Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE YOUR JOB - January 31th, 2021

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[Music] this is the last installment of this series and i want you to join me in first samuel chapter 17. first samuel chapter 17 verses 34 through 37 first samuel chapter 17 verses 34 through 37. but david said to saul your servant has been keeping his father sheep when a lion or bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock i went after it i struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth when it turned on me i seized it by its hair i struck it and killed it your servant has killed both the lion and the bear this uncircumcised philistine will be like one of them because he has defied the armies of the living god i want to preach today using as a subject you about to lose your job you are about to lose your job the soundtrack for last summer's memes wasn't played at cookouts or family reunions but it rolled to the top of the internet social media memes rotation there's no tracks no beats no executive producer it was all bellowed impromptu acapella the unsigned artist janiqua charles a resident of dylan south carolina was trying to re-enter a nightclub because she left her purse much to her shock she was detained by the security guard who falsely believed she was trying to break in just a party because of her insistence because she was so persistent security guard julius locklear thought it prudent to lace her in handcuffs knowing her rights she queried why are you detaining me and then started dancing and wrapping gyrating what would soon become a hit you about to lose your job not only was it rhythmic but it was convicting it was convicting hear this for two reasons number one she committed no illegal offense and number two mr locklear is not a credentialed officer but merely a guard so her detainment was illegal there have been principalities and entities that have been illegally detaining you from what you are actually called to do they do not and it does not have the right to obstruct your pursuit of your divine assignment i came to arrest three principalities that i believe have been holding you hostage from what you are born to do the very first one the inmate i call into the courtroom that is about to lose its job is depression i came to tell depression you are about to lose your job depression is a mood disorder that affects the way you feel you think and behave it causes feelings of sadness even hopelessness that can last anywhere from a few hours a few days a few months and regrettably for some a few years depression works on how you feel it works against your wrists it will not stop until you have lost any ounce of interest and focus under divine authority i came to tell the depression assigned to you it's about to lose its job it doesn't have the right to block you from being happy it doesn't have the right to hold you because of what happened in your past it doesn't have the right to rob you of your self-esteem depression you must remain silent because before this week is over depression is about to lose its job [Music] the second thing that i came to arrest today after depression hear this is dependability what did you just say pastor dependability is about to lose its job an anonymous writer once said your job pays you to forget about your dreams i better give that to you again your job pays you to forget about your dreams don't let safety become a liability i better say that for somebody in the back don't let safety become a liability in case you've never experienced it quicksand is always warm it's never cold quicksand is able to envelop you because it is comfortable safety i need somebody to write this down safety requires no faith safety requires no faith i don't want you to become bound because of a consistent paycheck i don't want you to become bound because of a consistent paycheck safety i don't know who needs this today safety can be satanic safety can be satanic you are about to lose the job of comfort of reliability of dependability because it is blocking you from trusting god it's blocking you from making the greatest step in your life it is preventing you from pursuing your dreams dependability you are about to lose your job thirdly and i need you to hear me well lean in i don't want you to miss this doubt is about to lose its job doubt is about to lose its job doubt is what causes you to second guess yourself it is doubt that causes you to question your capacity it is doubt that makes you intimidated by your own ability it is doubt that forces you to guess about god it is doubt that makes you fearful about the future peter was almost locked into doubt and asked of the master master if that's you let me come to where you are the lord said to him as he's saying to you today come out of that boat make the greatest step in your life it is doubt that will make you drown but it is faith that'll make you walk on water doubt you are about to lose your job whatever it is that has been employed to make you feel insufficient and inadequate is about to be fired because it has been working overtime to make you lose your position and your placement in the kingdom i need you to hear this i don't know who this is for but losing your job can help you find your destiny losing your job can help you find your destiny according to usa today 20 million people have lost their jobs in covin 20 million people have lost their jobs in covet 18 million people have had their jobs reduced in hours or now have been stained with the segway of being made temporary have you ever been at a moment of your own life where you felt like you were losing it that you've got burn marks on your hand because you're holding on with all of the might that you can muster have you ever been in a fleeting moment even within your own imagination we had to figure out is it just me or are the walls coming in on me we know about david writing the book of psalms we know about david's entanglement with beersheba and we know about him getting down with goliath but rarely is his former job before becoming king ever explored and we find a few crumbs when we stumble into first samuel chapter 17 where samuel in fact has the responsibility of recording secretary and he rolls out the resume of david and discloses some nuances of his position of being shepherd i want to say this and i want somebody to write it down it's gonna heal somebody is gonna help somebody i need you to hear this whatever you used to do has equipped you for what you are about to do you just missed it i want to give it to you again whatever you used to do has equal 300 of you to write it on the screen right now whatever you used to do it has equipped you for what you are about to do malcolm gladwell one of my favorite writers in his book the tipping point said whatever you do for 10 000 hours you are a master in you just missed that whatever you do for 10 000 hours you are mastering and too many of you are masters of complaining masters of throwing pity parties masters of being incomplete in your task but god says whatever you do in the next 10 000 hours of your life i am going to make you a master in it [Music] david is rolling out to saul why it is that he is equipped and prepared to fight goliath because don't forget this i gotta give it to you again i gotta underscore it i'm raising the font i need you to write it down whatever you used to do prepared you for what you are about to do i feel the the tears coming down your eyes i i feel the blood running course through your veins whatever you used to do is preparing you for what you are about to do and david is arguing to solve why he is prepared and equipped to fight goliath he said um i thought before in my previous life a lion and a bear when they came to devour the sheep because my job was shepherd i had the job and the responsibility i had the ministry role here it is to pull the sheep out of the mouth of lions and bears and i feel this today i feel it in this moment that god is getting ready to pull you out of the mouth of those who have vilified your name he's pulling you out of the mouth of those who tried to scandalize your character he's pulling your name out of the mouth of those who knowingly besmirched who it is that you are he's pulling your name out of the mouth of those who willfully and intentionally were aiming to us was to pull them out of the mouth of bears and lions the national park recommends when a bear or a lion approaches you if a bear lion approaches you here's with how the national uh park service recommends remain stationary don't move keep eye contact don't run but here's what i need you to see in first samuel chapter 17 the bears nor the lions ever attacked david he got in the bear and the lions way because they were attacking sheep ah what are you saying to me i'm telling you some of the attack on your life is because who you are ordained to rescue some of what you are going through the enemy was never focused on you but because the call on your life is to be a blessing to those who are broken and wounded that's why he has shifted his gaze david stood firm and says i'm taking this hit when it wasn't even for me can i remind you that when goliath was taunting the children of god he never took aim at david when he was taunting he was taunting david's brothers the attack on your life is so heavy it is so critical because you are anointed to fight for family members you are getting ready to break a generational curse what is on you is so significant because when you come out of this your nieces and nephews are gonna have a better way of life your god children will never know the churches of suffering you've had to endure when it is that you break free every person who carries and bears your last name will know i didn't have this fight but i'm anointed to fight for other people that's why god can trust you because you go out into the ring onto the battleground not for you but you don't want to see other people endure the degradation that you've had to deal with you don't want to see other people bear the marks of pain and humiliation and embarrassment that you've had the soldier through you don't want anybody else to live at that baseline of abject poverty because you know what it feels like not knowing where the food is coming from whether the utilities are going to be running if there's enough for you to get out into the world every day your fight is because you trying to snatch somebody out of the jaws of the lion of the average bear hear this the average bear weighs 900 pounds and i want to say this to you that what you have to bear is so heavy [Music] what it is that you having to deal with is so much bigger than you but somehow you're maintaining i don't understand for the likes of me with the heaviness of what you are carrying how it hasn't killed you how it hasn't suffocated you how it hasn't snapped your neck how it hasn't in fact exhausted all of your strength you are gonna overpower what you think you can't bear pastor say that again you i'm talking to you nobody else you are gonna overpower what you think you cannot bear you are getting ready to survive this round of spiritual warfare and guess what you are going to grin and bury people gonna look at you and have no idea the pressure you were under the weight that you were under the fight that you were in he knows here it is how much you can bear he pulled the lamb out of the mouth of the bear i want to say this and i want you to write it down the reason why you are such a threat to demonic principalities is because you are the solution to somebody else's dilemma i better say that again you i'm talking to you are the solution to somebody else's dilemma you are the answer to somebody's question you are the rescue for somebody's impediment the bear tried to kill david but it didn't work in first peter chapter five verse number eight it says your enemy the devil is like a roaring lion seeking somebody to devour but i prayed for you i prayed that your faith would not fail i came to put the devil lucifer satan and all of his imps on notice because i know his job description is to steal to kill and destroy the enemy of your soul comes to depress and to plant doubt but satan in the words of that grandmother in the storefront church satan we're going to tear your kingdom down you are about to lose your job say to whatever you did to me in 2020 don't think you gonna get away with that in 2021. satan the blood of jesus is against you the average lion weighs 400 pounds pastor say that again the average lion weighs 420 pounds pastor i'm not connecting the dots stay with me the average bear weighs 920 pounds and david defeated both of them and finally when we find david in the rising climax of first of first samuel chapter 17 he's going out to fight goliath and goliath is six foot nine y'all not gonna believe it when i found this i almost jumped out of my own skin goliath is six foot nine and weighs 320 pounds past some loss i'm here to find you the average bear is 900 pounds the average lion here this is 420 pounds and now the biggest fight of david's life is goliath but goliath only weighs 340 pounds goliath hear this is bigger than the lion he's bigger than the bear hear this but he is not heavier i want to set somebody free what you are getting ready to face next is not heavier than what you've had to deal with in your past god said it's bigger but it won't come with the same pressure it won't come with the same weight it won't come with the same heaviness don't be overwhelmed by the size of what you got to go after god says remember how i helped you kill that bear how i helped you kill that lion they'll say um there's a statue that says he ain't heavy he's my brother i'm so thankful that the heaviness on your life has just been lifted whatever it is that has been flattening you that's been taking the breath away from you that's been strangling your confidence today looking in the eye you are about to lose your job you've been attacking me illegally you've been holding me against my will you've been blocking me from what god has said is mine you are about to lose your job i gotta say this to somebody he said do you not understand the job of the savior when jesus was born 2021 years ago his job was to die for sinners like you and i he rose up and had all poway in his hands and i got good news for you after it is that he did it he never had to do that job again he now has a new position which is to bless us whatever it is that killed you in your past crucified you in your past strangled you in your past you ain't never got to do that job again your role has changed your responsibility has changed now your opportunity is to talk to your old self and to tell your old self you are about to lose your job because you thought your job was to be average to be mediocre to be run of the mill to rise to the status quo forget those things which are behind i dare you to press towards the mark of the high calling whenever you lose your job you better get ready for a brand new one there's a new responsibility coming a new door that is coming i'm telling you a new stage you're getting ready to walk onto new contracts that are getting ready to be signed don't cry about your old job because a new one is right around the corner but god needed to see how you are going to respond about losing the last one and whether or not your excitement about the next one will eclipse what you felt about the last one i am excited about your next job david lost his job as shepherd is all he ever knew all his father ever knew but now he's walking into a new job as king your previous job was beneath you your previous job did not match the depth of the oil that flows through your life your previous job did not pay you what you were worth your previous job tolerated you but whatever you did before [Music] is equipping you for what you're going to do next i want you to lift that hand because i feel the indwelling of the holy ghost to pray for your next position to pray for your next assignment pray for your next call i don't know where it is that you are but i want to say to you probably what you've never heard in church you are about to lose your job you'll lose your job and find your assignment lose your job and find your call lose your job here it is and walk into your purpose come on lift up that hand i want you to pray with me for your next assignment it ain't nine to five i'm talking about a life fulfillment god i pray for the person whose hands are in an act of surrender you already know what's next for them prepare a table in the presence of their enemy unleash goodness and mercy to follow them if it's not too much let their cup run over give them clear confirmation that this is your will and not theirs i pray that their next job will not feel like work i better say that again i pray that their next job will not feel like work but that this is why they will wake up in the morning this is how it is that they'll go to sleep at night knowing that they are doing what they were born and created to do it's in your name jesus the son of the living god whose job was to save no good sinners like me that i pray [Music] amen i don't know who i'm talking to i don't know who this message was for but part of your life's responsibility is working out your soul salvation here at new birth there's an assignment over your life there's a call there's a grace there is a gifting that our troops so desperately needs i don't want you wallowing trying to flail your arms trying to get attention and validation this is where god is caught you did not stumble upon this ministry moment by accident everything you've gone through in the last 45 days was to ripen your heart so that you might be able to receive this word i don't know what you're going through but you feel almost as if i was talking directly to you and it's simply because i was and i am i want you to join our church new birth all of the prompts are below me even now more than anything i want your soul saved i want you to give your life over to god i want you completely surrendered you've had a stellar career you've made tremendous strides in your department you are the go-to in your office but there's still a void your heart is empty your soul is vacant i want you to give your life over to god don't join me i'ma let you down a couple of weeks you're going to be mad at me a few days you'll be disappointed in me but if you give it all over to god i'm telling you it's gonna be the best it's gonna be the best decision of your life lastly hear me those of you who can comprehend what it is that i am attempting to communicate i already shared with you that some 20 million have lost their jobs in covet who a year ago were otherwise gainfully employed but in it amazing it's absolutely fantastic that you still can make the boastful claim i've never seen the righteous forsaken or a seed begging for bread you can hear my voice here is what i am asking of you humbly i'm asking that you would open up your heart i want you to give i want you to sow i want you to share there's an amazing mission that god has given me for new birth for this community for this church for this congregation and even for the next generation by myself i can't but together we can i'm asking all the tithers even in this moment god requires all of us to give 10 of our income back to him i want you to tithe unto god even if you're on a fixed income even if things have been tight it's been restrictive even if here it is that you've had to move some things around just to make ends meet that's why it's called the sacrifice if you don't feel it then god doesn't what am i giving up to get in god's graces when am i having to adjust because i'm mindful he made adjustments for me i want you to give that seed sacrificially saying pastor i'm so in this seed in advance for the new career i'm getting ready to embark on for the entrepreneurial enterprise i'm about to explore for the application i'm about to submit for the phone call that i'm waiting for i better say it another way for the retirement that i want to receive early for the benefits i so desperately need for the way that i want to make that matches my passion even if it doesn't come with a paycheck i want god to do it for me and so today i demonstrate that love that expectation why because i've already arrested depression doubt here it is and dependability your job is to praise him to worship him and to serve him and part of the way that you do that is through your giving and i want you to tell everything that's holding you back you are about to lose your job
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 51,084
Rating: 4.8773947 out of 5
Id: ptFgY36C3n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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