Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, YOU GONNA HAVE TO PAY WHAT YOU DID TO ME - April 29th, 2019

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[Music] there are people who are in your life or who has been in your life who practice unnecessary evil they lied to your face when they don't know you would have forgiven them for the truth y'all not saying anything to me they they cheated on you even when you never withheld affection they manipulated you even when you were generous with no stipulations and people who don't know you well and don't know your history they think you're stuck-up standoffish and guarded and they don't know in this season of my life and got tan for phony people because I can't jump through boots because I am NOT a circus animal I'm a grown woman I'm a grown man if you don't like me don't speak to me I gotta get to a place where I got a deal with you [Music] I want to direct your attention to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 27 Matthew 27 verses three through five Matthew 27 verses three four and five [Music] once you found I want you to Claire I have it if he can't find it say lord help me amen [Music] when Jesus who had betrayed him Judas who had betrayed him saw that Jesus was condemned he was seized with remorse returned to thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders I have sinned he said I have betrayed innocent blood what is that to us they replied that's your responsibility so Judas threw the money into the temple and left then he went away and hanged himself you may be seated in the presence of the Lord Judas who betrayed Jesus went back to see the chief priests and the elders trying to return the thirty pieces of silver and confessed I have sinned have betrayed innocent blood they responded back what does that have to do with us that's now your responsibility so Judas threw the money into the temple and left I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject you're gonna have to pay for what you did to me you're gonna have to pay for what you did to me would you turn to the person beside you look at me now say I'm telling you now all of them are gonna have to pay for what they tried to do to me [Applause] in 1985 Alice Walker's imagination was plastered across theaters with a novel turned a movie the color purple the epic Odyssey follows the journey of a young lady named CEO Lee who was harshly handled at the hands of her father who in turn pimps are out for marriage to a mean man that we simply know as mr. he violates her body mangles her mind breaks her heart but never crushes her spirit and the rising climax Celie had an epiphany on her self-worth she lunged a knife at mr. and uttered until you do right by me everything that you think is going to crumble mister retorted back who do you think you is you can't curse nobody look at you you're black you're poor you're ugly you're a woman you're nothing at all Celie clap back until you do right by me everything you even think is going to fall new birth I want you to pay attention to her consistent thing and her consistent fame hear me very carefully is a curse on false second Corinthians 10:5 says cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself over God the inverse of that assault is that everything here this you imagine for those who are in this room those are you are watching online hear this everything you imagine is going to be blessed many of you have minimized what is the depth of the length of the anointing connected to your life is only attached to that which is tangible and God is saying in this hour I am presently anointing the things you have been thinking about some of you can't get with it why because you haven't been dreaming about lofty ideas but this is a word for those who have a pregnant imagination and God has been showing you things that don't even exist yet and you can barely wait for it to materialize but everything to the fiber and core of your being is telling you that everything in my imagination is about to have manifestation the enemy does not know how to attack your imagination so I speak over every open-minded worshiper in this place today dare you to give God glory here it is for what you've been imagine that oh yeah yeah y'all ain't dreaming about anything I said give him glory for what you have been imagining now what is getting ready to happen is follow the blueprint of sealing the blueprint of sealing is I am NOT cursing your car I am NOT cursing your house I am cursing the imagination of my enemies that everything that they even think about will not have success you didn't hear what I just said I said they're gonna talk themselves out of their own dream every dream they have is going to be a nightmare I cursed the thought of every person that has spoken negatively about your character about to approach you about your integrity about your personality I curse the thinking of every person that thinks they can block your idea your business your assignment and your non-date occurs every person that's been thinking about setting you up with the trap and with the sabotage and with which trap I catch the saint of every coworker every Super Bass every X every neighbor that does not want to the flourish in the will of God Susan gold Susan gold in her work the history and moral progress in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant wrote a book called unnecessary evil book is called unnecessary evil to put it plainly is like the use of harsh words they are like medicine when they offer healing when they are no other words available but if there are words available than harsh words are like poison when William Wilberforce rolls in Parliament in 1789 to give his inaugural address on the slave trade he declared that the practice of slavery was both inhumane and unnecessary to the British economy a necessary evil is plotting on the innocent a necessary evil is taking advantage of the vulnerable a necessary evil is preying on the impoverished it is Friends of wickedness without worth and so you have people who are exacting evil and they are not doing it for principle they are not doing it for vengeance they are not doing it for justice they are doing it because they have filthy hearts and evil minds they didn't even have to do what they did to you they are the lost character from the animated film Despicable Me but they thought that they were in fact going to do something that was unwarranted but they didn't know because you're anointed you come with a warranty that that they meant it for evil but God is getting ready to work it out for your good can I tell you you know you are a living breathing testimony because there were some people who set out to break you to do you harm to tear you apart and here you are in church rusted and you not evil you not bitter you're not been dick dip you got no hatred you're able to save this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me exhibit a Exhibit A of unnecessary evil Exhibit A is none other than Judas Judas served as the CFO the treasurer of the disciples he kept what was collected but never gave an account or submitted to an audit they're collecting so much money that the IRS sent jesus a message are you gonna pay taxes on all of this when the woman bum-rushed Jesus at the dinner party and pulled out of her bag a box of expensive perfume that was an alabaster box that was equivalent of a year's wages a Judas bemoaned out loud that this is a waste of resources John chapter 12 verse number 6 exposes that Judas is a thief read john 12 and 6 when you get home it shows us that he has access to the account and us keep making withdrawals and makes no deposits we discover in Matthew chapter 26 that when it is that Judas goes to the publicans he asked them how much will you give me to drop the location of where the master is it was unnecessary evil Judas was not seduced he was not tripped and he was not enticed there are people who are in your life or who have been in your life who practice unnecessary evil they lied to your face when they don't know you would have forgiven them for the truth y'all not saying anything to me they they cheated on you even when you never withheld affection they manipulated you even when you were generous with no stipulations and people who don't know you well and don't know your history they think you're stuck-up standoffish and guarded and they don't know in this season of my life ain't got time for phony people because I can't jump through poops because I am NOT a circus animal I'm a grown woman I'm a grown man if you don't like me don't speak to me I gotta get to a place where I got a deal with full on their level and Matthew chapter 27 Matthew chapter 27 first thing in the morning they come and they come to give Jesus and something startling happens in the text that I wanted you to be aware of they come to get Jesus and they put a loving Lord in handcuffs can you imagine that picture how is a liberator in bondage I lost you I said how is a liberator in bondage I want to say this to the person behind you with the anointing you carry you don't even look right struggling it's too much glory Worth and value on your life to be stressed out about some Lord job that don't even pay you what you work in the first place you you don't even look right having the hair somebody for help you you being in a band ain't your style how in the world you gonna be locked up in to what somebody else thinks when the glory is on your life that I don't even look like you that furniture ain't even your style y'all ain't saying nothin to me that dress you don't have to remix and folk have seen you struggle but never saw you try because they understood that what I am in is not my death sentence I am just in transition it does not said if you've struggled with me you will reign with me and can I say this to 500 of you god oh do some stuff Sudan struggle with joy because of the glory that was on your life he's um he's in handcuffs headed to the governor how does Jesus look in bondage headed to an important engagement he still may go see the governor and is in handcuffs I want to release this word to somebody who's in this room I'll know where you are oh how bad you need it but God said for where you are going you can't be bad he is getting ready to set you up to meet with influential people in the next 72 days your name is gonna be whispered to somebody of influence some body of well somebody I mean you ain't gonna have to tap dance or kiss something you just don't have to show up because your gift has made room can't be bound for the rooms you get ready to walk in can't be bound for the appointment you get ready to take can't be bound for the position you get ready to occupy you you ought to be encouraging yourself every day I feel like bustin loose I I dare you to just pull on that neighbor real quick and tell them for where you are going next month you can't be weighed down in depression and stress and anxiety you better take the shackles off your feet so you can dance you you better give dog to already like nothing it's over Thank You Allah God we see the proof I need you to pull on that neighbor and tell them get yourself together you got an important appointment you got a meeting about to get stencil that calling you back for interview the position is yours the loan is just pray he's bound bound headed to the governor and when Judas saw the condition of Jesus the Bible says immediately he's convicted I'm in Matthew 27 I'm in verse number 3 when he saw Jesus being condemned arrested he got convicted have you ever considered the fact that Judas never saw Jesus crucified he couldn't handle seeing him in handcuffs and that's when he started to feel bad and that's why there are some people who've been avoiding you can't face you can't look you in that cuz they know what they did to you but what's crazy is they don't think you know what they did to you but you'll even understand if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me when he's in handcuffs it's wengie judas gets condemned his conscience took over him and there are some people who can't handle the position you in right now and the reality is if they had to deal with what you dealing with they would have had a nervous breakdown and they don't even understand why you not discombobulated how it is that you haven't blown your brains out how you ain't doing a line of coke how you ain't jumped off the bridge how you ain't jumped out the window but what they don't know I'm trippin cuz this ain't my first time going through but if he did it before yo you couldn't handle him in handcuffs so he tried to throw himself in in Genesis something critical happens we introduced to a dreamer by the name of Joseph and we discovered that is his own brothers that sell them out and they sell him out for 20 pieces of silver and those 20 pieces of silver were to catapult him into slavery that's in the book of Genesis fast-forward to the book of Matthew and you discover that Judas sold Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver all for slavery Genesis 20 pieces of silver Matthew thirty pieces of silver why because there's a cost-of-living adjustment I'll know who this is for if this ain't for you please don't shout God told me to tell you your job owes you money god I can't you know man before the summer is over you are gonna get a cost of living adjustment you can't handle your 2019 assignment or the 2017 salary [Applause] question you gotta ask yourself as how do you sell out a savior for the price of a slave and many of you have been under valuing your Worth and allowing people to sell you cheap you are not to be played with you didn't hear what I just said us I said you are not to be played with that there are some people who need to understand that just because I'm humble don't mean I'm gonna be humiliated I tried to be nice the first time but now you pushing me too far and at this point I'm really gonna have to charge you what I'm really worth Judas goes to the ministerial staff meeting assembles all day oldest all the Deacons all the leaders and he said oh my god I've I've betrayed innocent blood here's a picture of Judas trying to get a refund trying to get a rebate trying to get a money back but it's too late you should have valued me when you still had access to me [Applause] and I feel sorry for the people that left you that they don't even understand that what gave buoyancy to their life was because they were connected to you and as soon as they walked away from you is when their whole life fell apart and now they keep trying to come back because they realize you the source of the oil so it's too late you can't get this money back Judas is saying please please please please take it back I want to free somebody from the burden and the shackle a feeling like you need to be affirmed by somebody who was an abuser you do not need validation that's four parking tickets in this season of your life you need to know who you are without the compliments of other people y'all not saying nothing to me they tell you you look nice today tell them I did yesterday to you you shoulda say every day I'm flossing god that's bless me and they refuse to take the money back from Judas I need you to pay attention to something and I'm gonna let you go home I need you to look at verse number five and then then we leavin look at verse number five don't take my word for it look at Matthew 27 go to verse number five then we can read go Matthew 27 verse number five I need you to see it they refused to take Judas's money so what what does Judas do Nupur if you ain't gonna believe it Judas throws the money in the church alright y'all are slow the little yellow bus is coming let's watch it he tries to give the money back to the people that paid him and they refused it so we start storing money in the church money just stop lorne in the church huh until y'all had been saved on a long time he starts making it rain in it in the church he he don't put it in the plate he starts throwing it in the pews God told me to tell everyone today oh wow the wicked the wealth of the wicked he has been stored up for the just his Sunday which means the bank suppose hallelujah in the earth but heavens Bank is now open and he said if you open up your mouth I am now transpired funds that's the mother you supposed to have their wicked people been happy possession are and it's a bow and this is the last time so last time I let you to be seated last time my home is right here stay right there you with me my sisters can you imagine what starts happening in church people that you in church prayin worship him shouting singing and all of a sudden money stuff honey [Applause] they didn't know what was happening how they knew is that money started pouring in I wonder how they started shouting for that woman that was in church and she had no idea that Judas was giving a throw money in the church and she was in church praying because she was about to get evicted and money just fall on her pew I wonder how that college student started shouting when they were scared whether they were gonna come back next semester but money started pouring into the church are you believing by faith this is for 2,000 of you brace yourself because before that Sunday mother you didn't expect a shout in the mail Monday Dennis two to you it's a bad day yet [Music] let's get ready to come let's get married hit your life you didn't hear without your saying I said money can make it's your life they meant it for evil but God is can better to work it out for your good I don't know who I'm talking to but those of you that need a god to pay for something before May 1st I tell you right where you are to give God glory like money is coming to you I tell you to get them [Applause] how much he lifts up that hand I want to stretch the elasticity of your faith hallelujah softly Michels God is gonna make somebody pay one of your bills y'all ain't got that kind of faith in George I said God is gonna twist the arm of somebody and make them pay you what you were working I speak of every lifted hand the court settlement is leaning in your direction your past job is getting ready to issue the check this week y'all ain't saying nothin back to me everything from the car accident is about to be released if everything that is due to you in child support is about they said y'all can sing let's get ready to happen for your life people who did you dirty will not be able to sleep y'all didn't hear what I just said I said God is disrupting the sleep of people that miss him don't you and until they do right by you I really thought y'all we're gonna shout louder than that I said until they do right by you [Music] [Applause] nothing good is gonna happen in their life I want you to lift that hand this how you do see yourself going [Music] [Music] lord I pray over every lifted hand bless my enemies just so that they can pay me [Music] [Applause] god I can't kill nobody did you hear what I just said Tamizh so that they can pay me back I pray over every lifted hand God please fulfill every obligation that has my name on it I pray dear Lord that you will please fulfil every contract every promise spoken written verbal oral handshake and needed to be released back into my life I pray dear Lord that you'll pay us back for every bad investment every bad deal y'all not saying anything I pray that you will choke hold the hand of every manipulator that tried to separate us from our resources God I promise to give your name praise give your name Thanksgiving I give your name honor that interest is now being added to my account thank you dear Lord for five people in this room I'll go check their bank statement before they leave and there's gonna be more in their account before they leave Church then when they came here I believe that by faith I believe of every lifted hand the credit scores are going up everything you had to spend out of your savings account is being replenished God has gone bless you to be able to retire ahead of schedule your children will never struggle and we'll never know the face of the hand of poverty and those of you believe it a day to give God a shout for that [Applause] [Music] until you do right by the children of God nothing you think is gonna go well if you're physically able I need to descend to your feet I don't want anybody to climb over you I don't mean that just for people that you dated I mean people that you were raised with people that got your last name people that took your kindness for granted House Committee to restore back to you the years this is for mature people sometimes it ain't money I want my time bad guy I invested too much in you whether you are in this place wherever you are in this room you saying pastor you got no idea what I had to bite my tongue over had to keep turning cheeks out and ran out of them had to give a deaf ear to had to turn a blind eye just so that I would have some semblance of peace where you are in this room can you imagine God saying to you can you imagine God saying to you can you imagine God saying to you until you do right by me none of your thoughts are gonna have traction till you do right by me none of your ideas are gonna get off the ground until you do right by me nothing you work at is going to see any progress I'm telling you ought to come under Jesus while you're still got time you're in this room and you know in this season of your life I gotta do god right cause it ain't what other people have done to me is what I've done to him I lied to God to his face told him it was the last time I'd never do it again if he got me out of this and I went back into the same cycle God is saying I'm trying to free you before I set you up for your next appointment for your next gay engagement your next meeting your next interview I want you to do right by God wanting to do right by God but not being in his house and acting like you don't need - right by God I don't want you to sit in here and act like you don't need to get saved turn your life over if that's where you are do right by God I want you to come meet me at this altar as quickly as you can come on I need you to join this church new birth would you clap your hands as they come I wanna do right back Oh Nupur clap your hands as they come and make it [Music] your hands here come [Music] come on shout under God for these young people coming [Music] [Music] listen listen you gotta do right by God you are finding God God already knows everything he knows you ain't saved you can fool us but you can't fool him I need you come on I need you to get right with God do the right thing new birth clap your hands as they come do the right thing [Applause] Tiffany my life is not my own to him I belong I give myself away I need you to do me a favor would you look at somebody around us come out they say that's gonna be their mature child come on would you shout for this family coming [Music] burp out know what's wrong with y'all today would you clap [Music] [Music] get myself les Salam hold on here it is would you clap for those who are coming no means it come on just click for those that are coming [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 779,887
Rating: 4.847733 out of 5
Id: FeErQcL7Dto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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