Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS "- January 24th, 2021

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[Music] to go to genesis chapter two i want you to please get this word today i want you to text somebody i want you to tag somebody i want you to tell somebody there is a word from the lord and you can get it from new birth right now genesis chapter 2 verses 10 through 14 genesis chapter 2 verses 10 through 14. here's what it reads a river watering the garden flowed from eden from there it was separated into four headwaters the name of the first is the prashan it winds through the entire land of havala where there is gold the gold of that land is good aromatic resin and onyx are also there the name of the second river is gehan it winds through the entire land of cush the name of the third is the tigris it runs along the east side of asher and the fourth river is the euphrates the fourth river is the euphrates i want to preach for a little while today with your prayers but more importantly with god's presence using as a subject one more river to cross i got one more river to cross before you even understand it would you just write that in the chat room i've got one more river to cross lord speak your servants are hearing in jesus name amen one more river to cross might i um suggest to you humbly that being strapped for cash causes a lot of stress being strapped for cash causes a lot of stress the threat of losing great sums of money can be nauseating all the more feeling like somebody is making off with your money can be infuriating i was engulfed in grief when it was reported that music mogul dr dre have been rushed to the emergency room due to a brain aneurysm with an athletic frame and a picture of health it didn't match that he would be in such a vulnerable position until then it was uh revealed that he's in the middle of a contentious divorce after 24 years of marriage a billion dollar estate is at stake a billion dollar estate is at stake his estranged wife has just been awarded a 2 million dollar a month maintenance fee two million dollars a month maintenance fee i pondered how this young man who came through the concrete of compton somehow or another was able to amass so much just from making music only to that the bulk of his wealth did not come from music but from co-founding beats electronics which makes headphones in 2014 apple made its largest acquisition to date so at the end of the day he's fighting over resources and i need you to hear me intently he's fighting over resources that his gift didn't create but his brand helped to cultivate just miss that he's fighting over resources that his gift did not create but his brand helped to cultivate one of the largest hip-hop pioneers who happened not to be produced by dr dre hailing from the opposite coast is nas his breakthrough album illmatic changed the course of hip-hop his last chart-topping album was back in 2012 but meanwhile he's launched a firm called queen's bridge venture queens bridge venture and queensbridge venture invest in 20 companies a year and those 20 companies that he invest in a year he does an investment between a hundred thousand and a half million 20 of them 20 emerging entrepreneurial ideas he finds 20 of them and every year he gives 20 of them a hundred thousand to five hundred thousand being an early investor helped him make substantial profits because what many people don't know is this brooklyn brooklyn-based rapper was one of the original investors for lyft one of the original investors for dropbox his highest yielding return came from ring the security alarm company that is touted by your amazon he profited 40 million dollars hear this off of a doorbell somehow or another he made another lucrative investment into pluto tv which is a streaming service that earned nas 340 million dollars did you hear what i just said earned him 340 million dollars and then lyft dropbox ring pluto tv for none of them does he rap but somehow or another has been able to do well without using his gift it should be known that the world's wealthiest museum musician the world's wealthiest musician is my daughter's favorite rihanna who is worth here this 600 million dollars 600 million dollars she launched her fenty beauty line which made her and i need you to hear this i need you to pull your daughters close to the screen it made her 72 million the first month the first month she made 72 million can you imagine her friends telling her don't go in the makeup is too many people doing it that you can't compete with mac that there's nowhere in the world you're gonna be able to get to the counter [Music] after that first month you ain't gonna believe it she uh came into covenant covenant with a luxury conglomerate that owns louis vuitton as a consequence according to forbes magazine that make up company is now worth 3 billion dollars sent an article to our minister of music jonathan nelson a couple of weeks ago uh showing him an outlined list that the 20 wealthiest black musicians don't make their money from music i gotta give that to you again the 20 wealthiest black musicians do not make their money from music pastor what are you telling me i'm trying to tell you that maybe the church was wrong because they have had people prostituting their gift thinking their gift is the only way they could make money and didn't realize what makes you money is not your gift but your character that your name is what is going to generate your income he said through scripture i will make your name great you're not gonna like this he never said i'ma make your career great what will you do if in the year of our lord 2021 that the lord has you to do amazing things but it doesn't match your passion what if god called you to do some things that didn't line up with your talent your training or your degree maybe he needed you to use your gift just so you could get a name and then after you get a name he's able to do some things that you didn't even see coming curtis jackson known as 50 cents said i had to figure out how to make money when i don't work he said when i was doing it the wrong way i only got paid when i was on the stage but when i learned how to do it the right way even when i'm not on stage i'm still receiving checks i wish i was preaching to somebody today i am believing for you as i believe for myself as i believe for my family as i believe for my children that god in this hour is going to open up multiple streams of income your faith doesn't resonate with it so let me say it to somebody behind you god is getting ready to engineer the circumstances of your life for four streams of income honey those of you that just received that prophetic word over your life i need you to just put four in the chat room god is getting ready to bless you with four streams of income y'all still not awake i'm in genesis chapter 2 and in genesis chapter 2 we get an on the ground tour of the garden of eden we're outside of man god's greatest cornerstone of creation is the garden of eden and i want you to look at genesis chapter two and i want you to peer into verse number five and watch what happens in verse number five i never paid attention to it until this week in verse number five it says there are no shrubs there are no plants there are no bushes and there is no grass that's in verse number five in genesis chapter two no shrubs no plants no bushes no grass that's what verse number five says and then it adds because it has not rained yet god help me there's some stuff in the elements in the atmosphere but it won't come forth until it's dealt with some rain yeah new edition boston native says everybody loves sunny days but can you stand the rain that the rain is necessary for some stuff to grow the storm is necessary for you to develop and cultivate what's around you but has not flourished yet he says to adam you are to take dominion and authority over the earth and everybody pays attention to the creeping things to the crawling things to the flying things but nobody has paid attention that in the garden of eden that god carved and etched out four streams i'm speaking to every man every woman of god you maybe have been overlooking your stream you've been paying so much attention to beasts that you don't even realize when there's water right in front of you and it amazing that he named everything but forgot to name his streams and this is the hour that god is giving give you authority to name your four streams verse number 10 and genesis chapter 2 it to close is disclosed that a river watering the garden of eden is splinted into four smaller streams the name of the first river this is going to help you later on i need you to write it down the name of the first river is prashan p-i-s-h-o-n and prashan hear this translates to mean increase that's the first stream i find in the garden of eden is increase and i need you to hear this gold is found in it many of you don't even realize you got a solid gold idea but you scared to get in the water isn't it amazing how many of you won't go swimming because you're scared of getting your hair wet [Music] but that's where the gold is where the gold is hear this is where it compromises how you look you just missed that where the gold is compromises your appearance can't get in the water and your mascara will not run and your hair not get frizzy and your clothes start sticking to you can you follow the idea if the idea god has given you doesn't allow you to be cute can you trust god in the water when you got a tread in it and you can't uh take selfies while you're doing it can you trust god if your gold idea in the water makes you depend all day you don't know what it is that you gonna pull out of it but it's gonna be better than what you had while standing on safety and dry ground but in that first stream here it is not only do you find gold but you find onyx blocked blackstone and onyx ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters comrades hear this onyx has healing properties so onyx promotes vigor onyx uh unleashes stamina onyx imparts self-confidence onyx banishes grief it enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decisions so maybe we've got evidence that uh adam noah eve ever got into the first stream of prashan because they never learned how to make wise decisions so the first river that god put you in is to help you with your choices to help you in the words of hank aaron to keep swinging gives you the vigor and vitality to find your strength without taking red bull without gulping mountain dew have you gone deep enough in the stream that you don't care what you look like but you understand i i gotta do what i gotta do until i can do what i want to do the second river is gehan g-i-h-o-n gihon g-i-h-o-n and gihon translates to mean bursting forth isaiah 58 and 8 in the english standard virgin says and your healing shall spring forth speedily righteousness shall go before you the glory of the lord will be your real god bursting forth and what is bursting forth i need you to hear this is healing so so many of you all uh are saved and doing the busy challenge he said i ain't looking for you to bust it i'm looking for you to burst through i need healing to happen hear this in your mental space i need those of you that will i want you to lay hands on your head because i am believing that god is going to transform you by the renewing of your mind i'm believing you're going to be healed from the trauma you endured at 12 at 20 at 32. i am believing healing is bursting forth for that relative that's in a hospital bed for that loved one who's in a nursing home for the one that's in the bedroom down the hall healing is about to burst forth he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our pieces upon his shoulders and by his stripes i speak healing to every person that's got affliction in their body every person that's being taunted in their sleep every person that's being stalked in their thoughts i speak healing that's bursting forth saying that first river i've gotta be immersed enough to get uh wet in good decisions in vegan vitality and that second one healing has got to happen the end of my life the third river is the tigris river and tigris t-i-g-r-i-s tigress translates to mean rapid speed lord come quickly with all your quickening power i need somebody in this studio somebody at home to shout out loud hey up god i i don't know whether you need god to do something for you but i need god to do something quickly it's what shakespeare calls majestic instancy i i need it to happen before i can ask for it i need god to do it before i can put on shoes somebody shout out loud hey up god god i need you to do it quickly hallelujah i need you to do it faster than what my lawyer can i need you to do it faster than what the banker can i need you to do it speedier than what my supervisor can i need just 500 people to shout out loud hey up god hurry up god and shrink that tumor in my body hurry up god and get me the contract that i need hurry up god and let me close on this house hang up god and give me the credits i need to graduate hang up god and open up the door so i can leave the job i can't stand hang up god and silence all of my enemies and my critics hey i'm gone light travels light travels hear this light travels [Music] 186 000 miles per second according to einstein's theory of relativity light travels 186 000 miles a second i got to give it to you one last time light travels 186 000 miles a second and then jesus says i am the light do you know how fast god is moving on your behalf while you blink your eye god changes somebody's blood pressure while you blinked your eye god stop somebody's eviction while you blinked your eye god gave somebody the increase that they needed i'm thankful under god that that's how fast your miracle is coming that's how fast your deliverance is coming that's how fast your miracle deliverance and breakthrough is coming he said i'm coming at the speed of light jump in the water that's your third stream [Music] ladies and gentlemen my time has quickly elapsed we've already treaded hallelujah in prashan we've already dived into gehan we've done the backstroke in the tigris and now we only got one more river to cross hallelujah you got your strength in prashant [Music] you were able to burst forth in gehan you found your speed in tigris and now you only got one more river to cross the last river you have to cross is the euphrates here's your last river and the euphrates translate to mean fruitful and multiply you did amazing colleagues you ain't gonna believe it isn't it amazing that eve never had kids till she got put out god help me would you just say pastor eve was never fruitful until she fell she never gave birth until she was put out of her safe place she was never able to multiply until she messed up and where it is that she messed up is the same place god helped her to multiply i want you to know with everything you've gone through in covet 19 god's been baptizing you he had to help you to get your strength he immersed you because he had to help you make some better decisions he subdued you in the water because he needed you to go through some things fast and he said ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters comrades of the faith this is your last river what you are getting ready to jump into next is the thing that's going to multiply you is the thing that's going to make you fruitful is the thing that's going to make you explode it's going to make you walk into your wealthy place but i had to make you go through the other three firsts to see if you would drown before you learned how to swim ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters i am as i am as you very well know i am a graduate of morehouse college and and benjamin mays instituted something that i i hate and i don't even know if i've ever told this story before but uh before you can graduate from morehouse it's not a latin requirement not a greek requirement for you can graduate from morehouse you've got to jump from a uh 40-foot diving board and swim across you got four years to do it because dr mays was of the mind that you can't be a black man and read and not know how to swim but in order for you to know how to swim you got to learn how to appropriately fall when you appropriately fall and then can get to the other place you are then ready to graduate you will be amazed how many brothers at moore house it took them four years just to take that climb up that ladder you'd be amazed how many went to the edge of the diving board looked down and said i can't do this i'm gonna do it another time i'm gonna do it another year you'll be amazed how many delayed their promotion because they didn't want to dive how many people never got to the finish line because they didn't want to jump i'm going to say to somebody who can hear my voice this is your last river all you got to do is jump in it and say god i'm scared to death i don't know where the folk gonna laugh at me i've never did it like this before and god said do you trust me do you trust me for your last dive dude do you trust me i know you failed before but do you believe this is going to work i'm believing i got some real swimmers who are watching me today who don't even know that swimming is not the requirement diving is jump into your last river god if this is what you're calling me to do if this is the last prerequisite for my elevation if this is what you want me to do while other people are watching i'm going right to the edge [Music] and i'm going to jump into this idea i'ma jump into this dream i'ma jump into this assignment i'ma jump into this call and god i trust you because you brought me through the last three and you didn't let me drown but you let me swim through it i don't know where you are but i believe god is calling you to now this fourth stream and those of you who are equipped and positioned to make the greatest dive of your life while you're at home while you're in the living room while you're sitting up in your bed lift up that hand divers you're going down only to come back up again lift up that hand divers this is your last river you gotta cross before you get into your wealthy place lift that dead hand diver [Music] it took you to go through all of this just to get to this moment god i pray for every person who's got one last river to cross they're stepping out of gift and walking in the trust i'm talking to those who understand in the words of john maxwell that talent is not enough that my integrity means something my character should be able to open doors that my name will be sufficient and the only reason why my name is good is because i hide my name behind his name and there is a name above every name and at the name of jesus every knee must bow and every tongue must confess i speak over your life increase multiplication fruitfulness abundance overflow more than enough and those of you your faith comes into agreement with my faith i dare you to celebrate your last river i day to thank god for the stream that god is opening is gonna make more for you than the last three jobs you had how many of you believe god my next venture is gonna shift life as i know it i need you to have it i need you to buy into it and i need you to dive in it come on i don't want you playing footsie with it i need you to dive into this idea give it everything you got that i cannot drive because if god be for me who can be against you i want you to be a part of the ministry of high divers people who took a risk with god people that had to trust god people that didn't know what the outcome was going to be but we believed him for it anyway all you got to do is confess with your mouth believe in your heart and you shall be saved can i give it to you again four strings of income and the fourth one is the hardest one four streams of income it's gonna require your faith it's gonna require your attention it's gonna require your complete submission for streams of income i want you to become a part of our new birth family by way of the prompts that are beneath me now i want you to become a part of a congregation of entrepreneurs a congregation of outlet liars a congregation of dreamers a congregation of risk takers a congregation of survivors can i say this a congregation of people who didn't know how to swim but learn how to dive and take the swim of their life i know it's high risk for you to join the church in this season can't even shake your pastor's hand can't turn to your neighbor but take the dive this is where god wants you this is where i'm believing that god is gonna take you that the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life i gotta tell you this i'm excited our emerging generations department under the leadership of pastor kerry turner we partnered with an organization called goal setters goal setters we are in fact taking under our wing i need you to hear me well i need you to pull your young people to the screen we're doing financial literacy training for 100 young people from sixth to twelfth grade from six to 12th grade we are adopting young people into entrepreneurship here it is into wealth creation and into financial literacy these 100 young people we're going to be opening up savings accounts for them it doesn't matter what uh economic background they come in every week they're going to be sent email assignments as to what it is that they're going to do they're going to be sent cards so that they can track their spending their investing and the interest that is connected to it sixth to twelfth grade i need you if you want your child to be a part of that program i only have slots for 100 the first 100 that respond i need you to send us an email at emerginggenerationsnewbirth.org emerging generations at newbirth.org emerging generations at newburgh.org i need their name i need their age i need their grade and i need you to insert a picture i need their name i need their age i need their grade and i need you to insert a picture even if you have multiple children in the household and can i tell you the good news they do not have to live in atlanta no matter where it is that they are between 6th and 12th grade we are running a pilot program of financial literacy 6th to 12th grade i need you to send us that email because we're shutting it off as soon as we get to 100 emerging generations at newbirth.org here's what i need you to do those of you who are empty nesters those of you your children are already fully steeped in the knowledge of financial literacy i want you to adopt one of these 100 young people here's all that is needed is all that is needed is very small it's very easy here's what i need you to do i need a hundred of you to give a seed of 40 100 of you one of you can just write a check for four thousand and can you believe that is the sum total of the entire registration of the program forty dollars per child and it's a hundred of them you are going to be uh connected to online banking these young people are they're gonna be monitoring how it is that they evolve and develop in financial literacy i don't know how you ain't just jumping out of your seat can you imagine where you would be if you had this kind of information in the eighth grade you had this kind of information in ninth grade had this kind of information before you got to college it is mind-blowing how easy you can get a credit card when you go to college but how hard it is to get a loan when you get out of college because it is a trap for debt how do we equip our young people when the lead source of debt in this country is not credit cards but student loans how do we equip our young people it's part of the responsibility of the church and part of the burden and the mantle of new birth i only have 100 spots once it is that we reach 100 we're shutting it down until the next rollout for our young people they've got to be between 6 and 12 they've got to be 6th and 12th grade they've got to be under 18 years of age it doesn't matter where they are in the continental united states email us emerging generations at newbirth.org but in the interim i need 100 of you who will sponsor one of our young people the giving my way to do that is below me even right now all of our giving prompts are available to you i am praying for you that not just you your children your family your last name will have four streams of income take a dive trust god would you stay tuned we've got announcements that we want to share with you that are going to bless your life and enrich your family you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 65,018
Rating: 4.8645682 out of 5
Id: 3YksooV1Sdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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