Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, DON’T GIVE IT ANY ATTENTION - October 18th, 2020

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[Music] it's amazing how many people can't see themselves because they're in competition with somebody who is in fact drowning in shallow superficial water to get to a place where you understand if nobody else likes me i like who i am [Music] flaws and all i know some of you can't say anything because you're perfect but you ought to give god glory that i am made in his image and in his likeness and i am not waiting for random people to like me i like who i am and those who don't like me that's their issue it is not my concern and i cannot give it any attention i know this is strange but would you do me a favor would you just thank god that you like you because there were seasons in your life you didn't like you but would you thank god that even after all of your missteps your mistakes your failures your brokenness your heartaches would you give god glory you know what i actually like me if you have your bibles i want you to join me join me at luke 18 music ministry give me a little bit balance please sound in the monitors luke chapter 18. [Music] luke chapter 18 verses 35 through 38 [Music] luke chapter 18 verses 35 through 38. when jesus was approaching jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging he heard that jesus was passing by and when he heard that jesus was passing by he cried out jesus son of david have mercy on me the disciples tried to restrict him but he kept crying out the more son of david have mercy on me you may be seated in the presence of the lord i want to preach for a little while tonight using as a subject don't give it any attention don't give it any attention recently the lord commanded me to put our church into consecration on tuesdays through the act of fasting i progressively offered three different paths for people to participate because fasting at its core is not about food it's about sacrifice option number one was liquids only tuesdays from 6 a.m to 6 p.m that in your fast and you're praying that you would only consume liquids option two was to abstain from all social media an option three was to refrain from fried food carbs and sweets some of my executive team was giddy at the notion that they had more than one option to choose from and they wanted to know why to which i responded to them that in this age for many giving up food is easier than giving up social media the intellectual indigestion of the internet has become even more nauseating after i consumed the documentary on netflix called social dilemma it's an expose on the diabolical methods that technology companies are employing to in fact adapt the human psychosis in order to dictate our behavior apps have been methodically integrated into our everyday lives uber is orchestrated to take us to the office as well as bring food to our door twitter sends us the news and warp speed and people's opinion in record time facebook is an electronic lost and found for discovering people from your past and meeting people who may be a part of your future instagram has a long-term impact and snapchat is causing even congress to talk even while i'm preaching the average person has already looked at their phones twice even with no notifications the documentary is probably one of the most important for this generation it's a scathing indictment on the industry laying out more damage to our minds than the opiate and crack epidemic combined in the film we are introduced to a gentleman by the name of justin rosenstein justin rosenstein is the inventor of facebook's ubiquitous future which is the like button the like button was originally crafted to spread positivity it was a lever of affirmation to signal to friends and family that you appreciate what they have posted what they did not count on at its inception is how it would have an adverse impact on people hear this who were getting no likes so people started amending their behavior just so that they could get more likes the first wave to crash on the shore of insecurity was teenagers all of us remember the awkward space of being in the eighth grade and our greatest anxiety was about whether we would be asked to dance as a sophomore attempting to find your circle and where to sit in the cafeteria now it is the pressure of being light that has led in this social media age and a spike in anxiety depression self-harm and suicide there's even a new term for those in gen z called snapchat dysmorphia snapchat dysmorphia is for those who are pining to have plastic surgery so that they can emulate the filtered images of people they don't know online people waiting on likes from others have not yet learned how to like themselves might i argue that it did not begin with instagram for those of you who are not social media savvy you will know that this level of intimidation and insecurity begin with the terrorization of snow white stemmed from the queen inquiring mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all the queen had a crooked crown because she was threatened by somebody who had no power is amazing how many people can't see themselves because they're in competition with somebody who is in fact drowning in shallow superficial water you have to get to a place where you understand if nobody else likes me i like who i am flaws and all i know some of you can't say anything because you're perfect but you ought to give god glory that i am made in his image and in his likeness and i am not waiting for random people to like me i like who i am and those who don't like me that's their issue it is not my concern and i cannot give it any attention i know this is strange but would you do me a favor would you just thank god that you like you because there were seasons in your life you didn't like you but would you thank god that even after all of your missteps your mistakes your failures your brokenness your heartaches would you give god glory you know what i actually like me another example another example that they crafted in social media now has been co-opted by the iphone was the creation of bubbles the creation of bubbles was designed so that you can see somebody is typing a response it was in fact crafted to keep you glued on the screen and not move because you are waiting for response it clocked you in to have more screen time because here this you knew the response was coming it built a false sense of anticipation in the mind because all of us have seen the bubbles and then watch them disappear with no response it is a false stimulation to the frontal vortex of the mind that peaks the arousal of anticipation and then to be left with disappointment i came today because i wanted somebody to know that you can't see the bubbles but i believe for somebody that doesn't mind shouting today god is about to send your answer now some of you don't need it because you ain't been waiting on nothing but i want god to know i'm vulnerable right now i need you to speak to my situation to my circumstance i got unanswered issues i got some areas where i need god to fill in the plank and god said hold up stay right there your answer is coming i know this may be a message just for me but i'm giving god glory because i feel like any moment now god is going to tell me the next chapter of my life the next decision i gotta make the things i gotta erase god if you can do anything give me some answers for what i've been waiting on i'm waiting on that answer i'm i'm waiting on an answer hallelujah y'all got to forgive me i'm talking to me now i'm i'm waiting on an answer god show me something tell tell me something i feel like i'm stuck i feel like i'm going in circles i'm hitting my head up against the wall god say something to me you you don't have me shut down for six months i can't go back to normal show me something [Applause] he's getting ready to answer the prayers i haven't even spoken out loud he's he's getting ready to ease the stress i've been carrying he's he's getting ready to annihilate the thing that's been keeping me up at night i don't know where you are but if there's anybody who needs god to answer you i dare you to put a mandate on heaven god give me some answers [Applause] the disturbing the disturbing and eye-opening revelation the disturbing and eye-opening revelation about social media when i saw it i must through my remote control across the room is that here this if you don't write anything down i need you to have this is that the service of social media is free hear this the service of social media is free hear this because you are the product i think i lost you i bet i better give it to you again uh facebook instagram snapchat twitter is free because you are the product so you didn't even realize social media is selling you all of these years you've been hearing about being a byproduct of the environment not realizing that in the 21st century you are the product that social media has been selling you google one thing turn around all of a sudden you getting ads [Applause] y'all ain't saying nothing to me you like too many things in a certain category all of a sudden whenever it is that you log on that same thing keep flashing right up and you trying to figure out how did they know this is my house bug are they on my phone are they listening to my conversation why because they have been selling your attention that their their entire intention of social media is to sell your attention they mine your data to send you targeted ads you have become the merchandise and the advertiser has become the customer i think i've lost you you are the merchandise i am the merchandise and the advertiser is the customer and so macy's um nordstroms uh zillow all of them are buying your page because if they can get access to your attention then they'll be able to direct your decision so there's stuff that you were buying online that you had not thought about blind and wasn't even a necessary need until you kept seeing the images so once they kept showing it to you you didn't even know your behavior had been manipulated because you were targeted and tracked by somebody who wanted your attention but was not interested in your assignment so it is it is a sophisticated way of seduction how can i get something from you without being connected to you god tell me that they're trying to figure out how can i get closer that i am on your mind when you are not thinking about me help me holy ghost to preach it right that there are some of you who have allowed satanic principalities to keep flashing stuff on the screen of your imagination and god told me to tell you stop giving it your attention i don't care what other people say i don't care what other people do i don't care who won't help you stop giving it your attention it's got to shift your thinking if i am a product then i must be a luxury item if god heal me i wish i had a musician if if i am the product treat me like i'm luxury that that means handle me with gloves [Music] wrap me up let me come with a gift receipt so if they don't want me i can be exchanged for somebody who will value my company my presence and my gifting i am a limited edition hallelujah i don't know where y'all are but i better say this for five of y'all i'm a limited edition and folk don't like me because i'm surrounded by cheap knockoffs when when i show up authenticity walks in the room i am god's top shelf [Music] i don't come with a warranty i come with a guarantee god help me and i guarantee i don't know who needs to hear it i better back it up and say it again i don't come with a warranty i come with a guarantee what is the guarantee i will not break down i will not lose it i i will not be mishandled i can't be thrown away i come with a guarantee come with a guarantee that no weapon that is formed against me shall be able to prosper whoever it is that leaves you tell them i guarantee god got somebody better than you when whatever it is that you without a job you want to tell yourself i guarantee my next assignment will be better than this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i actually i actually pointed transparency i actually read the bible online i read the bible online and i use new births amp and i remember i was in my own private devotion and i was reading luke chapter 18 where jesus is headed towards jericho and there's this blind man and the blind man heard about a guy who was verified he didn't have a blue check but he was verified that when when he shows up devils begin to run he's he's verified if there's a lack when he shows up there's always gonna be surplus i can't hear nobody and anybody had a season with god where you couldn't see anything but you still trusted him it anybody ever had blind spots you you didn't know how you were gonna overcome how you were gonna be a conqueror but you knew god was verified he heard about jesus because jesus every other chapter keeps going viral every time he would perform a miracle more people would show up whenever it is that he would heal somebody he would gain more followers and the blind man knew something that some of the people in the church don't know you know i'm talking to y'all uh what what the blind man knew what some of y'all don't get is that um jesus likes likes [Music] so so so the blind man hear this jesus hadn't done nothing for him but the blind man who can't even see where he going just starts worshiping him he's worshipping him when he don't even know what's next i i get a pause right here if you don't like god the way i like god you ain't gonna scream the way i scream you you ain't gonna worship the way i worship but if you bless god when you don't know what november gonna look like with when you don't know what christmas is gonna look like i will bless the lord at all [Music] he starts to worship him hallelujah and here come church people and the church people say don't trouble the master hallelujah don't scream like that don't holler like that and this blind man he knew something intuitively here's what he knew he knew that the people who were telling him to be quiet could see oh my god [Applause] you telling me to be quiet because you can already see i gotta praise him cause i need something that i ain't got yet y'all gotta forgive me right here anybody roll at you roll their eyes at you don't you pay them no attention anybody that tells you you don't take all of that don't you pay them no attention [Music] i know y'all don't want me to shout be seated my timer's almost up y'all y'all trying to scream through that mess be seated right where you are i'm coming and they told him to be quiet he says i'm not going to pay him any attention and he showed me something that i didn't even realize here's what he showed me he showed me that jesus was the product and he was the consumer so he says i have got to get his attention oh my god there's so many people who need god right now but they don't need him the way i need him they're not in the spot that i'm in so even if i gotta look like i'm crazy even if i gotta shout like i don't lost my mind i gotta get god's attention i'm in the middle of a global pandemic that was supposed to last four weeks and it's still six months later and i'm in the middle of it those of you who are viewing online i'm telling you push that coffee table back the holy spirit arrested me today and said jamal tell the people of new birth if they need heaven's attention they better do whatever they got gotta do to get in the face of god if there's anybody here that is saying wow on other star wars please hey here's what's getting made happen you're not getting ready to be debt-free not getting ready to be a millionaire god says if you worship me be careful if you're going to worship me be clear about what you're doing [Music] why would you say that pastor because the mind the man who began to get god's attention do you know what he received he was able to see stuff he couldn't see before god said this worship you are getting ready to lift up to heaven it's not going to bring you anything tangible or material but god said if you give me glory for just 60 seconds i'ma start showing you stuff i'ma start showing you your future i'ma show you your family i'm gonna show you your destiny i'm gonna show you your assignment get god's attention i can't believe you're laid saying nothing get god's attention [Music] come on you only got 30 seconds left get his attention oh my god oh oh oh i feel it's glowing now i need somebody to cry from your belly i need somebody to yell out loud mother had mercy on me have mercy on me and mercy on it have mercy on me saturday [Music] something peculiar sailor happens in this passage softly gentlemen peculiar happens in this passage that i am afraid preachers before me have missed and that is the positioning of mercy the last time we saw mercy it was following me oh my god this time it's on me sh those of you that need mercy on you would would you just give him glory like i need the mercy of god not following me i need it lift up that hand lift up that ham please sir please ma'am i need mercy on me oh my god i need mercy on me god heal me i need to feel that thing i i want mercy on me hallelujah i i need it on me so asthma can't get to me i need it all in me [Music] i speak of every lifted hand that whatever it is that the enemy has thrown in your path that has been diverting your attention that in one day you're gonna get your focus back in one day you're gonna get your clarity back in one day you're gonna get your balance and your grounding back the enemy been throwing stuff in every direction and he's been doing all of it because he wants your attention i'm telling you peter was walking on water it wasn't until he took his eyes off of jesus that he began to sink i want you to get your focus back i want your head on right wherever you are in this place wherever you are online i'm telling you i know it's been hard for you to sit through a whole service while you've been tempted by going to check instagram get through a whole service without being a lord to your text messages [Music] sent through a whole message without updating to see if anybody knew started following you the enemy has been sending you weapons of mass distractions because he wants to throw off your attention while your attention is here i want to tell you i want to be your pastor more than anything what would give my soul tremendous delight is if you make jesus your lord i'm telling you i want new birth to be your church at the end of the day i gotta guarantee that heaven is gonna be your home wherever it is that you are i'm telling you the whole world has changed you can live in chicago and still be a member here you can be in denver and still be in relationship here you can be in mississippi and find out this is where god has you planted don't you get distracted stay focused on what it is that god has on your life all of the prompts that are needed and necessary for you to become a member available to you right now i'm excited to be in god's house because i want you to know today i am praying over your seed praying over your gift i'm on every person i don't know where it is that you are that kovit has been vying for your attention your job has been vying for your attention health concerns have consumed your attention today i need you to get back focused under god i'm telling put everything else aside lay aside every weight i need you to press towards the mark of the high caller i'm going to challenge every person come on let's give unto god let's so to him your phone is already in your hand electronically everybody in the room would you lift up that phone let me see it that is our apparatus for giving come on lift up that phone whether it's give the fire whether it's push pay whether it's text to give we're giving church why because we know god is verified if you give he's going to give back to you press down shaken together and running over don't get distracted come with me god is still in charge you're still in the blessing business every tither you know it is called of you to do every person that's believing god for a financial breakthrough i want you to do that i want you to come into agreement with what it is that god is doing in this season god loves a cheerful giver i know you haven't heard it on this side on this wise but your giving gets god's attention i better say that again your giving gets god's attention your actions speak louder than your words you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 105,104
Rating: 4.8834586 out of 5
Id: czDKx809z7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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