John Paul Discusses Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Beings on Joni Table Talk

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I get out of the car I look at the church or turn back around to say thank you I really appreciate that and he's gone physical encounters with spiritual beings I didn't see an angel that I physically felt an angel the reality of angels and demons when we go to those houses even if it's pretend even if it's make-believe we are emulator darkness with prophetic teacher John Paul Jackson everyone has a story did you know that dreams are God's way of getting you to your future he knows what's coming he's gonna help you get there every life has something to share the grass is not greener on the other side there's stickers from tragedy to triumph your memories will always be of the adventure not the arrival so savor the ride this is real talk about real topics that will change your life there's one thing I would like to tell you today is God is truly healer he has been for me so grab a seat and join the conversation is Joanie table angels demons what are they what are they not today we're looking at the spiritual realm and dispelling some of the misconceptions about the different beings associated with it we'll talk about what this means for believers very interesting subject joining me around the table is Kelly Lynch how are you I'm great good know this interesting subject very interest I'm always just so intrigued by the Word of God and it's like the more I learn the more I realize I don't know do you feel that way sometimes yes we've been bombarding him with questions already and a special treat today my sister Christina how are you great how are you I know you love having John Paul Jackson for a guest today always always you disappeared into the green room and I was like my sister's in there talking I know this I know this a my dear friend Cindy Murdock how are you great thank you I love your earrings today very nice and John Paul Jackson always good to have you well there are many misconceptions about the spiritual realm so today I invited John Paul to come and help us better understand angels demons and the role they play in heaven and on earth there's a lot of there's a lot written about angels I mean to the fact that people almost worship angels and I know that is not biblically sound doctrine is it yeah I think the church in Colossae must have been going through that as well because Paul exhorts them in Colossians chapter 2 not to worship angels are not to be too caught up in all of that so it's great to have angels it's great to know about angels it's great to understand why they're here there are their purposes and their functions but we cannot make them into deity they are created beings and they're here for a specific purpose but they're not God they're not omniscient they're not omnipresent and they're not omnipotent if it's not immutable yes right that's only God so for those who may be watching and say could you explain a little bit the difference between the origin of angels and demons where did they both come from God created them the Bible says before the world was ever formed because says when God formed the world the Angels rejoiced at at what God had accomplished so we know that God created demons the guardian angels demons have our hollow source basically fallen Babylon heavenly beings like that good it was it became bad good angels that became better is that because God has never will never override any created beings choice right they have choices they had a choice for the leave their domain they had a choice for the deserve Satan or to follow Satan or to follow God they believe that Satan could override God therefore and they made their choice of when Satan fell they fell with him you mentioned Lucifer of course he was an archangel we'll get into later about that but is that the highest-ranked an archangel an archangel right and that archangel is also sometimes called a prince of god and so that they had he was a prince of what god had called him to do he and the other cherubim apparently they actually oversee sanctuaries that are that are in heaven and Ezekiel 28 tells us that that Satan was the highest of created heavenly beings an anointed cherub it says that he oversaw the sanctuaries and the pride of his heart entered into him and he fell because that pride that entered into him and he put he put his desire to be elevated above above God and of course the Bible talks a lot about the musical instruments that were instilled into his being that he was probably the worship leader of heaven probably the worship leader of heaven and he certainly had a lot of jewels that were covering his body or at least in the robes that he wore that covering them incredible jewelry that was upon him incredible precious stones that were on him in fact nine different stones were found upon him and he was covered in gold so how could he have had enough influence to take a third of heaven with him away from God well this very beguiling he was very anointed very beguiling and so he was able to convince the other angels I can do it I think what happened was seyton saw the the weakness of God the gentleness of God the kindness of God the mercy of God the grace of God and he perceived those things to be weaknesses and is that I can take him I can overthrow God and convince the other angels that these things that are actually attributes of God that he convinced the other angels and other spiritual beings in heaven not just angels but their's we're going to see there's many spiritual beings there and convince them that he could overcome God and that if they did they would have a place with him in high ranking with him in the new heaven our new New Kingdom now the other Archangels we hear a lot about in the Bible Gabriel Michael mm-hmm Lucifer are there any more that you know of we know that there are at least at least six cherubs that are mentioned in scripture not by name but they're mentioned so there are other heavenly beings the only one that is specifically mentioned by name that is an archangel or would be called a prince and God would be Michael Gabriel's not defined we're not sure what Gabriel is said a lot of messages didn't he came back and forth a lot he is definitely in the message about the greatest message to the world yeah I talked to Mary talked to Joseph exactly about the birth of the coming birth of Jesus yeah I also talked to Daniel and so from that we know that angels do not we know that angels don't die Jesus himself said that he we we humans die when we die we become like angels who do not die so therefore angels don't die angels were created but they don't die okay so now the Bible tells us that man was created a little lower the lower than the angels and the angels that's the reference between men and angels well both are created beings that the angels were created fly you angel fly yes I did they flying in heaven it tells us actually that they did fly around especially Seraphim there's no mention of them ever standing but it is mention of them always flying they hover and they fly cherubim must they have feet actually the feet are described in the Book of Daniel in the Book of Ezekiel the the feeder describes her we know that they stand around the throne of God they stand on the Ark of the Covenant the representative on the Ark of the in the covenant so we know that both of those strange being seraphim has six wings cherubim have four wings they have the face of a lion the face of man the face of an ox Seraphim have that too but we're not sure but the Seraphim whether they have four heads with four different faces or one head with four different paces so we're not really sure from the description that were given about the nola mentioned twice in the Bible by Isaiah cherubim were mentioned 91 times in the Bible and angels were Angelics spiritual beings are mentioned nearly 400 times in the Bible I always think about them when we sing the song holy holy holy because this is what they do night and day right and there's a reason why they called three times they always said holy three times reason why it gives gives a basis for the Trinity holy acts of the father holy acts of the son holy acts of the Spirit can it can an angel take on kind of a human form and angels can take on human forms we know this and I think it's important that we they visit earth in human form sure but then the Bible says that we can they are so human that we can entertain angels unaware and that causes consternation for some people because they're wondering well if like one pastor told me said I don't really believe you saw an angel less of wine is it because you didn't follow this feat as a dead man and I said well that's one thing that happens when they they come in their glory but when what about when we entertain angels unaware they can certainly come in human form then what about when Abraham and fed to angels and the angel of the Lord and they ate it says so they we know that they can consume food we know that they can fix food prepare food because Elijah was told right before he went to the mountain an angel awoke him and said eat for it's a long journey and it said and there was food cooked on hot stones Wow and so the angel cooked the food on hot stones so sometimes we wonder we wonder why didn't the angels go just go be cooked yeah you know or or here have some here have a bowl and here some I dream the genie you know yeah exactly some of those things we don't have answers for but we do know that that they can cook food and we do know that they can eat food and we do know that they come in such a human form that we have someone distinguishing them from other humans I remember it's been over 20 years ago Don Landers that pastored waha Assembly of God there in Hawaii and he told us a story of when they were starting that church there and he was little discouraged and he's sitting in his office and you know in Hawaii they leave with the doors and screens open him because it's always like 70 degrees perfect weather and he said he was sitting there and a it was a little knock on the screen and was a young man standing there tall blonde came in sat down and he started talking to Pastor Landers and he said how are you doing and he started talking to him and he said the young man said so have have you been enjoying the book streams in the desert and pastor Landers said yes it has been such an encouragement to me and you know it's starting Xena and anyway they just talked her a little bit and basically this young man just encouraged him and pastor Lander said thank you so much for coming by and he shook the young man's hand in and he said let me see you out and young man said no I'm I'm I'm fine he said just wanted to come and encourage you and the screen door shuts and he says well I'm gonna walk him out to his car and he comes to the door nothing vanished in thin air and how and then he said he started thinking how can he have known I was reading streams in the desert how could even he knew that he had entertained an angel unaware said they are sent at times to encourage yes they are men and women of God they are and so I'll never forget that story and I was like and we always see caught I was like what do you look like he's tall he was blond you know and he was telling me you know he's nice-looking young man so I love it well don't go anywhere we come back John Paul talks more about angels and demons and some of the misconceptions and stay right there well today we've been discussing the spiritual realm and the importance of understanding the hierarchy of power and authority explain that for those who are listening today John Paul well then when all of heaven is created with authority and so God doesn't give you responsibilities without authorities so angels Watchers Seraphim cherubim and so on these all have authority in him because you've given them certain responsibilities that they are to do and so with that authority becomes a responsibility but what happened when angels fell when the demons fell they lost their authority but Michael all the angels the watchers and so on that did not fall they retained their authority they retain authority they retained power Satan and the fallen angels only retained power but they lost their authority because authority is what I call proximity centric meaning it's only you only have authority to the degree you're as close to God so they lost their closeness to God so that's how we have Authority is through our relationship with God and that's how we have Authority I think it's important that we not be afraid of that power because there is demonic power on the earth there's demonic power but Authority Congress power jesus said I give you authority over all the power of the enemy or over up Satan so Authority we know conquers power so it's important that we realize our authority important that we realize we have Authority and power in God now in this whole spiritual arena it's also important to understand that only a third of heaven fell that means 2/3 are still on our side twice as many twice as many as the fall they're helping on the earth they've an hour exactly so angels are the logistical agents of God you'll have angels come and visit you to help you accomplish what God called you to do so what we want to do is we want to recognize God's hand God has put us on earth to accomplish a purpose he has given us all kinds of things to help us do that he's give us dreams and visions and so on he's given us gifts of the Holy Spirit the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit tongues interpretation times prophecy words of knowledge words of wisdom and so on and he's given us angels and other heavenly created heavenly beings to help us reach the purpose that he put us here so we're not we're not put here on earth without any help whatsoever we're given tremendous help to accomplish the purpose why we're here and all the heavenly beings are designed to do that so we have we have Archangels our princes of God we have cherubim we have Seraphim we have a host we have Watchers we have Thrones principalities powers that are unfallen so many times we think that we as are we fight against principalities and powers we think that well principalities and powers must be really bad no only a third fell two thirds there are principalities and powers that did not fall there are there are Thrones that did not fall there are dominions that did not fall there are rulers in high places that did not fall too often we look at that and go wow all these all these powers are against us know all these powers are for us all because only a third yes that's good you know I think you think of so many stories here I remember do you remember when I was in we lived in Montgomery and I just done my very first music CD yes yes and I was about a mile or two from home I had driven all the way from the Nashville area and a drunk driver ran into the middle of the highway yes I'm coming down a hill as you were coming yes yeah and I remember thinking I was going about 60 thinking he's coming right and I'm swerving you know and I hit the back end of the car mm-hmm because he's come cuss out in the middle of the highway but I'd had my seatbelt on I had stopped to get gas had put my seatbelt back on and I was so close to home Jonathan was just not even a year old and I didn't see an angel but I physically felt an angel wrap his arms all around me and that car started spinning and I did not move it just held me in place and the guy the drunk driver was just a mess blood everywhere you know and me I not a scratch Wow nothing in the blood-bought Church was playing that that was one of the songs I had recorded I was listening to the you know the rough track and so that that's an incident where I mean I know there was a heavenly know being this and there was a policeman that saw everything that was watching at the convenience store and I remember thinking I mean I totaled the car but didn't have one scratch it was amazing and you have a story you got to tell your story real quick huh I do I was your disobedience is in there everywhere my disobedience it's part of my transparency having to be transparent here but I was I had bought this this pickup truck and I was very proud of this pickup truck and really wanted one of that and I've waited for it well God God did not tell me to get it which I probably knew I just didn't want to admit but I saw I was driving this pickup truck too early in my ministry to town of West Texas called Floydada where I was going to speak on the way to Floydada out in the middle of nowhere I mean I hadn't even seen hadn't seen a car in an hour I barely seen any cattle out on the hillsides like one count up 100 acres out there it's so dry and arid so the truck breaks down the transmission goes out I'm on the road Lord what are you doing to me and and why is this happening and if you want me to speak in this church tonight you're going to have to help me get there so I cried out to the Lord and the words talked to me and told me said I didn't tell you to buy this I didn't tell you to buy this and so you bought it on your own and so I said well please help me I forgive me I'll never do this again help me and about that time out of nowhere this car comes and he says is a son where you going and I go it's this man in the 60s and he's got these bib overalls on and he says son where you going I go I'm going someplace you probably hadn't heard of I'm going to Floydada you're probably not going he goes he said son this is your lucky day so that's exactly where I'm going he said is it hop in let's drive says we're driving to Floydada he says you know when you don't listen to God things don't work out the way you anticipated do they go oh man this guy what's he talking to me like this for yeah and so I get he takes me to the church employ date I get out of the car I look at the QI said that he said this is where you're going in then I go yes it is but I never stop to think for a moment that I hadn't told him so I get there I get out of the car I look at the church I turn back around to say thank you I really appreciate that and he's gone the car's gone the Angels got everything is gone just in literally two seconds gone why does God that is amazing and it proves Avett and our disobedience God has mercy we call him the name of the Lord yes I told you I think I told this one other time I know I think I've told you this is well Christie that when we were in Israel and I was taping with Perry stoned and we were on the Palladium overlooking the city of Jerusalem one of the Israeli crew that we had hired that that lived there while I was taping I saw him doing his hands and gesturing and talking to to my assistant well after that was over she she came running up to me and she said he came over to her and said do you see him do you see him and he like twelve feet tall he's four angels standing around the back of where we were taping overlooking the city of Jerusalem and it was so real to him cuz cuz my assistant didn't see him but he said do you see him do you see him and I talked to him after and what kind of angels would those be those real tallest I don't know they're probably guardians or something so nothing interferes with what you were doing they were part of center to make sure nothing interferes with what you were doing and another angel story that I heard from interviewing arthelene rippy you know her her husband Don rippy had been a great man of God but had had gotten into some error dr. Lee and and it just they had separated and he was going through depression anyway he ended up committed suicide but a lady a year later I guess arthelene was in a church ministering and the Lord gave this lady a vision of the for his final moments before he passed and if first our thing was real skeptical about it and she said I don't you know I don't I don't know if I believe this or not and she said well what did his hair look like and the woman described perfectly his hair combed over to the side and then she said well what kind of what color shirt and she said a light blue shirt and no one had seen that scene because arthelene the police had had to come into his apartment they found him no one had seen that hadn't been written about but with the thing that stood out to me is the lady said that in his final moments he called out to the Lord and that there were angels at every door at every window at every opening keeping out the darkness and that's exactly what you're talking about this is I mean so graduates to help us yeah they're here that they're here to help us well we've talked about demons and angels and what they are able to do after the break we find out what all this means to you we'll be right back well while demons fight for footholds and angels carry out their orders from heaven we are at the center of this battle but we should not fear because heaven is moving on our behalf I love that you don't have to be afraid we're mentioning you know during the fall they have haunted houses and then of course even on TV you see the the ghost busters they're going in and there they're putting all these things out to register you know these sound waves and currents and you know all of that whatwhat about all that the world is so fascinated with that by the way well there are true spiritual realities out there that that are there they're true haunted houses are true true places where demonic forces ago and and have a right to because of legal ground given them by the by the previous owners but the problem is when we go to those houses even if it's pretend even if it's make-believe we are emulator Ark 'no sand when you emulate darkness that gives you one step closer to darkness and so what i encourage people to do is never give yourself a foothold never give the enemy a foothold on your life never have anything in common with darkness never have anything that you've done that says hey I've dabbled in darkness and look I got away with it you know you may not have gotten away with it because there are issues that happen when you devil with darkness I gives you something in common and the Bible says what fellowship does light have with darkness do not put yourself in a place where the Satan has any touch on any side you can't walk and darkness on this side of your body and light on this side of your body you've got to walk in a non uncompromised way before the Lord there's enough paddles out there in the world without you having to put yourself in a place where the enemy has access to you or dressing your kids up with blood running down in like demons and all of that there's a growing problem of cutters and now in the United States and high especially in high school yeah and what you're finding out is it's a direct correlation between the amount of vampire movies they watch an amount of cutting that goes on there's a fascination with blood that comes and it's a directly attributable to the issue of vampires and vampire movies vampire prayer Wow which is epidemic right it's epidemic and again you give yourself as something in common with the enemy then you have darkness seems so innocent and yet you need to be mindful of that exactly but what the great thing is if you don't give the enemy a place in your life if you don't allow the enemy to have place in your life this they cannot overcome you they cannot overwhelm you they cannot possess you they cannot oppress you you have to say yes at some point to some area of darkness you have to have fellowship with darkness in order for the enemy to have any foothold in your life don't let there be any place where there's something you have in common with darkness so there is no foothold he has in your life whatsoever things are pure whatever things are lovely good good ritual holy think on those things right that's important well we are out of time I want to thank John Paul for joining us again today I know you enjoyed today's discussion for more on this you can pick up his CD and DVD teaching set true spirituality available now at streams so more information about what we talked about today on this DVD sale lots more information lots more lot okay perfect perfect true spirituality john paul jackson for those of you they want to hear more thanks so much for watching Thank You Christine for being here and I would Cali see this is good could we talk another hour we could we'll see you next time bye bye for today this has been a day star television production
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 661,329
Rating: 4.8338704 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries, Joni Lamb, Table Talk, Daystar, angels, demons, spiritual world, Christian spirituality
Id: oksSKOR5N5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2011
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