Dreamipedia - Teeth, Babies & Bathrooms (FULL EPISODE)

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some dreams are universal that is everybody has them for example you ever had a dream that your teeth fell out what does that mean well what did he do they chew on things ever had someone say to you why don't you chew on that for a while it simply means they want you to think about it to understand it to digest it when you lose your teeth kind of like that you lose the ability to understand things what are some other common dreams well you ever dreamt that you knew somebody who is pregnant I don't understand it my stomach is killing me I have all kinds of cramps and aches and pains you are pregnant I can't be pregnant I'm a man men don't get pregnant tests confirmed it you are pregnant and we are going to have to do the c-section now I had a dream like that it was so real I could still feel the stitches in my stomach clear to noon the next day God was telling me I was going to have a c-section not like C cesarean section but a C like I sight a c-section meaning delivering people young profiting people who see because what do profiting people do they see spiritual things what about babies and children well they often represent something new like a new ministry or a new calling or something God is going to ask you to take over here this is for you you could be handed something somebody has already started and your new ministry is a few years old just like the baby in your dream what are some other common dreams well there a bathroom dream well nobody wants to talk about bathroom dreams well you know what everybody has them Michelle from Council Bluffs Iowa sent this dream I've had several bathroom dreams sometimes the bathrooms are under guard or they need to be cleaned in one dream my dog was taking a bath in my bathtub how do I practically apply these dreams to my daily life I've worked on forgiveness just not sure what God is telling me to do some Michelle that dream basically is not telling you you need to forgive somebody the dream is letting you know there's things that God is cleaning up for example in the first scene you were talking about you talked about this bathroom that was there then that's basically the focus that's you in the bathroom the second part sub focus would be the issue of the guard that's outside and the issue of it needing to be cleaned let that dream basically is saying is that God is taking through a what I call spiritual detox okay a spiritual detoxing time getting rid of some things that maybe you weren't really bored clean doctrine or maybe some things you had opinions on he's removing those type of opinions those things up that get detox so you have that in this as a subject of the dream you are the subject of the dream getting detoxed so what are the guards and what is the cleaning me well the guards would simply mean this God is guarding what's going on in your life so nobody sees what's going on that isn't the case and everyone's dream like this which which we often have talked about but God is guarding you so no one sees what's happening on the other hand you had it needed to be clean this other a subtopic here with the sub focus and so God is letting you know that in this in this area don't take on somebody else's issue meaning you're getting cleaned of something don't jump in and try to help or take on somebody else's issue on your life and I think that's in essence what you were doing saying I need to forgive somebody I'm working on forgiveness well no it's not that you need to work on forgiveness God is letting you know it's not an issue of what it that's going on to somebody else has done to you needing the bathroom needing cleaned it's the issue of you just taking care of what God is working on in your life and he will change things now your other dream was similar in a bathroom setting it was in a bathtub and so the focus is really the dog and you you're participating in the dream with the dog in you so the focus is the dog in you the sub focus on that is the tub and another sub focus is the washing and basically what this simply says dog represents friend so you are helping a friend get cleaned up that's what the tub represents the place of getting clean that's what the washing represents is actually doing the cleaning you're helping a friend get cleaned up but things she doesn't need to carry around or the dog doesn't need to carry around in their life I hope that helps you incredible dreams dreams even though they seem so simple actually tell us a great deal about what God is working on in our lives here's another bathroom dream about an overflowing toilet and another common dream element snakes I was in the bathroom and water began coming up from the toilet water also started coming in from the window and three snakes came in each taking a turn biting me the first two bites were short and quick the third bit very hard sinking its teeth in deep took a chunk out of my arm there was white flesh but no blood then I noticed there was water covering the entire floor Celinda the interpretation of this dream is is again fairly simple if you understand the focus and the sub focuses there's one focus here three sub focuses the focus is you you in the bathroom the sub focuses are one the window that the water is coming from and the snakes is another one and then there's this one snake here that bites you really hard so let's take a look and put all of this together gods take you through detoxing place that's what the bathroom represents the window represents a vision that God has given you for something water coming in represents the Holy Spirit coming in to help the washing and the cleansing process but the vision is still intact however there are these three snakes that try to come in snakes again are lies fabrication tales that people tell about you so these three snakes these three things are going to come in or have come in into the room where you're giving deep talks in other words are trying to take advantage of what's going on in your life and they're going to make it look like it's really bad but one in particular that's the one right down here this snake that bites you so hard you don't see any blood but you see kind of a gaping wound where the flesh once was that snake basically represents something that's going to go after your strength or your faith you didn't if it's the right arm that a bit it would be faith and strength it was the left arm that a bit it would be the calling upon your life of what God has called you called you to do so depending on which arm it was is telling you whether it's attacking what you recall to do or whether it's trying to attack your faith and strength to accomplish what God has called you to do and they're going to try to take advantage of the spiritual detoxing that's going on but the great thing and is this this is a warning dream and it's letting you know if you pray against this this doesn't have to happen the enemy wants to take advantage of what God is building in you and creating and helping you to become the enemy is wanting to take advantage of that and to stop what God's purposes are by getting you to a point where you don't believe you can do what God's called you to do he creates fear in our hearts and that can stop us if I create spiritual paralysis or he can create intimidation and a heart I'm gonna get a chunk taken out of me I don't want to have that happen the reality is that God wants to stop all of that and help Yulin to become everything he's called you to be dreams are mostly symbolic and they're incredibly powerful if you understand the meaning but this episode of dream of pedia I'm John Paul Jackson thanks for watching oh my baby my baby oh my baby
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 216,689
Rating: 4.8836417 out of 5
Keywords: dreams, dream interpretation, interpret my dream, what do dreams about teeth falling out mean, dreams about teeth, dreams about babies, dreams about bathrooms, bathroom dreams, John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries
Id: E7ek-G7HZXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon May 05 2014
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