Dreamipedia: Clothing and Colors (FULL EPISODE)

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this is what I usually wear to work you may wear a coat and a tie or a dress and high heels and a dream you could end up wearing just about anything you see most streams are symbolic and what you're wearing symbolizes what you're doing now or what you're going to be doing in the future a man what you aim well an outfit like that kameen you're getting ready for spiritual warfare the color you're wearing could also be symbolic of something positive or negative depending on the context of the dream red could symbolize power redemption anointing or on the darker side anger war and destruction how about brown brown could represent compassion or our pastoral nurturing feeling on the other hand it could also represent humanism blue symbolizes revelation and communion or it could represent emotional lows gold or amber represents something that's wholly or hallowed on the other hand it could also represent greed purple represents authority the opposite of that would be ungodly Authority orange is perseverance or stubbornness and yellow represents the mind or fear or lack of courage what about other colors Denis Olsen sent us to dreams of pink in them the first was about a pink shoe I was standing in a room almost like a tall wooden attic close lines and ropes were stretched crisscross and in many different directions many objects hung from the ropes I saw a pink dress sandal with crisscross straps and a one-inch heel I reached up and pulled it off and looked at it in the hand Denise it really is a very good dream sometimes dreams that seem out of character don't seem like it would have any type of meeting but this one has great meaning for you there's three things you need to remember other than that you're the focus of the dream because the dream would fall apart if you weren't in this particular dream so there's three things you have the Attic that that is there you also have the pink sandal that you ended up with and you have the clotheslines that were going in all different directions the dream basically means this that there's opportunities that you have from the past and you have been prepared one way but there's so many different confusing things out their clothing represents covering shoes represent peace so the way you should walk and so what you're facing from your past is or from what you've been trained to do maybe you're facing a conflict of what you're trained to do versus what you want to do things are criss crossing and confusing in your life but here's the key you picked up the pink shoe the pink shoe is very interesting in that it's a combination pink is a combination of red and white meaning combination of anointing and calling and it's a combination of white or righteousness so what God is saying to you is that I'm going to present a righteous opportunity to you're going to walk into and there's a one-inch heel so you're going to walk in a little higher once you step into this calling you're going to walk a little higher than you have before great great dream meaning things are going to get better they're not going to remain the same at all the confusion of the past is going to disappear and this righteous and this anointing and this walking in the shoes of peace that God has prepared for you the days had pink hair in her other dream I was standing at a bathroom sink looking in the mirror at my newly dyed pink hair which was very short about a half an inch to 3/4 of an inch high it was really matted down so I rub my fingers vigorously back and forth all over my head to get my hair to stand up for a split second I wondered what people would think but since I have never really cared about what people think about me I left the bathroom ready to join my sister-in-law if the plans to go out so Denise these two dreams actually tie together the reason they do is the issue of pink pink sandals pink hair now there's 3 things you need to take a look at and this as well one is the bathroom sink the other one is your hair and the issue that the condition of the hair whether it was short it was dyed dyed pink and it was matted ok so the hair the bathroom sink and the condition of the hair the dream basically means this tied in again to the other dream where you're walking in peace in order to progress to this place where you're walking at peace and get rid of all the historic distractions and things that are confusing in your life there's something God is going to start dealing with and that is the bathroom represents places of getting rid of things that are maybe stained us or we need to wash your hands or toxins that are in our life so there's toxins that God is working on getting rid of so you can reach reach your calling he's already worked on your thinking that's what the hair represents the hair represents you're starting to think in righteous terms you're starting to think in anointed terms but there's two conditions of the hair one is short meaning you haven't been thinking this way for long meaning that would be long hair you've been thinking this way for short prayer time but it's is significant because it's a significant growth you've recognized the need for the change the second thing is it was matted down meaning don't allow yourself to come into a place of seeming luxury that you don't have to work at this issue yes you may not care what people think on one hand but you certainly care what God thinks on the other hand so don't allow your your seeming independence to make you independent from what God has wanted you to do hair also represents wisdom meaning the way you think it represents a glory so what you want to do is you want have the wisdom of God think like the like the Lord wants you to think and at the same time you're going to walk in and you're going to be relevant to what's going on all around you great great dream not all dreams are in color there are black and white dreams and the dreams that appear dark or grey are buted colors these are dreams revealing the plans of the enemy they're revealed and God allows them so you can pray against them God is full of color perfect light and every way and he likes color and I like colors too I'm John Paul Jackson thanks for watching this episode of dreama pedia hey man what you are in
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 316,431
Rating: 4.859931 out of 5
Keywords: Dreamipedia, John Paul Jackson, Dreams, Full Episode
Id: pPOu6tWjEVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2014
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