Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, MY PAGE IS PRIVATE - August 19th, 2018

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[Music] through for once it found I want you to Claire I got it if you can't find it say lord help me alright y'all pray for this whole section over Matthew 6 verses 1 through 4 I want us to read this together aloud I believe that it gives instruction for all of us Matthew 6 verses 1 through 4 come on let's read it together be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others verse 2 verse three [Music] verse four Matthew 6 verse 4 I want us to read it together with uplifted voices again Matthew 6 verse 4 come on to everybody with uplifted voices so that your giving may be in secret bless the Lord I want you medium minister keep it on the screen for just one minute another translation says it this way so that your giving may be done in secret your father who sees what you did in secret will bless you openly you may be seated I want to preach using as a subject I want to invite you to take notes particularly on Millennials who are in the room there's some insights and information that I want to share with you that I believe will bless you long after this day is over and I even encourage you to download and dissect it with your family your friends and your contemporaries I'm gonna preach using as a subject that's why I keep my page private that's why I keep my page private would you look at the person beside you and tell them I don't want everybody in my business I recently stumbled upon stumbled upon an interview by assignment sénèque the author of one of the most important books I've ever read and that book is start with why I want you to write that book down I want you to add it to your reading list start with why Millennials amongst us you can just screenshot your closest screen then match it up with your local booksellers but I want you to please have that start with why in this intriguing interaction he unpacks the madness in the minds of Millennials that's the generation John that was born between 1984 and 2000 if you were born between 84 and 2000 would you lift your hand for me please wave that hand wave it like you just don't care amen 84 to 2,000 and pull that hand down this generation amongst us who just lifted their hands they've confounded scholars researchers branders politicians and even churches many times they have been dismissed as being entitled unfocused lazy and narcissistic the public social critic ascribes simons neck does he ascribes the blame in part to parenting the first finger is pointed at poor parenting in their programming many in this error were reared that they can do whatever they want in life just because they want it for the super spiritual I'm not talking about I can do all things through Christ and so as a consequence this generation has been debilitated because nobody has ever taught them about downsizing many got in the Honor classes simply because their parents complained many got out of high school for attendance and not for ability this is the first generation that got trophies for coming in last place just because you participated what science has proven is that when you get a trophy for last place it devalues the metal and it negates the accomplishment of both who have legitimate achievement resulting in the child feeling embarrassed because if their core they know they don't deserve it what ends up happening is that they end up graduating and getting jobs only to discover they're not special only to find out the world will not cater to you and that your mama can't get you out of everybody making their entire self-image shattered and suspicious so they are categorically more depressed than any other previous generation the conflict is that it is all masked behind Instagram Facebook Twitter and snapchat this is the generation that has learned how to filter everything so light appears amazing even while you're depressed you become in competition with people you never met something happens because we begin to post pictures of food you've never tasted you taste you posting pictures of trips you've never taken and clothes that are not in your closet I impulsively is there not anything that you will not put on social media you're always on it scrolling through it responding to it somebody doesn't like what you posted you begin to think something is wrong and you read the whole friendship or the whole relationship on what somebody else liked and what they post I got to ask you a question that I did not give you the mic to respond to but the question that I've got to ask you that can only be responded to in your sub-conscience here's the question who are you are flying findings have proven that social media and cell phones release a chemical called dopamine so that when you get a text it makes you feel good if you get no text and you say my phone is dry one can be feeling down depressed lonely but if you get a DM a text or like it magically lifts your spirit because you're getting instant information this is why you posted something yesterday but you keep going back to the post to see how many more likes you got and whether your status improved overnight when there is no response or low response you begin to brood you internalize you assume you don't fell off something is wrong why am I not being celebrated so desperate argue that you start calling people did you see my pose because you have become chained to a post and you've blended the post with your identity one of the most traumatic things for a teenager to go through is to become unfriended why are you not following me what did I do do we need to talk the dopamine from social media here this is the exact same chemical that's experienced from somebody who drinks the dopamine released from the brain is the same high from somebody that Gamble's the dopamine that is release is consistent with somebody that smokes we the difference in the three is that all three of them smoking cigarettes drinking gambling what's this all you're not gonna believe it have an age requirement before they'll let you in the casino they need to make sure are you mature enough old enough to handle the loss in the rejection before at the corner store they'll give you a cigarette or sell you any alcohol they're asking for ID to make sure you can handle your mind being altered what happens then four 14 year-old who requires no ID but it's going through cyber bullying what happens for 15 year-old feels like the only way she can maintain a relationship is to sell send new pictures of herself what happens to a 17 year old who's brought up in the sprawling heights of suburbia but post pictures like his gangster and never been in the hood nobody asked are you old enough to handle the reverberation of the consequence so in the time of trouble your grandmother would finish out that clause he will hide me that is not what this generation says the previous generation they would say in the time of trouble I'm going to the bar because I need happy hour you're not finding a lot of Millennials watch this who are of age in the bar y'all not saying nothing and so when it is that people are going through depression anxiety and stress and self-sabotage what do they do they go online because I have created an alternative universe online that does not match my true existence online I become who I want to be not who I really am and as a consequence many of you do not have meaningful relationships because you call people online friend you asking how many friends do you have oh man I'm only at 2,000 but they don't know you they don't know your pain they don't know what makes you afraid they don't know what excites you they don't know what you're allergic to and you had the nerve to call them from in our own tracking they're more Millennials who are watching this service right now online watch this from Baltimore and they called me their pastor but have never shaken my hand or come in this church because they do not know how to develop authentic relationships so right now they're pressing hearts online harder you preacher pastor and they're 20 minutes away but they know how to authenticate and legitimate a cyber relationship and not a real one so now young men no longer have to work up their nerves to ask a young lady out I'm all up in the DMS because in this variable I don't have to deal with the threat of embarrassment or rejection you can just act like you never saw it y'all ain't saying nothing to me in this age nobody is asking for your number I'm just gonna text you to death all week long I'll ask you WYD I respond nothing and then you don't even follow it up with let's go somewhere your response is for real you ain't doing nothing chivalry is not dead the computer is just alive and you have substituted high-tech for high-touch says the consequence you know how to navigate online but you do not know how to have authentic legitimate relationships what I gotta ask you is do you have an online Savior or do you have a personal Savior do you only know how to get in touch with God through technology or can you get in touch with God for yourself and because you have numbed yourself to interactive relationships you don't know when he's touched you so you then say I felt nothing when is the last time you felt something authentic that was not connected to your phone so we spend more time on Facebook and those who spend more time on Facebook you not gonna believe it your pastors not making it up I need you to research it on your home the people who spend more time on Facebook Instagram and snapchat have higher percentages of depression than people that don't am I helping anybody in here something is wrong when you like Facebook but don't want to meet face to face [Applause] the other got real quiet ranking here I'd only want real people to talk to me right through here real people I need you to talk to me this is how disengage you've become from human interaction and from social companionship this is how disconnected you are when I tell you this I know y'all ain't gonna say Amen I know you ain't gonna shout I know you ain't gonna say preach black man but this is how far you have come from human and human interaction is you get mad when somebody calls you and not text you you lookin at the farm man what you want so they'll call you you wait for the phone to stop ringing and then you text what's up you sit right there it ain't me bet you busy but you have lost the capacity for authentic conversation so much so that you want God to text you you really don't want to talk to God because if you really want to talk to God after you prayed you wouldn't jump into bed if you really wanted to have a conversation with God you understand the art of a conversation is when I stop talking I stop for the other person to talk back and the respond and yet you complain to say God haven't answered my prayer how would you know if you don't ever let him talk back to you this generation has seen the death of discretion did y'all hear what I just said this generation has seen the death of discretion and won't even know we should be in mourning you post stuff that is not postable so you post your breakups some of y'all so crazy you posts from the hospital while you doing medical procedures you in a hospital gown all I do is win posts I'm having a bad hair day post custody battles post legal proceedings post health challenges post family squabbles everything has gone public you out with two dates then you post them out with my boo six weeks later we asked him where's food and you like mind your business then you don't brought him in now we want to know I want to say this to you and I want you to receive it cuz your parents didn't tell you your mentor didn't tell you your teacher didn't tell you even your friends didn't tell you your pastor is telling you and I want to say it to you and I need you to hear from me everything shouldn't be public [Applause] y'all ain't gotta clap but I'm can I say it again everything should not be public can you say to your neighbor in case they didn't get the memo everything should not be public in the Old Testament the tabernacle where you worship God had three different levels you have the outer court you have the inner court and you have the Holy of Holies friends you could only go but so far in the tabernacle they suffer what your relationship was absolutely anybody could be in the outer court you had to have a level of sanctification for you to get in the inner court but only those who are amongst God's elect could be in the Holy of Holies and if you wit beyond the veil you would die for trespassing I'm gonna say to you there are some people in your life keep them in outer Court they got no business in what's going on in your life and can I say to you just because it's private don't mean it's a secret there's some stuff I'm not ready to reveal to everybody because God's still working on me in the middle of the process everything ought not be public here's the second thing that I want you to have I want you to write this down do not give everybody access do not give everybody access when you make your page private it deters unconnected people from following you nosy people can't follow you haters and exes cannot keep up with your life your private page is a built-in screening process if I accept you I am accepting you into my life into my space this is not a recommended practice for those of you who are building business you'll need to hear my voice hear my heart you're my intention if you are building a business your page should not be private you need as many lookers as you can get this is what's this a mechanism by which you are promoting your business and you need to amass as many followers as you possibly can because social networking has been reduced to gossiping George Frazier said your net worth is connected to your network you gotta be as connected to as many people as possible hear me very carefully when it is that your print page is private it blocks people watch this who have not watched this who have not been approved cannot comment on your post there are some people's opinion you should not entertain you can only do constructive criticism if you build something y'all just missing you can only do constructive criticism if you've built something people who have not built anything are not a part of the construction crew they are part of the demolition crew don't let people tear down what you trying to build and they've never erected anything y'all not saying anything and if people around me who got a mind like Nehemiah to build something if you are not there to help me you are hurting me and cannot go a step further if you are critiquing me it don't mean you hatin me if you are my authentic and legitimate friend I should be able to take that constructive criticism without the spirit of offense knowing that you love me enough to tell me that I can't keep going down their path the greatest attribute is that it helps you maintain some level of privacy the library is public the water fountain is public the bathroom is public your life does not have to be come on somebody thank God for the gift of privacy in Matthew's Gospel chapter 6 the master is schooling the disciples wash with the master's teaching yelling come believe it watch where Jesus is telling his followers he's telling his followers it is don't be like hypocrites y'all ain't gonna like it and watch how he's warning them don't be like hypocrites watch this who go to church Jesus says to the disciples in chapter 6 look out for hypocrites at the church because a lot of what it is that they're doing is not for me they're doing it for the likes oh god I can't hear nobody so there's that I do not want you to think that everybody in church got pure hearts and clean hands that there are some people who come to church just seeking attention god help me they need really a not filled with the spirit but because they can't get affirmation no other place I they'll scream when they feeling nothing cuz they want everybody to look at them and assume that they are holy SH but there are few people who are in the room that understand when I worship God it ain't for y'all because y'all don't know what I'm going through and when I'm worshiping God don't ask me or try to figure out what's wrong ain't nothing wrong with me I'm just giving God glory for all of this stuff that's going right and I don't need you in my business just pray for me if you think that I'm going through you said look out for them because their intentions are not pure why in Chapter 6 all the chapter 6 is dedicated to the kind of behavior that you should stay away from in verse 1 he admonishes them that whatever you do don't do it for the approval of people because when you do it for the approval of people there is no glory in it and everything you need it you got down here you got a lot of people watch this who don't even understand what worship is worship watch this is to bring heaven to the earth then when I worship God tip please let me let me let you know I don't my mascara is running you don't matter to me that my hair is out of place I didn't even notice that I got a run in my stocking because I came to get ugly before God because he's the only one that can make something beautiful out of my life so if you get offended by how I shall guess what it ain't for you this is my daddy's house and when I'm in my daddy's house I will bless the Lord [Applause] go some years ago my father Bishop Bryant I was invited to preach at the sacred Basilica and it's really a bastion for Catholicism and they invited just black man to come preach hi puppeteer those who are in the creme de la creme of the Catholic world are invited and they invited just black man come preach my father asked me to come and go with him I went with him but I got there late I got there late and he was already a preacher when when I got there he preaching and you couldn't hear nothing you could hear a pin drop in the Basilica so I said man Lord I got given some he'll be dying in here from next to last room I'm like [Applause] when I said it everybody turning around trying to figure it out fish you just kept on preaching and he hit a good point they missed it and I'm like everybody looking at me like I don't lost my mind Bishop was getting to the close of his message I and I was the only one in the whole Basilica excited and so I yelled again but one of the ushers came at me assessor sirs with we don't do that here we don't do that here and I said back to the ocean yes that's my daddy and what he doing is good and because it's good I can't be quiet I gotta say to 700 of you when trying to make you shut up on your prize you ought to look at your leg that's my daddy up there gotta give him some chlorine bagsy stun leonard be seated right with you on television help all your neighbors say when I look at Tom look at verse 2 I'm in Matthew 6 look at verse 2 Matthew chapter 6 he says this when you give to the poor this blew my mind y'all since when you give to the poor don't make no big announcements don't don't blow any trumpets watch this watch for Jesus says he said because that's what hypocrites do and then I want to free y'all he said because they Kippur Chris look at verse number 2 he said they're hypocrites in the sanctuary and industry god help me this is for those of y'all who claim oh I can't come to church because they too phony in that well you go to work you go to the mall y'all ain't saying nothing and you'll think it ain't no phony people in there I come to church cause it don't matter to me what you do it I'm coming because I came to lift him up he says I want you to be what's this high pitch and low key one things as traffic in in the universe of philanthropy I'm always amazed when they have anonymous donors always amazed not anonymous no I want to tell you why so what I found out usually more often than not when it's an anonymous donor is somebody way y'all are gonna agree with somebody black they want their name on it you forgot to call my name y'all ain't saying nothin in here but God says I need you watch this to be my secret agent I am getting ready to put you in a position to bless people privately hallelujah and when you do it buses from the right vantage point you don't need the credit you just want to see their lives improved and enhanced and impacted see some of y'all can't shout why could you just see yourself as the recipient but underneath those so y'all better believe God will bless me to be a blessing to people in you already know and I told you a million times my grandmother raised ten kids in the projects in New York 2-bedroom apartment ten kids projects in New York and sure you thought about that same project about a struggling mother who lived in the projects who always used to sing the Lord will make a way somehow but the super over the projects was a devout atheist a super those y'all got no hood instincts that's the person supposed to keep all the maintenance up in the building I'm sorry I feel like I just had a gap right there so are the supers the one something wrong with the plumbing something wrong the electricity you called the super in and they will come in come on New York you got me I think they will come in and fix it so the super always got mad with this old woman who kept singing the Lord will make away somehow god help me and he would always chastise this struggling woman in the project and say stop singing that God ain't doing that for you he ain't doing nothing for you or else you wouldn't be in these projects and that old woman in the projects would just say the Lord will make away somehow she was always running late with her party to rent I am a cry out loud the Lord will make away somehow hallelujah she one month in particular she running late with the rent said I apologize I said I'm running late with my with my rent I barely had enough money to get food for my kids in these projects and the super said don't worry about it are we gonna take care of it I'm a few weeks later he said how you coming with with your groceries I said I'm running low but Lauren is gonna make away somehow so the super thought he was gone teach her a lesson teach her a lesson so we went to the supermarket and bought up all the DS groceries left it on her front door and then rang the doorbell in here to get in the hallway this old black mother opened up the door and saw all the groceries outside of her house and started screaming and jumping up and down and shouting the Lord will make away somehow the super jumped out from the corner and said the Lord didn't do it I did it he SH and she looked at him and says the Lord will use the fool to make a wish some tend to tell some of y'all that there are people that don't believe you gon make it they'll believe you go survive they don't believe you go have enough but the Lord will make away look at verse number three my time is almost up [Applause] I'm trying to teach it y'all time to make this a Baptist revival I just need somebody there just shout out some I don't know don't do it I don't know where these don't do it we'll make away look at verse number three and then we got a rollout verse number three when you do it don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing many of you read this section you got absolutely no idea what just means I'm not gonna let my left hand know what my right hand is doing let me tell you what is the original intention of their text is don't remind yourself what you did for others [Applause] I'm telling you gonna have a whole lot more peace if you don't keep reliving how you helped people because it will upset you how you were there for them god help me and then when you needed something they got convenient amnesia but God said give it to him with the man they may never pay me back but I didn't do it for that you ain't ever gotta call my name I didn't do it but I did it from a pure place it's gonna save you a whole lot of heart a whole lot of pain you still mad over that twenty you let them hold you don't understand how they owe you 20 and they online eatin Shawn pictures of crab cakes and shrimp you can t press the light cuz you know that they owe you that $20 I'm finished let's go to verse four I'm gonna verse four and imma let you go he says here's my favorite part of the text he says when you give in secret how will you give in secret I'm going to start blessing you in public it's the best thing I don't told you all day let me back this thing up and give it to you again when you give me in secret and don't know who you gave to and how much you gave when they turn around they don't see you blessed in public and they don't even know what is connected to but it ain't none of their business all I came to tell father y'all this in the room brace yourself for this I'll tell you your blessings don't be so big yes don't be blessed second the Jabba be seated please hallelujah hallelujah so he said watch this I needed to see whether you would worship me in private to see whether or not I can trust you with a public blessing hallelujah some of y'all don't know how to church have Church good because your first time having church was when you came in here how do you but there's a small realm at this in the womb they said even on a Wednesday I started blessing God even on a Thursday afternoon I had to give God glory and so when I get to church is just the after party like everything that I've worshipped in thought this week I don't need to praise him if you ain't never shouted in your car if you ain't never cried in the driver's seat get yourself together in the bathroom if you ain't never have praise and worship in the shower but if you ever take dog glory in the living room if God ever woke you up five o'clock in the morning and you gave doc your best praise of what God said this year before this summer is over all the worship you did get ready to bless you in power follows a yah now only worship Him in church oh they're shouting for you but if there's anybody here that knows I don't need a praise see I don't need the preacher to be a don't have a microphone at home but we're not saying the goodness of Jesus he's done for me my soul hallelujah I can swap raising me shake that neighbors shake it like you don't shake it off and say neighbor raising him but the blessing that's about to go public praising him but stop you don't know about raising him that didn't sleep haha it we see them be seated if you miss what I'm telling you your blessing will be two big blessing comes but the Ritz in Japan yeah they can lift up that hand [Applause] lift that hand please I'm excited about your future maybe you didn't understand the magnitude of what I just spoke over your life your next blessing will be too big to hide God I can't hear no I can I say it again I say your blessing will be too big [Applause] [Music] flip that hand I want to speak over your life where you think you gonna have that car it's too big to have their promotion I'm telling you everybody gonna know about it it's too big to have tell me you gonna be making so much money your accountant gonna be advancing you got to give some of this away too big for you to have the anointing on your life god I wish y'all would get in tune with the spirit the anar they are y'all will be too big strangers are gonna walk up on you call you woman of God God I can't hear nobody hallelujah people you never met before gonna be inquiring where do you minister of the anointing is too big for you to have I want you to lift that hand I'm gonna speak it over your life God told me years ago when I'm gonna give to you today you're too anointed to be anonymous you're too anointed to be anonymous the world does not know your name nation's unborn are gonna rise up and call you bliss your family is gonna be dependent on your gift you're too big to hide they may not like you but they won't be able to ignore you you're tilting a call on your life has just been enlarged hallelujah you're bigger than what you got right now how to do your your last check ain't even your size you're too big the Fed hand please for those of you who've been in haider come out come out wherever you are you look silly trying to hide as big as your gift is God is calling you forward huh how'd you think you work on blend in you really thought that the Angels wouldn't recognize the oil on your life you try to assimilate you try to act normal you try to a Dracula you're too big for ku ain't even call people who ain't even anointed trying to figure out who you are god help me they don't know what it is about you hallelujah but it's undeniable you don't have no title you'll have no prestige you don't have a position and fighting you cuz they tryna figure out who you are you're too big to hide lift up that hand please I feel glory on your life [Music] I want you to enjoy your last season of privacy did y'all hear without you saying I want you to enjoy your last season of privacy because the world is gonna start looking for you because the world needs what you carry people are gonna be interrupting you in the mall in the supermarket at the gas station pulling on your gift because you're too big no days off all the annoying that you got you gonna be mentoring somebody gonna be coaching somebody gonna be advising somebody you gonna be praying for somebody cuz you're too big learn the name of Jesus I pray over every lifted man thank you for what you allowed me to do in private thank you for the people who I helped it never got thanked for [Music] thank you for giving me the resources to be there for somebody thank you for giving me the words of wisdom and I got no degree in psychology thank you for helping me give folk advice when my life was falling apart [Music] thank you for giving me patience when I was out of wisdom thank you for undergirding me when I didn't know what I was doing you refused to let me look stupid thank you for training me while I was in the position until I made it but I give you glory but your hand on my life is evident are to be tied those of you who can hear my boy says speak over your life for everything you've ever done good and private this summer is not going to end without God blessing you in public and those of you have received the Word of God a day to thank him for it like you know he will I can't believe y'all ain't gon say nothing I said fine Kim I want you to stand to your feet [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 30,326
Rating: 4.7827163 out of 5
Id: FNv8Ri5n7Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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