Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of the Blood

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nothing a scripture stirs the passion of man like the crucifixion of Jesus Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ was a hallmark film that depicted with graphic detail the process of the crucifixion how the flesh of Jesus was torn and how the blood of Jesus was shed from the blood-soaked tears in the garden to the blood of Jesus dripping to the ground from the cross few events have captured the thoughts of man like the body that was broken and the blood that was shed by the Son of God Jesus came to redeem the world but he was also a problem to those who did not have eyes to see and ears to hear many things he said the less perceptive took offense to such as a time Jesus for such boldness declared that we must drink his blood and eat his flesh that statement alone resulted in the loss of 400 followers in just one day what is so important about the blood and why did Jesus proclaim that the wine of the Last Supper was his blood and the unleavened bread was his flesh did it have some deeper meaning or was it merely a moment of heartfelt emotion that Jesus used to endeared those around him what is it that takes our breath when we pause to think about what happened to Jesus and why did the Bible pour tell the tearing of his flesh and the shedding of his blood some 4000 years before it happened this is a fresh look at the mystery of the blood and why it's even more important than you might think this is dreams and mysteries with John Paul Jackson it might surprise you to know that the very first blood that was shed for sin was in the Garden of Eden right after the sin of Adam and Eve it was here that God provided the first sacrifice by killing an animal and covering Adam and Eve with its skin a little over 4,000 years later the Apostle Paul picks up on this and writes that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin so the question of how Paul made this connection needs to be asked well Paul being astute highly educated student of Gamaliel when the top rabbis in Israel would have expertly known the scriptures and what they said because of the studies Paul knew that the priests were commanded to sprinkle two substances on every piece of furniture in the tabernacle they were first to sprinkle blood and afterwards to sprinkle oil the Bible reveals in Leviticus 17:11 that blood was for the atonement of the soul which is our mind will and emotions second when we anoint with oil or we are anointed with oil we are to be healed and God's grand design every piece of furniture in the tabernacle was for redemption healing or restoring Paul recognized the connection between the blood of the Lamb in the garden and the blood on the furniture of the tabernacle all that sounds great and really good but why blood I mean blood before we can answer that we need to recognize that every sin takes place to the yielding to the unbiblical desires of our soul again the soul is the mind the will and the emotions therefore the blood of the sacrifice was to cover the scent of the soul or the sins we committed our mind or will or her emotions well that makes sense but is that still true today does man now sin with his spirit or send still the result of yielding to the demands of our soul the truth is nothing has changed yeah the body may carry out our desires but the command to do so starts within the soul thus the blood of the sacrifice was to cover the sins of the soul and evidence of this is just before Jesus was taken to be crucified he was in the garden and he said my soul is exceedingly troubled he didn't say a spirit he said his soul and he went on to say nevertheless not my will but your will be done the will of Jesus was part of the soul and Jesus recognized it notice it was here at this very moment when his soul was being tempted the scripture tells us Jesus sweat great drops of blood and in so doing he surrendered his will his soul to the purpose of the Father the blood has always been about the redemption of our soul Jesus overcame the temptation of his soul so we would have the grace or strength to overcome the same attack against ours let's see what some of you think about the blood of Jesus a blood of Jesus to me means that I can be saved I can have eternal life and you can have love joy peace all the gifts of the Spirit um I can be led daily by the Holy Spirit the blood of Jesus means that he covers me he tells me everything he died for me his blood is person all around this earth to take care of everybody is for you and for me and everyone in this world his blood is what saved us it saved us from the sin of man and man is continuing to see him but he's still saving us a me who that was amen that was really good for spontaneous answers right there on the street I'm shocked that was really really good I loved it but you know what there's more and there's some mysteries in this blood that not many I'm not sure how many of thought of before we're going to see God speaks to all of us in one way or another but some people have a special gift to hear for themselves and others to help you develop that gift we are offering the prophetic gift series with John Paul Jackson over seven hours of teaching on developing your prophetic gift becoming a prophetic community wisdom in the prophetic journey and to study cards on how to give and receive a prophetic word listen to John Paul Jackson as he shares from his decades of experience in ministry how to grow and nurture this gift of revelation from God what role does the gift of prophecy have in the church today how does the Ministry of the Prophet and the Ministry of the pastor work together learn to navigate the pitfalls that many of us will face and discovering the spiritual gifts God has given us the prophetic gift series is being offered for your gift of $50 or more to the ministry order yours today at dreams in mysteries.com or call us at one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five the Bible tells us that we're not supposed to drink blood because of life of the flesh is in the blood which simply means the influence of the soul is in the life force of the blood and that life force is carried out by the flesh in other words what the soul wants to do the body is going to do well scripture also tells us that the blood of bulls and goats though a shadow of things to come was still an imperfect atonement because it only covered descent it did not take the sin away in the book of Hebrews Paul writes that it's not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin well you might ask what's the difference between the covering of sin and the taking away of sin that's really a good question and it's also very important the answer is this if sin is only covered then the sin still remains is if you lift up the cover and you look underneath it you're going to find the sin is still there covered sin allows us to still feel its effects long after we repented of it it's stench still waste out from underneath the cover that's hiding it from God this is why the incense and the tabernacle was so important it masked the stench of the sin and man the sin that is merely covered propagates condemnation because while others may not see it and they may not smell it we do the most telling hardship about sin that is only covered and not taken away it's what happens to you after you die Jesus's fully man was the perfect sacrifice which made his blood the perfect blood in his perfection his blood took away our sin and all we have to do is to apply his blood to our life repent of our sin turn away and ask God to forgive us because her sin is taken away it no longer has a stench in fact any memory of it does not come from heaven but from the powers of darkness who love to lie to us and tell us that her sin has not been taken away remember saying there's been a liar from the very beginning and he's not changed one bit a perfect man gave His life to atone for imperfect mankind and it was planned that way before the foundation of the earth was ever formed you may be asking by now what about the hardship of she ol do we still have to go to she ole until the day of judgement the answer's no we don't because of what Jesus did first of all we need to understand no one would have a chance of getting out of she'll had it not been for Jesus all the followers of God Almighty were waiting in Sheol everyone who had died went there their sins were only covered by the sacrifices of bulls and goats their sins were still present and the stench of their old dead man was overwhelming the statement of John the Baptist when he first saw Jesus was behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world takes away removes it the taking away of our sin is important to remember the blood of Jesus did not cover our sin it took our sins away but how after his crucifixion Jesus descended to Sheol and confronted Satan because Jesus had no sin and Satan was full of sin by the law of sinlessness Jesus obtained the keys to death hell and the grave he simply said I'm without sin you have sinned give me the keys well here it really gets interesting Jesus proclaimed who he was to everyone in Sheol and all who believed went with him to paradise including the thief on the cross those who did not believe remain and still remain in Sheol and they'll remain there to the judgement seat of Christ but what about those who had not died and moreover what about us today first your destination to paradise is waiting for you if you believe in who Jesus wit is and who Jesus was but there is one more mystery about the blood that is very very important to your life I had a dream I was walking down a path in the snow I came upon a beautiful glass chapel as I went inside the chapel I noticed that my hat coat and scarf were very vivid in color as they continue to the front I felt something in my cool I reached inside my pocket and pulled out an orange I couldn't take my eyes off of it well this is one of those dreams one of those remarkable type of dreams that are very good teaching tools so I'm going to teach just a little bit on this as I as I interpret it I hope you don't mind that see what you have here is first it's a very brilliant color dream as opposed to a dark dream or a dream that happened at midnight or an ominous type of dream this is incredible color to it so all the colors are vibrant all the colors are almost like magical as spiritual like heavenly in their context and they're meant to be the the path that the dreamers walking down is a path that is snow-covered which it takes us back to like Psalms 23 the 23rd psalm he leads me in paths of righteousness for his great namesake so snow represents righteousness as she's walking down a snow-covered path so the Lord is taking her on a path of righteousness kind of like Psalms 23 the next thing that we notice is the chapel is absolutely amazing the glass work the archways everything is almost like you've never seen a chapel like this before and literally what that means is God wants to give a new perspective of who he is it's glass it's open to the future you can see out so there's a there's vision a a new perspective and it's all about God and it's all about maybe looking at him in a way the dreamer has never looked at him before they notice the very bright colored red hat red is a color of wisdom when it's a brilliant color like this it represents Redemption and and wisdom so the young the dreamer knows that that she's redeemed by the Lord and she has been given a wisdom from above and that's on the head means wisdom because it sits on her head the multicolored scarf around the neck represents favor like Joseph's multi-coloured coat he was given this multi-coloured coat from his father because he had great great favor with his father this represents she has great great favor with her father her heavenly father the blue that she has on the blue sweater esque type of coat it represents the revelation that so she has a gift of Revelation being able to see into the distance something that that not everybody has I mean we can all prophesy but but some people have a unique gift to see into the distance into the into the future the strange thing probably the strangest thing about about this dream is the orange she pulls out of her pocket now the orange actually represents two things and it's a very important part of this because it represents fruit but it also represents perseverance the orange itself is the fruit but the color orange notice the brilliant color in the orange the color of the orange itself says that if you don't quit if you persevere I'm going to do everything for you I'm going to give you a new vision of Who I am I'm going to have wisdom that's going to be coming to you revelation is going to open up to you I'm going to give you a new perspective of Who I am but the key is you have to keep going you can't quit great favor great dream great promise and may that happen over the last 30 years John Paul Jackson has studied how God speaks metaphorically through dreams parables and proverbs in the Bible God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $60 or more we'd like to send you the season to dream bundle a 2-cd set teaching the basics of dreams and visions John Paul's advance six CD set understanding dreams and visions in a three CD set on the biblical model of dream interpretation also included the moments with God dream journal plus four dream cards to help you understand your dreams order your season to dream bundle today visit dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five the Torah which is the first five books of the Bible tells us that wine is the blood of grapes thus when Passover was observed in the wilderness wine was part of the recognition of the blood that was applied to the doorpost in Egypt and that wine or that blood caused the angel of death the Passover the house and not kill the firstborn the connection of wine and blood was deeply important to Jesus as well when Jesus held up the cup at the Last Supper he emphatically equated wine to being his blood and bread to being his body he was also equating himself to be the Passover lamb but three and a half years earlier at the very beginning of his ministry at a wedding he gave us a hint of how important wine would be and his purpose for coming to this earth and that wine would conclude in a wedding the first miracle Jesus did was to turn six large urns of water into wine well Jesus was always saying something behind the something and everything that he did so what was Jesus saying here the answer I believe is found in three keys the first key is the recognition that six is the number of man and the six urns represented what Jesus was about to do not only for mankind but inside of mankind second the water represented what John the Baptist was doing in the wilderness the water baptism of John the Baptist was for the remission of sins you see the Hebrew children would wash themselves before they went into the temple or synagogue to come into God's presence and this represented the washing up of sin and their life this was called a mikvah our water purification but John the Baptist who he took it to a whole new level third Jesus turned the water into wine to show that there was a more perfect cleansing coming what a me cleanse you on the outside but his blood would cleanse you on the inside this cleansing on the inside is one of the most important elements concerning the blood of Jesus he was also letting everyone who wanted to see the wedding know that because of his blood the best atonement the best wine was yet to come it will allow the spirit of a man to rule over his soul that had not happened later he would tell the woman at the well that it's by the Spirit we are to worship God but before I get too much ahead of myself here how did I come to the conclusion that wine connects to the spirit it's well it's really implied when we're told not to be drunk with wine but to be filled with the spirit but Jesus himself gave us a mysterious connection when he spoke about a new wineskin and an old wineskin remember we're talking wine skins that hold wine the old wine had a little life it was flat it was stale the new wine was full of action and it was so dynamic that if it was put into an old wine skin the wine skin would burst am I really talking about wine and wine skins here well not really and I don't think Jesus was either you see I believe he was telling them that a new wine was coming and it would offer a perfect active dynamic atonement and it would allow the spirit of the man to rule over his soul but what was the dynamic action of the wine that Jesus spoke this is important I mean really important for brought about one of the most important events known to the church and to mankind whether you can see it or not there is constant activity taking place between the spiritual and physical worlds how does that spiritual realm operate how does God use the spiritual beings he created to help you reach your life purpose in the interaction between heaven and earth John Paul provides a clearer picture of heavens administration by explaining the spiritual weapons God has given us God wants you to live an exciting vibrant supernatural life through Jesus and understanding heavens interaction is vital in helping you do that get this teaching available on CD or DVD and right now we would also like to include the spiritual being study card this study card explains all of the spiritual beings talked about in the Bible and is the perfect companion to this teaching for your gift of $20 or more we'll send you the interaction between heaven and earth be sure to specify whether you would like your combo as a CD or DVD teaching go to dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five you want to learn the deeper mysteries of God but feel overwhelmed with your schedule introducing John Paul's online classroom attend his classes without leaving your home fitting your lifestyle explore subjects like dream interpretation hearing from God living the spiritual life prayer and spiritual warfare watch and take notes with your 200-page companion study guide to begin your journey go to dreams and mysteries.com and click on john paul's online classroom or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five we humans are intelligent passionate and strong-willed beings all of this is really good when applied to loving God studying the Bible and not giving up on our faith it could also be troublesome when used to achieve our own desires because they typically at some point end up causing someone pain you might recall that at the beginning of this program I talked about the priest first applying blood and then applying oil to every piece of furniture in the tabernacle it's important to understand this order of application because Jesus our high priest has done the same for us here we've come full-circle the wine skin is you and the new wine is the new and perfect atonement the blood of Jesus the old wine and wine skin was imperfect and brittle the new wine skin it's not your sins have been taken away and paradise awaits you if you believe in who Jesus is but there's one more important matter a matter so important that it could not happen if Jesus remained on the earth and that is the coming of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament the prophets and priests would speak about the Spirit of God coming upon them or touching them lifting them even taking them to other places but they did not and could not speak about the Holy Spirit indwelling them it couldn't happen why because their atonement though it was done through an animal sacrifice it was still imperfect their sin was not taken away it was simply covered and the stench of sin remained the perfect Spirit of God couldn't enter that imperfect vessel so what did Jesus do after toning for you with his blood he applied the oil to mankind by sending the Holy Spirit but not just to visit you he came to dwell you so what change what allowed this to happen it was the perfect blood of Jesus and that blood has cleansed you of all unrighteousness and it's the perfect Holy Spirit of the Living God that came because he now can come and then dwell you and make his home in you because perfection has cleansed you with His perfect blood that was not possible prior to the blood of Jesus being shed for you no one in the Old Testament had this privilege is it any wonder that Jesus told us the prophets of old longed to see his day but could not what did Jesus say to his disciples right before he ascended you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you the word power is translated from the Greek word Dunamis and Dunamis is the root word for dynamite what action was Jesus saying would take place when the new atonement enters the new wineskin it's a great action it's the action of the Holy Spirit and all he brings into our life Jesus told the woman at the world that God longs for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth this couldn't happen without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit moving upon our spirit to worship God so my question to you is this have you asked the blood of Jesus to cover you and to take away your sins if not there really is no better time than now well there are many things that we could say about the Holy Spirit one is that oil when ignited makes a really good light and through his light in us we are able to light the darkness of the world is that literal or is that just a metaphor there is a mystery surrounding three types of light that are mentioned in the Bible but that is a mystery for another time
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 184,326
Rating: 4.8786535 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson (Person), Dreams & Mysteries, dreams and mysteries, Daystar (Organization), prophecy, Bible, Christianity, dream interpretation, dreams, Jesus, blood of Jesus
Id: goDphZmPGSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 11 2014
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