Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I'M TRYING TO KEEP IT TOGETHER - July 14th, 2019

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I'm gonna let nobody nobody is gonna get in between my relationship with God you can be six-foot-three with wavy hair hazel eyes y'all a of bowleg a dimple on the left cheek driving a BMW and I will leave you poor Nick throw in a GMC truck the love sees us with their heart who shall separate [Music] you [Music] I want us to look at verses 38 and 39 Romans chapter 8 verses 38 and 39 I want us collectively corporately can we read those verses together if I am convinced for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels and nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus who is our Lord if you believe that shout amen you may be seated you arm yourself with a writing instrument I want to download some things into your intellectual harddrive that I do not want you to trust to your memory I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I'm trying to keep it together I'm trying to keep it together would you look at the person beside you and just tell them pray for me please I'm really trying to keep it together my dear comrades worthy of critical examination is how to sacred ceremonies can cause you to re-evaluate your entire life more than anything else attending somebody's funeral forces you to look ahead on your own life how it will end and what will be the legacy that you leave behind outside of a revival and incarceration homegoing services can probably take the most credit for conversions coming in at a close second would probably be wedding celebrations which makes you put your choice of companions under the high power objective what a striking contrast a funeral is where you come to let somebody go and a wedding is where you bear witness to two people coming together admittedly and transparently I was struck with a thunderbolt of introspection when recently I shared in my parents 50th wedding celebration stood there proudly as a son and as a groomsman and ashamedly as a divorcee with all admiration I realized that it could be done but with a tinge of embarrassment I had to ask how come I couldn't do it the dismissive resolve that you begin to hear muttering from people they don't make them how they used to [Applause] but to say that they don't make them how they used to calls into question is it at fault with the manufacturer or have we become too lazy to read the fine print which states assembly is required and batteries are not included data has divulged that people are generally getting married later and getting it dissolved quicker the Barna Group blared on every media outlet that 50% of all marriages in America were now end in divorce but take heart because the book entitled the good news about marriage and I want every married couple to get this book the good news about marriage says that believers who put God first and actively practice their faith are able to sustain those who practice their faith the divorce rate drops from 50% to 27% be not deceived marriage is not Disney World but if you are committed to work through it you can stop it from becoming a haunted house there will be problems and it interesting in school that you only hear about problems in math class and when it is that the math instructor talks about the problems I see or he would in fact make the mandate you have to in order to solve the problem discover what is the missing integer was missing in that marriage you all make love but don't make time to pray finding the problem you have to know what to divide how to multiply and figuring out what is the common denominator a lot of our marriages fail simply because we keep forgetting to carry the one when you forget to carry the one it's gonna mess up the entire equation and you're always gonna come up with the wrong answer I want to give you if I can three areas that are primarily responsible for breaking up marriages three areas I think you think you know one but I want you to write them down anyway three areas that are primarily responsible for ruining marriages the very first one you've already guessed it the very first one is income don't look at your neighbor just write it down income ly cause of demise is Bill's debt and spending number one cause for divorce in America is Bill's debt and spending you can't have Chanel taste on a Michael Kors budget it just got quiet right through here I want you to write this down in caps if you're typing change the font I need you to have it income does not equate to authority income does not equate to authority many men are feeling emasculated if their woman makes more the Bible says that if you're on the same team you're not in competition being the priest of the home doesn't mean you bring the biggest paycheck it means you carry the cost of the anointing of the house if you marry for money your emotions will end up in bankruptcy there are those who are living in 20,000 square foot homes who are living on opposite ends at a house who don't speak but if you're really in love you can be in a one-bedroom roach-infested apartment and y'all can't get enough of each other y'all ain't saying nothing dealing with income you've got to ask yourself how do we expect God to bless the marriage when we're not tithing I says if you don't give to me I will cut holes in your pockets God is getting ready to bless the finances I don't know where they are but God has given better to bless the finances of married couples who are connected in this ministry I thought the married people were shout right there since y'all won't shout let me say something to the singles who were here I speak over every single person's life that God will send somebody into your life who is financially independent who has a house of their own that has business and two to three streams of income here's your shell and is a Kaiser well god bless you in the area of your income the second one second area that disrupts marriages in America what's the first one come on talk back to your pastor what's the first one the second one I need you all to buckle up is Gary get tight three people getting ready to fall out right now Rush's be on standby second area that breaks up marriages after income is intimacy there's a problem with frequency quality [Applause] I am saying not yet it's problem with frequency quality quantity and infidelity all of those areas can plant disharmony and be the seeds for distress you cannot here it is trust God for your marriage that you are so spiritual that you don't know how to be sexual I know you love God I know you feel with the Holy Ghost but at night your husband does not want to hear James Cleveland or James fortune the Bible says that the bedroom I'm talking to married people I'm talking to married people tap the person books in front of you're telling this is for married people the bedroom is undefiled God is giving you permission to get it in try whatever some of you are losing your spouses you're losing your spouses while you love God because you keep coming to the bedroom looking like Quaker Oats you don't got to comfortable coming to bed with not Zima on your face rollers in your hand a cotton bathrobe stop by Victoria's Secret take a shower before you come to the bedroom spray on some perfume and if you've been in a couple of years by yourself a couple of weeks when Stevie Barbara Friday beat Jennifer I'm trying to tell you how to keep them now be a saint in the sanctuary and be a porn star at home if y'all link I'll say nothing to husband y'all better back me up right here [Applause] you have to bring back the roommate romance so that you don't become roommates I do not want us to shift all of that responsibility on our sisters you can't complain that she don't look the same and you got a beer belly you donate all of that red meat all that liquor years you were smoking weed you am not ashamed you are married go get you a little blue pill I'm talking to Mary people if it ain't working right we can find something to make it work and if you too prideful to go get a subscription find other ways to please your wife I'm looking down I'm not even looking at you I thought the wives would help me out right through here initiate roleplay read some books why you gonna go to a hotel to do the same two positions five of y'all just high-fived me somewhere I'm I'm trying to help you Lord huh I was hoping lady long weren't gonna be here today she done I can't even look over there alright she gonna pull me aside after church first his income second is intimacy the third one write this down is imagination third area that breaks up marriages after income after intimacy is imagination passion what is that that is undiscussed expectations so you have in your mind what you expected marriage to be without any discussion because your mama cooked every night you expected your wife to but your mama didn't have two jobs and you got to come to the realization 50 y'all if you don't shout right now I'm gonna leave the stage you got to come to the realization you didn't marry your mama [Music] discuss what are the realistic expectations realistic expectations men you have to begin to articulate what you feel you've not really considered that men have a cave not a woman not women men have man caves women don't have women caves why because men men are designed here made to be alone so men will sit in a dark room in a lazy boy chair watch the game for three hours then go in the room and go to bed and wife is coming right behind them thinking something is wrong we need to talk what's going on with you because that man has not articulated I'm okay but sometimes I do connect disconnect or decompress differently women are built for relationships and exchange average woman speaks 20,000 words a day [Applause] y'all are so mad right now average man only speaks five thousand words a day so there's a fifteen thousand word gap so the wife wants to go on and on about the same issue and he's saying all right okay I thought we dealt with this already the most unnerving words you can ever say to a man is we need to talk don't make that announcement just have the conversation if you make that announcement he's going to shut down you have to articulate that for some men men I'm trying to help you all out is that the man doesn't mind being your best friend he just don't want to be your only friend let that marinate right through there men on behalf of your wife your significant other your boo your girlfriend the most unsexy thing a grown man can do is be insecure you knew I was hot when you met me that's why you wanted me so you can't have an attitude because other people find me attractive if you do your job and compliment me it doesn't matter what other people say because I don't want strangers to always tell me how nice I look ya'll ain't saying nothing but the man in my house don't even look up when I come out the room something has got to be recalibrated so I'm trying to keep it trying to keep it together and one of the things that the church does it's a church applies prayer apply Scripture but never apply strategy what you're not realizing is that we are now a part of a generation that does not have role models for marriage it's a part of the allure of Barack and Michelle Obama it was the first time for many that they were able to see a married couple function in public space with no side chicks no baby mamas y'all ain't saying nothing but operating with integrity and with character I don't know how y'all feel about it but I speak a blessing over every married couple in this sanctuary and watching that God this summer is going to help you fall back in love again I speak over every single person that you got too much gift anointing and passion to be a girlfriend a side chick or secret but that God is getting ready to elevate you to where you are supposed to be I don't know where you are I need every wife here's your shout and every future wife to open up your mouth and thank God for who God is gone saying reason why this is so critical and so important man I'm trying to help you is that every man who does not have a wife or does not have a saved wife only is functioning by grace you just missed it let me give it to you again every man who is not married or is not married to a save woman is only functioning by grace men to hear me and hear me well what I am giving you is not opinion or theory it's scripture that you will never have the favor of God until you got a woman of God so I don't care how much money you make how many businesses you have how many houses you own you ain't ever going to the next level until you got a god-fearing proverbs 31 woman who is able to cover you in prayer and push you to where yous getting ready to go do me a favor please all the men in the room would you give God glory for your favor agent whoever is the favored agent that brings the grace of God consistency consistency is the key consistency is the key it's hard staying together in a culture that promotes independence it's ironic that we live in a culture that now promotes I our phone I pay it God is saying your power is in the spirit of unity it is only in our culture no other culture in the world will you hear a community of women say I don't need a man never hear that from a German woman never heerd from a Jewish woman never hear from an Italian women but the culture has tried to do a job on our women our sisters and our daughters to act as if men are negotiable because as if you want to give to your optimum capacity and level in me then you've got to operate in the spirit of unity it is the mind and the design of God that you are not gonna go through this thing called life by yourself let me add an addendum but I don't want you to go through it settling just so you got somebody the old blues singer said I can do bad by myself I need somebody that's gonna improve my life and help me get to a better place in God I done dated enough people to argue with I need somebody to pray with and I need somebody to pray for me when I don't feel like praying I need somebody that can shout when I'm fighting through depression it's ironic that I gleaned relationship notes from Paul a single apostle who have vowed never to get married the reality is if your relationship with Christ isn't thick nothing will stick everything you do with God becomes reflective in your other earthly relationships if you don't know how to talk to him you won't know how to talk to her it got quiet artists saying how do you expect for somebody who you are in a relationship with to have intimacy if they are not comfortable being intimate with me dogs can have sex y'all ain't saying nothing to me zebras can have sex but can you operate in a level of maturity of just being able to hold my hand y'all ain't saying nothing speaking to me and speaking the parts of me I didn't even know existed and challenging me to get to the next level in areas I have never explored and complimenting me without being in competition with me I need you to operate in every role in my life some days I need you to be the coach other days I need you to be a defensive in other days I need you to be a quarterback other days I need you to be my cheerleader and some days I need you to be my fire two four six eight who do we appreciate Corinthians Corinthians eleven and one says follow me as I follow Christ if you're following somebody who is not following him you gonna go over the cliff Paul amazingly doesn't give us any answers per se he just raises questions I'm in Romans chapter 8 watch what Paul raises in verse 35 and many of us have misquoted the scripture Wow being in church Romans 8 verse 35 for years those of us who have matriculated through the sanctuary we have heard this scripture misquoted how pastor all we kept hearing Romans 8 verse 35 is what shall separate me from the love of God that is not what the text is saying the text says who shall separate me from the love of God because what will separate you from God is not a car not a house not a job it's a person it then got quiet here and I don't want anybody coming into my life sharing my space who can get in between my relationship with God you may cuz I keep going to church you got a attitude cuz I'm shouting and giving God glory you don't know God will replace you before Thursday oh god I can't hear nobody in here cuz I made up in my mind and nobody to me like Jesus can no matter who shall separate me from the love of God I'm telling you ain't gonna let nobody nobody is gonna get in between my relationship with God you can be six foot three with wavy hair hazel eyes y'all a a bow leg a dimple on the left cheek driving a BMW and I will leave you for Negro in a GMC truck they love Jesus with their heart who shall separate [Applause] he said Paul did will famine or sword separate me from the love of God in other words when I'm going through attack when it here that my name is being scandalized when people set me up for failure I'm not gonna sit in the bed and throw myself a pity party but I'm a come to church after the break up I'm gonna come to church after the divorce i'ma come to church after you took your stuff back because God is a provider and I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help [Applause] he said shall hardship shall trouble or shall persecution separate me from the love of God he says shall famine separate me some of y'all only love God when you got money in the back when you got a car in the driveway when you're sitting in the gate in hops but there 500 are you in the room that made up in your mind I will bless the law and his praise shall continually be in my mouth look at your neighbor and say neighbor I'm not tripping over this because this ain't my first time being broke I've been to Paris and I've seen the Eiffel Tower and I've seen Table Mountain in the New York and I've seen the stats you are living it but I've never seen the righteous forsaken or she seed dragon football yes take anybody here that can size him up he's been better than me myself and I gotta go [Music] I gotta get hot is here we just said that neighbors hate and say neighbor I've had some good days and I've had some bad days but we're not sing sing so my good days layaway my bad day and I won't complain I decided to follow Jesus up grabbed and neighbors hair and say the road is rough the going gets tough and the hill will follow here shall I give them to all right give him praise [Music] give somebody and tell them we gotta stick through this we gotta stick through this we gotta stick through this [Music] [Applause] lift up that hand please I want to say something and I hope you'll your shout over it hope your rejoice over it lift up that hand God told me to announce today that new birth is gonna be a divorce free church god I can't hear nobody I need you to shout I said no better yes don't be a divorce preacher I speak of every lifted hand that God will bless every relationship I pray that God will separate you from whoever he don't want you with I knew y'all were gonna shout about that I say he'll separate that if it is not in the will of God they will not be able to get close to you I speak over every lifted hand for people who have become frustrated for battling depression loneliness isolation I want to release over your life that God hadn't forgotten about you he's saving the best for last [Applause] I heard somebody's praying while I was coming in church I heard somebody's praying I wanna answer it lift up that hand you'll know when I'm talking to you God told me to tell you you are not gonna die by yourself god I can't hear nobody I said you are not gonna die by yourself I pray that God will usher into your presence somebody that loves you as much as James loved Bianca that's all life I'm telling ya somebody that will defend you in public somebody that's got your back in private somebody that is not ashamed of who you are I pray that God will pull it together I pray that God will break the cycle of divorce that runs in your family hope you'll lift up your hand I want you to receive this I pray that even right now God is preparing mates for your children are y'all ain't said nothing to me I said he's preparing a husband for your daughter he's preparing a godly wife for your son I'm at least over this sanctuary that over the next 12 months will be a season of surprise proposals god I can't hear nobody in here y'all hear what I just said I said it's gonna be a season of surprise proposals I don't care nothing about the ceremony I want the marriage the layers y'all ain't saying nothin to me y'all get married in the backyard on paper plates I pray that God will bless your marriage bless your family that today begins a new chapter in your bloodline y'all ain't saying no I said today begins a new chapter in your bloodline and those of you believe that marriage is possible and there God can do it for you would you clap your hands and give God Thanksgiving for [Music] I'm going to do this quickly please I want to do this hold them the doors of the church then it ain't even gonna take me long some y'all sittin around looking crazy your friend and dragged you to church your family may be like Lord I ain't never been in no church crazy like this I'm on those of you who are physically able I want you to please stay and those of you are physically able I need you to stand even in the balcony come on stand for me please you're in this room hear me I want you to come to this altar I need you to hear my faith hear my expectation I want you to meet me at this altar you're not saved you don't have a church home not safe you don't have a church home I want you to come shake my hand come meet me at this altar I'm telling you the next time I see you I want to be saying dearly beloved we have gathered today come on clap your hands now sadistic on the church I need to join kind of ministry I need to be under God bless you excuse my hand bless you bless you come on god bless you come on clap your hands god bless you sir god bless you all right Tiffany hold on let me show you how God has sealed this word tell me your name Daniel Daryl and Pamela y'all come in to join you members yes this is so crazy today they celebrating 29 years of marriage [Applause] [Music] and they was coming to confirm my word cuz they got married 29 years ago in the backyard with paper plates I y'all are some haters they came to let you know if God could keep them together God can keep y'all together please I'm looking for you come on come on 29 of you 29 of you I want you to get saved I want you to join the church you playing hard to get come on don't make me come get you I need you to come quickly I need you to come right away some of my ministers I want you to go on that balcony help me witness evangelize come on clap your hands for this young man coming thank you I only need 26 two gold only need 26 ago I need you to come would you do a road check for me real quick do a road check would you ask the people on your own hey are you saved hey you got a church home [Applause] that's 25 that's 24 that's 23 that's 22 that's 21 that's 20 that's 19 that's 18 that's 17 there's 16 here come 15 14 13 we almost there y'all come on this 12 this 11 this 10 this man y'all thought I was playing come on here they come which I'll shout for this whole family here come eight seven six five here they come four three two which I'll shout for this Brahma [Music] [Applause] which I'll pull in for me just pull in just a little bit thank you [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 183,746
Rating: 4.8564878 out of 5
Id: 1z5UsOFXZgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 15sec (2835 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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