John Paul Interprets More Dreams on Joni Table Talk

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coming up Bible prophecy expert John Paul Jackson joins us to unlock hidden messages in the dreams you sit in I have a recurring dream that I'm driving a car I dreamt of water all around me sometimes I was under water I started going through the trash can pull them from bad always happens to her at the end of the journey you have to allow God to take care of your daughter not you he will use that gift to do what He has called you to do you need to work on the need to be in control don't give up what you're doing you'll make it through this whole thing cracking the code on your dreams up next on Joni everyone has a story the key to communication is making a connection every life has something to share the grass is not greener on the other side there's stickers from tragedy to triumph your memories will always be of the adventure not the arrival for the ride this is real talk about real topics that will change your life did you know that dreams are God's Way of getting you to your future it knows what's coming it is going to help you so grab a seat join the conversation this is Joni table well we all have them they come to us while we sleep and are full of strangely familiar places and people but what do they mean today we're going to once again tackle one of your favorite topics dreams with the help of my guests we'll find out what yours mean so joining me around the table is Kelly Lynch hello Joanie how are you I'm good good and you just had a dream I just had a dream and it was a lord encouraging your eye it was encouraging that yeah good yes he's good yeah well and Melanie how are you doing good I'm good I'm glad been dreaming lately I just dream so much it's but it's you know incredible to learn what the symbolism is from the Bible yes yeah and to pay attention yes pay attention Cindy Murdoch you've had a dreamy well you know I was just thinking about the dream I did have that you know and I was obedient in the first part of that dream that the Lord showed me if I would be obedient to forgive sure that there were other parts of the dream I saw that were happening and I've already been seeing some of that dream and today I just said Lord I'm expecting the last part of that dream to be availed so I was over you and that's good and John Paul Jackson always good to have you do you forget started talking with us about dreams over cuz do you know how many people facebook and send in we hit like are you going to talk about that's right well you did send us your dreams via Facebook and email and today we're going to help you discover what they mean at least some of them and Kelly why don't we start with you tell us where maybe the first name and where they're okay Marion and she's been Maryland from Maryland the Maryland okay she I dreamed that I was throwing out trash and when I realized that I threw out some money that was in my right hand too I started going through the trash can pulling out money that I didn't put in it it started piling up and there was so much of it that people were getting angry with me and when I got all the money out they started chasing me and then I ran into a man and gave him all the money to hold for me and he hid me from the people who were chasing me Wow way before you say Joe Hall do any of y'all have any idea what it means oh don't make us do that right we jump alright here's okay basically first of all right hand beans faith the left right beside the body typically means faith left side of the body means strength are means what you have what you were born with okay so left is what you're born with the right hand is is state so she has she has she's thrown out some trash basic basically it means she's cleaning up some things in her life and as she's cleaning up things in her life she throws just everything it doesn't have that could be attitudes it could be giftings that you have that you think well I never use this and so yes you know people give you a gift you end up tossing away after time and so on so she ends up tossing away something that's very valuable many represents favor the favor of God and so what happens is are in favor equates to influence and an anointing and and it gives you a thority favor gives you authority because of the influence so what happens is you end up throwing something away favor some gift or something that God's given you you end up throwing it away thinking that it's no longer useful you throw it away and then God prompts you say wait a minute you threw something valuable away so you go back in and you try to you try to find it here's what happens here's the great thing about this dream not only that you got your gift back but the great thing about the dream is that you discovered other gifts in there and you are able to other favor more favor and God was giving you more favor other other people's trash seems it indicates that God is going to give you favor with other people and you're discovering how to get favor with other people now that will make some people jealous to put it bluntly so it's going to make some people jealous um of that favor that you now have that you weren't operating in they're going to start coming after you but guess who the guy is that protected you that's the Lord you ran into the Lord the Lord takes the takes against it doesn't take it away from you he takes it to perfect you and now he will use that gift in you or that favor in you in order to promote you to do what He has called you to do run into the Lord when people get jealous of the gifts that God's given ya that's exactly what I would have said yes it is Kelly so what was your name again Marianne from Landover Mary Mary and that was awesome trade anyway yes awesome Melanie you have won - okay here's one I have is Kim from Indiana I have a recurring dream that I'm driving a car and the brakes do not work hmm Kim the but the your dream basically says that God has given you some type of a gift or ministry that he wants to use you it could be literally ministry could be what you do at work as you change people's lives you administrator the people ministry could be a ministry that you do in your church it could be a ministry that God's given you outside of the church the way to not have that dream again is basically say Lord you're in control of my life I will drive the car you take care of how it gets there how fast it goes how slow it goes you're the one that takes care of it I will drive as best I can the gift that you've given me Wow here is a Janis from Alabama she said my husband and I are separated he left due to a pornography addiction we've been married for 8 and 1/2 years anyway I dreamed the other night he was in trouble but I could not reach him to help him it was dark in the place where he was and I could not see him but I knew it was him I've been praying for a miracle in my marriage he wants a divorce many of my friends tell me to let him go but I keep holding on I've been seeking the Lord on what he wants me to do any idea what this dream means yes basically what the Lord is letting you know is that God is taking your your husband that wants the divorce he's taking him into a form of crisis you will not be able to help him you're not going to be the answer for him you're not going to be the solution for him you're he God is going to handle this whole thing the the issue of that type of Darkness the pornography darkness basically says that only God can remove that addiction and only God can remove that need and you don't have a choice in this matter and if you try to make it happen here's what typically happens you try whatever you try to make happen God backs off and let you try then when you back off and let God be God then he will act on your behalf but the dream was saying I'm going to put your husband out of your reach there's nothing you can do I'm going to take him into a time of crisis and I will deal with him in the valley of decision will be at that particular point so and that's a hard thing to do so hard thing to do sometimes understand that God is saying I need you to stay there brick I need to do what I'm doing here right what was it one of the things she said to me back months ago months and months ago that the Lord showed you that was it quit trying to extend grace oh that's not offending grace right yes yeah I'm sanctified mercy do those that I'm trying to correct right yeah stop this denigrate to those I'm trying to corral oh I'm so guilty of that Oh festive it's hard okay all right oh yes Cindy this is from Michelle in North Carolina I have the same dream over and over again my youngest daughter and I are driving on a street in our town and something bad always happens to her at the end of the dream this dream is always on this same street but what happens to her is always different what could this mean but that dream is a fear-based dream there's 20 categories of Dreams and in that 20 categories of Dreams one of those categories of sphere base here you're afraid that your daughter is is headed for down the wrong path or there's something you want to do that you can't you're incapable of stopping in her life that's a fair base dream the reason why the Lord allows you to have that type of dream is to let you understand again you have to allow God to take care of your daughter not you there's something that you're incapable of doing because why why are you incapable because it keeps happening at the end of the dream it keeps happening so the reason why keeps happening is that's letting you know you're incapable God wants to be able to one to take care of your daughter and so it's a fear-based dream that says that says you have to be the one that helps us you have to be the one to rescue you have to be the one that that provides for your daughter and if you don't that means you're a bad mother not so you have to allow the Lord to take what you built into your daughter and the Lord then we'll take care of what's going on in the other he's a great convictive sin by the way sin righteousness and judgment we're not the convictive sin God is that's good quickly Kelley share one more I had a dream this is from Elaine in Ohio I had a dream where I owned property and it had a massive amount of trees in my dream I was told were Joshua trees but they didn't look like Joshua trees but on these trees were fruit one group of trees had pears and other apples and other oranges with a bright light shining down on them but it wasn't the Sun all I could see were the trees and the massive light Wow great dream Joshua trees with her is terrific alright give it a shot I'll do my best I say give it a shot well we'll see if you like what you're thinking yeah okay you got it right so basically what the dream is basically saying is the land that means what she's given been given into us where the god is going to give her influence with leaders trees represent leaders and so whenever you take a look in Scripture and it talks about the trees Nebuchadnezzar the tree was cut down his leadership was cut down so the dream representers leaders that god is going to give her Joshua actually speaks to the type of leaders that are going to come that are submitted to God never wanted to leave the tabernacle never wanted to leave the tent of meeting Moses would go out but Joshua says would stay and so God is giving her influence in leaders lives and that's what basically dream is I'm going to give you influence and leaders lives and the fruit of those leaders all will be different it's not just one type of leader I'm going to give you influence and many leaders lives and every leader needs somebody needs people that can support them help them give them wisdom give them insight give them another view of things help them a strategy that's the type of person God has made her for these type of leaders she's going to have influence but good because some leaders have Apple as fridge don't have oranges I love that well we have to take a short break but we'll be back with John Paul and more of your dreams when tabletalk returns well have you ever had one of those dreams that you knew it had to mean something what about a reoccurring dream have you ever wondered why you keep having it well you're not alone and we have received hundreds of your dreams from around the world today we'll look at some of the dreams you sent in on Facebook and email to find out what some of those mean Melanie do you have one okay this is from Cosette from Tennessee she says I have a dream I had a dream I was standing on the shore to my right was the sea and directly in front of me was the shoreline I looked on to the sea and Bibles of every color and size were floating on top of the water and were floating into me the surface of the water was covered with bibles and in God they had all they all had the Holy Bible stamped on them in front of me down on the shore and scattered around or a small group of people two or three people each group was from a different era one group was flappers from the 20s one group was medieval one group was a group from the 50s etc this is the dream all I did was observe nothing was ever said that's another incredible that's incredible okay so the the seashore represents time the sands of time the ocean represents influence the different people that are coming there were people from those various moments in time medieval times etc the Bible's that are coming in simply means this God is about to offer this person something that has been offered to many throughout time but notice she didn't see anybody picking up those Bibles something is about to be offered to this person that others have been it's been offered to but nobody picked it up will you pick up the opportunity that I'm about to present to you that's what the dream says and one of the colors at the different colors of the Bible the different colors of the Bible there's multi colors when it takes a look for example they give to the Holy Spirit the wisdom of God the the says the multifaceted wisdom of God that word multifaceted literally means multicolored wisdom of God so what God is going to allow her to do is have be able to meet the needs of various people and to reach various people groups and multi colors or the different colors are different people groups see God is going to present her an opportunity for the gospel for her to be a part of something that is going to present the gospel to multi ethnic groups around the world and it will have influenced their that's great that's awesome what was her name again Cosette who's that cozy rosette Cosette wasn't that awesome I love that you have one I know and this is one I've heard quite a bit people dream about this Sindhi one who's that dude this is from sherry and I'm assuming maybe New York mm-hmm what does it mean when you dream of your teeth falling out or there being loose my younger daughter who is 16 keeps having this reoccurring dream yeah yeah teeth teeth are one of the 20 most common dream elements that happen and falling out that can be steady when your teeth fall out enjoy Gambia especially see yourself in the mirror it can be but basically what the dream means is this teeth give you the ability to chew on things you've heard that you've heard this story that says hey I need to chew on that for a moment before I and let me get back to you the idea is simply this understanding comes when you chew on something that's the that's the idea so the guy giving you a reoccurring dream says that there's something you're not understanding yet that he wants you to understand now different teeth would be represent different things so you have you have eye teeth for example would represent revelation that you're not understanding wisdom teeth would represent or something regarding wisdom that you're not getting or you're not operating in wisdom incisors would would represent decisiveness or the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong so depending on what tooth or what teeth it was it would tell you exactly give you more definition on what you're not understanding that God wants you to understand could be something you should do that you're that you're not doing it could be something you're doing that you should not be doing see asking the lord refa doors more to the dream then I'd be able to tell you perhaps what what it is that God is trying to deal with you honor want your attention about okay here is the Liana from New Hampshire and this was a dream that her daughter had and and she's wondering you know she's wanting to show her daughter that God can speak to her through dreams so her daughter gave her permission to share this she said the daughter says I was at my school with the guy friend there was a hill and on it were two lionesses in a fence all of a sudden a lion ran up to the fence and took a lioness grabbed it by the back legs and started shaking it to kill it then the lion ran down the hill with the lioness in its mouth and then the lioness turned into a man the other lioness was not touched and stood watching the lion turned into a bear the bear then started shaking the man blood ran down the man's face then I ran to the school screaming school was over and I got onto the bus and didn't realized it was the wrong bus got off the bus got onto the right bus and then I woke up right right basically what is what the dream has to do with with the school is represents literally a place of learning or the school of self something that she's being taught there's causing confusion in her life it probably has to do with ginger confusion not for her daughter necessarily but for people that she knows the the lion represents the judgment that comes on people that make that have a gender confusion so it was looked like a female but it would actually turned into a male and so somebody who's actually thinks that they're female but they either they I think that they're female and being homosexual or lesbian some hazard with lesbianism or homosexuality and the judgment that happens happens to that and then the lion changes what the line change into again the lines are changed into a bear there the bear means that things going to start turning down from this point on and so there's a downward trend that that's happening and it also represents cunning and shrewdness bears actually know how to stock and their prey whereas very few very few animals know how to stock their prey but bears know how to stalk their prey right they thought just like lions do bears know how to stock lies know how to stalk leopards know how to stalk the cat family knows how to stock but outside the cat family the Bears about the only one that knows how to stock their prey Wow that well the wolf the wrong birds the right birds wrong bus right bus that simply means this that there's choices you're going to be making in your you're going back and forth between what you believe what you don't believe what you believe what you don't believe and finally the good thing is your daughter got on the right bus thank God she got on that's a good that's a good good ending of that dream well touch that doll we've got more of your dreams and what they mean when we come back stay right there so we put the word out on our website on Facebook and on Twitter and the response was overwhelming so today we're taking a look some of the dreams that you sit in and finding out what they mean Cindy do you have a drink - from North Carolina dude this is from joy in North Carolina and she said I had a dream about six months ago that I just can't get out of my mind it wasn't really just I wasn't really disturbed by the dream or felt fear in the dream but was very curious about what it means I was in a town that I did not recognize and I was working in a daycare I looked out of the window and I saw six white tornadoes coming toward us so we gathered the children together and headed next door to a church basement as they were headed to the church I looked to my right and there was a lake and in the middle of the lake was a huge boulder type Rock I couldn't stop looking at it so I walked out on this pier and I was looking at it when part of the rock cracked off and fell into the water I was wondering why why would that happen when there was not yet even any wind from the tornadoes yet and then I turned to go and I woke up mmm great dream great room and it's a great it's a great dream for a little different reasons some of the other dreams have been been great but the meaning of the dream is white tornadoes represent things that God is going to send our way now may not be directly to you because they didn't say it was coming at you or at your house but they were coming you said so it's not necessarily coming at you but around you or at this particular time frame why did white men represent these are things that God storms God is sending our way number two there's six of them that means it is because of the actions of men that God is going to allow these storms to come number three you took your family or your daughter and you were headed towards a church that is incredibly good number four there's a rock out in the middle of a lake that has gaining influence it looks like the real thing looks like a lot the rock of the Lord you know that because the Bible talks about he is our rock we have no other rock but there's a difference between what the world says as a rock and what the church says is the rock and you you are seeing God saying when these storms come I am going to even before the storm hits I am going to judge the rock of the world the thing to the world trust then I'm going to judge it and you're going to begin to see it break apart a little by little even before the storm actually gets that I'm going to send but the great thing is you had no fear you had nothing hits you you were in the church everything is going to be fine so as God kind of a warning dream but not warning to you is a prophetic dream said this is what's going to be happening you're going to be fine but I'm judging the structures of this world all right this is all the way from Bahrain Bahrain yeah Bahrain yes I dreamt of water all around me sometimes I was under water with the head above it drenched in rain then I saw a hand reach out to me and scooped me out of the water I always dream of water either my feet are in it or my whole body is in it what does it mean ok so if I'm understanding dream correctly she's underwater but I don't hear any any crying or any any sense of fear or no sometimes I was under the water with my head above above the but the my head was being drenched in rain mm-hmm and I saw a hand reached out to me and scooped me out of the water okay so basically what it says is this God has a purpose for your life the water represents the influence that you're going to have sometimes you're under the water in that influence you don't realize it's not something people see being under water would not be something people see it be something that happens behind the scenes that that you're doing the the rain represents things that God is going to bring you away that's refreshing being scooped out of the water is not negative being scooped out of the water basically means this you're I'm going to have you in this for a season of time and then I'm going to pick you up and I'm taking you someplace else for another purpose that I have you're fulfilling a purpose in God right now even in Bahrain and but at the same time God's lending note but I have another purpose for you and you may be very comfortable right now but I'm going to take you to another purpose as well okay quickly just do that real quick we only got 30 seconds this is Terry from Indiana my dreams are very vivid and I always seem to dream in color the color orange seems to always stand out and what's what I remember most orange is not really my favorite color and I wondered what might that mean well and this orange either means stubbornness or perseverance but in this type of dream where that you feel very comfortable with it that means perseverance got us saying keep persevering don't give up what you're doing God will stand and you'll make it through this whole thing all right that's for Terry from Indiana just that's our last dream and the Lord said tell her what that means so I hope you're encouraged by that I hope all of you encourage today is we share with John Paul about dreams and what they mean they're significant be sure in journal your dreams and ask the Lord to show you so many times he will speak to you in the night when your mind is clear and open to hear what he has to say so thank you John Paul thank you being here today thank you ladies this is fun we must do this again thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time bye bye for today this has been a day star television production
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 188,367
Rating: 4.8491735 out of 5
Keywords: Christian dream interpretation, John Paul Jackson, Biblical dream interpretation, dream meaning, Joni Lamb, Daystar, Streams Ministries
Id: 1FTlURnE89c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2011
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