Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of the Gift of Revelation

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when I was young there was a game I would play with other kids in the neighborhood we play lots of games but there was one game we played that if I couldn't play no one got to play I don't even know if the game had an official name I think I remember one of the kids explained it this way let's all sit in a circle and have John Paul tell us about ourselves I was raised in church and from as early as I can remember I've just known stuff I didn't ask for this gift I didn't even know that it was a gift in fact I thought everybody could do it I finally began to realize not everyone got these impressions visions these knowings that seemed to come out of nowhere but sometimes I would see a picture like a projector that suddenly turned on sometimes I would hear sentence about something I had no way of knowing but it's a gift that doesn't come with instructions which makes things difficult at times because of this mystery the mystery this gift instructions would have really been nice some of you interact with this gift every day and don't even know it understanding how this gift works is a continual mystery when I've been studying my whole life join me as we explore the mystery of the gift of prophecy you have you ever been thinking about somebody and out of the blue they call have you ever walked into a grocery store and immediately felt different perhaps angry or anxious or sad any number of unexplained emotions you see prophecy is revelation and revelation is receiving something you had no way of knowing well this may not make you a prophet it is certainly revelation these are moments that most of us experience but far too many of us ignore or we rationalize them or forget about them everyone can hear from God but we don't always perceive it we're expecting the hammer and we get the feather we're expecting the audible voice of God and we get a faint whisper we're looking for the elephant prints in the mud and we get just a few bent blades of grass come on be honest if you're waiting for God to speak audibly to you it may be a very long wait for God speaks in a multitude of ways and men do not perceive it God has created each of us with different gifts we have different purposes for one body but were many parts several of these body parts involved what I call revelatory gifts some would call these prophetic gifts I don't know but they may become profited gifts but they start out as just the ability to receive simple revelation from God the revelatory gift is one of the most mysterious of all the spiritual gifts how does it operate how do you grow and that type of gift what are you supposed to do with that gift so what do you do when your mood suddenly changes from joy to dread every time you enter a certain store what do you do when you just know things and then they happen like the woman sitting next to you on the bus who has been mentally abused by her husband for the last 10 years and is on the verge of suicide how did you know what do you do when you see a sphere of light shining down on the young man in a crowded room there's not a course called young prophets and seers 101 in seminary yet the Bible is full of just these type of experiences and the world is full of just these type of people perhaps you're one of them what is a prophetic gift when many people think of prophecy they think of the prophets of the Old Testament or Nostradamus maybe but that's more of a stereotype than really what the Bible says and the Bible has a whole lot to say and has a much broader view it has to otherwise there's a major conflict between Ephesians 4 when it says some are called to be prophets and first Corinthians 14 31 when it says that everyone can prophesy these are pretty clear statements all means all and some really does mean some so what did Paul mean when he wrote these two verses he was indicating there were different levels of gifting you may not be called to be a prophet but you can receive revelation from God after all as revelation 19:10 tells us the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy prophecy shouldn't be treated flippantly after all you are claiming to be speaking through revelation by the Holy Spirit but it also shouldn't be stigmatized either meaning we shouldn't demand more from the gift than what God is giving there are some of you watching that have been given a revelatory gift but you don't know how to develop it you're sensing things that make you feel very uncomfortable but you don't have the terminology to describe it some of you are a little different some of you receive revelation visually like this projector here you may see simple quick pictures or you may see a series of pictures like a movie screen that are more like visions you may have dreams that have that revealed things you may see pictures that speak to specific issues but that picture needs to be interpreted to the body your and I but the eye cannot rest outside the body it needs the body to function as it was designed some of you here rebel Latian through a still quiet voice or you hear small phrases when you first meet someone or even specific scripture for an individual person you are an ear but without the rest of the body what are you going to tell this is why the gift of Revelation is a mystery and it's really worthy of exploration otherwise it will continue to be misunderstood misused and we're going to squander the opportunity God is giving us to help others and to know more about God and His ways had this dream that I had a test the next day of course I was freaking out about it the whole entire dream because I didn't study at all and then finally I woke up I was like nah I don't have a test to take and then I went to school and actually there was a test I did not study for many people go through life having these type of experiences and never make the connection that God is saying something to them or this is trying to we exert a lot of efforts in preparing musicians and teachers and pastors for ministry if we could put a fraction of that effort into preparing young revelatory gifted people to hear and speak the heart of God who knows what might happen in the body of Christ who knows what changes could happen in our services don't you think that if there was any time in the course of history that it would be crucial for you and the generation coming up to hear clearly from God that now would be that time because revelation cuts through the muck of lies and distortions that are where we're subject to every single day the lies that are out there on the TV and the news channels all this type of stuff it makes God's purposes clear and this is an era full of darkness and we need clarity from heaven but sadly we're losing most of our gifted young men and women to psychic fairs the occult and new-age lifestyles because we don't understand how the gift of revelation works we don't even understand the importance of disciple and training many gifts let alone training those who have been given this type of gift the gift of Dreams you get the vision a gift of knowing we tend to put thought into the psychic arena because we just don't understand it many of us are missing out on one of the greatest gifts Christians have today a deepening relationship with the Holy Spirit this mysterious relationship begins at Salvation but like all relationships it takes time to develop relationship with the Holy Spirit and personage of the Holy Spirit is a five disc teaching series that will help you uncover the eight keys to exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit what gift you have that the enemy wants to destroy what it means to be born of the Spirit plus so much more that you may have never even considered that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and desires of relationship with you for your gift of $45 or more we'd like to send you these resources on deepening your relationship with the Holy Spirit to start your journey go to dreams and mysteries calm or whole one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five people are always asking me how in the world does revelation work I mean you're talking about things that haven't happened before they happen you declare they're going to happen and then they happen it's almost like you lived through them three times when you had the experience when you prophesied it when it comes to past it is strange for sure well let me give you a simple illustration of the basics of Revelation here you have a lantern and in that Lantern you have oil and you have a match the lamp represents you the oil represents the Holy Spirit in you what you don't yet see is the fire that comes from God God is the match that ignites the Holy Spirit in you in order for revelation to come the lamp you have to have the anointing in it or the oil now this oil may already be in your lamp because you've been given the gift of Revelation or God can put it there instantly through his spirit I'll explain more about that in just a moment but remember the oil represents the Holy Spirit inside of us it's what makes the fire of Revelation possible but God gives us revelation it produces light for everyone around us to see kind of like this but the purpose of the lamp this that's sitting here right now the purpose of this lamp isn't for everybody to see the lamp the purpose of the lamp is to light the past so we don't stumble when it's dark when you look at the gift of Revelation or prophecy you see it doesn't operate in the same level with everybody that's because prophecy functions in three distinct areas you have the gift of prophecy the spirit of prophecy and the ministry of the Prophet up to this point I've been talking about the spirit and the gift of prophecy or as I prefer to call it the gift of revelation many of you feel like you haven't been given the Ministry of a prophet and that's probably right because only some are given this ministry but we also know in Scripture that Oh all may prophesy if only some were given the Ministry of the Prophet then how can everyone prophesy now that's what the spirit of prophecy comes into play the spirit of prophecy is that which allows everyone to prophesy everyone who knows Jesus can prophesy it's a sovereign act of the Holy Spirit and it is possible the moment Jesus comes into your life that's why it's important for everyone to know God and to have an understanding of the gifts because this spirit of Revelation operates in a very similar fashion not only that the spirit of Revelation or prophecy can actually be stirred up by those having the gift of Revelation one of the questions I'm asked all the time is what is a prophet you have to get the prophesy you have the spirit of prophecy and the Ministry of the Prophet the ministry of the Prophet is someone who has been given the gift of prophecy but they frequently operate in the spirit of prophecy at this time you may be wondering what differences are between a prophet and a psychic if that's the case well basically the difference comes in the source that the revelation comes from is it darkness or is it light is the source dark as a source light as a source evil as a source God because every gift God has has a counterfeit that the enemy is trying to imitate God with I consider the mystery of the Prophet to be a very very high bar to reach because it involves having not only god-given gift of Revelation it also requires a level of character that has only attained through a lifetime of tests in the refiners fire you see it's really a lifestyle that that emerges through a lifetime I've seen dreams and visions of the kind of prophets God is going to be raising up in the years to come I've seen like in the future and it's stunning so stunning there from the moment I had those dreams and visions I shuddered whenever anyone referred or introduced me as a prophet of the Lord to me we either have to change the name that we're going to call the prophetic voices that that are there today or the prophetic voices that I saw in the visions or we need to stop short of calling everyone prophets today because the two are completely different they're different in the maturity and they're different and their levels of clarity of prophecy the power authority accuracy and detail to come are far greater than what we currently see in prophetic ministry prophet ik ministry is progressing but the best is yet to come in my dream I had this beautiful baby in a stroller she was wearing this beautiful striking royal blue outfit and the color really meant something to me the outfit was a little bonnet and a coat and shoes and I just remember feeling so fulfilled I don't really know what this means because I don't even have any children of my own one of the 20 most prolific dreams are dreams about being pregnant or having a baby when you don't have one in real life remember dreams are very symbolic not so much literal this type of dream is not telling you you're going to have a baby the baby simply symbolizes or something you've given to birth that's going to take some time to nurture and to raise and to mature if you were pregnant it would be something that was going to be birth in and yet unseen but since the baby in your dream was already born this means that that which God has birthed through you has already happened and it's now being shaped into its mature State it's not mature yet but it's being shaped that way so not only has it been birthed but specific details about the baby have already started to take place the baby was dressed from head to toe it had its own transportation like the baby carriage in other words it had a way to move about from one place to another there was one more important detail and that was the color blue blue is the color of Revelation and communion this new opportunity that God has planned for you and placed before you will involve revelation from him and it's going to take communion with him and since it was God who did this your life will be complete and satisfied with this new opportunity that he's placed in your hands to shape and to mature these are the things that God does for us he helps us be comfortable but that which is uncertain he helps us to be loved that which is unformed he gives us the ability to help others walk into their calling and he gives us something to birth that we have longed for all of our lives but had no way of making it happen this is the type of God we serve it is the only God and that's how much he loves you over the last 30 years John Paul Jackson has studied how God speaks metaphorically through dreams parables and proverbs in the Bible God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $35 or more we'd like to send you the beginner's dream bundle up to CD teaching the basics of dreams visions and strange events and three dream carts to help you understand and decode what God is telling you while you sleep if you still need more jump up to the advance dream bundle for your gift of $50 or more we'll include everything you see plus John Paul's 6 CD set understanding dreams and visions amp the moments with God dream journal dreams are messages from eternity but without an interpretation they're just a mere occurrence order your dream bundle today visit dreams and mysteries.com or whole 1-800 five three eight five two eight five classes in session with John Paul Jackson's online school of ministry available online our for university caliber courses written by John Paul it's never been easier to take a quantum leap forward in your spiritual walk the courses include the art of hearing God understanding dreams and visions prayer and spiritual warfare and living the spiritual life begin your journey to better understand everything that God has for you by going to dreams and mysteries.com for those of you who feel you don't have a gift of Revelation I'd like you to broaden your definition of what that might look like would you like to hear from God for yourself and your family would you like to be able to discern when someone is telling you the truth or not would it be helpful to be more in tune with what God is saying when it comes to making an important decision do you believe that God wants to talk to you about decisions both small and large if the answer is yes let me give you some exercises to try but before I do let me read you a Bible verse that inspired the exercises I'm about to show you Hebrews 5:14 but solid food belongs to those who are full of age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil this verse isn't talking about your physical senses it's talking about your spiritual senses your spiritual senses can be exercised for what purpose to spiritually sense what's good and what's evil how about that what is God and what is not to grow your spiritual senses your senses need to be exercised just like working out you don't start out with the heaviest weights your spiritual muscles work the same way let's start with decision making every second your brain processes 60,000 bytes of information with this overwhelming amount of data flooding your mind you need the Holy Spirit's help so how do you do that begin every day by asking God to help you process all the data ask the Holy Spirit to give you peace over every decision that will lie before you and remove peace before you make a wrong decision and believe that the Holy Spirit will tell you what is right what is wrong you need to practice your sensitivity after you've made a decision do you feel more at peace or less at peace in time the process becomes easier and you'll be able to move up in the amount of spiritual weight you lift this is a spiritual law found in Matthew 13 as scripture says as you hear more hearing will be given to you many of you who work out know this the longer you go without working out the weaker you get and the harder it is to gain back what you lost so let's increase the weight a little bit it's like having no weight and then suddenly picking up a weight now you start asking God to speak to you in your quiet time ask God for a Bible verse that might apply to a specific issue you're dealing with or praying about you may get a verse you've never heard of or be reminded of one that you now need to memorize you may get a whole chapter or you might just hear the title of a book in either case your spiritual senses are being exercised then it's time for you to move up in weight again now ask God to tell you a song that you hear on the radio while you're driving to work think that sounds silly perhaps but maybe God is more interested in training you to hear then you are about learning so don't drop the weight ask God to start highlighting people who could use an encouraging word and when he gives it to you then step out in faith and approach the person if you don't hear specific word of encouragement for the person just ask if you can pray for them I found this so many times in prayer you'll say something in the spirit of Revelation and you won't even know it until afterward when the person tells you by now you may have recognized the first step to God speaking to you actually begins right here because right in your heart you have to believe that he wants to not just can but he wants to speak to you after all loving father's longed to communicate with their children let's add more weight let's add keep adding weight learn what the substance of piece feels like what does it feel like when it rests on you there's an overwhelming sense of well-being that defies the logic of your current circumstances this is the piece that Jesus gives and it transcends all the world's voices what does peace feel like when it leaves it feels like a blanket of protection has lifted off your shoulders and you realize the 60,000 bytes of information are puddling your mind once again and there's no clarity or distinction among any of them remember all the spiritual weight lifting takes practice don't give up it's worth it now let's see what I could do here one two three God speaks to all of us in many ways but some people have a special gift to hear for themselves and others in developing your prophetic gift a four CD teaching from John Paul Jackson listen as he shares from his decades of experience in ministry on how to grow and nurture this precious gift of Revelation what role does the gift of prophecy have in the church today and learn to navigate the pitfalls that many of us will face along the way developing your prophetic gift is being offered for your gift of $35 or more and in addition to this teaching we'd also like to send you the tips for giving and tips for receiving a set of prophetic word study cards these study cards are a must for anyone just discovering the gifts that God has given them go to dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five are you looking to uncover more mysteries with over a hundred videos free downloads and new videos added monthly streams Media Plus offers you teaching and training on biblical subjects as a member you will have exclusive access to dreama pedia a dream mentoring program and beyond an interactive program where John Paul answers tough spiritual questions from subscribers $10 a month gets you connected to everything in our library at home in the office or on the go get started today at dreams and mysteries.com when it comes to the gift of prophecy we tend to overcomplicate something God has made very plain we see the end result and decided can't be that easy but God does care that we're practicing hearing from him he does know what song we'll play next on the radio and he does know what clothes will have the greatest impact in your meeting today he does know why it's important you pick that way to drive to work which is different than you normally go nothing is too small nothing is too trivial when it comes to God's relationship with you practice seems trite at times perhaps that's why God tells us not to despise the day of small beginnings why because he knows something you don't yes he knows because he sees the end from the beginning and the purpose he sees for you isn't small at all he wants to share with us tomorrow secrets as if by us knowing and speaking these things out the atmospheres changed and releases them to happen prophecy reveals the secrets from the heart of God that changed the atmosphere and by changing the atmosphere light is brought into darkness and clouds of confusion are lifted don't despise the day of small beginnings your ability to hear from God could start when the song you felt was coming on the radio did the person you saw with your eyes closed you met or the one word you prayed that made no sense to you certainly did to them it's been given to you to know the mysteries of God you've been waiting for God when all along he's been waiting for you there are some mysteries that only you can discover because they were created for you and you only prepared before you were born and set in motion by one moment one small moment that you chose not to despise you
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 298,453
Rating: 4.9091382 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries, Daystar, Dreams & mysteries, dreams and mysteries, prophecy, prophetic, dreams, dream interpretation, Christian, Bible
Id: 9DnNNfVA2yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 26 2014
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