Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, IT'S BEEN A STRUGGLE BUT I'M SURVIVING - May 06th 2018

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folk will leave you when they feel like they can no longer lean on you oh god okay yeah did y'all hear what I just said I said folk will leave you when they feel like they can no longer lean on you and I'm only talking to a few of you never be honest in church hallelujah that you could handle if it was random folk that neglected you but it was thought that you were investing in people that you as that gave years in your life to it just made up with counsel that you go into a moment [Music] John five verses one through seven once you've found a won't you say I have it if you can't find it say lord help me amen would you mind reading silently as I read aloud sometime later Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep gate a pool which in Aramaic is called Bethesda which is surrounded by five covered colonnades here a great number of people who are disabled used to lie the blind the lame and the paralyzed from time to time an angel the Lord will come down stir up the waters the first one into the water after each such disturbance would be cured of whatever disease that they had one who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years when Jesus saw him laying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time he asked do you want to get well was he looking at the person beside you and asked him do you want to get well sir the invalid replied I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred while I'm trying to get in somebody else goes down ahead over me you may be seated in the presence of the Lord he been in this condition for thirty-eight years and Jesus asked of him do you want to get well and he said I don't have anybody who will help me every time I'm trying to get in there somebody beats me to the punch I want to preach for a little while this morning it's been a struggle but I'm surviving if you can handle the saying it without breaking down would you look at the person beside and tell them I got to be honest with you he has been a real struggle but I'm surviving friends in front of every mall market and movie theater is a parking space that is unknowingly reserved for black people it claims it's for handicapped but who has been left more impaired than the sisters who are in the sanctuary when you know that even to this day women earn 72 cents for every dollar that men earn on average women pay seven percent extra in prices every day products and services not to mention hope that you can handle it and some of you may want to write this down it was just discovered that nearly 80% of haircare products aimed at black women contain chemicals linked to cancer infertility and obesity all the more think about the debilitating things that happened on the way to maturation according to the Center for Disease Control one in five black girls one in five black girls are sexually molested by 12 one in four have been beaten to the point of leaving a mark or a scar one-fourth of all young ladies in our community grow up with an alcoholic relative and one out of a have witnessed their mother being hit was worth noting is that that so-called handicapped space symbolically suggests two things the first is that even after you've been hurt you're still moving the fact that the world calls you handicapped but you still have the ability to drive the second which I really want to put an exclamation point around this morning is due to what you've endured hear me very carefully at 7:30 because of what you've endured you deserve to be closer to a door I believe that for somebody who's in this room you don't even understand that a door has just been opened for you in heaven back in February on the Congressional floor Republicans raised a curious claim as to who was benefiting the most from programs for the poor they took aim at the alleged able-body recipients they defined the able bodies as somebody who was not a child not pregnant not elderly not blind and not disabled as a point it should be noted that being able bodied is not a demographic label there is no standard for physical or mental ability that makes a person able linebacker Queen Griffin has made NFL history this way by being the first person in the league to be drafted with only one hand he said on the Today Show I don't want to be known as the one-handed player I just want to be known as a great player that happens to have one hand you can excel in spite of being amputated you will not be known because of what happened to you you're gonna be able to make a name for yourself because of your achievements across the chasm of time it's been hotly debated about whether the able-bodied could work or why they are not working and all the more why they aren't deserve n't of assistance conservatives constantly use the argument to pontificate on the merits of reforming the working habits of the poor to suggest that because you are poor you must be lazy this lineage of thought dates back to England 1601 with something called the poor law the poor law the poor law required local communities to collect taxes and distribute aid to the poor but only to the impotent poor which are those who are powerless to support themselves subliminally it was putting here this degrees on poverty what level of poverty you find yourself entrance in trying to distinguish the deserving versus the undeserving the idol versus the industrious the agile versus the aging it brings to mind jerome dyson writes classic book poor black and in real trouble we keep fighting each other to see who is better at being broke ballin on a budget leasing renting trading borrowing but still not owning and we think we're better because they are on a bus and you inner oboe the value of your house the value of your house goes up by the standard here this of the other houses around it so if in fact you've got a mansion in the middle of Lexington Terrace it holds no value because the houses around it cannot in fact substantiate or justify your value as a consequence you cannot afford to soar by yourself your value will not be able to maintain you have taken the words of Dubois in the words of Booker T rather you have to lift as you climb you can't afford for you to excel and everybody connected to you to be drowning you've got to extend some level of a lifeline to understand when I win we all gotta win if not you bringing down my value I need you to look at the person beside you and tell them my success is contingent on yours hallelujah y'all didn't say it you don't believe it you might as well sue it seats now because I'm telling you whoever you set beside if they don't look at you they get ready to sink your boat because they are so busy being in competition that they don't even realize they only hurting themselves when I do well all of us have got to do well the anointing on you is not just for you you suppose they in fact empower somebody else to get to the next level something is demonic for you to be the only one to do well that's gotta be something in you that says God if you did it for me no it's for somebody else there's an unaddressed demon in the church and then underdressed demon is called jealousy you you so mad about seeing somebody else do well now you don't even understand God is using them the bolster your faith hallelujah you expend so much energy people down that you don't even understand God was giving you a firsthand let's see if I did it for them I'll do it for you when that sister gave her testimony about there being no sis that everybody in the room that was sick said a bit under did the church say unbelief [Applause] what has never discussed is the fact that many of the able-bodied are dismembered because of a lack of jobs absence of education mass incarceration and limited training Kanye West insanely proclaimed that after 400 years slavery was a choice just like my ancestors didn't choose to pick cotton they didn't choose to live in public housing y'all not sayin nothin to me you didn't choose to be auctioned and you didn't choose to have no assets what kind of man would we have in fact to choose to let your mother get raped oh god I can't hear nobody in here no no don't you ever let the enemy mess up your man do you believe you chose to struggle hallelujah when you went through that struggle he was even at the hands of the enemy are you Bizet the hand of God trying to show you that day is grace for your struggle with what you don't need is pity you need an opportunity an opportunity to create well for opportunity to monetize your gift and opportunity for self-employment an opportunity for an upward trajectory you can't just sit in this position God I'm telling you if you just give me one opportunity I'll get out of what it is that I'm in I feel like I'm dying I can't even breathe I feel like I'm being smothered to death because I'm hanging around sick folk who like struggle and they like struggle because it guarantees them attention god help me they get hellish to life and always complaining about what's going wrong so that when things go well they talk themselves out of the blessing hallelujah man I need some people who are in this room they're the same God I don't need you to just bless me change the mindset of the people around me because if you change the mindset of the people around me when I give this I won't have my blessing from folk that are jealous and insecure trying to take what you gave to me that that there's a level there's a level of abuse that hasn't been duly recognized or dealt with and it is the torment of neglect it's the torment of neglect no no no nobody really has seen your folder they have been able to look in your jacket some handicaps it didn't come from a car crash some didn't come from medical malpractice some would not inherit it from a hereditary deformity or an athletic incident but-but-but-but you've never sat through the panoply of psychology to do a full autopsy on on why you think the way you do because you are class a neglect nothing works at its best when it's just left if you leave a car all winner outside your house as soon as spring comes you trying to put the key in and make it work and you never started it there transmission is gonna give you trouble because it wasn't designed to just sit my grandmother's sainted memory Edith Holland Brian every now and again the grounds at the house she may Kia charade Tama she made them polish the silverware they did they they just sitting there because it's just sitting there something's gotta touch it to make it shine or else is going to lose its glimmer if you leave a house idle cobwebs will occupy every corner if you leave a cell phone on sooner or later it's gonna lose its signal or lose its battery and how you think you normal how do you think you all right after all these years of neglect you you really think you function and okay you don't convince yourself to be black is to be independent strong and not need nobody to want to be held to firm depreciated value you think that means you weak you only realize what's been the repercussion of your neglect and you don't even understand that it's been a demonic plot ascribe to your life and to your mind to make people willfully withhold affection so-and-so missed you up you think is something wrong with you be getting a question your desirability don't even know whether you attractive anymore somebody knowing you are in the clutches of despair and won't give support when they got it to give y'all gonna say nothin to me huh that you a rock star on your job but you often Annie when you get home everybody at work tell you how brilliant y'all how smart you are how great a job you doing you walk in the house no nobody say nothing see you got a manufacture a work husband just look straight ahead I don't want to get nobody in trouble they bringing you coffee a day they want you got plans for lunch and a person who you really want don't even notice you have normalize your rejection and so you you force yourself not to make friends because the last time you got hurt last time you got left so now you'd alone ranging you forgot even the long-range ahead Tonto [Laughter] you try and navigate through this whole thing of life nobody ever helped you walk through your rejection and your neglect and you a person that don't like people you don't even know you sound crazy [Applause] you know you don't only recognize it and I didn't even know how crazy it was till I started reading John 5 and I didn't even know how it impacts what's this worship was til I got in John 5 John 5 which would you look at it with me please don't take my word for it I want you to look at it because I'm talking at you and I know it is uncomfortable for you to make eye contact look at John 5 in John 5 watch this we see before John 5 we see Jesus walk on water we seen them in John chapter 2 we seen them watch this turn water in the wine y'all ain't gonna believe it in Exodus we say what's this Moses lifts up his staff in the water split in half every mother in the room knows you couldn't even get back till the water breaks howdy so there's gotta be some flow to you when Jesus comes by water some get ready to happen oh god I can't hear nobody in here and Jesus man in his own business is his first time in a small hamlet of a town known as Bethesda and when he gets there what says he just feels like I got to do something cuz water is close by and all kinds of people to buy this pool live defense they're all kind of people people who are blind what you mean blind come here Helen Keller Helen Keller say the only thing worse than being blind is having no vision without a vision the people work come on Church they perish all around the pool of people that got no vision hallelujah the enemy one after Samson's hair because after they cut his hair they gouge his eyes out they understood even when you feel like you got no strike if you got vision you can still get it back god I can't hear nobody sit sitting around that pool ahö people people who've come to a screeching stop they can't they can't move their stuff they feel like life ain't going anywhere and they trying to figure out do I get my momentum and my job and all I keep seeing is a flashing yellow light sitting around that pool of people who are hoping not only people who are hard but sitting around that pole are people that are lesser people who are falling apart while they act like they got it all together you sit beside a leper right now whose whole life is imploding but because they act in church afire yeah you ask him how you don't know blessed and highly favored and you and him get to sleep till 2:15 this morning cuz you stressed about everything that you're dealing with cut the bills just keep coming in the money just keeps leaving the bills just keep coming and the money just keeps leaving apart but she worried sick about a child that just can't get it together and your problem is you care more than Sam apart and he sees all up sees all I'm hanging around this pole and here comes Jesus and something amazing happens that there's a man there who's been there 38 years 38 years friends and this is a problem because I don't know whether you realize it or not Jesus when he was crucified was 33 I'm in John 5 he just accepted his call to ministry two chapters ago and so watch this at the oldest he's 31 god help me in here and this man watch this not he's 38 years old he been at the pole 38 years he'd been at the pool 38 years and this is Jesus's first time in Bethesda but he knows them god help me how because before he ever put on a human body he saw him while he was in heaven oh god I can't hear nobody in here and said when I get the pool waiting on the moon to see don't believe a move this gon happen but I'm dog make a move because even when he can't see me I'm watching him and there's some of y'all that ought to be shouting now because ever seasons are your life where you thought God was looking now you will yes on the sparrow that's why I know he's watching over me and Jesus asked him a critical question that I I big leave to ask you this morning he asked him do you want to be made whole that's what Jesus asked them not how long you been in this not how do you feel now what is your insurance policy and do you have copay he asked him do you want to be made whole and Lauren is gonna blow your mind here's the evidence that he's fighting through the spirit of rejection and neglect that he says I got nobody to help me and that ain't what God asked them and my friends I got a problem and I hope I hope you able to fight back the tears for just three minutes because part of the problem and the lapse in exegesis by Biblica sand theologians long before me is they always exaggerate who's around the pool and I want to ask a question and maybe you all can wrestle with it in Sunday school when you get out of here if nobody ever raises uncle Charles the question who dropped them off [Applause] nobody ever put any thought as to how he got there it's going to get tight now he ain't 38 years old he'd been at the pole 38 years so for the time this man I want to launch an investigation to see who dropped him off did you ever think for a moment that maybe his wife dropped him off cuz um I ain't signed up it is I'm still young like I got a life ahead of me y'all I ain't sayin nothin to me I don't do home Kay uh I ain't changing a grown man's bedpan oh god I can't hear nobody he he gonna have to figure it out on his own maybe his wife dropped them off I'm tryin to figure out who dropped him off and not just dropped him off didn't help him please before you recline in the lazy boy chair of self-righteousness I wonder I shudder to think whether his tear dropped him off God him they date they love pop pop as long as he can give him money and y'all y'all ain't sayin nothin to me as long as he taken care of the family but as soon as he's gotten his signs of withering away I can't stand for himself did the children got their own careers in their own life and they can't be bought he gonna be all right we done checked it out it's a good place they fools they I he'll be comfortable wonder if his children drop them all after poll hi I'm trying to figure out who jacked them off I wonder I wonder if it was his old war buddies who dropped him off whether it was his frat brothers that dropped him off they didn't man drinking Widow I'd help me but he no longer had the strength to get up and go to the bathroom god I can't hear no worshipers in here yeah yeah them but they did say my responsibility I can't I can't do all it is how you just drop them all I wanna go a step further y'all I don't like it why is it was members of his church god yep DNA they can at least say they dropped off communion him and they at least had his hand his name on a hospice card and they Bob one of the ministers Windsong every now and again but they really didn't think he was gonna get to live it or he'll wash strikes and so at least they put him in a place where she can be comfortable with other six saves folk if it was the church folk that dropped him off folk will leave you when they feel like they can no longer lean on you oh god I can't hear did y'all hear what I just said I said four will leave you when they feel like they can no longer lean on you and and I'm only talking to a few of you better be honest in church do you that you could handle if it was random folk that neglected you but it was folk that you are investing in people that you in fact gave years in your life to ever just stayed out whipping counseled and pray for that you go into a moment that spirit of neglect is so heavy the spirit of rejection there's so day then it can't even hear what Jesus said Jesus said to you wanna be made whole but his mind is still a hostage how he was traded that he can't even get ready for the next chapter of his life nobody God I feel the Holy Ghost right through here you you know that you are in a sick place when you wait non sick to help you can't help you when they in a worse condition that you are here that's why you're proud to be God in this season of my life and help so many other people surround me with people that got strength because if they don't have strength they go join me the dad and the critical question empowerment temple 7:30 here's what I need you to know I got a problem with I got no evidence that that lame man at the pole I got no biblical evidence that he ever asked for help he just assumed they wouldn't help him cuz he's used to being rejected and neglected I don't want you to get so broken in your life that you begin to believe everybody is against you every now and again God would slap people in your life that don't want nothing from you but to see you strong I don't know whether you realize it today but you sit beside one of them that they don't want to see you handicapped they want to see you in the stronger blazer and they believe the best is yet to come god I got the wrong church maybe I should have princess at another service if you want to see your neighbors strong will you just give God glory for them like they not gonna lay up a handicapped life you keep looking for aid from the infirm they not equipped to help you they broken card Hellmuth they don't have what you need card help me there fail hallelujah but God says I don't care I know you've been struggling by yourself I don't know where I'll send somebody hallelujah I don't know who this is for maybe it's for somebody sitting two rows behind you you know when help comes so many you keep running away the that God sin in your life the blind swipe yeah trying to pick you up you walk through the New Testament whenever Jesus is healing somebody but there's some to ten lepers where's the blind man by the roadside when as a woman has bent over what's the pattern of Jesus is after he heals them he only gives one of two directions the directions he gives what's this over and over again in the gospel is after you get healed Jesus would only tell them one or two things you would either tell them don't show yourself to the priest god I wish I had Bible readers here y'all I'm called him I wish I would read the word outside of Sunday he said watch it don't show yourself to the priest oh he would say go home whenever Jesus hear of somebody in the New Testament he only gave one of two directions show yourself to the priest or go home now the reason why this gives us a problem when we look in John chapter five is when he tells man let's just pick up your mat and walk y'all ain't gonna like this here he never tells him to go to church preach them all I'm trying to do the best I can what says he never tells him to go back home that's the why in the world didn't he tell them that he told them watch this not to go back to that church and not to go back to that house because those are the Negros that dropped are you the same super flower go another way and get y'all stopped again and Jesus I'm preaching better than y'all on the shouting and Jesus said what's this pick up your mat and the Liu Yin all I need you to do is start walking how the decide for the benefit of the folks that left you because your net ceiling this is for mature people is not to prove nothing to nobody I didn't do this for them I did it for you and God said that's why some of y'all can't get blessed because you can bless to show off the folk and the shop people up you got the wrong motive but I need those they are let us say I don't care who likes me who talks about me who scandalizes my name what God's got for me ah I wish I wish I am has something better something different because I'm obstructing Niang therefore american hermeneutic that calls for celebration at the end of a sermon because ordinarily when that man gets up and walking and that's what we supposed to be shouting and giving each other half I have but that's not the way that God directed me this morning my problem is watch this is that he tells them your stuff and just start walking [Applause] I'm telling you where you going come on I can't hear nobody huh I need been promising you know big house I'm telling you about no six-figure job he said when I bless you you gotta trust me when you don't know where you going see the next chapter your life Sean I'm finished um so I just wanted to mirror and echo the gospel get your stuff and I know this is a chappies sermon I know it is I forgot Ted does a church open get your stuff hallelujah that's all I need to get your bag get your coat get your sháá y'all ain't saying nothin to me you got a Papa get your stuff and start walking to this altar I can't find nobody in here she says I know you thought you always gonna be handicapped and disabled not on my watch sorry you struggling before you got here I'm gonna do something for your life that's gonna change your life it's gonna change your predicament and change your situation but I gonna do it to you get you both of you in this room and you're not saved the church home you've knit life over to God [Music] get your stuff please all the people looking at you crazy don't worry about them they bland they halt their lame their with it or whatever you got left I want you to get your stuff and I want you to come meet me at this altar please I want you to get saved I want you to give God your heart I want you to give him your soul and I want you to give them your mind because you don't even know today is the day you get healed from neglect today you get resolved from your abandonment issues I want you all over this room you ought to be grateful you got two legs that work let's try them out would you stand please just to make sure nothing happened while you were sitting by the pool I need you to do me a favor please he's surrounded by all of these people who are infirm who were sick or disabled he's looking for them to help now realize that none of them can stand you're surrounded in this moment back April bodybuilders who want to help push you into you're here in this room in the day to give your life in this room we're saying uh something that a change in the South gonna shoot wherever you are wherever you are I so desperately want to be your pastor more than anything I wanna see you make Jesus it'd be good if you made him comment em for your church but you know what would be better if you made heaven No come on Hillary please [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 100,018
Rating: 4.8121295 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Id: IqIq0_goKzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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