Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, STAY HYDRATED - September 29th, 2019

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and now I get to verse number five when I finish walking and coming out of my death near-death experience you know what's waiting on me on the other side of the valley he prepared the table y'all just missed it he only prepared the table as a sign that I surpassed what was trying to kill nation this is your celebration part that you able to look the devil in do you know who you playing with there say [Music] would you secure your Bibles that join me in Psalm 23 one verse in that verses verse five [Music] Psalm 23 purrs fire [Music] once you've found a want to say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me let's read it together with uplifted voices everybody you prepare a table before me come on let's read it again with a little bit more vim vigor and vitality everybody you prepare a table before me I want us to read it the third time to put the seal of the Holy Spirit on it Psalm 23 verse number five everybody you prepare amen you may be seated I want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument those are your technologically savvy as that you'll go to the appropriate place in your smartphone that affords you the space to take notes I want to to look at Psalm 23 and 5 he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject stay hydrated look at the person beside you and tell them on a day like today you need to stay hydrated the core of one's vulnerability is always connected to need our Lord and Savior is the most critical moment while he was dangling on the cross his humanity peer through his divinity when he gasped I first by declaring Father forgive them he was trafficking in that which is sacred but admitting to a deficiency is a human occurrence do you know how difficult it is for many people who are sitting around you to acknowledge and to admit what they need the scriptural sequence exposes that since the Last Supper he was giving nothing to drink the geological taxation was overwhelming to go from the trauma of betrayal the shock of arrest the anguish of trial and now the exasperation of crucifixion all with no hydration water accounts for 60% of your body and it is essential to every cell and the British Psychological Society's annual convention a report was presented they found that the college students who brought water with them in the exam scored higher marks than their counterparts with no water it's highly recommended by the Institute of Medicine that every adult would practice 8 by 8 I want you to write that down 8 by 8 8 X 8 pester would is 8 by 8 8 by 8 is to drink 8 8 ounces of water by 8 o'clock at night you know challenge for October I'm giving you two days to play around with soda beginning on Tuesday I'm challenging you in the sanctuary challenging those or part of our cyber sanctuary that every day you would practice 8 by 8 8 glasses of water by 8 o'clock at night I want to tell you why for reasons while you need to hydrate 4 reasons why you need to hydrate number 1 is to eliminate toxins while the kidney filters waste from the body the organ requires water to function properly if the kidney doesn't have enough water the waste then becomes trapped in your body when the body is dehydrated the ability to eliminate is diminished adequate hydration prevents constipation infection inflammation and arthritis so many who grapple with those areas at its core can be traced back to dehydration so you need to hydrate number one because it eliminates toxins number two who somebody needs this you need to hydrate because it alleviates weight I'm looking down and making eye contact with nobody in alleviates weight in the medical journal of obesity dieters who consumed increased water lost weight some time thirst is disguised as hunger I need you to have that again sometimes thirst is disguised as hunger you're not really hungry your body is just dehydrated number one it eliminates toxins number two it alleviates weight number three need you to have it it prevents attacks heart disease is the leading cause of death for our community the largest contributors are cholesterol and plaque the American Journal of found that drinking more water cuts down on coronary heart disease Jesus declared aloud let not your heart be troubled he was assuming you were already drinking water four reasons why you gotta hydrate what's the first one come on class what's the first one the second one number three here's the fourth one protects your mind it protects your mind the journal entitled twenty years in human neural science provided research that h2o intake enhances brain power that you're able to operate in better cognition and process thinking when it is that you drink helps us understand the psychosis of the woman at the well who had married all of these different men but still had to go get water because Jesus was really saying to her his clear you ain't thinking straight because the one you wit now and even who you supposed to be with but if your man was on right you would already recognize that all the more you don't even know who's standing in front of you because if you knew who was standing in front of you you would never thirst again Psalms 23 Psalm 23 verse number one watch what David enunciates to us he says the Lord is my shepherd and when he saying the Lord is my shepherd he is making a declaration into the earth that because the Lord is my shepherd I will lack nothing I better drop that right there cuz you just missed it I just need a thousand of you to just declare out loud I will lack nothing I need that to just marinate right in your heart come on would you declare it with a little bit more first force I will lack nothing come on I need you to get that right down into the marrow of your bone because today we are disrupting generational curses not only you hear this but nobody who has your last name will be in the orbit of having to be in need I need you to say it with all apostolic authority I will lack nothing I'm talking about for October November December and I speak it over all of 2020 I need those of y'all that have that kind of crazy thing would you shouted to your bills to your creditors to your credit shouted out loud will lack nothing says the Lord is my shepherd I will lack nothing look at Psalm 23 I don't want you to take my word for it I need you to see verse number 2 yes he leads me by still waters this is significant here this is because he left me by still waters and still didn't let him drink anything [Applause] because God is operating sometimes he needs you here this to see it before you have it I need you to get in your man what you seek God get ready to do in your life hallelujah whatever it is I need you to know it is a sneak preview of coming attractions just that you don't have that yet don't mean you ain't gonna get it the worst thing that you could have ever done was get exposure when I didn't know no better I didn't dream that much but now that I see what is possible no devil in hell is don't stop me from achieving what I'm supposed to have he lays me by still waters he restores my soul hallelujah he restores my soul and here's the area that we hopscotch over is he restores my soul here it is for his name safe now don't forget he's operating as my shepherd and he is restoring my soul why cuz his name is on the land now if he is the shepherd and in the sea there is no way in the world he don't give me my name and then let me get devoured so he gave me his name knowing that there were rules out there they wanted to devour me but God put his stick in the sand and said alright hold up now you don't come far enough they rollin with me now you should have destroyed them before they but they are not gonna go crazy they are not oh heaven nervous breakdown they are not gonna commit self-sabotage my name is on I carry the name of God that that's why I'm a Christian here it is because that infers I carry his name he was wounded for my transgressions he was bruised for my iniquities the chastisement of my peace is a punish shoulders and back here stripes I'm healed God told me to tell you get ready because whatever you ask for here's your shell in my name it shall be giving it to you if two or three are touching and agreeing there shall be also a day to grab that neighbor by the head and tell them brace yourself whatever you can afford whatever you didn't meet the requirements of whatever didn't line up with your credit stop if you got the neighbor Jesus it's getting a big - you gotta be seated please he restores my soul in the presence of wolves that wanted to see me destroy yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I never scared I'm going through it but I'm coming out of it y'all y'all ain't saying nothing to me I need 50 y'all they've been in some near-death experiences but you walked away from it hey you able to say through it Justin Jesus be seated I'm coming says yay though I walk through the valley now the valley is significant why it is the low place in between mountains if I am in the valley here it is then sunlight is blocked god help me so I'm walking through a dark season where I cannot figure out what is in front of me but what the enemy doesn't realize is I walk by faith and not by sight the reason why your haters can handle you is in spite of what you've been through you still walking like your dad I've been talking about you but they don't know I'm stepping out the valley they got no idea if God won with me since I'm walking you through the valley when David writes this you understand that he's in Israel and Israel's 290 miles in length 85 miles in width and Godhead to walk with me all through Israel and now I get to verse number five and when I finished walking and coming out of my dear near-death experience you know was waiting on me on the other side of the valley he prepared the table y'all just missed it he only prepared the table as a sign that I survived what was trying to kill me this is your celebration since I prepared a table in the presence of your enemies and here's where we been for the last eight weeks mac cup runs over and all this time we didn't even understand why my cup was running over my cup was running over and the Lord kept pouring here it is because he was trying to hydrate me pastor I'm lost I'm glad he kept pouring and I hope 50 y'all to get it because while he was pouring he was getting toxins out of my body and some of y'all better receive your healing everything that is illegal in your body is coming out of it in the next six to eight weeks I can't so every fibroid every tumor every cancer cell everything that is detrimental to your says I'm i'ma keep pouring cuz I gotta get illegal stuff out of your body he said i'ma keep rolling your cup is running over because I am now eliminating dead weight whoever is attached to you that is not a sign to you I'm getting better to disconnect them from you I'm tired of you being stressed and worried and depressed and anxious but God said when you give me glory the weight is coming off when you give me praise the stress is come at all when you give me the brass says I keep pouring cuz I gotta get the toxins out of your body I gotta get the dead weight off of your back here's number three and I hope y'all tear this church up he said I'm poor no water why cuz I am preventing the attack whatever the enemy saw he was don't do to you the last three months of the year God said if you give me glory hey I feel God right here I need you to pull on that neighbours hair and say neighbor you didn't hear with my pastor just said if you shouted it the attack on your life the attack on your children attacked on your health the attack on your finances has been canceled this battle is not sauce this battle yes [Applause] Hey I just need somebody to shout the attack [Music] says I'm keeping the water cuz I gotta get stuff out of your bout it I gotta eliminate their weight I can't hear no worshipers in here I gotta stop the attack your enemy's plan here's the last one I'll know who this is for he said I had to keep pouring water why cuz I needed to safeguard your my god god I can't hear nobody God said I need you to give me praise just you like to have another sleepless night I need to open up your mouth because whatever's been in that so mad yes now Beatrice lift up that hand he said if it was just for you [Music] [Applause] if it was just for you if they were just about you I would have filled the cup [Music] you'll miss it I said if he was just about you he would have just filled the cup but he said you don't know how important you are how vital you are has to teach it to our he says I hope y'all are receive it I am getting ready to bless whoever is close to you because when your offer flows whoever is close to you is don't be able to live on bless whoever is close I don't I don't want you to limit it to who's sitting next to you on this view this morning but if you may give God glory here me and you only got 30 seconds to do it you can better to worship Him for the people you care about for the people that live in your house for the people that have to pass facing your heart God said when you worship me and I hope you'll join in I may heal the bodies of family members okay here nobody win when you open up your mouth I'm getting ready to handle them that you [Music] lift up that hand oh really [Music] ha get ready for the overflow as they get ready for the overflow it's too much for just you get ready for the overflow a pair of every lifted hand [Music] there by the spirit and the power of God [Music] that no area of your life will be dehydrated that as your hand is lifted God is touching every area of your body and his physical challenge about disease by sickness by impurity I pray even right now where we lifted hand that he's opening up every closed artery dissolving every blood clot I can't hear nobody he's touching your respiratory system your digestive system of every lifted hand he's touching your reproductive organs I speak of every lifted hand that God will free you from false obligation whatever unnecessary weight you've been carrying God is now taking it off of your back aspect I've ever lifted hand that God will guard your mind god you're thinking God your dreams God your ideas I pray let me lift at hand that God Himself will address whatever your needs are and those of you your faith suggests that you are now entering a season of overflow I want you to demonstrate it by your sound of Thanksgiving would you open up your mouth and give it to her come on I said open up your mouth I need you to embrace three people and telling miss your sins and all the prowess is your season [Music] Oh whoa ah I meant is come on wave that hand truck over ah for all the fun listen to me I'm anticipating overflown insoles being saved today I thought y'all get excited about them four hearts being touched today same path I really feel like this is when my drought comes to an end this is where that I I believe that not only am I going to be planted but this is where I'm going to blossom I believe pastor that God ordered my steps to be here on this day that I don't want to be in the audience I want to be in the army I don't want to just be in the crowd I want to be a part of the congregation where you are in this room wherever you are in this room you've seen enough you've heard enough you've felt enough to know that the presence of God abides in this place you're in this place hear me I want to invite you personally to come and make new birth your church home I'm telling you with no strings attached I want to be your pastor I want your season of seeking and looking to come to an end I want you to make up in your man this is where I'm supposed to be wherever you are god bless you sir wherever you are would you come please come on clap yeah I meant it you guys make some noise here they come listen listen I need you to help me please there's some amongst us who still need to get saved still need to join the church they just need a little help they just need a little support they just need to know they're not in it by themselves even if you got a walk with them I need you to give them the assurance they're not in it by themselves would you help me please virtue has gone out of me I don't have much left would you help me I want you to move from where you are I want you to go talk to two people who you don't know find two people whose names you don't know I want you to walk right up on them and ask them how they saved Eskom do they have a church home have they given their lives over to God come on wherever it is that you are would you meet me at this altar follow the floor I need you to give God glory they're coming in the aisles come on mrs. name hallelujah come on clap your hands for these young people coming I need you to do me a favor please I'm believing God for men to get saved today for men to find Jesus Christ for men to serve and to stand on the front line I need you to do me a favor if you don't mind would you just please canvass the brothers who were standing around you as a mentor in your section are they saying to ask them do they have a church on ask him are they involved in a ministry if they avoid our contact drag them down here if there's somebody here come on quickly please quickly [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 29,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 42cuwMvXGwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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