Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " YOU AIN'T GOTTA DO NOTHING "- January 10th, 2021

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[Music] bible that you have on the mantle get it and join me at zechariah chapter four verse number six is the second installment for our series i'm working on something zechariah chapter four verse number six somebody's just jumping online now type the text into of the thread zechariah chapter four verse number six so he said to me this is the word of the lord to the river hell not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the lord almighty and he said to me this is the word of the lord for whoever is listening it's gonna happen but not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the lord this ought to be your text all week long it's going to happen but not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the lord i want to preach for a little while today using as a subject you ain't got to do nothing you ain't got to do nothing i want you to personalize that and declare it over yourself i ain't got to do nothing you better tell your children that you better tell people in your house you better tell your co-workers tomorrow i ain't got to do nothing [Music] henry ford the uh founder of ford motor company and the ambassador into the industrial era is accredited with making vehicles accessible to the masses in america his impact went unrivaled until the arrival of elon musk who introduced tesla and single-handedly redefined and disrupted the entire industry friends it was not the aeronautical design or the computerized that features but it was the fact that elon musk designed vehicles that was fueled by power and not gas as an apostle of the environment he knew that staying with petroleum gas that has sustained us for the last hundred years has real liabilities first of all fossil fuel is in limited supply and will eventually run out and secondarily the cost variance is so skewed because it is being politically manipulated there are many of you who can hear my voice who are running out of strength because you are finding your strength in things and relationships that won't last and the reality is it's costing you too much in order for you to keep going because this feels like the 13th month of 2020 it doesn't even feel like the first month of a brand new year 2020 put on a wig and found new lipstick and came into january disguise there's something else when it's really the same thing tesla produces hear this 400 000 cars a year that's where tesla produces 400 000 cars a year while ford produces 6.4 million cars a year it should be noted that tesla as of friday is eight hundred and ten dollars a share while ford stock is nine dollars a share i think i lost you as a friday tesla stock is eight hundred and ten dollars a share and ford stock is nine dollars a share the value of the ford company is 143 billion while the full evaluation of tesla is 650 billion making it the most valuable car company in the world the logical question that begs being asked today is how is it that tesla is earning more hear this while producing less tesla produces 400 000 400 000 cars a year ford produces 6.4 million a year but they're making more and they're making more hear this because they changed their source of power god gave me a revelation and i hope that you'll receive it god told me to tell you if you black out if you miss this you gotta run to the store you gotta log off don't do it till you hear what god told me to tell you god told me to tell you he is going to bless you with more while you do less some of you missed the revelation i better give it to you again god is going to bless you with more while you are doing less i want you to personalize that prophecy would you lay hands on yourself and declare out loud god come on say it with authority god is gonna bless me with more while i'm doing less i want somebody to type that on the screen would you say it again aloud god is gonna bless me with more while i'm doing less i feel that thing it has been resonating in my own soul and spirit for the last four days god is gonna bless me with more while i'm doing less transitioning from gas to electric is difficult for many automated uh aficionados even when there are obvious benefits even if you are regulated to catching uber or riding the bus you saw firsthand how democracy can become a jalopy when people are losing power america has long branded itself as the cadillac of diplomacy until the republicans allowed donald trump to drive the nation into a ditch the polls that showed that there wasn't enough gas for him to get reelected so they employed evangelicals to use the power of religious manipulation he triggered white supremacists to use the power of intimidation he rallied local principalities to invoke the power of suppression he galvanized the entire party to use the power of collusion he hypnotized the conservative media with the power of saturated marketing and still none of it worked with all of that power joseph biden and kamala harris will still be sworn in on january 20th why because isaiah 54 and 17 still rings true no weapon formed against you will be able to prosper can you note this the kamala harris and president-elect joseph biden none of them went out side on wednesday to fight the supremacists none of them went on fox to argue with the conservatives why because they knew what many of us are slow to learn when god has his hand on your life you ain't got to do nothing let them fight let them argue let them debate let them tweet let them text let them post let them blog let them try to scandalize your name i am giving you permission to do nothing stand back and stand by watch and see what god is getting ready to do for you in the next two weeks i'm talking to somebody who has exerted so much strength trying to defend yourself and fight for yourself and speak up for yourself god said come out with your hands up i've already got you surrounded you got a war of angels that are camped about you you ain't got to do nothing there's somebody who needs this word today to know you ain't got to do nothing why you trying to figure it out the lord is already working it out you ain't got to do nothing if god be for you who can be against you you ain't got to be do nothing if my mother and father forsake me the lord will lift me up you ain't got to do nothing on august the 24th august the 24th 1814 the u.s capitol was burned down by the british we were at war because the united kingdom did not want us to expand do you know how much of the attack you are under is because people see you growing if you would just shrink to your insecurities you wouldn't have an issue but because you are enlarging your territory your base is growing your influence is expanding your finances are mounting up your marriage is strengthening your children are rising you thought you were gonna grow like that and the enemy not do anything the brits were nervous that they were losing their power and that's the same thing that course through the minds of the anarchists the members of antifa the blind-eyed capital police white supremacists mitch mcconnell lindsey graham ted cruz they felt like they were losing power they saw somebody named stacy abrams flip an entire state they felt like they were losing power when a black preacher who stands at the helm of martin luther king's pulpit rises into senate they thought they were losing power when a jewish man becomes the youngest person in senate and they do it all on the same day they felt like they were losing power when they felt like they were losing power they started breaking windows but they couldn't break momentum they went into office but they couldn't stay in office they ran over law enforcement but they couldn't push back your destiny isaiah 49 and 29 is a word that has your dna on it he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases his strength you got to know here this that god is mindful of the warfare that has been mounted against your mind frame your mentality and your destiny but god told me to tell you you ain't got to do nothing but receive it will you receive the fact that you will not die until everything you're supposed to have is gonna be in your hands will you receive the fact that what was spoken over your life while you were still in your mother's womb is still going to come to pass are you going to receive the fact you don't have it on paper but you have it in the promise will you receive the fact that there are people more qualified than you but they don't have more favor than you will you receive the fact that whatever it is that they spoke negatively about you is about to boomerang and hit them right between their eyes will you receive the fact that nothing that they try is going to be met with success in the book of zechariah the people of god have returned from living in oppression for years they found themselves as the perpetual underdogs but 50 000 were granted clemency they were granted clemency hear this to be able to go back home and go to work and they only had one responsibility those that were set free and that responsibility was to rebuild the temple that had fallen into decay and disrepair the project many times historically started and stopped because they had too much opposition i'm talking to a small fragment of you who have a project have an idea have a plan but you keep starting and stopping because life keeps happening you gotta readjust your schedule and and your clock and your time because you keep being disrupted by life having to take care of aging parents having to run behind a special needs child having to deal with physical afflictions within your own body having to deal with your own burnout having to deal with the limitations that have been placed on you because of your criminal record or because of your financial responsibilities you keep starting and stopping but they're released this time and said whatever it is that you start you are going to finish and you're getting ready to start it here it is and finish it why because the responsibility you have is to build something for god there's some of you who don't even understand that this is not some random run-of-the-mill average joe word this is a word for you god is calling you hear this god is calling you hear this to elevate ministry you're getting ready to be called into marketplace ministry many of you don't even know that you are ordained to impact culture that the oil on your life is to galvanize a generation what god has put on you is to incubate generational wealth what god has put on you is to stop generational curses what god has deputized you for nobody saw coming what god spared your life to achieve you didn't even think was possible what god keeps giving you a second win to do is what it is that you talked yourself out of accomplishing god said i will not stop until it is finished and the lord keeps awakening servants with visions with dreams of what it is that they are supposed to build today i am not preaching to regular saints or the church-goers i am preaching to dreamers who the lord keeps waking you up out of your sleep i am preaching to those of you who can't find a blank page on your journal i'm talking to those of you who write down ideas on napkins and on the back of receipts i'm talking to those of you who if you're not careful you'll be misdiagnosed for add because you can't focus or pay attention on the mundane the small and the insignificant because you are fully preoccupied with what your life's assignment is says to them i'm messing up your sleep i'm waking you up because it's something i need you to work on and i need you to see who god gave the dream to after years of oppression he's giving this concept to people with no formal education he's giving this burden to people who have no access to capital he's giving this thought to folks who have no union card people who have no example have no mentor do you know what they have is desire god says that's the only thing i need you to have in this season is the desire to build it you got to have the passion for it you got to have the first for it you got to have the case for it watch what god says it unnerved me it upset me it it brought me chills to the core of my spirit because god makes an agreement with the children of god in zechariah and now awakens it in you because god does something that throws me off he makes a promise hear this with no condition he says i'ma do this for you and you ain't even got to be a member of that church i'ma do it for you even though you have scraped your knee and fallen short i'ma do it for you and you have not even been disciplined over what it is that i gave to you this is reserved for people who are working on something that's bigger than them if what you want to accomplish is your size god's promise is not for you if you got all the money all the resource all the connect this is not your message log off right now but if you're dealing with something that's so big it's robbing you your sleep snatching your appetite throwing off your attention god says i am getting ready to tell you how you are going to do it i'm rolling out the group blueprint here it is in zechariah chapter four verse number six this is for everybody with an idea with a plan with a dream with an innovation with a concept here's how you're gonna do it write it down number one not by night number two not by power how am i gonna do it you only gonna do it by my spirit hallelujah you've gotta understand that what you are trying to accomplish will not be achieved by human capacity you have got to have the spirit of the living god on your life in order to do this this word that god is giving to you hails out of acts chapter 2 verse number 17 i will pour out my spirit on all flesh those of you who are carnal log off right now but it takes the spirit to know the spirit if you've got the spirit of god resting on you i need you to open up your mouth i need you to cry out loud anointing fall fresh on me let the power of the holy ghost fall fresh on me i can't do it by myself my life is not my own but i give myself away annoying me from the top of my head to the soul of my feet i need the power of god to jump over troops i need the spirit of god to speak those things that are not as though they are i'm not after your money i'm not after your title i'm right after your position i need your spirit i need your spirit whatever you do please don't take your spirit away from me you are the air i breathe you've been better to me than i've been [Music] sitting on top singing on down send it on now lord let your holy ghost fall hey come on oh i feel glory right here i need you to lift up that hand i want you to open up your mouth his spirit is about to fall hallelujah come on cry out loud unto him like you need his spirit you need his power you need the weight of his glory come on open up your mouth he gives power to the faint to those that have no might he increases their strength i need that hand lifted i need that mouth open you are anointed not to run through church you are anointed not for your eyes to go in the back of your head you are anointed not to foam at the mouth but god says i am anointing you for your assignment i am anointing you for your gift i am anointing you for your goals i am anointing you for your dreams and those of you that have the anointing you know you are anointed for 2021 you are anointed for whatever comes your way you are anointed for the attack of the enemy you are anointed for every problem every circumstance every opposition every shortfall every bill you are anointed [Music] [Music] say it i need you to cry her life i need you to speak i'm gonna need for this [Music] come on it don't matter what they say it don't matter what they think it don't matter what they believe it don't matter what they do i'm anointed for this in 2003 2003 there was a a blackout in new york city 2003 there's a blackout in new york city an amazing thing happened laguardia airport closed down kennedy airport shut down 60 million people lost power 2003 true story i need to look it up it's the largest blackout in modern history i'm telling you the subway couldn't run restaurants were unavailable fire department was giving out flashlights the whole city went black the only place in new york 2003 where you could find light was the statue of liberty and they couldn't understand how 60 million people are in the black how did the statue of liberty still had a torch on how were the lights still on when everybody else was in the dark i want to tell you how they found out after doing their due diligence and research 60 million people without power whole city gone black airport clothes subway clothes restaurant clothes fire department giving out flashlights how does the sexual liberty still have its light on i'm glad you asked they found out new birth that the statue of liberty was plugged in in new jersey it wasn't plugged in in new york it had a different power source so when everybody else went dark y'all ain't saying nothing that light kept staying on because it knew where its power came from i don't care what happens tomorrow if you are plugged into jesus if you are plugged into the glory if you are plugged into the word if you are plugged into the authority i'm anointed for this come on i'm anointed [Music] you are anointed for your assignment you anointed for your call can you hear my voice you are anointed for 2021. i better say that again you are anointed for 2021. i need somebody to believe that no matter what happens these 12 and a half months i'm already equipped for it why because i am anointed for 2021. you ain't got to do nothing all you got to do is believe in your heart profess with your mouth and you shall be saying that's all you got to do and it's going to happen for you i want you to get saved today i want you to give your life over to jesus christ today it doesn't matter what anybody else says thinks or believe but the thing i know about god there will not be a transfer of power to people who are not connected to him there will not be a transfer of power for those who do not profess their sins there will not be a transfer of power who do not make him the lord of their life i want new birth to be your church i want heaven to be your home i want jesus to be your savior and god knows i want to be your pastor whatever it takes right below me are the prompts by which i need you to follow cause you're saying pastor my previous power source has run out the thing i used to rely on is now dead in the water the thing in which i used to hang my entire hat to is now disconnected i found out in 2020 there was no sustainability so god gotta switch my power up in this season i can't afford to go to a church that doesn't energize me i can't be a part of a ministry that doesn't give me strength ain't no reason in the world i should be going to my church and then got to go somewhere else to be fair this is where it is that god needs you to be this is where it is that god wants to speak to your heart and your power source i want you to be a member but more than anything i want you to be a disciple of jesus christ even if this is not your church i just want to make sure that jesus is your lord those of you who found out in 2020 that you will look to the hills from whence cometh your help that your help cometh from the lord no matter where it is that you are i want us here it is to pay our electric bill i want us to make sure we keep the lights on to keep the currency flowing into our homes and into our cars i don't need elon musk to do it i need jehovah jireh to do it every tither every tither every believer every partner every person who is in connection with christ or not be reticent about your giving you ought to be doing it zealously expectantly happily knowing i do this because i need my lights on i need my strength to keep coming i need my power to not fail no matter where it is that you are i want you to please give i want you to sow i want to ask all of our tithes you are mindful that 10 of what it is that god has given us we give back to the church to keep the church fueled so that they can in fact feed the community be a beacon light for those who have lost their way support for those who find themselves behind the eight ball i need you to do that and i need you to do it now many of you don't even know how you ain't sitting by a candle right now god has kept the lights on even when you didn't pay i want you please your obedience is better than your sacrifice you ain't got to do nothing but trust him follow him believe him and believe god for something bigger than what it is that you have i ask that you please give as to your police oh as your plea share if those of you believe that god's going to anoint you for your next assignment in this studio and even in cyberspace would you open up your mouth and give god glory come on open up your mouth y'all ain't saying nothing i said open up your eyes give god glory our emergent generation passion come on i'm annoying [Music] you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 105,048
Rating: 4.8601789 out of 5
Id: TbkLPWbLbp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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