Dreamipedia - A Case for the Biblical View of Dreams

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what do you think most people don't take their dreams seriously maybe even you've dismissed your dreams for most of your life because you've never had anyone tell you the dream could be from God in this episode I'd like to share with you the reasons why your dreams are more important than you think and then explain why you need to run away from any other interpretive process that doesn't use the Bible to give your dream meeting that's next on dreama pedia like many of you that are watching today I've always been a dreamer ever since I was a little child I had dreams and as I grew up that became an adult you know you start looking for understanding of what dreams mean from a lot of different sources and so I didn't think that I knew everything so I looked in all kinds of areas I looked at the young Enda Gestalt the Freudian type of dream interpretive models and I couldn't really find what I was looking for the problem I kept running into is this every time I tried to apply one of their interpretive models to a dream of the Bible I never could come out with the same interpretation that the Bible came up with that that to me was problematic if you have a interpretive process that doesn't agree with the Bible then there's got to be a problem I always wanted to come back and be biblically centric on dreams and understanding of dreams and the interpretation of dreams so I had to find something that allowed that to take place so I looked and I read and I read books and books and books on this on the stuff but there was it was in the process of all that there was really a coalescing moment a moment where I said something has to change there's got to be someone that teaches something is different than we currently see in books today are even in CDs and DVDs and teachings today what happened was the coalescing moment was basically this I was driving down the road just traveling and I think was actually on California but it sure it has nothing to be California that just happened to be where I was I was in California and listening to the radio and I hear a dream being told the dream was that a woman was standing in her house looking out into her backyard as she was looking at her backyard she looked at the swing sets a children's playground equipment that were in the backyard and noticed that the entire ground especially underneath the playground equipment was covered with dark black spiders she became alarmed and went to the store to find something to kill the spiders and in in talking with the the manager of the store the manager said you don't need to get something to kill the spiders you need to have something that will kill what the spiders live off of with that she got something that would kill whatever the spiders lived off of and went back home and I guess did that the dream came to an end or that's that was the end of end of the dream so the interpretation that the secular interpret dream interpreter gave on the radio because as a live call-in program and dream interpretation on the radio was this that the woman was actually trying to get in touch with her inner child on the playground equipment represented the inner child and the woman and that the spiders represented obstacles and hindrances that was trying to keep her from getting in touch with her inner child the store manager was simply letting her know that she needed to go back into her life time what caused her to lose her inner child and then to reconnect that inner child and the everything would be okay the spiders would go away well with that I nearly ran off the road it was so irritating to me to hear that dream interpretation because I knew why God gave her the dream and by the way yes God did give her that dream he really was wanting to communicate with her but the interpretation was not given from a biblical standpoint it was given from a psycho analytical standpoint so what was God really saying when he gave that dream to that woman why was it so important to God that he would give her a night parable that gob viously got her attention so much so she called in to the radio program what was so important to God to give that to her well if I would have been interpreting the dream had I've been on the radio program here's the reason God gave her that dream see the the dream was really God saying to her there are issues that are bothering your children the playground equipment represented where her children were growing up what was going on with her children her looking at the back door was representative looking back into the history of the family and so looking at the history of the family there's things in the bloodline that are that are attacking your children or get ready to attack your children and then going to the store the store manager doesn't represent the store manager the store manager really represents a Messenger of God and that messenger of God is saying look don't kill the spiders that's not the issue what is causing the spiders to be there is the more important issue what is there in the bloodline what is there that that you have that you haven't addressed you haven't gotten rid of in the bloodline that is getting ready to impact your children that dream was telling the woman if you want to change your bloodline come to me the basically the Lord saying if you'll come to me I will remedy if you'll look at what I look at your bloodline I will tell you the answer I will give you the antidote I am my spirit I am the antidote I will give you the antidote so here's the problem the woman's going to walk away and she's going to apply that dream to her life and try to get in touch with the inner child meanwhile her children are going to suffer the consequences her bloodline is not going to be changed all because it was a secular dream interpretation model versus a biblical dream interpretation model and the rest is a sad story I don't know what happened to the children I don't know what happened to the woman but I didn't know this if she started trying to find her inner child and not trying to look at what was going on with her own children the the purpose for which God gave her that dream will go unanswered and God will have said I tried to help you but you didn't come to me for the answer that's why I'm doing what I'm doing I'm trying to help the men and women like you right now watching drew map idea I'm trying to help you understand this incredible God that we serve and what he has given to us to be able to prepare us for what is coming and to remove from us what might hold us back from the purpose for which you were created okay so what is the difference between these two models that give such a radically I mean radically different dream interpretive our dream interpretation the biblical side basically says this dreams are external to you meaning God created you knows your future knows everything that's coming to you as what the Bible calls omniscient meaning all-knowing in up being all-knowing he knows everything that's coming your way and will give you a dream to help you achieve the purpose for which he created you on the secular side they believe it's internal they don't give any room an offer an external cause of dreams it's all internally driven meaning the dream comes up from inside of you it may have been driven by things that happen to you it may be driven by things that you need to look at it may be driven by your own what you ate that day it may be driven by any number of things but it's always internally originated we believe the Bible says dreams are externally originated well here's another difference the secular arena says that dreams are internally and driven and that the biblical site is externally driven but more it's more than that it actually comes down to eternal versus temporal see God is eternal he knows exactly what has been through your bloodline he knows what's coming in the future but the the secular arena believes that it's all temporal meaning once you address this dream then everything is taken care of but we understand that dreams actually can have ripple effects on the future of your life for example the dream we just interpreted about the woman and her children there's a ripple effect the ripple effect is to the bloodline but it's not just the bloodline of her children if it affects the bloodline of her children I mean if it affects her children it also affects the bloodline of her children so her children's children will be impacted so there's it there's an eternal perspective of why God gives this thing it's ongoing where that the secular arena simply believes that once the dream is addressed and you get back in touch in this case with your childlike nature everything is going to be fine okay so here's another difference between the secular and the biblical interpretive models this is steel spective versus introspective you see God has a perspective on everything that's going on in your life now the secular community says look inside of you and you can figure out what's wrong with you that's introspection it it is it is I and the answer to me but Theo spective says God has a view of what's going on in my life why he created me where he's going to take me the problems that are going to come up in my life what the enemy is going to try to do to stop his purpose in me and he would give dreams that tell me how to avoid the plans of the enemy I would much rather have the eternal God giving me his perspective on things than my own limited knowledge being responsible for my future you see you don't know what you don't know the great thing is that God knows what you don't know take the Theo spective view it'll last a lot longer the Bible says that there may be many meanings to a dream there's a literal meaning there's the allegorical meaning there's a mystical meeting and there's a predictive meaning to dreams whereas the secular community ulness says there is a singular meaning and here's what the dream means and it's all about your psyche doing it psyche thing well we believe is that God cannot only to give you a dream about today but in the dream about today he will also tell you about tomorrow what's going on in your life right now what's going to go on in your life tomorrow what is going on in your life ten years from now what is preparing you to do for the next day I just read it a daydream won't go into it cuz it's too long but I read a dream I had ten years ago to to my step just this very week and in reading of that dream there was an application of that dream and a warning in that dream ten years ago now we're right back at the same place we've moved from one geographic area to another geographic area and the Lord brought the dream back up and says now here's the next meaning of the dream you had ten years ago there's layers and levels within dreams of God he is so majestic he isn't limited to one single line of thought he builds into a dream multiple facets that will keep you intrigued for the rest of your life well by now you're getting the understanding that dreams really are a supernatural gift from God and it's very likely that you had a significant dream from God this very week without an interpretation however your dream is like a gift that never got opened it's a present waiting there but you don't know what's inside next it's going to be time to start opening some of the gifts that you've sinned in a couple of amazing dreams that we've received from you in the past few weeks well this dream comes to us from Patricia from Quebec Canada little ways away from Dallas Texas my mother hands me a woolen tartan dress newly dry-cleaned and folded but it's folded inside out so that the tag has exposed the the tag of I guess what it's made of the turn was white background but stripes of black and sort of periwinkle purple color it looks similar to the actual family tartan of the Scottish Hannah family but which she descended except it's missing the additional yellow stripe which exists in the actual tartan so what does that dream mean actually it really boils down to something very specific first of all if you might remember from a previous episode of jummah pedia we actually talked about intrinsic and extrinsic dreams what we want to do intrinsic who's the dream about intrinsic or extrinsic tells you about you or about somebody else and remember we also said if you remove you want to find the focus and how do you find the focus that one of the first things you do and find the focus is that if you removed the object of focus from the dream the dream would fall apart and in this particular dream Patricia if you remove you from the dream the dream would fall apart the mother would still be there but there's nobody to give the Tartan to so you are the recipient of the Tartan as well as you are the recipient of this dream who it's about so this is an intrinsic dream Patricia and it's about you there's really four things about this dream that stand out one the newly dry-cleaned dress which represents this the Lord has been cleaning things up in your bloodline in your family God has been working diligently in your family dry cleaning cleaning represents cleaning things up dry cleaning basically says he's done that well nobody was really looking he was working behind the scenes a wet cleaning would be something that everybody gets to see because wet it's the washing machine etc but dry cleaning represents kind of behind-the-scenes stuff that God is doing there nobody really knew he was doing okay Patricia the second thing that really stood out in your dream is that the the tart fold inside out and the tag was exposed what does that mean it means this God and this dry cleaning process is going to let every single member of the family know including you what you're made of you see that's what that Texas wool probably tartan being from Scotland wool probably 100% wool but it could be any number of things wool cotton linen etc and so the dream says God is in this dry cleaning he's going to let you know and since it dreams about you will continue to address you is going to let you know what you're made of the third thing that stands out too is what you were descended from in other words the tartan represents everything God's been doing in your family from the very beginning they even from the beginning of where your bloodline originated from in Scotland okay Patricia the the last point I really want to make is this because it was missing a yellow thread or a yellow a yellow stripe that existed in the tartan what that basic assess is this the yellow represents the mind the thoughts of the mind and what God is saying is and letting in cleaning things up and letting you know what you're made of and letting you know that I've been working on this from the very beginning of your family bloodline and in a way saying you're the best of the bloodline has come forth your generation is also saying this I've removed the mind which was the driving force of the bloodline and I'm renewing it Paul calls it like this in Ephesians 4:23 says be renewed in the spirit of your mind dry-cleaning renewed the yellows tartan the yellow stripe the mind be renewed in the spirit of your mind so he's cleaning up things he's letting you know what you made up even from the beginning of your bloodline he has you planned to come into existence and he's bringing you to a place where you will be the example of a great woman who has a renewed mind by the Spirit of the Living God Tricia I hope that dream helps you the second dream that we actually have is from an and I'm not sure where you're from because you didn't tell us but and I'll leave off your last name but it's in and this dream is about you driving in your van here's what you wrote I'm driving in my van everything is fine and I see a red puddle and the left lane it's blood I didn't see a German Shepherd dog in the lane and I know that the legs are gone in it and it's dead I'm upset I'm angry and I'm and angry that he's left there and upset that he's left there in my mind I want to go back and help the dog but I know I can't stop in the middle of the highway it's dangerous so I decide to call for help I then arrive at a green country place at with a pond and my family is there so this dream is an extrinsic dream and it's not easy if you're participating in it that is partly about you that's partly about the dog and may surprise you a little bit but it's letting you know something about the dog so this would be what we call an extrinsic dream but it's a blend of extrinsic and intrinsic because it's about you're about the dog and about you you're driving your van a van represents a vehicle that can carry more people it means that you have influence beyond yourself outside of your immediate outside of your immediate surroundings the German Shepherd dog that you saw represents a friend the dog represents a friend a German Shepherd type of a dog represents a guardian or somebody who is there to help it's like a guard dog and it's there to help you are to protect you are to to let you let you feel and let you sense security the the guard dog is dead it's headed to legs cut out from underneath it which means and this is this is regarding the the friend or the the dog the dog means friends so it's literally the Lord's own you know there's a friend that you've had that was there to help guard you or protect you or give you security and at that dog that friend has had its legs cut out from under it it could be a woman it could be a man I'm not sure but it's had its legs cut out from under it and it isn't going to be able to help you any longer you continue on down the road you call for help and this is the great thing is that you recognize you were incapable of helping your friend in this matter and so you called for help meaning you got somebody to step in to the to the situation or you're going to get somebody to step in to the situation next thing happens to very good things first you came to a dream setting with the pond and that's very much like again we come back to this issue of Psalms the 23rd psalm and that is he makes me lie down by green pastures he leads me beside still waters so God is going to give you peace even though you feel like you've been disheveled from the circumstances around you he's going to give you peace and is going to give you a whole new support people that will support you and they're going to be like a family they may even be your family but it certainly is going to be much like family to you so he's going to replace the one with several and and he gave you this dream to help you navigate through the emotional turmoil that either I'm not sure if it's happened yet because I don't know when the dream actually took place if it hasn't happened it will be happening and he's wanting you to know that when all this begins to transpire he's going to lead you beside still waters he's going to make you lie down by green pastures he's going to restore your soul and he's going to put a whole support system around you that's going to feel like family that's how much and that's how much God loves you amazing in them the night parables that God gives to comfort us when we don't yet know we need comforting amazing dreams I can continually amazed at how God in His infinite knowledge is able to tell us and give us little tiny details that make a difference in our lives today and that's what happened in these two dreams well just to kind of summarize exactly what we've been going through on this program here let's boil it down to this dreams and their interpretation come external to you from God not internal from you you are not God that can change you next dreams are God's perspective they're not yours they come from an external perspective they heed that from a God that knows what you don't know the next one is that dreams could have levels of meanings just like the scripture has how many times have you read description said this verse is exactly what I needed today but it was written 2,000 years ago how many people do you think in the last 2,000 years I said that same verse means something to them you see God has infinite ways of speaking to us he is amazing outstanding he is sublime there's not enough adjectives and adverbs to to completely describe what God is like but I do know this this incredible God wants to touch you and he may give you a dream tonight that would change everything you think about your future we've just scratched the surface on many many differences between a biblical interpretation method and a secular method of interpreting dreams the next time you hear someone say that a secular interpretation changed their life it will probably be the first I've ever heard of it just doesn't happen you see a soulish interpretation will never elicit a spiritual response it's spirit that touches spirit well at the same time streams has received testimony after testimony of lives that have been transformed from a biblical interpretation of their dream whether it's in their house whether they tell it to us out on the street whether they tell it to us in an outreach that we do it's what they're saying to us is they just discovered what God wanted for them so many times we have them say I can't believe God still loves me I don't understand why he would still love me dreams have an amazing ability to touch the intimate parts of us that no one knows about you see God wants you to understand his ways and commune with His Holy Spirit in such a way that you can get to a point where interpreting a dream becomes an everyday occurrence in your life but that's that's really what I would call living us naturally naturally supernatural life not made up not scripted just a naturally supernatural life day-in day-out night-in night-out okay well that's it for today until our next episode of dreama pedia keep on dreaming dream of pedia is not meant to take the place of the holy spirit or even the place of taking the understanding dreams and vision course offered by streams ministries if you're serious about learning what God may be saying through your dreams please consider registering for our on-site or online courses beginning with our first course the art of hearing God
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 204,701
Rating: 4.8702235 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries, dream interpretation, dreams, Christian dream interpretation, Biblical dream, Dreamipedia
Id: Geu6qQlBdVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2013
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