Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of the Holy Spirit

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suppose the creator of everything that ever existed had something he wanted to give to you and this gift was something so personal something so life-changing that immediately after receiving it we could scent it impact not only on us but in us what did this gift came with an assurance that it was one-of-a-kind a treasure that through it we could experience infinitely more of the Creator than we ever thought possible in fact if you choose to accept this gift its reception would open you to dreams and visions understanding knowledge and experience is given by the Creator just suppose that this gift is actually a part of the creator himself he was giving you part of him he was giving you the very essence of him try this close your eyes now imagine this essence actually carried particles or slivers of the Creator his nature his heart for you his plans for you the wisdom of the Ancient of Days and over time as you learn to recognize and use these slivers the invisible spirit world would begin to open up to you and you would begin to see the power of God flow through you to heal the sick open blind eyes and heal deaf ears if you would receive instructions speak and demons would shriek leave the person they had been tormenting through this gift no one would be able to lie to you without you knowing it because this gift would help you separate the holy from the profane the precious from the vial the claim from the unclaimed and the just from the unjust and with maturity this gift would increase its activity in your life and take on the role of friend and a guide telling you go there leave now talk to that person go home a different way however in the receiving of this gift there is one catch the catch is this the gift has to enter you and live inside you but not just live in you since this gift is the very spirit of the Living God it lives and radiates from the deepest and most intimate parts of him because of this you would have to allow him to live in the deepest parts of you would it be worth it can this be right yep two hundred and thirty five years one of the rarest occurrences in the Old Testament was the intimacy between God and man as they walked as friends would face-to-face when Adam and Eve sinned many things changed one of which was that they no longer walked in the garden with God in the cool of the day in fact one of the saddest verses in the Bible expounds on the extent of this break in fellowship it's one sentence that follows the genealogy of Adam the fourth chapter of Genesis ends this way at that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord it would be easy to miss the importance of this statement if you don't take the time to dig a little deeper if you do you're going to find 235 years went by from the time Adam left the garden until man called on the name of God again 235 years and no one called on the name of God how long is 235 years it's as long as the United States has been a nation notice this verse doesn't say God stopped listening to his people for 235 years it was the people who didn't call out to God sin didn't drive God from man sin drove man from God it would be more than a thousand years between Adam and Eve walking in the cool of the day with God and the next time man would commune with God in such an intimate way and that man that did that was Moses he met with God face to face and the Bible records that Moses had great favor in God's sight what was it like Wow what was it like to be in the tent of meeting right after Moses entered and the pillar of cloud descended like a veil would you like to see inside that tent sorry you can't that was for Moses what went on in that tent with Moses and God largely remains a mystery but what if I told you God had something even better for you even more mysterious in fact you don't have to enter a tent you are the tent the art of hearing God for kids is an exciting new children's curriculum based on John Paul Jackson's groundbreaking course the art of hearing God this course is a collaborative effort between pastors teachers art and occupational therapists that will engage your child's ability to remember God's Word and then apply it to their life every day students are taught these lessons with movement activities games art and a listening time to practice hearing God's voice students fall in love with Shammi a big eared elephant that has a hard time here in God but desperately wants to the art of hearing God for kids is a unique blend of word and spirit designed to help your child discover their own personal relationship with Jesus not to mention it's fun hey I'm just driving along and all of a sudden I'm thinking I looked at the speedometer I thought huh I'm going kind of fast like yeah and I was like answering the other voice so I was like yeah but there's nobody out here it's late and I know these roads and then the other voice is like yeah but what if there were cows in the road what if one of those tractor trailers full of the cows that you see all the time over these roads what if it had a wreck and all of this and so I just going 80 and I slowed down to like 45 miles an hour and there were no cars pitch-black and as soon as I hit about 45 I see cows in the road as we go through life we attain knowledge and that knowledge gets collected and stored in our mind much like a computer's hard drive throughout life we continue to add knowledge and information through our physical senses much of it is added without us really consciously knowing that it's even being added our brain our brain works like a microprocessor and handles all the boring stuff like breathing and pumping blood so we can be freed up for important things like gathering information that's how the physical world uses and shares information but what about the things your eye cannot see or your ear cannot hear the spirit world or more specifically the limitless eternal knowledge base of God is there a search engine for that and this first captures a supernatural process with stunning simplicity 1st Corinthians 2:10 says this for to us God revealed them through the spirit for the spirit searches all things even the deep things of God this verse offers us a strong clue to the divine mystery of Revelation there's a supernatural exchange between our spirit and the Spirit of God and when we get plugged in it's like having a search engine connected to God himself back to that verse it says for to us God revealed them through the spirit who them who is them what is them to find out what them means you'll literally have to look back to the previous verse to see what the Apostle Paul was really talking about what has no I seen or heard or man even imagined in his heart this is the type of stuff that God has prepared for those that love him there are things that men has not only never seen or heard there are things that man can't even imagine and these are the things that have been prepared for you how can you find out about these things for through the Spirit it searches all things even the deep things of God well there you have it the Holy Spirit in us searches the very Spirit of God and the result is that something we didn't know we now know kind of mind-blowing in that that's actually much more than that when God reveals something through his spirit it's more than just information it's revelation there is a huge difference between information and revelation this scripture is fundamental to understanding this mystery of the gift of revelation because this scripture describes not only how revelation happens from spirit to spirit but also to whom it happens notice it says for or to us now that means you your spirit has access to God through the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is in US and it is both an internet connection and a search engine to the heart of God through the spiritual connection we not only search the heart of God we can even search the deep things of God I mean deep things of God what are the deep things of God that is where the mysteries are found and there's only one way to get plugged in that's why Jesus told his disciples that it was for their benefit he was to go to the Father so the helper could come Jesus in essence was saying guys I know how much you love having me around but in reality you're able to accomplish way way more when the helper comes and that helper can't come until I go so let's look at the before and after of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the disciples before the Holy Spirit the disciples argued who was the greatest before the Holy Spirit Jesus told Peter get behind me Satan before the Holy Spirit the disciples weren't around for the crucifixion before the Holy Spirit the disciples didn't realize they were the remnant of the twelve baskets left over after he multiplied the loaves and fishes well that was before the Holy Spirit what about after after the Holy Spirit the disciples were willing to give themselves over to prayer and fasting after the Holy Spirit Peter spoke boldly before 3,000 people after the Holy Spirit they were willing to stand as martyrs and they did after the Holy Spirit the shadow healed the sick this is what the Holy Spirit did for them and this is what the Holy Spirit can do for you have you been cheated lied to stolen from many times this is an intrusion by the enemy and our response should be to seek out justice from God in this teaching keys to receiving God's justice John Paul Jackson takes you on a journey through Scripture to help you recognize and justice catch the thief approach the judge and ask for a heavenly settlement for your gift of $20 or more today we will send you keys to receiving God's justice on CD or DVD and right now we'd also like to send you a powerful worship CD I am the names of God this CD glorifies the names and characteristics of God and will change the spiritual atmosphere of any word to get your copy of keys to receiving God's justice on CD or DVD and the powerful worship CD simply go online to dreams and mysteries calm and click on TV offers or call us at one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five many people wonder how the Holy Spirit enters a person what does that look like the Holy Spirit is constantly drawing the spirit of man towards God well how does that happen it kind of happens like this within every person there is a spirit that's encased within a soul the longer a person resists accepting who Jesus is the thicker the walls of the soul become like really thick that encase spirit will respond to the Holy Spirit when it comes near but the thickness of the soul which the Bible calls hardness of heart can keep you from hearing God God chooses any way he sees fit to connect to the spirit of man he does that by his Spirit though a dream a vision a prophetic word an act an act of kindness a critical mass of exposure to people who had the Holy Spirit indwelling in them provoking you all of these can trigger that spiritual embryo to come to life and a person let me show you what I mean the spirit of a person who knows God is like a fertilized egg from the moment you know God your spirit begins to come alive what does the spirit of someone who doesn't know God look like the difference is before salvation a person spirit is not only encased inside their soul it doesn't have the ability to grow because it's basically an unfertilized egg how sad it has the potential for greatness but it's dormant it needs the light of the Sun s on2 fertilize it it's that unfertilized egg that either responds or doesn't respond to the Holy Spirit when it draws near to them when someone does respond to the Holy Spirit and receives the seed of salvation from heaven this is what the Bible calls being born again because the seed of heaven has entered the egg and new life has begun what's amazing is the variety of ways the Spirit of God can touch a person one of those ways is through a dream you I had a dream that I was in the house I grew up in I knew it was my house but I look different on the second floor it had a staircase that led straight up into the Attic there was a lot of light shining from the Attic I really wanted to go up there but I was scared I didn't feel like it was bad it was just so bright and different I had this dream several times here's the meaning of the dream houses that we fill our hours usually represent our lives it's the home of our childhood it represents an issue in our life that took place when we were a child something that was a long long time in coming the attic with the light coming out as an invitation from above or an invitation from heaven this invitation could have taken place during your childhood but in this dream God is reminding her of it again through these recurring dreams that she has so why is she afraid what would make her afraid in the streams that's the real question it's not so much the light it probably was the unknown he said she didn't feel like the light was bad but she did say that it was bright and so so different from the rest of the house meaning the rest of the house is probably darker in its tenor or in the the composition of the dream the dream itself remember the house represents her life so if the light was brighter than her life the net says something is darker than what she's being invited to or lower or less life-giving than what she's invited to so this dream says God is inviting her into a higher plane of life a relationship with him but she's afraid to enter that life out of fear that it will be a drastic difference between how she lives now and what she might then turn out to live that's how revelation works in dreams you see the Spirit of God communicated to this young lady while she was asleep he bypassed her arguments he invited her into a relationship with him and even revealed the secrets of her heart the obstacles that were keeping her from embracing him now that's revelation it seeped revelation acts when we don't know what we don't know but God infinite in his wisdom infinite in his understanding omniscient in all of his knowing meaning he knows everything allows us to get glimpses of things that will help us so God is pouring out his spirit in these last days through dreams and visions that's what he's promised to do in the scripture he's promised that for thousands of years from the Prophet Joel on and that's what God wants to do for you he wants to reveal things that you don't know all of us have things we don't know there are things we need to know and thinks he wants us to know and why does he tell us the simple reason is this because he really does love you over the last 30 years John Paul Jackson has studied how God speaks metaphorically through dreams parables and proverbs in the Bible God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $35 or more we'd like to send you the beginner's dream bundle a 2-cd teaching the basics of dreams visions and strange events and three dream carts to help you understand and decode what God is telling you while you sleep if you still need more jump up to the advance dream bundle for your gift of $50 or more we'll include everything you see plus John Paul's 6 CD set understanding dreams and visions and the moments with God dream journal dreams are messages from eternity but without an interpretation they're just a mere occurrence order your dream bundle today visit dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five classes in session with John Paul Jackson's online school of ministry available online our for university caliber courses written by John Paul it's never been easier to take a quantum leap forward in your spiritual walk the courses include the art of hearing God understanding dreams and visions prayer and spiritual warfare amp living the spiritual life begin your journey to better understand everything that God has for you by going to dreams and mysteries.com you ever wonder how your spirit has room for such a big God that's why we need the Holy Spirit you might say he expands us he transforms us it remodels our innermost parts it doesn't come that way it takes a supernatural transformation think of it as remodeling your innermost parts to give God's Spirit a new home when you receive the Holy Spirit your soul what the Bible calls your old wineskin begins a transformation process and that transformation process requires the breaking of your soul this is what allows your spirit to expand you want your spirit to expand because that is what is able to contain everything that God wants to do in it wouldn't expands it becomes capable of holding everything the Holy Spirit wants to share with you but your spirit only expands when you allow your soul to break this is called the breaking process one of the mysteries that seldom understood is that the Holy Spirit lives in you to the degree that you removed the limitations by allowing him in you in other words when he comes in limitations are removed so where do you start you start by asking God ask him to show you where you have made God too small ask him to show you the painful places that hide behind the walls you've built there are painful places in all of us we have to trust him to remove those walls one brick at a time this is exactly what Jesus was doing in the Garden of Gethsemane hooni said his soul was exceedingly troubled his soul meaning his mind his will and emotions were trying to rule him even at that crucial hour but through prayer his spirit overcame his soul and the result became quickly not my will but thy will be done many of us live our lives trying to avoid brokenness we've become a society that bases the majority of the decisions we make on how to avoid pain and sometimes we see change as a major issue of pain so we don't want to change as a result we flinch at God's efforts to prune us and when you avoid pruning you're never going to experience the fruit that you once were were capable of having little own experience what God made you capable of producing I have a hobby of gardening I've learned that the energy goes into producing branches it does not go into producing fruit the more branches you have the fewer fruit you have so I've learned that pruning is a key to fruit production brokenness is God's pruning process has God been pruning you I've gone through those times myself sometimes it's the pain that you experience that yields the most fruit in your life you've been given access to the eternal mysteries of God through this incredible gift of the Holy Spirit the more you allow your soul your mind your will and your emotions to be broken the more God will grow and expand your spirit so how do you get through this time of pruning this painful process are you willing is the first thing you know you need to ask yourself do you really want a deeper walk with God are you ready to let God's Holy Spirit pour into you at a deeper level are you willing to let the Holy Spirit infuse you are there places in your life that God wants to enter are you ready for the deepest parts of God to touch the deepest parts of you even if you feel it might be too painful are you willing to let God prune many of us are missing out on one of the greatest gifts Christians have today a deepening relationship with the Holy Spirit this mysterious relationship begins at salvation but like all relationships it takes time to develop relationship with the Holy Spirit and personage of the Holy Spirit is a five disc teaching series that will help you uncover the eight keys to exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit what gift you have that the enemy wants to destroy what it means to be born of the Spirit plus so much more that you may have never even considered that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and desires of relationship with you for your gift of $45 or more we'd like to send you these resources on deepening your relationship with the Holy Spirit to start your journey go to dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five I find myself often praying this way father you are the light of the world and that same light that you have you've shared with me and father I want to use that light to touch others I want to touch people just as Peter did from a shadow length away increase your light inside of me help me do that may everyone I come in contact with recognize something different in me and that difference is you and father I pray that everyone watching would come to fully understand the value of this incredible gift you've given to us this deepest most intimate part of you your Holy Spirit increase your presence in each of our lives and increase your presence in them make them a light to the world not just a symbolic light but a tangible visible light that causes strangers to stop and ask for prayer and made this light this spirit they carry be felt whenever they enter a room may their arrival change the spiritual atmosphere and advance your kingdom in Jesus name I pray amen you
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 225,371
Rating: 4.8853407 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries, Dreams & Mysteries, dreams, dream interpretation, Daystar, Christian TV, Christian, Holy Spirit (Deity)
Id: 8e_dr7Fgxco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 17 2014
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