Dreamipedia - Rooms & Vehicles (FULL EPISODE)

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[Music] [Music] man this is a blast from the past this is an 8 millimeter film camera from the 1950s like when I was born you know God can give you dreams that take you back to your past to ever dream you were back in your childhood home maybe you dreamed you were standing in your old living room but why there why not say in your kitchen no is that tea oh well what do you do in a kitchen you make things you make things for people to consume so that's important to understand that symbolism living rooms have to do with your everyday life or your lifestyle think of all the symbolism and the practical application of that symbolism and the dreams that God gives you you can apply the same principles to vehicles in your dreams as well let's say you had a dream you're in a really nice car I mean a really nice car cars can represent what you're doing in life that's a job at church and cars carry people so there's a certain amount of influence in a car that's carrying people but then in your dream your fine car turns into a scooter scooters don't carry very many people and they certainly don't go very fast you might want to pray and ask if something is hindering your destiny a man named Andy sent us a similar dream [Music] I dreamed I was pulled over by a seven-year-old policeman I was on my knees on the side of the road and he was talking to me my mouth was open and he placed his hand under my chin closed my mouth gently and said you better tighten it up boy then I woke up so Andy in this particular dream you're the one that's the focus of the dream so if you're diagramming the sound as I do in the dream journal then you'd be right in the middle of the dream itself so you're the focus now sub focus isn't a dream there's really three of them in this particular dream which is fairly normal and one of those sub focuses is the seven-year-old policeman that's there another sub focus is used on your knees on the side of the road with your mouth open and the other sub focus is the placement with this hand under your chin kind of lifting your chin up are closing your mouth and then he says something to you but we'll get to that in just a moment - the idea though is this what is the seven-year-old policeman because that's probably the one that's got you stumped the most the seven-year-old policeman one policeman represents authority seven-year-old and this dream is not referring to the age of the policeman it's referring to how long he's been working with you on a particular issue we'll find out addition just a second but he's been working with you for seven years on a particular issue this Authority this policeman this Authority is basically what God has been working on the authority of the Lord working in your life so he you're under knees which is a place of humility very good by the way but your mouth is open in other words he wants to and he closes your mouth so in other words what he's working on he's working on what you say so he puts his hand on your chin to kind of close your mouth and then he says something to you about basically be careful what comes out of your mouth in other words tighten things up and what what the Lord is really saying to this is he's wanting you to work on the discipline of what you allow to come out of your mouth all of us have things that God's working over the song I mean there's no end to that I mean he's perfect we're not so he's always going to be working with us on various issues this is one he's really working with you on usually the reason why God works with us on an issue like what we speak or what we say is because what we speak or what we say is meant to carry influence and with that influence then we have a responsibility to speak what God speaks no more no less so on one hand God is saying I've got a lot for you to say on the other hand I can't give it to you until you work on this issue of working on the discipline of allowing what you say to be tightened up so tighten it up Andy God's got a great future for you because he has already given you an indication that what you say is gonna carry influence Pat from Dallas sent us a dream about a car as well and an old boyfriend [Music] I had a dream that I was riding in a car with an old boyfriend he was driving and we were traveling down the service road I looked out his window at the up ramp and I also saw a passenger plane up the down ramp the wings were beginning to pull back and the next scene I'm still in the car and giving this old boyfriend a kiss Pat is the focus in this particular dream and again we look for the number of sub focuses because they're the key to help understand so if you can get the sub focus as all the details typically work themselves out then there's some important details in this particular dream but we've got to get the focus right and we've got to get the sub focus right so we have Pat here and it would be she would be they a focus in the dream we also have three sub focuses in this particular dream once the focus is the boyfriend once the focus is the plane going up the down ramp another sub focus then is also the issue of the service road that her and her boyfriend are driving on so you have the boyfriend you have the airplane going up the wrong going the wrong direction on the ramp you have the service road that they're driving on the rest of the the details there are some important details but we're going to get these first things settled and then we'll deal with what important details might do in a particular dream and this one basically says this in Pat Pat as you're going along in life you're traveling with someone that is old and familiar to you a boyfriend I don't know whether you're single I don't know whether you're married because it's not unusual to have things like this come up even though you're a married person because it represents an old way of life and driving on the service road which is another one of the sub focuses represents not driving on the main road it's almost like yes you're making progress on the service road but you're not going to make the progress in the rate of speed or as quickly on the service road as you would on the main highway so in other words you're kind of taking a route that is going to take longer for you to get to where God's called you to go you're passing an airplane going up the down ramp which basically says that there are circumstances around you that one keep you from getting onto the highway and those circumstances have been orchestrated and you don't have a control over that issue you may have to go to the next entrance ramp in order to to get that except this was a down ramp now another interesting issue about this is that the plane's wings were being pulled back in other words instead of being able to take off when a Wayne a an airplanes wings are pulled back it actually reduces its ability to fly so the Lord is letting you know as you're on the service road the circumstances you're allowing some of the circumstances in your life keep you from taking off and what God's called you to do now the final thing in this is that as you're traveling on the service road and you see the airplane you actually kiss your boyfriend which basically says you're getting really familiar with an old way and the Lord actually gave you this dream as though it's a warning dream it's one of the 20 categories of dreams that that we have lots of warning dreams it's not unusual for all of us to have warning dreams again we are we're all in a place where God is developing us but he's he's warning you don't get too comfortable with this old way of life it really doesn't stand for an old boyfriend it stands for an old way of life things that you maybe you used to settle for but you you quit settling for but now you're returning back to out well I'm settling for this again because letting you know what he's called you to do is at a higher level and that he doesn't want you sidelined on the service road he wants you to to do everything that has been able to gift you to do so you can accomplish the purpose but which you were created now all of you that are watching that are not pat just remember every single one of us have issues that God is dealing with every single one of us we're gonna deal with one thing one day and we're gonna deal with another thing the next week maybe the next afternoon all of these things are basically says this God loves you too much to leave you where you are so it gives you a dream that says hey let's get off the service road in pass case and get onto the highway and stop allowing the circumstances in our life to dictate what we're going to do and in a way bring about a contentment that allows us to embrace an old way of life God uses pictures to speak to us he could be telling you it's time to dust off that old talent or ability from your childhood and to start using it again I'm John Paul Jackson thank you for watching another episode of dreama pedia [Music] thank you for cubing chick-fil-a this is Carolyn at Mather me today yeah I'm looking for a number four with the big old vanilla shake
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 132,004
Rating: 4.8998647 out of 5
Keywords: dreams, dream intepretation, what do vehicles mean in dreams, dream car, john paul jackson, streams ministries
Id: JVaj_cmECfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon May 05 2014
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