Dream, Keemstar, All Gas No Breaks Interview with Andrew Callaghan - Off The Rails # 2

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Oh man, Ian is precious with his dst excitement.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 120 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JtolaJeff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit Dan was the star of that intro lol funniest thing on the podcast in a while. Hope they do more intro skits on OTR.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Throw-Me-Again πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I seriously hope they keep filming skits. It feels like old h3h3productions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 224 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/markstrand πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

We're in an H3Podcast golden age.

Wow Ethan, greats moves keep it up. Proud of you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 187 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fluffybunniesFtw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how much of an enabler Zach is. Dan just goes "Oh fuck" when that Godfather music starts playing.

Zach truly is the best sound person I've ever seen. He's amazing at it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 141 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dan’s unpopular opinion really spoke to me as someone who has struggled to stay vegetarian.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 139 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kujojolyne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

from that wild intro that left me in tears to Ethan’s rant about pasta being F tier food, this entire episode was all in all incredible! (also whoever was in charge of photoshop for Trisha’s segment did a hilarious job)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/average_meh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man, the Dream stans are already mad on twitter and talking shit about the H3 crew

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jupiterlane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan and Andrew were so real. It felt awesome to watch them just talk so naturally. Usually guests feel so awkward or rehearsed but Andrew was a great guest and had a good vibe with Ethan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dandydaniella πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi guys welcome today's episode of off the rails in our previous episode we talked about how there's people who do what's called shifting when they can will themselves into the world of harry potter for real not imagination they're really there in hogwarts so today i'm going to be using the ravenclaw method to shift myself into the world of harry potter i have the crew here who's going to be giving me positive affirmations that i am indeed a wizard which i know i am and eventually hopefully this is gonna end up with me having a um sexual encounter with hagrid that's the goal here folks so with that being said let's get on shifting boys and girls watching you boys but girl everybody watching the raven method involves laying in a starfish position and counting to 100 usually with subliminals playing or with positive affirmations said between numbers all right let's do let's start the ceremony guys all right here we go i'm just going to relax so what we're just you're a wizard and [ __ ] like what are we i don't know how are we affirming you you're a wizard you can use magic is real all right ethan you're wizard you're wizard you're a wizard or anything you're a wizard too mighty [Music] can you guys maybe just try like i'm trying to do harry potter why are you talking about david copperfield he's a magician can you try a little bit harder he's an illusionist he doesn't have a [ __ ] he can't do an abracadabra you can't do a patronus can you guys try a little harder please because you're killing me okay gandalf's pretty good gandalf is [ __ ] lord of the rings bro he was a good character one you're a wizard you're a wizard you're always amazing 86 89 [Music] oh my god oh i can't believe it i'm in harry potter is that dobby come over here doggy oh my goodness it's so nice to see you hello you don't talk hi oh that sounds a lot like love but wow it looks just like dobby i can't believe oh my god is that the hogwarts express david come right on the hogwarts with me the hogwarts express yes this is i've shifted let's go dobby let's go to hogwarts on the hogwarts express baby he's gonna [ __ ] kill himself jesus christ ethan ethan do you see that tommy stop budgeting and listen look that's voldemort you had a chance to kill hitler as a baby would you take it i would [Music] [Music] we did it we did it bobby [Music] we did it tommy we did it dobby we saved hogwarts [ __ ] you [ __ ] get him the [ __ ] off that catchment [Music] i saved hogwarts just let me smell your armpit what the [ __ ] where am i what is all this lovebot what happened to you lovebot how did this happen to you oh damn dan you can fix him right he's happy to be with his friends it's his time no no no don't say that love bot such a beautiful place no dad can you fix him no [Music] he's dead he's dead hey it's off the rails we're back totally off the rails as usual today's episode is sponsored by bespoke post and upstart love are you okay he's fine you know he's fine he's indestructible i'm doing fine i'll tell you what that lovebot is pretty hardy though it's no gatsby but it's take already taken a good amount of punishment yeah it seems to be in good working order oh yeah so what um i shifted you guys i was able to achieve shifting and you know it was everything they said it would be immoral i killed voldemort i had a sexual experience with hagrid where his [ __ ] filled like the whole cabin yeah we left that part out of the edit but uh yeah it was too graphic it got pretty 30 seconds it got pretty weird in here i filled the whole cabin the roof fell off was blasted off splinters everywhere but i was enveloped in his [ __ ] mean like a blanket of [ __ ] meat of hagrids yeah people thought when i was describing uh hogwarts uh uh hagrid's growing penis people thought that i was really into fan fiction is fan fiction really like that don't play dumb are you stopping do they really talk like that like his [ __ ] meat grew and blew off the cabin and i was enveloped in it anal sex i'm not super i'm not uh super deep into the world of fan fiction myself either but um i thought i was being over the top but here's the comments if you guys don't believe me ethan's hagrid shifting fanfic was way too detailed i know he's done it before not gonna lie the draco fanfic and ethan's voice was probably the most unsettling thing on the planet yeah well basically the actor who plays dracco tom felton is a fan of teddy fresh vis-a-vis anything's possible draco although yeah it's whatever and my fantasy is draco ethan putting his english college degree to good use with that harry potter fan fiction thank you that's a compliment this second kid is going to go back and watch this expecting something wholesome just to be ass blasted by harry potter fanfics [Music] what is that referring to to your second child on the way because the episode that the pregnancy was announced so it's kind of posterity they might go back and watch it and they're just going to see their dad ranting about hagrid's stick for 20 minutes that makes sense yeah i wonder what the kids are gonna think about this i mean they're gonna it's just interesting to think that they're gonna have all this content to tap into right yeah yeah i mean something tells me they won't care or be interested because usually kids don't they're not impressed maybe not as kids or teenagers but um but maybe later in life you know you think so you think they'll respect me what i've done with my career you know hagrid we'll find out don't you want to wouldn't be wouldn't you want to lay in bed in a [ __ ] blanket hagrid's giant wizard [ __ ] uh we actually have a caller um on discord who reached out to me who had some uh first-hand experience with uh shifting and you're not gonna leave we have a shift there yeah and not it's not just any shifter you're you're gonna be put them on i'm really impressed i have so many questions all right ladies and gentlemen the president of the united states joseph robinette biden robinette what's his middle name robin robinette joseph joe fox man look hey here i am man look you bet your bottom dollar i know about about shifting man wow so tell me about your experience with shifting uh the president of the united states is a shifter that's awesome look i'm a huge potter head i shifted once and it had their hogwarts and i got the opportunity i got her hermione or her mini granger i smelled her hair and one of the best memories wow you want to confess that right now that you shifted just to smell hermione's hair that's a little bizarre her hair is luscious luscious locks man look and i remember past passing the crime bill back in 94 that was another another one of my favorite memories man okay the crime well okay cool uh in harry potter or in real life because i'm confused now what you're talking about folks this is this uh this is real there's a real world real world with the wizards oh oh oh okay does joe know where he i'm uh joe maybe he's shifting right now joe are you okay yeah okay so you want to tell me about your shifting experience kind of like how did you how did you get involved in shifting what did you do when you were shifting yeah yeah sure sure thing fatso fats what ethan that's rude i know i know one two three or four about shifting man look when i shift my my 52 plymouth crayon book up to to 65 all the birds do a soda found soiree down by don levy's cattle crow's nest that's all right thank you joe i don't he's i don't think he knows you ever shifted the black magic senate to champ joyce randolph sean all right you can cut you you can cut them off okay i'm sorry joe and joe thank you thank you for your contribution joe biden um well we did get that he smelled hermione granny's hair but everything else was intelligible wow joe biden yeah you think joe biden would have something better to do than call our show yeah pandemic there's like you know right there's like so many problems in this country watching harry potter shifting tick tock not sure you're living yo you guys gotta see this so you all remember the no such thing as a coincidence that great meme from tick tock in fact let me show it to renew your guys's memory um let me find it there's no such thing as a coincidence here it is there's all right so cut in [Music] let us know when you're getting in go ahead okay all right you guys remember this guy he goes there's no such thing as a coincidence we're energetically aligned and he just talks about some random [ __ ] here no such thing as a coincidence the fact that you're watching this video means you are energetically aligned with me and aquafarians aquafarians mermaids so he he uses the fact that i'm watching the video being such a coincidence that whatever he says is true it was great it's a great meme okay we've learned recently that there may not be such thing as a coincidence he was right he was right there's no such thing as a coincidence yo okay this is such a deep rabbit hole trisha paytas with the no such thing as a coincidence guy in a video from 2016. now this gets even crazier okay no such thing as a coincidence with trisha paytas and then guess who's this girl that's the other that's the girl we were talking about like an episode or two ago she was the 16 year old courtney stodden yeah who was married to like a 50 year old or whatever she was married to the 50 year old from the green mile the shitty guard how is this possible that everything comes connected dude we are energetically aligned this is insane the fact that tricia did a video with him and courtney and stoddard in 2016 means there's no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as a coincidence wow there's no such thing as a coincidence i wonder if he should harry potter shifts does that blow your guys's mind i mean this is insane yeah when i saw that somebody posted it on the subreddit and i was i was flabbergasted i thought it was just they were just goofing at first and was like oh this guy just looks like him but if you look at the instagram account it's the same guy william knight i believe well and then the weird thing too is like we go oh is there no such thing as a coincidence guy that's crazy but then we watch the video we go oh my god that's also important or whatever her name is who we just talked about just talked about are you sure this is the same guy he looks so different it's the same guy holy [ __ ] bro we are so energetically aligned there is no such thing as a coincidence whoa i literally we are so energetically aligned did this happen bro the fact that you've watched this video of me reacting that right now means that the government is going to put out a classified they're supposed to build the classified thing this month of ufos and all the ufos are going to be trisha paytas all the aliens are trisha paytas no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as a coincidence how is it that trisha paytas is in literally everything she's been everywhere there's no such thing as a coincidence there is no such thing as a coincidence trisha paytas was pictured this is gonna blow your mind if i can find my cursor this is going to blow your mind trisha paytas was pictured at the assassination of jfk there's no such thing as the queen on the grassy knoll this is her right here explain that we are energetically aligned right you're the second shooter she may have been i mean how i mean what the [ __ ] [Music] trisha paytas was at the o.j simpson trial did you know that there's no such thing as the coin there is no such thing as a coincidence we are energetically aligned she looks like she's having a good time she's there yeah she's having way too much fun this is a serious situation there's no such thing as a coincidence gotta note that the music's too loud trisha paytas was in india with the beatles apparently wow didn't expect that one there's no such thing as the coincidence yeah she fits right in bro trisha paytas has been everywhere she's been on every show and in every reality trisha paytas was at the muhammad ali with this picture whatever this was round one jesus you too there's no such thing as president wow she's energetically aligned with everything what if trisha is literally like the comment thread in the whole universe like she is string theory she ties all the universes together yeah she's like the god particle trisha peters was at tenement square massacre and she's posing she's like cheers she's like there's no such jeez as a coincidence this is insane i cannot believe what i'm seeing trisha paytas at the titanic taking a cannonball that's just inappropriate there's no such thing as the coin this is just not taking the situation seriously yeah there's a tragic event there's no such thing as a coincidence though trisha paytas uh uh uh what the [ __ ] is this that's uh vladimir lenin with uh in the russian revolution she was at the russian revolution she's a communist comrade vladimir putin there's no i cannot believe this that's why this was with abraham lincoln um during the civil war ladies and gentlemen wow even though she doesn't seem to know what the civil war is she was there yeah she didn't she didn't learn she didn't stop to learn that much oh my god she filmed an apology video on the moon that is outrageous i cannot believe this information i have a lot of ques she was at the last supper holy [ __ ] wait she's jude isn't that judas that's where judas sat i i don't know holy [ __ ] a little late on that sound drop i cannot believe what i've learned about trish payton yeah there's no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as the coins that tripped me out so we had to do a whole thing about it i gotta ask her about this it seems like she's in a sexual relationship with them in front of me totally honest or that girl especially they're just they're just being girls really i don't know in a night out i don't know i don't i don't make out with my homies like that maybe i should start i know it looks like she's trying to [ __ ] if i'm just interpreting what i'm looking at gotta ask her about this man i'm gonna come anyway so there's some ahead so we've got quite a show here coming up we've got andrew callahan formerly from all gas no breaks calling in in a little bit to discuss his his new channel basically is a really interesting story behind his departure from all gas snow breaks a show that we love and uh his establishing of channel five so looking forward to that and until then did you get i'm having a hard time this is a big drama on youtube minecraft drama dream is this minecraft youtube speedrunner who's like catapulted to fame i mean if you go to his channel here um gosh he he has 22 million but i feel like he just got started like a year ago 23 million subs just watching my algorithms get crushed right and his he's got these these minecraft videos that have like 30 to 90 million views now i'm not putting a value judgment i don't know anything about minecraft so i'm not saying like oh this content stupid river i don't you know i don't know clearly it's good people love it you know do any of you guys know anything about dream uh i i was aware of him just because his presence on the internet is kind of hard to avoid uh i think he's been big i think he's been growing for a while you know it wasn't just recently although i agree i feel like i just heard about him yeah in the last year it seems like he's really just everywhere well hold on his oldest v i don't know if he erased but his oldest videos from one year ago he must have erased i'm looking at his social blade for that channel right now and it was created in 2014 um so uh the the at least the channel's been around for a lot longer than that this time last year he had just over 2 million subs wow wow so in one year's time he's gained 21 million subbies right so the guy he's apparently this minecraft savant who's been like breaking records and doing all this crazy [ __ ] but like what's interesting to me is that he's been accused of cheating quite a bit and he's gotten into f there's like it reminds me of the king of kong you know this documentary where mm-hmm pretty similar it's it's like all these people get into it about uh donkey kong who has the top record someone's accused of cheating it's all this is so dramatic but it's so entertaining so love has been in a dispute with the minecraft mods you just you just said love has been in a dream i didn't realize you were involved yeah i haven't cheated in minecraft as far as i know that's exactly that's that's literally what dream is that that's what with this screen what is with love screen what's with yeah my eyes there you go okay so um he's been accused of cheating by like the mods okay of the speed run website and he and then he even he went so as far to prove that he's not cheating is that he hired some harvard mathematician to write proofs about how he's not stealing and and it's boiled up to the point where dude here let let me it's it's i cannot believe the drama of all this let me show you guys first of all some of dreams world records because i don't even know what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is well it's not a world it's not a world record but what does it mean to speed run minecraft well minecraft has a has a an end right i guess of it and stuff i mean most people play it in a very kind of just like open way where you just kind of do whatever you want but um but there is there is an actual game to it well when i was playing there was no game but i guess now they added [ __ ] where like there's a you have to get to the ender dragon and kill the ender dragon right yeah and that's so that's it's a speed run to do that okay i see so um well yeah here it is let's watch the big moment he's gonna take out that winter dragon boys crafting uh picking yes let's get it exciting stuff we got a stone axe on deck let's go i guess this video is really long here i want one yeah we had a time stamp to the end i'm not sure uh what happened to that it's just kind of chaotic i feel bad for feelings go yeah there you go that was the end right there oh he just dynamited him or something yeah using some like exploit you know like most speed runs let's go okay you gotta hear what he says right here though oh really yeah knowing what we know now hell yeah hell yeah oh my god i'm so happy but i am so mad dude that would have been world record that could have been world record i had insane luck oh my god yeah insane in that room at like 12 minutes dude if i took the same time on the end that that just took just then that okay so he says insane luck so these mods have been crunching the numbers being like the the amount of luck you get is impossible in short like in a in a random number generated world it's it's it's uh impossible here's a video of them calling him out here let's see let's take a look at dreams odds this isn't exactly a good look across six streams dream bartered 262 times and got 42 pearl traits which when plugged into the formula comes in at 1 in 177 billion so these guys crunch the numbers they're like this is just visually it's just mathematically impossible and then dream instead of being like yo you guys got me or whatever he goes out of his way he like wages war on these mods that are like these small community mods he accuses them of like lying and trying to to like defame him and [ __ ] i mean they're cloud chasers just like yeah it's like anybody who says anything about anybody on the internet yeah let's see here's after tweet about it my 1.16 run was just rejected after research due to it being too unlikely to verify a video was made by a head mod and youtuber geo square using my name and click baitings cheating bro look he's so difficult to get easy views he's literally calling him a clown chaser let's go the problem is with this talking about this dream guy is that he has like very scary dedicated fans bro this is like some this is like giving me flashbacks to bts this you don't want to ever cross dream fans bruh i mean yeah the dream fans are the dream fans are uh pretty intense but nothing compared to the army still oh really okay that's good yeah army strong love bts by the way heart we love bts bro never die never surrender bts bts forever oh my god but anyway this guy youtuber geosquare who now he's [ __ ] on he's a small time youtuber as he said using my name to get easy views definitely responds to total bs currently have multiple mods messaging me that they believe the verdict was biased and they might quit the mod team what kind of investigation was this well anyway of course these guys were right as he showed it was like a one in 77 billion chance that he would get so lucky on his speed runs to get like the [ __ ] he gets and um this guy was so dedicated to proving his innocence he had a minecraft statistician or a harvard statistician write an extract look at this [ __ ] bro are you [ __ ] kidding me how is this not king of kong [ __ ] this is a 17 page i think even longer i think it's like 19 pages something like that king kong ain't got [ __ ] what is this report this word is a discussion on minecraft speedo or dream who during a live stream with speed running attempts on the minecraft 1.16 random seed glitches experience fairly low probability events over seemingly specific lengths of time extremely rare events pique our interest and we can reque and we can require an explanation eg the purpose of deciding whether dream speed runs are eligible for official leaderboards so we hired this guy commissioned him wrote this whole scientific [ __ ] is this bro this has got to be a documentary this is some king of kong [ __ ] for sure look at this section 6.1 binomial distribution for blaze rod drops 6.2 probability evaluations for elder elder pearls ender pearls i can now calculate the probability of receiving the number of successful trades of dream six streams in question i was like whoa bro this is insane blaze rod probability we got curves hell yeah we got ender pearl boost amount versus interpol uh plot by photo execute i don't know bro i mean look at this have you i've never seen video games taken to this level before let's go so at any rate god i mean wow this this is insane we got maths and everything man so here you go okay now it comes out that apparently people started calling and the question this scientist who he hired this is an astrophysicist that graduated from harvard to prove that he didn't cheat in a 19 page report detailing why he didn't cheat and why the accusations of geo square was wrong here's dream talking about why you hired this astrophysicist this is amazing stuff you guys come on even if you're not into minecraft which i'm not at all yeah me neither but this story is just so good professor with a phd that graduated from harvard that's actually a practicing astrophysicist that is an expert in statistics and astro statistics after reaching out to this expert he insisted that if he was going to do this analysis that i must agree to release his findings regardless of if they made me look good or they made me look bad knowing that i'm innocent i agreed the mod team is a group of respectable people but they're also young and a group of volunteers so it's hard to fault them for making mistakes when compared to a full-time professional with a specific expertise in a field like this after extensive research into the mods math and the logic and reasoning behind this math the expert found that the math was off okay so yeah i mean yeah so now people are going over this astrophysicist math and being like yo you made a bunch of errors and then when this guy started getting heat from people apparently he just disappeared right he dipped he just was like uh bro what did you get me into which is kind of what i'm wondering what i'm getting myself into oh yeah leave dream alone so these are the small time mods who he's [ __ ] on and calling liars by the way minecraft speedrun this you know they've got let's see 4 500 followers on twitter you know that he's beefing with this guy with 23 million subs right following the report released by photo execute excitation that was commissioned by dream numerous qualified sources have examined the math and found considerable flaws both in the method methodology and accuracy of calculations our team has compiled a short response addressing the claims and the critique this response attempts to clarify our original statement as well as critique the math in the report we continue to stand by the conclusion that there is no feasible legitimate way dream experienced his rates in the october uh 16 speed run attempt amazing uh amazing look at the top comments by the way top comment is dream did not cheat not because of his position but statistically possible speaking there is always a chance there's always a chance there's no such thing as a coincidence yeah i mean i know that what's the chance that trisha was in a photo with both those people there's always a chance there's no such thing as the coin i love this like this like 15 year old is trying to do like uh he's trying to argue with like mathematicians bro there's always a chance if we use the lottery for example the chances are are absolutely slim but there are so many different probabilities but it isn't impossible here's another one jesus you got to leave him alone let him have his [ __ ] speed run no feasible ways basically saying impossible yeah so there you have it now i don't know what exactly prompted dream to put this out but now he recently just fessed up to it he made a statement being like yeah i [ __ ] cheated what prompted him to do that do you know that's a good question i guess maybe just mounting pressure from people pointing out that all of his arguments don't make any sense i mean in retrospect you know now that we know that he did cheat and that these mods were right i mean it was of course he cheated like they said it was like a 1 in 17 billion chance that this happened it's like i'll tell you it's so obvious to be able to understand the games if things are appearing like way too you know there's a really interesting story i used to play a lot of poker in college and there was people playing poker who had super admin access and these guys who play poker on a high level are like brilliant mathematicians and they started noticing like this guy is winning way too often and something doesn't add up so they started crunching this random person's numbers they would play they would sit at the table with him and and then analyze his hands over like 10 000 hands and they could show very clearly on a chart that the the the amount of hands he was winning and the plays he was doing compared to other pros was like way off the charts like economical and that's how they caught this guy it was like this huge scandal back in the 2000s that somebody from like the pokerstars team was [ __ ] playing high level poker with the super admin account and these mathematicians this is what they did with dreams run it just dream is this guy right the king of kong guy yeah you got to watch the king of com that bro i this needs to be a documentary well dream is anonymous he doesn't show his face so i don't know you wouldn't be able to involve him i guess this was the villain from king of kong he had all the records and it turns out he got like all of his scores scrubbed for cheating so you know i cannot find my [ __ ] cursor okay so for some reason he put out this statement and then immediately deleted it like this guy is just kind of bro i don't understand this dude basically he says it's a really long post and kind of i when i first read this i thought it was like a ironic i was like does this [ __ ] serious like i feel this is something important to talk about i've been very withheld for a while about it and just decided i'd probably be best just let it out so i can feel relaxed a little more this will be a very long read yada yada oh he goes i'm writing this in my bathtub at 4 am on my phone so forgive my mistakes he wrote this on his phone come on you expect me to believe you wrote this on your phone in his bathtub like candlelit you cheated on your speedrun i don't believe anything he says now back in november 2020 i for the first time since 1.16 had released i decided to try a speed run and get a decent time my goal was to get faster than 25 minutes which was a pretty good time and fairly obtainable yada yada well his is exp it's so [ __ ] long you guys yeah we definitely don't need to read the whole thing but what he what he ends up fessing up to is that he does have a mod installed and uh yeah that changed the drop rates just like everybody had said from the beginning and he said oh i didn't know he's like i just he said i just changed the drop rates because it would save me time from having to start new games every time well specifically to to give his argument a fair shake what he's saying is that he didn't think the mod that he had installed affected the speed run so he knew it was installed but he had it installed for his other content because he doesn't just do speedrunning he's just like a general i'm sorry but if you understand the game as good as he does you understand absolutely i think he's full of [ __ ] but this is just this is what he's saying is that like it's so if he has this mod installed to make these rare items drop way more common it's so obvious when you're playing and it's working or not yeah come on dude yeah so obvious well he's just getting lucky that's what he said in the at the end i got so lucky you know it's funny and then he gets an argument with all these people where they're like there's no possible way to get that lucky and he's like i don't know there's there's a chain talking about there's always a chance hell yeah you know i had a physics teacher in college he goes you know there's a chance that you could just fall through the earth because the molecules just align it's like a one and a quadruple billion chance but there's a chance so anything's possible right i wish i had some choice passages from this was there anything funny worth talking about in this the the fact that he was writing in the bathtub is probably the funniest part at 4am yeah dick in hand yep hey guys i just beat off a quick one and i'm feeling really relaxed soaking in my own filth i'm typing this on my cell phone so please ooh baby no no no no there is kind of a fanfic about dream even though it doesn't show his face he's got like that corpse husband thing where they go i'm soaking in a bathtub i just wipe i just cleaned my ass i don't ever i'm in the bathtub sitting in poop and stitches my candlelight oh yeah so anyway i just thought i thought the whole story arc was super interesting how he like hired this mathematician relentlessly attacked these poor mods who were right in the end right it's worth noting too that and i won't necessarily put this on him but he we were alluding to his rabid fan base this was part of it those mods were getting like just horrible death threats and [ __ ] sent to them by you know his supporters and everything because they were right those poor guys so you would think that his fans would be pissed like oh my god we defended you and you cheated this whole time after all this back and forth and drama here's the here's the if i'm being honest i don't care you cheated i like watching your content for fun and many other people do i like you said you were never a professional speedrunner you only did it for fun bro you hired a mathematician what's fun about that you literally went and bought hard and made this whole hub about how you got a harvard educated phd to write a dissertation i need that clout that guy could have been working on something important and he's writing papers about speed runs that were faked you know what i mean we don't have very much phd physic physicians physicians physic physicians [Music] physics decisions in the [Music] people go this is what i've been trying to explain you're getting so much hate over a block game bro you're the one that hired the physicist he's like i need albert he's like put together his own like uh manhattan project to prove he wasn't cheating i need all the biggest brains in the world to prove that these mods of a 4 500 follower twitter account are lying about me [Music] i can't believe people are so upset over minecraft well i'm with him there no you're living but basically they're like oh it's just a misunderstanding we love you i don't care about dream though this thing was weird billy mitchell vibes [Music] yeah so he erased his apology that he he wrote at 4 00 a.m in a pool of in a bathtub of his own jizz yeah and then he goes this guy lie i don't know this guy must be a pathological liar or something because there's nothing he says makes sense like guys use your brain he goes pastebin i post the other day was removed by staff no it wasn't yeah it's not a thing i just come on dude you don't have to lie to kick it bro you know what i'm saying so i deleted the tweet so annoying okay bro sure so annoying the paste bin mods deleted your post no they didn't so repost it this guy lies about everything i'm telling you i can tell and then he talked about in a video here he is when i when i saw this video this is where i fully turned on him oh really well just hear what he said okay so this is him addressing the whole controversy after the fact um hbo please pick this up it'd be a whole different story if i was like you know i don't know maybe it'd be i feel like it's one of those situations where communication was the biggest flaw i guess communication miscommunication bad communicate poor communication between me and the mod team poor communication between me and the dev and then just emotions i guess um you know i had i had you know i had huge emotions the monty met huge emotions um the public had huge emotions you know my fans had huge emotions it was just like this [ __ ] fest of everybody being hugely emotional and uh what is hugely emotional i've never heard that i've expressed it that way before i've never heard uh the problem was i was lying expressed as i missed communicating yeah well yeah that's one way to put it yeah i guess miss a lie is a miscommunication in a way so he's like bro oh oh i was cheating the whole time i forgot totally misunderstood i i i i miscommunicate when i said when i said that you're full of [ __ ] i didn't cheat i i misspoke i missed you he's like they miscommunicated too it was a whole communication breakdown you know everybody's kind of at fault here right minecraft a lot of blame to go around on this in this whole situation i just find it so ironic that his fans are now like why is everyone getting heated over minecraft but that's his whole life he's the guy who's like a minecraft guy yeah oh yeah you want him to take it seriously or not right and play that again zach yeah that's him oh yeah hell yeah what are we talking about he sounds pretty hyped he sounds like he's pretty into it right basically i don't i feel like it's one of those things where it's just it's a it's a shitty situation regardless stream the elmo game right now nah uh i don't know i'll wait i'll see i'll see what donkey says let's see what dunkey says oh donkey made a video about him slamming him [ __ ] slammed him donkey i can't i can never tell if donkey's actually being serious or not but his video was so funny you know i i was watching the whole thing waiting for the bait and switch because oftentimes he'll kind of troll with that kind of stuff and then the video just ends with dreams of [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah he sucks and yeah but he actually just [ __ ] on dream okay that's awesome it was short too i kind of want to watch it yeah no i mean i think people at this point uh people made up their mind either way like people are acting like this like this like mental thing and you confess well i guess he means do you buy my excuse that i didn't know i was shooting or right right right me a professional minecraft player that's dedicated my old life to minecraft didn't know i'm unaware that's like an mlb like a baseball player being like i swear to god i didn't know the bat was corked i was just using a bat it felt the same it's like bro the bat feels very different when it's corked and you're a professional player you know that shut the [ __ ] up you just lied about paste bin removing your post that didn't happen right and the whole thing was that this he he got lucky over the course of six videos so it's like yeah you have one time where it's like holy [ __ ] i'm just getting god rolls right now everything's going my way sure but when you do it six times in a row and your entire life is minecraft you know something's off after after even two times in a row sometimes you get what you [ __ ] deserve oh [ __ ] yeah i just want to watch this documentary so bad it would be so good especially if we get dunky to narrate running a misinformation campaign in order to try and like be like oh dream dream you need to get taken down like he cheated in his manhunt he cheated in his speed runs he cheated and all that cheating and everything like even if you even if you say um even if you want to believe that i intentionally cheated on the one 1.16 submitted run on twitch um which i didn't but if you want to believe that i did that's fine okay but don't try and discredit my accomplishments or my youtube channel for something that wasn't on my youtube channel was never uploaded on my youtube channel never had anything youtube channel i've never posted i'm like this guy's a cheater bro what's that cheats i don't know anything about them please don't hang please don't kill me dream fans just listen to what i'm saying the pace spins the story you know that's [ __ ] i'm sorry the mods don't care explain to me one rationale where this pace spin mods delete his post for no [ __ ] reason doesn't happen oh my gosh yes here you want to watch donkey's video about this and i have to say i don't know anything about minecraft i really need to i'm just captivated by the story yeah i mean i i i'm not a minecraft player myself and but it's just it's shakespearean bro yeah exactly it's like this fall from grace you can't help but uh be taken in by it so this video is called taking back my apology to dream i don't know i guess did they have some kind of beef yeah he had made he explains in this video that he had previously made a video calling him a cheater and then he made another video apologizing to dream and now this video is his retraction of his apology i love donkey yeah legend [ __ ] what the [ __ ] does clip mean is this a new feature yeah oh is this on every video uh i think so yeah huh dream cheese i think it's something for gaming oh for real oh yeah it's there competing with the twitch clips thing okay here we go well i can't believe i'm actually saying this but can you turn it up dream cheated you guys this is such a horrific day for the minecraft community for people that are out of the loop on the dream drama five months ago the famous speedrunner dream got caught cheating in a speed run so i made a video called minecraft speed on her dream busted for cheating drama but then dream put out a video proving and notice how proving is in quotation marks there he put out a video proving he didn't cheat so then the whole internet flipped to being back on dream side so i had to make an apology video to dream otherwise my channel could have been cancelled well turns out that apology video was a huge waste of my time because dream really did cheat yep just yesterday dream admitted on twitter that he cheated in his speed run hey guys dream here i'm writing this 10-page document in my math at 4am on my phone blah blah blah bunch of dumb [ __ ] turns into pictures i didn't have cheat codes on whoops lazy son of a [ __ ] now you guys know how big of a dream fan i am so to see this five months after defending this guy tirelessly from all the trolls and all the non-believers and then turns out he actually was cheating this whole time i i just i you know what i'm not a dream fan anymore yeah i said it i'm not a dream fan anymore i am so sick of this guy lying to his fans distorting the truth sending all of his fans on witch hunt against me and then to top it all off he actually cheated this entire time and you know what game we cheated at minecraft yeah let that sink in dream cheated at minecraft a game designed for five year olds seriously all you do in this game is hit dirt with a pickaxe and eat chicken and dream here to cheat at that children can beat this game but dream the supposed master of minecraft he had to cheat at a game that children can beat it is absolutely pathetic dream how about this speedrun an actual video game that people speed run like mario 64. oh wait you actually have to be good at video games to speed run mario 64. never mind also there's no cheats for mario 64 so i guess you could never ever speed run that one here's a game for you to speed run dream elmo's letter adventure your fans would love this game oh wait you actually have to know the entire alphabet to speedrun this game dream you could speedrun pokemon but you'll probably die instead so there it is everybody the mods were right dream cheated and i'm gonna be honest here my apology video i was actually being sarcastic that entire time yep i knew he cheated all along dream you blew it you embarrassed yourself and you ruined minecraft for everyone i can no longer play minecraft because of you because you are such a horrible person every time i see the enderman all i can think about is when dream's career ended because he cheated so there it is everybody dream sucks we all hate dream now he is a [ __ ] he is terrible at video games and i am really hoping that i don't have to do another apology video after this because i would look really stupid now if i had to do another one yeah there was no twist it's usually irony he sucks he's a [ __ ] we don't like dream folks all right we uh we gotta go to break oh [ __ ] okay all right let's go to break thank you bespoke post for sponsoring us after spending last summer on the sidelines we're all ready to get back out there make this year's lounge season an epic one so bespoke post is here to make your sand sun and surf game to the next level with a new lineup of must-have boxes of awesome collections for you guys now we actually picked out a box of awesome it was a caprese salad kit yeah and they send it in a way where it's like you you get the basil and then they send you [ __ ] to like make your own mozzarella cheese bread as a basil plant it's yeah it's like the whole thing they send you the plant they go they send you the cheesecloth so all of a sudden you're out here like a [ __ ] mad scientist making your own a bomb ass crazy we did that in the office yeah it's pretty sweet i i got some pubes in it on accident so nobody wanted to do that didn't happen i was the only one that ate it but it tasted really good didn't happen no it was amazing but they they've got a ton of like awesome collections for you guys to choose from you choose your favorite one you just have a great time bespoke post only sends you guys the best stuff every month no matter what you're into they've got a box of awesome that has you covered from breezy summer styles and grooming goods to travel and outdoor gear box of awesome has collections for every part of your life get started take the quiz at box of awesome dot com and your answer will help them pick the right box of awesome for you they release new boxes every month across a ton of different categories it's free to sign up and you can skip a month or cancel any time each box costs only 45 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here joe i voted for you yo buddy i love you man i got myself a diamond pickaxe dug my way into a world record full diamond armor too hand to god hand to god i'm my boy hunter's surfer you know and he's a real he's a real he's got a real rough go of it but some dog-haired soldier came in and burned my village down okay i sent the service after him burned his house down in real life whoa for life man got his parents audited by the irs too just a perk of being president don't grief my minecraft you dingbat guano breath dirt eater oh what the hell jesus okay whoa whoa whoa whoa joe pops up just to be clear joe you're accusing you literally ruined a griefer's life for burning down your minecraft village that seems like an overreaction yeah ruin his life running off time for griefing yeah so okay but do you think dream faked his speed run i mean what what are your thoughts on that look man you say this guy's a speedrunner well i used to skip down to the horse paddy with old bubble ross and shrimp boys and harvest moon barn burner and there's this fella soap shoes a good man he used to tail whip but tumbleweed faster than him joe we're talking about um dream you know the speed runner that's why you called in right yeah he could crack a fizzy lift and drink that would even send jimmy hines up to grizzlies creek mac believe me man now that's running with speed oh sorry oh oh my oh my mineconf what oh okay all right no not my coffman craft my crap okay all right all right sorry about that joe that guy does not it's hard to keep him on topic it's a little yeah he's getting longer than the twos bro i don't know what that is mineconf why did he say minecraft oh it kind of sounds like minecraft minecraft minecraft i i think he's a little hard of hearing he's he's he's getting up there in the age let's not take his calls anymore i know he's president but this is like just derailing the show okay i know it's off the rails but that's a little too off the road a little too long copy that all right and now last week we did um what did we do last week we did uh things that piss us off right grinding our gears yeah so we're coming at you today with another round table conversation coming at you true unpopular opinions now i challenge you guys to actually present me with a truly unpopular opinion i think i have an unpopular opinion that is truly unpopular to the point that i don't think i've ever met another person that even agrees with me hmm really i'm gonna kick it off okay let's hear it what you got you guy i i get a lot of hate for this so please don't get mad i'm just i'm just being honest [Music] i [ __ ] i think pasta sucks what pasta as a dish sucks does anyone agree with me exactly this is a true unpopular opinion but trust me this is a well sourced opinion let me tell you about pasta first of all every noodle is this [ __ ] same [ __ ] they got all these fancy noodles with the swirls and the knots and the bows and the the spaghetti it's all it's all the same it all tastes the same i don't care how you cut it first of all okay second of all you want to talk about calories pasta is one of the most unhealthy things you can eat it's not worth the calories i'd rather eat something else you give me a pasta a bowl of like bleached carbs you know simple cards you might as well just eat a loaf of bread with butter i mean what the [ __ ] that's good too that is good but i want to eat that for dinner and be like all good that's what you're doing when you eat pasta butter just buttered noodles people do that but pasta is well aware it's just as bad it's like oh i boiled some noodles and i put cream on it oh i boiled some noodles and i put butter on it oh i bought something to put marinara on it it's like bro give me a break i'm just saying like you eat a whole bowl of pasta you're gonna you're clocking a lot of cows i'd rather have a hamburger a burrito you know what i'm saying it's just not worth it this is anti-italian discrimination okay [ __ ] it didn't you have enough yeah didn't you have an anti-italian opinion last week too i was just talking about what did i say about the italians what was the thing about the attack oh it was the video of the people uh kissing or whatever oh hey i i was just trying to give the guy the benefit of the dog hmm i got nothing against the italians listen i'm afraid oh i know it wasn't done i have no one to blame but myself for this i know it was you alfredo you ate the pasta off my dinner table i wish i could say i was upset but i didn't want it anyway i know it was you fredo i know it was you afraid though that's what i'm saying this is a true unpopular opinion yeah no that's a pretty solid one i don't wait i'm not done oh jesus homemade pasta you know everyone oh you're gonna try homemade pasta you gotta go oh you gotta go to a nice italian homemade it's all let's say it's [ __ ] i've tried the homemade pasta i've done all the fancy [ __ ] i've tried it all it's still the same [ __ ] it's literally [ __ ] flour and like water and sometimes eggs boiled i get it what about like a big ziti or something like that i'm gonna go so i like okay i'm gonna do a little carve out for like i'm not there though like rap i'm just not there like lasagna that's interesting because the lasagna it's a little problem that's the pasta that's awesome that's impossible i'll give an honorable mention to lasagna because it does so much more it's still possible you've got a layer i'm giving i'm just carving out it one except possible exception you know you pissed off trisha because butternoodle is like her favorite dish yeah well oh wait a minute i know what this is about trisha won that cooking competition oh yeah i'm not done keep on owing over there i just realized but at least with us with at least with um lasagna it's like there's like the sauce and the meat and the layers are all the basil those are all things that could be on pasta yeah no customizing it no cheese but yeah i'll [ __ ] i'll throw a lasagna out too [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's all [ __ ] to me wow okay i'm not done shame then you gotta go oh you gotta go to a nice restaurant get fancy pasta when you try fancy pasta it's usually just weird like they put too much wine in it and it's like tart and weird it's just you know the harder you try the worse it is and then with pasta you go to a restaurant you order pasta the portions are insane it's either way too much or way too little you get a nice gnocchi dish or a ravioli you ever order ravioli they give you like three [ __ ] raviolis don't lie to me don't you [ __ ] lie to me you ordered pasta and got three ravioli yeah no no no and that is disappointing but often times but i mean that that the portion is a determination of the restaurant it's not the fault and then you ever get ordered you ever order like a nice gnocchi dish so they're like here's five nokias i'm like i'm sorry that's the only pasta like possibly interesting gnocchi and you're gonna give me five of them how about you eat [ __ ] is that technically i don't know if that it's a pasta is it this whole conversation just making me want pasta yeah i'm not saying hey listen this is my opinion this is my corner you could do whatever you want over there and eat pasta i don't care either love [ __ ] too hey i don't hate just saying i think it's [ __ ] you know so it's like it's either too much you go to one of these shitty italian places they give you oh you want a noodle of fettuccine here's a whole lifetime supply of dog [ __ ] noodles just with drenched and heavy cream no it's overrated it's not that good and most of all my biggest complaint is that for the calories because it is very rich unhealthy meal there are much more fun enjoyable foods thank you for coming to my ted talk you see that's a real unpopular opinion i dare you guys i dare you guys to try to share something that vulnerable uh i think it's because my dad the only time i ever ate pasta as a child my dad he has this dish i swear to god tell me if you've ever heard of this because i doubt you have he calls it burnt onion pasta it's something his gran his mom ate apparently he would take onions put in a grill and then literally burn them black charred okay like burnt you know what i'm saying yeah and then he throw in some noodles with uh like olive oil and then that was it and i was i think that traumatized me maybe i don't know yeah i mean that's sounds disgusting but um but i wouldn't hold that again thank you i guarantee one person watching will not even agree with me so thank you that's unpopular next dan your turn yeah i mean i have a whole list here like i felt like a b last week with the things that piss him off like i struggled on that one but as far as unpopular opinions i was able to come up with a bunch but i don't know if any of these come anywhere close to just a blanket [ __ ] pasta stage that's that's insane thank you i'm out here uh what's probably the people uh i i don't think that everybody should necessarily you know you can make your own food choices in life uh you know i've been a vegetarian for about a decade now um and you know that's a personal choice and i don't try and impose it on other people however love are you trying to look at dan from your perspective because i know that's not where you see dan it's funny yeah i was trying to do that uh people should not eat pigs it's completely [ __ ] up pigs are practically sentient creatures they are there was a study in 2019 that they are the only animals more intelligent than pigs are elephants chimps and dolphins they're literally the fourth most intelligent animal other than human beings they're far more intelligent than cats and dogs which we find abhorrent in this country to eat and we harvest them on an industrial scale it's really [ __ ] up and i love pigs and you shouldn't eat them alhamdulillah you know what dan i don't eat that much pork i eat like i don't but but i as someone who does eat pork i completely agree i think it's i think all animals yeah and again i mean i i i don't eat any animal but um you know i'm not gonna try and shove that down people's syrup but we are doing an unpopular opinion segment here okay oh i think and if there's one animal that is commonly served in food everywhere you go that uh i really you know really bothers me the most it's it's pigs you shouldn't eat pigs people it's they're they're they're they're they're they're self-aware like it's it's [ __ ] up yeah and i've seen some of those those pig farms are just absolutely horrendous it's just it's like an inhuman yeah it's inhuman it's literally inhuman yeah over there i don't know if that's that's probably not as um popular as uh but you know that people are so hardcore about their bacon and their ham and everything like people that love so you think eating power eating they love it you think cow eating is less severe than pork eating i mean it's hard to rate these things because i mean how do we really know what's going on in the minds of these creatures i i don't think i don't think you should eat cows either but the pig one it just it just always really gets me on an extra level again just because of the the level of their uh yeah i mean like we we so you know people have their interactions and their uh their um love for their dogs so dan are you saying if i meet a really dumb human i can eat him uh no you probably shouldn't do that either and again i don't i don't eat anything so the dumber they are the more i should eat of them it's just when it comes to the level of suffering that they're enduring uh you know a level of uh self-awareness it does seem to um does seem to make that suffering uh twinged me a little bit i'm with you you know what i'm i'm doing the socratic method here i'm trying to challenge you on all your beliefs yeah i understand but i agree with you well then i wasn't a very good unpopular opinion i wish i had the strength to become a vegetarian i wish i did i really wish i did well you know well pete if i'm not mistaken pigs eat their own [ __ ] and cows don't i mean that's one difference do they really is that a rumor or do they really eat their own [ __ ] i just checked it right now i said they do yeah so how are they going to claim they're smart if they eat their own [ __ ] well i mean i think they'll pretty much eat anything but i mean i i can't i can't i can't talk [ __ ] i'm the same way you eat your own [ __ ] well you'd buy pretty much anything all right dan why i stand with you damn well i guess i didn't do a very good job but i'm with you i appreciate the cause all right fair enough hey b you want to go yeah i got i got a really spicy one and i hope none of the fan base gets uh upset at me but uh baby's about to be like i think woody allen is innocent no no really crazy take let's hear it thank you for that but no i was going to say and i'm being biased i like the h3 podcast better than h3h3 oh no i'll agree with that i mean the h3h3 videos are class well like at least at least you get new content with the podcast yeah you get new content but also i just feel like with h3h like they were great the great videos great sketches and everything but the humor i feel like in real life is always better like you know stuff that just comes up more naturally uh i feel like there's just more moments of that are you just saying that the [ __ ] no i swear that's that's my take thank you abby and i know we're not talking about stuff that pisses us off but can i say one thing for anyone that's making uh critical videos of uh of ethan or h3 um you [ __ ] idiot stop using the social blade chart of h3h3 he doesn't make videos on that anymore that is the stupidest proof people do that it's it's so bizarre to me yeah they make a video try to act smart and then they use the wrong [ __ ] graph every single time and it drives me insane wait what are they oh maybe i didn't know people were making hate videos about me and showing yeah what is the graph why do you have to bring that up yeah i'm having a perfectly fine time i'm sorry so there's people making hate videos about me and showing the graph of my old channel yeah i mean the graph what like the subscribers going yeah i'm saying oh yeah yeah it's a dead channel i mean yeah i do and ethan said that many times himself that yeah thanks for bringing that up you hit me with the left you say oh i love the pocket hit me with the right everyone's making eight videos about your dad not everybody you know the same bottom feeders yeah yeah i ain't subscribed from that channel long ago [ __ ] you av you have subscribed from my channel thank you all right baby a little love a little hate yeah we like the balance you gotta balance it out who's that ian stand up ian stand up let's go stand up excuse me let me cut that one excuse me or i could leave it in it doesn't yeah it's funny [ __ ] it go ahead and please stand up stand up and please stand up please stand up all right i'm sitting down uh this just popped in my head i've i i've had multiple arguments about this one so i think it's good i really enjoy daylight savings time oh my god we've had this conversation okay this this is a good one for being popular daylight savings when they take a an hour away and it gets dark early it's hard to explain but i i get kind of excited at it because it gets dark early it's you know the gaining of the hour or the losing of the hour either way i get a weird little thrill about like god my life's [ __ ] boring hate this take you're right you're right this is a great selection so do you get unhappy when it goes back to normal i like going to my oven and like changing this [ __ ] you like that huh it feels it feels in a way this sounds so sad but it feels like a little mini holiday it's like oh it's david savings i gotta go something to do do my microwave adjustment so wait how do you feel when it goes back to daylight losing or what do you call it or when you when it when it hits i don't think it really i don't think it really matters to him which direction it's going you just like clocks change when the clocks change he's happy it feels like something's happened i know what you mean about something happening we had a vote in california what was it two years ago it might have been 2018 where they were they were putting up to a vote to abolish daylight savings time here in the state um and i remember having this conversation with ian and he's like i'm voting no and i'm like i i lobbied him hard cause i'm like [ __ ] daylight savings time it's obnoxious this is antiquated it's so dumb and wait did it fail the bill fail you know no i think it passed i think it passed what's going on but the thing was it was the bill was just a proposal for the state assembly to then put together a proposal it's just some stupid [ __ ] basically nothing came of it love do you guys do that in sweden where you change the clocks yeah of course and in sweden it's actually almost needed yeah it makes more sense in sweden for sure when you're in latitude 2 a.m right now or in the middle of the night and it's bright outside holy [ __ ] yeah the sun is coming here yeah yeah that's a different story definitely not needed here ian's voting with the farmers keep daylight savings i think that's even a myth that it's for the farmers who's it for them it's for me to feel like something weirdo is like well ian that certainly was an interesting one when you stand up when it moves in it's technically later in the day when you wake up earlier you feel like you got a little extra time the sun's up it's not you're not it's it hits you know what my interesting take on that is that i don't even notice i do nothing i change nothing i notice nothing it doesn't affect me you live a lifestyle where you usually don't have a deadline to be doing something or be somewhere early in the morning hey i vote no i vote keep it no i'm kidding i'd vote yeah this isn't like a new opinion like my luxurious life where i don't this has always been i've never acknowledged daylight savings thank you maybe yes you wanted to support me please thank you yeah i support you i said i support ian but i support you too i'm surrounded thank you you have that you have that feeling too like where it's like it doesn't really affect me that much me i'm just yeah i'm i'm just trying to go to sleep you don't really sleep yeah so yeah but like it doesn't [ __ ] matter who changes their clock in this day and age i don't i don't change my electronics time right most of them automatically do it but you still you lose an hour of sleep on the uh the fall one right can you gain it that night i mean or not no it's the spring one spring forward fall back right okay all right oh look at that zach i never heard that before lots of uh lots of heat here today on the h3 podcast lots a lot of disagreement the hottest of the hot takes who's up next exactly let's go um i i i that my take could be uh considered somewhat of a meme uh but i know a lot of people dislike uh what i'm about to say and as the uh in-house rock and roll trivia history winner i feel like i should come out and say this that um people need to stop hating on nickelback oh that is pretty unpopular they they are a good [ __ ] band you know i know it's a meme like oh [ __ ] nickelback they have billboard records all right they write good [ __ ] songs and there's not a single person sitting there that's going to tell me they don't know a [ __ ] nichols back song and they they don't i don't know a nickelback song you need one for me zach standing in line the club will never get in it's like the bottom of the ninth and i'm never gonna win i don't know her at all you guys know rockstar i'm with you zach thank you rockstar what's another one maybe you know what you guys should have paid attention better on the tour because trisha explained that rockstar was shot at the playboy mansion by nickelback it's a solid they are a solid [ __ ] band look i don't i don't have the credentials to dispute you on that zack got you zach they are solid and they hold billboard chart records look it up i believe you no i know they're a top selling ban that doesn't mean they're good they're a fantastic band and people need to stop hating on them i've always wondered why they get so much hate that i don't i don't know what i mean people throw [ __ ] rocks at them on stage jesus like they write good [ __ ] music it might be considered okay you know the [ __ ] douche like no why do people not like them so much i think people just think they're douchey and yeah i've heard things about the lead singer being a dude chad kroger and his name is chad kroger bro how do you forgive that he he just just the records they make really good songs i'm just i just want to say that i just wanted to hear one i'm i'm a closeted nickelback fan not anymore yeah yeah you're out in the open now yeah nickelback i mean that's a great take zach i gotta say that's a that's a good that's a genuine thank you unpopular opinion and honestly i i have nothing to say really in in response uh well here why doesn't why here why does nickelback get a bad reputation this is google's answer right now it's become trendy to hate nickelback and no one even knows why the band's tour manager said the main argument people make for hating knuckleback is that their music is bland and generic and all their songs sound the same yeah true i don't see i don't but that's the vibe you're getting with them i'm not saying they're the greatest band in the world i'm just saying they they write quality music here's another summary zach what's so bad about nickelback nickelback is too much of everything to be enough of something okay i try to bend my mind trying to explain so hard i'm kind of team zack after reading that thank you they follow genre expectations too well which is seen as empty imitation but also not well enough which is read as commercial tactics and a lack of stable sincere identity i think i think where it hit bad for them was they they were signed i think they still might be to a label called road runner and they wanted to make them like the next it band which they did but in doing so they made them come off like douches oh here's a here's a good one nickelback became the world's most hated band because they churned out formulaic generic music behaved child childishly in public and wrote misogynistic content into their lyrics wow wow zach do you hate women no are you sure because you're defending them that the misogynist i i did not know about that's cancelled i did not i did not know wow zach i'm actually i'm trying to find examples of their massage could you say that with any rob song like yeah like steven tyler uh yeah had sex with like 14 years [ __ ] the 12 year old beyond the hood of my car that's like every lyric i mean any any rock song i mean you you could say it does no i'm with you yeah yeah i mean i i don't know nickelback's music well enough to you know cite specific examples i i can tell you you know there were a rock radio staple for years right in like the late 90s and 2000s and uh every time i ever heard something from them it bored me to death so well there you go it's just like you want to sit back and have a good beer you put on some [ __ ] nickelback bro i i as much as i as much as i support you i feel like if you're hanging out with people and put on nickelback you'll they'll not hang out with oh yeah no no no that's that's why you know you got to keep it on the secret but you got to keep it on the deal right so i'm i'm just making my stance right now that oh they're the look at this photograph right right oh yeah okay oh that song is so annoying dude there's a really funny um no i there's a really funny thing about the talking meme of them wrong yeah right where they go look at this [ __ ] guy they edit it to make it sound like and then they play something i know they'll look at this graph one look at this [ __ ] guy i mean just look at him though zach i mean the guy the bro he looks like me he looks like [ __ ] i'm not saying like by any means is he a musical influence but well okay zach has a beard not a goatee and mustache that's pretty douchey but it's everything going on in his face is wrong right but i'm just saying he's got a gel necklace he's got a decent voice and they're right good [ __ ] songs whether what he looks like you know he it makes good [ __ ] vlogs i see why people hate this guy well yeah it just screams dude kroger bruh it just screams douchebag and i'm not denying that i'm just saying people need to start you know if you're a nickelback fan it's okay that's what i'm saying okay okay i like that statement that's a good statement i think that's a really good one thank you good job zach thank you look at this [ __ ] guy so keemstar you know i love talking about keemstar he's he's the worst person i know worse than his saddam hussein literally you know i feel like keemstar would do more damage in iraq than saddam hussein let's be honest i'm anti-semitic you know he's basically waging wars against humanity on youtube i'm busted yeah so anyway he got in a twitter fight with like a bunch of twitch streamers and got ratioed by them all people were just clowning on him which i love but hassan actually made a groundbreaking revelation about keemstar he said you are legally not allowed to be near schools keemstar is not allowed near schools that's so interesting i didn't know that about him i wonder why usually they don't let people in your schools if they're like sexual offenders right uh yeah well i don't know i didn't know i didn't know that about him either is that verified well hassan said you are legally not allowed near schools right assuming that i'm just insinuating that that keemstar may be a sexual predator right so frustrated if he's not allowed in your schools i don't know yeah i i i feel like we should definitely take what hassan is saying on face value without any kind of follow-up and just assume that yeah he's right he's gotta have insider information i heard that he has to knock on all of his neighbor's doors every time he moves that's why he doesn't move because he's had this house in buffalo he lives at for so long oh joy doesn't move because he has to alert all his neighbors yeah that would be a hassle it's like a romeo julia no i'm kidding i don't know that information this is a joke this is parody parody he may be a predator but i have no information too you have no way of saying one way or the other hassan does though he says you are legally not allowed near that sounds official yeah that's a that's an official statement yeah we actually uh somebody reached out to me on discord uh they want to call in and apparently they were a neighbor of keemstars what yeah dude and they that's what they say um but supposedly you know i guess if they were a neighbor they would have some info about you know him whoa this is groundbreaking yeah so um let me uh let me queue it up let me get them in here gotcha man got your [ __ ] oh what's up biden got your man yo how is he doing this what has he got like nsa resources how do you keep getting at our discord bro don't you have a country to run you got a guy got hackers every area code all right what do you want to talk if you want to talk about keemstar now you listen here jack i'll show you a beanstalk i've heard it is keemstar fella okay i'm going to talk about keemstar mule on a bugle beater speedway i'll tell you why i just passed an executive order bannon keemstar from being a hundred feet within schools man trust me oh nice yeah man look how he's smelling a little girl's hair as much as the next guy best buy but this keemstar ain't right in the head man my granddaddy told me never trust a man with a beard that black man it ain't right i'm right there it's true oh that's good advice that is good advice from your dad you're not you're trying to make a little sense here yeah it's getting more coherent as this goes okay look man my son he died of brain cancer and i thought that was a bad experience but i just watched a drama alert and let me tell you that was worse man if you were a willy waddling down old man winter's bag of bones oh that is okay fine dj keeps our melon munching and salomon hollows down by the abandoned beer all right myself whoa all right i mean i i'm happy to hear that somebody's finally doing something about the keemstar problem hmm do you wanna okay well um did you i guess did you see that everyone was roasting him on twitter i guess you were enjoying you follow keem of all keemstar drama i mean you're the president what the [ __ ] are you doing i don't remember playing the guitar what i i know a fellow once a real son of a birch tree as a matter of fact the guitar he played was made of birch beautiful grains in the woods okay all right all right enough joe biden let's be honest we've got andrew callahan of all gas snow breaks he's got a absolutely incredible story to tell he used to run all gas no brakes the beloved channel that we've we've had him on the show super popular amazing kind of journalistic comedy show and he had like a really dramatic breakup with his partners i guess you would say on um all guys snow breaks and he started a new channel channel five on youtube you can subscribe follow on patreon channel five anyway i've got andrew on the line and i'm we're going to talk to him about all this and all of his new content it's going to be great okay we have with us today the one and only andrew callahan for the artist formerly known as all gas no breaks now known as channel 5. hey how are you what's up man good to see you it's been a long time it has been a long time i love you i love your content and i'm just very because you you were guessing our podcast and a popular guest too people love people just love you and your content and hearing you talk and i'm absolutely fascinated riveted by the switch up to channel 5 from all gas no breaks this is very interesting a little business drama could you say i mean a little business drama i just you know i didn't just like i didn't expect the channel to be that big i didn't expect [ __ ] to get that ugly once uh you know it came down to it but it was a it was a weird transition but like if it was really hard to give up something that was like it's like your child you know like you spend so much time putting effort into something and you feel so much like pride about it but at the end of the day i had to sacrifice all gas snow breaks to be independent so i'm happy that i did that so tell me what happened so basically like um so around six months ago say like november december i started shooting a movie with tim and eric and a couple other partners who like we've yet to announce but basically like i was shooting full-time for like the absolutely tim and eric movie and uh basically the company that i used to work for doing things media who owned all gas mill brakes so i signed the contract with when i was super young they were kind of being like yo like it's cool you're doing the movie we need you to make you know make more content like you know basically work double duty to make the movie and the the instagram and youtube show all gas no breaks and uh i couldn't do it like i literally couldn't do it like i was work shooting like almost seven days a week for the absolute movie and and all that and so i told him like yo i will do it but i need like a little bit more of a percentage because when i signed the deal around that time i was only making 20 of money from the show that's what they were getting like just just to clarify for the people listening because we've talked about this privately 20 of the ad revenue 20 of the merch and twenty percent of the patreon which has had grown quite large yeah i was making like almost a hundred thousand dollars plus a month but i was only seeing twenty percent of that but you know i'm not going to blame the company i signed the deal when i was super young all gas snow breaks started with me hitchhiking across the country writing stories about it like i told you they bought me the rv i was like [ __ ] it i don't even care about the money i just love to like be on the road like diving into weird [ __ ] all the time like i wasn't thinking about like oh i need to make as much money as i could because i was like 21 years old so i didn't i didn't expect things to evolve so much and go down so quickly but here's what happened so i'm shooting for the movie under a lot of pressure to make more videos uh i basically said okay you know i'll make more videos if you give me more of a percentage i'm saying this because this all came out in the new york times you know uh i was like you know if you want me to make more videos for you while i'm shooting the movie need a little bit more like money you know because it's like i don't want to work two jobs i'm not getting paid for two jobs worth look you're bringing you're growing the channel you're grinding at a certain point you gotta visit that contract right but especially like i couldn't even make all gas no brakes videos if i wanted to because i was shooting constantly for this movie which hopefully will be announced soon and by the way were they were they involved in this movie at all because you were were you doing that as andrew cavanaugh yeah they're they're partners but what the [ __ ] they want they're already getting a piece of that what do they want from you well i mean obviously the digital show is more profitable than the movie like you can make more money off of youtube and patreon than you can with a movie especially like a movie might come out in eight months from when you start yeah i mean like a movie might come out for them it's like they wanted like money like right then and there you know they're making 80 percent of money from the show that i was making like basically by myself so um they said no to my offer you know so things kind of got kind of stopped talking to them things kind of went sour and then you know they fired nick and evan via email those are yours who you started out with who go in the rv with you yeah yeah yeah they fired them and this is whenever we were like sleeping in the rv uh in the cold in philadelphia at the walmart they got termination notices in their email i was like [ __ ] sorry guys like you're out of a job man i don't know what to tell you that was really hard for me to do but then they ultimately just like at that point i was like i wanted to get out of the contract you know i was like this is crazy like my two best friends are fired i can't do this so i just started not making any videos i was like i'm gonna make this movie all the time and then they sent me a some in the mail that said that if i didn't produce a certain amount of pieces of patreon content by like i think it was march 1st not quite sure i'd be terminated and then yeah they just they fired me in the middle of shooting for the movie man that's they're such they seem like such a like short not only like douchey but like so short-sighted i mean yeah y'all could have made it really confusing yeah like i mean i've if they would have said yes to my offer i probably would still be doing all gas no breaks you know because i wanted to make it work i didn't want to say goodbye to my show forever you know and just have it be this thing that i worked so hard on that i have no control over but at the end of the day like i'm having more fun with the channel 5 the patreons pop in like youtube numbers are pretty good you know like it feels good to own my own masters now and not have to like answer to anybody so at the end of the day like it was a small setback for what i think will be like a better return yeah part of the reason i wanted to talk to you today is because i want people to know andrew is on channel five and if you are supporting him on patreon on august no breaks all that's going to these these uh [ __ ] goons who stole the show from you i don't give a [ __ ] i'll say it you don't have to say it i'll say it they stole the show bro so don't don't support them on patreon channel five on patreon all day and on youtube i appreciate it bro yeah i want to start getting into like new platforms like i want to start doing like twitch [ __ ] like tick tock stuff like you know i know you guys do all that but i want to like learn how to use i don't know how to use new platforms and like just like trying to [ __ ] out like like live streaming because i live out of my truck now i'm still on the road we're about to buy like an old-school news van like an nbc 1995 van yeah decal it out with channel five [ __ ] and like put satellite dishes and all that we're just gonna travel around the country and like find like dumb mass small town drama and make like investigative documentaries on it so like at that point like that's gonna be tight so let me ask you have they i know they're like trying to find a replacement for you which it's just the arrogance of these people have they been able to produce any content at all since you left no but um it just so happens and it's not something i'm seeking out but they've tried a couple times to find a new host and uh on a couple occasions the i didn't publish any information obviously because i don't have like a huge grudge against this company it's whatever i'm moving on i do but for you people who people who have tried to replace me they've tried to find replacements their replacements have reached out to me and it didn't work out oh well one replacement in particular almost crazy there's so much components to the all gas no breaks genius it's you as the host and it's also the editing it's the vibe it's the whole [ __ ] thing like you can't bottle that and reproduce it it's just it's mental yeah i mean i totally agree and that's like the case i tried to make when i was trying to negotiate for myself but they just told me like it's okay we have connections in the comedy world like we'll find a replacement man that's all and then people are loyal to you too it's just such a train it's like i can't imagine making a worse business decision even and also just being so vindictive it's like um they it's like they they killed the goose that laid the golden egg bro yeah that's how i felt too man i was like [ __ ] i put everything into this and i kept like gaslighting myself kind of being like am i crazy for asking for this like do i deserve any money like i don't know man when you're back against the wall and there's people in your ear telling you that like you're only a small part of the whole thing [ __ ] you are that listen to yourself yeah i was shocked when i heard that i was like wow man i was like i'll buy yours yeah dude straight up i was like i want a piece of the accident no for straight i'm glad we can talk about it because like like i said like it's not even i have no like grudge against the company you know i mean that's how companies do you know it happens time and time again if people have an opinion but i mean i feel like independence is the only way and it's like the noble way too you know what i mean so you probably i have a suspicion you're probably even making more money now already um close close to making enough money but honestly dude like i only want money so i can like do crazier and cooler [ __ ] like i just went to a q a on convention in dallas last weekend and i'm going to vegas tomorrow to get pick up pick up artist training so it's like oh baby yeah it's gonna be tight and like so the money is just like sick ass old cameras and like gas money and flights for everybody so i'm really curious about is there is there patreon like bleeding i haven't they they i don't even know if you have intelligence yeah let me know because the patriot dog no breaks patreon had like 20 000 there's like really good lots of supporters there doesn't look like their patreon numbers are public but um oh they hid them because before they were published for sure yeah they're like oh [ __ ] this isn't working yeah one thing about the companies they weren't like huge dicks they weren't mean to me or anything while we worked together they had a pretty good working relationship until you know the contract [ __ ] came up like i don't have like strong negative feelings but man like that whole capital c like digital content factory you know man it's crazy it's like you were saying that people who who were attempted to uh replace you did they have any interesting anecdotes yeah you know it's like i don't know how much i can say but one dude in particular i felt so [ __ ] bad for him and like he was i think he was told when he was going to replace me that like some of my friends were still involved and that i was going to vouch for him and give like a smooth transition of power to him and all that stuff and uh after he figured out what was going on just like bye oh they're lying to people now to replace you uh bro well anyway enough about that your new content on channel five is amazing it's the same [ __ ] i mean it's it's you it's just as good as it ever was i was watching this one about the um the white live matters protest yeah you know i'm so interested about like first of all this guy is amazing the kobe boy here let me kobe bryant was killed by the clintons right how many people know that they assassinated kobe bryant they tried to kill tiger woods in that car accident recently why the kobe bryant deal is he had dirt on the uh on the clintons i love black people i love everybody we're all god's children isn't this a white lives matter rally uh well i'll tell you what this whole thing with the virus would be you believe he didn't know he was at a white lives matter well okay here's the thing i talked to l.a weekly journalists about that specific event uh if you look at the way that event was designed and promoted via social media it was like this super like sleek looking graphically pleasing like white lives matter rally it was definitely planned by like a it was like a psyop to try to identify white nationalists after the january sixth capital right oh you think it was for sure interesting oh [ __ ] yeah because it absolutely was because there was no central leadership there was no one there being like hey i'm the organizer it was weird kind of like fringe dudes like that guy who kind of fell victim to the uh facebook marketing yeah facebook marketing and stuff like and i even went to the page you try to contact them and like no there's like no reply send error really weird they're just trying to i don't know who's like i'm not even going to be right there straight up too that's [ __ ] crazy it's probably the fbi you think it's the fbi but that's kind of epic yeah yeah you're the enemy yeah you're doing real ism out there i swear to god thanks man what better way to identify violent white nationalists and like violent left-wing people there to confront them than to schedule a fake clan rally in california well you know there was one guy here that i it's funny to say that there was one specific guy who was like i was there i think you know where i was on january 6th where were you same guy i think you know where i was on january 6th trump is still in the fbi's like oh did you get those shoes done those are just but yeah i was kind of interested because it felt like i did i got the impression that the people that were there were just like misguided trump supporters not necessarily like super crazy racist violent people although that guy was at january six but then the counter protesters were getting like super super charged up the ante i guess antifa i don't know what you call them is that proper i mean just left-wing militant left-wing protesters whatever you want to call them people throw hands at a counter protest yeah dude i mean a lot of those people men like at the white lives matter rally like that that kobe bryant was assassinated by the clintons guy like he's definitely a misinformation victim i mean he was i had a conversation with him off camera and i was asking him like so where do you get your news from like how do you consume information and he was telling me about these like [ __ ] up weird fringe podcasts that he listens to he's like i listened to uh this one podcast called patriot street fighter for like 12 hours a day which encourages him to like go out and like get into brawls with the antifa or whatever i honestly feel bad for that guy he seems like a nice guy and then you start to learn about his life story like his what his wife left him it took the kids and [ __ ] it's just like all tragedy i feel bad for anyone who feels compelled to engage in like uh political and counter political violence in any capacity against other humans like [ __ ] people like the people getting rich off of this conflict or just sitting back smiling and laughing hard as [ __ ] you know zuckerbergs and everything just like you know propagating division it's like everyone's making money the news stations even me i'm making money by making this video it's literally just like and people are going to jail it's just classic choreography that uh it's been happening you ever feel bad you're like damn i'm here making money and these people are all just like such victims or do you ever well i mean i would but i'm tr i'm like actually trying to show what's going on yeah you know and like most of the money i make goes into making like more stuff like you know i went to just show how ridiculous the situation was i'm like you got people here thinking that it's a white lives matter rally who were just coaxed into the snafu by facebook misinfo and then you got [ __ ] on the left like that kid with the skateboard who like wants to kill this guy yeah he's like i literally want to kill you i hope you that die really intense because i got the feeling watching that video that i was like i bet these dudes if they met in a bar or somewhere like neutral they could work this [ __ ] out oh yeah the mutual humanity goes super ignored and it's sad well i do as funny and entertaining as your videos are i've always got the sense that it like in a lot of ways it educates me at what's really going on on the ground more than yeah [ __ ] reading uh article about it could you know so we um [Applause] um oh there's one other guy i want to talk about before i let you go uh spring break this is another channel five classic by the way you're at 500 000 subs wasn't all gas no brakes at 1 million so you're like halfway there right i think augusta breaks like 1.7 million and this is actually the first interview i've done to promote channel 5 i mean like in a way i just like let it do its thing oh dude and i want you all to go to all gas no breaks and leave a comment that says what's the name of the company i don't even want to start [ __ ] like that [Laughter] i was just gonna say okay let's leave it at that you guys know what to do foot soldiers melt up what's going on bro what's up what's on your mind what do you think about all the ass out here do you eat it what i eat ass you eat it ass look at that ass don't just want to eat it yeah i yellow come eat ass with me tonight [Music] you're not afraid to eat ass are you [Music] okay so we're eating ass tonight kirby's at eight me may 8 30. [Music] that [ __ ] guy disturbed what does it mean to eat ass together andrew like one tongue two tongues one butthole or what what happened at 8 30. yeah did you meet him at 8 30. i did not meet him at 8 30. i went to fort lauderdale because you know how they were militarizing miami beach to stop people from uh from turning up but everyone just went to broward county which is like 15 20 minutes north and just kept it going so i followed the party but i do wonder if that guy waited for me uh outside that bar i would have loved to know if he was there at 8 30 waiting for you dude miami beach is like hell on earth like ocean drive like i never want to go back there again that's it i have to go to rolling loud next month i want to like interview rap fans like trying to stop things i got that same impression when i i went to miami beach once with uh ila when we're going to meet dj khaled and i felt the same i was like this is hell on [ __ ] earth this place is a nightmare man dj khaled lives at my other beach um yeah he's in fl yeah he's in yeah i think so is he down by kiba skater he lives like in an ocean drive apartment he's in like a beautiful ocean drive like okay so you just imagine they came in like a [ __ ] one bedroom they got us a hotel down there we want some competition it's this is like old memes but our fans rigged a valentine's day competition where the prize was go meet dj khaled in miami and we so they flew us down and put us up in miami and we [ __ ] spent a day with dj khaled it was wild that's kind of sick was he tired we see that kind of weird super nice bro and i gave him a lot of [ __ ] too like i'm embarrassed looking back at the things i put him through but he was what do you what did you make him do because we made like a whole shitload of videos goofing on him back in the day that was like kind of our whole we made like five videos just [ __ ] on dj khaled and uh i made him watch him damn but i mean it was real torture it was it was good man but he had a good sense of humor about him i was impressed by him bro i can't say a bad thing about khalid he was he was a good dude good yeah what's a celebrity you really didn't like hmm interesting i know one bit i can't say you can't just say it bro i was just thinking jake paul we had him on the phone he's not a celebrity he's a [ __ ] he's a celebrity jake paul's obviously with him how do you how do you handle so much youtube beef all the time lots of antidepressants i'm like jesus dude i'd be so high anxiety if i was you you're getting sued you're [ __ ] my my exposing people yeah my energy my anxiety levels are just always at a humming at a perfect uh 95 percent so i just got used to sailing at that right how's theodore theater's great he's turning two on the fourth two days from now ela's pregnancy any funny stuff was you have us having a second kid we're having a second kid it's family time damn what are you going to name it we don't know what it is yet um twins too we have a feeling that it might even be twins so we're in for oh man we're in for it now boy speaking of twins you guys should go watch uh the latest channel 5 video it was you know my cameraman nick have you met him before i don't know did i meet him at your house when we did the podcast together yeah i think you might have met him pretty briefly he just did his first solo documentary oh the hoff twins that was twins yeah yeah oh how fun that's one of my faves of all time i i did i haven't watched it yet but i saw people buzzing around about it cool [ __ ] yeah um go guys channel five support andrew callahan he's a real one doing real [ __ ] so patreon youtube everywhere get on it instagram you can ask me anything you can ask me anything anything bro do it [ __ ] it do you still oh yeah okay when's the last time you got laid um yesterday oh good who's the girl is it random or a girlfriend uh somewhere in between okay yeah you're going steady you're not seeing other girls though are you are you well i mean yeah it's like i like to move around so much that it's kind of hard to maintain like a consistent relationship but yeah definitely i mean we'll see what about you man oh yeah i'm married uh last time i had sex with let's see ela's been pregnant for she's been pregnant about five weeks so about five weeks i'm gonna come um you still wanna um the bachelor we were talking about that do you think i have enough like swag yeah definitely really you still dumped out i'm [ __ ] down what when do how do i do it all right we'll set it up we'll contact you we got to start dude well the thing is we got to start the application process we got to get girls to apply and then we start this sounds fun yeah if you're really down i'll do it and i'll start like working out hella and then get the spray tans and anything like that just make myself sick i'm just going to warn you this is not a joke we've done it two previous seasons and they've both ended up in true romance really have any of them fallen through ian met sam she's moved to la they live together now what they've been together two years ian two years and then trisha was our second one she's engaged now to moses they're getting married at the end of the year so i'm just telling you guys this is a real [ __ ] i'm all in 100 100 success rate and so yeah i'm just okay great went to this movie movie announcement bro i'm waiting on it it's going to be i'm so excited when you see the announcement when you see it like like it's crazy do you are you guys pitching are you like have you gotten the press over there okay you're gonna wait it's damn near done so you're gonna finish it and then try to sell it to whomever nah it's been it's it's already oh it's locked in locked someone already bought it or you can't say is it streaming or network we'll figure it out i can't even i can't talk about it baby but i'm gonna watch that yeah yeah yeah for sure i'm hoping it gets announced in the summertime it's like oh man when you see this trailer why i'm super pumped and you know i love absolutely who who's basically they plucked you to make this right like like eric richard oh yeah we need to talk with i'm sitting i'm at the ufo mega conference in this shitty town called laughlin nevada in south nevada and i'm at this casino and i get a dm from eric wareham he's like yo what's you want to make a show we pitched the show every network rejected it really and then uh yeah it's really funny for whatever reason what was the show can you talk about what it was oh it was just it was just like an august snow breaks like that show and like didn't work out but i'm happy and then we got a little movie thing going on and that's all i can really say wow that's like a dream come true i gotta say like as a young budding comedian or artist of any kind to get plucked out by the likes of tim and eric who are like the kind of godfathers of modern comedy i love those two guys yeah shout out to uh dave kneebone too i met the of newborn i pitched a show today never called me back uh [ __ ] don't bring me into this man no but i love him i love him the show was half-baked i don't blame him it wasn't good the only i got in there because i was pitch i was uh working with justin roiland who's like who knows those guys he's like hey my friend wants to pitch a show so he got us the meeting and um it was like half baked so i i don't blame him do you think i should start do you think i should start streaming uh would that be kind of corny or like can i do it in a cool way like i'm trying i don't really know how it works i just know that it's super like try it i mean you have nothing to lose by trying it and seeing if it if it if it's i kind of just want to like walk around random small towns that i'm in and just like talk to people and like stream it but that's kind of like weird i don't know i have to figure out a way to do it dude streaming's weird like i feel like anything can work these days it really just and streaming is kind of its own different art art so you got to just get in there and feel it out and see other people like it yeah i just want to try new stuff man like yeah give it a shot i mean twitch is good youtube is a great place to stream too you got all your fans here on youtube so if you start a live stream there's gonna be a lot of people tuning in it's a pretty good idea i just wanna like you know make channel five like a whole universe of different shows and different platforms great idea yeah and you know youtube has like a tick tock style like they call it shorts i think so you can make six dogs you can make the shorts for youtube put them on on tiktok get everything popping how's your take talk career going i remember your first one crushing it bro let me check i'm at 1.5 million let's [ __ ] go bro damn [ __ ] about some stats tick tock is so fun because you just dude there's no pressure to make anything good you just should post some people yeah i mean one of the reasons that one the one i want to do that's all of our political content on youtube gets demonetized as well oh i gotta okay so i've been watching your videos i gotta give you tips bro because i see this [ __ ] and i'm like oh i'm like this video would do so much better let me tell you in the first 30 seconds this is crucial you cannot curse at all i see you dropping f-bombs in the first 30 seconds and that it make immediately makes it get demonetized and mature rated too so it's not going to be recommended so the fact that you're even getting like half a million views on some of these is is pretty amazing because i feel like if you were just a little bit more knowledgeable about youtube norms then you would be getting even more views what if i yeah what if i bleeped out like certain stuff in the first minute so i think as long as there's no cursing the first 30 seconds you're good and then other things like racial slurs or like threats of violence and [ __ ] like that you could bleep i think that would help too but i'll tell you what i'll do there's a there's a system there is a system in place for big channels where you can send it to get pre-approval from youtube and and then they'll be like yo so this part here is going to get you dinged so if you want to change it you can and then we'll we'll give it a green light and then it will never get demonetized so you get this really great feedback i can hook you up i mean i'll try i'll hook you up with the people that run that program and see if they'll let you in thank you homie i appreciate it that would be huge for us bro yeah i want to help you out however i can you're the man bro well thanks for having me on this [ __ ] was awesome all right guys channel 5 it is what it is looking forward to the movie announcement dude we'll talk then for sure oh man i can't wait sounds good let's go movie theater at home movie theater at home oh [ __ ] i don't know if you stick me in the theaters though if it was in the theaters i would just go to random screenings in small towns and like sit in the back then when it's done just dab everyone out up on the way out you know you never know you say you say that this movie is not going to make as much as youtube you don't know dude sometimes these movies just [ __ ] go crazy with like a million dollar budget they turn a crazy profit yeah for sure i'm sure i'm sure it's going to pop bro for sure all right thanks for calling dog keep it up thank you breakfast channel 5 all day every day thanks man all right until next time all right that's it we got a show here folks that's off the rails should i wrap it up here i guess so yeah because this is the end that's off the rails guys thanks for watching you know what it is totally off the rails destroying our office until we just sit among a pile of rubble that's right whoa i was really off the rails today anyway guys come join us on friday after dark everybody's favorite day of the week is friday baby with ela cline my beautiful wife and co-host get back on the rails no i will not get back on the rails unless it's friday and we got a great show on friday so please join us then until then thank you for watching stay good stay safe and stay blessed [Music] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,162,893
Rating: 4.7962203 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: RSirCfZjonY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 57sec (6837 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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