be pleasantly surprised especially with scrap prices the way they are uh but anyways alrighty guys well uh until then uh y'all take care be safe love y'all uh [Music] be sure to like this video subscribe to my channel if you haven't subscribe don't be scared share with your friends uh instagram check it out got one posted a little sneak peek of this on instagram uh so if you're on instagram you'll get a little sneak peek sometimes what i got brewing for the next day's video and uh did it uh yep and special shout out to everybody bought some merch appreciate that guys registered down below teespring go get y'all some stuff help support scavenger all right let me get in there take a shower warm up some spaghetti and then uh get out here in the morning get this all cleaned up we're up to the scrap here for you guys but until then y'all take care be safe love y'all boom what we got here y'all those gravity scrap scraps a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 328,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: dlbD1DGG1yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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