Dumpster Diving "This Thing's Full Of Money!"

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ah right baby baby baby baby dumpster yeah there's some scrap ain't getting in there look how deep that dumpster juice is we've had some rain these past couple of days and now let's get chillin all right let's see if we can get this sucker out of here i'll put my tailgate down [Music] all right baby all right baby good little start eh hey let's get this stick those are heavy but i know what's in those those are always full of juice and stuff the stuff that goes in these juice machine things that sucker is not light all right dumpster juice everywhere speaking of all juice we need to get this stuff down here if we can like i said i ain't getting in this one y'all y'all can suck it and get my feet wet it's supposed to be like dipping down a little chilly go stab it just stab it [Music] everyone's got a hole gotta get it in the hole oh that's why there's a it's like a side glass so you can't really get it through the the hole there [Music] new motor or something try to make it easy got another one right here yeah those are usually stainless okay last piece down here coming up baby coming up juice the juice is on the loose hold up there's another piece of scrap in here the juice is loose baby i hope they're not all going to be like this tonight because that would be a total bummer because y'all know me i like getting in but yeah let's see what's in these boxes full of something yeah it looks like goo no goo for me what up dumpster dumpster you know what i see i think i see some stuff maybe maybe maybe let's see well i see a hoover this is that dumpster that i found all those compression socks in although there's a couple in there still new too okay let's see what we got here there's not much not much but i've figured it out this is a place where they send the returns and i guess the returns [Music] because of covet or something i don't know so we'll grab we can't make pairs of what we can i'm still selling these too you guys are interested all the most of the really cool colors are gone but as you can see we got brown and some hearts and such um right there there's a matching pair so hit me up pair of five five random pair for 20 bucks get them while they're hot because they're going fast they're actually quite nice too i don't remember grabbing a navy one did we grab a navy one now let's see it's match i don't need a match okay back to the uh those are somebody's weird socks like nasty home stuff crap and this let's see here oh there's some boots there's some door hardware the indoor hardware and then yeah this crap over here this is like somebody's personal home stuff that's a tiny little foot see the head here we got more store hardware take that a lot of times there's brass and aluminum and you know grab that [Music] dr pepper a lighter that kind of works okay let's keep cruising man i like going through people's stuff because this is obviously what this is i might do a bunch of crap out of it [Music] oh there goes some more socks crap there goes a whole butt load more socks the whole bag full right there look at that they're still in the packaging okay just grab that bag with our stuff tell you what let's do this yeah there's a whole mess of more compression socks so okay mike the scavenger has re-upped on compression stock we are back in business baby oh no oh no oh no oh no shut down here at the bottom sometimes good stuff's at the bottom sometimes it's not all right all right [Music] rock and roll man got some socks what's in here oh i see something ah just junk all right more socks like a bunch of them lots of colors and pretty stuff in this thing [Music] that's what i'm talking about yeah baby socks it's a big box see something in that box there's a lot of painting here oh gotta be careful with that paint man gonna be real careful look at that so one of those soldering iron things that one definitely looks busted though grab it though yeah i found one very similar to that not too long ago but when i found a little bit better shape than that cool screwdriver look at that a magnet grab a bucket don't tell the old lady oh that's a corona bucket i'll take a corona bucket shall do taste you okay it's a car crash somebody cleaned out a garage or something man all right all right oh look at that [Music] speed square [Music] okay [Music] socket adapter i could use that all right this is just kind of gross ammonium hydroxide nice all right let's get out of here yeah corona bucket although it's like fuel concrete but hey oh grab it yeah i don't think there's much much hope for that little soldering iron but hey let's grab it come on bucket game time baby game time here y'all that's a little kiddo food it's a nice gas jug it's missing the the spout though some water sprinkler heads look at this stuff though we all think on the gas can grab it yeah we'll grab it [Music] you probably get replacement spouts huh oh nice set possibly okay just making sure it wasn't it's there's a little bit of liquid in the bottom but it's water it mix it with gas yeah i think i wanted my truck sticking like gas yeah open top open top let me in let me let me take a peek oh what we got here y'all somebody's clothes good tub that's a pretty decent tub it ain't broken because it's sitting right on the lid too let's take a quick little gander over here this tote and remember y'all always pick up after yourself yeah that looks pretty decent it's got the the things and the things oh the lid's broken oh well we took it out we'll grab it let's take this crap yard fill it with some stuff and then give it to the scrap yard for the next got to fill it with some stuff this stuff is kind of gross it's disgustingly gross i love it oh i didn't even notice this none of this bx has got any anything in it it's just straight conduit it's all right though it aluminum conduit could do it dude well shoot y'all i thought this was gonna be a little bit better and like like i said it's been raining crazy so i'm not oh there's a little wire absolutely not getting in i'm not getting covered with wet sheet rocking everything else that's a good scratch right there holding on by thread right alright man what a waste what a waste what a waste so you mean you tell me there's no ipads or 60 inch tvs in here no there goes a little bit of that starting to see my breath that temperature temperature's dropping y'all oh my goodness gracious it is starting to get too chilly oh check it out y'all it's a guitar a bunch of random like stuff look at that man that's my color right there check out that guitar 1d baby look it's autographed sweet man [Music] a little smoke on the water um still got the tag on it get down on that grab a couple g-cell stuff items there's a chair [Music] of course it's down in the bottom let's see here okay let's hop up in there what do y'all say all right down man we got we got juice we got juice down there in the i'm gonna bottle it over the other side because i want to land on my my 1d guitar we also don't know what 1d is one direction baby oh i'm not 100 sure what they seeing i just know that they exist oh man somebody tossed out the little let's mermaid okay most of this just looks like crap let's see what's in this box oh this bag i mean it's actually like donatable stuff but you know [Music] those are fishing pole eyelids legos drop that down here somebody says legos are worth money look at that it's not even open is that still a crime to open someone's mail if they toss it out bunch of balloons oh you can feel like bunch of water balloons and such got some wet clothes what is this i don't know what this is oh it had a bad word to cancer well i tell you what my old man he got diagnosed with cancer probably about seven eight years ago and that was uh some of the scariest moments of my life but he got over it it's a corndog these clothes are really wet [Music] here there's some it's an iphone charger there's a lot of legos in this bag a lot but there's also some really nasty stuff too [Music] let's get these charger cords though iphone chargers are pretty hot those are pretty high these are all iphone chargers too that's what i'm talking about that was not that one is iphone chargers aren't cheap y'all like they ain't cheap at all [Music] a hot pocket in there too okay some of these t-shirts the size of these it doesn't say all right tell you what we'll grab them i'll check them out they're my size wash them hang on to them look at that as a kiwi if not i don't know but they're really wet and gross but you know me always be getting clothes out the dumpster everything's so wet and gross right now all right all right 1d guitar and stuff y'all check that out there's an ac unit uh i'd say let's grab it it's probably heavier than sin too looks like some good stuff got a power supply it's a flux capacitor that's what that is soft are you kidding me this thing is full of money what this is full of rolled quarters say what like we literally just found money in the dumpster like real money there's 10 bucks 20 bucks 30 bucks holy cow who throws that in the trash air conditioner unit jingle change what [Music] i promise y'all this is not fake either this is not fake that was that was in the trash with the flux capacitor you have got to be kidding me there's gotta be 50 bucks in here easy and some of these are bagged up these are all the states what if there's any like old quarters i like that what is it before 64. there's 67. let me see sorry you can usually hear it but that one i don't remember what the year is on them but they have silver content 67. you can hear them i have to double check and look that is nuts well i paid for that trip throw that up right there all right this ac unit here this one's not gonna be my friend i take that much all right what we got to do see how she's leaking a little bit get my hammer in this case my hatchet try to seal that off a little bit dude somebody straight up threw away uh cash all right the fun part you don't think i'm gonna do though let's see if we can create a step take this this seems like a good enough step huh let's see because these are not light all the weights in the compressor we can really use this step here just to get it up on get her up into the back she's already upside down too which is good let's see whoa whoa okay let's see what we can do here all right all right hold up all right all right she's on the step up we can get here she's heavy yeah baby we got her in boom baby welcome to the truck where all things are possible like plenty of money all right here we go ah not a bad night not a bad night at all pass [Music] yeah props to uh the last time i loaded one of these was on a heavy scrap day someone's like you know like y'all saw me having the hardest time with it and someone's like you know just have a little wooden block or something to help step it up and sure enough having a little step up helps what are those things weight 2 300 pounds all right [Music] all right is that when we found all them wall studs and look at that there's more and there's some romex in there too i'm going to take the advice of one of the viewers told me to pull up on this side that way it's easier for me to get out so let's do that go let's get it get the scrap get the spray all right we're back round two not quite as much this go around but i'm still gladly taking they don't seem to care i took the last little bit of it either so get her yeah not near as much but it's still stuff try to stay out of the juice okay a bunch of uh coronas in here yeah look at that baby that's stripping that strip worthy right there yeah they call these unprepared clips but being in my truck's neck let's go maybe they won't make me back to the special pile all right careful y'all kevin that's some juice baby thank god for pallets and getting out of here all right baby all right whoa whoa whoa whoa all right so we'll definitely be coming back again as you can see they are outfitting this place for some new office warehouse whoa whoa and such the sheetrock is literally disintegrating under my feet all right let's get let's get let's get all right what we got here y'all holy shoot look at all these lights let's get it chop the balls up these are those long ones try to be a little bit quiet as you can see somebody's home all right let's get the good stuff here there's lots of bulbs they shouldn't be tossing these out huh watch this this is my little snip keep those handy real that right quick cut myself a little bit all right it's got those big old ballasts on them too [Music] try to be quiet but i think we might wake up somebody back there bonafide scrap that is definitely right there all of that that's the good stuff man it's got the guts in it got to say y'all pretty successful evening huh that's how i do it there working hard for that scrap all right oh my gosh look at that let's just rub some dirt on it you know i'll fix it 30 year old dust well i think we're going to call it after this one though hey yeah i got some good balance that's a good scrap right here good good good good scrub lots of bulb lots of bulb no good oh there goes some more hold up pose in the dumpster orange stuff is i think that's where oopalupus comes from don't follow me now what is that oh no oh no all right oh monitor something let's see all right yeah definitely be a little bit quieter although i mean like i've been approached before and then when they come out and they're just like what are you doing if they do that let's see bro just digging out scrap just digging out skirts what's under this orange stuff hopefully it's not toxic huh oh this is [Music] grab that sucker all right standing in orange step look at that all right let's get out of here all right before we get busted all right scrap all right all right scavengers good morning beautiful day out here beautiful day out here we'll get to the treasure here in a minute uh all in all successful trip out there definitely got our fill of scrap uh i'm gonna run these up to the yard i've gotten really good at stripping these at the yard um the uh the ballast you give them a good whack with the back side of the hatchet they usually pop right out and then these guys these guys if you yank hard enough they just pop right out throw it all up in there clean it later get all that the iron pile nice and easy got us a couple of the uh the little uh juice machines or smoothie machines or whatever the hell they are uh i don't feel like digging them out got a little scrap and then an ac unit we'll be able to get a little bit off of it but for someone like me an ac unit like this doesn't have a whole lot of scrap value because i can't scrap out the uh the compressor as it is i i would have to literally you know take it apart cut it open and i did a video on that and i've done it once and it's not the most fun let me tell you i mean it really comes down to what your time is worth some people i guess they've gotten good at it me i just wasn't really good at it went through a lot of discs getting trying to get that copper out of the compressor and it almost wasn't worth the time but there's a little bit of copper we can get the motor off of the top copper inside all those fins that go around it i can't scrap those out either got to have an ac license for that stuff but you know those are measures measurements put into place to keep you know people from stealing stuff and you know i totally respect that it is what it is you know but we'll get what we can for what it's worth and you know is what it is yeah yeah got our got a ton of bx back there aluminum bx i think that's aluminum bx so definitely clean all that up number one wire in there all day long aluminum housing this guy right here uh i think it's a power supply says kidzler lighting low voltage power control console okay definitely scrap that looks like stainless on the outside most definitely um t-shirts got our 1d guitar here my niece made like that like i don't know 10 years ago plastic guitar not worth a whole lot just you know garage sale uh got a few more compression socks you know i already got rid of all the hard ones but now i got a little bit more that's more hard ones and uh you know some more colorful ones some of them are still in the packaging which is amazing so yeah uh actually going to the post office today drop off pack somebody ordered five more of them if you are interested just shoot me an email uh it's 5 for 20 free shipping in the united states all right uh iphone charger cords those are always welcome anyone who owns the iphone knows that the chargers are not worth a daily squat and uh i've yet to have an iphone charger last a year or so what's up with the buzz man the second time's come by here this is a cul-de-sac street maybe she's practicing i don't know oh give a room give a room uh some fishing eyelids probably give those to the old man he likes to fish a lot those are fuji i think yep fuji and i like how they're gold plated that's real nice see buncho balloons monster balloon filler upper thing for when you want to have a party that's definitely cool so you've got a little scrap there yeah yeah yeah all right all right all right so we're gonna get down to the nitty-gritty here the uh the coins i can't for the life of me i sat all night wondering how these would end up in the dumpster someone knowingly i mean wouldn't knowingly throw these away uh from what i could tell all these quarters these look like the first first uh like when they i guess when the quarter started coming out in the states because there's some 2000s in there and they're all different states so somebody probably had a little coin collection or something they were collecting um but i did find some silver coins i did a little looking that's that's at 67. basically anything prior to 1965 was like 90 or 95 silver and i think that includes the dimes and nickels as well so over here we've got a few of these older ones so there's a 63 64. but what i'm going to show y'all i'm going to show you i remember i was i was hitting it on the ground said you could hear it all right let this bus get by here all right so what we're going to do we're going to drop the new quarter first and i'm just i don't know if this is going to come out on the video you're going to be able to hear it this is the new quarter all right this is the silver quarters the ones prior to 1965 so 64 and older you hear it do it again alright new quarter new quarter old silver quarter you can definitely hear it you can see it you can even feel it it feels a little bit lighter and there's a few of them in here uh there's a 63 a 62 there's some 50 53 dimes look at this this is a buffalo nickel i can't get a date off of it because it's really worn out but that is a buffalo nickel it's not in the best of shape there's a liberty dime this has a date of 1942 on it there's another dime 1946 it's like we are getting getting up there and there's a couple of wheat pennies here too see 58 1935 uh and then we got some foreign currency over here some pesos and this says australia tell all my uh mates down under i don't know what their uh their currency is called it's got elizabeth on there yeah we got the pesos here say uh 65 1970. let's see here that's got a aztec on it 79. let's see that's yeah there's canadian five cents it's got the otter on it george don't know uh that looks like yep more pesos foreign currency so this is obviously i'm guessing somebody was collecting some coins a lot of these don't mean much you know they're just you know you know 80s 90s or whatever but i'm curious about all these quarters we have over here there's 10 20 30 40 those 50 and then there's uh 2 four six fifty six plus ten there's 66 dollars right here in roll coin so i don't know man it was my conscious was getting the better of me thinking that maybe i should go back and try to find or at least let them know that i found this but being though it's not like 10 000 or somethings i don't know you know but i mean it's not like it was tucked away in a bag or something it was just sitting right there in that box but very good fine very very very good fine that paid for that trip that paid for a couple of chips but yeah i've never found a buffalo nickel before i used to metal detect a little bit too you know how long it would take me to find this amount of coins especially silver coins a buffalo nickel liberty time like yeah this is uh dumpster diving seems to be a little bit more profitable of a uh a hobby than metal detecting but i do have a metal detector it's a little cheapo found lots of coins but nothing quite this substantial especially in one go awesome awesome awesome awesome but anyways alrighty guys that is going to do it for this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most like the scavenger whoa as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel uh instagram check it out got one extra special shout out to everybody that bought some merch appreciate that guys you're interested down below teespring little banner go get y'all some stuff got some t-shirts cookies hats cups mugs you name it stickers uh but all right as you all see the weather is absolutely gorgeous so we're going to probably try and hit it again tonight if not tonight we're definitely going to get out there tomorrow night and uh make it happen but uh in the meantime we got a little bit of work to do here clean this up probably get onto the scrap yard just get a few bucks you know i got a couple of things back there in the garage i've been you know working on cleaning up got some aluminum casting and stuff like that and then get you know make some room for the next uh the next load but uh until then you guys be safe out there um wash your hands cover your face yeah what we got here y'all those gravity scraps a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 883,453
Rating: 4.8201852 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster, diving, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster diving at walmart, dumpster diver, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster divers, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving police, jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster haul, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving, jackpot dumpster diving apple store, dumpster diving cvs, dumpster diving mega
Id: oiaUEoSSZgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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