The Giver Comes First! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] i want you to go to genesis 22 verse 1-14 that's a lot of reading but some of you haven't read your bible for a week [Music] so uh this is your time to make up for genesis 22 1-14 i'm going to be reading out of the niv and let me say before we start if if calvary was to stand in the sunshine and cast a shadow the shadow would fall on genesis 22. the shadow of calvary and the covenant between the father and the son and the judgment that was executed on calvary when christ was smitten of god that shadow goes back to genesis 22 not only that it is the pivotal point of transition in the life of abram that justifies him to have such a profound impact on the world in faith in his family in his finances all three of the major religions in the world trace their roots back to abram he had an encounter with god of such magnitude and i would suggest to you that somewhere in all of our lives we will be tested in similar fashion to see where we stand with god genesis 22 verse 1 through 14. let's go to it now sometime later god tested abraham he said to him abraham here am i he replied then god said take your son your only son whom you love isaac and go to the region of moriah sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain i will show you stop there for a minute that's quite a statement to take now thy son that only son to a region in the mountains of mount moriah and to offer him up as a burnt offering a sin offering an offering that would be completely pulverized and he asked him to offer up his son like it was nothing at all then god said take your son your only son whom you love whom you love whom you love whom you love you know you love you know you love isaac and go to the region of moriah sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain i will show you i'm not gonna give you an address but i will show you early the next morning abraham got up loaded up his donkey he took with him two of his servants and his son isaac when he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering he set out for the place god had told him about on the third day abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance he said to his servants stay here with the donkey while i and the boy go over there we will we will worship and then we will come back to you glory to god uh that's some shouting stuff already [Music] abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on the son isaac and he himself carried the fire and the knife as the two of them look at that as the two of them went on as the two of them went on together isaac spoke up and said to his father abraham father daddy what's up yes my son he said the fire and the wood are here but where is the lamb for the burnt offering abraham answered god himself will provide he always provides god himself i don't know why god wants somebody to get this there might be somebody going through something they don't know how they're going to get out of it but god is determined to nail this message into your spirit that god himself will provide whatever it is you're standing in need of whether it's financial emotional mental physical job opportunity strength health whatever it is god is trying to tell you something this morning the choir to come in from the back singing god is trying to tell you something that he always provides [Applause] god himself will provide the lamb for the birth offering my son and the two here it is again and the two of them went on together when they reached the place god had told him about abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it he bound the son of isaac and laid him on the altar on the top of the wood then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son but the angel of the lord called out to him from heaven abraham abraham here am i he replied do not lay a hand on the boy he said do not do anything to him wait a minute you i'm doing what you told me to do do not lay a hand on the boy he said do not do anything to him now i know that you fear god because you have not withheld from him your son your only son now i know i want to read that again now i know that you fear god because you have not withheld the gift from the giver [Applause] oh my god let's go on abraham looked up and there in the thicket over in the corner right over his right shoulder there was a rustling there was a noise there was something rustling something was moving over there a ram caught by its horns tied in the thicket he went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son substitution substitution is when it ought to be you [Applause] and and god provides the substitute to take the place of where it should have been you and we are only here because of substitution so abraham call that place abraham call that place the lord will provide and to this day it is said on the mountain of the lord it will be provided [Music] i want to talk to you for a little while from the subject the giver comes first [Music] the giver comes first not the gift [Music] but the giver not the son but the father not isaac but god somewhere in your life god will give you something to see if you will give it back to see if along the way you have fallen more in love with the gifts he gave than the god who gave it somewhere along the way your faith will be tested to prove that you are not just following god in a spirit of manipulation to get him to orchestrate your affairs to get what you want out of him god will ask you to give up something you love as evidence that you love him and with that we shall pray spirit of the living god fall pressure on us right now because we are desperately in need of your presence without your presence we can do nothing at all and with your presence all things become possible thank you for this august body of believers that have assembled out here and as assembled online are streaming in and zooming in and viewing in and watching it and listening in to hear what the lord would say to the church i don't want a logos i want a rhema i want a word that speaks right to the lives of your people thank you in advance for what you're going to do in the name of jesus we pray someone shout amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord yeah let's go to work it is interesting first of all i'm going to take my time it is interesting it is interesting to realize that god starts a new people out of an old people that he goes amongst the gentiles into a place called ur in the bible which is really mesopotamia and he goes into there and he pulls out a gentile goes into covenant with him circumcises him and starts the jewish nation from a gentile bloodline that alone that alone we could stay there all day the fact that god can start something new out of something old that god doesn't need all the conditions to be right that he can turn water into wine that he can take the children of israel in the middle of the wilderness and say this shall be the beginning of months to you that it's new when god says it's new that god could start your life over in the middle of your life that you can be 40 years old and god could say be born again y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you that god can just start whatever he wants to start wherever he wants to start he says abram get me out of that country and away from that kindred follow me i'm going to start a new nationality out of your loins i'm going to start a new nation god is talking to a childless man about a nation god will talk to you about buying a house when you're backed up on your rent god will talk to you about starting a business when you lost a job god talk is crazy talk and most church folk can't handle god talk because god says things that don't make sense and we walk in our senses even though we're told to walk in the spirit we walk in our senses and sometimes god says the wildest thing and god says to abraham i'm going to start a new people in the earth and they're going to be as the stars of heaven and the sands of the earth so shall thy seed be excuse me lord my wife is barren and there's no way in the world we can have a child and i'm getting old and you didn't do it when i was young and fresh and i had a spring in my back that's the problem with preaching the church folk because they try not to understand what they know they understand because they too phony to realize that you have the spring and then it gets sprung yeah and when it is sprung and the spring is gone god talked to abraham about having a child and he wanted a child in fact he had to have a child because you cannot have a nation come out of you before you have a child all that god had promised abraham was predicated upon a son a child an heir god had given him the land to possess it he didn't have to want for anything everywhere his feet tried god said if you walk on it i'm gonna give it to you can you imagine if god said that to you wouldn't you get out of here right now how many folks in here got some stuff you need to walk on [Applause] god said i'm waiting on your footprint when i see your footprint on it that's gonna be the seal that authenticates the deed of trust that transfers the blessing over to you i will not give it to you while you stay apart from it i will not allow you to have it while you remain autonomous you must get involved with it when i see you putting your foot on it i'm going to make it yours and god gave abraham a nation a land a country god gave it all to him he gave it to him because he walked on it but as you get older you begin to learn what good is it to acquire things if you have no one to pass it to and abraham has no child and he has worked hard and has no child and he has tried everything he could and has no child and he has even operated which sounds kind of weird by sleeping with his with his maid to produce a child at his wife's request which in the biblical days was not odd it was a way of getting around barrenness to have a child and brought the child to god and god said that's not the one that child is not the child of the promise i'm gonna bless him he's your kid but he is not the heir to the promise have you ever tried something and god said that's not it uh [Applause] i want to talk to some divorced folks in here since you don't seem to understand the words that are coming out of my mouth let me bring this down out of old testament theology have you ever tried something and god had to show you that's not it abraham tried something with hagar they had ishmael but ishmael was not in but i want to tell you something ishmael is always a sign that isaac's coming so don't get so engulfed in grief about the loss of ishmael that you fail to recognize that israel is not it but he is a sign that isaac is coming they that wait upon the lord shall renew that strength they shall mount up on wings like eagles they should run and not be weary they should walk and not faint somebody's shout is coming no not y'all folks i want some folks that really believe god somebody shout is coming yeah yeah i want you to let hell know that you have not lost your faith in your confidence and i want you to shout it's coming i want you to type it on the line it's coming i want you to let the devil hear you say it's coming i want you to say it to yourself and say it to your circumstance and say it to yourself i don't see it right now but it's coming abraham waits a hundred years and when his body is dead and sarah is barren and she's menopausal she's sweating in the middle of the night [Applause] going through all kinds of moods and attitudes just keep looking straight ahead nobody know you know what i'm talking about just look straight ahead at the most ridiculous time in the world god said no i'm going to do it because it wasn't impossible enough when we first started talking about it you might have bragged about yourself when we first started talking about it but i wanted it to be so impossible that i had my footprint on it that you would know that if it had not been for the lord that was on my side i would have been swallowed up i wish i had somebody that got something from god that you know that god had to do it because it wasn't in your power to get it done and i wish you'd give him 15 seconds up somebody type on the line i know he did that i know he did that you have to have a few things that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you absolutely know that god did that thing for me if he never do nothing else i know he did that means that isaac is his heir of the property he is the heir of the progeneration of the family in order to have this nation of people he has to succeed with the sun in order to leave this property to somebody the sun has to live and the bible has gone so far to say through thy seed all nations of the earth shall be blessed so this is bigger than just israel all of the world is going to be blessed through this seed [Applause] everything is hinged on the survival of this one kid and god walks up to him one day and says take now thy son not only son isaac whom thou lovest whom thou waited for whom thou waited one hundred years for who thou made mistakes for who thou endured hardness for who will inherit the property i gave you who will kick off the nation i promise you who will be a blessing to all the nations of the earth and kill him [Music] and offer him up on the altar in a place i will show you not just as an offering because that might not have been so bad but as a burnt if i burn him he can't have a child if i burn him he can't marry a wife if i burn him he can't possess the land if i burn him he can't survive if i burn him he has no future if i burn him he has no possibility and yet without argument or protest abraham said okay lord and saddled up the ass got two of his servants kiss his wife on the forehead and the break of day while the dew was just descending on the roses and the sun had just began to peak above the eastern sky he saddles his ass and he gets his son his only son listen at the holy spirit queuing up the language take now thy son that only son is is is is a reflection of christ this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased take the only one you got and give it to me and go somewhere in moriah in somewhere got god can i can i have a conversation with you lord i don't mind obeying you but i like direct instructions complete with details and expectations and if you don't mind could you put in a few outcomes so that i am prepared for how things are going to turn out i don't like abstract vague commandments that tell me to get in the region he says to take your son and go to the region of moriah mariah's a string of mountains he didn't tell him which one he said just get in the region oh god whoever shouted off of that you're really my church member you really been listening at the word of god because the holy ghost is preaching down in you while he's preaching down in me that all god wants you to do is get in the region you don't have to know the details you don't have to know the specificity you don't have to know where the money's coming from you don't have to know who's going to fill the position you don't know which house you're going to all god is saying is get in the region how let somebody say i'm in the region i'm scared but i'm in the region i'm confused but i'm in the region i'm in turmoil but i'm in the region i don't understand everything but i'm in the region devil you should have killed me before i got in the region but i'm in the region now i'm too close to turn back without seeing what god is going to do i am finally in the region [Applause] he doesn't ask god how will i know because god promised him if you get now you write this down online if you get in the region he will show you [Applause] if you get in the region [Music] boaz will find you that's why the devil doesn't want you to get close to the promises of god you don't have to have all the details and the maps and the drawing because once you get in the region god will show you the rest and that's where your faith comes in tammy because you got to be able to walk out without all the details and be satisfied to get in the region and know that when the time is right god will make your next step clear and the thing that's been holding you up so long is that you have to see your way clear and you can't walk with god if you're gonna see your way clear so if you're taking those get in the region [Music] [Applause] if you're sick and you want to get well get around people that are healthy get in the region if you're old and you want to feel young get around young people get in the region if you're broken you want to be rich hang around rich people get in the region i know you feel out of place but get god get in the region if you want to be a great preacher get around great preachers and just get in the region if you get in the region god will show you everything you need to show just get in the region look at somebody say i gotta move i gotta move into the region i gotta get closer to what i'm praying about i gotta get closer to what i'm believing god for i gotta get closer to what i'm expecting him to do i gotta get in the region come or high water come witch or warlock i must get in the region if i can just get in the region i know god just let me in the region let me in the reader i don't care if i'm carrying bags let me in the region because god says when you get in the region i will show you [Applause] i won't tell you in advance but when you get in the region [Music] i will show you who am i preaching to you've been sitting down saying that lord okay i'm obey you and i'm gonna get my son and i'm gonna settle up my ass and everything like that but i need to know exactly where we're going because i got to be able to tell sarah where i'm taking this kid because you know ain't nothing worse than going home to tell your wife something and you don't have details well how long we gonna be staying how we gonna get there who gonna pick us up at the airport if they pick us up at the airport are they gonna take us all the way to the hotel have you got reservations what kind of room is it how many beds in it is it near the ocean can we see the other side are we going to be able to get how late is room service open can you find anything what's on the menu you know i'm a vegan now i only eat certainly can you imagine going in and having to tell sir i'm taking the son of your old age the one time god opened up your womb and you had a baby i'm taking your son and i'm taking him somewhere and i don't know exactly where and i'm supposed to offer him up as a burnt offering but don't worry about that baby we'll be back she said what we'll be back and he takes him and he goes off to follow god following god it's the most amazing mission of your life now as long as you just come to church you don't have to pay this message no matter because you can come to church once a week and give god one day out of seven and just a few hours out of that day and pay god off but if you ever really start following god he will scare you to death he will take you places you never expected to go to do things you don't know how to do to speak to people you have never met god will scare is there anybody in here that's had god scare you to death and have you put everything on the line what i'm trying to get you to see is isaac is all abraham's god [Applause] it's his ticket to the promise isaac is to abraham his access to everything else god has ever done in his life he's he has to have an heir to possess the land he has to have a son to procreate this new nationality or ethnicity in the earth that would become the hebrews he has to have isaac because god will become the god of abraham and the god of isaac and the god of jacob and there won't be a jacob if there's not an isaac he has the heaven isaac because god has promised him through thy sea shall all nations of the world be blessed the world is counting on isaac living and he is riding up the hill to kill him isaac is the promise he absolutely is the promise of god what has god promised you i said what has god promised you and what are you willing to sacrifice to see it happen i think being a hundred years old was an advantage when he had it because when you're older you don't have time to play games you don't have time for foolishness you don't have time for he says she said they say you don't have time to chase down gossip you don't have time to respond to critics is there anybody in here that's old enough that you don't have time for the okie doke you got to go for the goal and do what you got to do tap on the line i ain't got time for it i'm not going to live on another 100 something years i got to do it now if i'm going to do it i'm going to get it done now and whatever sacrifice i have to make i'm going to make it because it must happen now [Applause] isaac is the promise he is the heir of the promise i can't possess it without an air it was illegal to control it without an air and now god says kill it kill your ticket and he says go he talked to her i just got to talk to you about the promise i'm going to talk to you about the place the place is so important finding the right place is important over and over in this text you will see again and again and again go to the place i will show you and when you get there i will show you the place and when abraham was a great ways off he looked up and he saw the place three days off he saw the place the place is the place about four or five times as mentioned the place is important we get caught up on the ram but we ought to be focused on the place the place is a critical thing because i can't just worship god anywhere i have to worship god in the place me and the lad are going yonder to worship if i could just wash up anywhere i didn't have to go i could have stayed in the tent and worshiped at home i have to find the place this won't work out of place this won't work out a place i got the right sun i got the right wood i got the right knife but if i don't have the right place and he won't tell me ahead of time the place he gives me no gps he gives me no address he gives me no map he does not describe it he says you'll know it when you see it the place of worship is important not not to you because you think worship is just just laying on the floor and lifting your hands and and crying and doing all of that but abraham knows that worship real worship always includes sacrifice can i go deeper real worship isn't about emotional spanked terrainiums real worship is about sacrifice it always has been and it always will be and he says i don't want to make the right sacrifice in the wrong place i don't want to plant okra in a place where okra doesn't grow i don't want to put palm trees in the appalachian mountains i don't want to try to raise oak trees on the beach because i can have the right seed and i could have paid the right place but if i price but if i don't put it in the right place it will not work that's why the enemy's always trying to move you out of your place that's why the bible said put on the whole armor of god not so you could travel but so you could stand because once you get in the right place you can't let no devil in hell move you out of your place i don't care how you roll your eyes i don't care how you talk about me i don't care how you gossip i ain't going [Applause] i came here 25 years ago they were talking about me like i had a tail i would drive to church listening at the preachers preaching about me and i was just smiling because i was seasoned enough to know not to let your mouth run me out of my miracle the devil is alive say whatever you want to say call me names cuss me out draw pictures of me and throw darts in them and i'm still gonna be right at 6 7 7 7 west east boulevard because this is the place i left west virginia to find the place i traveled from miles to find the place and they know which if you sit with your family if you can touch anybody touch them and say i got to be in the place i got to be in a place i'm too old not to be in the place i'm too tired not to be in the place i'm too weary not to be in the place i sacrifice too much not to be in the play i got to be in the place if i have to be a doorman i just want to be in a place if i have to sweep the floor i just want to be in the place the place the place is all about the place it's all about the place this whole story is all about the place and i have no direction all i have is the instinct that i will know it when i see it that's what god promised you when you get there you'll know it i'll tell you you got to walk in the dark you got to walk stupid you got to walk blind you got to walk by faith and not by sight you got to walk without an understanding you got to walk without a word from the prophet you got to walk while you're still confused when you get there i will show you the bible said on the third day abraham looked up and he said that's it he didn't explain how he knew it he didn't describe how he knew it but the ability oh shonda bo i'm about to feel like preaching now the ability to discern when you are in the right place is the most important gift you can have is there anybody in here that still has the gift of discernment that your spirit will let you know this is the right place this is the right person this is the right creature i can worship right here that's why you're watching this broadcast that's why you're tuning online that's why you got up and you're watching right now because you found the right place [Applause] it will only happen do y'all hear me it will only happen when you find the place you can have the right god and the right wood and the right sun and the right life but if you don't have the right place it still will not happen so if i was the devil i would try to keep you [Applause] i would gossip and talk about you and make you feel uncomfortable and make you feel lonely and point out stuff like ain't nobody else wearing their hair like you wear your hair ain't nobody else your color nobody else is as tall as you anything i could say to you to move you out of your place because the power is in the place it's not in the life it's not in the wood it's not in the sun it's not even in the god that you worship it yes it is not about god you had god in the tent you better not mess with me you had god in the tent you had god in the bar you had god anywhere anywhere you are god is there jehovah's son god is there the power of the text is finding the place and abraham was three days off and he looked up and he saw it and he said i'm not i'm not there yet but i see it are there any i'm not there yet but i see it people let me show you how important it is you remember when jesus met the woman the samaritan woman and they got into this debate they were not debating about god they were not debating about sacrifice they were debating about the place she said my people worship in the mountain she said he said your people worship in the mountains you know not you don't know what you're doing in the mountain my people worship in jerusalem for jerusalem is the place guess what jerusalem is in moriah but the hour cometh and now is that neither shall they worship in jerusalem nor in the mountain they that worship god must worship him in spirit and in truth there is a place in the spirit that you gotta fight your way into that you can't sit there with your cute dress on trying to be all important and impress people don't nobody care about your fingernails you gotta scratch your way into the place where god can do what he's trying to do in your life let your makeup run pull them false eyelashes off and get down on your face and find the place for they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth look at somebody say i gotta get in the place yeah it's cute i gotta get in the place all you husbands and why i sit together that's cute but let me tell you something when it comes to getting into place you gotta go for yourself honey if you ain't in the mood i'm going for myself i got to get in the place i cannot live with you if i ain't in the place you wouldn't like me if i'm not in a place i need to get in the place and if you got your funnies on today you're gonna have them by yourself cause i'm gonna lay out here on this altar and get in the place my god who am i preaching to i feel something about to happen there is a place in the spirit where miracles happen there is a place in the spirit where crutches come off there is a place in the spirit where blinded eyes open up there is a place in the spirit where you don't have to struggle for provision there is a place in the spirit where no confusion can dwell there is a place in the spirit where wellness will come into your mind there is a place in the spirit where the pain will have to dissipate out of your body there is a place in the spirit where tiredness has to turn you a loose there is a place in the spirit where no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper is there anybody that wants to get it he said is there anybody that wants to get in the place so the closer he got to the place the more he separated himself from the people the closer he got to the place he told the servants you were good for a season [Applause] i showed i so do appreciate you but where i'm going you ain't ready for you stay here with the asses me and the lad are going yonder to worship when you find a place you can't take everybody with you oh i need five minutes of praise and praise i need some crazy praise you can't take everybody with you hold it god told me to tell you that's why you missed it last time you tried to take the wrong person to the right place and it slowed down your journey because you were trying to take people who didn't have the same hunger that you had into a place where the glory of the lord my god i feel like preaching you fool with me today i'll preach this place now something is about to happen the glory of god is about to be released and in order for it to be released you got to let some people go let them go let them go let him go let him go let him go let him go [Applause] i'm going to the place i'm going to the place i'm going to the place if you don't want to go get out of the car because i'm going to the place get off my donkey get off my camel get off whatever you got to get off cause i'm going to the place [Music] the place the place is where the miracles happen the place expedites the journey [Music] if i'm in the place i can do three days journey in one [Music] if i'm in the place i can outrun a chariot if you let me let me tell you something if you let me get in the place can't nobody hold me your best chance to get me is before i get in the place but if you mess around and let me get in the place i don't care who i'm talking to if i make it to the place if i i get to the place no devil in hell can hold me back because i'm in the place and then it says the both of them went on together they both went on together isaac and abram they both went on together three times it mentions him that's the partnership that's the partnership they both went on together i'm the most shy there are some people that yeah yeah that god has anointed to walk you into the place and you don't want to go on together with anybody who ain't together [Music] [Applause] cause my seat is on the line [Applause] my seed is on the line now let me tell you something the easiest thing to teach in her church in a church with a lot of women is about birth because you relate to motherhood but this is a fatherhood sir [Applause] when a man says yes that's my son when he said that's my son [Applause] that means that's me in another form [Music] that means that's my destiny that means my future that means i will kill you and pray for forgiveness at your funeral if you snatch i wish a saint [Applause] i will jack you up i waited a hundred years god gave me back potency so i could have this final [Applause] and a boy come out [Applause] and he mine and he's got that thing on him oh that glory on it that anointing on him that promise on him that future on it in a world full of dead be dead you don't get it but i'm talking about real fathers real fathers real fathers love their children they'll fight you over their children i bite your ankles it ain't got to be no pretty fight we ain't got to be bouncing around and doing all this stuff john was doing last week i will bite your ankles [Music] shoot through your stockings spit your toes in your face that's what's wrong with our men we have not experienced daddy love they both went on together the reason this is important is because they are a shadow of the father and the son going up to calvary it was not the nails that killed jesus isaiah said he was smitten of the father oh he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities it was so personal between the father and the son that the earth went black where abraham and isaac were going the servants couldn't watch they both went on together abraham and isaac are together isaac is complicit not victimized he is not being victimized by his father he is not being pushed into an occupation he doesn't want by his father he has not been given an assignment by his father that he doesn't want josephus a historian says that isaac was questioning what made him as a young man old enough to fight his father become obedient enough to climb on the altar and die and isaac said it would have been better that i not be born then i'd be born and not do the will of my father and jesus said not my will but that be done and he became obedient unto death even the death of the cross and they hung him high and they stretched him wide and the earth said and the sun said this is private and blacked it out this is between the father and the elai llama sabotage why has i forsaken me father into thy hands i commend my spirit mama this ain't about you go home with john this is between me and daddy because this is the place this is the place this is the place oh god i feel like preaching is bad it's bad because i feel like preaching now i want you to see this grown boy able to resist but becoming obedient unto death i want you to see this grown boy stretched out like this on the cr on the altar like a lamb would be tied by the four horns to the altar got legged vulnerable nailed by his ankles and his hands like jesus was nailed by his feet and his hands to the cross i want you to see it i want you to see the wood up under him i want you to see the pan they put to catch the blood when they slay this son and when abram raised his hand to slay his son to catch the blood in the pan and burn up his body a voice spoke from heaven and said abraham abraham stay your hand what you're doing now i know that i can give you a gift and it won't become an idol come on now i know i can give you a card and you won't stay home on sunday to wax it now i know i can put you in a house and it won't be so cute that you won't leave it now i know that you have finally come to the place that it ain't about the gift it's about the giver when god knows how bad you want the gift he knows the gift can become an idol in your life and he needs to know that he can give you something without it replacing him i will give you what you want if it don't take over you i will give you what you want if it doesn't become your god i will give you what you want if you don't start worshiping it i will give you what you want if it doesn't take my place and every now and then i will test you to make sure that if it comes down between the gift and the giver the giver will always come first this was the test with the prodigal son the problem with the prodigal son is that he loved the gift more than the giver father i can't wait on you to die give me the portion of goods that followed to me and he divided unto them his living and he left the giver for the gift and that's why it all fell apart and somebody listening at me right now the reason things keep falling apart he said every time god gives you a gift you get too busy for the giver [Music] every time god gives you a gift you forget the giver yes i am the first time i began to paying ties was never a problem when i was broke i'm honest to goodness tell you the truth it was 20 a month it wasn't going to make no difference anyway i said if i'm down to my last 20 i'm broke anyway i might as well trust god i had no trouble tithing off a welfare check but when that check got six zeroes [Music] yeah come on i forgot how to do percentages [Applause] i act like i didn't know where to move the decimal cause i told the lord i said lord look like to me now look like to me i could give you half of this you'd be good [Applause] he said if that's too much to give to me you keep it and i'll take the 90. when the gift gets bigger than the giver [Music] god has to judge you because you love his things more than you love him there are people watching me right now the reason you don't sow and the reason you don't grow and the reason you don't move forward into the next dimension you might have money but you don't have peace you don't have joy you don't have health you don't have family the reason that your life is withering is because you're worshiping the gift not the giver don't you know every time i give it hurts every time i give i bleed but every time i give i break the grip of success on my life because i will let nothing separate me from the love of god and every time i offer it up to him i am saying that he is worth more than it is and worth more than it is worship because worship is what it's worth [Music] oh come home stay with me daddy's home y'all y'all got to give me a minute y'all got to give me a minute y'all got to give me a minute so there he is with his knife up yeah and his sun tied and the wood ready to be burned and right in the middle of it god says stay your hand and this is why you gotta you gotta watch this behold a ram [Applause] a ram a way of escape is already tied up in the thicket if you'd have gone up on any other mountain there wouldn't have been a ram there i only had one ram on one mountain so you had to wash up in the right place so that in your time of trouble your provision would already be provided when you are you gotta go when you are in the right place your provision is already tied in the thicket as i close i don't tell you god's got some rams tied up for you [Applause] god's got some rams tied up for you but where they are is so deep in worship your ram is tied up in a deeper realm of worship and if you go into that deeper realm of worship everything you need is tied in the thicket somebody say tied in the thicket the reason i want you to know that it's tied in the thicket and not wandering around in the thicket because if it were wandering around in the thicket it could leave but god tied it in the thicket because what god has for you can't nobody else get it and as soon as god knows that the giver comes first every blessing you've been praying for is tied up in the thicket supposed abraham had gone up the wrong mountain any other mountain just shundu kochai any other mountain would have killed his son this was the only mountain where the ram was provided this is a word for somebody your ram is waiting on you yeah it's tied in the thicket waiting on you to find the place [Music] and the partnership and the provision so watch this start to deal i'm say this i'm gonna close so when abraham stayed his hand and looked over his shoulder he saw a ram tied in the thicket and the bible said so he said the name of the place shall be called jehovah you heard that didn't you he did not say that god shall be called jehovah john he said the name of the place shall be called jehovah java yeah there is a place that is your jehovah job there is a place where your rams can't get away there is a place where can't nobody take your job there is a place where can't nobody have your anointing there is a place where can't nobody steal your position there is a place where everything you've been praying for god's got it wrapped up and tied up in the thicket you are not waiting on the ram the ram is waiting on you whoever i'm preaching to i just need 60 seconds of crazy praise [Applause] if you got a rab waiting on you give him a praise i mean a real praise i need a holy ghost praise i mean an anointed praise i mean a supernatural phrase if you know you got a ram if you know you got a ram if you know you got a ram if you know you got to wrap give him a praise get beside yourself get out of yourself get out in the house get away from your friends if you don't got a ram there's a ram the holy ghost said that the realm [Applause] take me to church take me to sanctified church take me to a storefront church take me to a good car tambourine be the holy ghost church because i feel a ram about to get loose in the thicket there's a ram in this place that's about to break loose there's a rab about to break loose somebody's rare somebody's rap i don't know anyways but i see a ramp [Music] so so i gotta close i gotta get out of your way but somebody get all out in high and tell them i'm looking for my ram i'm looking for my ram i'm looking for my ram i'm looking for my ram i'm looking for my ram it's tied up it's wrapped up it's tied up it's right high it's right tight tangled is [Music] i'm looking [Applause] he can't get away he can't get away i gotta wrap you gotta rail we gotta rattle it's time let's get all ready it's time to get all right we've been helping everybody else get their help but it's time to get out [Music] oh oh i hear a ram i hear a ram a ram a ram a ram a ram a crab a ram [Applause] i hear it i hear it that's my red that's my wrath that's my rap that's my red that's my red [Music] give him a praise [Applause] i said give him a praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm going to close i don't want to but i'm going to close i feel the anointing of the holy ghost in this place i wish you could see what i see in the spirit i see rams tied up in the thicket they're tied by the horns wrapped up in the thicket for every believer in this room there is a ram [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i dare you to believe it of you folks on zoom i dare you to believe it i dare you to believe that there is a ram tied up in the thicket for every circumstance in your life if you get in the place the ram is waiting on you the ram is already there that's why you have to be alive this morning to get this word because there's a ram tied up in the thicket you're streaming online there's a ram there's a ram there's a ram there there there's a ram there's already old shy there's a ram tied up in the ticket there's a ram tied up in your worship there's a ram tied up in your sacrifice there's a ram tied up in your labor there's a ram there's a ram there's a round there's a ramp there's a ramp there's a ramp there's a ram abraham was prepared to give up what he did have to get what he didn't have every head bowed every eye closed [Music] [Music] [Applause] there is no doubt there is a god there is no doubt there is a wood there is no doubt there is a knife there is no doubt there is a father there is no doubt there is a son there is no doubt there is a ram the only doubt is finding the place and get in the place and let no devil in hell move you out of your spot [Music] somebody heard from god this morning i didn't even want to preach this message i told the lord the lord kept telling me genesis 22 and i kept looking around it at something else he said no genesis 22. i said i preached genesis 22 before he said no i want you to preach it again somebody is going to be streaming on logging on or walking in this room who needs to find the ram before you damage your lineage you need to find your ram i want us to put something on this on the altar not physically but in our giving i want us to put something on the altar as a sacrifice i don't want to be like the samaritan woman who worships in the mountains she knows not what and i don't want to be like the jews who are worshiping where god used to be and they're missing where he is lord let me see the place the spirit this is not a geographical location it's a place in the spirit they that worship god must worship him in spirit and in truth lord i think i need a deeper worship to loose my ram [Music] i think i need a deeper consecration to lose my ram i can't have my old time consecration and get my new time blessing [Applause] i got a labor for this i got to let some folks go to get this [Music] but i thank you because you just assured me that you've already got my ram waiting on me and as i sow tonight i sow into the place of me being in the place i'm not praying that you put the ram in the place i'm praying that you put me in the place where the ram is already waiting [Music] even if the ram is peace even if the ram is love in my home even if the ram is healing for my body as i sow today [Music] i sow on purpose abraham didn't go by accident he went on purpose he packed for it he planned for it he walked for it he rode for it he sacrificed for it and it was worth it because he found his realm he did not call god jehovah gyra he called the place jehovah java there is a place for me and i want to find it in time the years are rolling the decades are passing i can't spend another year wandering around in the desert of possibilities [Music] as i saw this seed today i saw it for clear direction [Music] in this place holy spirit [Music] you start out telling us that you would provide [Music] they didn't know what i was going to preach i didn't know what they were going to sing but there's something you want the body of christ to get right now after covid after killings after shootings after shut-ins after murders there's something that you want us to see that you have for us [Music] there's a ram for churches there's a ram for businesses there's a ram for entrepreneurs there's a ram for college tuition [Music] it's tied up and it's waiting on us we're not just gonna pray we're gonna travel we're gonna google we're gonna search we're gonna look for it it is out there god told me your ram is out there [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is not that he hasn't provided you haven't gone deep enough if you're not giving and you got your hands free lift them in the air and let's just go a little closer in the worship where we can see it or far off [Music] me [Music] [Applause] we believe your promises [Music] you say what you mean oh god you're not a man that you shall lie we stand on your [Music] words knowing that [Music] and we're [Music] there yes right there [Music] [Music] oh you've already provided [Music] [Applause] listen at me right now listen at me keep it real soft keep playing it i want to stay right in that vein there's somebody bound in the shackles of sin or depression despair [Music] and you feel like you just can't get out your ram is salvation and forgiveness and wholeness he always provides [Music] can i tell you with all the surety that you're in the right place at the right time can i tell you that you're standing in a miracle building right now that i'm not a native of texas wasn't born in dallas i was called to dallas [Music] i was called to dallas and for 25 years i have been standing on this wall pointing people to the ram everybody stand for just a moment i know you've been standing a while almost long as me but i have this heaviness on me like there's a back slider or sitter [Music] that needs to find the god of the mountain and i know we're not fully backing some of you are watching on screen and you can't come down now but prayer can reach you on screen if you give your heart to jesus prayer can reach you on screen it can reach you online the holy ghost will come through zoom and fill you with the holy spirit right there where you are what does it mean to be born again it means that a new nature a new gene has been put in me i've been regenerated regenerated it doesn't mean that i can't make mistakes and that i can't falter and that i can't fall but it does mean that i won't stay down [Music] because something keeps pulling me higher up on the mountain [Music] you've been in the valley too long and you're in this place this morning and i can feel you and i want you to make your way down to this altar and i want to pray with you [Music] for you to accept christ as your savior you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 1,471,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, sundayservice, tdjakes, td jakes 2021, td jakes sermons 2021, the giver comes first, thegivercomesfirst, how to take less, is it difficult to trust your path
Id: HGeD4SklcjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 57sec (5517 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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