All Gas No Brakes (Andrew Callaghan) - H3 Podcast #202

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This was a great episode. Hadn't heard of this dude before, but just been deep diving through his videos this evening.

I like how he always finds rappers

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/DrZomboo 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

This episode was such fun to watch, Ethan and Hila are clearly big fans and Andrew was so fun and personable, the whole thing just clicked.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/thehenrylong 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have the deleted burning man scene they talk about?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/PrettyG00D 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hila really is a great influence on the show and I love how she has been steadily contributing more and more over the years to their content. Moreso however, I think the best aspect of this episode was how Ethan and Hila were genuine fans of the man's content and consciously went for questions which would engage Andrew and produces some good responses. Great interview and very entertaining, hope they'd book more guests like Andrew and keep these current interview practices up.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/gravityabuser 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

this episode made my day! also hila and ethan in matching outfits is so cute ❤️🐻😭

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/slowdancininthedark 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yo anyone has the link to the burningman interview Andrew was talking about?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/PeKaYking 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m only 30min in but I feel like Ethan is asking some great questions. Maybe he always does and I never noticed but I’m impressed!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/zaulik 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

did anybody find the deleted clip from the burning man video they were talking about?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/notwellinformedatall 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

such a good fuckin dude man I hope he gets everything he’s dreamed of and never gets cancelled

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MalloryTheRapper 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
two well here we are again they said we wouldn't return they always say that they go oh he'll never be back after every episode he's leaving in disgrace but no i am back and this time with a good episode for a change with because with us today is andrew callahan the genius behind all gas no breaks this is a young man you're going to be hearing his name you're going to be seeing him i'll tell many of you already know him but the legend of andrew callahan is growing by the day and continues to grow andrew thank you for coming into the h3 podcast thanks for having me on this is dope i'm a big fan oh you are you are yeah i've watched a few videos and i'm always loying all right we got the laws going i appreciate that we are all fans of your work yeah i've watched everything i mean i've watched it all right let me let me for people who are unfamiliar with your work i think i'll best summarize it by youtube comment that i read under one of your videos and you tell me how accurate it is they said your show is like the eric andre show except the interviewer is normal and everyone around him is eric andre yeah it's i've seen that come out before too that's a very good one it had twenty thousand likes so i was like wow twenty thousand likes yeah that's a great observation yeah i'm like straight man versus like psycho is that is you feel like that's an accurate representation of what you do do you feel like you go out into the craziest place you can find it just play it straight well sometimes like sometimes like at the coronavirus lockdown protest or like when i go to the flat earth convention yeah it's definitely like that but i've been trying to cover some more like serious stuff like the minneapolis thing wasn't so much like that but you know a lot of stuff's like that it's pretty pretty fair the minneapolis um actually i want to pull that up because you know the mini the minneapolis video to me actually i found like i was learning more from your video than a lot of the coverage i found you went in there and you went inside what was the store there was a rioting the store was on fire it was smoking people were writing and you're in there asking people questions it was just it was just amazing yeah i went it was uh kmart on lake street kmart minneapolis were you scared being in there what was your vibe i don't know no i wasn't scared i just you know just all gas no brakes exactly yeah there it is that kind of was like a perfect all gas no bricks moment i feel like yeah i mean i get more scared at like you know frat parties and stuff like that [Laughter] cause they'll turn on you i'm saying i kinda to pull up that clip so people because i feel like that that's a good representation of the kind of can we call it gonzo journalism can we call it that you can definitely call it that yeah that video was really meaningful and like i felt like it was the best piece of journalism that i saw during that time because we had the news on the whole time like you couldn't turn it off everything was so crazy but it's just i don't know the way they cover stuff is so like boots they're not boots on the ground no and they just focus obviously on whatever they think is going to make a good height a headline but i feel like this was so real and you really got to see what people were about and why they were doing what they were doing yeah well thank you i appreciate that there's actually a scene in the video where i found one of like the news correspondents it's like halfway through i was walking away from the scene and like up on this freeway right here can you see what i'm sorry we're about to go on air here so i gotta all right so here's this part where you go into the you said it was a kmart and you just start interviewing the looters which is something i would never think to do but here we are and it's actually quite enlightening let's watch this [Music] everything must go i think we're just causing enough chaos to get attention you know you want this [ __ ] going man you're there's like [ __ ] on fire bro and you're just cruising through there what did you i found like when you were talking to them i didn't feel like threatened or like that people didn't seem very violent correct me they weren't very violent i mean aside from the property damage happening it wasn't like uh the violence wasn't being exerted on each other it wasn't like people were running out in the streets and like beating the [ __ ] out of each other it was just an expression of like pain rage in that area yeah i didn't really feel unsafe at all during the riots or protests there that's really i felt i got shot by you know by a national guardsman with the rubber bullet it was like this big yes when i was interviewing someone so i mean oh my god i got shot by the guard i was threatened by them but no i the reason i didn't do any interviews inside the kmart is because it's like super incriminating you know interview people so i just got those shots of me walking around and the reason i held up that hanukkah sweater is because everything was looted from inside the store except for like a few specifics it was like baby pants hanukkah sweaters and like just printers and [ __ ] they were just like there untouched so i was just like walking around i actually filmed this segment called like what didn't get looted but i never dropped it because it was just like too funny and like oh my god the situation but there's a lot of stuff oh my goodness that is so funny of course no one wants that yeah that's actually valuable market research for kmart and target yeah what people just wouldn't even want if it was free yeah take those off the shelves people should be paying you for this kind of research i'm telling you so um andrew coming right congratulations first of all you've signed a deal with absolutely tim and eric's production company first of all that's got to be like a dream partner for you how's that uh how did that come about it was crazy because like i was on the one yard line with a different production company in in like la area and i was about to sign a deal i'm not gonna say it was as i can't but it was like definitely not like an ideal situation and then so we were probably a week from getting that paperwork signed and i got a dm from eric oh [ __ ] he was like it was like hey he was like hey man you want to make a show and i was like what what i was in a hotel room in vegas at this alien uh conference and i was like yeah here's my number and he called me and he's like yeah man let's make a show like as fast as we can like we want to pick you up right now like dave and tim and holy [ __ ] bro so that's how it goes down i was wondering how it goes down with uh how those guys pick you up i think that on like the high level of people who just do whatever they want it's all like text message casual i think you get in that mid-level it's all like pitch meetings and right like this web of agents and stuff like that so you never pitched anything no pitch decks none of that [ __ ] it was just tim hey let's go eric eric oh yeah air oh it was eric yeah what a like i never pitched anything that's amazing um well your work really speaks for itself and thanks they saw it so where are you guys in the stages right now of developing the show or can you not talk about it i mean it's coming along like coronavirus has definitely shut down like what would be necessary for like a production team so i've just been i live in an rv with my two best friends and i have been doing that for nine months so we just travel around to drive wherever we want make videos like i'm still doing that we just drove to portland for those protests we're going to sturgis bike week in south dakota in a few days and we're driving to la i might get an apartment for a bit can't wait to watch the portland cover yeah oh man it's so nuts like it was crazy because like i interviewed the feds like i walked up to the feds like on the line and i just like put the mic on him and this fed was like i was like hey what's your name like who do you work for and then like they never talk and then after like 10 questions he was like i appreciate you not shining your light in my face like the rest of the guys and i was like holy [ __ ] the fed just talked and like all the press were looking at me like he just got the friend to talk and i was like oh i was like i was like can you repeat that i don't know what else to say i just wanted him to keep talking and he was like i said i appreciate that you didn't put the light in my eyes and i was like one more time i just said it like five times that was good um how did you first start in this series of all gas no breaks how what's the genesis for this series well when i was a teenager i used to like hitchhike around alone in the country just travel from state to state and uh i would bring like a recorder like a like a voice memo app and i would hang out at bus stops and hotels and i would like talk to people like on the edge of society like kind of like outlaw types kind of like deadbeats with bus tickets that those kind of people just like road people and now basically i self-published like a zine like a storybook that was the transcriptions of all the stories that i got on the road and stuff like that and the book was called all gas no breaks so it was originally like a zine it's no longer available but i went to this company called doing things it owns like a bunch of meme pages and stuff like that and i was like yo i want to kind of adapt my like book into a comedic video series but also journalistic like new ganzo type stuff and they were like okay what do you need and i was like just buy me like a rv from the 90s and i've just lived in the rv since then that is crazy how do you get up like to me that seems like how do you get up the courage to just go out hit the road like that by yourself hitchhiking bus stops these these seems like like uh takes some measure of bravery or some lust for adventure or something that most people don't have where does that come from i don't i don't even know man have you always wanted to do that like yeah i think when i was little like i used to always like look at maps and i would like put my like finger on like a random point on the map and be like oh what is that place like and all that google go on google images and like look up pictures of it and be like i'm gonna go there one day and then i'm gonna get a horse in mongolia and i'm gonna go across the gobi desert and then i'm gonna get to india and at that point i'm gonna figure out how to get to europe and i'm gonna i just always had these crazy ideas about like travel writing and stuff did you ever at that point think that those things would lead to good content like was it in well actually i before i was kind of right after i was hitchhiking i never thought about travel as like a content thing but then i went to like i went to like southeast asia and amsterdam like the typical 19 year old american with some graduation money and i realized like damn all people do is just get [ __ ] up when they travel like you know what i'm saying they just get go to different hostels and just slam drinks and go to sleep and like it's always like australians and israelis and argentinians it's like this kind of same thing every time and so i was like man i just want to travel the u.s you know because there's so much to learn here and it's when i started exploring america and not internationally that i was like okay there's actually content like right around me all the time you gotta dive a little bit deeper what do your parents do for a living i mean how i just wondering what's your background um oh my mom's a fragrance designer like she makes perfumes and stuff like that and sells them and then my dad's a bartender you know we just developed a fragrance for we're making a ca it's it's a total tangent but i thought you might appreciate it being the son of a fragrance maker we developed a you know you know uh gwyneth paltrow's goop she made this smells like my vagina candle the yoni stuff i don't know it has a spiritual name it was like yes oh yeah i think isn't yo any like the like conscious i don't even want to talk about it yeah the conscious life that spell yeah yeah yeah it was like they were selling something related to gwyneth paltrow that was yeah she she gets all the cuckoo uh all the cuckoo stuff but she made a candle called it smells like my vagina and so i made i developed a candle to uh contrast hers called it smells like my butthole and we developed a we developed a really good [ __ ] smell and we and we put in a candle so that's coming this holiday season that's an announcement here today exclusive how did you get the uh the scent from your butthole you know well we didn't sample my butthole we went to the laboratory and we went to the top scientists mines in the country had them developed because they i said look i don't want something that's just like smells like your typical like sulfur ass i need something that's like a little musty a little pubie not like i need the whole package and so i think they really delivered on that it's a general [ __ ] smell not mine in particular so it's just a generic anus candle yes okay i'll be purchasing i tried to get the i tried to get pubes in it i wanted to put little black threads in the wax but everyone vetoed they thought it was too gross yeah but i my theory and you you tell me because you i mean you're a worldly man if you're going all out on an [ __ ] scented candle you might as well throw the pubes in there that's all gas snow breaks yeah i've always said that so since we're talking about i just i want to just shout out liam he was a fan of the podcast he was the guy who reached out to us he's he's the fragrance maestro and he's probably watching right now so how did that happen he just reached out and was like hey you guys yeah you said it yeah you said it as a joke on the show and he emailed me and he was like uh that's what i do [Laughter] so sick so um what do your parents think about it i feel like my parents would be terribly nervous and scared for me all the time do you think i'm 23 now and i've been doing stuff like this for like maybe five or six years i probably started hitchhiking when i was about 17 and just like doing dangerous american travel when i was pretty young so i don't think that i kind of broke them in a long time ago i mean it's kind of like when there's a bad kid he's like really shitty when he's like 11. by the time he's 17 his parents like kick him out you know i mean they just don't give a [ __ ] you say quote dangerous do you find that it's dangerous so have you found any what's has anything crazy happen you were like oh man this probably isn't safe out hitchhiking and traveling the road dude straight up like only college environments because okay let's say like you're at a like a conference like you can get your press pass revoked they'll just be like hey please leave or if you're at a football game security will just say hey get out of here dude like when i've done shoots at like university of alabama and in michigan like if the top dog of the frat house like pulls your bro card like you can get like your ass kicked that's the only times i've ever been in danger is like uh that's so funny probably the university of alabama football game i guess word got around that i wasn't like from there and i was like a west coast guy or something and that was just in the streets yeah dude i mean people know especially my college content is like always sort of like shocking humor so they're like hey this guy's making fun of us let's basically let's take him out and he might be a liberal and then before you oh no the worst crime of all yeah so tell me what happened why did you feel in danger just because i mean those are the people who can fight in the streets without going to prison you know those are the people who are jacked up on testosterone and feel like entitled to like you know providing so nothing particular happened you just were got around you got spooked and got out of there no i've just had people to grab the mic from me right you know what i mean be like oh you want this like that kind of aggressive [ __ ] i've had people start fighting each other while we've been filming one time i was at university of alabama and like this this kid came up he was like this rich jordanian kid i guess he was the son of a coca-cola executive i didn't realize this he starts like freestyling and he's like yo sing barely even coherent words and this other bro comes up with like a trump hat and he's like he's like you can't [ __ ] you can't [ __ ] rap for [ __ ] and then the dude was like [ __ ] you and then i don't know what happened but they started just like fighting and i was in between them with the microphone and then mike went flying and it became like a 20 person brawl it's on patreon yeah i'm gonna say you know what i gotta get on patreon because uh i've seen all your videos and i haven't seen that yeah it's called roll tide episode one i'll check that out man that sounds like good content so here you are this is your rv i guess you can't see it but the people can see it so you really cruise around in this coachman rv this is your you live in this with three with two other dudes yeah two other dudes yeah i've been living in it since last since august 15th 2019 now that you're working for absolutely you might your ass might be flying your ass might be flying i prefer to live in the rv but my ass might be flying yeah your ass might be flying now man you changed bro i'm insane you're going hollywood i missed the audience i'm gonna get the la apartment and change up hot tub jet ski lifestyle so are the two dudes you said they're best friends they're the ones that just together you guys make all the videos yeah it's my high school bff college bff evan and nick the best of both worlds the best friends in the world so how do you guys delegate your duties how are is it just the three of you working on the show yeah definitely so who does what nick does the camera work exclusively and some of the editing evan does like the producing so he like will call up people and get the press passes he also runs audio and second camera and release forms oh that's why i do all the interviewing and then like the far majority of the editing it's really oh you do you do a lot of the editing almost all of it yeah wow the editing is a beautiful thing my dude i mean inspired by tim and eric i would assume right are there at least that whole genre yeah vic burger yeah vic is the man that guy's the editing god dude yeah big inspiration um so what is it like living in an rv with three dudes i mean i i gotta imagine there's some logistical issues that arise from that can you think of some logistical issues i could address each one okay masturbation walmart uh you drip off in walmart possible yeah you go in the bathroom with jerkball and where do you swear do you not in the toilet in the sink that's not it depends you know it's a day by day thing [Laughter] because i i mean obviously you got young three young men on the road together i mean it's got to be an issue yeah it's actually not that much i mean we're not always in the rv at the same time there is times where you're alone in the rv okay you guys put up a sign if the rv is well usually you would say if it's a rock and don't come and knock but i wouldn't assume that anyone's jerking it that furiously i mean you got to just figure out when your your friends are not going to be in the rv like oh we're going to starbucks i know that's 15 minutes done like when the parents used to leave the house and [ __ ] so is there a toilet and shower in there or yeah so there is a toilet but we don't use it because there was an incident that happened in tucson so our septic tank for i'm gonna give you a history of the septic tank of the rv real quick because there's two critical stories to understand so we bought this rv it hadn't been driven in like 10 years turns out the person from massachusetts is a retired firefighter based on the stickers that were left on the rv big firefighter shits were all over the rv septic tank it turned into like a brick of [ __ ] that i guess was like condensed and like fossilized mummified is a better word over the years and um we had a friend over we're in reno whatever our home girl was in the rv and you know you're not supposed to just [ __ ] in someone's rv but it's also awkward to tell someone not to [ __ ] in the rv if you don't know them that well you said i don't want to just cover up like hey don't [ __ ] because you assume that no one is just going to go and take a crazy dump in your rv bathroom so like i go out to get like a coffee or something when i come back and i'm like oh where's the where's the home yet oh my god [ __ ] in the rv because i knew me me and my friend like oh no no oh god no she comes out and dude it was an outhouse in there so we had to get it cleared in las vegas by like an rv septic specialist he said he had to take two power drills from both sides and just like like drill into this [ __ ] brick until it was like a fine dust that could be like wow that's [ __ ] story one [ __ ] story two was in tucson we got caught slip and started taking more shits in it because you once one person takes the [ __ ] in the rv it's like all civility's off and people just start going for it you know i don't know why well tell me does it just smell what's the problem with [ __ ] in the rv toilet does it just this it just [ __ ] sits there [ __ ] sits there we typically are in the southwest where it's hot so that desert heat heats up the septic tank and the fumes come rocketing out of like the uh the toilet hole and they just come straight to the driver's seat so you guys kind of just hot box your own rv was [ __ ] so this second [ __ ] story is worse so we're in tucson right there's this neighborhood called like barrio anita it's a super cute like adobe neighborhood north of downtown we're rolling around and my friend sees out of the side mirror that our septic is we call it hot shotting is spraying [ __ ] out of the side of the rv onto people's cars and all that and we're right outside of our friend's house we're like oh she's gonna be so [ __ ] pissed if we don't figure out this [ __ ] so we're like oh my god you know what we have to just dump this illegally so he's like we're like we have no option hit her right we go into this like dark parking lot we think it's like all good perfect to dump it's so dark so we just pull the lever and like 50 gallons of [ __ ] comes out and we're like oh man like we feel so bad but whatever it's just an abandoned parking lot because we couldn't see anything so our friend puts the flashlight on it and it just says elementary school for the deaf and blind we're like oh my god no it felt so bad we're like holy [ __ ] so we actually brought like buckets over and cleaned up our own [ __ ] so do you guys use the toilet to this day or are that strictly off limits uh well hydrated pee can go in there yeah oh so you guys you guys even have you guys say if you're dehydrated we don't even pee in this one i don't think we say that but it's more of an unspoken thing that rv life is no joke so what do you so you guys generally try to stop off and [ __ ] like a gas station or something like that gas station is always the move you know but then again i don't like i like when it's one stall and not multiple stalls because the people who shoot at gas stations are gross yeah you don't want to you don't want to share that experience with anyone yeah truckers especially some of the truckers at pilot flying j truck stops are like [ __ ] kings how does your coffee affect that kind of lifestyle covid yeah i had south by southwest in cancun and then it was like one night everything in austin closed down all of our favorite bars shut down and so we drove from austin to seattle in three days to quarantine we just like went from having a great time to just like 12 hours of driving a day and the most boring month of my life wow i got so bored that i was recording rap music that's what i was getting i was freestyling into my computer over like 50 instrumentals that's how weird it was yeah did anything good come with that any fire songs yeah no well you're out there now you're doing your thing it doesn't seem like covet has slowed you down at all it has because you know we we ordinarily would be covering a bunch of events every month and it's led to everything getting canceled basically so i don't know the coronavirus lockdown protest it's one of my favorite videos we did that and we did minneapolis and now we've just been covering people not social distancing and stuff like that yeah it kind of makes for good content though in a way doesn't it especially because no other journalists are out here doing it they're not willing they're not they literally can't because they're sponsored by organizations that won't give them the green light right do you have any of you guys suspected that you've caught it because you're in these situations and you're always wearing masks and being responsible but the people around you are not and they say masks protect other people from you not necessarily you from other people you know i think that i had it in texas back in march but i quarantined for three weeks and then i tested a negative we get tested pretty pretty frequently so no i have to because i mean i don't want to give it to anybody and i'm always around old people do you how do you get tested when you're crossing the country do you find that it's easy to get tested because that's something that's obviously urgent care is like 175 bucks boom that's what i do whenever i feel like i have been around a large i'm about to do it tomorrow after portland that's smart you're very responsible i like that about you thanks um dude when you enter a room or an event you have this knack you have like for finding the weirdest wildest person in the room tell me about your process of like finding the right person to talk to because you know like in florida man you you'll just you'll see someone walking on the street like that one dude in the short shorts and just like correct me if i'm understanding the situation wrong but you just saw this dude on the street and pulled over and like yo dude let's chat yep how do you what do you say to him to initiate the combo i don't know certain things i just just do i guess like um how do you explain who you are what do you say hey man i'm making a documentary the thing about characters is that they love to be on camera they don't care what you're doing i remember like i'll tell them this is all gas no breaks and we'll finish the thing on the like what was it what was it called again yeah they don't even they don't even care and if you go into a convention any every funny enthusiastic person is going to run towards the camera and just start going nuts it still it seems like you have a talent to get them to feel comfortable because they they just seem like they don't care they let you record everything um i love these people because i think your style is i don't know if you're familiar with louis thoreau the documentarian but he has a similar style where um he's very unjudgmental and very passive and accepting of all people as strange as they are and like that makes people feel very uh welcome and open and he gets the best interviews out of people i feel like you share that characteristic with him yeah i do this one thing that he does that i kind of got from watching him where even if you know the answer to something you still ask it you just act sort of naive and curious right totally like like do you if you're like a mega rally or something you're like hey why do you support trump like you kind of know what they're gonna say in a way but you just you keep oh wow interesting like you just keep going keep probing he does that like he's a smart dude he'll go into contexts where he knows he'll go to like a west borough baptist church and say how do you feel about you know gay people you say stuff like where he knows the answer and i'm like why and he just keeps that's really smart and like not a lot of journalists do that a lot of journalists operate on this like i already know thing therefore i'm going to ask like a level five question like insane question because i already know the base levels but he keeps cool he's such an inspiration he's a genius yeah i love him he really is i i am i find that sometimes when you ask that base level like level one question you what you actually get when you think you knew the answer surprises you that's actually a really good point you know that happens all the time yeah especially it's conspiracy conventions where everyone's got their own little crazy thing like the flat earth conference the disagreements among different bullet points of the flat earth model is crazy man are those are those some of the wildest people you've met because that that can that's one of the conspiracies that you really have to suspend like such a level of disbelief in your mind that you're pretty much willing to accept anything that i would say they're the scariest people i've met really in what way dude that that shit's all about jews i was i noticed that that was that how was it that the jews are behind round earth like damn can we get a break i actually the idea is that jews control all the money the idea and nasa gets a bunch of money for space projects but the money for the space projects because there is no space because the earth is flat goes into the pocket of nasa and then funnels back up into this global jewish banking system so it's just a giant money laundering scheme yeah it's giant money laundering scheme and it's all about the earth and the shape of it that's that is the basis of the decision the whole flat earth thing just because it's like why would people go through such an extreme measure of convincing the entire world just to launder some money there's got to be better ways hey man i mean you're talking about flat earthers here they're like you know self-proclaimed skeptics you know like i don't believe with the lies it's like but you believed that the earth was flat because someone on facebook told you yeah i just don't understand like this new generation of like i guess not new generation but like emboldened movement of like right-wing skeptics right they believe the most insane [ __ ] ever there is a conspiracy to anything it does seem like most skeptics slash conspiracy theorists are tend to be right wink and i don't know why that is uh yeah there's like right i mean it seems like the that conspiratorial paranoid thinking tends to lead to the right maybe because they're like they're in support of gun gun [ __ ] right and also like the woke left like kind of those conscious influencers like uh they believe in like chemtrails and 5g oh do they yeah well i wasn't aware of that yeah i was the flat earth one i noticed two things there was a common thread hating jews and rapping why are so many flat earthers rappers dude every one in five people has some bars is that so interesting dude tell me the truth do you ask people if they have raps when you're interviewing them yes yeah yeah it's like why is everyone you talk to rapping dude that's genius it's genius though it's so funny oh it's so fun do you find it i find it ironic also that a lot of people who have quote bars tend to be like for example look at like the lady who was at the don the don jr but like she's out there rapping right and then you go oh are you a fan of hip-hop no hell no hell no what is that um she doesn't like hip-hop because she's racist yeah but she raps so yeah but i mean i don't know man we're talking birmingham alabama suburbs right now like i don't know where you get there but like that was crazy she didn't ask me to rap she tried to sell me her mixtape and i was in disbelief i'm at the donald trump junior book signing and this like 80 year old lady named pam was like would you like to buy my mixtape what what where are we like that was one of my favorites hold that's a number that's the uh fourth or the third clip let's watch that so she um is that how she initiated the conversation with you she was trying to sell you a mixtape yes damn but she doesn't like hip-hop i mean guys think about this think about it god damn it he goes no i like elvis conway to indeed the country classics i was like holy [ __ ] she gave me her cd it has one song and it's like the only cd in my car and so every time the radio is not working someone always pressures the cd option that's oh my god here he is her husband looks like a elvis impersonator you know what is this guy for real this guy right here tonight to get a book and to give this to don junior oh man it's a special day can i see this this is a rap song and i wrote it yes and it's been playing on the rick and bubba show so what's your name little p what does p stand for pam glass we are trump supporters down to the bone so this is the reason i wrote this song so listen to what i've got to say and he'll make america great one day vote trump yeah baby vote trump he's a businessman with a presidential plan sent down here to heal our land so when you hear this funky sound you're gonna know that trump is around he only wants save for all this is why he has them built in the wall he's brought our jobs back around and put our feet on solid ground so don't you listen to the lies they say cause trump is making us great today anyway it just keeps going on and on and in the background wait keep playing oh so tell me how your rap career started riding down the road just thinking about it yeah thank you so much for rapping are you a big fan of the hip-hop genre not really but i am a big trump supporter if you had to pick who are your three favorite rappers i don't have any rappers we don't listen to rap it's incredible how her husband's hair is so black at that age yeah all-natural um i wanted to show these kids god these all these people are so wild in this video at the book signing man how do you find for example this specific event in such a specific location uh i don't even know i guess we just like look up events like we kind of know where we're going to drive we can look along the route like oh let's start driving from like miami to texas would be like oh georgia events louisiana events you just kind of look for stuff that's along the route and we figure it out and we got blessed with that don junior book reading that was so epic his girlfriend was there i mean this was like a serious official event right i know i interviewed her a second time and just like didn't remember who i was oh yes i was like i was like casually speaking are you dating don jr and she was like yes and i was just like she's like no seriously she got coronavirus oh she did yeah recently at a trump event what's her name again something kimberly guilfoyle yeah um i want to show you these kids because i did a double take i was like wait did i hear that right here that's trump 2020 you feel me epstein didn't kill himself hey drain the swamp trump uh gaze for trump what's your favorite thing about trump oh honestly i think it's because he's racist that's your favorite thing about him yeah bro what i was like did i hear that right there you have it somebody said it i think he was trolling but you know specific kind of like troll yeah um has has all these uh road trips around america changed your outlook on america at all yeah definitely well it's so crazy because i was hopeful when i first hit the road and then i became super like nihilistic after just going to all these crazy events and seeing how like lost a lot of people are and stuff like that but then the way our audience has grown maybe hopefully again that makes sense yeah yeah it does and like how many people are responding to this like sort of ethnography that we're doing definitely i would find it very difficult not to become kind of jaded or nihilistic i mean there's definitely that vive vibe conveyed although you're really kind of rubbing shoulders with the fringes the absolute fringe of society so like when see i've not really traveled these areas that you frequent like you know this a lot of the midwest southern places are people generally all like this no definitely not actually you get crazier types on the coasts i mean think about every type of person is in california and the wet i can't think of it you got there's rednecks in california there's the looks there's burners every dude california you know there's places on the west coast have a greater diversity of personalities but if you want a concentration of people like that like you just saw you're probably better off in the south but most people are just living you know they're not going to don junior's book signing to celebrate triggered you know uh as i understand it your first big hit with all gas no brakes was your burning man video is that correct yeah those are just the first videos period i don't know if it was the first smash hit but it was the first videos so was it an immediate hit the burning man not immediate but i think it went pretty hard i don't know where our growth's been pretty steady but trying to think of the most explosive stuff that we made the reason yeah you're kind of right burning man was pretty good i mean the recent stuff went off really hard like your recent fourth of july yeah celebrate our first like three million view youtube video yeah that's awesome but the burning man video a lot of people wanted to sue you for that video right yeah particularly that one dude dj soft baby i don't know if any of you guys were able to catch that before it went down oh yeah i'll tell you how this happened because this is really funny i think i can speak about it because i'm not using his government name so this dude rich guy from massachusetts walking around with just gold leggings and no shirt on like basically walking around i noticed because there's like soup kitchens that burning man where people go at all hours of the night to get free food there was this chowder spot you know in the playa there and he kept running up to the the chef and being like oh this is so [ __ ] good like he was like this is the best life like melting down and i was like that dude is so high on molly so i went up to him and i was like hey man like you want to be in a documentary and he was like and then uh he came over he was like you know going all crazy and he we just did this interview about like molly is like a therapeutic thing it was really funny he was just like don't be doing some [ __ ] moon rocks you find on the ground and he was just like being really funny started dancing with the shirt off for like 20 minutes just this awesome dancing he signed a release form i believe something like that it was all good so we leave burning man we post a video and like within i think two hours like not only is the post down but like the page is down and the ip address has been like flagged so like it was terrifying we thought the whole thing was over wow that was one of our first videos moral of the story is burning man's a hard place to film because a lot of those people were like high paid silicon valley you know tech types they go to burning man's be crazy but they're not as crazy as they seem there yeah yeah that was a legal nightmare actually i probably would not go back to burning man again to film that's crazy so wait you've posted the video where did you post it where it was removed instagram instagram and with two hours it was shut down huh and you ended up in litigation with this guy too no definitely not i mean i think he was content with it being taken down and then you just edited him out and put it back up yeah but that that's one of my favorite clips of all time that sucks oh yeah we gotta is that resurface somewhere on the internet blink twice if i could find that on the internet there you go that's what's up dude um so do you prepare like release forms and you have everyone sign it when you record them yeah we do most of the time i mean we learned our lesson a few times one time in alabama i had these these girls like college girls like came on camera and they were just like i would let trump like [ __ ] on my face like all this crazy trump stuff is just like i love trump they're like i would even let baron trump hit it i post that and then had lawsuit threats i had private investigators with alabama area codes harassing my mom what you got my family's phone number they're harassing my family damn oh my god yeah release forms are crucial now more with college students because they have they have more growing to do and they have more to lose we don't get release forms from like people in their 40s and 50s who are at you know music festivals they don't sue you unless they're like obviously rich it's the kids parents who sue right 18 to 18 to 22 year olds their parents will stew the [ __ ] out of you do you find that well in the example of this guy you the dj babyface or whatever you had the release form right uh it's possible but it's also possible we didn't i don't really remember but either way really you can't if you work hard enough you can avoid a release form by saying that you were on drugs right right yeah yeah yeah it's a hard case to make but you can definitely make the case if your lawyers are good consent at the time at the time he was super stoked on it well that's the that definitely is the effect of md that's funny though man do you find that i i i have to imagine that a lot of these interviews either go wrong or at a certain point maybe people cat you catch a lot of [ __ ] after the fact when people go hey this guy's kind of making fun of me actually so do you have ever p do you have any stories of like people contacting you directly and talking to them or is it just kind of the weird problem honestly it's been happening less and less because i'm trying to move the brand further away from like gotcha type [ __ ] where i seem super legitimate and it ends up being like a meme thing i'm trying to get more towards like not overly political but i want to make it so when i pull up somewhere and people recognize me they don't think that i'm going to only make fun of them they see that i might do some making fun of them but i also want to get what they're saying across so like i don't want i want to have some duality where i can't be pigeonholed as like a borat bruno type where it's like this is a troll right because that will end up like harming it when you're trying to shoot and people recognize you yeah are you worried about a day when maybe let's say you make a show with appso and it becomes like like a big show are you worried that it might prevent your ability to catch interviews no because it actually makes more people be down to interview because people love the show like for example when i was in portland there was a bunch of like antifa protesters they never do interviews with anyone but because they were fans of my minneapolis content i got like five or six interviews with people in full black block gear like telling me their demands so i got a lot of [ __ ] that otherwise wouldn't have been possible without the fan base yeah that's kind of a really great thread through your story because i feel like with a lot of people like you you name like borat sasha bear cohen's character because because he specifically lampoons people if they know him there's like i'm not going to participate but in your case i think you're right that that people will be encouraged if they know who you are yeah i mean if everyone in the marquette michigan fourth of july video knew who we were every person that's why i knew i saw a lot of people referencing your name and your show and stuff yeah i mean dude sam's working on our advantage and if it doesn't i'll just get a buzz cut or something right yeah there's always that option rebrand bro i used to have hair just like you when i was in high school where'd you grow up uh in ventura california you don't know where it's near l.a suburban valley kind of but i use i got like a gnarly dandruff bro and i had to get rid of it you have that problem no not so much anymore because i got the hair and shoulders but there was a time man especially in my high school years i was flaked out flanked out bro i was snowing on everybody man yeah i got the head and shoulders too i wasn't cutting it but i use i actually rock head and shoulders to this day so weird so where do you guys live in la i'm trying to find like an area to rent an apartment and it's like that's cool uh we live in west los angeles is that right dan i mean technically yeah so i mean anywhere in la is great yeah you know yeah uh you just as long as you're preparing for having to drive places you know i'm going to buy a car i'm pretty sure when they get down there yeah i feel like anywhere is is good i think you i think you find a nice a lot of nice places you'll probably be working i know there there are offices in like burbank or something so there's a lot of things yeah weird i think there's a lot of nice places around there valley do you do you know how um those two guys those three guys really dave eric and tim would be involved in and the production of of a show you make with them ah no i've never done this yeah yeah for editing helping with editing and just you know being there i mean they're really good references like uh they're just awesome there's some legends man um i was wondering about your videos it feels so effortless but it makes me wonder does it sometimes happen when you go somewhere and you feel like you can't get the right footage or it's not interesting enough or yeah it happens all the time yeah definitely had a couple shoots that we weren't able to make a video out of just a matter of not getting down on yourself especially during this quarantine time it's got to be frustrating right like i've been there like i'll make a video i know that feeling you like if i find a really good topic and then i just i try so hard to make it work but it just doesn't work and i i can see like yeah but you you drive to a place you go you do it i mean like what's an example of a video that you guys attempted that didn't work out that you put a lot of i think that we did the the way we did the border security expo video didn't work very well i liked that video yeah yeah i just didn't like it because it was just so heavy on editing and music yeah yeah you feel like there's no way i had this area where like i was like i'll we'll salvage a lot of these clips by like blasting them with meme music and now it's like i want to get back to that like original raw thing of like no music minimal editing that's the [ __ ] i love your interviewing technique when you interview people i've noticed this would you put a mic in someone's face you don't have to say anything and you i don't say anything dude i love that that you just nod very affirming like i'm with you all the way dude i'm like you know what i mean hell yeah and you just put the mic in their face man and like they'll say something eventually like i i forgot what video was but uh i was i think was the area 51 where there was the two officers and the one the second officer didn't want to say anything but you just put the mic in his face yeah he just started nodding and he just he was forced he had to say something it was awesome i love it i just did it to the feds in portland like i said it was pretty and it worked right i mean it worked it worked what are some is there any memorable moments on the road of stuff you had to cut that was too wild so i went to the avn expo in uh vegas and i made really good friends with these two actors which is sean lawless and kendra cox and uh like we sort of started joking like who writes the scripts for story-based porn movies you know because some of the setup is just so bad and i wonder who is you know assigned to create the drama that leads to like the porn scene so they let me write like a script for them and i wrote the script and i actually played the distressed husband and then shot kendra was my wife and sean was the cable guy who was sent to fix the uh the tv that was broken because circuit city sold us a defective tv and i wanted to watch uh the emoji movie so i just made this crazy plotline um that's on pornhub only it is yeah oh that's great what's the title i think it's like nerdy suit man gets wiped banged by big [ __ ] cable guys this man gets banged by a cable guy or dirty suit man let's start with that one man porn you said it's on pornhub let's take a look nerdy suit man's bbw wife [ __ ] by big [ __ ] hell yeah i think that might be it i just want to see the setup i wrote the whole thing this is awesome dude here i'll play the audio oh my god oh [ __ ] i've had the longest day at work let me this is one let me get this straight you guys were at the avn and you're just like let's go shoot a porno in your hotel room that's what it looks like yeah well i would just make i was interviewing them about script writing and i was like they're like do you want to do it i was like like write a script for the porno i was like an x-ray in the porno but not nude you can add that to your um to your imdb writing credits bro let me get let me get a picture of him he's a huge porn star let me see his face oh yeah i've seen him so many times bro there you go all gas no breaks you even got the title credit man oh my gosh oh so you're there the whole time while they're [ __ ] your dad watch your board oh dude no so he's interviewing them as they're having sex she's riding him absolutely look where we are how about you are your parents proud really nice view from the window too actually what does this tattoo mean is yeah my ex-boyfriend put it back there it's probably going to be a hard question but what's the worst decision you've ever made i don't really have too many bad decisions i think uh so his [ __ ] is she's in her right now she's writing she knows what about you man what's your biggest regret in life but i didn't do this sooner yeah i worked the desk job and it sucked i worked 40 hours a week making dick money and they're stuck everybody awesome i realized i could have been doing this the whole time and i like big tits and big ass and i like big women and she ain't a lady unless she's 180 all gas no brakes there you have it i wonder like was it all worth it [Music] okay well that there's your one episode that can only be found on pornhub pornhub exclusive uh what was it like being on set during a porn but i guess it wasn't really on set it looks like it was just two people [ __ ] in a hotel room kind of it was gross was it it looked kind of gross wasn't it it's kind of gross you look horrified because the cameraman were also head butters i don't know i don't know anyone knows that wait your cameraman got popped a woody no it's not his cameraman the cameraman work with the adult he had a woody yeah they always do no way i thought you would get desensitized and his he's just got a boner bulging in his pants yeah that's nars bro so weird did you comment on it no i just stuck out of my mind i feel like i wish we got a comment from him maybe he was the husband of the girl oh he was filming it oh so that's like okay i guess yeah i guess i guess that's a little bit more forgivable yeah yeah it's very forgivable he was mad cool too he was like wasted he's awesome he's like i can't wait to watch this [ __ ] okay yeah dude get it that makes sense it's his thing yeah that's his thing god bless us um do you i gotta get over to patreon man it sounds like all the good shit's over there what's your patreon where how do we find you all gas no breaks on patreon yeah you have a lot of support there man uh dude it's it's amazing when i went over there the amount of uh support you guys over there is fantastic i'm very happy for you i was just i was having the mic in your face moment but it wasn't working going to be in the same room i think oh there was this so i want to watch some clips together okay some some parts that stuck out to me what do you make of these people who are protesting the the lockdown aren't you closed i closed it guys well as as we can see we're having a second wave now because of the people who refuse to follow the guidelines at first so and trump's wearing a mask a lot of people are dying dude herman cain died today herman cain died he died today and you know what what he got covered from the tulsa [ __ ] rally bro what i said my camera crew was out there holy [ __ ] he went to herman cain died from the tulsa rally yes herman cain her owner of little caesars yes you know that he wait he owns little seizures his family has a part ownership of little caesar's pizza i know he was the ceo of some pizza company maybe i'm wrong about that maybe that's fully inferred information i'd like to think that herman cain is the ceo of little caesars he know he owns some pizza place i don't think it's a little seizures hermes seizures my god well i've been saying little seizures for a while it's just fun saying it because it herman cain pizza pizza business he owned some pizza [ __ ] i never heard of like uh it's called uh this is important godfather's pizza what some are not little caesars anyway he went to the tulsa rally he proudly posted a picture of him without a mask with his whole possum oh my god and now he died of covid it does yeah this is happening i think a lot of those people who were at the um at the coroner's lockdown protest they just fall victim to information circles you know these are like pretty concentrated facebook groups they're echo chambers i always say that you know when the internet first came out the idea was that we're going to have a more well-informed public that was going to have access to ideas in the left right middle whatever but really just seems to create like different bubbles of people like on the far right far left and the people at the coronavirus lockdown protest for very much right-wing conspiracy queuing on flat earth or types they only communicate with each other so there's the question of how much are they falling victim to this and how much are they antagonizing it it's a hard one to think about i mean yeah it's pretty sad i mean once people actually start dying i don't i don't have any will against them i mean no me neither no i know totally it's totally sad and actually it's how i see it happening a lot now a lot of these cove truthers are catching the virus and they're dying although i think it would bring people together because it's just it's a this virus is like a common enemy we all have to fight the same thing yeah i kind of lost a lot of faith in our institution and just the fabric of our society when something like a pandemic can become a political issue it just it just struck me as so bizarre and you know now we're in this situation where people are desperate to reopen schools and reopen the economy but like we if we just did it right the first time we'd be all good by now like most other wealthy countries just friends that's the thing you said other countries it's like people forget that it's global it's like this isn't just like a trump versus biden you know like patriot versus like snowflake thing this is like every country so was it political in italy no it's not in israel it's not i don't know nowhere else dude maybe england maybe brazil these kind of uh it just seems like like when i was telling my friends in israel that there is a whole discussion here about if you should wear a mask or not they were like what yeah well there you go that's crazy you can't even say that because over here it's such an issue yeah you know i was just i was in bismarck north dakota dude went past a packed bar with no one wearing a mask i was like yeah do you find it odd that people i see this a lot online that people blaming the whole uh you can't even really call it a second wave it's the first wave just up but people are blaming the increase in cases on protests and i find that really bizarre you don't think it could be like related at all i think for the most part most studies have shown that that the protest didn't play a big part and i think when you see it on camera you see wow look at all these people right and you think man this is a disaster but when you compare what was how many people were at rallies like you know 10 000 20 30 000. when you compare that to the population of entire state it's really a drop in the bucket i mean it's the reopening it's the people at the bars it's people at the restaurants it's people indoors not wearing masks that are really spreading the virus you look at a state like florida how many people live in florida like 30 million or something like that i don't know 20 million yeah they're all like sweating and making out on the beach at all times right yeah passing joints and cigarettes and stuff sharing beers i mean and you're talking about millions and millions of people so like if you just it's easy to look at protesters on the street like that's they are the specific reason why we're here but like it really is a drop in the bucket and unfortunately george floyd didn't choose the time to be murdered right you had coronavirus too yeah interesting yeah i also noticed that they tried to say that's why he died and not the dude whose knee was dig dug into his neck oh my god people come up with any reason other than that why he died yeah it's amazing we can argue about anything but and you heard you ever heard uh george floyd's old music and that song sitting on top of the world by big floyd like some old school houston screwed up click [ __ ] man george floyd's music was dope he was a really like a real legendary rapper in houston in the 90s you know dj screw like old school houston [ __ ] no no well dj's crew was like a pioneer of like screwed up music in houston which is like kind of like codeine influence like slowed down music like chopped and screwed he invented that him and george floyd whose rap name was big floyd they kicked it super tough and big floyd made a bunch of songs and one of them called sitting on top of the world is like the most haunting song because he really is sitting on top of the world right now and i did not hear that check that [ __ ] out for sure hmm wow where was this one i want to show you this moment and when you're at the rally to protest the lockdown and a dude comes up to you and coughs in your face yeah sort of he more coughs in another dude's face oh yeah here it is and i am bouncing off the walls of my living room because i can't go out california not communism everybody cough in my face do it somebody come cough in my face yes puff directly in your face yeah i'm not sure this guy just doesn't have a fetish that he's disguising as being a covet truther he's a flat earther too i'm just putting that out there oh he is wow i'm not gonna i'm not gonna give him any free exposure but yeah that dude his name is jake and he's a flat earther that doesn't surprise me at all man this guy this guy whatever it is he is it is he's still alive do you know no way i never did put on hand sanitizer ever and i don't ever wash my hands can you believe that it's like dude okay we're talking about like the fact that you don't ever wash your hands isn't really a debate here but it's like yes dude i believe you yeah you don't have to worry about that he's like not only is covent fake all viruses are fake i have never washed my hands believe it because it's true in my opinion we're looking at a seasonal flu in a bunch of fake death numbers go ahead america touch your face go out and have sex and don't worry about touching anything you [ __ ] touch anything and everything it makes your immune system stronger i used to be afraid of raw eggs and raw meat and now i drink raw eggs and i eat raw meat and i have been for years and i'm [ __ ] fine everything i don't think so are you yeah i think this guy's gotta affected you in some way but wow pretty sure that guy's got a brain a parasite what camera what camera do you guys use is it like i've never heard of this sorry i'm trying i'm trying to control this sorry go ahead is it like old school well we have what we call big cami which is like a 2004 like shitty giant panasonic that we bought off this like cuban dad in kendall florida and then we have the nice camera which is like 3 500 bucks which is like a sony alpha mm-hmm you guys use like or is it digital the big one it's digital yeah the first like crop of digital cameras to come out uh it's awesome it looks great pretty much true 911 was an inside job no one's ever walked on the moon the vaccines are poison can you cough in my face dude see people are too they're too scared to even cough when you ask it's like it's not we don't have it okay i mean yeah i don't need to argue with these people do you remember a lot about the the people you meet on the streets you seem to have a keen memory about all of the people you meet yep do you have a good memory in general or do people just stand out to you i have really good memory i actually have the best memory i don't know i don't know i think so i remember like a lot of people although i don't think i would forget these are kind of unforgettable people you run across everybody in the videos i remember a lot about because they made a depression on me yeah yeah factors into the editing process i don't remember like every i'm sure i've talked to a bunch of people i don't remember especially like the furries you know i actually didn't have a good time at that conference tell me it doesn't really come through certain certain conferences i just like don't have fun at i don't know why because they're just like so overwhelming and still like stimulating in a way that it's unfamiliar that i just kind of burn out like i was staying at a motel 6 next to the airport in chicago in december and like walking a mile to the furry con every day and just like i don't know i just i guess i didn't know what the furry fandom was about i thought it was just like a sex thing i don't know why i thought that i thought it was like a weird beauty because thing totally wrong i think first it's actually pretty cool and it like a lot of the people there like i talked to are like on the spectrum and so when they wear the fursuit like it makes they can socialize non-verbally and don't have to make eye contact so they can just like touch and without like having like the social pressure of like an eye contact thing so it's actu i think first it's actually pretty cool and it's super therapeutic to mad people that i talk to so that was the dilemma it's like [ __ ] i'm not here to make fun of these people anymore like what am i supposed to do i don't want to make these people feel shittier than they already have been made to feel before they became fairies so i just i don't know i just had a tough time there i was bored i think that a lot of people watching will appreciate hearing that because we've kind of met we make fun of furries on this show uh and we always get a little bit of blowback from the furry community they feel that they're misunderstood it sounds like you've had that came to that same conclusion yeah i just think sex is a really small part of it even though for somebody to say right seems to be a big part of the portrayal which is where i don't know why it just seems so synonymous with fetishism i don't know why either the tale i don't know what's going on there there's just something that like makes it seem like it's like a sex cult yeah well dude have you been inside a furry suit because i got one for a gag and it's i mean the the commitment it takes to be inside that suit for more than 10 minutes because it is not comfortable and it's hot as a mother yeah i have i know it's like 4 500 bucks but i would actually be a scaly not a furry because i'm far more into reptiles than i am animals with hair and fur and i had this lizard that died on the american idol finale in 06 when i was in seventh grade no that's when i was seven years old you know when carrie underwood beat bob ice i was a huge bob ice fan so i was already crying because bo bice lost the american idol finale and then i go into my room and my lizard snakey is just like slumped on his back like dead so i was just the worst day of my life so i was thinking about getting rip snakey tattooed but then i met someone at the furry con who designed scale-based furry costumes for like seven thousand dollars so i wanted to be like an eight foot tall like buff like reincarnated sneaky and just roll around and speak like a lizard voice so you so people who are rep who identify with reptilians are scalies scalies yeah they kind of get a bad rap in the furry thing really it's like the slytherin of furries you know that's just like why are you doing that but you can cr you can roll up in a scaly suit and people may not accept you if people are like ah it's the [ __ ] scaly i don't know why i made them like philly italians i don't think they talk like that but there would be like uh ah you know the scalies are here but i find that interesting that there's different communities i i guess but they kind of are still in the furry world right there's beef too there's hell that's what i'm curious about yeah what is the right wing there's kind of right-wing furries fairies who have a problem with trans people there's there's tons of like weird [ __ ] going on in the furry community there's like there's crazy they're not just furries man politics because part of the thing is furries are also non-gendered for the most part so it's pretty much a safe haven for anyone struggling with identity issues at all i mean you can just be like this very and like it's tight bro it's not for me like i don't think i would actually ever participate but i respect every furry there you go furry lives matter yeah i like that i appreciate i actually appreciate that insight yeah uh i do find that useful um flip flop the clown is is a man who stuck out to me from florida man one i what i want to know first of all let's watch this so i can familiarize where are you right now when you come across a character like flip flop the clown so i'm at a place where sometimes i go to relax it's called the sausage castle it's outside of orlando it's ran by a uh jackass affiliate and juggalo you know kingpin named mike busey and it's uh it's where i go when i'm in florida just you know chill out for a bit edit it's like a giant mansion in the swamps is that why he's in a clown mask because it's like juggalo affiliated or is this dude just like like busy you can look him up he looks insane i would encourage you to google it what's his name mike busey mike busey yeah he's a friend of mine so the way um the sausage castle works is it's like a giant house it's kind of like a dorm where each person is basically like an independent only fans content creator and they pay the bills for this giant mansion based upon like a percentage of the money that's coming in to like independent uh like pornographic content creation basically huh i've never heard of such a place in my life yeah here you are yeah and so i just like a lot of i have a lot of friends there they call it the sausage castle because like that's like vice called it because there's like so many dudes there someone called it the sausage castle but that's where so that was a halloween party at the sausage castle last year and it's called drunk people in costumes dude the the dj the celebrities that appeared were so strange dj paul from three six mafia uh stitches the wrapper you guys stitches and uh daddy longneck was there daddy long made an appearance big gucci but it's just like it's crazy like it's a really interesting thing by the way you yeah i was there they didn't even know who i was though this is before the show even popped off i thought it was like a nerd little did they know yeah shaq but dude the sausage castle is a lot shaq kicks it there post malone kicks it there although for real oh this is a wild spot shaq at the sausage castle yeah he's every time you go there's like kind of like random celebrities so here we have emily here we have um flip flop the clown with the foot fetish uh did you i'll just let this speak for itself did you see the uh lead up to this how did he convince her to do this oh the girl yeah oh there's my friend jessica she's from san diego she's she's recently become like a trump babe but at the time oh yeah i know the type the trump babes yeah like uh it'll just be like photos of her in like a bikini on the beach in san diego and be like i love my country yeah with like american bikini and everything yeah so yeah no she was just down she's everyone at the sausage castle is like yeah man what a vibe yeah um i liked it but i feel like dirty about liking it not as dirty as mouth though oh flip-flop the clown of a foot fetish what do you like about feet man i was born with a foot fetish i just love the odor and the taste and the ah was there a certain age where you realize like hey i like this yeah when i was a kid i used to fantasize about but uh when i was in kindergarten the kindergarten teacher stomping and putting me in her shoes and just like me living inside her shoes and stuff you know and then i got older and uh you know i got boners with the same fantasies in your life how many times do you think you put in your mouth i don't know like somewhere in like uh almost a million have a foot fetish rap song called feet on the face shut the [ __ ] shut your [ __ ] face because you know i love the taste i'm a mother yeah i don't think i've ever met anyone like this in my life but here you are he does that all year round oh damn coronavirus is really [ __ ] over flip-flop oh man i feel bad for him right now he probably hasn't been able to do that in a long time maybe he's finding a way i hope so i don't think coronavirus is stopping him a guy like that yeah but i mean i heard that he's gonna get like the gathering of the juggalos and just go ten to ten and just like oh my gosh he actually has a he has a gay cousin who's like flip-flop but you know sucks on dude's toes only and they go together to the juggle again no way they probably clean up at the juggalo place i can see everybody being down there even just for the novelty factor you know yeah i've seen him do crazy he was doing some way more hardcore [ __ ] than that at the sausage castle i think he was like eating an ass on the like he's going crazy man flip-flop is it he goes in oh he's just eating straight up ass so he yeah that's the first thing i saw him doing was just eating ass on the pavement that's amazing um have you ever had your foot in him or his cousin's mouth no no would you oh okay just curious i mean oh yeah that's a good question then the the other character that that jumped out to me from florida man ii of course is joker man who again is oh that's my boy so what does he go by joker man joker gang 305 live south sea south side saint pete pinellas county in this [ __ ] that's his full intro i'm going to say it again yeah yes hey joker gang 305 rawlish chico live south side saint pete pinellas county in this [ __ ] every single time you see him wow so this guy says to you joker man's been hitting up my girl did he introduce you to joker man how did you find joker man i joker gang was viral about two or three years ago oh and when he was like in and out of jail like smoking a ton of crank and like waving guns at pedestrians and country clubs and going back to prison joker gang kind of fell off got semi-sober and he kind of just jumped back on the map i actually did a solo interview with joker gang six months ago and uh he revealed the origin of his face tattoos he got it because his girlfriend i guess aborted their unborn kid without telling him and so he broke up with her and he was like i'm just gonna blast my whole face to make myself unrecognizable because i feel so betrayed so he got all those joker tattoos at one time got his whole face blasted the whole video is actually on youtube if you look up like joker gang tattoo uh time lapse you can find it but i i've been i've known joker gang for a while maybe like six or seven months so i went back and met up with him because he was like you gotta meet my cousin he's a six nine impersonator that's how this video came to be and how did you know about the first guy no the guy who was eating his roaches oh so he actually he reached out to me via dm because he knew that i was uh like doing a podcast at the sausage castle and he's like yo i live a half a mile away like do you want to come interview me and i was like yeah [ __ ] you might as well do this i like low level uh prank influencers a lot lit blunt bubba i wanted to talk about this [ __ ] around here he doesn't waste [ __ ] around here he busts out like 20 roaches and just consumes them all in front of you and i consumed one too and i had a thc induced panic attack estimated six hours later at the sausage castle i started having auditory i hadn't consumed thc in five years and i just swallowed this dude's like [ __ ] probably like spice joint right i started hallucinating and [ __ ] and i was freaking out like i was sweating profusely and my friends were like pouring water on my head it was a terrible night but it was worth it for that video that's amazing that just eating one of those dudes roaches could get you so high and you ate like 20 of them yeah or something 20 let's see how many he ate when we watched it i think it was 21. but did you talk to him was he okay after that yeah man that dude lives and breathes thc let's see [Applause] oh just light it light it up fire it up hit it one time and then let go of it [Applause] you got down you gotta swallow that [ __ ] man i can't believe that one roach got you so good i was blasted bro i wouldn't be surprised if he's like spraying weird additives on his [ __ ] like sketchy florida gas station thc enhancer yeah i wouldn't be surprised either that got you that high freaking out and then so so what happens here is florida man says that joker gang's been hitting up his girl is that true or is that just set up yeah that came completely unprompted i i could not believe that gum gang had a problem with joker gang because two days prior i was like this is camp this is too good to be true there's beef here i'm actually i'm gonna set up a fight for them in a month or two at like a youth boxing gym and run like a pay-per-view oh i would pay to see that all day dude yep gum game he just hit me up he just texted me i realized he was like when's the fight happening i was like bro as soon as i can get back to the orlando area it's going down you got a man you should have gum gang dress up as batman um so joke so joker gang how do they feel about being referenced as florida man do they take cross with that or they kind of proudly yeah i'm a florida man they want to be viral so bad it could be like you know like and you could just say anything man they don't care how they're labeled they just want exposure a lot of people in in florida are like that lord has a huge like jackass for like prank hillbilly culture it's like people in florida and like the redneck side are like more aware of world star hip-hop and stuff like that than rednecks in like missouri i mean so they they want to go viral like there's so many like that's so interesting and that's how you end up with characters like these i guess but here florida's got a crazy like 5 000 to 25 000 follower range giant creed of like hurt yourself influencers you know what i'm saying like hell like injure core like your head on the table type people down there barbed wire crushing cans on the forehead vibes yeah seriously um here's joker gang uh his dm my con said hey buddy stay the [ __ ] off my girls dm leave me the [ __ ] alone you know for the longest time he's been trying to troll me and get me to fight i'm like hey let's fight whatever now he's on probation so you're gonna make that joker saying to you in the messages oh he's gonna [ __ ] me up he's [ __ ] my girlfriend i swear to god it's an embryo [ __ ] over there watch out man i'mma whoop his ass i think that corona should fake as [ __ ] north korea the russians [ __ ] sound a chemical in the sky and [ __ ] but i think it's fake because i ain't catching that [ __ ] yet and i i barely wash my hands why not because i'm a hood [ __ ] if you're [ __ ] these hoes wrong [ __ ] the [ __ ] i've been [ __ ] the whole rosters on the little kid bro dogging doggy i got six kids bro i came out to a bag like like a straight way in no way like trevor [ __ ] my baby my mother for like nine months before i even found out what the [ __ ] was going on straight away these nuts all right so uh so we're doing this man these characters are something but so like these guys seem kind of like unpredictable do you fight but you know you don't ever feel endangered around these kinds of characters no interesting i mean it sounds like you consider all of these people friends yeah those guys are my friends interesting that's cool everyone's my friend um flat uh burning yeah there was this one moment from burning man that really stuck out to me is i know you try to play it straight as you possibly can in in most situations but i know i know what you're going to pull up yeah the one lady who's having an orgasm and you're just as close as i've ever came to laughing in any video is what you're about to show yeah and you just couldn't hold it together it's funny because she was pretty straight playing it pretty straight and then all of a sudden she just busts out with the what the uh meditative orgasm or whatever is really going on i'll play this no way i could have known that she was gonna do that i mean it just came it hit me so hard i was like oh my god this is happening right now real time reaction you're gonna see i mean your reaction was so funny i'm gonna play it breathing and why is it that you don't want to laugh you just you're trying to stay in character you don't want to insult her i don't like to laugh in people's faces yeah it makes me feel bad yeah exactly you're just trying to be respectful yes yes yes yes [Applause] yes [Laughter] that's a pretty good sample that was beautiful that was pretty good i mean all things considered i think you handled it pretty well you certainly put your best effort in yeah she was serious do you think she was kind of bummed on that video oh how come i don't know i didn't think she expected so many people to see it she didn't get tricked or anything but i just don't know well how do you know that you speak to them after the video comes out they the video comes out weeks later and they're like holy [ __ ] you know my grandma's seen this there's like things that you don't expect to reach like if you're in all gas no breaks video everyone you've ever known is going to see it because it's just going to find your extended friend group yeah yeah people pass it from here to there but how is it that they're contacting you you guys swap numbers yeah you know hey this is me her name was rasmus like hey this is me rasma didn't realize your platform was so big like i'm happy that it's out there but i'm feeling kind of like weird about it and i'm like yeah like i feel you but you know what she's really saying though right yeah she wants you to remove the video no not she just wanted me to talk it through you know a lot of people just need that validation of like were you trying to [ __ ] me over like i don't know people just need to be talked through being viral i mean like what's gonna happen and i was like look man like people aren't gonna come out of that video being like i hate that person right or like no they're going to come in that video just laughing yeah and that's it it's simple you know it's not the end of the world to be on one of the videos now we're super cool but yeah that's interesting i would assume that she was just coming to uh kind of being like hey man can you cut that [ __ ] out but i i feel you maybe you're right maybe maybe my my mind just goes to a different place more cynical place yeah i mean i think that it's hard to communicate how big the show is to someone yeah especially when you're meeting them on the fly and i'm always in the scene so i'm not like i don't have a crew or a body you're not i'm like next to that like hey just so you know we're all right a million people it feels it feels douchey but then people want you to like they retrospectively want you to have let them know how big the show was but what am i like oh by the way like yeah the engagement is [ __ ] crazy you gotta hop on this [ __ ] like i'm not gonna do that to somebody yeah your show has grown a lot in the past year how do you how are you feeling about that i mean are all your dreams coming true right now because like [ __ ] you're a young man you got tim and eric begging you for a show hitting you in the dms saying andrew we need this right now i mean how are you feeling you got to be feeling pretty good about everything yeah feeling good but i'm just transitioning you know because it kind of freaks me out and stuff like when i'm walking around like and people would just like like freak out you know like oh my god oh my god i'm like because i you know but i always study the effects of like young social media fame on mental health i think i'm doing pretty good but it's definitely weird and like i don't think the human brain is like optimized you know you know too you're pretty famous man like you like you probably walk around and you're like holy [ __ ] like someone's stoked like and i don't even know them like it's just strange like you got it it's just happened to me over a year so you get used to it but overall it's a good thing i'm just trying to figure out how to navigate social life now because definitely all eyes are on me if i go out to a bar it's like all eyes on me like if i it's just weird you just got to operate a little bit differently what i've been doing is like keeping like old school friends like really close you know what i mean like my two camera guys like we just keep our like social world a little bit smaller and stuff like that but i don't know i think i'm doing pretty good mm-hmm yeah it took me a few it took us a few years to get used to it it's definitely really weird at first but then you kind of like you said you kind of your your circle gets smaller and you're a little more guarded i mean it's fine it's it's kind of what you just have to do to to um to navigate the your your social world more but i mean like you said it's it's a good thing it's nice it's a really nice thing being people that you've never met and coming up and saying nice things to you they're always super nice yeah but like you said it's transitioning it's yeah you're something that you have to like get used to and learn how to do and it's just weird y'all do you all go to bars and stuff like that nah no we're we're we have a kid we're old now i'm 35. i mean i don't really leave that i don't really i go to work and i go home you know what i mean so i don't even find myself out in public much but we were lived in new york for a year and we got it a lot there and um yeah there's definitely a transition that takes place i can imagine going to bars and meeting girls and stuff because i've been married to to ela since before we were famous brielle how long have you all been married for uh we've been married now for almost eight eight years yeah we've been together for even longer that's [ __ ] awesome i want to get married so bad man really do you have a girlfriend no but i want like a wife you know let's start yeah you do you're commit you're you're a man who likes to commit yes i have a wife like y'all like you know do like funny [ __ ] together what if i did that it'd be awesome i'm sure you're gonna have plenty of girls that are gonna be interested i like being married i really like it i mean i know for some guys do you guys ever like beef about stupid [ __ ] um yeah yeah of course yeah but i feel like we've always been really good like well you know our relationships may be more complicated than that because we work together we do everything together we're like always together and so sometimes that can cause maybe more friction than other couples would have but for the most part i don't think it causes much i mean for the most part we really get along like there's no we fight about food a lot like she doesn't like pizza what the [ __ ] is that but it's like a stupid pizza it's insane and she goes yeah thank you andrew interview her ask her questions ask her about people i always eat his vegetables right you know you don't like your vegetables vegetables yes i do you don't ever eat your cucumber on your plate a vegetable that's like some i think okay i don't know okay what about like a cauliflower crust with like veggie veggie toppings would you go for something like that yes compromise yeah i should try that i would eat that there you go there you go as far as your refrigerator goes does it have a feature where you can just put your hand on it and water comes out or do you guys have to have water come from a separate place that's not the refrigerator we have a tap we have water on top we have ice coming out of the fridge yeah we got ice out of the fridge and we got water on top what do you do for watering your rv you just have like jugs of water damn i have the environmentalists coming after me with this one but uh bottles yeah i mean dude gallons oh but that's not bad what else can you do i mean you could get individual dollar waters like poland spring that sounds way worse environmentally i agree with that but the thing is sometimes gallons of water have that you why does water taste so weird sometimes i wish we had a scientist over here you know water tastes like hella gross and plasticky sometimes yeah most definitely yeah what is causing it i think heat first of all when the heat mix heats up the plastic and the water i think you can get a really funky taste i think most of the heat and then i think it really depends on the quality of the plastic as well like some some companies get a really cheap thin plastic that just like melts into the [ __ ] water and then some companies make a more hardy plastic that doesn't bleed so much what's your favorite uh water company my favorite water is gonna be the tap water from santa cruz and new york city whoa that was a meta answer that was amazing i mean when i think about good water that's what comes true i don't really have a brand of water yeah when we lived in new york we were like we would just use it from the sink and we're like this is so good compared to l.a where in new york did you guys live manhattan upper west side upper west side oh big baller [ __ ] like something yeah i mean our apartment was like 2 500 a month and we had we didn't have a kitchen bro really yeah i lived out in queens last summer it was chill nice i like queens nice spot i mean our youtube setup was the whole apartment like the table and the camera and the lights that took up the whole place basically yeah what's like a funny like influencer like a youtube cringe lord event that i could attend is there any giant gathering of like youtube zoomers somewhere um [Music] yeah vidcon is good but i think vidcon there's not that many i the tick tock [ __ ] is pretty good like the you know are you aware of hype house oh my god dude i met some dude in scottsdale it was like call me little eyeballs go over the livestream yeah you should go to the hype house yeah can you give me a brief overview of what the hype house is before i dive into this oh well i i only learned about it like the last week so it's just it's where a bunch of famous tick tuckers all live together yeah oh my gosh but they're they're young and rich i think so you can only imagine like what goes on there is it dancing like yeah what do they do well so they recently gotten a lot of controversy for having birthday parties where uh nobody obviously was was observing the pandemic etiquette they had a huge party and a lot of them were vlogging it you know so but but what do they do i mean i saw a brief clip i mean the party was crazy man they were like just very sexual it seemed like lots of drugs and very sexual lots of alcohol i don't know grinding and like snorting blow or something i saw lots of grinding yeah i didn't see any drug use but i'm sure that there's lots of blow there they probably wouldn't show it but the kids do blow or they like drink lean and like take zans like i said i'm a little out of touch but from what i can tell in l.a is that it seems like almost everybody does cocaine yeah it kind of always surprised me the people it always surprises us oh that guy does cook it like everybody it's crazy like i'll be at a party and you think you know somebody and i'm like oh this guy's doing lines it's wild but so does joe rogan do it we never met joe again although why not i mean sounds like he does and that probably does oh breaking news joe joe gets more joe like harvested like reindeer [ __ ] bile and like tree fermented yeah ferments it he gets weird say reindeer bile is that freestyle or is that something that he does no i think he does that you heard it here i don't think that's free stuff does that have a dmt in it or something i think he harvested dmt from reindeer bio yeah um no i don't know because a lot of people's like have a lot of this conception about what la is and i have to tell you i mean ellie's a huge town there's a tons of different kinds of people and and places to be here i don't know i i mean i've i've been here as a married man and and as a like in my late 20s we came out here yeah i'm pretty much almost 30 yeah so i don't know i haven't participated much in like the l.a party like lifestyle so i don't know but to me i really i find l.a to be really chill there's lots of space it's really nice i mean i i think it's kind of bizarre how everybody has this concept of la being just a total [ __ ] yeah it is really strange like it's like people [ __ ] on it like it's the fakest place ever it's like what place is super real like what place is there no social climbing and weird manipulators right they make it seem like it's the shark tank it's like i don't know why your hometown i mean look you know it really just comes down to what kind of person are you i mean you don't have any sense for for judging characters you hang out with i don't know i mean i don't know why people say that like when we lived in new york you i've heard so many times like oh dude you're from l.a [ __ ] l.a or like oh you're moving to l.a bro why would you want to go there and someone who grew up in california i never heard anybody speak about that about any other state like oh [ __ ] where you from but new york everyone was like [ __ ] la and i never heard that before imagine if you reverse that like you're in l.a and some new york full was like pulled up with like a yankee hat and like a bacon naked cheese you know and you're right it's pretty i do like the bacon egg and cheese though bro that's my [ __ ] so good yeah i missed those yeah what's the la equivalent of bacon egg and cheese like mexican food breakfast burrito egg mcmuffin yeah yeah breakfast burrito yeah the breakfast there's just drive through mcdonald's everywhere breakfast burrito yeah but but i think the convenience is what makes the bacon egg cheese pop right breakfast burrito's not that convenient because you've got to go somewhere to get it i got one right around the corner from my place and also it takes time to prepare you know i don't know i think it's it's two minutes i'll never get back while waiting for a burrito yeah i'm like [ __ ] hurry up no but it's hard to find a place man it's not like that gotta get to glendale where did you say the absolute offices bourbon bourbon i gotta get time is money you're going to get hollywood so quick yeah you're still away bro i'll keep the rv and if she ever gets weird i'm gonna just go out to the salton sea you know like bombay beach right around slab city and just oh yeah calm down lots of mexican food though so let me let me how's the love life with living with three dudes in a tiny rv how does that happen well i had a girl living with me who i was dating for like six months in the rv for a long time yeah so it was fortunate wow so forget about masturbating do you guys have to tell like if you guys want to have sex is it like guys you're gonna have to give us a minute yeah it's not awkward i mean they probably go get food or something it's not weird i mean it's only weird if someone tries to do it with other people in the rv and like cool about it's like we can all feel the rv moving but that's gotta happen right because like if you're with your girlfriend i mean sometimes [ __ ] just happens in in the night time but have you had sex while your friends were in there i mean it has to happen what kind of stuff happens in the night time can you describe what happens well you're in bed together just chilling and then all of a sudden you just all of a sudden your penis is in uh your girlfriend's vagina and your homies are like a foot away from you i try to i mean i'm sure it's happened a bit like i don't really it's just some attitude some respect [ __ ] like you know yeah you you try it out once and you wake up and your friends are like hey dude you have fun last night because you can't be up until [ __ ] five in the morning and i was like wait doing what i was just sleeping yeah you know i sleep crazy i kick [ __ ] in my sleep i'm nuts it doesn't work but i mean the love life is good it was cool to live with the girlfriend in the rv but you know we just start arguing a lot that's how it gets what kind of stuff you guys argue about just you know day-to-day [ __ ] like you know you live in the rv like i'm kind of in control of where we go you know because i'm on the production schedule so someone has to be like all in for whatever the team wants to do yeah it would just be destination stuff like she'd be like i want to go here and i'm like we have to do this it was just it was too like it put me in too much of a control position because i'm basically in like a walking like a house on wheels it's also an editing studio and also like a tour bus it was just too much to manage me and her so cool it's just like there's too much oh can you can you say something your audio dropped am i back in this yeah you're back you're back yeah i can see i can see that that's a lot to ask from someone i'm surprised she was down i mean that's wild that's that's that's pretty wild oh yeah it was really sick i think when i get to la i'll start like dating again and stuff well we have a show we do this thing called the bachelor i don't know if you're interested in we have oh yeah were we involved with that project yeah maybe i'll be the bachelor that's kind of what i was suggesting but just to give you an idea of like the success ian um our uh ian's really he's the blue hat can you see ian yeah when i talk he can zoom yeah so so ian actually found the love of his life on through uh through the bachelor she lived across country and she moved to l.a and now they're together so we have success stories i mean calling the the way we did it a success is a big stretch well i'm happy for you man yeah thank you happy too then the result was good yeah yeah the show never picked up it didn't go anywhere you're not mentioning the massive failure that we also had though the show has failed twice yeah the show fell twice yeah it tends to be a disaster but anyway um i think you'll do fine i don't think you need our help yeah you won't need our help if you're gonna crush it um what else is there really to say andrew all gas no brakes just keep it up thanks keep your foot on the gas and and off the brakes don't even think about the brake yeah you seem like a really a great down-to-earth guy a genuine dude and uh i can't wait to see what's next for you i mean i'm so excited to see this show i think it's going to be fantastic are you guys looking do you guys have a network in mind you know i can't even talk about it man okay that's fair enough but yes yeah it's got to be adult swim right i mean it's got to be a cartoon network not even sure what those things are never heard of those [Laughter] well nathan for you was on comedy central actually so i could see comedy central being a potential you don't you don't have to respond nathan for you by the way what a show am i right so good just ridiculous amazing i remember i wonder if he watches my show that would make me really excited he's great i definitely think he works he's going to he works with those dudes but i wonder if he's seen it yeah you know probably yes is my bet man you see nathan fielder's uh social post he had that one recently where you remember how the police were like thanks for all the thanks for all the thank you cards yeah and nathan's like man and all this thank you letters too it makes me feel so good yeah that was really funny [Laughter] yeah you're going to be one of the greats man put it down really interesting i think so yeah i think so because you're the genuine article bro i mean it takes a special kind of character to just hit the road and do what you do before any of the support or production or anybody so you're just the fact that you're the you're genuinely doing what you do and now people are recognizing what you do and just putting a little muscle behind it i think that's the the recipe for success right there i'm looking forward to it you know just a kid good luck is there is there a wish wish like what's what's your like your most desired can place you want to go do it but maybe you don't have access maybe that you'll you can get access now with appso behind you well i always told my uh high school best friend evan that if i ever got rich i would get us all like jet skis but not just me and him but all of us everybody so ideally maybe tim and eric could suggest a spot where i can get jet skis for a good deal and then we could kind of move around the country as a like a fleet and all gastro breaks could instead be a jet ski show in which we move port to port instead of from town to town oh my god that'd be a hell of a ride man what do you call all throttle no brake what do you call that on the jet ski throttle bottle no way just jet ski the jet ski diaries whoa whoa like like shea guevara motorcycle diaries i'm saying i'd read that i'm just jetski i'm all in dude actually i know what i'm going to do this weekend is go over to patreon and yeah wild [ __ ] that i haven't seen before hit me up i'll i'll tell you what to look at you guys are awesome man this was hell of fun thank you we should be real friends when i come out there yeah i mean yes i'd love to stay in touch i mean we're all here in l.a if you need help like finding a spot or whatever i mean we all we're all we can i need help finding a spot yeah yeah okay i'll get right on that actually for real though it's a really good time to look for an apartment because i know it's probably you know the misfortune of others but a lot of people are getting evicted because of covet that's such [ __ ] man there should be a moratorium and that with the word for it rent should totally be frozen until people are awesome i don't know what's going to happen in la because obviously the city is more progressive than most places in the uh they have extended it here okay it's not going to expire but but they're not forgiving rent so eventually everybody's going to be dude how are people going to do that they're not forgiving so it's going to be all charged back to you for the whole quarantine period once you come out that's insane these landlords man these landlords are so predatory and these real estate sharks man the government's got to step in bro like well there are so so it is kind of some people like there's such things as like co-ops like where people invest in in houses to rent so some people do rely their livelihood on collecting rent i mean not not a lot of people are just rich and can afford to forgive the rent but some people can't so yeah i do wonder it's it's a tricky situation but i also just like how do you not pay rent for five months and then you just have to owe that money i mean that's great yeah yeah i guess i didn't consider the fact that many of the landlords themselves are like getting broke i'm just from a gentrified city seattle so i just assume that anyone who owns a property is like a psychotic billionaire no there's a lot of like just regular people that um that is their income you know the rent that they collect so i think for the most part you're right you know especially like in new york anyone who owns property there is a psychotic billionaire but i think in la for the most part you're right but i know that there are some people that rely on that income it's kind of [ __ ] up situation for everybody yeah that ends that ends uh tomorrow right then or the end of the month the national well i don't stuff is probably happening while we're recording this so whatever i'd say better check the news well yeah because they're they're trying to last minute pass a bunch of stuff right now so definitely check the news [ __ ] herman cain is dead and i just hop into this podcast in the dark about yeah yeah yeah herman cain had one of the greatest tim and eric ask moments in like political history you know what i'm talking about where are you slowly can you remind me about that here i'll pull it up um type on youtube um herman herman kane slow smile so he did oh here herman cain's creepy smile in hd click that so this guy did a political campaign and at the very end did you see this that i'm watching right now it's unbelievable i remember this from so long ago this is real this was on tv bro what intern approved this commercial so he like slowly turns his head to the camera and then that's like some pervert [ __ ] yeah oh my smile slowly creeps across why is he breaking the smile in that way yeah it's it's one of my favorite and so that's that's what i that's how i remember herman cain rest in peace but if you actually you know what's also kind of wild about her mccain's uh death is that if you go to twitter herman cain's twitter so herman cain's been in the hospital on a ventilator for a long time and his staffers whoever have been like tweeting straight up uh right wing propaganda and anti-coronavirus [ __ ] while he's been on a ventilator up until hours before he died absolutely that's some lunatic [ __ ] that is insane they have been they've been tweeting and anti-coronavirus [ __ ] as herman cain died on a [ __ ] ventilator bro i don't understand how the world is the way it is i'm trying to find some of his uh that's one of the craziest things i've literally ever heard in my life um like two hours before they announced his death on her mccain's twitter they said they're tweeting about baseball what are they saying about baseball he said something has gone very wrong for the situation to get this out of control uh mlb investigating focusing on massively disruptive incident that led to dot dot oh this is tweeted nine hours ago so yeah literally as herman cain was taking his last breath yeah and then two hours later they announced that he died it's [ __ ] crazy so anyway rest in peace to herman though uh uh let's see july 29th the day before he he uh tweeted stammering babbling inaccurate and barely coherent it's classy classic nancy pelosi as herman cain took his last breath in the hospital so there you have it politics to the last day let's go and let's go that's about it eh well well i can't wait to see in l.a yeah yeah man when's this episode going to drop tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow morning and it's going to be the whole thing the whole [ __ ] on youtube including this part yeah no yeah no put this part in for sure it's all going in yeah yeah super stoked man this is hella fun well let's do it again i mean i'd love to talk to you again once once i don't know how long it takes i guess it takes a while right to like make a show and fully until it like goes to air probably takes a while my ideal situation will be right around the election you think you can get it up that fast man that'd be fantastic we work every day are you going to be doing like political stuff going to rallies and [ __ ] oh yeah that's oh that's that's just watch i cannot wait definitely i also want to meet i also want to meet a passionate biden supporter who's you know ideas go beyond like get trump out of office you know what i mean i'm just imagining someone like right like trump level energy but just biden right yeah they're probably where would they be if that person existed like connecticut or something like that no where is he from delaware i guess yeah it would be in dover delaware yeah there you go i feel like he's one of those guys where everyone in his hometown hates him yeah you think he's like notorious you know what i mean like beat up corn pop but i'd love to i'd love to see you because now you're with app so you can get all kinds of credentials to go to like uh convention or conventions are we even doing that man [ __ ] no they're all canceled the the major ones sucks but it's kind of cool it's a blessing in disguise because now we're the only people holding it down you're the only one in the game with antibodies you get tested for antibodies nah i just got tested for the virus i want you got to get tested for antibodies i want to know if you've got if you've i have to have antibodies dude you might be like a you might be like a scientific phenomenon with the amount of exposure you've had oh yeah i'm the most exposed person yeah you should get an antibody test i'd love to know the results i don't i don't like the nose the nose pierced not the nose you know whatever that thing is they put your nose no the antibody they just prick your fingers oh yeah no oh i'll go right now i'm going right now yeah well we've said it all we've done it all and uh can't wait to see what's down the road for you so andrew callahan yes from all gas no brakes keeping his foot down pedal to the metal on patreon all gas snow breaks on youtube instagram facebook watch out for the portland video man that's gonna be nice yeah yeah when is that one can i expect that i can't wait for that in four days four days you're editing you're doing an editing frenzy right now as soon as i hang up to hang up the phone all right well now i know everything yeah all right dude take care good luck edit that quickly so we can watch it and uh we wish you very well we'll talk to you when you come when you uh get to l.a yeah until then i love all you guys i love you love you too i hope i can count myself among your many friends now my friend all right dude take care bye see you guys
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,407,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, all gas, no brakes, all gas no brakes, andrew callaghan
Id: lxt6virxkio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 5sec (6785 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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