Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " DON'T PLAY YOURSELF " - APRIL 18th 2021

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[Music] matthew 14 verse 17 my prayers today are extended to deacon gary who's lost his brother he and his family are headed to connecticut our prayers are wrapped around him we extend our prayers to pastor carla and sister marcia stokes who funeralized their dead on yesterday matthew chapter 14. on this coming tuesday at 12 at noon this coming tuesday at 12 at noon uh past bishop reginald t jackson of the sixth district of the amy church dr cynthia hale pastor timothy mcdonald dr lee may myself a group of ministers from across the state of georgia i will be hosting a press conference at 12 at noon outside of home depot if you are within the georgia driving distance i want you to meet me tuesday at 12 noon we have an announcement regarding the voter suppression laws that are being placed in this state to block us from exercising our democratic right and so as that you'll join me tuesday at 12 noon i want you to bring all of your friends bring all of your family members we're not going to take this laying down but we stand up as the proud people that we are we've come too far to go backwards and so i want you to join me on tuesday at 12 noon matthew 14 verse 17 just one verse we only have two fish and five loaves of bread that's all the verse says we only have two fish and five loaves of bread i want to preach for a little while today using as a subject don't play yourself don't play yourself would you type that in the chat even right now and say a word to the people who are in your house if you're in the studio i want you to point at somebody because you can't touch them point at somebody and tell them don't play yourself on surface level it would appear that kimberly potter the policewoman in minneapolis who murdered dante wright would have absolutely nothing in common with the late rapper and actor earl simmons also known as dmx the truth of the matter is they have more in common than what surface would expect before he goes to the grave on next week and before she goes to jail i wish i could have given both of them a book but because i can't give it to them i want to give it to you i want you to write this book down the book is called stop self sabotage stop self sabotage six steps to unlock your true motivation harness your willpower and to get out of your own way stop self-sabotage to be clear self-sabotage is when your behavior and thoughts are going through a volatile divorce your internal echo chimes you can't do it your internal voice tells you you are not good enough that internal nagging sound that tells you you don't deserve it it is that whisper that repeatedly tells you at night it is not going to work out and the better will never happen self-sabotage causes us to cease when we should seize self-sabotage is the demented ability to talk yourself out of what you were called to do the ingredients of the toxic mocktail of mediocrity is a dash of a fear of success a spoonful of low self-esteem a heap of being over controlling a symbol of assigning blame everywhere else and a cup of a fear of failure my dear friends dmx had an undeniable anointing and an indescribable gift of poetry through prayer but his addictions drowned his accolades kim porter she spent um she spent 20 potter spent 26 years serving on the police force was one of the very first women to be union president she was a field trainer and she was on the honor guard and yet last week claimed to not be able to discern the difference between a taser and a gun now she has lost her job her home is surrounded by barbed wire and i know you haven't looked at it this way but both kim and dmx committed self-sabotage the difference is one hurt themselves and the other one hurts somebody else many of you are not committing self-sabotage you're just in love with somebody who does you got to be careful because people who commit self-sabotage if they don't hurt them they'll hurt the people who are around them self-sabotage is as subtle as quicksand but it's as harmful as the electric chair self-sabotage reaches for excuses because it doesn't want to hold on to reasons self-sabotage makes us attracted to who we should be repulsed by self-sabotage makes us overthink what god has already ordained [Music] in church we keep telling satan get thee behind me when in truth we need to be telling satan get out of me whatever is in you that has convinced you that you don't deserve to be loved whatever is in you that tells you you ought to just take what they give you whatever that's in you that tells you you are not savvy enough for the position whatever that's in you that tells you you are too ambitious tell that spirit greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i remember this time i was walking past matthew 14 when jesus had been teaching all day under the palestinian son after the benediction was given none of the crowd moved so the disciples had the nerve to think they were going to tell god what to do hear this about people they told the son of god hear this send them away i need you to be honest whatever you do don't write their name in the chat but i need you to just think about it in there some people you wish god would send away whoever is snacking on your self-esteem whoever eats your dreams for dinner whoever keeps spitting out your goals send them away but what happens who god needs to send away is not your ex [Music] is not the love of your life is not your co-workers not your hater it's not a racist police officer what if who god needs to send away is you [Music] what happens when you are the problem when you are the conflict when you are toxic the lord said to moses as i say to you today the enemy you see today you will never see again whatever is the area of your life that causes you to terrorize your call to terrorize your gift to terrorize your anointing i am asking god send that part of you away but in this instance the people are hungry at five foot three james baldwin standing on the corner of linux avenue in harlem said you cannot fix it until you face it they were hoping that god would send them away why because if it's out of sight it's out of mind they were in full denial that the crisis even existed i want to say this to you and i want you to believe it if it resonates in your own spirit but i want to declare it over your life you are prepared for the problem i want you to lay hands on yourself i need you to declare it out loud i am prepared come on say it with conviction i am prepared for the problem i didn't ask you to look at nobody i'm talking to the you that is in you come on say it out loud i am prepared for the problem how did you think you were going to avoid it when you're anointed for it i better say it again how did you think you were going to avoid it when you have been assigned to it you can't run from a mountain you were born to climb there's some things that god has put in your life and you don't even understand you needed it to see how strong you were some of what you've gone through was not to prove anything to them it was to prove it to yourself i can come through this and it's not gonna break me i can handle it and i'm not gonna lose my mind i'm going to deal with it and it is not going to crush me i'm going to walk around it and it is not going to bring shame to me i am equipped for this problem burst pipes but it produces diamonds many of you are smoking the pipe because you don't even understand the pressure that you are under is gonna make you come out smelling like a rose you know you are anointed for the pressure because the people who are jealous of you couldn't handle it the people who want to change places with you couldn't even find the strength to get out of the bed people with half your circumstance have already committed suicide people with a fraction of your weight are high right now under a bridge but yet you woke up this morning looking yourself in the mirror telling yourself i'm greater than everything that's on me you are the answer to the earth's question you just missed what i said you are the answer to the earth's question what is the earth's question is god able if you're trying to figure out whether god is able look at my life look at what i've been doing look at the scrapes and the scars and the bruises and yet i can smile and i'm not medicated i can laugh and i'm not drunk i can get through the day and i don't need a cigarette to do it god has given me the grace [Music] for whatever it is that i'm dealing with martin luther king jr said that life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you going to do for others did you hear that life's most persistent and urgent question so what am i going to do for others the son has gone down there's five thousand people there and the disciples are thinking about themselves they're trying to avoid it they tell the master send them away when they don't even realize that they are being equipped for this assignment i want to ask you a question that you probably have not entertained is god gonna allow me to survive this just for me will somebody else benefit because of my breakthrough am i going through this so two other people will never have to deal with it did i survive this to be silent and i'm telling you the enemy wants to mute your testimony because he knows if you ever talk about how god made a way there are some people who are right on the edge of losing it but they figured out if god could do it for you i know he can do it for me what are you gonna do this week for others are you performing self-sabotage because you don't want your gift to grow are you performing self-sabotage are you a terrorist of your own destiny are you committing mutiny on your ministry have you in fact rebelled from what it is that god has ordained you got to do something for somebody else jesus refused to send the crowd away he didn't feed into their energy and instead of pushing people away he compelled the disciples to come closer sometimes when people won't leave that's when god comes sometimes when you can't get space god will invade your environment and he asked the disciples a question that i am provoked to ask of you and here is the question what do you have and i want you to listen to their language in verse number 17 of matthew 14 listen to their language because the language of the disciples is laced in self-sabotage what they said the master said what do you have verse 17 they say we only have two fish and five loaves of bread only implies that the subject is insufficient only suggests that the possession is inadequate what you call what you have speaks to who you think you are i better say it again what you call what you have speaks to who you see that you are to say only means you don't think it's enough listen to your self-sabotage toxic language i only have a bachelor's i only have a 600 credit score i only have my mother left i only got one real friend i only had a couple years in the marriage meanwhile there's somebody three rolls over from you who are saying if only i could have had a degree if only i could ever be married if only any of my parents were alive i need you to know that only needs to be deleted from your vocabulary and give god glory for what you have you want to praise him for what you got remaining you are to bless him because it's more than enough i need you to know the people who are jealous of you are saying if only as much as you hate that job somebody who's unemployed is saying if only as much as you complain about that car somebody you roll past on the bus stop is saying if only as much as you got an issue with what's going on with your children there's somebody who can't have kids who's saying if only [Music] look and live brother live look to jesus now and live it's recorded in his word here it is if you only look to him and lived the reason why i give god glory because i'm looking at you to validate me the reason why i praise him i don't need that job for myself for steve the reason why i bless him is i lost everything twice but i still got my right mind if only i need you to have this i need you to be mindful of it you are not here because of what you want you are here because of what you have you just missed it i better give it to you again you are not here because of what you want you are here because of what you have what you want is important but what you got right now is critical in verse number 15 they had nothing in verse number 17 they got two fish and five loaves of bread i want to say to you with all that i can muster don't talk yourself out of what god has given you in the last two verses of your life i need you to give him glory if you remember your verse 15 when you had nothing i can't hear nobody and you don't even know how you got the first 17 but i give god glory for my two little fish and my five loads of bread it may not mean nothing to you but it means everything to me i thank him cause if i couldn't say nothing all i could do is wave my hair i know some of y'all can't shout but would you praise him for your two fish will you give him glory for your five loaves will you magnify him cause they didn't think you were gonna make it but i'm still here after all that i've been through i still got my joy i still got my praise i still got my anointing you got enough right now i feel this glory right here you got enough right now to make a difference if he don't do nothing else whatever you got right now is gonna change the world i need you to look at somebody and tell them you got enough you got enough to get started look at somebody tell them you got enough you got enough to change the narrative you got enough to make sure your family eats every day you got enough to keep that roof over your head greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i need somebody to shout out loud i know i can i know i can i know i care i've got what it takes i got the right stuff my anointing is not to be played with stop playing yourself you must not know the god i said if god before me who can be against me i'm still here i'm still here i'm still [Music] this [Music] [Music] if is with me i'm oh yes that today we assassinate self-sabotage you didn't hear what i just said today we assassinate self-sabotage whatever is that part of you that cancels out the higher calling on your life it comes to an end whatever voice has been speaking to you in your head that does not believe god's purpose of will for abundance over your life whatever it is that you don't even attempt because you assume you are going to fail i want you to lift that hand i want to pray for you today we cancel the spirit of self-sabotage it's going to happen it's going to work out [Music] god is going to flourish in your life [Music] the problem is you don't believe it you don't expect it to happen lauren hill said how you gonna win if you ain't right with him hey you gotta figure out what is it in me that needs to be adjusted aren't you sick of watching everybody else go up and you staying right at the same place god i speak of every lifted hand that god will you will bless them to silence everything in them that is adversarial to the anointing you put on them i pray god you will do exceedingly abundantly beyond anything you have done for anybody in their family i pray dear lord that you will prove hear this themselves wrong and show them that your abiding hand is on their life god we trust you for it and those of you who hear this those of you who believe from this day forward that you're gonna be your own cheerleader you're gonna encourage yourself would you give god glory here it is for what you know here's your shout for what you know you and god are gonna do this year come on give god glory would you give him praise for what you know you and god are going to do this year i want you to become a part of our ministry i want to be your pastor i want jesus to be your savior i want new birth to be your church but i want heaven to be your home no matter where it is that you are i promise i belong i beneath i'm telling you there are people who are watching or streaming or are connected literally from all four corners of the earth we are a local church making a global impact it doesn't matter where you are the tentacles of the anointing on this ministry we'll meet you right there newberg you ought to be making some noise right here i want you to collect dead hands hear me can you believe in a pandemic in a pandemic 2 000 people have joined this church in a 2 pandemic people have aligned with this ministry we're a good church but when you join we're going to be a great church you are the thing new birth has been missing you are the thing that we have needed and we didn't know it until you came along i want you to do me a favor something amazing is getting ready to happen i need you to help me one of our college students was here our pastor of emerging generations stood right where i'm standing right now i want to make sure that young people in this community don't talk themselves out of their possibility don't talk themselves out of what it is that they need to do i am endeavoring to give away a hundred thousand dollars in college scholarships this year somebody got to give god glory i said i'm endeavoring to give a hundred thousand dollars in college scholarships of this year not necessarily all the straight a students you know your pastor got a ged but i i want any young person that has a desire a passion and a will for higher education to be able to have access i'm uh just 25 000 short from where it is that i need to go to meet our goal of those of you who want to help us send young people to college i need you to give right now watch what's going to happen the only two different kind of people i need to give i need people to give the only two kinds of people i need people to give here this who went to college and the second group of people i need are the people who didn't those are the only two people who want to be given people who went to college and people who didn't i need to know some of the most brilliant people in our community are in jail y'all just missed what i just said some of the most genius and brilliant people in our community still have not found where they're supposed to be because a window of opportunity was not granted i want to challenge you some of you can get 50 some of you and give a hundred some of you give 70. but i want you to give your best gift and i want you to give watch this especially if you didn't go like you wanted somebody to give to you i want you to be the mentor you never had those of you who went to school you knew how hard it was how trying it was those of us who lived on a strict ramen noodle diet you already know what that's like i want you to give a gift we want to be a blessing to young people all over the world secondarily we're taking our young people to israel this summer they're going to go for 10 days somebody give god glory they're going to go for 10 days you can go to our website and get all the information how it is that your young young person can register and go visit the holy land to see where it is that jesus walked where he ministered and where the miracles were performed oh oh they're here all right i'm talking about you behind your back all right our young people are going to our young people and our young adult pastors [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 54,159
Rating: 4.8744855 out of 5
Id: qckmIJebHLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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