Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of the Law of Attraction

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there's this amazing force that God has built into the fabric of creation that can be called the law of attraction but the law of attraction has been counterfeited by the New Age in fact if you were to do an internet search on the law of attraction you would be bombarded by new age books and teachings that will explain how you can draw the positive energy of the universe to you by sending out that same positive energy yourself and the results according to these New Age teachings can be health and wealth and happiness well that's too bad because had these New Age thinkers taken the time to look at the Bible they would see how this law really works you see it at work throughout the teachings of Jesus you see it in the laws given to Moses it's throughout the wisdom teachings of King Solomon and proverbs God build it into the very fabric of creation when you allow yourself to decrease God is justified in giving you an increase a negative charge will attract a positive charge but all of this has been counterfeited by a new brand of thinkers who know neither God nor understand the true purpose of why this law works the way it does the law of attraction is not about what the universe gives or takes away it's about how the kingdom of heaven has been set up to operate a system that was created before sin ever entered into the heart of a man a strange system was a way to be exalted is to be humbled the way to become truly alive is to die to self the way to receive is to give at the core the seemingly backward kingdom what holds it together is a gravitational field called faith not just any faith faith in God the law of attraction is not something that can be manipulated or controlled the many have tried it's a law that can only be understood by understanding the God who created it that's what we're going to do so join me in our next discovery the mystery of the law of a action you what is the law of attraction the best way to describe it is to first look at an atom in the world of the atom a negative charge will always attract a positive charge that's exactly how all matters held together atoms holding two atoms through something called an atomic bond this is an electromagnetic force that draws and holds atoms together and that bond is based upon the attraction of positive and negative charges to each other since everything that exists is made up of atoms it shouldn't be surprising to notice that this natural law also plays out on a much larger scale negative charges attract positive charges and here's what I mean by negative charges whenever you give out you create a negative charge that negative charge will then attract a positive charge that comes from the kingdom of God therefore for example you're giving to the poor subtract something from you that subtraction leaves you with a negative charge that will then attract Kingdom positive charges your way well I'm going to leave the subatomic properties of this law to the scientists but what's really interesting is how this law applies to you and me we want to live a life that attracts heavens blessings and the Bible tells us we can do that what we don't want to do is to try to manipulate this law for our own personal gain that's why the Bible says God loves a cheerful Giver that verse speaks to more than just the act of giving it speaks to the heart behind the giving this is why it's important to distinguish between God's law of attraction and the version a new age has taken and counterfeited let's look instead to how the Bible describes this law of attraction long before we had microscopes that could see into a cell of what the cellular structure was God was articulating the laws of attraction to his world the kingdom of heaven is built upon an invisible foundation of seemingly illogical opposites the way to be exhausted just to humble yourself the way up is down the way to receive is to give the way to be comforted is to grieve the way to be strong is to be meek that's illogical to the world but it's not to us none of this makes sense though until you start applying the law of attraction to them remember negative charges will always attract a positive charge it helps you understand why Jesus spoke in parables the kingdom of heaven is constructed like nothing else it's put together like a riddle but the riddle isn't a riddle if it doesn't contain a clue and guess what this book is full of them God speaks to all of us in many ways but some people have a special gift to hear for themselves and others in developing your prophetic gift a four CD teaching from John Paul Jackson listen as he shares from his decades of experience in ministry on how to grow and nurture this precious gift of Revelation what role does the gift of prophecy have in the church today and learn to navigate the pitfalls that many of us will face along the way developing your prophetic gift is being offered for your gift of $35 or more and in addition to this teaching we'd also like to send you the tips for giving and tips for receiving a set of prophetic word study cards these study cards are a must for anyone just discovering the gifts that God has given them go to dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five what do Magnus and the law of attraction have in common well they both have unseen forces that work to attract other things to them just like this magnet here I can't see pulling these ball bearings to this magnet but I do know that every time these ball bearings and this magnet get close to each other they stick they attract this magnet is using a natural law of physics but spiritual laws are just as predictable and measurable but a negative charge is put out a positive charge is attracted the greatest benefit of a negative charge in the kingdom of God is that it's never a one-to-one exchange it's at least a 1 for 2 or even a 1 for 7 exchange don't you love God's economy well first we need to establish what a negative charge is negative charges it when it comes to the kingdom of the law of attraction aren't bad creating a negative charge is like turning on a vacuum that pulls in the blessings of God towards you now I know it seems simple but I'm going to explain even more so what's a negative charge in the spiritual realm there's many of them for example giving when you give with a cheerful heart and without expecting anything in return from the person you gave to you create a negative charge in the spiritual atmosphere that negative charge that attracts positive charges or a response from God such as a blessing that's how the subatomic world works that's how the kingdom of heaven works it's not however how the world works see in the world is the squeaky wheel that gets degrees but Jesus taught us differently which is so baffling to the world so that's why Jesus said when it comes to giving it's better to give than to receive because guess what you attract however you can't give to get that's a really quality quandary because whenever you give to get with be money or goods or services even time you should do it with no strings attached to think about it if there's a string attached to your giving you didn't really give it you lose the charge and the short circuit systems in a way it's like a yo-yo going up and down you're throwing down it comes back up it may have left you physically but it never left you emotionally because you expected it to return what about fasting how does fasting create a negative charge fasting is denying your flesh and your soul in a way that's how you create a negative charge in every area of your life by sowing into the spirit and stood up into the flesh fasting increases your spiritual sensitivity because you're starving your flesh and feeding your spirit what happens when you go around telling everybody I'm fasting and fasting I'm on a 400 day fast well you lose that negative charge when you tell people you're fasting you get a positive charge from the people because everyone thinks you're so spiritual because you're fasting the positive charge you attracted came from man which you took in exchange for the Kingdom charge so now you're back at zero believe me it's much better to attract heaven than to attract the appreciation of your peers God wants to bring you into a deeper spiritual plane prayer helps achieve that by creating a negative charge but be careful when you only pray for God to bless you and give you things that you want you're really not creating a negative charge that heaven can give to why because you're asking to get rather than asking to give how can a prayer become a prayer of giving and not asking does it all prayer ask yeah it does but let me give you an example of a giving prayer remember job he received his breakthrough in the midst of his incredible oppression and physical affliction when he started to pray for his friends and job 42:10 job learned different up to this point when Jobe prayed his prayers were asking solely for himself but breakthrough for Jobe came when he began to ask God to help us friends to give to his friends even in spite of job's own great need reading God's Word will also create and they get in charge because you're giving your time to God many times God responses an immediate is immediate because it gives you a kingdom revelation or insights into the Bible who you read his word he gives you revelation about an insight that you're that you're dealing with or an issue that you need an answer for or he opens up a spiritual truth that you've never seen in scripture before reading God's Word will always attract a spiritual blessing unless your motive is to bring yourself glory through the revelation you receive like look how much I know everybody all revelation from God should bring glory to God the law of attraction also works with the mystery of Justice it's like it's like the scales coming back into balances it's getting the justice from heaven when the enemy steals from you it creates a negative charge that attracts a positive charge from God and that Kingdom charge is called justice the law of attraction will often look similar to the law of sowing and reaping but where sowing and reaping speaks about seed time and harvest the law of attraction is a little more subtle we see the subtle differences in one of the most famous sermons Jesus ever gave let's take a fresh look at the law of attraction through the lens of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5 in verse 2 he opened up his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven you see this humility very first thing right off the bat Jesus stresses humility and that humility is the negative charge that attracts promotion and spiritual advancement from God the kingdom of God verse 4 Jesus said blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted so compassion for others is the negative charge that attracts the positive charge of being comfort and having peace from God verse 5 jesus said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth so the negative charge of self-control meekness interaction with others and non promotion attracts the positive response of inheriting the earth man that's a great inheritance number six Jesus said our blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied so you have this hunger and a thirst to sit on the negative charge creating by desiring after the spirit and here you have the satisfaction of true fulfillment all these things are amazing aren't they blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy the negative charge is that you comes out of treating others with mercy and what happens you retreat you you end up getting the positive charge of God's mercy I'm going to stop there but the law of attraction is that work in all of the Beatitudes the Sermon on the Mount is just one place where the law of attraction is explained this shows how the kingdom of heaven works its cause and effect you see it throughout the Bible you've probably seen it play out in your life as well the law of attraction works hand in hand with the law of sowing and reaping we're probably most familiar with sowing and reaping when it comes to finances but the law of attraction works in every area of your life fasting prayer blessing others with our words honoring others even when they don't honor us you want to live a lifestyle that attracts the positive attention of heaven remember a great cloud of witnesses watching but to do that you have to sow to the spirit and not the flesh that's really what creating a negative charge is all about is sowing the visible into the invisible and trusting God to take notice the art of hearing God for kids is an exciting new children's curriculum based on John Paul Jackson's groundbreaking course the art of hearing God this course is a collaborative effort between pastors teachers art and occupational therapists that will engage your child's ability to remember God's Word and then apply it to their life every day students are taught these lessons with movement activities games art and a listening time to practice hearing God's voice students fall in love with Shammi a big eared elephant that has a hard time here in God but desperately wants to the art of hearing God for kids is a unique blend of word and spirit designed to help your child discover their own personal relationship with Jesus not to mention it's fun not only does how we think and act affect what we attract to us it also determines who we attract to us we will attract people who think like us this can be a positive it can also be a negative so I'm at work and I hear all of this commotion happening down the hall I get up to go see what's happening and a lot of my co-workers are standing around making a bunch of noise and some are screaming and some are laughing and I finally break through and I find this alligator loose on the floor one of the ladies had brought it in and I asked her where she got it which now seems like an odd question I should have asked her what it was doing there at work and I told her she needed anywhere to keep it she could keep it in my office and then I dream ended god is so incredibly gracious to us that he gives us a dream to show us actions that are dangerous to us and that need to change this is what's called a correction dream now on the surface it seems innocent enough but you need to remember dreams are symbolic this is one of those rare dreams wherein you can identify one key symbol and almost interpret the entire dream when you see alligators or crocodiles on a dream they frequently represent gossip or slander or some type of by lining the metaphorical meaning of animals is often connected to certain characteristics that they carry and so when they carry them in a dream you know the characteristic dogs for example are known as man's best friend so when you see a dog in a dream it's usually going to represent a friend and he can't owner will tell you that you may choose a dog as a pet but a cat chooses you as an owner cats are very aloof and independent therefore in a dream a cat will often represent more of an independent spirit but an alligator well that's a whole different story will you look at an alligator what's the first thing you notice the big mouth alligators have a big mouth they also have a very very powerful tail so an alligator represents a big mouth with a powerful tail tail not a t ail but tal eat a tail what does that sound like how about gossip alligators usually represent the presence of gossip so without interpreting the rest of the details of this dream we pretty much have the complete meaning the dreamer has experienced gossip in the workplace now at first she wanted to stop it and she considered having it removed but as we kind of stick around she ends up enjoying the presence in fact by the end of the dream she's invited the gossips owner to come by her office there's another facet to this law of attraction we will attract people who we are like have you ever heard the old adage if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all well there's another one that says this if you don't have anything nice to say why don't you come sit down next to me let's let me add one more colloquialism that's fitting to this dream anyone who will gossip to you will gossip about you you don't want the spiritual attention that hanging around with gossip brings some people they might say that if someone stretch to gossip to you just walk away from it but I might suggest taking it one step further tell them this I can't listen to you talk about that person because if it was me you were talking about I would be devastated and I'm sure you would be too walking away from a gossip takes willpower real willpower but correcting a gossip will create the negative charge in heaven that attracts the blessings of God just like you saw on the dream we attract like-minded people you've heard the terms birds of a feather flock together and misery loves company you've probably used those colloquialisms yourself to describe someone you knew or a situation you knew of because there'd be more to those things than meets the eye if certain thoughts and actions attract light or darkness to you can those same thoughts attract people to you who are also givers or takers the answer is yes like a magnet your thoughts will attract people who think like you to you good or bad this is part of the law of attraction happy joyful people will attract happy joyful people funny people attract funny people critics and skeptics tend to hang out around critics and skeptics how many times the law of attraction is already at work before we recognise it we may be drawn to someone without even knowing why science tells us that our thoughts have an electrical frequency that can be measured could it be that we put out a frequency from our thoughts that attracts others with the same frequency this is another aspect of the law of attraction the attraction that occurs between humans based upon the pattern of our thoughts this is why men and women who have been in bad relationships seem to continue to find themselves in bad relationships they continue to attract the same personality types because they never changed their own thoughts and behaviors there's a deeper level of hidden truth behind adages like birds of a feather flock together and misery loves company they're not just clever sayings they're deep spiritual truths when you look at this phenomenon closer you begin to see the law of attraction at work the way we act the way we perceive how we speak what we choose to think about all of this creates a spiritual force that will leave the retract light or attract darkness over time the frequency of these thoughts begin to harmonize with other similar frequencies whether good or bad now I realize some of you or some of you this may be very hard to understand others are probably saying ahaha that explains it here's the point to all of this when you live a life ruled by your soul you attract others who live by their soul when you live a life ruled by your spirit you attract the blessings of heaven and also people who can help you reach the purpose for which God created you and guess what you become the person that can help them reach the purpose for which they were created as well that's God divine intent for the law of attraction and blessings you are blessed in helping you're helped in giving you receive God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $35 or more we'd like to send you the beginner's dream bundle but to CD teaching the basics of dreams visions and strange events and three dream cards if you still need more jump up to the advance dream bundle for your gift of $50 or more we'll include John Paul's 6 CD set understanding dreams and visions amp the moments with God dream journal order your dream bundle today visit dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five throughout the difficulties of life we found that overcoming fear and rejection was key in our relationship with God and each other through John Paul's life-changing resource the hope collection John Paul showed us how to truly become the person that God has created us to be the hope collection can be yours for your gift of $45 or more to the ministry order the hope collection by calling 1-800 five three eight five two eight five our Gotha dreams and mysteries.com built into the structure of every atom on earth is the mysterious force called the law of attraction we will attract others to us based upon our thoughts and our actions will also attract the blessings of heaven or the curses of this world based upon what we choose to focus on and what we choose to put our faith in please understand God isn't up in heaven waiting to curse you Jesus took that curse upon himself now and forever but the reality is the presence of sin in the world prevents God from turning a blind eye he won't intervene in the spiritual law set in motion by choices we make but here's what should encourage you what you focus on you make room for we've been given this amazing reset button and this button has the ability to stop the attraction of darkness in its tracks you do that when you change your focus so here's what you focus on whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there's any excellent if there's anything worthy of praise think about these things the moment you start focusing on these things the atmosphere will change darkness leaves and you've now allowed the light of heaven to draw near this is how you were designed to live this is the will of God for your life to not only be blessed but to be a walking blessing to others and it all gets set into motion by this mysterious force called the law of attraction I know that this is an incredibly new concept to many of you who are watching right now how to take this in the light of everything else has happened in your life how to get there how do how do I started doing this law of attraction but here's the secret to attracting the blessings of heaven be a river be a river the Bible says a river flows out from the throne of God not a lake not a pond because these things have little outflow be a river a river that flows so the key to attracting the continued blessings of God is to recognize that holding on to what you have is holding up what God is waiting to give you to many of us focus on becoming larger like a lake or an ocean even and not really thinking in terms of being a river that flows and gives life to others you need to let the river of God flow through your life and stop trying to contain it when you do that you're blocking God's destiny remember Jesus described the Holy Spirit as a river of living water that flows out from you when you stay in tune with the Holy Spirit the lives of people all around you are going to change because suddenly the very Spirit of God is going to start attracting people to you those are the people who will help you fulfill the purpose for which you were created and amazingly enough those are also the people you can help reach the purpose for which they were created this is God's purposes his real purposes for the law of attraction
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 143,079
Rating: 4.9170699 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries, Dreams & Mysteries, dreams, dream interpretation, Daystar, Christian TV, Christian, Law of Attraction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 14 2014
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