Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I NEED TO FIND SOMEBODY - May 06th 2018

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Gazi you working too much cuz you don't have nobody in your life to check you or to slow you down so this would i'ma do imma make you go to sleep now can't hear nobody in here because you don't have no balances you don't have no boundaries you don't have nothing to separate you from your work so because all you do is just keep going to keep going to keep go up I gotta let you sit down somewhere because you can may run yourself into a brick wall [Music] Genesis chapter 2 [Music] we begin today our new series called surgery will not be necessary and throughout this month I'm going to be examining the ten different areas of abuse ten different areas of abuse and I pray that God meets you wherever it is that you find yourself Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 [Music] Genesis chapter 2 and I want to look at one verse and I want to charge you that you'll keep your Bibles ajar as well as when you're seated I want you to go to whatever area in your phone your device your tablet affords you the space to take notes because there's some critical things that I want to give you technician if you'll give me just a small boost in the monitor I'll be able to live to fight another day Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 Genesis 2 verse 18 and I want us to read it collectively together Genesis 2 verse 18 everybody let's read it together the Lord God said is not good for the man to be alone I'll make him a helper suitable for him David uses a word for musicians that I want to give to you that word is Sayla which means that you have to pause meditate reflect and think on it let's go back to it again Genesis 2 verse number 18 come on with uplifted voices the Lord God said it is not good for the man to be alone I'll make him a suitable helper I will make a suitable helper suitable for him all right let's try it again I'm hooked on phonics come on everybody just says to verse 18 the Lord God said you may be seated I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I need to find somebody I want you to turn to your neighbor cuz I don't want them confused but you just say it out loud to yourself and need to find somebody my dear friends the corruption of the criminal justice system came to light most recently in the case concerning Philadelphia rapper meek Millz he was on probation for a decade attributable to a gun and drug incident that happened in 2007 support came from across the entertainment industry activists began to mobilize and pundants became embroiled in public debates his judge a sister named Janice Brinkley made it painstakingly obvious that she had a personal vendetta by sentencing him for doing wheelies on a dirt bike Everest everything prophesied in the book the new Jim Crow was coming to light all the nuances of the impropriety needed to be evaluated terms of the sentencing in terms of profiling and in terms of the lack of judgment by people who claim to be judges but today ladies and gentlemen there is a different perspective to the meek mills case that I want to offer for your critical thought that have not heard entertained and social media discussed in mainstream press or even written about in op eds and it is this I want to examine what was meek Millz mainframe after being assigned to solitary confinement for five months five months and you only able to come out one hour a day outwardly all we could see upon his release is that he obviously had gained some weight but beyond the naked eye what are the scars of having no contact no family no friends with guards sliding food under your door no embrace for affirmation and the absence of human touch I don't care how hard you claim to be even still if it's untouched will rust and silver untouched can still tarnish I know you pride yourself from being independent but soon you'll come to the realization to get through this thing called life you're gonna need somebody I was surprised the other day when I went to read the electronic version of USA Today I was expecting to be met with the headline about president Trump Bill Cosby or even r.kelly but the lead story that I want you to go find and read independently on the front page of USA Today I want you to go read this story the article is entitled young Americans are the loneliest would you write that down please i want you to google search and when you get on the USA Today this week young Americans are the loneliest after issuing surveys to 20,000 they were surprised to see Millennials yelling I can't believe it I get it give it to you Millennials Bishop Brian a lonelier then senior citizens did y'all hear what I just said Millennials alum layer then seniors what should be noted is that the study was conducted by a university not conducted by university but the study was conducted by Sigma CI GNA which is friends is given blow your mind not from Harvard not from Johns Hopkins this study was done by an insurance agency it's their concern I'm going to blow your mind is there concern that loneliness does not just make you sad it makes you sick loneliness has the same effect I need you to please write this down loneliness has the same effect on mortality as smoking 15 cigarettes a day y'all gotta write that down loneliness has the same effect on your mortality as if you were smoking 15 cigarettes a day making it more detrimental what's this more people are dying of loneliness than obesity you can't keep having dates with Doritos can't keep socializing with soda and spending the night with a chicken box where shocking is that youth on social media here this youth on social media have the exact same rate of loneliness as seniors not on social media the reason being is that the connections on social media are not authentic people boast of having five hundred friends of five hundred followers but you can't call none of them when you in trouble and all this time you expend an energy trying to get your followers up and you'll know the pain of being a leader the issue is so critical that the former CERN Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said that citizens between 16 and 24 I want you to hear with the Surgeon General said about you said citizens between the ages of 16 and 24 if you are not employed and you are not in school you are clinically socially disconnected and you don't even understand that your connection is a spiritual mandate it says watch what the Bible says you ain't gonna believe what it says you got to read it sometimes about what's good it got good stuff in it you gotta read it sometime the Bible says if two or three are texting in my name is that what he says yes if two or three are sliding your dams that is any what the Bible says the Bible says if two or three idiots are touching and agreeing don't be quick to dismiss as if you've never had lunch with loneliness 47% of the people who are in this room 47% of people in this room feel left out forty-seven percent of you right now feel left out 46 percent of you feel alone with church full of a thousands of people you feel alone right now 43 percent just gonna blow your mind for those yahuwah uppity and feel like I'm not talking to you 43 percent of you are involved in a relationship you know is not meaningful you got quiet 43% feel isolated from others 20% 22 out of every 10 in this room 20% never feel close to people sitting next to him go to dinner with him hang out with him he's going to mess you up sleep with them still don't feel connected 27% what's this feel nobody understands me 27% feel like nobody understands me and I wish I wish to God this was a newfound phenomenon I wish the old people could save that's them young people on that social media I wish the young people could just point at the old people and say you don't understand but it's gonna blow your mind that the whole issue of loneliness didn't start because of technology or social media or television or integration loneliness you ain't gonna believe it started in Genesis in Genesis 2 we first encounter the crisis of loneliness when we stumble watch this into the second chapter we see the sovereign Lord say I want you to hear what God says this ain't pastor talking this is what God says God said this watch what he say he said it's not good for man to be alone then he backs it over what's this I have got to make somebody suitable now that's the point that I think you miss it I don't just need anybody yeah y'all y'all not sayin nothin to me because you've encountered a whole lot of people who were available but not suitable oh god I can't hear nobody yeah they're not suitable for where you're going and they're not suitable for where you are and you don't even understand why they keep calling you because it is evident to both of you you are not suitable he says I'm gonna make him a helper who is comparable to him and the question that begs answering is how did he get this revelation when God's not human how did he since this when he didn't even really empathize with me until the word became flesh how did he draw this conclusion without a box of crayons let's go in the Bible do you are mind going in about us what we do in church let's look at verse number 20 how much look at verse number 20 I'm still in Genesis looking at verse number 20 you ought to bring your Bible to church is good and you don't have one download to Bible app for free 27 different versions come with it in verse number 20 y'all see it in your Bible in verse number 20 Adam gives names to every animal kangaroos hyenas pitbulls cockroaches reindeer elephants he gives names watch this d every bird in a oh yeah I saying nothing in here sparrows Orioles hummingbirds Dixie burbs he says a name for every fish in the sea salmon alligators crocodiles snapper crab sure him he gives name what's his every beast in the field lions tigers bears he names all the dumb animals y'all ain't gonna believe it and when he names all of these animals here's the revelation that Adam got watch this everything I named got somebody even discover a mess you up is gonna infuriate you and give it insight even that which is beneath me got somebody that's got to be playing on my man cause I'm trying to figure out how that dog get somebody and I'm here by myself how hide it whale get somebody I'm to my Genesis now I don't so all the animals have a pair what's this and none of the animals have an anointing none of them have an assignment none of them have a call and a question that I can't find any piece on is how is the one with the call alone how is the one with the gift by themselves how is the one that's under covenant and operating and exercising Dominion and authority struggling with loneliness and he got nobody and he's operating in a level of imbalance that many of you are afflicted with Adam is so engrossed in doing his call exercising his gift flowing in his office walking in his mandate he owned him yet know or realize what he's missing there's so many of you who are brilliantly gifted and horribly lonely you get so excited about work did you think you're above companionship and he he he'll never pray about it don't ever complain about it don't ever focus on it he like you says I'll find somebody later right now is the time for my career I'm just getting to know to God I feel like I'm giving my be promoted nobody gon understand the call of God that's on my life God got a disrupted and I want you to notice some things that happen that really pertain and are relevant to you is that at the time of this text watch this y'all we're in verse we are in here this the sixth day when the sixth day didn't make sense to you in isolation because you don't read the Bible but I'm gonna bring it all make it all make sense to you because he's already made light it's already made firmament already made water already made moon Sun stars creeping things crawling things flying things trees watch this and for six days so you know what God said I'd say it according to Jones well James Weldon Johnson gosh stepped back and said that's good I mean here the street do you know what a relief it would be for you Lynette to be able to go six days and every day is a good day I mean just six days straight of no complaints you don't even know what that's like you can't even imagine that game six days are nothing going wrong and then and then that six day watch this he says something that in all of your years of Vacation Bible School you never paid attention to here's Bishop where God says God says it is not good for man to be alone pastor I'm lost I'm new to this Bible thing I'm new to this church thing I follow what you saying all right the first time God ever said something wasn't good it was about my loneliness what's this and and here's what's gonna blow your mind preachers I'm giving it to you y'all can preach it better than me he's saying it's not good I need y'all not to miss it and it ain't sayin just got nothing to do with a serpent just got nothin to do with an apple what God said is not good here's your loveliness not no altars to bail no eaten of the forbidden fruit no sacrifice to false gods but the very first time God identifies the absence of goodness is in loneliness y'all still ain't saying nothing and Adam didn't even understand because he's so imbalanced he done him understand that um he's doing all that work naming animals and birds and beasts and fish and never takes a break and gauzy you working too much cuz you don't have nobody in your life to check you want to slow you down so this would i'ma do imma make you go to sleep oh god I can't hear nobody in here because you don't have no balances you don't have no boundaries you don't have nothing to separate you from your work so because all you do is just keep going to keep going and keep going I gotta make you sit down somewhere because you get may run yourself into a brick wall by yourself just how gifted you are you name to all of them and you did it interesting I mean you going fast cuz you're so good at it you ain't even thinking about what you calling it hippopotamus don't even make sense I knew you were tired rhinoceros come on y'all that's a long way from a jaybird he says I gotta give you somebody watch this cuz you don't recognize you need help since I don't need you to work hard I need you to work smarter and if you had somebody who was teamed up with you that could help you name this stuff and take dominion over it if it is when the serpent comes up you'd know how to fight but you didn't know how to fight cuz you were too tired from naming animals that you couldn't see when the animal was combat god I can't hear nobody I'm telling you you got somebody good on your side when they can recognize the animals when they show up on you trying to disrupt your life and tell watch that one over there can you help me can you help me and be at peace knowing that's your assignment you are a fine to help somebody that's got a purpose if they got no purpose they not for you I don't want to know your favorite color I want to know what's your assignment god jump me in here I don't want to know what you like to eat I want to know what you do for the kingdom if it ain't nothing for me to help you do I'm not a sign somebody they got a call on their life if you got no call I'm overqualified my help I can help somebody build something significant I gotta find somebody who can help me take Dominion help me take authority who will help me subdue the earth if I could just come in the right Devine partnership and relationship I won't feel burned out hallelujah because when it gets heavy I got somebody competent who can take the load and won't act like it's a inconvenience because it's their gift to be able to bless me their field may not even be my field their line of degree may not match with my degree but you need an understand you can help me just by not being a burden justice but not always having something negative to say and speaking a word I have formation I deal with beasts all day I don't want to deal with a animal at home nobody why Adam never had pets I don't take my work home since I'm bringing somebody who's gonna be connected to your life cuz you struggling too much by yourself you ain't supposed to be struggling like this girl said I will assign somebody who's gonna make life better and easier for you and it's a benefit because you carry the oil say there's a benefit because you carry the oil what's in it for them what's in it for the person connected to somebody unknown it like you what happens to the person who's blessed enough to find somebody that got as much as favor as you have god I can't hear nobody what's the benefit package hallelujah for being lined up with somebody who's in the will of God can I give it to you y'all can thank me later I'm in Genesis 2 verse number 18 here's your shall be fruitful and multiply you know you're connected with the right one when you don't start losing stuff but just are gaining stuff because the anointing on you it's not for subtraction but for multiplication be fruitful hallelujah and multiply hallelujah anybody gets connected to you it's getting ready to be lined up for increase hallelujah you can come to me broke but you ain't stay in that way hallelujah because it's too much on me to me to be connected with failure and mediocrity and no tree if you go be with me get ready for takeoff because the anar they on me is to be fruitful now the problem is how do you my helping anybody today the problem is you can't get connected with fools that are scared of multiplication God kept me in here because there are some people that will get intimidated when God starts to multiply but you need somebody in your life when God begins to multiply your opportunities in your door they'll start hating them backing up they begin to speak we are in the will of God at the time of the text watch this it's the end of the sixth day it's the end of the sixth day and it is not good you're gonna think I made yourself you don't believe this is in the Bible you ain't that spiritual I get it after him at a sixth day he says it ain't good for you to be by yourself so I'm putting you to sleep so I can start working on somebody for you [Music] elbow your neighbor tell them stay woke god I can't hear no my god told me to tell you while you sleep you ain't got a hunt nobody down you ain't got a stalk nobody you ain't got a big nobody to be in your space you ain't gotta wait for nobody to call you back God said this is your last day being Longley I'm getting ready to fix that thing I'm getting better to work it out for your good and the sixth day and it's the only time God said it ain't good God is dissatisfied with seeing you by yourself God y'all mr. word of the Lord I better give it to you again I said God is dissatisfied with seeing you by your self how there dis is for those of y'all in the short bus God is sick of seeing you alone so she said what's this I sing you go through these days having to work from sunup to sundown having to manage everything run everything do everything no more that when you wake up in the seventh day I'm get ready to fix it you ain't even ask me for nobody that's how you know it's me we see that I need preaching to y'all five days he says it's good six day he says it ain't good Lord I am maybe I don't hear what I say he's sick of seeing you by yourself sick he's seeing you doing all the work sick he you having no help sick he you fighting few loneliness and he only said at one time it ain't good for somebody with this level of anointing or your competence and gifting to be alone and all that had happened y'all ain't gonna believe it honest today y'all I gotta go my dad's here I gotta go take him to eat would you do me a favor please you only need to look at your Bible shut your Bible if you want you ain't got to look at it no more don't even take my word for it this is just for those of y'all that got faith just go to the homepage of your cell phone for me you'll go to the home page of your cell phone with its Samsung Android or iPhone go to your home page please I gotta get out of here thank you so much for your time I appreciate you hope you'll come back next Sunday would you do me a favor if you at the homepage of your iPhone of your Android your Samsung would you do me a favor I gotta go please I gotta go would you do me a favor just yell it to me when you get it what's today's day thank you on the sixth - she said your season of loveliness has come to an end now if y'all they've been dealing with it don't shout with us but if you believe tomorrow begins a brand new season a day to give God glory like help is on the way let's go that bread thing this is your last day being like this your last day feeling lonely your last day feeling isolated I was in Matthew 26 and in Matthew 26 Jesus goes to the garden of guests enemy he has 12 disciples but he takes three he goes and prays for an hour and comes back in the three who he thought was in his inner circle asleep and Jesus gets an attitude he just added to watch this cuz I don't even ask you to pray with me I just needed you to have my back god I can't hear nobody you know how many attacks are on my life you'll feel like crying bad just look out for me so that when the enemy is coming I know somebody for me that's what I require for you I just want somebody who can keep up with me cuz I waste too much energy keep going back to check on you god I can't hear nobody I keep trying to make progress and you still in the same position and think you resent me for moving forward y'all ain't saying nothin to me I telling you to run past me cuz we ain't in competition but if we could ever learn the one the Gaza will be able to take authority India Israel o magnify here is the Lord with me let us exalt his name together pastor you have no idea that you're talking to me because they're two different kinds of people who in this room people who are lovely with somebody god I can't hear nobody in and people who are lonely with nobody and God told me to tell you i spite of what your mother say it me spite of what your friends believe in spite of what you have convinced yourself is not God's plan for you to be alone how much you lift up their hand I want to pray for you please got to do everything by myself it was cute at first [Laughter] I'll feel a real independent for Caesar but now just somebody mode this long can somebody take my car to the shop I hate pumping gas I don't know how to cook for one person can't keep throwing all these leftovers away my God says somebody's suitable it's coming I want you to lift at hand please dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor my late professor at Duke University told us in our first week of seminary that the church is Corning Nia it's a Greek word for fellowship he said Jamal we need cornea watch this because fellowship reminds you you ain't the only fella on the shelf somebody else is going through don't you lift at hand I'm gonna pray for the lonely amongst us who believe what says I don't want company Nanni's am i suitable hallelujah who can help name the stuff in my life have you been coming through a season of loneliness would you stay unto your feet please you afflicted with pretty girl problems people just assume you got somebody got god I can't hear nobody in here you you still reeling from something that happened three years ago data moved on and you still got their picture up you still stalking their internet page it's all for both move it lift that hand asking your friend as cute as me is she if that hand I want to pray for you I'm talking to real people in this room please let your pastor pray for you I'm talking to those of you who've been conflicted and confounded you can't understand why the one you want don't want you would you lift up their hand I want to pray for you because your life has nothing that's on your vision board she lifted and at this season of your life you never dreamed imagine or prayed to be a single parent you never meant to invest this many years of your life with somebody who's got no future ambition if you'll never challenge them they'll just keep going in this same route and never look for the upgrade I break this period of loneliness would you lift their hand please I break the spirit of loneliness you ain't never been in jail but you've been in solitary confinement I break the spirit of loneliness pray that God will send somebody who completes you and not compete with you I break the spirit of loneliness I don't want God to send you your other half I want him to send somebody whose whole coz if both of y'all are broken it'll never work I speak to every person who's in this room who's been fighting through loneliness and loneliness has got you addicted to internet pornography loneliness got you dating down [Music] loneliness has made you a serial masturbator loneliness has made you inflict yourself away from other people yeah I said it I'm talking to you loneliness makes you buy stuff you don't need what money you don't have to impress people you don't even like loneliness will make you hate yourself and doubt yourself and question yourself William Shakespeare the runner runaway theologians into that old self be true must be companionship of every has feet often together the jittery of relationships with people who can be transparent people you can be honest with people watch this to feel comfortable why [Music] pray to God what's around you people [Music] I prayed that God was around pray dear Lord godless around I'll remind you of your great the dog will surround you with people that will push pray that God would give you see you love you anyway I pray that God will put people in your life who won't be secretly jealous and hope that you miss up and miss your moment I pray that God will surround you with friends who got enough faith in them to pray for you when you don't feel like praying for yourself those of you who are in this room your face of mirrors and faith of your pest would you do me a favor please do me a favor stupid what's it for [Music] - an honor to be you're too anointed to be loved [Music] personal standard [Music] person is standing [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 40,841
Rating: 4.8851352 out of 5
Id: 6UdfPo-eaLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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