Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Dreams

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encoded within the design of mankind is the desire to know more more about ourselves others our surroundings the universe God so it comes as no surprise that the human mind prone to curiosity the lights and solving mysteries there are mysteries devised by men suspense novels card tricks vanishing acts mysteries that make us wonder how did they do them what's going to happen next there are also mysteries hidden within creation and life itself these are mysteries that science and man's logic reach for is a life on other planets is there a cure for cancer can we eliminate disease then there are eternal mysteries these are mysteries that lie outside the grasp of human logic mysteries that scientists don't even try to answer mysteries that will keep both nuclear physicist and 11-year old girls turning in their beds late at night there are mysteries that to the human mind seem like foolishness but higher logic will always seem foolish to a lower logic call me a fool but these are the mysteries that I'm interested in God is very real and present he knows your past present your future he can watch your birth see your marriage observe you playing with your grandchildren all in the same moment even before you were formed in your mother's womb God had a plan for you he hand-picked gifts and designed attributes to help you fulfill that very plan he can send a dream to warn you a dream to encourage you to instruct you a dream that can enlighten you as to what's coming in the darkness that wants to prevail all over you God can also use you to touch others he could whisper one word in your ear to tell the homeless man in front of you which would then cause him to collapse into a heap and never touch alcohol again this same God who sees and knows everything is also interested in even the smallest details of your life because small details over time can become very large and large issues keep you from the purpose for which you were created God doesn't want that he speaks to us in a multitude of ways sometimes it's a still quiet voice sometimes it's a song on the radio sometimes the random memory of an old friend sometimes a riddle a riddle why riddle this is where dreams and mysteries begin with the realization that God chose to speak to you and he chooses to speak to me through mysteries and within his hiding and are seeking there are forms of relationship that we can develop between each other creation and creator God says he'll not share his glory with another but it does seem he's made one small exception when it comes to his mysteries proverbs 25:2 says this it's the glory of God to conceal a matter but it's the glory of kings to search a matter out when God conceals matters from us he's not doing it to withhold something from us it's an invitation to pursue him dreams are no exception when were asleep God has the opportunity to communicate with us outside of our logical understanding of time and space he has wisdom to impart to us but he has to bypass our lower logic to communicate his higher logic and when we dream he has a captive audience I dreamed that I was in a tall tree the tree was lush and beautiful and I was doing aerial flips from limb to limb a cross for me was the exact same tree but in it was a co-worker she was copying every move that I made and it made me feel really uncomfortable but then I noticed a covering or a red blanket over me and I felt protected what does that mean now that's a crate dream you see the dream is about you the dreamer and what you are going through or soon will be going through at work trees and dreams often represent leaders and in this particular dream you're in a position of trust and favor with that leader and you're learning and you're thriving in this position at the same time there's a co-worker who is jealous of your position and trying or soon will be trying to take your position by making you look bad or by doing what you do and trying to do it better diverting attention from you towards them now another great thing in this dream is the red blanket you see that red blanket gives you a couple things one it tells you that God has to given you a blessing and number two God has given you a covering the first thing you need to do is you need to pray for your coworker you go pray for my coworker yes pray for your coworker here's why you see God not only loves you but he loves your coworker and whether she knows the Lord or not God loves her you see God loved each one of us before we were saved before we were born again in fact the Bible says while we were yet sinners Christ died for us we need to pray you need to pray for that co-worker to walk into her own calling to walk into the destiny and the purpose that God created her for are you looking to uncover more mysteries screens Media Plus is a growing catalogue of resources to help you in your daily walk as you discover the mysteries of God with over a hundred videos free downloads and new videos added monthly you have access to teaching and training on biblical subjects many of which are not addressed in the church today by becoming a streams media plus member you will also have exclusive access to dreama pedia a dream mentoring program where John Paul explains the mechanics of dream interpretation still need more beyond an interactive program where John Paul answers tough spiritual questions from subscribers just like you on anything from what do angels look like to shut Christians practice yoga $10 a month gets you unlimited access to everything in our library and new media downloads at home in the office or on the go with a smartphone or tablet to get started visit dreams at mysteries.com or call us today at 1-800 five three eight five two eight five the meanings of dreams are a mystery and they are filled with suspense and anticipation they're God's game of hide-and-seek in one way think back when you were a kid what were the feelings you experience playing hide and seek as the one hiding you had the suspense in anticipation of being found as the one looking you felt the thrill of the search each time you looked and came up empty the anticipation and desire for discovery grew well this is a perfect example of the life God wants with his creation God has invited you to the ultimate game of hide-and-seek it's time to open your eyes stop counting and go find him drawing up I really didn't know what to believe on one hand I would have dreams about something and then several days later that very thing would happen and the events that happened weren't anything I could have known or had any control of whatsoever since this happened throughout the Bible I just assumed God was doing to me what had done to them but then as I would talk to others about dreams I quickly found out not everyone thought the same way about dreams as I did and I didn't understand why that's what started me on a lifelong journey to understand the meaning of dreams and why God gives them because I knew then and I certainly know now that I'm not the only one God is speaking to through dreams he's speaking to you you've uh nope 'end messages from the creator of everything that has or ever will exist messages tailor made just for you designed custom designed for you but you have to want God to speak and you have to start searching out the way he does how does God hide from you and dreams he uses symbols dreams are after all gods night parables the problem is we try to understand a dream by taking the details inside the dream literally and in doing so we often dismiss dreams as complete nonsense there's no way that could happen we think have you ever had a dream about flying I bet it was so real that when you woke up you had a you had a sense that that you had flown and you were disappointed when you realize you couldn't fly in real life and the dream the experience was amazing I'm sure I know it has been in my life but what does it mean flying in dreams as God's revealing to you a gift you have to move or rise above things of this earth and experience things of the Spirit it doesn't mean that you're necessarily having these experiences already it just means God is and has prepared you for those things they may be coming your way if you keep searching him so what would be the difference between just floating like a balloon or soaring like a needle well that would indicate an issue of maturity and the level of training you've received what about dreams involving your teeth falling out or missing our broken loose teeth what could that mean well it's probably not what you think God may care about hygiene but it's not what he's getting at and those type of dreams teeth don't mean you need to go to the dentist Keith our ability to chew on information other words to understand or grasp something sometimes you'll go through a period of your life when it's very difficult to chew or process information I've seen this type of dream happened a lot with college students particularly pre-med or nursing students the meanings could even be more specific if it's a certain tooth that's damaged or missing for example if it's your eye tooth that could mean how you view yourself if that it needs repairing if it's your wisdom tooth it may mean your ability to chew on or process what's going on in your life is having an affect on choices you're making because it's it's difficult for you to do that also on the list of the top 20 dreams are snakes you'd be amazed at how many people have dreams about snakes what do you think snakes might mean in a dream I dreamt I was in my greenhouse and I'm looking for my toolbox well I find it and I look inside the toolbox had a plant and tools in it when I lifted the plan out the toolbox contained four or five snakes in different sizes well the first one jumped out at me but I was able to avoid it a couple more left the toolbox but then I was startled that one had turned into an alligator the gator stopped right in front of me and stared me straight in the eye and the dream ended what are the snakes mean the first thing you want to do while you're interpreting a dream is to walk through the dream or through the dream story with the person who had the dream so let's just review this for a moment there's a greenhouse there's a plant in a box and a tools in the box there's a snake that jumps out at the person there are the other snakes and then there's a snake that turns into the crocodile okay so what does this dream mean first of all we begin to understand snakes are lies or fabrications about you their tails now they're not TA ILS tails they're tal es tails meaning fabrications that someone is making about you and it's wanting you to start believing or again fear that somebody is going to think less of you so the first dream our end the dream the first snake jumps out at you right at your face and you are able to avoid it that tells you that the first lie are the first fabrication is not going to have anything any results or any it won't strike you the venom won't hit you or anything it doesn't say about the other snakes you're doing but just knowing you're there there you can avoid them as well but the last thing the last one was turned into an alligator and that alligator was looking you right in the eyes in other words it was waiting to see how you're going to respond alligators are little more vicious than snakes you see alligators are met take you down snakes are meant to hurt you but alligators are meant to take you down there big mouse it's a huge opening snakes have a much smaller opening of a mouth than an alligator does so the alligator issue is meant to take you down so what what should your first response be again your first response is always prayer but there's one more thing that we may have overlooked at the very beginning of the dream and that was in the box you had tools you see God is letting you know no matter what comes against you he has given you tools to overcome anything the enemy throws your way class is in session with John Paul Jackson's online school of ministry with for university caliber courses written by John Paul available online from your computer tablet or smartphone it's never been easier to take a quantum leap forward in your spiritual walk the courses include the art of hearing God a study to help you discover and recognize the voice of God in your everyday life understanding dreams and visions with over 30 years of experience John Paul walks you through the biblical process for understanding the meanings of your dreams from there uncover the intricate details of the kingdom of God and how the supernatural works and your place in it with living the spiritual life then in prayer and spiritual warfare we take an in-depth look at how prayer can send ripples throughout the heavenlies to begin your journey go to dreams and mysteries.com and click on the John polls online school or cold one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five the art of hearing God for kids is an exciting new children's curriculum based on John Paul Jackson's groundbreaking course the art of hearing God this course is a collaborative effort between pastors teachers art and occupational therapists that will engage your child's ability to remember God's Word and then apply it to their life everyday students are taught these lessons with movement activities games art and a listening time to practice hearing God's voice students fall in love with Shammi a big eared elephant that has a hard time here in God but desperately wants to the art of hearing God for kids is a unique blend of word and spirit designed to help your child discover their own personal relationship with Jesus not to mention it's fun for much of my life I had been the guy that when someone had a dream they would come to me for an interpretation for years I had no problem being that guy but I remember the day all of that changed I was with a group of men and a man an Anglican vicar actually mentioned to me he had a dream and wondered if anyone at the table could interpret it everyone pointed to me as if to say that guy he does that so when he told me his dream and I interpret it the interpretation seemed to resonate with him after all tears came to his eyes and it responded the way lots of people respond by saying how did you do that I responded by saying it was God and he said I know that but how did you do it and I said it was God he again said I know that but how how did you do it I then realized there was more to this question than just wanting to know the source of the interpretation he wanted to know the mechanics of how I arrived at the interpretation I then realised I had no idea how I did what I did I told the Anglican vicar this and I'll never forget his response when he looked me right in the eye and he said that's too bad because when you die your gift would die with you and no one will know how to do what you do that's what I made a deal with God I asked God and prayed and I said lord if you'll show me away a process of interpreting dreams that I can share with others I will devote my life to training others to understand their dreams the process is so important but I didn't understand it I would hear the dream and the meaning we just unfold the Holy Spirit we just show up and and I would just know that's great if someone just wants a dream interpret it but it's not very helpful if they want to learn how to interpret their own dreams here's another way to describe it where's is my bat let's see up here we go the best players often make the worst coaches let me explain using the sport of baseball a hidden coach has the responsibility to teach the hitting process the mechanics they have to be able to break down the experience of hitting into bite-sized pieces so when one of the players isn't hitting the coach can give specific adjustments the coach knows these tricks and shortcuts because he's had to use them himself a star player on the other hand is often what is called a natural they can reduce ten steps in the hitting process - just to see ball hit ball it's those guys that often don't translate well into coaching well I was a see ball hit ball kind of guy in the area of dream interpretation but in order to teach others I had to learn all the steps that I was skipping I had to learn the process there is a process to understanding dreams and that process requires an understanding of the metaphorical language God has used in Scripture once you gain that head knowledge of the process you have to then make sure you don't choke out the spirit knowledge head knowledge is what you've learned spirit knowledge is what the Spirit of God is telling you about the dream think of it like this knowledge of biblical symbolism is like identifying the edges in a jigsaw puzzle in fact I've been working on a puzzle over here we can take a look at remember the edges help you get started it sets the parameters of the meaning of the dream but it is the Holy Spirit that fills in the rest of the puzzle dreams are turning pictures into words and you can't do that without the help of the Holy Spirit the Bible does tell us the skill can be given to you in Daniel 9 but where do you start start by looking at every dream and vision in the Bible look for patterns of symbolism to develop when you read the Psalms and proverbs pay close attention to the poetic devices like metaphors and similes is full of them David used them and in it does not reverse that he didn't use them it seems like God didn't include this type of language in the Bible to impress you or when critical acclaim these are clues to the symbolic language of God consistent today as they were yesterday and riddles and mysteries are not just in the Old Testament either look at the Gospels and see how many times Jesus asked a question by his disciples and he entered them with a parable the kingdom of heaven is like all these parables that Jesus used the seed and the sower and what to de-seed represent it represented the Word of God why did the thorns and thistles represent the cares of the world see the Bible is an invitation of God that and he's making this invitation to you because it's not any fun to play hide and go seek when the person is supposed to be hiding is standing right in front of you or the person is supposed to be looking for you never leaves home base who where's the fun in that when was the last time you had a dream well have you been asking God a question maybe you received your answer last night in a dream and didn't even know it dreams are God's night parables how important are dreams visions and prophecy to God would you believe one third of the Bible is devoted to them one third strange we spend one third of our life asleep and God devoted one third of the Bible to this very subject you spent one third of your life asleep by the time you're 60 you'll have slipped 20 years isn't it possible that God may have said something to say in that length of time every night when you sleep you dream you may not remember your dreams when you wake up but that doesn't mean you didn't dream it just means you don't remember them even the dreams you do remember if you don't write them down will fade over time dreams are like a novel written but disappearing ink they're the most clear and detailed when you first wake up and from that point forward the details of the dream begin to fade start writing them down write down your dreams when you write down your dreams it does three things it creates a physical record of your dream so that you can revisit it later like after you've had some coffee the mere act of writing down the details and storyline of a dream will cause you to use specific words that become vital to the dreams interpretation later and finally writing your dreams down shows God that you're valuing what is given to you and you do that by returning your time to write down what he has said when you value something God has given you he's justified in giving you more it's one of those mysterious sense of spiritual laws that God is built into the fabric of creation spiritual laws like natural laws work whether you believe in them or not start valuing even two seemingly insignificant dreams you have at night and watch what God does watch what happens to your dream life you'll start having amazing vivid powerful experiences with God in your dreams seen it happened time after time and it starts by valuing this mysterious but powerful gift of God dreams over the last thirty years John Paul Jackson has studied how God speaks metaphorically through dreams parables and proverbs in the Bible God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $35 or more we'd like to send you the beginner's dream bundle a 2-cd teaching the basics of dreams visions and strange events and three dream carts to help you understand and decode what God is telling you while you sleep if you still need more jump up to the advance dream bundle for your gift of $50 or more we'll include everything you see plus John Paul's six CD set understanding dreams and visions and the moments with God dream journal dreams are messages from eternity but without an interpretation they're just a mere occurrence order your dream bundle today visit dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five God is pouring out his spirit he's meeting you and I in a multitude of ways dreams are an open door into a relationship with him and he's knocking on that door it's the gentle knock the world is full of distractions we've scheduled every waking moment of our lives with something to do somewhere to go we've even filled in the pauses and breaks in our life with handheld technology you aren't created to be satisfied with this kind of life the very Spirit of God is breathed into your memory of eternal relationship with him this memory may be faint but it's not forgotten that's why you keep running and never arrived that's why you eat and are never filled so here's what God does he takes what you give him sometimes he waits until you're asleep when the busyness of the world can't distract when your logical mind is at rest and he gives you a dream but not just a dream an invitation to know more about him by revealing something about you it's a message from eternity it's told in a mysterious yet familiar language and sometimes this message will stay with you your entire life sometimes it's forgotten by lunch and sometimes it's sealed for another time one of the most common questions people ask is this is God talking to me simple answer he is all the time but it's a soft gentle knock there is no shortcut there is no volume knob that turns God up you have to turn your own volume up or down the dreams of mysteries of God were created for you and I to discover let's take this journey together you won't be disappointed you are made to reach out to your Creator there's so much more to say about how this mystical relationship between creator and creation works but that is the mystery or you you
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 119,476
Rating: 4.9031796 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Dreams & mysteries, Streams Ministries, Daystar, dreams, dream interpretation, Christianity, Bible, prophetic, prophecy
Id: pcxq3U46gy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 10 2014
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