Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " I AIN'T GOT LIKE THAT " - APRIL 25th, 2021

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[Music] that out loud he will provide i'm continuing in our series i gotta get my coins i want you to meet me now in matthew chapter 17. matthew chapter 17. if you'll give me a little more on the monitor thank you matthew chapter 17. saturday i want you to join us here on the campus we'll be distributing not only communion elements but vials of anointing oil for pentecost sunday so make sure that you are here uh saturday at 12 noon if you're in need of groceries you do not have to be a member of our church you just got to be in driving distance i will be here beginning at 10 a.m every saturday morning matthew chapter 17 and i'm going to look at one verse in that one verse is verse 27. jesus said to him but so that we may not cause a fence go to the lake and throw out your line take the first fish you catch open its mouth and you'll find the four drop mccoin take it and give it to them for my tax and for yours i want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument go to the uh area in your tablet your device your smartphone for you to take notes there's some principles and points that i want you to hold on to dearly long after this service would have concluded i want to preach for a little while today using as a subject i ain't got it like that [Music] i ain't got it like that new birth i can only wonder if the allegorical prodigal son that we find in luke 15 [Music] from the mouth of the master who got his inheritance early spent all of his money woke up in a pig pen went back to his father's house and got a ring and got a robe and then had a cookout i wonder if the prodigal son knows how blessed he is hear this i wonder if he knows how blessed he is that he wasn't born in atlanta the institute of policy study reported here this 71 of whites i want you to write this down 71 of whites can borrow up to 3 000 from a family member or friend up to 3 dollars from a family member friend that's 71 percent of whites but only 40 percent of blacks can do the same 25 of whites receive some sort of inheritance but only eight percent of blacks do y'all just missed that 25 of caucasians receive an inheritance only eight percent of blacks do most family members i'm talking about yours most family members would be offended if you ask them for three thousand dollars it would cavalierly dismissively say i ain't got it like that you think money grows on trees around here 59 of white families end up with more wealth than their parents 59 of white families end up with more wealth than their parents while only 23 of blacks are able to do better than their parents i want you to make a prophetic declaration would you say it out loud in the studio if you're at home i want you to write it on the screen i will do better than my parents [Music] y'all didn't sound like you meant that thing say it out loud i will do better than my parents at the median an inheritance increases wealth by more than a hundred thousand dollars for white families but inheritance only increases wealth for black families by just four thousand dollars [Music] i want to make a declarative statement and i want you to receive it and i want you to hear it and i want you to embody it if you don't come from a wealthy family then a wealthy family must come from you i better say that again if you don't come from a wealthy family then a wealthy family has got to come out of you third time maybe you only catch the wave if you don't come from a wealthy family then a wealthy family must come out of you it's amazing if not unnerving how people will try to count your money as if they're entitled to it do not presume that where i am positioned is gonna be the springboard for your proposal the nerve that they won't speak to you because you're not doing it for them because i have it doesn't mean i got it for you y'all just missed what i just said because i have it doesn't mean that it is for you there's an african axiom that asserts don't eat your dinner for breakfast don't eat your dinner for breakfast meaning save something for the next time proverbs 13 and 22 says a good man a good woman leaves an inheritance to their children's children but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous don't spend everything now making your children beggars later i better say that again don't spend everything you have now so that your children have to live off student loans later don't spend everything now forcing your children to open a gofundme for your funeral later your children here's what the holy ghost said to me to say to you your children will inherit opportunities not poverty your grandchildren will inherit opportunities not poverties i want every person to lay hands on yourself lay hands on yourself repeat after me my bloodline come on say it in authority my bloodline will not be bound by bills god i wish i had a church lady lay that hand on your chest say it out loud my bloodline will not be bound by bills you do not have millions but you will make a way you don't have millions but you will make a way i like many of you was raised in the fear and the admonition of the lord and it's always implied that we should never question god so because i can't question god i i just wonder about god i wonder why would our heavenly father have jesus born to joseph a small business owner who all he had was a carpentry stand and why hear this with the heavenly father have jesus born to a small business owner hear this who left no inheritance for his eldest and prized son jesus this doesn't become evident until matthew chapter 17 when two federal tax agents have been dispatched to go and collect the tax which was required of every jewish male over 20 for the upkeep of the temple but rather than pull on jesus directly they roll up on his right hand man peter and they asked pete is your boss going to pay his taxes i got to stop right here i ain't even talking to peter i ain't even talking to the centurion i'm talking to your friends if you want to know about me don't ask people come directly to me y'all ain't saying nothing and furthermore don't come running back to me about what other people said if they said it to you that's your business and you should have handled it for me they came to peter they don't even go to jesus and say is your master gonna pay his taxes peter's carried to jesus and before he could spill the beans about the irs jesus said to him hear this we don't want to make a stink so let me just go ahead and pay it that's what jesus said jesus said before peter could even tell him what the irs agent said he said don't even worry about it let's just go ahead and pay it i want you to notice not just the language but the posture of jesus he came in for derek chauvin who murdered george floyd and about an hour after the verdict was rendered keith ellison the attorney general for minnesota had a press conference and here's what keith ellison said he said i wouldn't call today's verdict justice because justice implies restoration but it is accountability which is the first step towards justice accountability is here this responsibility and many of you don't want to take accountability white supremacists will have to take responsibility for burning the crosses in front of our churches america when they convene in the next congressional session will have to take responsibility that the economy of the nation was built off of slavery so reparations are in order accountability is what donald trump is going to have to take for january 6 when it is that his minions try to storm the capital home depot is going to have to take responsibility for closing a blind eye while governor kemp tries to suppress the vote of black and brown people you've got to take responsibility so put governor kemp aside home depot aside donald trump aside i gotta ask you are you taking responsibility for your life that your daddy never paid child support are you taking responsibility for your life that nobody gonna give you nothing are you gonna take accountability for your life that you didn't study and focus and stay away from the distractions are you gonna take responsibility for your life that it won the devil but it was your decisions that got you in the predicament that you're in are you gonna take accountability for your life that you like shopping more than your life saving are you gonna take some accountability i don't have it like that but i'm gonna get it [Applause] y'all that's the whole sermon right there i can shut the book board and walk away i better say it for five of y'all i ain't got it like that but watch me get it nobody ever gave it to me but before i die if it's the last thing i do watch me get it genesis chapter 1 in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 god blessed man and said to them be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue it rule over the fish that's what the lord said in genesis chapter one is that you are going to be fruitful you will multiply you're gonna fill the earth you're gonna subdue it you're gonna rule over it and the first thing he gives adam authority over is fish the first thing that he has authority over is fish um fresh fish hear this i don't know whether you eat fish or not but fresh fish are found in a carrot carrot is a continuous movement generated by forces like wind and waves and cabling and coreleous effect here it is the only way you can catch a fish is if the fish is in the carrot the current is movement the movement comes from waves the waves come from wind in order for you to catch the fish that you have authority over it's got to be found in a current which is movement which comes from waves and the waves come from wind and it is out of that you're able to catch the fish that is in the water it is in movement water hear this is found holding the fish that is in a carrot it is out of a carrot that i get the word currency currency is money y'all stay with me money is not supposed to be stagnant money is supposed to be in a movement the only way that the money can move is that there's got to be waves and wind and storms and so you find the most amount of money when there's a storm out on the ocean y'all ain't saying nothing and it's moving this way currency is another word for money money is supposed to be in circulation it is in circulation as a tool for business for enterprise y'all ain't saying nothing for destiny and for generational wealth com money hear this comes in banknotes in coins in stocks and in bonds y'all are missing this thing the fish float in a carrot a karen is found in movement of water currency is money you will never find money that is stuck it has got to move in order for you to catch it i think i lost you let me go back in the text this helps me to understand when peter was told by jesus what does he tell him not to go to the bank not to go to the credit union not to go to any family members he said go to the water i need you to go to the water because some things are about to move and because things are getting ready to move they are getting ready to move in your direction i'm preaching the 300 of you that has felt stuck i declare over your life that money is starting to move in the direction of your family wealth is getting ready to move in the direction of your daughter currency is coming to the life of your household well if money comes through movement how are you standing still if money comes to a flow how are you sitting there with your arms folded and your legs crawl i'm ready for a move of god and if it's moving let it move in the water he says to peter go down to the water and then watch what he tells them don't go to the water and go swimming he said go to the water and hear this throw your line out now in case you missed it before peter was a disciple he was official so jesus was telling him i'm gonna help you make money if you just do what you do whatever it is you know how to do that's where your money gonna come from i need 50 of y'all that know whatever your passion is is where your paycheck will be wherever it is your heart is that's where your currency is gonna come from throw your line out you say go to the lake do what you've been trying to do [Applause] do what is your gift to do do what is your calling to do i don't know who needs to hear this god said whatever you were doing as a side hustle is about to be your main income y'all just missed that whatever it is you were doing in your spare time that's where your resources are getting ready to drown you here god said cause i know you know how to do it because you know how to do it i'm gonna bless you you are fatigued and you don't even know why burnout is only for winners i just said something burn out is only for champions what do you mean that here's the bible be not weary here's your shout in well do it if i wasn't doing it right i wouldn't be tired but because i know what i'm doing that's why it takes so much out of me god said i'm giving you a second win so you can go get your will uh he said i need you to throw your line out your line out embrace yourself for the first fish you catch i got to say this thing say right here said the first contract you get god the first offer you receive i'm waiting on shouted to come in here the first phone call that comes in the first email i can't hear nobody in here that's the one you're supposed to seize that's the one i've got for you i'm sick of you being the leftover i'm sick of you having to wait for life god's at the tables just turn whatever comes in first is yours says something says don't put your line out pete do what you know how to do reel that bad boy in whatever is the first thing you catch here it is open its mouth [Music] open its mouth hear this uh because in the mouth of the fish is what you need to pay your bills off god i can't hear nobody what is in the mouth of the fish whatever is outstanding whatever is delinquent whatever is past due whatever you are at risk of losing is getting ready to be settled i gotta say something this ain't for y'all this for the people in the studio if all of that is in the mouth of a fish what's in your mouth you ought to be opening your mouth like god i know you can pay it i know you can deal with it i know you can settle it i know you can pay it off let the redeemed of the lord open up your mouth like it's about to be paid off mama said how you gonna pay the rent when all your money is spent you better work that thing out turn it over to the lord he'll work it out proverbs 18 and 21 says that the power of life and death is in your mouth i feel like preaching the dash look at your neighbor tell them they can't shut me up the power of wealth is in my mouth if i shut my mouth the bills will never get paced bishop jenks released a book this week said don't drop the mic because your words will create your worth i need somebody that believes that in mesh every bill that comes to my house is gonna get paid i need somebody to shop like the mortgage is handled the car note is fixed the student loans have been reduced if you don't believe it shut up but if you believe there can nobody do me like jesus can nobody do me like the lord and when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me i said i won't go tell nobody but i'm opening my mouth hey be seated please i i got two more rivers to cross i need you to be seated i ain't told y'all that in the year be seated right where y'all please hear this i i got to tell you this i i need y'all to say something i need y'all to say something and it's going to tear this studio up it's going to tear your house up i need you to say it after i say it because after you say it something is gonna be released i need ten of you to repeat after me i don't have it come on say it out loud i don't have it but it's on the way i don't have it but it's on the way i don't have it but it's on the way and while i'm waiting i'ma worship him while i'm waiting praise him while i'm waiting imma give god glory it's already done it's already fixed it's already paid for it's already handled hey i got one last rivet across be seated please put me in strings i gotta go be seated please hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i need somebody to shout this on the way yes you don't know the kind of year i had you don't know what folk did to me you don't know how my family doubted me but i'm a living witness he may not come when i want him to come but he's in on time jesus jesus owed [Music] he owed in taxes two drachma coins softly thomas he holding taxes two drachma coins but when he reeled that fish in and he opened the fish's mouth he won two drachma coins it was four jesus said to pete watch this what you found in the mouth [Music] what you found in the mouth is not just to handle your bills [Applause] oh my god i am getting ready to bless you if y'all don't shout right in here i'm leaving he said i'm going so bless you you're going to be able to pay your friends bills off i can't hear nobody but not just any friend the friend that was willing to fight for you the the friend that stood in the gap for you the friend that fought for your name god said that friend said something i ain't got it like that [Music] but you don't know the god i serve it's your whole vagina god heal me i ain't got it like that but i know who does y'all look like y'all ain't never been broke before like y'all they never struggled before if you know that his name is still good he's got a cattle on a thousand hill i need you to lift up that hand and open up your mouth god i know you got it i wouldn't be asking you if i didn't think you didn't have it lift up that hand i want to speak something over you god you got it like that god help me huh you gotta like that you gonna get me in the house that don't even match my credit you got it like that god i can't hear nobody you you gonna take me where nobody in my family has ever been before god you got it like that i speak of every lifted hand that whatever it is that you do not have the only reason why you don't have it it's cause you haven't looked in your mouth what have you been saying about your business what have you been saying about your idea what have you been saying about your family condition whatever is in your mouth is what the need is we don't shout if we don't celebrate it today i want to just take 10 seconds to just worship him here it is for what's on the way i don't want you to shout for what you already got but will you thank him like his on the way if you don't believe it don't shout with us but if you believe it's on the way come on our day to cry out loud you better tell the bill collectors it's on the way i may not have it but i know who does is on the way whatever you need it's on the way i believe it by faith what this passage shows us softly sir what the passage shows us hear me is you can be anointed with bills you can have the hand of god on your life and deal with seasons of insufficiency you can be called but still have to deal with collectors you just got to know what's in your mouth and what do you have authority over i'm old enough now to know that uh many of you who are younger generation wouldn't even identify with it but those of uh you of a certain age you know that when you used to get feelings they were gold the dentist was putting gold in your mouth here it is to seal up the cavity whatever was broken whatever was empty whatever was hollow they will put gold in it i'm believing that there's gold in the mouth of every worshiper to fill up every void to deal with every crack to help supply every deficiency i need you to just look around and somebody tell them it's gold in your mouth what comes out of your mouth will handle your bill and your best friend's bill it's gold in your mouth old song that this generation doesn't even sing anymore old song says i'd rather have jesus [Applause] than silver and gold mine a lot of you cannot earnestly sing that song because you'd rather have gold but those of you who found out in a pandemic that favor is better than finance i can't hear nobody in here you you found out how when your hours were cut in half when you were retrenched from your job you found out who the real supplier was i want to offer you jesus christ today i want to offer our loving lord we're not even a month away from resurrection but we're headed to pentecost i need you no matter where you are no matter where you're stationed no matter where you are located i want you to know it's coming everything you need everything you lack everything you've been waiting on it's coming i want you to get saved and here's what i need you to do i need you to do it right now it's a currency there's movement that comes out of wind that comes out of waves that comes out of an environment that draws you closer to your assignment i know you've not heard it on this wise but everything you've gone through in your life was preparing you for this one sermon had you not gone through that then your ear and spirit would not have been receptive i want you to get saved i want you to join the body of christ called church new birth is uh i'm telling you you ought to come in on the ground if we doing all of this in the pandemic what you think god is going to give us the strength to do once the storm passes i want you to come on joint this is the easiest time to join you ain't got to walk down no aisle you ain't got to worry about nobody looking at you you ain't got to go in the back room you can do it all right there from the comfort of your home i want you to join the church the good thing about technology is you don't even have to live in atlanta i was in minneapolis this week and people walk walking up to me saying i'm a member of your church virtually because it doesn't matter where it is that you are the grace of god in this house is going to come to your house follow all of the prompts my dear friends how many of you are going to make a commitment to leave an inheritance to your children moving inheritance to your grandchildren i want us to leave an inheritance to the next generation that comes behind us at new birth i don't want the next generation to inherit debt i don't want them to inherit a mortgage the tax that jesus had to pay hear this was not for roads it was not for potholes every jewish male over 20 had to pay it for the upkeep of the church here's what i'm asking you to do everything that i've afore mentioned was about outreach but i want to take a moment i want to challenge every single one of you help me build an inheritance for this ministry i'm going to be the very first black church in america with an endowment so that we will get to a place that the next generation will just have the responsibility of serving to that end i want you to open up your mouth and open up your checkbook i want you to pull out four drachma i want you to give a seed of 40 right now i believe in the future of the church i believe in the future of the gospel i believe in the future of the ministry this is not an era where the church will die this is the hour that the church is going to thrive i want you to so partner with me a hundred percent of what you're doing right now is for the upkeep for the maintenance for the development of the land and the structure that god has entrusted to us i want you to give ac to 40. those of you are saying pastor i can go far beyond that we'll give 400. but i want you to give your best seed i want you to give your best gift knowing without a shadow of a doubt you can't beat god's giving no matter how hard you try there is a fish with your name on it it's swimming in your direction but you're not gonna catch it till you do the work it's not gonna jump on the line until you do what you know you were called to do you're not gonna find that success he didn't tell peter shout right there fall out right there roll around right there he said go do your business when you do your business i'ma bring the current in and when i bring the camera in you're going to find your currency your pastor loves you i'm praying for you i'm believing this week that you're going to float in your currency i told you last week all we do is win and nobody ever thought that all three charges would be levied against that police officer walked out in the handcuffs and somebody from new birth text me and said you told us we were gonna win we won this week i'm believing the currency is swimming in your direction i'm telling you funds are getting ready to meet you right at every leaning side tuesday night i want you to meet me i've got an incredible lesson that i want to teach you and then on thursday is our trillionaire thursdays it's our trillionaire thursdays i've got incredible uh mogul minds that are coming to impart you to cultivate you and to develop you i'm going to remind you uh this is my last week asking because i'm almost at the door of my deadline uh there are those of you who made a commitment to help us with our scholarships uh we are endeavoring to give out a hundred thousand dollars in scholarships and i only need ten thousand more in order to make it happen and so while you're giving look for that prompt that opening for scholarship those of you who have not applied you have until saturday to do it how y'all doing i get nervous when people behind me all right i want you please do me a favor i gotta ask you to do this yes i want you to pray yes i need you to read the word yes i want you to cultivate your business but i need you to make me a promise this week this week i want you to be intentional on estate planning i need you to sit down and figure out what am i going to leave my children leave my grandchildren it's never too late to start martin luther king jr said it's always the right time to do right so i don't care if you're 60. i want you to do something that will leave an inheritance for the generation that comes behind you you ain't got it like that but it's on the way
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 32,547
Rating: 4.877676 out of 5
Id: N9C-qS0WAeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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